Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Friday 6 October 1922, page 12



Succour the Injured.

Vlfeontaimd is i pin isl nilli nindi most nomcn aie fimihii in flit

miden du h ind it sujets lt-ilf liistmc |

tiich lo the liomin m ho pam bel first lint lo the Vf.«poit IInl««> Workshops

speiknife (itiiiutii"h ne make tieii^ Hunt, liLie, fiom n needle to un nichol," hIu is told bj the com leons oflicial nlio

(.unies liei unccrt-iin steps through a nia/e. rf riiluaj lines and along nhut semis a pel lions path beset bl steam ilrn cn 1 oiling ..fuck that mifelit heir donn upon cue it mi minute But if ii ith a los c-iicIcís

(,ui li un accident did happen ldiei nould »ot be fin to *-eek, foi, hit behind nell k»pt "reen linns and beuutitul Holier beds, ill ii Inch such uustocrats as tulips dwell, there is i nell iippoinl-d < lsualti loom, willi Sistn Doui.1 is, URI , in chnige In tins loom hu-fi Doughs ltlcmls to acei

lint uni nlmenl fiom the time the shops i pen it httlfpist 7 m the morning till thci close tt "> in the cieni'ig Thtfie ne J 000 men emploicd in the »hops, and the ainag*, dailj attendance at the

cisilultv room is 07, windi does lint nu hule 1 lie Oiti i vmts o' tim i» vv|n ninv Imp tn ionic hack foi ittoniiun two ni thr c times in tin (I iv

The inmmissioiiPis mav well tnngrili« lite themselves on having oin um I the sei vice of Si«tci Pougl is mi ihm vi oik Lntil lui ippomtnipiit in \pnl list imv iccidcnls that oumul in the. wniHiops -ind it H intucsting ti le lill tint ti» peicontago" of suions, indents is <\tpp

tionall} low lui Muli in establishment were attended lo bl cniplnv is who lud done the Jit .Inhp Vmbulii ne mur°c, ind the liew dcpiiiluip vv is evuleiitlv m tht> miniç of tin e\in muent ft li tn pro id nn un .imbin d suttps« 1 v idenep (f tins lies in the fad that ^lstci Douglas is oh tuiniiif. lu dtgiccs i vi i v tiling sin le.nuts foi the thorough ciiuipim nt ol Iii i dep ii f i mt nt A vv uting n oin, In mut nu i i ni

¡fortuhle couch foi min fulfilling [mm ¡I shock, mid a stoiuonm me heilig added tn

the pii>cnt Iniilding 1 le lilies fir sterilising both In sie un and plictnul}, au excellent not water suppli, and a pnwir I ful adjust lilli» mu. lufiing g1 iss v i tit i Ipi

|tnc light, foi ilciling willi fnicign bodies

in the eve, no included in the equipment 'of which both Sjstu Douglas md Vi

flapi) are v erv pioud An aim but li an I i ¡t_ bath in oilvcicd cuppa, nude tt t«i

Ristci's design, also itlinuti itleiition nul the identifies hciself _ith her hiniouiuhii.s', as she snjs, \nd we make eveijthin¿ ou Hie pu mises '

the pievcntivo natiiie of Sister Douglass wuik is moat v iluable 1 oi instanc

niiiioi injune» to the lunn is aro of fie quellt (icciirience, ¡nul if neglected in such ii place might easilj become seplie, und even lcsult in the loss of ii lingei oi nn arm And accidents to the eve, which might prove «eiicitiR if not attended lo ut mite, pim ii 1 ii|,i pint in the ii iv s wink ,'toothill he and siniiliu mímenla ire also I relieved with sistet's nid, but suions mat I leis are leferred at once to n doctor Si6tei Douglas Ipls also at her command u coi ps of first md mon ni the vv orkshops «ho will tike ii man homo if nccossm oi oinv a patient into the casunltj loom if ho In* been ' knocked oui ' V

Sistei Dougl is, vv ho did bel training ni the Alelbourne Hospital, Bcived through the wai in 1 gjpt and Trance, and Ind con sideiuble expei lence m a casualtv station

up the line in Dunder h On hei return (.ho woiked for some lime in the new cisuiillj wild at the Melbourne Hospital, and also as sistei tutoi lu her new posi

tmu hei knowledge of huinitnitj as well as ol inn smg «-tand» her and the dcpittiuent ind hei patients, who, she sajs, are veiy gritcitil, in good stead

