Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Wednesday 28 February 1923, page 14

Back to Hamilton.

HAMILTON. Tuesday.?Hamilton lias never [ire* ?riouslv experienced such 5111x1115 times as are now passim;. The tomi fe full of visita? for the home-coming weeli .and tho celcbration-s occupy attention day and niphf. Picnics to the Wannon ami "Vip-rctta Falls anti other hwiuty epots hue been tarpoly attended, ami the Botanic Har-dens were tbe scene ot. wonderful enthusia**m when thousands of children* lathered for sports, and later thc townspeople entertained all the visitors at a sorlal. Speeches wen; made'by the mayor (Councillor Stewart), Mr. Slator, H.1-.A.. Md council I ors of the boron-**!! and j-hlrc of Dundas.

Councillor K. II. NoAe mid tlat I7amilton wxs destined to 1-ccoroe a prcat town in the near future. It* had mado steady prosrets. which would baye bren - (-"Tea ter. but for people boin-r drawn away when the northern country wan opened np. Attention was now belnp turned tu closer flrttleraent., and with improved methods of ajtriculture there would-be great production'iu th**'**3ls


ilr. Henry, the oldest lirinp fomicr mayor, raid that he was arn-.17.ed at the process made since he was at Hamilton 2*1 yearn ugo. Open plaina Chat were devoted to there were now occupied by tlie homes of happy peopl-*. and on every ride he mw evidence 0/ genuine soiidity

Mr. Neil McKuilie, .of Brisbane, ctid Uiat there was evidence of wealth in erery direction.

Tlds afternoon tlie longest and best an-anped procession was witnc?*?ed by the pri-atcst number of people that have ever eonprepalc-d in thc town. Tlie outKtandintc features of the decoration.': were the display made by the Chinese, 'the trade ex-hibit.*!, arni the driving of a fon-Mn-band coach team by Mr. Thomna Cawker, of Casterton, a Holed -"oacbimin of tbe early days. Anion**: Mr. Canker's passcupers were revernl pioneer!!, tn* cludinp MrH. Clark, of Tarrayoukyan. whO!n .Mr. Cawker drove from 1'enaol (Solrtii Au-stralta) to Hamilton GO yam apo. After the procession lhere were sports on tim Orange Creek anil niplit juumer0113 reunions were held.

AMriHTHKATnK.-The sports mcctinc tn aid of the BubIi N'ur-smc: Association waa followed by a uucccvful dance. Although the ilay wns very ha,t, there waa a {rood attendance nt both


ARAItAT.-Tho Goulburn Talley fruit<train was not tcry veil paminisfil nt Ararat, only two cases of butt being Kihi. Thousands of cases of fruit, mostly apples, are being neut away weekly from thU district for export.?Hr. McPherson, the Act-ing Premier and Treasurer, is to bc invited to attend thc charities carnival on March il.

?AVEXKT.?Consiahtc McDonald has lieen trainferrell t.o JUcrwiek. Comtalile Dudley, from TunjtnJ mah, will soccced him here.?.Mr. William Ityan, station master, ls about to sever life,* connection with the Itailway department and po into In-jimva. ?Several chiMren, in order to attend the Hiph School at Seymour, ure oblipvd lo walk from Avenel to M-u-palorc. a distance of fy mites, on three days a wc-ck. There tcii-p an early nioriillip train ntl Tuesday and Friday mnminps only from Avenel.

Beaufort.? Tlie Ileanfort Thistle Club und dis-trict i-cJhuot committees ran an excursion (rain tn Quecn-K-liff. and about £00 ehiliiren nix! udult-i made the trip. The sum of .C'S was c-rllectcil. arni all school ehiliiren under the ape of 1*1 years received

free tickets.

