Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843 - 1893), Thursday 28 November 1861, page 2


MEMORIAL WINDOW.—A beautifully-devised emble-matical window, of a most imposing character, has just been put up in the chancel of the Holy Trinity Church Argyle-street, the gift of Mrs. Mitchell, of Cumberland place, "in memory of Helenus and Augusta Maria Scott," and exceedingly well executed by Mr. Clutterbuck, of Stratford, England. Many of the heads are supposed to be taken from Raphael's cartoons. In the centre of the wheel at the top is the Annunciation of the Angel to Mary ; the middle light has the Baptism of Our Lord, surmounted by the emblem of the Trinity, as being the name of the Church ; on the left are the shepherds visiting the child Jesus, and the adoration of the wise men, and on the right is the Ascension, with the disciples in the act of worship. In the quatrefoils, above the two lights on either side, are the letters "Alpha" and "Omega," in connec-tion with the beginning and close of Christ's life on earth. We should be glad to hear of the church being wholly furnished with such memorials ; the liberality 0f the Christian and respect for departed friends would at once be made manifest in a useful and gratifying manner. We observe also that all the other windows of the church have been neatly painted in imitation of Powell's stained glass, by Mr. W. Palmer, of Park-street. The large window has been fixed by Mr. Cooper, of Judge-street.—S.M. Herald, Nov. 23.

THUNDERSTORM AT COOMA.--On Tuesday afternoon last, the most violent storm of thunder, lightning, and rain which we have had this season passed over our township, and its transit inflicted some considerable amount of damage, but happily we are glad to add with-out any destruction of life. During the former part of the day it was evident from the highly charged state of the atmosphere that a storm was impending, accordingly about three o'clock in the afternoon it burst over head. The thunder and lightning was by no means loud or brilliant, but we had a perfect deluge of rain and hail,

so much so that the creek, which has been dry for the past few weeks, was running twelve feet in half an hour. The rapidity with which it rose was most astonishing, and the damage inflicted was very great. In a few minutes the new bridge in Sharp-street was carried away, and nothing left but a shapeless heap of dismantled masonry where it previously stood, much to the chagrin of a number who had so recently paid for its erection. This is a heavy loss. From above and further down the creek, tubs, posts, and rails, fencing and other articles within reach of the water were carried away on an aquatic excursion to the Murrumbidgee in a wholesale manner. While the flood was near its height, some one or two parties, who had been imbibing rather freely in "strong waters," with more foolhardiness than valour, attempted to force themselves on horseback across the creek, and had a lucky escape with a good drenching for their trouble. The fall of rain was much needed for the vegetable creation, in whioh a marked improvement is not perceptible.—Monaro Mercury, Nov. 22.

THE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION.—The whole of the articles intended for the International Exhibition in London are now shipped on board the Vimeira, excepting the geological specimens illustrating the coal formations of the colony, collected by Mr. Keene, Examiner of Coal Mines. Some valuable additions have been made to these since the Exhibition closed ; and the boxes in which the specimens are stratagraphically arranged are fitted with ends which fall down, and show upon neat labels the contents of the several partitions. Mr. Keene is also preparing a coloured diagram, giving a geological section of a portion of the country, illustrating the suc-cessive formations for a length of nearly three hundred miles, and also a map of the coal-producing districts, coloured geologically. Besides the samples shown in this collection, some larger specimens of coal are being sent home. The Lords of the Admiralty having applied

through the Commissioners for the International Exhibi-tion for some samples of our coal, for the purpose of having their quality tested, the collection was entrustsd to Mr. Keene, who forwarded circulars to the proprietors of each of the collieries in work, soliciting their co-operation. The circular stated that the total quantity to be sent was two tons, and that it was to be packed in casks of seven cwts. each, the quantity packed to be fair, round, hand-picked, free from shale, clutter, or slack. Nine of the collieries have responded to the invitation, and the samples are about being packed and shipped. Mr. Keene has recwived a special letter of thanks from the commissioners for his valuable collection.—S. M. Herald, Nov. 20.

