Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843 - 1893), Thursday 1 May 1862, page 3



(from the S. M. Herald )


Before the Chief Justiceo and Mr. Justice Wise.


This was a case ot cross demurrers to plaintiffs' declara-tion and defendants' pleas, in an action by the assignees of Mitchell and Co (the official assignee and creditors' assignee) against Messrs. Towns and Co., for money re-ceived by defendants for the use of James Williamson, one of tho first-named firm of Mitchell and Co. Also for money due, on an account stated, &c. to the said James Williamson, and for interest, &c. The plaintiffs claimed £500 The defendants pleaded (first) that the separates estates of the partners in the firm of Mitchell and Co Williamson, Mitchell, and Dixon-were not insolvent, as alleged, also (as a fourth plea), that defendants had a set-off on a promissory note for £286 14s. 1d. Defendants demurred to the declaration upon the ground that plaintiffs, as assignees of the partnership estate of Mitchell and Co, could not sue upon a debt due to Williamson alone. The pleas already mentioned were demurred to upon the ground that they only traversed an immaterial allegation, and that the fourth plea claimed to set off a debt due by the firm against a debt due to

Williamson alone.

Mr. Stephen appeared for the plaintiffs, and Mr Martin, Q. C, and Mr Meymott for the defendants.

Their Honors reserved judgment.

THE TRANSMISSIONOF GOLD by PRIVATE Hands - As there is no escort from the Gulf diggings, very little notice is taken of their progress, for, although a con-siderable amount of gold finds it's way to Sydney weekly, as it comes by private hand, it does not appear in the published returns. We are informed that, there are about eight hundred persons at the Gulf Diggings, and that one gold-buyer alone sends to Sydney, on an average, about Seven hundred ounces of gold every fortnight .Great dissatisfaction is felt at the Gulf, both by storekeepers and diggers, at the delay which has taken place in acceding to their request for an escort, and very serious inconvenience is felt for want of a safe opportunity of sending gold to Sydney. In connection with this subject we may state that a very large quantity of the gold produced in the colony does not appear in the weekly escort returns; indeed, it is calculated that the quantity so sent from the Gulf, the Delegate, and other Maneroo diggings alone exceeds one thousand ounces weekly. If to this is added the amount produced in other parts of tho colony from whence there is no escort, such as the Clarence River district, &c., we may safely con-clude that upwards of fifteen hundred ounces reach Sydney weekly, of which no returns are published. We are aware of one lot of over seven hundred ounces having been brought to Sydney by private hand last week. The aotual amount received by escort this week was 18,294 ounces, and, if all brought by private hand could be cor-rectly ascertained, we believe tho total quantity received would be found to exceed 20,000 ounces. The reeipts in Melbourne last week were 26,950 ounces -Empire, April

Testimonial to Mr. Dalgleish - A number of the friends and supporters of Mr. D. C. Dalgleish, M. L. A., assembled on Thursday evening at the Lighthouse hotel, Bathurst-street, for the purpose of presenting to him a testimonial of their respect. Alderman Mc Keown occu-pied the chair. An address having been read, express-ing in complimentary terms the high sense entertained by the Subscribers, as electors of West Sydney, of Mr. Dalgleish's Parliamentary conduct, the address and a purse containing £165 were banded over by the chair-man to Mr. Dalgleish, who appeared much affected, and expressed his warm acknowledgments of the honor done to him - Abridged from Herald, April 25

