Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thursday 17 December 1953, page 9

Women 9s Interests On The

¡tea..** jftadio Service Bureau

"IT is not necessary to have a show background lo

* run a radio and theatrical agency," says Mrs. Nora Burnett, who for the past eight years has run Telecast radio service bureau for producers and artists. "It is strictly business."

Mrs. Burnett received her business training during the war when she ran a large store for the Department for Air-craft Production.

"After classifying and shift-ing parts for the three Services I decided to deal in livestock!" she said yesterday.

Telecast started as a contact bureau for artists, and now has 60 topline radio artists under exclusive contract.

And the artists' affairs are hrndled in a very businesslike manner. "We take all their bookings," said Mis. Burnett, "operate every booking for l them, keep individual diaries 'on each artist, and have three phones-busy all the time-to handle radio bookings exclu-sively."

Not All

That Easy

Getting on to the books of Telecast is not all that easy cither. "We only represent people who have worked with six production units," added Mrs. Burnett, "and when we first represent an artist we lis-ten to his shows to see how he performs, and make it a policy that all new artists we represent become known to all production units in Sydney."

Mrs. Burnett, who went to

England this year for the

Coronation, looked into T.V., but did not not bother about radio. "There was nothing to be gained," she said. "Austra-lian radio drama is better, and

the artists more adaptable. J

"For quarter-hour commer-cial shows our artists can only rehearse their part for three-quarters of an hour-I and the producer has a large slice of this time for giving his instructions; and while our big sponsored hour plays give no more than seven hours for re-hearsal time, in England and America this time is 14 hours Or more."

* . .

THE winner of (lie Lever

£1,000 Award for 1953

will be announced by Terry Dear, director of "Australia's Amateur Hour," in a special broadcast of the hour from Sydney Town Hall on Christ-mas Eve.

Heard from 2GB every Thursday night at 8 p.m., the "Hour" team will make their first broadcast from Broken Hill during their 1954 Com-

monwealth series. Other cities and towns to be visited during the year will be Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Launceston, Burnie, Geelong, Mildura, Orange, Cairns, Rockhampton, Toowomba and 'Wollongong.

MRS. NORA BURNETT, who has been running Telecast, a radio service bureau for producers and artists for the past

eight years.


cal legend, "The Child-ren's Crusade," will be broad-cast in 2U\V's Sunday night Symphony Hour-11 p.m.this Sunday and on Decem-

ber 27.

The Voice of America tran-scription-in four parts-is the only complete recording of the work in existence, and it will be the first time it has been heard in Australia.

The recording, made at Cincinatti's 1950 May Music Festival, is performed by three sopranos, a tenor, baritone, and three choirs-children's, female and mixed choruseswith orchestra. It is con-ducted by Ihe late Fritz Busch.

. * .

CHEQUES totalling £1,200

-a record amount for peacetime-will be presented to representatives of SO dilfercnt charities by Mrs. L. A. Hook, wife of tile general manager of A.W.A., at the 2CH Auditorium to-morrow afternoon.

The money has been raised by members of 2CH Women's League Clubs during the year and will provide Christmas cheer for hundreds of incapa-citated soldiers, hospital patients, old-age pensioners and crippled children.

* * *

FOR three weeks commenc-

ing December 28 Erie Parrant will present "Holiday Hits" from 2GB at 7.30 p.m. each Monday in place of the Ada and Elsie show. Seven hit tunes of the moment will be featured each week, also a number predicted as a hit of

the future.

NORMAL programmes ot

2GB between 1 p.m. and 4.15 p.m. will be omitted to-day and to-morrow from 2 p.m. so that an uninterrupted coverage can be given to the Davis Cup interzoue finals

from Brisbane.

Ted Harris and former American cup player Ted Schroeder will describe the matches. On Saturday their descriptions will be inter-spersed between race calls.

. * .


who runs the women's sports session on 2UE-10 a.m. every Sunday-is liter-ally leaving work to carry bricks! After tourilie Aus-tralia with the American women golfers, she is now spending her week-ends prac-tising golf so that she can keep her handicap down to four.

Miss Stockman's bigcest job

GWEN PLUMB recently took her now famous tape-recorder to the winter quarters of the Bert-ram Mills Circus-at Ascot-and "interviewed" one of the tigers! "The lion and tiger trainer, Alex Kerr, who is married to the daughter of Coco, the famous clown, has a terrific act," writes Miss Plumb. In the act, the tiger in the pictures kisses Kerr. "I noticed that he first smears his mouth with some sweet, sticky sub

stance," adds Miss Plumb.

in the next few weeks will be her cover of the N.S.W. Swim-ming Championships, which start on January 6.

* -K *

SPECIAL "Mobllsong" pro-

gramme from 2GB, "The First Christmas," at 9 p.m. on Saturday night, will feature the story of the birlh of Christ, as told by a father to his two young children on

Christmas Eve.