Catering for Giants

"Kissing don't last, cookciv do ' says Mis Keru m 'The Ordeal of liiclinid J eveiel ' Hie connection mav seem n little lcmote, bul one is leiniiidid of Aft» Hcrrj s viiMlom bj a visit to the tremen-dous dining hall which is palt of the wet

fine scheine at Newport WoikBhops Much his been hcaid of tins dilling room, vi hue 1,230 men ma} sit down at once to a meal of tinco tom sea foi SJd each and finish in 20 minutes 'Jo the house wife who Ins to 'wrastle" willi ¡let income ni ordei to feed hei faillit} ns it tlupks it ought to be fed this sounds like i lomaiice But soeing'is believing

AA Hie clo'k 12 theie commences T stead ' sticaiu of men fiom all pails of the vant tnwaids the dining mom, which is olí tie gai den mentioned above Piicli table in the loom holds 12 people, and each mun has his accustomed place the lillie ippomtmcnts, including the white cloths, me spotless, and hinging pot plnnls nld to the appc u ance of the well lighted and well ventilated loom 'J he men choose to din what thev will have for to moi row s meal mid a tj pical menu in chides soup, fish three entrees, tin ce hot joints, tlnce cold meals, two silnds, anil two sweets On Wcdncsdtn the veget ablcs stn ed weic peas, pumpkin, cibhnge, and hiked and boiled jiotitoes Lach helping is gcncioiis, und nnjone who wishes

mav hive a second

Hut (he most mtcrcbling pait of this establishment is the kitchen, which seems to be even thing that ii kitchen should lie Orderliness nnd cleanliness pie-la I A visit was paid this week just befólo 12 when the «meals, were being sciveU In the centre of the room, behind huge vessels containing the valions nients and gullies, vegetables and pud dings, stand the sen orsfnnd the v\ntre««es -there are about 2J-bung lo each m tin n a tray containing six plates, on which the food is placed Nothing is touched with the li mils and the food is sen ed v crj caí e flilli 'Hie tra>s me then placed in hot boxes, heated b} steam pipes from the kitchen, and kept at un even tcinpeialine, just befoie the men come in, mid this enables the waiting to be done expedí tiousl}

Behind the kitchen llicie is a store loom, which looks like n munn tine groceiv stoic, and so spotlessl} clean, with its white»ashed flooi, that one hesitated to walk in willi one's mudd} shoes 'finn theie is the vegetable-room, willi the vcgelnhlcs on vino lui}s set np fiom the ground, und the upper pait of the walls on tinco sdes, consisting of fine wne net ting, to allow of fiee ventilation In ml

I ditton theie is a lcfiigiiatingroom and

the mom wheie the meat is kept and cut up, closed in with II v ni oof wiro mesh 'Hie whole of the iiiiaugements ino such

is would sntisf} the most exacting health expelí or housewife

iheio is also a cafe, where the men mav buv cigaiettes, pipes, matches sweets his pints, sandwiches, and soft di ml« Xhoio is, too, a soda fountain, and whispers of f spiders *- for the sumnici. After dinner the men "take the mr" in the garden, mid those of them who arc mai ned discuss girdenmg topics with the girdencr The} come to linn first for advice, but lifter a little experience, like nf un ant iteurs, offei it to the expei t It is doubtful if theie lue w oilers nnvwheie who aro 1)01101" cat ed foi, fiom the vvclfmc jiomt of view, thin those at Newport Woikshops


In the passing of Mrs Ellis Rowan Australia has lost one of her most accomplished daughters, one whose personality will linger like a fragrant memory with those who were privileged to be her friends Her death on Wednesday came as a great shock to them. Sweet-tempered, lovable, and fascinating, she was described by some of those friends yesterday, among them Mrs. C. E. Drought, and her sister, Miss Godfrey whose friendship with Mrs. Rowan in has been lifelong. Mrs. Drought was her bridesmaid, and Mr. F. R. Godfrey, her father, was one of the first to recognise the national value of Mrs. Rowans work.

From the time when she was quite a

young girl Mrs. Rowan was fond of drawing and painting, and Mrs. Drought

remembers her industry as one of the most remarkable things about her. She did everything equally well, even the making

of her own dresses. It was never her ambition to be a great artist; it was the scientetific aspect of her work that appealed

to her most, and she leaves a record of the flora and bird and insect life of her native land that experts have pronounced to be invaluable. Many times Mrs. Mrs Rowan has refused offers for her Australian collection complete or in part, but she was determined

that it would remain in Australia.