Sir JOHN DICKINSON ON LAW CONSOLIDATION - We have received by the mail a copy of a pamphlet, entitled, "A letter to tho Lord Chancellor on Law Consolidation, by Sir Tohn Nodes Dnktnson, Knight, late ono of tho Judges ot tho Supreme Court ol New botttb Wales, and Acting Chief Tustico of that Colony " I ha design of the lottensto urge tho ndvontoges and thoimportauceofthe whole ot British law, enacted and declared, being thoroughly codified and digestod, consolidated, and arranged, and of the production ol "abookwhiobmnybe studied with a full assurance that it contains the law," Accordingly Sir J din proposes tor his lordship's consideration the framing of a Code a Digest, and an Instituto of tho Lows of fcnglsnd By a Code, is stated to be moant an arrangement of the Statute, and by a Digest is meant the arrangement of what is usually called the ounmon, law It is remarked that every one of decent means might possess a national digest, winch wonld comprise more than a thousand volumes, but he could not be expected to master their contents If out of the multitude of reported decisions, every thingbut the judge's opinions was eliminated, the Ciso Law might then becompnsed m oue bun Ircd volumes, those hundred volumes would be the Digest It is further proposed that there should be an Institute-work divided Ilka the Digest, with titles, subdivisions, &o , containing "rules on each head collected from tho cases in the Digest, and shown b) a priori reasoning to be deduced from principles of natural justice " After Bome lengthened remarks upon the best modes of methodising the law, a rough sketch is given of a sohemo foi the carrying out of the plan proposed, the principal featuie of wliiou is, that two judges, who should be induood to retire from the Bench ou their full salaries, should associate them-selves with several barristers of m<nute learning and extensive practice, as a board of commissioner« Ap-pends I to the letter are some oases, given as specimens of those whioh should be inserted m the Digest, and in the Institute At tbecimmoncemont of his letter, and again at its close, Sir John Dickinson dilates with much emphasis upon tho everlasting grititudo to which the lawyer would bo entitled who Bhouldoarry out successfully the work which bo affirms to be so much nee led Hie lettor, which for in B a pamphlet of ubout fifty pages, will no doubt bo read with much inteiest by the members of the legal profession in this colony -S M Herald,

April 23

DkATil vxvvR MYSTBUIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES -A re «pectable woman of about forty jeara of age, who, with lier two sons, one obout ten and the other eight jears of age, arrived by the Annie Wilson, and who naa proceed-ing by the Kembla to join arelativo at Biaid lood, aswe understand, namod Ia)lor, died on board the vessel be-tween daylight and eight o'clock oi> 1 nesdoy morning.

When dcoeus d was found she was narra and her face black, os if from strangulation It was reported by one of her boys that a man (»bo was pointed out), had been seen, as the child thought, ill-using his mother. Ihe lads said that she had £0 in her possession on quitting bydney. VV» understand that the man nas not permitted tole vothe vessel, butnas convoyed with tho body to tho Cljde with tho view of hiving some magisterial investi gatton -S M Herald, April 25

SOLICITOR TO THE POLICE FonoE -Mr Cory, of York Btreet, solicitor, has been appointed by the Inspeotor General to aot on behalf of the Police Force, whether for proseontion or defence, within tho Metropolitan district. - S M. Herald, April 25

IMPORTATION OI OAIE RAMS - By the steamer Morpeth nine sheep-consisting of six rams, two ewes, and one lamb-have arrived from the Cipe ot Good Hope. Phey are of the Ne,retti breed, and wore reaied upon the estate of tbecolobrated breeder Hiemejer, of Rsnzin, IPommerania. lhoy aro very fine animals, the fleeces

being charaotenstd by the great length and closeness of the Btaplo, tho quantity of wool upon their heads gives them a peoulim appearance The Bheep have bo n con-signed to iles rs Wolfen, Brothers, ot Macquane-placo, but their destination has not, we believe, boon decided on - S M Herald, April 20

DFATH TROM IIFINO IÍDN Ov BB -On Wednesday last a child named Lllen Bo« tall, aged three >car8 reBidtng with her parents at St Peter's, waB knooked down bv a horse ridden by n man named George W allshin, and died soon afterwards f om tho ellect of the injuries inflicted

Wallshin was taken into custody to await the decision of the ooroner's jury -5 M, Herald, April 25

ROAD TO TUB 1 AOHLAN -At a numerous meeting, which was hold at Yass on tho 22nd instant, a memorial was adopted, and ordered to he despatched to the Minister for Works, proving the Government that the road f om Yosj to Lambing Flat, and from the Flat to the town of forbes, on tho Lachlan gold-field, should be

proclaimed main roads and forthwith repaired as snob -

late Courier

On Wednesday morning three prisoners named David-son, Daft, and McCracken escaped from Berrima gaol by means of a ladder belonging to a contractor repairing the building, the wardens of the prison have been


A fire ooeurred in Campbell street, on Frilay evening, at the house of a painter named Goss , but it was lor

tunatelv extinguished before any very sonous damage

was done.

