Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843 - 1893), Saturday 28 August 1886, page 22




We are ia receipt of London papers to 16th July by the arrifal of the mail steamer, and extract as follows :

On July IO the Queen left Wir.dsor on a visit to Loudon, accompanied by their Boyal Highnesses Prince and Princess Henry of Battenberg, and attended by the Dowager Duchees ot Athole, the Hon. Harriet Phipp», Colonel Sir Henry E*-art, K C.B., and Major Bigge. Her Majesty waa present at a garden party given by their Royal Highnesses thrt Prince and Princes of Wale* at Marl-borough House Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Albany joined the Qupen at Paddington, and Accompanied Her Majesty to Marlborough Hous«. On July 11 the Queen and the Boy al Fuintly attended Divine sei vice At the Boyal Mausoleum. The Bishop of Eipon, assisted by the Very Be?, the Dean of Wiudpor, officiated, and the Bishop of Ripon preached the sermon. The Queen Afterwards drove out, accompanied by Her Royal HigbnesB Princess Beatrice and Her Grand Ducal Highness the Princess of Leiningon. The Bishop of Ripon had the honour of dining with the Qu»en and the Royal Family Ou July 12 her Majesty went out with their Boyal Highnesses Prince and Princess Henry of Battenberg and the Princess of Leininaen. On July 13 her Majesty went out, accom-panied by the Prince and Princess of Lpiniugen, and the Marqui- of Lorne and Princess Louise joined her Majesty at Frogmore later. The Prince and Princeas of Leiningen left the Castle. Her Majesty gave an audience to two Indian artioans from the Colonial and Indian Exhibition. Both wore their native costumes. They were accompanied by Dr. Tyler.

The Queen and Prince and Princess Henry -o£ Battenberg are, according to the most recent arrangements, expected to leave Windsor Castle on July 20 for Osborne,

The garden party at Marlborough House .on the 10th kiut. far exceeded anything of the kind ever attempted before, and there was also a commendable absence of incon-venient overcrowding. The weather waa Splendid, and the arrival of the Queen some time before she waa expected led to a very Creditable display of agility on the part ot the Prince of "Wales, who ran to receive her.

The Que«i and the Prince and Princess Henry of Battenberg lett Windsor Castle yesterday on a visit to the Colonial Exhibition. Her Majesty traversed the whole of the Indian section of the Exhibition, and passed thence through a large crowd of persons, who cheered heartily, to the Maltese Court, thence leaving by way of the School of Art Needlework to Exbibition-road, where the Boyal carriage was in waiting.

By command of the Queen a state ball was given on July 9 at Buckingham Palace. Their Boyal Highnesses the Prince and Prin-cess of Wales, accompanied by HerRoyal Highdobs Princess Louùe and His Royal Highness Prince Albert Victor of Wales, attended by the Countess of Macclesfield, Miss Knollys, the Earl of Gosford, Lord Colville of Culross, Mr. F. Knollys, and Col. A. Ellis, with Cap-tain the Hon. A. Greville in waiting on Prince Albert Victor, and escorted by a detachment of the Household Cavalry, arrived at the gar-den entrance of the Palace from Marlborough

House. Their Eoyal Highnesses Prince and Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein arlived at the Palncp, attended by Mrs. Keith

Fraser and Colonel G. G. Gordon. His

Royal Highness the Bake o£ Cambridge arrived from Gloucester House, attended "by Lieut. Colonel A. FitzGeorge. Her TJoyal Highness the Duchess and His Serene Highness the Duke of Tecle and Princess Victoria of Teck arrived

from White Lodge, attended by Lady Caroline Cuat and Captain Edgar Sebrigbt. His Imperial HighnesB Prince Fushimi of Japan waa present at the ball, having ?previously been received by H.R H. the Prince of Wales. Their Serene Highnesses Prince and Princess Edward of Saxe Weimer, His Serene Highness the Prince and Her Grand Ducal Highness the Princess of Leiningen and Princess Alberta of Leiningen, their Serene Highnesses Prince and Princess Victor of Hohenlohe and the Countess Feodore Gleichen, His Serene Highness Prince Louis and Her Grand Ducal HinhneBs Princess Louis of Battenberg ; His Highness the Duke Gunther of Schleswig-Holstein and Count Edward Gleichen were invited to the ball.