It is sad to think that the only State that has a representative collection of her work

is Queensland, where a special pavillion is devoted to it in the Brisbane Art Gallery. Melbourne owns only some of her very earliest and least attractive works.

Mrs. Rowan travelled much. She was in America for 12 years, where she sold a great deal of her work and was commissioned by the Government to illustrate a series

of botanical text books for the

use of pupils in the public schools. She travelled all over America, visited Thursday Island more than once, and spent

some years in New Guinea, working all the time. Practically the last thing she did was the painting of more than I,000

butterflies, chiefly from Queensland and New Guinea, a very beautiful collection,

copied from specimens sent down to her. Just previously she had made a collection

of toadstool paintings finding, even within two miles of her home at Macedon a great many varieties. There are in Melbourne

very few examples of "Ellis Rowan china," which is well known and value in Sydney.

Mrs. Rowan did a lot of special work for a Sydney merchant who transferred her paintings to china, which had to be sent abroad to be fired, and the European firm guaranteed the artist a large salary if she would go to Europe devote herself to decorating china.

But Mrs. Rowan's gifts were not confined to her painting. She also wrote very well,

one of her books, "A Flower Hunter in

Australia" being very bright and amusing.

Another delightful book was "Bill Baillie," a record of the doings of her pet "Bilboa," who travelled about with her for many years, a tame and faithful friend. Among

incidents illustrating the character of Mrs. Rowan, the following was recalled by Miss Godfrey. On one occasion the stable at her home caught fire, and while everyone else stood looking on, Mrs. Rowan went

into the burning stable, took off her skirt, threw it over the horses head, and led him to safety. They were both severely

burned, but the horses life was saved. Mrs. Rowan's sight was remarkable, considering the nature of her work, for until last year she never used glasses. For many

years Mrs. Rowan has made her home

with her sister, Miss Ryan, at the Cottage, Macedon, returning there always from her travels. And there she died, after a long life, full a valuable industry and loving kindness towards her very wide circle of


A new ternlon oí the dccor-Uite Venetian sin** I so uiuch In \o"utí mcivci foi ceiling -ucjr * Black wool with a pt> inouaic of flowci ?Jpslpna in T_lfc-l -not».* aiid i lotice fringe of thick woollen Etrnnds, form tho one illub tnted abote

- - The Child Mind." . - , .. An inteicMing visitor to Melbourne ia Airs. Potter, nho, as Miss muriel Malters, is well known in Adelaide. Min- Porter, who lus been away ii oin Australia for some years, is arranging to give a series ot lorim ps on the psychology of the Monle» soi*i method, commencing in the Queen's Hall on October 10, which should create considei able nitere-,t among educationists, because* of Mis. Poiter's personal experi-ences and researches. Jilrs. Porter spent a year at lVn-colona with Madame Montes-sori, attending her international course in 11)11), and since then she has been woiking with childi en between th" ages of two and five yeais, principally'in the East .End of London. She also visited; by invitation, several of the principal educational train-ing centies in England and Scotland, and lectured to the students. Mis. Poitci's

lura, as she puts it, »is lo deepen the in-terest not in child representation hy adults, bul in what the child is able to reveal concerning himself and his powens rind during her lcctuies she will offer potent. illustrations "in proof of her .aigii incuts, among them icprodiictions in colour of some cxtraordiniiiy pictu-es painted by children between 7 und 15 years of agc, under the methods adopted by Professor Cizcn' of Vienna. Mis. Porter has had many inteicsting experi-ences during her years abmad, one of the most recent being an in.poilant conference which she was invited to' attend, with

twenty "of Ihe leading'theolopi.ins and edu-

cationists of Gicat lltit.iin. 'elie conference lasted for three days and nights, and ipics-. tions of vital importance, fiom the reli-gious and educational standpoint, were iliscus«ed. Since lier return to Austialia Nlrs. Poitcr has visited Wettern Aiistialia,

Adelaide, and Sydney, ,

'Ulis shawl is made In bright orange, trimmed' with nn '-embroidery of green and scarlet ilowpfH, with ii deep '.'.sollen fringe in orange und black.