The depositions before the coroner in the case of the woman named Hannah Blood having been referred to the Attorney General, a warrant has been issued for the ap-prehension of Blood and Stewart on a charge of murder

A Penny Bank is about to be established at Waverley

On Kaster Monday au eleven of the bjdney Warwick I Club played a match at crioketwith the Uiohrnond Club, | and the litter »on in one innings, with twenty-eiirht

runs to spare

Ihe harbour works at Kiama are reported by the local journal to have been proceeding lately with inoreased activity, and to be now making a good show.

A man named John M'ManuB was killed at Narrlsa. on the 17tb, by a fall frota bil bon«.

On Thursday aftornoon a little girl, about five years of ago, the diii,'htor of Mr. James Wilson, of tho fcortb Shoro, accidentally fell into ten feet water, and sank A Gorman in Mr Wilson's employ jumped in after her, but being unablo to swim, «as himself nearly diowned Iho child meanwhile rose to the surlace, i-nd W»B res ued by her uncle , and though she was nearly a quarter of an hour in the wator, is now out of danger, according tothe Empire's report oí theoccuire-nco

WOMAN \ND CHU BOVERBOARD -tant' night, between six and seven o'olock, a respectably -dressed le male, whilst landing with her infant from the Pelican steamer from Manly Beaoh, fell from thetempor i) pieratWoolIootnooloo Bay Mr. W Bennett, hearing the shrieks of tho woman, at onoe leaped into the watet w about tbo slighest thought of heavy olothmg, and fortunato!) both were rescued from their perilous position, 'lhe child was first handed up, and seemed exoossively weak from its immersion ; the mother, ignorant of its safety, seemed inclined to keep to the water - S M Herald, April 28.

METBOPOI ITAN RACES, 1802-The settling on the Randwick Great Handicap, and the other i vents of Sa-turday last, took place last evening in the long room at Tttttorsali's hotel, which was crowded on the occasion After tho pnzps and swoepslnkes had been paid over to the respective recipients, the chairman ot the subscrip-tion room proposed the henlih of the winners, oonpling with the tosst the name of Mr Tait, as owner of Talley-rand and winner of the chief prize The call was duly responded to m bumpers of champagne, and Mr. Tait ac-knowledged the compliment, returning his thanks for the kind manner in which his name had been received by the comparu Fhe general settlement was then pro-ceeded with, and passed oil in the most satisfactory manner, all engigements being met with promptitude lhere were no heavy winners or losers, the only notice-able instances ot success being those wheroin Talleyrand was mentioned in doubloor treble evonts with Archer and Mormon J he whole business of paying and receiving waa disposed of in hot in less tban an hour, and after soma few transactions had been booked on coming events, the meeting broko up thortly before ten o'olook -He-rald, April 29

DKAT» UNDER CHLOROFORM-lhe City Coroner held an inquest at the Curreucy Lass Jon, Gleoe-road, yester-day, on the body ot a woman named Lhzi Whitehead, aged twonty-eightyoars. It appeared from the ovidence that the deceased had boen suffering from some internal disease, which, m the opinion of Dr Foulis, ber medical attendant, necessitated the per foi manee of an operation for its onre, and aocordinglj on Sunday evening last he admiBistorcd chloroform. Aftor a short time he employed the usual means lo r store consciousness, but

faikd In this dilemma he called in consolation Dr

Hams, but their offortB to promote respiration by artificial means failed, and the patient expired while under the influence of ohlorolorm The jury re'urned a verdict to tho eflect that " the deceased carne by her death from the administration of chloroform given her bv Dr foulis, whom we exculpate from all blaine"-S. M Htraid, April 21

