Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Tuesday 25 September 1900, page 6


(From Our Own Correspondent.)

September 24.

A chess match between the Ipswich and Ithaca Clubs was played here on Saturday night It was closely contested, and re-sulted, so far as yet known, in ïaéwich securing 21/i> games and Ithaca 1%- Three games -which wore unfinished at the close of play will be submitted for adjudication. The, visitors were entertained at tho Palais

Royal Hotel.

The supply of imMk at the Engekiburg Co-operative Dairy Company's creamery for July last was 17.40S gallons, which yielded 15,1214b. of cream, and was sold for £378 9s. 5d. The average price paid to suppliers was 49£d. per galion for on average test of


The contractor for the Seven-mile Creek Bridge has started work in the viaduct, and in" the meantime a temporary crossing has been ma-de for the convenience of the travelling public. The necessity for a .bridge at this place has 'been greatly felt for several years, as the old ono had almost collapsed, and was dangerous to pass over. The ¿even-mile Crook crosses the main Too-woomba road about seven miles out from Ipswich.

Canon A. ¡R. Bartlett, rector of St. Paul's (Anglican) Church, has informed the paro-chial nominators that he has handed his re-signation to tire Bishop. He expects to leave Ipswich In December.

It is understood that forty-eight applica-tions have Ibeen received ior the position of head master of the ipswich Boys' Grammar School, in succession to Mr. D. Cameron, M.A., who wall sever his connection with the institution at the end of the year.

The Rev. W. Whale, of the City Talberna'cle, conducted the anniversary services at the Brisbane-street Baptist Church yester-day.

The final match for the premiership and the badges oí the Ipswich and West Moreton British Football Association took place at Bundamba on Saturday, the contesting clubs being the Rovers and the Bush Rats. A splendidly-contested game resulted in the Rats winning by 3 goals to nil.

The twenty-third annual meeting of the Ipswich and West 'Moreton Permanent Benefit Building and lavestment Society was held to-night. "Mr. W. Tatham, chair-man of directors, presided, and there was« only a fair attendance. The directors sulbmitted their report, which stated that the opeiations for the year had been very satisfactory. There had been an Improved demand far properties during the year, and several had ibeen sold, some of which realised the amounts due on thean, whilst in other cases small losses were in-curred ; this had been provided for out of the prouts of the year, and in addition the balance to credit of profit and loss account had been Increased toy over £200, after pro-viding for interest to the shareholders at the rate oí 4% per cent per annum. The steady rise which had taken place in the value of property had improved the position and pro-spects cf the society. Regret was ex-pressed at the death of air. Peter Brown, who had heen a member of tho board for many years, and mention was made of the fart that Mr. P. L. Cardew had been ap-pointed 'to fill the vacancy. Tho chairman sajd that the profit for the year had been £ri3S 16s" «which was £200 more than last year. He moved the the report, which was eooonded foy Mr. C. H. Oldham, and carried unanimously. Messrs. w. Tatham, P. Ti. Cardew, and J. Pickard, were re-elected directors without opposition, and Messrs. W. Field and James M'Gill Wore elected auditors for the ensuing year. This concluded the business. ,