Melbourne Ladies' Benevolent Society

Sixti eight jciis ago nas planted the seed that was lo gio« into what is to dav one of Melbourne n most intei eating and most uiltmblc chiintiib'e oigtni&jtions, when on August 20, 1S11, a fe» ladies, members of Scots Chuich, Collins streit, foimcd i 'Picsbjlennn romalo Visiting Soeiclj ' lo leheie the poverlj, sickness, iinsl distress which* oven then note to be met willi in "Melbourne A committee of 12 was appointed, which undeitook ihe col lection of funds, und meetings neio held montlik In the first lent 15 etscs n ?. i choice!, the eipcudilure reaching -CT0 Members of other denominations joined the societi, and m Auwust, 1847, the name was changed to *?' Mclbtoirtie 1 eniale \ isitnu fcociet} and it became stnctK tindenomi national 1 milly; in August 1R61, it be carne the Melbontne Ladies' Benevolent feociots, its prêtent title

The first president ñas Afra .lames

I orbes, the lufa of V clergunan, undct ' nhose auspicia thtf soeiet> was founded Tor fiio years it continued its work with out Government aid, but in Julv, 18-51, after some ttouble, unclaimed poundigo fees to the amount of E13/V were handeil over^lo the societi In 1S53 its resources nero* Uxcd to the utmost, oiling to the gold nish 'linee a week the membeis of the committee itsilecl "Camaston n," on the Y'aria, where the scenes'ot misen mt nested line snd "to be beiond desenp tion As a consequence the fininml pot

tion of the societi became precaiious, and Government nd had to be souahl Mt

Edward \"i llson, of ' The At gus made an

appeil for the tocu ti md also helped it' peisomlli Tlie fittt dncct Trcisun gi -' ' to be nndi mt C100 in lSIO Bt *.",*".

the nunibei of rills upon its actnilies the | soeietj frcf|iientli found itself with a hem oierdnft at tlie bank and in 1801 it mu fioied tint it nould lune to disc open tions \"i ith re len a I of Goi miment and

nubile support the position beemie cisici, j

but it lias no1 until it hid been in exist enee foi t0 leal s that the societi rcilh oi ore mu its hniiicial tioubles

the luttoii of these catii dus makes intetestmg leading I undi iriti bréeos, if .not contempt, icn often bel of mteiest,

ind thue ure mam people to du ti ho nould be surpr sed lo leam the part tin [societi has ulmus plajed in Melbournes biston No one in leal need of help, nlutlici tmit oi s liner, lins eici hoon re fused M,ani of the member*, ot the jue sent committee baie been ustocutcd with it foi i greil mini mrs Mts Mi In«

nei, the piçnitlcnl, li it been 1 incmhct | tiiice 1S9G, ind M st (..eddie, nlio has been ' secretan fot l"i leait, hit been familnrl

luth its work s ni i the nts i child, ltd | motliet being one of the cirli nien,bers | , Topics of Interest i

\ecoiilnig to the leptut ol the mcdieil ollim foi Moiimiiuththiic (I nglnnnl, a

i luothei in the* count} jeccntk gale bnth to ¡ her lift H pet ol tunis, bunging her numil

I up to 17 Ihe luothei was one of timiB i lind hu mothci who lud 22 childi cn, nus

lito one of tn ins

| Hie lititt wollun to tal« out an an

pilot s (cttiiinte is the lion 1 Isle MucKai

I hold Inelu ipi s tint il d uglitei ii ho nuns I a lui Inn Ile Iinullnnd mulline It is!

saul that Link 111 nn Conpu nlmse mm<

and iel tines mutt lie fnunliii to cien1 I ii iilu of I nglisli itluttiutcil piipei» is alsoi 'stink um i"i the ixumiuuinii foi *i pilot I


\ M mIi iii woman Miss Beuiiin Sultan

n io e i ithet is the ed toi of i Mohammed in ' neiispapci lueiitk hi tided tin litt ol sue rettlul i nidiihtes m the Buhcloi of Lill I'ltliniui ni I \ munition ni ( l'i ulta Lni

i ei sit i lins is sud to be the unit time th it u lint t in has come nut on t ip ni a law

e\ mini itinii

What to do in the Gardon

1 nut tiees ni the home gaidin ate sure' to proie unprofitable if spiaung ini the I destmi tion of inte* t pest, lie neglected Main tpuies of aphis nip pirtienluik pre i lient this '?pnn^ th ni.c mid lemon treis ne siibjut to altin 1, anil ttccs in ftttid mil fail to set fruit ihe dçiclop n eui of }Oiin¿t shoots will ii o foi attested llieje ara tu o spei lé» ntHphis itta"hing J eaijh tices, one blacl. the othei gtcin Hie lenes often become tip lui und mis hhiipcn a conthli&n nftcriue lilly miaüiken