PITTARD FONO.-This fund is now closed, and weare glad to state that the sum collected amounts to £588, including £20 received by last mail from Madras, and contributed by our late Governor-General, Sir William Denison, who expressed much sympathy for the bereaved family. Trusteoshave been appointed, and the who!» amount is to be invested here; the interest alone will be remitted to Mrs. Pittard, who, with her large family of little children, leavsB for London per Canaan, now on the eve of sailing.-<S. M. Herald, Nov. 26.

TUE PnorosBD NEW Brsnoruo tit THE SOUTH -Th» Bishop of Sydnoy, who has been making a tour in til» southern portion of his dioosse, addressed a meeting at Braidwood, on the 18th, on tho subject of the proposed new Bishopric. He said-In the proposed division of tho dioceso, it was proposed to include the districts of Maneroo, Braidwood, the Murray, and Murrumbidgil. The number of olergvmen in the new diocese was sow 19, but one was about shortly to be sent to th» Murray, which would make twenty, and th» sole question that remained to be solved was, how is the new Bishop to be sustained 1 He was enabled to elato that tbo Messrs. Campbell of Sydney have long been anxious for the erection of a separate diocese, and are willing to giro a Urge estât» of the value of £2000 towards the endowment. Another member of the same family proposes to give a muni-ficent sum. A gentleman named Rossi, in Goulburn, had promised 100 acres of land within the boon. daries of the Municipality, rated at £800; as alio £500 for the erection of a house. A layman bad

promised one thousand pounds, but not being able pay it all at once, begins from the first of January next to pay interest upon that sum, at th« rate of ten per cent., until the principal is P»id. Two societies in England give £1000 each and Mr. Bull, a gontleman who has retired from business in Goulburn, has expressed bis intention of giving a farm situate at Collector, of the value of £350. Another gentleman, a resident of Goulburn, had promised £100 by way of labscriptions of £80 per annum, to run over five years; and for himself, he (the Bishop) would give what was an equivalent to £1,000, namely, £100 a year from ti» income of his episcopate. He would make this allowance, not that his episcopal duties would bo lessened, for his time would «till be fully ocoupied with the charge« his own diocese, but because ho was desirous to tee u» new bishoprio established. As mattera at present slow, ho thought that about £9000 would be available fortis endowment, but take the lowest amount to be £7000, the income already derivable, would bo £700 a year. H» desired, however, that £20,000 should be raised as the endowment, and that the new se» sbonld be erected wb«n £12,000 bad boen raised.-Braidwood Obtervet, 201«

November. ,

MOBB OUTBACKS DT A "POOB BtAoxrELiow."--iM inhabitants have been kept in a itate of alarm, and to» police in a state of watch fulne.s, by a aerie» of outrages committed by a black aooundrel, named Tangaroo, »eil known in Toowoomba and at the neighbouring stations. An attempt to break into Messrs. Lavera' »tore »as foiled ; a rebbsry of olothea from a house on the out-skirt» of the town was aooompiished, and ia this ess» violenoe was offered to a young woman ID charge of tM place. Happily the villain was disturbed b fore o» aooompiished his atrocious purpose. This took plw» in tbo dsy time. On receiving information of the circumstance, oonatabie Macdonald proceeded W look after the ruffian before he «honld hav« time to take to the bush He was so f»r fortunate a» to find him, and a hard chase ensued; bat the black took to the swamp, and managed, aoocgit the high reeds, to elude his pursuer. He is now se large, but a warrant haa been issued for bia .Pprw«'; sion. This same blackfellow was »bot in the hip whilst making his exit from the store of Mr. Edward.Lort, abont twelve o'clock one night in January last. He UM been in the habit of entering by a win. ow, the fast«infr of whioh he undid aith his tomahawk. U«, how-ever, went once too olten, and a "ball," aomewiat sirogar than usual, rewarded him for his pmwimaM. It Stab« hoped he will i^tiyb.broiisbttoi«iUM

for hi» later enwmtti»».-ßriibtne Qemymdnt V


T_l affair is related in the öouliuri» Beratet of the

«A A farmer of Currowang, named Doherty, was re- I Äifwm Goulburn in a dray, with his wife and a

Mm. His irife bad enonitn sense " gw, uui, .» ».; ^

«u* him, bat failed, and fell asleep by the roadside ; so

rails mm, A..i.f.niw afterwards arrived: but

Dohertv died from the effects of his injuries.