DEATH OP MR H BILLING -Mr. Billing, the well known proprietor of the Watson's Bay Menagerie, died yesterday morning at Mr Kelly's inn, Pitt-street, where ho had been residing for some wesks past For a long time the deceased had been Buffering from an affection of the lunga an I ran oved to "ydnoy m order to rcoeive the benefit of medical attendance The attack, however, waB ot too confirmed a nature, and, despite tho remedies which wererosorted to, tho «offerer gridually succumbed to its v ndence, and breathod lim last at half-past seven yesterday morning During his romdence in the colony Mr Billing had made many friends, all of whom speak in tho hi ¡¡test torniB of his character, and of his uniform kindness to all with whom he was bronghtinto contact_ 5 M Herald, April 23


named llovondon, a com¡ 03itor, was cvrricd to the Infir-mary on Sunday night in nn exhausted state, and ex-pired soon afterwards. Under his ohin was a rather deep gash, from which he hal evidently lost much blood Whether this wound was inflicted by himself or by some other, and whether death followed as a result, will have to bo determined by a coroner's jury today-S. M Herald, April 2D »

GARDINER'S Domos IN THE Bvsn AND ON TriE ROADS_ Ino Burrangong Courier, of the 23rd,says -(Jardiner stuck up about twenty-five mon on the Lachlan Rood, a few day H ano, and soveral drays Prom a oarter he took a small bag ot gold, thanking him for having it about him He also helped himself to a handsomo shawl, of

the value of £19, which he found in a box Tho shawl he immediately converted into a BiddFe-cloth, as a treat to his favourite horse -There is a man in the lock-up, wl o was takon by sergoant Musgrove and a party of polif jj SunJay on a ohargo of murder It was not known at thetiuio who the murdered man was, but it has since been ascertained that ho was M Guinness, the bush-ranger, one of the party that stuck up Pnng's and Orokei's stations a Bhort time ago, and one of the three that had the fight with the police nt Brewer's, when DAVIS was shot down and ciptured There are strong reason» for believing that M'Guinness was shot at tho instance of Gardiner himself, for deserting Davis during the late fi^ht M'Guinness was standing in the bush, looking down at a fire, with his hands behind lum, when a bullet from a distant piece treacherously killed him on the spot. Honest men may congratulate ttemselveB that the notorious lobbers who have infeited our roads for so many montliB have cimmenoed to destroy each other We look npon the captuie of Gardiner and the breaking up ot his whole gang as an event not far dis-tant now. His most trusted companion, Davis, IB in a very p ecanous state in the lock up, from gun-shot wounds, Brewer is there also to console tho other

M'Guinness lay unbuned where ho fell by tbo hands of his mates for thi ee whole days the mun that shot him is in the watoh-house at the Lachlan, and the man that carried the order for tho murder lies in the same lock-up with Davis and Brewer -S M Herald

FKUALF HOME, DARLINGHURST- The oeremony of blessing tho Foraale Home, at Darlinghurst, an institu-tion latelv oponed for the reception and registration of female servants, tinder the supervision of the bisters of Charity, was performed on bundiy last by the Ven. Aich deacon M'fcncroe A large number ot persons attended. A collection was made, amounting to £35-Abridged

from the / mpire, April 29.

CHAROK OP EMBEZZLEMENT-On Monday, at the Central Police Couit, Joseph H. Morrison waB charged with having, while clerk or servant of the committee of the New feoutb W ales Auxiliary B bio Socioty, embezzled various Bums of money, amounting to upwards of £17. After proceeding with a portion ol the evidenoe the case was postponed.-Abridged from the S M. Herald April 29. '