IIEEAC.?Tire weather has been exceptl inally sultry durinp the last ten ^ays, and the ther-mometer repiutered a shade temperature 'ot from 100. tn 102 degrees. Hauy of tile residents have left for l^ueonselifr, Torquay, nod Lorne, wliere they hope that thc woollier will bo morp pleasant Householders are cowpluinlni? ot scarcity of water. Tinks are petting low.?Halt is bcinp f-iitlicred from liike Ileedo lind the lim-fc Shoe Lake, where I salt works was conducted some years apo by the late Mr. Ili-mry Herr)'.?The new Beeac StAte mellool is to lie offleially opened on Mardi 2. l.ea-1hiv oltlclals of tho >Mucation department, and Mr. McDonald. M.L.A.,. will be presents A fete ?viii he held hy tiie liilIeK' ramniltlce in aid ^1 tlie Behool.?The Heeac siih-hranch of the Iteturncd tbiilors * an.1 Soldiers'. Imperial k-cac-*---? Hill hold sports cn

'IlOOnT.?Tlie'Hcv. C. Kirkpatrick, who for Uie [last seven yeaw has had char-po of the .Anplican [icrlsli. .anil ¦ who has accented an appointment at Ita}' (X.S.W.) . was farewelled by church members, inii'preccnteil wlth;a wallet nf notes.

BUI.F.A.?The.harvest festival waa celebrated nt 5t. Kary's ..Church* of rnplaiul, jwhich was taste: fully decorot'eirwitJi.the products of hawe-st. -

BORDERTOWN.— When the South Austra-

lian Railways Commissioners (Messrs. W. A. Webb and J. McGuire), the general traffic manager (Mr. A. N. Day), the chief en-gineer (Mr. F. W. Stephen), and the members of the district (Messrs. P. Reidy and V. G. Petherick), arrived at Bordertown on Thurs-day, Mr. W. J. Thompson, on behalf of the stock agents, asked for the improvement of the ser-,ice,;antl .Mr. A'.^A." Fisher iriilde a similar, request in* bclmlf - of *.tlie :\vlicat nscnts. Mr.* A.* H.. W. I'irao represented ?¦the : business- people, .rind Mr. lt; &'? Knowllnp »the residents of Mundalla. dr. .Webb* ..* promised.- - to (rive full* con* iiilorntlbn to! all- thoimatters containeil In tho ejiedules- iircsentcd to. him.?At a mectlns of the liirdtrtownbninrh of* the AKrlcultural Bureau, ?he. question of tobacco culture was'. discusseil it length.-, lt..was (reported that Mr. (Icorpe -'niler liail very. .Bticcemfiillj-'.experimented' ?Villi :he leaf Jon ,a. block^abont two'miles'from the L6wn:' Mr. A.* K.*.\V. Virpo exhibited a sample if.'"betarln'.' laJplpeon ijrass), which ho thnupht nipht nea* vnlunhlo adilillon tb'summer pastures. Hr. WV., fi.- Hutley proraiueil to demonstrate ito nicmbers the possibility, of \conve-UnB tlax prown In the district intollnrh yani. ? At a mcollnp.of the, Mundalla I'lenlc-Rorc* Cltih. it wus decided lp. leave arralipciuents for nh 'cntcrlal-ainent on Hie cveninft. of the race mcetlnjt in the hands nf the Hoyal Institution for the liliml concert committee, nml also* that' tho proceeds nf refresh-ment* on' thc*, course be donated 'to' (hat lus-ti ttition. .Wcsst*. IV.' Durhrldpe and J.- T. Hvar were appointed joint secretaries. At a meeting of the Mundalla branch of the Agricultural Bureau, it was decided to exhibit at the forth-coming show. The following were appointed a committee of management of the various sections: —Wool—Messrs. G. A. Dinning and J. T. Ryan. Chaff—Mr. T. Durbridge. Fruit—Messrs. E. Packer and H. R. Tremain. Vegetables—Messrs. A. Knowling and J. Menzie. Dairy Produce—Mr. R. Hinge. Unclassified—Mr. J. E. Staude. The quantity of wheat for each exhibit was fixed at


OOWKS.?Snsan Hammond, licensee ot the Royal Hotel. Hiistiiip-. was convicted of havinp disposed of. liquor on Sunday, January 1*1. She was lilied £5. with 13/ costs.?Henry Windwood and Alex-ander Thoropsan, for belnp found ¦ on licensed premises duri***; prohlbiled hour3, were each fineil £1.?A thick luue of smoke enveloped Phillip Island all* day lliursrlar. the result of cxtcnsl hush Ares on the mainland.

CRESWICK.?At the Warden's Court, before Mr. \V. W. Harrii. P.M.. two residential arcas near the railway station were forfeited for non-complianee with tho condition as to crcctlnp haliilsb'.e bKlldlnpn wlUiin throe months. Albert .lohn Wood ami Victor .lames were thc complainants.