Their Eoyal Highnesses the Prince and Princess ot Wales, accompanied by the three young Princeeses, visited the City of Nor-wich on July 14, and arrived by special train from Sandringham. Here they werereceived hy the Earl of Leicester (Lord Lieutenant of tbecounty), the mayor, deputy-mayor, and sheriff, Mr. S. Hoare, M.P., Mr. J. J: Colman, M.P., and other gentlemen. The Eoyal -party proceeded at once, and through pro-fusely decorated and crowded streets, to St. Andrew's Hall, where a distinguished com-pany of about 450 had been invited by tho Mayor to , a déjeuner to meet their Éoyal

Highnesses. Along the whole route the cheering was continuous and enthusiastic. The Mayor (Mr. John Gurney) presided at the luncheon, having the Prince of Wales on his right hand and the Princess of Wales on his left. There were also present the Prin-cesses Louise, Victoria, and Maud of Wales.

The Eoyal yacht Osborne, with the Duke and Duchess of Connaught on board, was ex-pected to reach Carnarvon on July 11, but owing to the heavy weather she was obliged to put into St. TudwaH'a Eoads, near Pwlheli. Their Eoyal Highnesses landed at Avonwen, and reached Carnarvon at noon on the 12th They afterwards re-embarked on the Osborne and arrived off Greenock on the lath. Their Eoyal Highnesses proceeded on the 15th to Edinburgh to visit the exhibition there.

Her Eoyal Highness the Prince Louise, the Marquis of Lorne, and the Prince of Leinin-gen arrived at Windsor OaBtle on the 12th met. on a visit to the Queen.

Princess Louise arrived at Leighton Station on July 9, and drove to Billington Manor, where Her Eoyal Highness became the guest of Lady Sophia and Mr. A. Macnamara. " Princess Louise was present at the opening,

After restoration, of All Saints* Church, Leighton Buzzard, on July 12.

The Princess Christian on July 10 laid the foandation-Btone of the Finsbury and Shore?d-'tch Polytechnic. Her Eoyal Highness Tisited the Worth London or University ?College Hospital on July 12, and after care-fully inspecting several of the wards, ex-pressed her entire satisiaction with the

arrangements. The Princess Christian also j paid a visit to St. Marylebone Workhouse, I

and wflB conducted over the establishment by Mr. Edmund Buuluoia (chairman of the bjard of guardians), Mr, Douglas (the governor), and Mrs. Douglas (the matron.)

The Duchess of T«ck has consented to open "Babies' Castle," an infant home connected with Dr. B&rnado's Institution«, situated at Hawkhurst, Kent, and has appointed Mon-day, Aug. 9, for the purpose.

Her Royal HighneBS Princess Mary Adelaide has consented to reopen the Bichmoud Free Public Library on Tuesday,

Aug. 3.

Priuce and Princess Louis of Battanberp have left Windsor Castle for Darmstadt, and they are to stay An Germany for about two


His Boyal Highness Prince Albert Victor of Wales, Her Boyal Highness Princess Mary, Duches« of Teck, and Princess Vic-toria of Teck, honoured Sir Algernon and Lady Borthwick by their company at dinner on July 12. There were «Ibo presont the Duke and Duchess of Sutherland and Lady A. Leveson Gower, the Earl and Couuttss oF Wharncliffe, the Hon. Henry and Hon. Julia Stonor, Wir William Gordon Curomitir, Mr» Sands, Sir Hubert Miller, Mr. Percy French, and Captain the Hon. A. Greville (in attend-ance on Prince Albert Victor). In the even-ing Lady Borthwick had a small dance.

