Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843 - 1893), Tuesday 29 July 1862, page 3




I My letter this time is more for the sake of preserving

regularity In my communications than for anything particular I have toeommunicite. In Newotsth), a» regards now», it is either a feast or a famine, »nd since 1 last wrote, there is positively nothing to reoord.

The Volunteers viaited your town on Saturday, leaving by special train at two o'clock, returning in the evening at aix. Thev all Bpeak lu the highest possible terms of the courtesy they met with, and all declared they passed a very pleasant diy We tr ist they acquitted themielyes creditably -The samo evening the Buckingham hamily gave a concert under the patronage of the captain, olhcers, and members < t tne corps, affor nig great satisfaction mid delight to their audience, and furthering their own lepntatton as pleasing and a conpliaheU artistes Miss Buckingham met with a heirty encore in a now, spirited, and well-written song, entitled " ur G di ant Volunteers," wri ten for her by u gentleman

in this town

lhe strike still continues, and on Saturday a sub-scription was commenced in aid of the miners S> tar as it has gone it has boen liberally risponded to, aid m »y be regarded as very ai^nifioant of the [Ubllo opinion with regard to this matter I heft -hu umnot vouoh for the truth of ti o rumour-that delegatii from the Union bave been despatched to ~ij Iney and Melbourne, to w iru the miners lu thoso dis»¡ois as regird« the aotual atite of things here

As regards the Custom house, the petition to which I referred in my last, is ID course of signature and airea ly many names luve been attached It prays that a sum may be placed upon the listimatcs for the erec-tion ot a building that shrill comprise no only the Cus-toms' but bhipping Master's und Pilot Board's offices, a id thai the and building shall be ereoted on the site re.erved by the Government for that purp >se While ti no a this subject, I should like to see some measure taken fir the ereotion of a new I'ost-offiao, as oura is situated in any but a convenient looility.

Among the Parli unentary I1 si imites for the ensuing year I as i Nowoastla has not been altogether forgotten lhe following monetiry voles are proposed -Extended wbari accommodation, £i5,00tl, additional .crew moor-ings for this harbour, £275, construouon of North»T breikwater, Newcastle, £MiOt), stone dyke, lindock Island, Newcastle, £lu0u, steam dredge, pnnts, »nd tug for Nencistle, £¿",1100, and £3500 for an i ddittonal electric wire from Sydney to Nencastle We in Newcastle a"cept these votes aa an instalment of what is our due, and trust our other necessities will be re-

membered m due time

In shipping, no arrivals or departures since the 25th mat. lie following voxels have oleared outwards -Natal, barque, 178 tons, M'Alpine, for Geelong, with 290 toni coal, Bella Vista, barque, 166 tons, Jouner,for fort Albert, with 260 tons coal, William Watson, barquo, 384 tona, M'Aveney, for Melbourne, with 46B tous coal, Marian, barque, 414 tons, Birkenshaw, for Gutta, with 600 tons coal, Independence, American ship, 906 tons, for Hongkong, with 1232 tons coal, Es-peranza, brig, Bain, for Melbourne, with 181 tuns coal, A 11 Badger, barque, 40'' tons, Marshall, for Melbourne, with 420 tons coal, J¡¡¿ bushels maize, IS too» hay, aud other sundries, the Margaretba Kosener, Dutch ship, 429 tons, Captain iggers, and Benledi, brig, 24S tons, Captain Houston, have also oleared outwards at the Custom-house-the former for Otago, the latter for


lhe schooner Colonist, of this port, has been sold to the fi m of Messrs Haynes, Bro-rii, and Company, of bydnoy. She is intended for tho oolomal trade, lor which she is exceedingly well adapted.

Nowoastle, Monday morning