Fourteen-year-old Peter Oliver, who was described by Anthony Quayle as "the best child actor employed by any company with which I have been associated," will play the role of Peter.

Jane Underhill, who at three, is claimed to be the youngest diamatic voice Aus-tralian radio has ever pre-sented, will play Peter's young >ister, Jane.

"T AM frying to borrow a

X refrigerator to put In my office during the Royal tour, as I will not be able to go home," says the Chief Traffic Manager of the N.S.W. De-partment of Government Transport, Mr. W. L. Carter.

Mr. Carter will be inter-viewed by Del Cartwright at 12 noon to-day in her session from 2CH. He will tell lis-teners about his department's plans for moving 105,000 schoolchildren to the Sydney Cricket Ground, the Show-ground and Centennial Park on Friday, February 5, when the Queen will drive through the grounds to be welcomed by the children.

. * .

MONDAY to Thursday

story on 2GB, "Dragonwyck," heard at 8.45 a.m., concludes to-day. It will be replaced on Monday by

Richard lane's adaptation of James M. Cain's powerful novel, "Mildred Pierce." Neva Carr Glynn plays the role of Mildred-for which Joan Crawford won an Academy award-and Frank Waters plays Bert, her husband.

* * *


Cooper Park Tennis Club will hold their Christmas party in the clubhouse at 11 am to day

Highlights of to-day's listen-ing for women t

21C IO 30 Womens Session Stile Hound up from Cinbcrra by Yvette L-mci-iu 11 «15 Tules of Many Linds 10 Blue Hills 2 30 House wi\cs Choke 5 15 Childrens Ses sion 6 45 Divid Copperfield 8 15 Hippy to Ivnow You

2I1L 9 30 Klndcicirten of the Air conducted by Join Lcnmrtz and Elma riaxman 10 0 Dilly Dcvo tional 10 15 Symphony Hour, 1 30




suggests that iced Christmas pudding-with i golden sauce-is suitable I for a hot Christmas Day,

and will give her recipe during the Women's Ses-sion on 2FC this morn-ing.

Here is the recipe:

Ingredients: 3 level dsrtspns. gelatine, li pts. milk, i cup cold «safer, 3 level tblspus. powdered chocolate, i cup sugar, 1 tspn. almond essence, 1 tblspn. brandy or rum; 1 cup raisins, i cup chopped dates or figs, i cup glazed cherries, i cup chopped almonds or walnuts, finely grated rind of 1 lemon.

Method: Soak gelatine in cold vinter. Blend chocolate with milk and place with the sugar in saucepan and bring to boil. Allow mixture to cool, then add gelatine and stir until dissolved. Add almond essence and brandy or rum. Mix all fruits together-fruits having been chopped fairly finely. When gela-tine mixture has thick-ened slightly, fold it into fruit mixture. Pour into wetted aluminium mould, or for a tradi-tional look, a wetted basin. Chill in refrigera-tor until set.

The iced pudding can be served with whipped cream, a large bowl of ice cream or golden snucc. For the golden sauce the ingredients arc: 2 egg-j oiks, j cup sugar, i cup fruit syrup, 1 cup whipped cream, and i tspn. grated lemon-rind.

MeUiod: Beat egg

yolks thoroughly and

gradually add sugar, add-ing fruit j'uice at the same time. Beat with rotary or electric beater until mixture is light and fluffy and considerably

increased in volumesauce should be creamy in colour. Fold in whipped cream lightly and add lemon-rind. Place in refrigerator and chill.

Yoiins Austrnlli, 2 0. The Music Lover 3 0. Star Artists. 4 15, The liest In Music, 7 30, Opera Curtain

2GB! 8 At, DriKorwsck serial, 9 0, The Mystery of Nurse Lorimer, 9 li, front Pace Lady. 9 55 Housewives' News, 10 0, Your World of Melody, 11 30. The Story of Dr Kildirc, 2 15, Our Town's Choice, 3 0, Eric Parrant Calline 7 30. Leave it to the Girls 8 0, Australia's Amateur Hour

2CHi 9 30, CH Women's Lewieactivities of the social, bridge, and sports clubs In the league, 10 30, Oser the Years, with loin Read coinpcrlnsi 12 30, Del Cartwright session

2UEi Music until 12. when serial Storm Child is heard! 3 0, Call from UE, 4 45. Rumps Room, 7 15, Dia-monds of Death

2SMi 9 0. Home Folks-two hours of request music and messines from houscwhes, 4 45, Birthday Calls to Children 5 0 Urde John-children t iki part in the programme from tile studio,

2UW- Serials at Intcnals from 9, 5 0, Teenage Club, 8 0, Alan Toohey compures Amateur Hour

2KV: 11 15. Women's Session, con-ducted by Rona Wilkinson, 12 0. Top Tunes. 2 30, John Harper In Suburbij! 3 15, Accent on Melody, 6 0, Australians an Parade.