Sunday Herald (Sydney, NSW : 1949 - 1953), Sunday 3 September 1950, page 11

ç Ke-Iíop. Ïîe-Bop


SURNEY of dance music during which the works of Iciilin- composers of Pop Be bop and Re bop will be heard, has started from 2FC at 1 40 p m each Sundn in a new series 'Here Come ihe Dince Bands Again "

The ABC recently imported from America a special set of

dance bind recordings

Í This afternoon Charlie Ventura's band will play Duke Ellington, includine such numbers as "It Don't Mc in w a Thing,* "Sophisticated lad) Solitude,' 'Prelude to a Ki" and Mood Indigon


Tscna. Tzcua


,H\X/HICH reminds me, 2UW's *? ' Disc Jockey, Lvil Richard-

son c1 nnied last week that a new

Cumber will soon zoom to the top L-of the hit parades The title I SfT¿em T¿ena Tzena "

ya At 10 a in to day Lyal will de

syote his whole session to what «.America is listening to "Tzena" 5 $ill be included

£ La ii ii American

f T)LTORL leiving the subject of

*¡* Pop last week I was listening I lo 2CH s L Um American rhumba, I sambi and tango session, "Take It ¡From Pincho (Tuesday and Fn

; day il S 30 p m )

Pincho i Mexicano with a fal-setto \oice is introduced by Len {Martin ind the music is mtertipersed with humorous patter My

IVerdict more Latin American

Ijnusit and less Pancho, please

EI.000 Prize

PHE 1950 Mobil Quest for I vocil hlent reaches it grand bl stace at the Melbourne Town tall next Wednesday

j Who will win"» Will it be the ISydncj soprano Joan Sutherland M the Newcastle bass William |S|mih'' Or will it be one of the TQut \ictomn finalists soprano Maureen Bo) ce bass baritone Robit Allman tenor Edwin Liddle, pbanione Da\id Allen'

¿The contest and judging will be

broadcast in Sydney from 2UE at 9.15 p.m. on September 6.

Each finalist will win at least

£50. The second prize is £300;

the third £150.

I am tipping tenor Edwin Liddle

for first. Like to take a bet?

Plays To-day

THERE are three plays to listen

to to-day. At 4.10 from'2FC there will be a matinee perfor-mance of "Night Must Fall." John Cazabon plays Danny, with Lyn-dall Barbour as Olivia, and Rita Pauncefort as Mrs. Bramson (the old lady whom Danny plots to murder).

? At 8 p.m. 2UW offers Elisabeth Bergner in "The Two Mrs. Car-rolls" and 2GB Frederick Lonsdale's "But For the Grace of God," with Lyndall Barbour and Max


Both of these are also of the murder-thriller variety, the Lons-dale one having a touch of comedy.

New ¡Serial


" Diary" has started on 2CH as the 7; 15 p.m. serial feature, Mon-day to Friday.

Hester, played by Elaine Mont. gomery, is Hester Bamford of Nor-

folk, whose 1809 diary tells how she faced the rigours of a voyage in a convict ship'to Sydney town to marry a man she had never met, played by John Tate.

Hester faced all the hardships rather than die a spinster in Eng-


-F. W. L. Esch