Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Monday 11 October 1954, page 5




How do you do?

IT TAKES a bit of hide to bring Esquire to the point so promptly on a day like this. And the point, as Esquire has the hide to disclose, is leather. Coach Leather. The pliant but resolute stuff our grandfathers utilised to keep out wind, weather and footpads on the Great North Road or the Gundagai Track, according to whether you are Third or Fourth


OLD HANDS at the Skin Game are Norris, of Dagenham, and tucked in their Coach Hide travel wares are little ticket blurbs that boast: "This hide gave its late owner-the cow-a lifetime of service, and will do the same for you." AU welltravelled Esquires will give this overgrazed gimmick the scant attention it deserves and extend sensitive fingertips to the Coach Hide itself. A thing of sheen and grain, inner glow, natural complexion rather than colour. You could almost milk it. Such a beautiful thing wasted, nay, squandered, in its life-time on a shambling unlovely mammal that regarded this superb piece of skin as something for its tail

to flick flies off. Moo.

COACH HIDE is a heart-winner, both for Esquires and their fastidious consorts. Take the Pendragon thirty-inch valise, which puts no more strain on the biceps than a briefcase. Divided slide lock, slide-fastener all round, two straps, soft top, well stitched, weatherproof, waterproof, mothproof, foolproof, soundproof and overproof. It will take you to T.I. and back for thirty-eight pounds fifteen, plus air fares or dislocated thumb, whichever is your

mode of travel.

HE TRAVELS faster who travels alone, but he only gets half the fun. Esquire has taken into account the- traveller who prefers the tandemonium of charming company. For Her, the Old Store has imported an exclusive range of feminine but practical travel goods-valises, hat cases, train cases, over-night bags, specially designed to cope with the folderrols which the fair sex consider necessary for mobile occasions. Norris' Mayfair Suite in scarlet or holly green will meit her heart-and it's light enough for her to carry herself, if you're that sort of a primitive. The Norris feminine valise has a sort of built-in wardrobe in the lid, with folding hangers that "third" all her dresses and avoid crushing. Add thirty-eight pounds seven and six to the cost of the trip.

NOT SUCH a well-travelled man these days, Esquire forged through this galaxy like a rogue meteor, and snapped up a voluptuous Pendragon briefcase which looked and felt exactly the thing for that swift overnight flight to Melbourne. A warm-blooded bit of saddlery with a gusset that extends to eight inches-room enough for all the essential papers plus a change of linen and the shaving gear. With a slide-fastened ready-use com-partment on the outside for the stuff he wants to get at on the plane. Sixteen, nine and six in specie to the man on the Fifth Floor and Esquire slipped his cut lunch into the Pendragon and walked out looking like a tasteful tycoon.

Good Morning!


[ JSBBBF" 274




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