DEATHS BY DROWNING.—On Monday, the 18th, Mr. Stubbs, of Meroota, near Windsor, left home with his wife to attend a funeral, and during their absence, his son William a boy of about nine years of age, went to the river to bathe, and was drowned.—On Thursday morning, a young man named Cahill, a porter at Mr. Lenehan's (Market-street, Sydney) went to bathe in the Corporation Free Baths, and though unable to swim, went impru-dently into the deep water. A young man named Walsh, who accompanied him, attempt-ing to save him, was grasped by the drown-ing man, and narrowly escaped with his life. Cahill, letting go his hold, sand and did not rise again. His body was not recovered for a considerable time, and all hope of restoring animation was then gone. On Tuesday last a body was found floating in the water near Fort Macquarie, and was subsequently identified as that of Edward John Lackman, of Parramatta, who had last been seen alive on the Monday. He had shown to a Mr. Page, with whom he lodged, a valuable watch, which was not on his person when found dead. The coroner's jury returned the following verdict :---" Found drowned in the water at Fort Macquarie, but how he got into the water we have no evidence to determine."---Abridged from the

S. M. Herald, Nov. 23.

A punt has been established on the Lower Murrmn Mdzee st Badgee Budgee, 15 miles from the Lachlan.

It is stated that a quantity of the plant nardoo, brought «o prominently into notice by the Burko and Wills exploring expedition, has been found in the neigh-

bourhood of Deniliquin.

Steps are in progress for the rebuilding of Christ-church, Deniliquin, which was blown down Bome time baok, in a violent storm. The accident has been attri-buted to the thinness of the walls, combined with their

had construction.

DAHOEBOUS ASSAULT.-A correspondent of the Fas toral Times, writing from Toorale, Darling River, atys ¡-Sergeant Hell, whom, from the high character ho bears, I believe to be a very meritorious offioer, has been for soma short time (three weeks or a jaoatb; residing at famish, the station of Thomas Smith, Esq. It ap-pears that DIstriot Constable Elliott, who is a married man, from some cause yet unknown, after snapping a pistol, the cip of whioh missed, at the head of the ser-geant, took up a sword and pieroed him, it was feared fatally, in the abdomen. Sergeant Bell then drew a pistol, and lodged a ball, as nearly as 1 can understand, in the upper jaw of Elliott. This news only teaoheu here last night ; and as ïandah is some twenty -miles from here and on the opposite side of the river, I have leard nothing since. The occurrence took place on Sunday night ; medical assistance there is none within some hundreds of miles ; so nature will have every chinee, but poor Bell's case was thought to be hopeless. This is deeply to be deplored ; as such men as he are in-valuable ia these districts-a resolute, determined, and powerful man, well acquainted with the conntry and the obaraotori and persons of most of the ruffs or ronghs «ho infest it, and a thorough bushman-suoh a man oorJd be ill-spared on the Darling.

According to a correspondent of the Bathurst Times, the reward of £100 paid to the person who gave the information whioh led to the capture of Stewart, of Burrangong, has been handed over to Stewart himself, at whose request tho information was given, for the pur-pose of obtaining the reward,

Mr. Donald Maobenzie, thecontraotor for tho erection of the National school at Deniliquin, was returning from the rices on the evening of the 12tb, when the horse drswing the vehicle in whiob he was seated took fright, sod bolted, and he was thrown heavily to the ground. Death ensued four days afterwards.