DALYSTON.?The Powlett Uiver mid District A.P. and H. Society held its 11th unriual show the Dalyston Sliowpniunda. Itccnrd entries'were

ccivod for tiie rlilTeient sections.' Tho exhilills were Lho best bcvii in Hie secondnrj' dislriot shows since pre-war days. Councillor .lohn Dnly was seerelnry jikI Mr. A. Chisholm president of the show. Tlic luklnim nt elie «;ate iimmmtcil to £711.010. .

DnOKlK.?The death lins occurasd of Mrs, Jacob I.elievrc. an old resident or the Dookie dis-trict. Mrs, J-eltirrr was 04 years of ope, anil leavci a'prown-up family of sons nnd ilanphters.?Tlio reconstruction of tho railway cattle jami sheep trucking yards at Dookie is now iwlnp under-

taken. ' ¦

ECHUCA.?Patrick .Kpnn. Martin l.inan-c, Al

lader Ilrown, aurl .la'mcs Ilmdfonl ¦ were arrested In Echuca slid charped with having assmltcd md rnl|li~I Kichnrd Keating..:.;

KBRSTBEE CULLY.?Tlie Ferntree Bully'Shire ttnmftll' 'hos occepteil to followlnp tenderat?for-* mntion' ami .metalling.* LystcrBcid roail, between Ferntree Cully awl' Lysterlltlil (Country Hoads Hoard work), ll. H. Bell, £1,512; pitched chan-nelling; at Upper and I-owcr Ferntree Cully, .1. Kennett, £278; ronmrnction o! rcinforciil ron. crete pipe culvert. The Willows, on Bayswater* Sassafras road, .1. Mun>!iy. .'-?Hit.

OdiaAURK.?Thc revenue of the Oirpnrre rail* way station fnr'Janunrv amounted to £881, com-pared with ifiKS for the corrospondlnp month last yeiir. . * ¦ "

liEALESVILLI*:.?Mr. Michael Tcvlln, a very old resident of the district, has died, cej-w! 7" years. M'r. Tevlin was thc first olllcrr in chnrpe of the UenlesviUo police district, and dbi much valuable work in opciiinp up .the back country.?Tlic Railwiv< Standing iiimmittee luis unanped lo visit tli'lleaiesville district, to luke evidence in reterfi*ci' to tlic proposed coniitriiction ot a railway line to link np witli tile Oiralburn Valley at

l'lhYKIEI.I).?At the last nieetlnp .nf directors ot the llevrlclil lintier Fnclory. the mannper reimrteil Unit for the last niniitli To.36.1lb. of cream rccciveil rontained S*l,E68lli. of liutter-fat, from willoh W.TSIilli. ol iiimmerl-lol butler was inaiiuf.ictjiired. Thc items on the pay-sheet amounted to ii'i.'M), out nf which suppliers rc-cciveil £2,(100.?A fire broke out at .'?'eaton, lint lt wns checked listore Hr.;/ serious ilam.ipe was don?.?Reginald Willlum Wnril arni William Janies llonnett, nrrcste>l liv" Courtabie Dwyer, were charRCd before Mc-sri. J. II. Pearson und lt. J. Macei, .I.P.'s. with luvltip entered the premises nf tlic Commercial Hotel. Ueytlelil, mid stolen 0 "jnntitv of liquor. Thc accused were remanded to the Hovlicld I'ellv Sessions on March 1.

?KBIIAXC?Mr. W. Mih-ain. swrelury cf the Proprew Asiociatlon, this year put in an ex-perimental plot nf ¦ au aero of cotton, bul the

results were ilisappolutlnp.

KJL.M0t.'K.?Tlie dalli hus* occurred of .Mr. Henry Sfatfurd, n vcrv old r«ii!ent of Mount WUliam.'? Miss Eunice Still was entcrtaine-d, and pre-sented with 11 souvenir on thc ev-? of Uer <k-. pnituie In take up nursing nt llntuligo.?Thc Kilmore Turf Club has decided lo hold n race inci'tinpiui April 12, when a | ropminniii of Ililli will be otTrrcd. Thc club will probably join tile Kortli-Kiwti-rn lioeiup Asioration.