Tnc SCOTS' CurjEtir -A puhho meeting of the mem-bers of tho congregation of the boots' Churoh waa held on Monday, to consider the duties inenmbent npon them in the present crisis, and lo take the requiBite steps for thoir immediate and eflioient disobarge After an ad-dress Irom Dr Lang, it »as rosolved, on the motion of Mr George Brown, seconded by Mr Horniman-" That this Churoh and congregation having been happily re-lieved, by the recent decision of the Privy Council in their favor, from all approhension in regard to their right to the valuable property of the Scots' Chnrcb, it is expedient and necesBary that an immediate effort be made to finish the tower and spue ot the church neree

tthlv tn tim nn mini «lan r,f ti, "I u_ c. S

ou j eu eu» u if, um [nan ui um »nuning, as a utting and

becoming monument of this important decision, and I that subscriptions for this ] urpose be solicited from the I

members ol the congrognion, as well as from other Presbyterians and the public generally" - Abridged from the S M Herald, April 29

MELANCHOLY AJ,D i ATAF ACCIDENT -On Friday after-noon, Mr lemploton, of Petersham, father of Mr lern piéton, solicitor, of this city, was thrown from his horse, and falling on his head, co cussion of the brain wau pro-duced I bo deceased gentleman died at IIIB residence, Petersham, on bunday afternoon -hmpirt, April 16

Mr. Ihomos, the residenten^incerand superintendent of locomotivos on ti e Southern line ot railway, who had a dispute some time back with Mr tcott, the locomotive

foreman, is reported by the Fmpire to have resigned his


ACCIDENTAL DROWNING- Ahoy named Roddorn fell ou ot a boat in Darling Harbour near the foot of Erskine street, yesterday evening and was drowned bo fore assistance could be rendered The body was soon afterwards recovered -S Jit Herald, April 26

NrwÜAiEDOviA-Wo have been informed that M Quillin, who isa post captain in the 1'rench navy, has received the appointment of Governor of New Caledonia, i and that, wuh his wife and family, he is expected here

by the next mill from Hnrore - hmpire, April 26

THE STATUI» OF MB U ENTWORTH -Tbe statue of Mr. Wentworth has within the last few days been placed in tho hall of the Svdney University, the site which wai selected font li) Mr ilontworth, and in whioh it is to remain pending tho ertotion of the new Houses ol Par-liament Probably no one will deny that the hall of the University is a very appropriate place for this testimonial, but tbo question may bo raisid whether the position is a suitable one for tho most efleotive display of the statne and whether the light received, through the "nobly dight' windows, is sufficiently clear lor the proper developing ot the beauties ot the while and almost transparent Carrara marble They can be little doubt that however muoh admiration the statue may attraot -an 1 it will attract vory muoh-that admiration wonll have been considerably increased bad it been placed in a purer and moro brilliant light Seen i s it will bo for many years to come under this d »advantage, the statue will, however, elicit the must oomplete approval ant admiratirn, both a« an ex-quisite piece of statuary and as an effigy ot the first Aus tralun whose services have called lorlh such a testi

moninl lboso who have seen it are unanimous lu de-claring that as a work of art it would not suffer by com pinson with the statues which adorn the publia resorts in European capitals lhe figure stands m an easy and natural but at the samo in a dignified and commanding attitude lhe lett arm rests on the thigh, and the right is outstretohed, the bon gentleman being appropriately represented in the act of addrcmng a publio assemblage. Below the right arm is a short pedestal upon which some papers are lying. The countenance is admirably true to life, not only present-ing the features most accurately but also expressing the strength, capacity, and energ), bo b phyaioil and intel-lectual, wbiob have charaoteribed Mr. Wentworth as a publio man. lhe difficulties whioh a modern garb pre-sents to the production of »o imposing statue »re Tory

successfully avoroome. The coat is fastened at the lowest button, and a light ovorcoat hangs loosely fiom the shouldeiB foo height of the statue is a little under seven feet, and it stands on a handsome marble pedestal threo or four feet from the ground I be statue is the work ot Signor Pietro lonerani, of Rome, one of tho most rising sculptois in Itdy The statue of Mr. WenUo-th is placod about thirty feet from the pnnoipal entrance to tho hall, laoing the dais It wos at first intended to pince a screen behind it, to Borve as a background for the marble, but this intention appears to have been abandoned, the centro opening be-tween the gallery columns is, however, to be filled in, otherwise the light through the entrance when the door is open would interfere with the effeot of the statue It is understood that tho comnultoo of the subscribers to the testimonial propose to celebrate appropriately tbe inauguration of the statue, the timo has not boen fixed, but it will probably be a day or two before tbe annual lucami* of the University, which is to take place on the 17th instant- Abridged from S M. Herald, April 28.