At the Yass Qu-irter Session*, Joseph Marshall, Wil-liam Robertson, and William Stewart have been convioted of robbery with fire-arms, at Eurong, and sentenced to ten years' hard labonr on the roads.

The Bathurst Times reports that tho rush to the Lachlan has assumed a magnitude almost unprecedented, and is beginning to raise the previously depressed spirits of the storekeepers and tradesmen.

A child named Dewar was playing at Bathurst on the 18tb, outof doors, with her head uncovered, and received a sun-stroke. Her life was despaired of.

FOUKD DROWKKD -The body of a man named George Wilton, late cook of the Urara steamer, was found float-ing in the water at the Flour Company's Wharf yester-day afternoon, by Captain Bennett, of the schooner Vixen. The man was last seen alive at about eleven oolook on the previous night, The body was conveyed to the dead-house, Ciroular Quay. - S, M. Herald,

¿foo. S3

GEOLOOICAL COLLECTION.-On caturday afternoon, Sir John and I July Young, Miss Dalton, Colonel Gore Brown, and Lord Taylour visited the School of Arts specially to examine Mr, ¿¿«one's geological collection, ai now défini' ivaly arranged by him for the London bx htbltioo. The party atatei an bonr, und on leaving ex-pressed their entire satisfaction with the manner in wbioh the whole geological series is exhibited, setting forth in the plainest manner our wealth in coal, iron, copper, and gold.- S. Al. Herald, Nov 25.

THE WENTWORTH STATUE.- The adjourned meeting of subscribers to the Wentworth Statue, to decide where the statue is to be placed, was held in the School of Arts, at noon, on Saturday last. Sir William Macarthur pre-sided. Inclusive of the chairman, there were only ten gentlemen present, in consequence of which Mr. Gabriel Bennett moved the further adjournment of the meeting until half-past seven o'clock on Monday week. He con-sidered the question too important to decide in so thin a meeting. Dr Douglass said he could not attend on the day proposed. They had not gained much by the previous adjournment. He thought they should proceed to business at once. Mr. George Leary was of opinion that an adjournment was desirable. The present day was the day for closing the mail, and many of the sub-scribers being men of business, could not conveniently attend. He hoped those gentlemen who were opposed to the statue being placed in the University would insist on the adjournment. Captain Russell said if they ad-journed at all, as he hoped they would, he thought it would be well to adjourn until the statue arrived. Sir W. Macarthur said the difficulty appeared to him - what was to be done with the proxies? Mr. T. Barker said there could be no difficulty; the proxies would hold good if they adjourned. The meeting was then adjourned until the evening of Monday, 2nd December.-Empire,


TUE APPREHENSION OF SPICES.-A correspondent at the Lachlan gcid-fields, whose communication bears date 19th instant, sends us the following particulars relative

to the apprehension of Spicer :-A miner named Bartlett I met him yesterday (Monday) alongside the river ; know-ing there was £100 reward offered for the ap prehoniioQ of Spicer, he made UBO of his know-ledge by at once giving information to the Commis-sioner, who resides at au inn about four miles from hero. Mr. Spicer, who would have to go past the place to come here, was st onae stopped and taken into custody by the troopers He was detained at the river, and was re-manded to Burrangong.-Empire, Nov. 25.

Tas WEATDEB ADD CBOPB AT CARCOAR.-The weather has been oppressively hot for the last few days. On Taesday evening wo had several hours* heavy thunder and lightning, aooompanied with a hot wind and a little rain, whioh just «lamped the surface of the ground. The late sown crops are vory light, and unpromising. It is the general opinion that out harvest will be far below an average oue. The gardens have materially suffered from the hot and dry weather, and some of them have been entirely destroyed by grubs and cater-pillars, wbioh are eating beans, peas, onions, potatoes, eora, and every oonooivable vegetable. They seem to have aflrat-rate appetite. ïosterdayagain was very not. During the evening there was a thunderstorm, wlthafewBpotsofrain. There was some heavy rain

somewhere in onr neighbourhood, as a strong rush of, water carne down the creek during the night.-' Bathurst Times, Nov. S3, ö