KYAHIUM? Owlnp In the mer supply of peaches und the scarcity of women workers, tho cnnn,*rv will not receive consipn* incnta cf iicnchcs until further notice. The plant is not worUinp at iinvthittp Uko full uipucily. ¦ tlostof the staff is drawn from Mel-bourne, bul numbers of city pirls do not appear to like count rv conditions.?The dumn're lo orchards throuphoiit . Hie I'oulhuni Valley by sparrows and stilrliups ls causiup much con-cern In thc Kvahram. Tonguin, and Stanhope districts, nnd nil kinds ot devices arc tai nie used lo minimise the loss. The birds are most troublesome lu thc vinejards. but stur'nnps are no respecters of soft fruits of any description, and peacheu and pears arc beinp ultuck--d. ?Tlic balance-sheet . nt the recent meetinp^ hold liv. the Kyabram Huco dub shows

[nnallv. A deputation in to wait on tlie Chief Secretary short Iv.?At a meeting ol ihnreI holder* of tbe Koyuga CItccse Factory.* it wafi

decided to take over tbe factory from the Kya-bram Hi j ry Company,

UNTOX.?Thc trophy presented to the Lintern Rifle Club bv Mr, W. .1. Stratton wns won by .N. Nelson, CO /.12)( with A. M. Petterson, (W <<) te^ond. __

MAFFRA.?Mr. Alan IVntan, assistant Treebylerinn missionary, btv been (raii-dem-d lo Cam-perdown, and hilt phire lum been Ailed by Mr. W. ll. StjevcDBon:?The Maffra Higher JUcmenUry JVhool los practically become a thing e-Mhc past, and children are depart inp to continue their higher education nt district mid city ncbools.

MAUK1N.?Dawe Bros., of Jlsrlnglmp WcrJ, have sold their .ram-field estate, comprising 1.1 GI acres, including "Urranfa Island." on the 1-oddon nicer. Thc purcluiser wan Mr. J. Sic(1 regor, of Wallan, who paid £14 an acrc.-~R. I>. Stacey hac won thc record bhoot for tlie ixji" -* trophy.-Owing to rame boys noticing poppet-heads of OswttliVs.goldwutc on tire, iou* damage was averted.*

MlNVll'.-Mr. J. Keane, of th* Department of Agriculitue, han made the following award* in connection with the crop nnd fallow competition!; held mirier thc auspices ut the Minyip Agricultural Society:?Best half of farmer's wheat crop Cnot less Uian fiB acres). W. W. Schodde, !13 polnis; executors late IX McOflp. 92 points; IL A. -Niewand, 1)1 point*. Seven competitors. Jient crop on fallowed land?fallow Judged in 1921, and the. crop on that fallow in lOE?H. A. Nie wand, 184 Sluts, 1; Barry and Lightbody, 1R3 polntn. The

it-named led ir/ three pointe with their faTuw, but were five po In ta behind Slr. Ifiewand for .-crop. Hrst fallowed land, not lera than 100 Acres, JSj»

Icorn llros.. 95 points, 1; A. A. Lutrc, U4 pnbiuv 2; lt. A. Niewand, W tjintu, -3. Five competed.

NEWSTBA1).?The Country Hoads Board ha* instructed tlic Shire Comic!! lo call tenden for the construction at portions of a developmental road through the (.lengnwer rotdicr settlement,?A Tnoveinent ijv to bu launched todevelop the mineral springe in the district. Tte local progr-aw arno

._._ .?_? _ hii

farm at Benth Shjckleford (he wheel struck

lump. The horse plunged forward, and up-set he dray. Mr. Alnpsan was pinned beneath the dray tmd woo<1. His bob nurold rushed to hid I lather's atr«i£tance. Mr. Mupson was elukcn and I bru ira!.?Tire fruit Reason is practically a failure j owing lu lack of witter. Soldier rottlcr* ir this dMricUstatc that-they cannot crist much longer

without irrigation. They threaten to abandon I their orchards if tire (lovcrmneut dart not ram- ( Ftnict a reservoir In the near future.?Tlie waJcr 1 lu thc river .Loddon hag been polluted hy dredging j operations. Stock owners Intend to protest to the Mine* department if conditions do not alter.

