Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843 - 1893), Thursday 7 February 1884, page 5

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¡Pbom Q-beviiab'b Telegbam Company.]



It is staied on good authoiity that the Government doea not intend to include in the liât of articles to be assessed under the proposed property tax furniture in dwelling houees, wearing apparel, and other such personal effects,

Wednesday, received 3.0 afternoon.

The Suez mail steamer arrived at Melbourne yes-terday. Her mails will be delivered in Sydney to-morrow morning.

The barque Nautilus arrived laat night; she ex-perienced a smart shock of earthquake whilst on her passage from Hobart to Sydney, off Barren Island, 'on the 31st January.

The Government has instructed tbe Executive Commissioner for this colony at Calcutta Exhibition to enquire into water conservation in the dry parts of India, and to report upon the eubject.

At the Quarter Sessions, Philip Croft was convicted on a charge of having abducted a girl under sixteen from her lawful employment, and was sentenced to

three months.

The Government has definitely decided that the railway to the Circular Quay will form one of the principal features in their railway proposal. The particular route is not decided upon,

Bowenfels coal mine, Lithgow Valley, 100 acres, subject to the amount due to tbe Crown, has been soil to the Lithgow Valley Colliery Company for


The Treasurer told a deputation yesterday that the Government were not prepared to advocate pro-tection or go to the Custom-house for revenue.

A foot race, 100 yards, between Carver and Hyde, of Melbourne, for £100, was won by Hyde by three yards.

Received 8 20 evening.

The Elections and Qualifications Committee ar-ranged to meet yesterday to consider the caBe of the lion. H. E, Cohen, Minister of Justice ; but in conse-quence of a quorum of members not being formed the meeting lapsed.

The average yield of wheat this year in the Bathurst district is much less than last year.

The Rev. J. D. Hennessey, an energetic Wesleynn minister in Queensland, sent in his resignation to the Conference in Sydney.

The grape crop both in Gundagai and Adelong districts will this year be a miserable failure, The quantity of wine to be made will he very small com'pared with previous years.

Received 10.30 p.m.

On the wharves this morning there was a very large supply of Hunter River lucerne hay, and the trade was generally dull. Lucerne hay, 50s to 80s per ton ; maize, 4s 2d to 4s 4d per bushel ; Warr-nambool potatoes, £4 10s, Hunter River ditto £3 10a to £4; Melbourne onions, £5 to £6 per ton ; butter, Is per lb. ; egge, 2a per dozen ; cheese, 5d to 8d per Ib. ¡ bacon, 8d to lOd ; ham, Is to Is Id ; honey, 5d ;

beeswax, 9d.

Messrs. Brunker and Wolfe sold lucerne hay green 70s to 76s per ton ; brown, from 57s to 70s > potatoes, 3s to 3s 8d per cwt. ; maize, 4s 6d per bushel ; eggs Is 9d per doz, ; fowls, 3s lid per pair ; honey, very dull, 4d to 4Jd per lb.

Mr. Justice Windeyer has been re-elected president of the Sydney School of Arts.

A Chinaman was buried yesterday at Gundagai with Chinese ceremonies,in the pagan grounds, No certificate of death was obtained, end much comment ¡s made ou tbe proceedings,

The N, S. W. Rowing Association wish the M.R.C, to rejoin the Association, from which they withdrew for sundry reasons weil known to the public,

The Evening N*ws states:-"Our Albury corres-pondent telegraphed this morning that ne regards thechargeof attempt at criminal assault mndeagainst Thomas Goff, the conductor on sleeping care, that Colonel Weils, who, according to Miss Hooper, was in the car at the time, is in Albury. He affirma he left the train nt Culcairn before the alleged attempt was c >mmitted. When he left Goff and Miss Hooper were Bitting side by side talking together as if they were old acquaintances. The boy passenger referred to was in the car at the time Colonel Wells got off

the train.

A terrific explosion occurred at Walker and Co.'s team flour mills, Gundagai, this morning. The miine and boiler were completely wrecked, besides i< juring the house; fragments of half a ton weight were carried a distance of two hundred yards, Three men were on the premises at the time-the fireman, Thomson, was almoit covered up in the ruins, but escaped without fatal injuries. The other two men were unhurt. About thonsand pounds' worth of damage was done to the mill. The cause of the explosion ia not known. The mill Btarted just a »eek ago, and a large stock of wheat was laid in for

the season. I

C H. E. Chauvel, grazier, at ^resent in Sydney, surrendered his estate; liabilities, £54,621; 06Sets, £65,529. Also, Smith, Phillips, «nd Co., importers; liabilities, £37,725; assets, £18.312.

A deputation of journeymen cigar makers waited upon the Treasurer to day, to protest against 2s Gd. per lb. on imported leaf, and alleged if the duty were levied it would be the means of utterly ruining them. The Cigar making industry suggested & shilling per lb. import duty, and one shilling excise duty out of the factory. The Minister said he was utterly averse to a protective policy for the exclusion of imports, but would give the matter his

best consideration.

A man named Edward Walsh was committed for,< trial to-day, charged with attempted suicide by going down on his hands and kneeB on the tram line ia front of the motor.