6roaioD» BAHE-KOTBS.-A large nnmber of spurious «oUs are in circulation on the Laohlan, whioh, from the r general resemblance to bank-notes and the dis-position of th » words " Now South Wales," mieht easily he mistaken for note« of the Bank of New South Wales. On examination, howerer, the imposition can at once be detected, as the paper ii much moro fi.mey than that of a genome bank-note, and the wording very different. A speoimen of these worse than worthless documenta of the "Commercial Billing Company," is now in the hands of Mr. Sherman, 0.0, who is doing his utmost to expose the fraud and put the unsuspecting on their guard - Bathurst Ttmts, Nov 23

FEOPOSKB liisnopsio or GOULBUBH.-On Thursday the Slat » publio meeting was held at Goulburn, for the purpose ct taking measures to secure an endowment for the proposed oishop io ot Goulburn. 'Iho Biatiop of Sydney presided. On the motion of the Rev. W. Bowerby, seconded by Mr. James Chisholm, it was re-solved, ''That this meeting having heard the statement or the Lord Bishop of Sydney, is of opinion that it is Highly dewrable th.tadividon of the present diocese of lydney should be effdote I, and that portion of the colony of Now South Wales comprising the counly of Argyle, end the distriotsot Maueroo, the Murrumbidgee, and the Murray, lying th und sonth-we-t of Goul burn, be formed into a s' .arate diocese, under the name end title of the Bisbopi.o of Goulburn. On the motion of the Rev. P. G. Smith, seconded by Mr. Rossi, it waa tesotrad, "That on condition that the seat of the future otihoprio shall be the town of Goulburn, it is further resolved that subscription lists shall at ouoe be opened for the formation of an endowment fund, and that t'ie minimum amount of «uah fund shall bo £12,000 and a suitable resideno». Furtter resolutions' «ero passed, to the effeot that the clergy of the propo.ed new diocese ahould bo requested to co-operate in obtain-ing sub crlplions, andtnutthe endowment lund ahould be invested in the hands of ti re. trustees, to be ohoseu by the subscribers under arrangements to be made by a oom^ute« appointed by the meeting. On the motion of

«i«!!.' **? Ul*b' ,eoo,'aeu' bJ Mr- D'*on, it was then resolved :-" That, in the opinion of this meeting, it will S» desirable that th« frit appointment to the buhoprio

of Goulburn shall bo made at the recommendation of bis Grace the Arohbishop of Canterbury ; and that a copy of this and the foregoing resolntions be oommunioated by the ohairman to his Graoe the Arohbishop of Canter-bury, to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, through the Colonial Secretary, and to the seoretary of the Booiety for the Propagation of the Gospel." The Bishop having read a list ot promises already made towards the endow-ment, amounting to »bout £^000, the meeting separatod. On the following evening a soirfSs was held in the Mo ohanios' Institute, for the purpose of furthering the same object, when a sum of about £40 was obtained. Abridge from the Goulburn Herald. Nov. 23.