THE CONDEMNED CRIMINALS -On Saturday last the gaoler, | Mr Horsford, received official intimation of tlie fate ol tho i several men under sentence of death in Goulburn gaol Ilo 1 communicated the faot to each Lawler wcut down on his

knees, mid returned thanks to the Almighty for sparing his life Watson, who, from the remarks marlo by tho Judge In ! passing eentence, had expected a commutation, did not seem

much affected Keene and Allerton took the news of their in-tended execution very oalmly Smith, who all all ulong has seemed the most to grieve over his position, was much affected when the fatal nows w as communicated to him As mentioned in last issue, ICeeno and Allerton are to be executed on Mon-day, the Oth May, and Smith (whose real namo is said to be Kogan) on Wednesday, the 7th All three are constantly at tended by the Catholic clargymen and hy the sisters of mercy, and all seem to be gradually approaching a fit state to die -

Uoulburn Herald April 23

AuriiLtv SUDDEV DEATH - While the children of the Goulburn Wcsleyan Sunday School were enjoying themselves In a paddock near the town, on the ¿1st lust, being Hie annlver sary of the festival ol the school a man named George Lrby, Bo years of agc, who was present among other friends was standing at tlie wicket, taking part in a game of cricket, when he suddenly dropped on the ground and expired The melan-choly event made a deep Impression on all present It ap-peared, from an inquest, that Mr Erb) had left his home in good health that morning, but that he had lately complained of dj spepsla and palpitation - Contour» Herald

SFIIIOUS ACCIDENT-A farm servant, named Jonathan Eaves was sitting in front ol his bullock dray, driving along Sloane street, on the ¿tut instant, when, in the effort to moko the animals go to one side lie fell between the dray and the bullocks, and the wheel passed right across his body, smashing lils ribs iii several places -Goulburn Herald

SUDDFS DFATII-Between eix and seven o clock yesterday morning & man named William Hayes, employed as conductor of one of the railway cars weut Into the Cheshire Cheese Inn, Elizabeth street South, and called for a glass of ale The ale was drawn and he was in the act of putting It to his lins when lie dropped to the floor, and expired almost Immediately after wards Dr Collett wns called In and was In attendance in a very few moments, but the man was then dead -Herald, 2CÍA April

On Saturday, Hie City Coroner held on inquest on the body of William Henry Itoddaru, aged ten years, the son of a ship carpenter In Sussex street Ile had been found dead in the water near Blaxland s Wharf where he wns In the habit ot going to fish Thejury returned Hu following verdict-' Came by lils death by suflocation from drowning, but how he fell Into tho water wo have no direct evidence to show

file City Coroner held nu Inquest on Saturday, in Essex street, on the bod) oi Joseph L Burrett a child two years old It appeared that the child had been left alone, and began to play with the fire, when his clothes become ignited and he

wos so much burned that death resulted Verdict-" Died from injuries accidentally received by his clothes taking Ore

the two men, Blood and Steuart, who were discharged by the coroner s jury at the Inquest on the body of Hannah Blood who recently died uuder suspicious circumstances, were charged before the Central Polloe Conn on S-iturday, with having murdered her, and after a portion of the evidence had been taken, were remanded until Vt cdnesdny