?Tot thç leafciitliiiun^lis ditcw-K Jin es'

animation will soon leven' the presence ot insects thickly clustered at first upon the under tide of the lc.ncs, but rapidly extending over the tender shoots. Pre-pared tobacco, solutions nicotine, or black kui -SO ure the most effective .tpinving solutions for these pests. Applei and peat« thoulel be sprayed with antenote nf load ns soon at tbe-petuls have fall--; Ulli]'Rjaiin about a week ,or ten-days'.Ialet. 'Jhi* r.nq'grs of t'-e'co'llin moth may bo intirak prevented bv timely treatment. Orange ¡mil lemon trees may »till be planted, liking cure not to tine lihrotiF i'ii)l*i :it the base of the plant. A dressing oi bimcdust lightly îork.s. wound tlie rools ot established tree» «ill improve thrir growth .mil increase their limtinc po\i»r. A 'milch of v. ell-rotted stable n.iiiiiue is »So li gie-'t advantage, etpc i'ially in -i-ndy soils: Passion vinr-i requp-e a i-crtnái amount of pruning to keep up iiie* vigour' ot" the plant*, mid lo gni*i .piahty to the .finit*. The fruiting .canis -from the rravioiu, yent's* growth may bo cut bael; -within four inches'* of . tlie old ivoul. A dressing of bnnedint/trum 2(to I'b'i.'pei tq. yard, applied about the 4x11'*: run ot ihu plants, and .1 millen ot wiilj íotted ii'iiniiic i.'ill make foi' ugoiou" growth and hi'iivv fiuiting. This is a good time for planting out young passion vines, They do well in .ill friable soils, but if too heavy a little* sand mixed with the clay at th.* time of planting will greatly at-asl in the rapid e-tabjishnient of the voting plants." They should be given an open, grinny position.

\ sun (.hield in rose or nat y taffetas with han Ile and tips of white which comes from India I-at-ilt adjusted md easil> ear riel this contrivance would be appreciated on OLcaidous when a parasol would be a nul


I General Information

I Inquiries hilder this heauing should be ntl

dre sed * Women s A lews und News,* -"The \rgus '

Meit nu rue



Ihe firs* thing to beware of Í3 putting the plant in too large a pot which U -worse than to restrict] itf> pot roon The drama-je, too must be care

fiilh -attended to Tile plant Mill not thrive in] .-¡tag irnt t>oit The not) thut is most Kuilablc I Is nude up of equal parts of loam sand, and

writ rotted leaf mould or well rotted "manure I with half a part of eoar-selv pondered cl>ar«i_l| mixed through the toil It is also a good plan lo mix a little bonedut>t with the compost in

the i roportion of one tablespoonful to a lion t anl Sin pot of prepared compost If the plant is

airca l\ i*,rown out of the pot It is in at present] It sliou ÎI he repotted into m pot one sire larger,] and fipsli rompo«! should be pa c1 ed in around

the clgc of the old hall of earth Kuy of the j

old compost that can bp chi-ç awaj irom (lie

top of the ball T-mould also be removed, nnd io j placwl with fresh material Constant washing I

duat "The plant onl> requires til-? coil to be moist. A I or the next three months the plant should/ have us much light us pmlble which is verj nei_Xbflr> for the forma-tion of new leaf t^ues

\vur ion iiousL

ningle\ Dell" (Benalla) aaks -the meaning of the nime Warrawee *

Warr mee means "Come," and would be quite suitable for a quiet 1 ome

Tim . (Melbourne) aslts if 0113 reader can tell hrr the meaning of the mme Wirani, which has leen given to her house


Turton ' ( Melbourne) flpks if Handel h I/irgo would be suiWblc for a programme of sacied


Hnndels largo 1» frequentlv played at sacred concerts and also during church s-rvlccfi


' Mooroopna" (_arram) nsks what Is the differ

once between a "parlay guest" establishment M_

d "booHInff hon« " j

Tlie\ are one and tiV um« thin? I

\Aim Ol MOUS I ' Curious ' (Colurt as« what would bp the

value of na \mati \iolin nude in 15W) |

Onl> an exert could decide niter inspection,

whether tho liolfn m oí any commercial value I