Tan SNUUSH MAIL.-Notwithstanding that the publio were afforded another day for replies to their Eng'iib correspondence, of course numbers of letters were late How bitter the disappointment, therefore, of those who, leaving everything to the last minute, came runuing to the Post-office with their letters, only in time to see the window closed, when the process of nailing np the boxes being proceeded with, it would be useless even though the necessary apertures wer« open to drop any luttera in with the hope of their being forwarded. A plan, how* ever, lins been introduced here by Mr. Hunt, the super ¡ntendout of the Post-office, which merits the highest praise, t-ome time Binoe, during a run home to the old country, ho embraced every opportunity to carefully watch the newest postal anangements adopted there, with the view to their being as f.r as possible carried out hero, and the information so readily afforded him by the authorities at St. Martin's Le Grand has resulted in many valuable suggestions. H» evidently feels a pride io the per-formance of his duty. After the English mail had closed at the Post-uffioe, this gentleman hastened down to Moore's Wharf, on whioh he has a small office. Hero he was in attendance up to within one hour of the mail ateamor being underway, to receive letters whioh were too late for the regular mail, then dosed at the General Povt-offico. How tbis last opportunity was grasped at by hundreds on Saturday, was evinced by a scene which presented itself on the road leading down to the wharf the pooplo rnnning with their hats in oue hand a ,d their letters in the other, in breathless haste to post their cor-respondence, which, when they were daly deposited, donbtless relieved many an anxious mind, and proved not only a source of great publio oonveuience, butwas profit-able to the revenue, an extra oharge being paid for the accommodation.-Empire, Nov. 25.

STORM AND ACCIDENT BT LianTitiHo. -During the afternoon of friday a storm broke over Parramatta wbiob, although of abort duration, was accompanied with lightning as intensely vivid as we ever reco leot to have seen One flash was particularly noticed m the north-eastern part of the sky, followed by an instatane ous clap of thunder, wbiob did not pass away without ínflioting injury, moat providentially, however, no loss of life ooanrred It appeal s that the electric fluid struck a cottage, occupied by Mr J. Moody, who is only slowly recovering from severe accident, penetrated the roof at the rear of the premisos, close to the chimney, displac-ing the brioks and mortar, and entered tbe back room, near the celling and immediately above tbe fireplace, from thence it appears to have been attracted to the clock standing upon the mantelpiece, which it shivered to atoms, scattering the fragments lu every part of tbe room, from thei ce it must have glanced to the wall, whioh is penetrated and otherwise marked in five or BÍX places, and finally made its escape at the open door, where Mr. Moody, who was in the adjoining room, saw it, and compares it to a large globe of Ure The door of the dook was driven on to a table opposite, knocking down several articles standing on it, buttboglasBof the door itself was not even o acked A pioture hanging above the mantelpiece was uninjured , The brickwork of the fireplaoe was very muoh shattered The most serious matter tor remark, however, is the providential eso pe of Mrs Moody She had baen washing a ohtld m toe room whioh was entered by the lightoiuc, and had only that inBtant lett the room for the purpose of dosing the front window, at Mr. Moody's re-quest, carrying the little child with her. The light-ning must have played about in every part of the room, and bad she remained there an instant longer, she must either have been killed or sustained serious injury. The feelings of Mr Moody's family mav well be imagined at this manifest interposition of Mvine Providence by whioh the lives both of Mrs Moody and her child were

saved -Herald i Parramatta Correspondent \


stone of a ¿National aohoolroom at the Glebe was laid ou | Saturday by Lady ïoung, in presence of a large con-course of persons. Her ladyship, accompanied by Mr Jobn Young Colonel Gore Browne, and others, arrived at about half past four at the site, where the Hon G W Allen, M LO, Mr G W Allen, the Rev Dr. Woolley, and Mr btuart Hawthorne, were waiting to reoeive thom The proceedings were commenced by Mr Hawthorne, who addressed Lady ïoung on behalf of the sohool committee, returning thanks for the honor of he presenoe, giving some particulars respecting the esta blinhment of the school, and presenting a trowel of silver, and mallet of mj all wood, ornamented with silver, with whioh the stone might be laid. Her lad)shin having laid the stone in the usual manner, read au ad-dress, af er which Dr Woolley spoke at considerable lengtri Ohoor» were then given far Ladv ïoung for his Excellenoy tbe Governor, and for Dr Woolley, and the assembly dispersed-Abridged from S M Herald,

Nov 25

ATTEMPT TO ESCAPE FROM BERRIMA GAOL-An at-tempt to escape was made by some of the prisoners con-fined in the hospital to this goal, at about one o'clock this (Friday) morning. They had commenced making a hole in the ceiling of their room, but were disturbed be-fore it was of sufficient size for a man to get through. There were only three men in the room, and the gaoler had each of them immediately confined in separate cells.