NHILL.?A fa wundi Ie entry liny ?been made on the record sheet of Senior-coiiFtable Edgar I*. Taylor, wbo is in charge of thc Nhill police station, in connection with larceny caeca which

¦¦.¦.ero heard nt Nhill. Tlirce men were amvicted.? At the jinnual meeting ot the Anrac sports com-mittee. Mr. K. .1. Pope wa* re-elected president, and-.Mr. Ii. I*. Bond secretary. Mr. H. H. Timur has fires eu ted a silver cup, v-iliicd at 2T» guineas, for competition in connection with fallowing methods In tho Nlrill fanu competitions.--Mr. H. Cl. Roe was elected president of tlie Nhill Free library at the cumuli meetinc.

OXbR>.?Thu Rev. Father* Joyce and Treacy, of Hie lUrman Catholic Church, are conducting minions at Oxley and surrounding dUrtWcts.

BUTHKUOLKN.?A fire broke out in ti fruit and confectionery rhop In Hain tttect, occupied b7 Mr. A. K. Gattrcll. Thc tnflding, which j wiw unnstructcv! of weatherboard, was oom: pletely gutted, and tbe flames extended to j the rear.of Mr. H. Harrie's chemist shop. I Tiie fruit shop wari insured in the 1-ondon ' awi Lancashire Company for £300, nnd the mock for -£100, o further insurance of £175 , liv thc previous o'-mcr on the building and etoc.b | beinir held bj thc Victoria Compaoy.

| RIJPAN-ilJP.?The oflkial opening of thc i Rupanyup Howling- Chub's prrcen took place on

Tliurcday. Hie durcmony was performed by CoutiCillor T. Slaughter, prefident of Dunmunkle Shire Council. Thc following players have been Delected to reprewint' the Dmmranklr lfi*trict Cricket Airociation in tbe Comitrj* Cricket Wevk I <amlval>-lteT. I). K. McConchie, G. Scrivener. : aud A. Cord-w Olupanyup), S. Maddern nnd H. E, I Halc*r (Junff), K. Conlea and L. and S. O'Connor i (lubeck), W. :tnd C. Steel. A. donea, L. Lilburn. ! B. Ijunst K. -^oatley, and I). T, Mccormack


HALK.?Mr. A. Hardie, a foldier rettlw nt ! Airly, had his new cbaflcuttcr destroyed by fire whilst cuttinj: hav nt Mr. JohnPton Thomson's farra, at Clydebank. Mr. Thomson lost about (W

tons of hay,

STRATHMERTON.-A very old resident Of the district, Mrs. Anna Williams, of Ulupna, died last week.-- The 10 year old daughter of W. B Sutton, of Bearii, died after an operation for ap-pendicitis, at the Mlooroopna Hospital.

WODONOA.?An outbreak of diphtheria ban caused concern al Bonegilla. Several chil-dren from the weir attend the BoneffUla State school. One of the children con-tracted diphtheria, and, as a result, nbo\it lialf the children from Uoneffilla ore absent from ncbool. l'arenu) are not taking risks tiuring the outbreak. ? A branch of the Junior Red Cross Society has been formed at Bonegilla, with a membership of 18 children. Mr. Dower waa elected president, Miss Smith treasurer, and Ult* iBab-al Kcrffuson secretary.?Messrs. Cadman and Co., of Footscray, were tlie successful tenderers for renovation* at the Bonegilla State school and for the construction of a residence for tlie teacher. The contract price was £1175.?The hahmcc-pheet nf tho; Wodonga Turf Club riiowK a credit balance of inM/V.?Tho fruit train is due to arrive at Wodonga, on March 2. when an nbundant simply of, penvhefl' from the Shepparton district will be available.. . "r - ?.;--¦¦¦ " -

YARU All.?A* fire destroyed ,two stacks of hay nt Alberton. Wont on the. lunn nf Mr. Ii,-I*. Nicol worked on shan-s' by Mr. .W, B. - McKmale.?Tlic homo ot .Fred Goodings,", of Rarrirnan, was destinyed by fire.?A six ,mileV bicycle roid mee waa held by the Yarram and District Bicycle.Club, and, wus won;-by M. Holman, with R/.tooiTlfl second.?The director of Education (Mr. F. Tate) visited the district schools and opened the new scliool-at AVooilside and the .cookery and

loyd . rooms ' at thc'Yarram Hljslwr'Klementwr