Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Thursday 19 April 1900, page 5



(From Our Own Correspondents.) . -

,"." IPSWICH, April lb.

The sittings of Hie Circuit Court, before his Honour Mr. Justice Heal, were concluded this morning. John J. Moriitt, a lad just o\er l-l years of age, charged with having committed an assault upon u girl under 12 youls old at Ashwell, near Rosewood, was sent for eight montis to the Industrial Reformatory ¡it Wcstbiook. William and Alfred A'ideroni were brought up on a ehaige of wounding with Intent. The evidence for the prosecution was to the effect that they assaulted u porter at the Ipswich ltuilw.iv Station, Alfred btriking him in tile chest, while William inflicted some- blows upon his head with a heavy hunting crop. William was found guilty of unlawfully wounding and was sentenced to eight months' imprisonment with hard labour. The jury brought in a veidlct of guilty of common assault against Alfred, but his Honour pointed out that lie could not accept such a veidiet,-and after being locked up all night the jury agreed lo. a decision of " not guilty," anil the pnsoner was discharged.

The Municipal Council nre having an inspection of promises made, and aro taking other piecautioiiary ' mc-asmes in view of u possible of bubonic plague.


ilieie aie passing 1230 store bullocks from B.inehory, for Ocssbrook, D. C. .Al'Connel and Sons owners, Phil Ahem in ch.-.ige ; also 18.10 stoic bul-locks fiom Waterton. Cockatoo, and Bimgpbun, for Noimanby, Australian lístales and Afoitgage'Com-pany owner.?, J. T. Burnett in charge.


Messrs. JI. Reid and D. Howman, M.M.L.A., arlived heie on bicycles on Saturday ovtSng, and will address a meeting to-night. A social ¡3 to


Cold weather has now set ¡ii, the nights and

mornings being bitterly cold. There is no sign

of lain.

A cyclists' ball wa3 held on Monday evciilnff, but WHS only a partial success.' A juvenile" Cincloro!la dance took place last evening, and iutssed on fairly successfully. , ? . . -.


At the mimili meeting (adjourned fiom last week) of the Waggamba Divisional Boaid, the'ro-th ¡ng chairman, Mr. W. J. Hooper, was proposed as eliaiininn, but he declined to again act. Mr. O. W. Watson was then proposed, but an amend-ment was moved, proposing Mr. G. Killen. The voting was equal, resulting in ii deadlock, and theio is no apparent prospect of an agreement or compromise being arrived at.


Father Belton, Hie local piiest, who is leaving here for home to-night, was presented with a purse containing 100 sovs. and ' un illuminated address to-da}.

The Oddlellows' delegates weie entertained at a social last night by the local Past Grand Lodge. They are visiting Hie Luke's Creek woilcs to-day.

The fcteamci Kent went on a sandbank in the Mid-dle Channel ¿csteiduy, and remained there twelve hollis She was got olt dtuiiig the night. She has conic lier« to load fiozcn meat.


The weather still continúen dry, willi cold nights. The eountiy is looking well, and glass and wj-cr are plentiful. Tlurc aie no stock movements lo repoi t.


The prepjialoiy work at the local railway yard« consists i.f lllllng in and fonning, and has been cairied on without ¡iiteiiuptlon iluiing the past couple nf mouth». It U now approaching comple-tion. The level of the yard Iia3 bc<rn lalsed in some places a-, much us 7ft. or 8ft., and on an au'r.ure .Ift. all thioiigh. Kully 110 men have been cnBa'.'eil in the work.

Ihc I'illiculty experienced by the Townsville Meat Works in proeming suititul» cattle and the arid condition of most of the stock louies arc hampering the live stock li »flic on Ino Northern Hallway very considerably. Up lo the present only some 10,000 head have been booked for removal Irom the runs. Lambing also ohotvs u falling off fiom last year's re-


Since Hie extension of time for the payment of March lcnts was granted only £120 Its. 2d. has been paid at the Lands Olllce heic. This biings the total icccipts up to £713 7a.. 10d. out of £1103 ICs., the amount due. The severity of the season in the AVest may be judged from the fact that Hie ltaihvav Department ¡3 arranging to convey 250,003 sheep "from the droiight-stiieken eountiy to crass and water. Tljjs is a big contract, aud likely to tax the i entíneos of the Northern Railway, and the district traine manager han found it neceFsaiy to visit the outlying stations personally to deni with the mutter. For some time past the department have been delivering water at various stations along the line, and have had thirty water trueles, most of them capable of ciurying 2400 gallois each, con-stantly in service. The demand is nevertheless mcteasing, and six additional tunks arc now bclns mounted on trucks at the local railway workfliops..


Mr. C. W. Murray, of Ucrgl Australia, Limited, and Mr. J. O. Vernor, tailor, weie nominal ed to-day for the vacancy on the Municipal Council.

There ia not the remotest sign of rain. On Sunduy tile tlicimomcter registered lOldeg., but to-day it was down to 70deg.


The sittings of the Disliict Court weie .held to-day his Honour Judge Noel presiding. Several minor cases were dis-poscd of. George Hartley, who was charged with a breach of the Ihsohoney Act in failing to koop proper. books, was found guilty and sentenced to twelve-months' imprison-ment. ?? , , ..,

Judge Noel proceeds lo Normanton by the steamer Maranoa,' leaving this evening. .