One of the three is well known to the authorities of Goulburn gaol, and if you make enquiries you can soon learn a good deal of his history from them. His name is George Wilson, alias Kemp, and he once escaped from the hospital of Goulburn gaol. To reach the ceiling one bed-board had been placed on another bed-board, end-ways, and put to lean against the wall. Blankets had been used to catch the falling plaster from the ceiling, and to deaden the sound of what little noise they were obliged to make. The sleeve of a shirt had been tied to the corner of one of the blankets, by which they intended to descend from the roof of the building to the ground. Wilson had all his clothes on, and a bundle made up ready for a start. James Davidson, when the gaoler went to the room, was covered up in the bed, but he had his trousers on, and no doubt intended to accompany Wilson. The other man, George Jones, was in bed; but, as a matter of course, he must have been aware of what was going on, and no doubt bad been assisting. The gaoler had all along been under the impression that an attempt at escape would be made by Wilson, and bad therefore been doubly vigilant, fortunately his vigi lance proved successful. -Correspondent of Goulburn

Herald, Nov 23.

HEAVT hTOBKs -INTENSE HEAT -During the week, up to yesterday, the heat of the atmosphere has been unusually fierce On Tuesday night, wo experienced a heavy storm of thunder and lightning, with very little rain in the immediate vicinity of the town However, it fell down the southern road in torrents The Fish Uiver, below Gunuing was impassable for some time, and the flood was no high, and the water ran so powerfully, on Breadalbane Plains, as to carry away somo of the heavy timber lying oo the sides of the road. O > the following night another fierco sto m broke over Yass, and con-tinued during the greater part of the c:»bt Tbe heaveuB were lighted up by the electric fluid, and the scene for several hours was appallingly grand. The lightniug-oonduotor at the tower of St element's church waB struck, but the edifice escaped injury lhe usual Wednesday evening service was being performed at tbe time A good deal of rain fell, and smoe then the atmo-

sphere has been considerably cooler.- Pass Courier,

Nov 23

TUE SroBM OH WBONESDAT -The chimney of the new ball-room at the Doncaster Hotel was struok by 1 gut Ding on Wednesday evening last, but beyond splitting the bnokwork no further damage waa done. The build-ing is a large two story one, with a rino roof, the ohimney projecting several feet above the eastern gable of the building The acoident should operate as a cau-tion to the holders of large blocks of bu'ldingt like the Doncaster, and cause them to ereot lightning conductors I as a protection for their property.-Braidwood Obierver.

ATTEMPTED SUICIDE DV A CHINAMAN-Early on Thursday, John Ah How, a Chinaman, awaiting bis trial at the Yass Sessions, on a charge of horse-Btealing, made two desperate attempts to put an end to his life while in the gaol He had on the previous day been put in the dock for tbe purpose of being arraigned, but, as no in-terpreter was in attendance, he was remanded baok to hi» oell During the night he made a noose out of a oomforter he wore, and fastening one end to the grating in the door, endeavonred to hang himself Hit attempt was frustrated by his fellow.priaoners Determined not to be baulked, be squatted down, and fastening one end of the comforter, on which «as tbo slip knot, to his toes by means of some string, he strove to strangle himselt by extending i is body, and using all the muscular aotion of his legs. The alarm was then given to the acting gaoler, aud means were adopted by him to prevent a re-petition of tbe attempt at self-destruction bince lus conviction, John says he will not go to Cockatoo, but will take wing like a bird, and fly out of the window (air gratiog) ot his oell, evidently meaning that he has not abandoned his intention to destroy himself-Tau