On Saturd ly the City Coroner held an Inquest on Hie body of William Ha) e«, one of the conductors of the traini-ny cars, whose death vi os recently mentioned The evidence led to a

rdict that cause of his death was disease ot the heart

DEATH ui>DEn Susricious CmcuwsTAt.cEs -Some con-sternation was created In Braidwood on Wednesday In con sequeuce of a reported murder on board tho steamer Kembla, which arrived nt Nelligen that morning hav ing left Sydney at n late hour on the previous evening and tho town has b»en much excited in the desire to hear the full particulars which we gleaned by the nrrlv al of the Clyde mail last evening Mrs Anderson, sub matron of the Annie Wilson, emigrant vessel, with two interesting boys of 14 yeuis and 0 year« of ago io spcctlvcly, was a passenger In the foro cabin ot the Kembla I he parties retired to rest when the vessel left bydney har hour, and In the morning Mrs Anderson was fouud dead In a berth under which the boys slept, with a man lying over the uppermost part of her body, beastly drunk, and his hands over her face The man was a married man, named Collins a pas-senger for the Gulph and his wife was a passenger in the same cabin When the body wns discovered, it was taken out oi tho berth, and the face and neck were blue and livid flic pockets of di ceased were searched, but no purse or money or chequo could bo lound, nothing but a small memorandum book Ino deceased was known to liave had in her possession seven sove-reigns and a cheque for £2 drawn in lier favour by the Immi-gration Agent lho body was transhipped by order ol the captain ol the Kembla on board the Black Swan steamer, and the man placed in custody on board Unit vessel When ho was taken oil the Kembla ho was not tearched nor was this done until ho got to moruya, when a few notes and some siller were found upon him It is also stated that Collins was seen to go to the vvutcr closet by tlie steward of the Black Swan, where lie remained tvv enty minutes previous to lils arrival at Moruya, and when told upon what charge he was arrested, he trembled violently and changed color, but nothing could bo found An Inquest was held by Mr Caswell, the coroner of Moruya, and Ihe jury arrived at the conclusion, as reoorded by their verdict that the deceased died lrom apoplexy The brother of the deceased, Mr lay lor of Beder vale brother in law to Mr 1 Ney lan oi Strike a I Ight h lot, having heard of tliL circumstance, proceeded to Moruya and brought up the boys by woy of Colligen, and they arrived last night hy the Clyde mall Considerable comment has beeu mude upon the occurrence, more especially as the body was transhipped to the Moruya, instead of being landed at Nelligen, which was the destination of the deceased, on lier way to meet her brother, and where the bulk of the evidence landed I he only witnesses who were taken down iu the Black Swan were a married couple who were passengei s to Moruy a flic question has also been mooted, that the Company should award some compensation to tlie children for the loss of lho mother, ns gross negligence must hal e prevailed In the steamer to allow ol the occurrence ot such a circumstance -Braidwood Observer, 3Cf/i


Ou Thursday the 17th n cottage at Cooma, belong to Mrs E Brenan, was entirely destroyed by fire, the inmates narrowly

escaping with Ufo

Since free selection has been in operation, 5110 acres of land have been selected at the Cooma land office, by SI


The lass Courier reports that the long continued dry season aud tbo almost total absence of an autumnal obaoge have caused an unusual amount of sickness-especially low fever

la that district

On the 35th an infant was found wrapped in a shawl and left on the v crandah of Mr Owen Boyle 8 cottage, at Goulburn

Hie mother was unknown

A meeting was held in Wollongong on the S3rd to consider the proposals ot the Prince Consort Statue Association A resolution for the appointment of a committee to co operate witli the Sydney association was proposed, but an amenât ent recommending the establishment ot an 'Albert Hospital in Wollongong was carried instead

A mau named Laves was lately run over by a dray at Goul-burn and taken to the Hospital Whilst there he made his will, leaving £30 to the institution Shortly attcrwaids he died from tho effects of tbo injuries he had received

A branch oi the Bank of New South Wales is announced to be opened in Goulburn

Peisley, the bushranger and murderer, was hanged at Bathurst on the 25th. Before the execution of his sentence he addressed the spectators at some length, denying several of the charges brought against him-amongst others, that he had been concerned in the rescue of Gardiner from the police

Hie agricultural show of the O Connell Plains Association which was held on Easter Monday, was In some respects inferior to the show of lost y car, but was well carried out, and free from the disorderly occurrences whicli marred tho harmony of last year s proceedings

A discreditable altercation took place in the Deniliquin Poll co Court, on the 16th April, at the publicans licensing meeting, between the police magistrate and Mr ltobcrtson, au attorney