His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge dined with Colonel George Curzon aud the officers of the 2nd Life Guards on July 12 at Regent's Park Barracks.

The Duchess of Cambridge completes her eighty-ninth year on the 25th inst., and, except the infirmity she has suffered for some year«, is in wonderfully good health.

The Duke and Duchess of Montpelier and suite arrived at Dover on July 9, and afterwards proceded to Tunbridge Wells, they are now staying nt Cluridgo's Hotel,


The arrival of the Emperor William nt Gastien is now fixed for July 20. His Majesty will remain till Aug. li. TbeEmperor Frauds Joseph and the Empress Elizabeth are expected to pay his German Majesty a visit there several days prior to the date fixed for his departure.

The Queen Regent of Spain, accompanied by the Royal Family, and the members of the Royal Household, and Señor Alfonso Mar-tinez, Minister of Justice, started from Madrid on July 12 for the Royal Palace of La Granja, where they will remain during the

summer months.

Prince Frederick Augustus, heir presump-tive to the throne of the Kingdom of Saxony, who was staying in Berlin last week in strict incognito, has left for London on a private visit. After a sojourn of some days, His Royal Highness will proceed from the British metropolis to Paris, and spend the summer travelling in France and Italy.

The Italian friguto, Vittoria Emanuel«», with Prince Louis of Savoy on board, and the Italian corvette, Vittoria Pisani, has arrived

at Portsmouth.

The Grand Duke of Hesse is expected to come to England shortly on a visit to the Queen, accompanied by the Hereditary Prince and the Princesses Irene and Alix. They will be the guests of Her Majesty at Osborne and at Balmoral, and will probably remain in this country for about six weeks.

His Imperial Highness Prince Fashimi, of Japan, attended by the Japanese Minister, visited the Prince and Princess of Wales at Marlborough House on July 10.

The Orleans family will not take up a per-manent residence at Tunbridge Wells, con-trary to the expectations and the hopes of the good people o£ that place; but no decision has as yet been made by the Comte de Paria as to the spot where he will reside at in Eng-land till the better time comes. In the meanwhile he still expresses a great desire to

visit the United States.

The Due d'Aumale, having received official notice that he had been Btruck off the Army Lint, has appealed to the Council of State, and at the same time addressed the following letter to the President of the Bepublic:"Chantilly, July 11.- M. le President,Three years »ho, without pretext or pre-cedent, you inflicted upon me the severest of disciplinary pu- isbment. I remained silent. To-day in striking my name off the army list you interfere with the char-ter of the army. Without taking into necount the titles won in battle, your Ministers strike men without reproach and honoured by their services and their tradi-tional devotion to the country. I leave to my counsel the task of defending a cause which is that of all officers. As for me,

doyen of the general stuff, it is my duty to remind you that military grades are beyond your attack, and I remain, General Henri d'OrléauB, ."Due d'Aumale." The Due de Chartres has also appealed to the Council

ot State.

At a Cabinet Council held in Paris on July 13 the expulsion of the Due d'Aumale from France was decided upon. On the lethinsfc. the Duo d'Aumale received a notification of the decree, and at once left for England.

Lord Henry Bentinck, M.P., and Mr. Weston Jarvis are staying at Holkham Hall,


Mdme. de Sbaal and Mdle. de Staal have

lett the EuBsian Embassy for Germany, en route to St. Petersburg, yesterday.

An order was made on July 13, directing the name of Sir Charles Dilke to be struck out of the title of Mr. Crawford's divorce


Earl Granville, during the last few days has made rapid progress towards recovery, and on July 11, for the first time for five weeks, was enabled to take a drive.

The Prince of Wales has been pleased to appoint Colonel Eobert Nigel Fitzhardinge Kingscote, C.B., to be a member of the Council of his Beyal Highness.

Sir William Frederick Pollock, Bart., the Queen's Eemembrancer and a Master of the Supreme Court of Judicature, has resigned his appointments.