Courter, Nov 23

TBPHDEB STOBM -On Thursday night last, this town was visited with a very severe thunderstorm. The lightning was excessively vivid, and wa» accompanied with ternfio peals of thunder. The gable-end of tbe Wesleyan Chapel was struck by the eleotiio fluid, and a portion of the work shattered The telegraph ofhee waa also visited, and considerable damage was done to the machinery of the interior, whioh tendered the transmis-sion of messages impracticable All day yesterday was occupied in repairing the manipulating apparatus, which

was set to woik again m the evening -Bathurtt Timet,

Aov 23

Duri ig a heavy thunderstorm on the 20th, Sampson Flin and William ittlliams contractors, working on the U-ledonian Reef, Adelong were atiuck by lightuing, and killed on the spot Williams wa« inside his hut, preparing to light a fire, and buuipson was entering al the door with some wood whioh he had fetched for the pnrpo«», when tbe fatal i(Me M npoa both.

POTATOÄS.-The orops of this vegetable, which pro-mised very w11 in the early part of the month, are be-ginning to look badly. About Larbert and Euroduok a Bpecies of grub has devastated all the early crop. It does not appear the same as tho potato disease whioh devastated Ireland some years siuoe, but rather some-thing like the ravages of the aphis ; but in the present instance the insect is inuoh larger, approaching the size of a caterpillar. The ground appears actually alive and moving with these pests. Lime has been tried by Mr. Jennings, but we believe ineffectually, as the whole crop is spoilt.-Braidwood Dispatch, Nov. 23.

hTATioif SOLD.-Mr. Thomas Oarohy bas, it is under-stood, sold to Mr. David Reid, of the Murray, the Län-geren, with a frontage of ten miles to the Lower Laohlan, and a depth of eight miles ; and also two baok blocks, Walgiers Plains and Muttaning Plains, on the north side ot the Lachlan. With the country are 8000 sheep-price £12,000 Cash £5u00, and the remainder at »nn and iwo years. Mr. Augustus Morris has sold to Mr. Matthew Harvey, Paika Station, on the Lowor Mur-rumbidgee.- Border Post, November 20.

The Rev. Father Lanigan was presented with a purse by the Oatbolio toung Men's Society of Goulburn, on the eve of his departure from that town.

Tenders have been accepted for the erection of a Wesleyan Church at Taralga, on land granted for the pnrpose by Major-General Maoarthnr.

HOBBEBr wira VIOLENCE-Yesterday evening about dusk, a bullock dray arrived in town, conveying one William Pitt, a Chinaman, and formerly oook at the Tumut Inn, who had been ornelly beaten and robbed. This said Chinaman was ' engaged as cook at the Pioneer Hotel, Adjungbilly, and on Snnday morning at sunrise, three men entered the kithen where he was sleeping, beat and kicked him shamefully, and then robbed bim of his savings, amounting to £11 2s. Being unable to move from the injuries he received, he lay almost insensible until some one of the household entered the kitchen and discovered him bleeding pro-fusely, when such assistance as was available was rendered to procure medical comforts. The poor fel-low presents a frightful picture of emaciation, his fane being .horribly -disfigured, and his body one mass of bruises. The perpetrators of the outrage are known as Billy Bligh, Big Jack, and Ned, three well-known mon in this looality. We trust they will soon be captured, and justice dealt out to the ruffians.-Wynyard ïimes,

Nov. ID.

MEETING OP PLASTEBKBS.-A meeting of plasterers was held at the Swan-with-Two-Necks, corner of Park and George streets, yesterday evening, the object of the meeting being to eliott opinion in reference to a resolu-tion recently adopted by the plasterers' society, to the effect that on and after Monday next a demand should he made by the operatives of their employers for a rise of wages to the extent of a shilling a day per man, aud, as an alternative, to strike work if the demand was not conoeded. After a vast amount of squabbling almost every man advocating the adoption ot a different mode of proceeding to that advocated i>y his neighbour the chairman at eleven o'clock (the discussion having ocoopied Beveral hours) declared the meeting dissolved)

no deoision having been arrived at.-S. M, Herald, Nov. 23._