Lady Bolsover has returned to town from visiting Sir Lewis and Lady Jarvis and Mr. and Mis. Edward Bagge in Noith-WeBt


The Marchioness of Lansdowne and Lady Evelyn Fitzmaurice hare arrived at Mackel-lar'« Hotel, Dover-street, Piccadilly, from


The Duke and Duchess of Westminster received at dinner at Grosvenor House, on July 9, the Princess Mary Adelaide, the Duke of Teck and the Princess Victoria of Teck, the Netherlands Minister and Countess de Bylandt.

On July 13 the Dake and Duchess of West-minster held a reception at Grosvenor House, to which many representatives of the ColonieB and India were Bpeoially invited.

Prince und Princess Bismurek, with tiu-ir family, will reach Gastein early in AuyuBt Apartments h»ve been endued tor theui »t th« Sohwainerhaus, where Prince Bimnarck etayed in 1865, at the tim- thr< historical Gastem Convrntion waa signed,

The Dean and Chapter o; St. Paui'h hive just had fallen to their uift the valuable liv in« of St. Gue«, OripolegMe, hy t-ie death in his seventy-fourth y ear of ide lioc P Parker Gilbert, which took pl«ce on Julj 12 The benefice is of the value >>f £L,5S0 ,< year

The membors ot the fruvellerh' Ciubguve a complimentary dinner on July LO to the principal représentatives of the .Colonial and indian Exhibition at their club honan in Pall Mall. The Duke uf Cambridge pre sided, supported o.'i <hn rifiht by Sir Chus. Tupper, the Dake of Grafton, and Sir Graham Berry, and on the left by Sir Wm Cliirke, Bart., the Marquis of Drogheda, and Sir F.

Dillon Bell.

A party of the Colonists who are visiting England were hospitably entertained o» July 13 at Knole-park, and cordially welcomed by Lord and Lady Sackville, who conducted them over the house Among tlxiBepitsent were Sir George Bowen, Sir Fiaucis and Lady Garrick, Lndy Robinson (wife of the Go-vernor of Sou*h Australia), and Sir Arthui and Lady Hodgson.

The Baroness and Mr. Bürdett-Coutts en-tertained the uieaibeis of Congress of Cbuinbers of Commerce of the Empire and the

representatives of the colouies and India, ut j a tjarden party at Holly Lodge, Highgate, ou July 9. Invitations were issued tor half-past three, the Baroness and Mr. Burdett-Coutts receiving their visitors, »n all more than a thousand in ntioiber, in the grounds.

Sir James Hannen was engaged on July 11 in hearing the petition of Baron Henry de Worms for a divorce from his wife, on tbe usual ground, the co-respondent beiog Moritz Kitter von Leon, commonly known as Baron von Leon, There was practically no defence, and his lordship pronounced a decree nisi, with coats, at the same time giving the peti tioner the custody of the children.

Yesterday afternoon the Duke of Northum-berland gave a gaîden party at Syou House to the Colonial and Indian visitors sojourning in this country for the Exhibition. The Duke of Northumberland was assisted in the wel-coming his guests by L>ird and Lady Algernon Percy. The Duke of Abercorn, the Marquis of Lorne, the Duke of Manchester, the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress, Sir Arthur Hodgson, Sir Daniel and Lady Cooper and Miss Cooper were among the members of the reception committee and the Colonial and

Indian sub-committees.

The death is announced of the Rev. Daniel Wilson, the Vicar of Islington. The deceased, who had been in failing health for some time past, preached at the Parish church of St. Mary on July 11, b»t was taken ill and died somewhat suddenly on July 13. He waa eighty years of age, and had been Vicar of Islington since 1832, v.hen the population of the whole parish consisted ot osly about 30,000 people. A son of the well-known Bishop Wilson, of Calcutta, the late vicar was throughout his life a staunch supporter of the Evangelical party, and was always firmly opposed to the Ritualistic movement. He was a Prebendary of St. Paul's and was much esteemed and respected in the parish in which he has held the important office of

vicar for bo many years.
