Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thursday 25 June 1953, page 7

Women's Interests On The Air »

21 Years With The AJB.C

TWENTY-ONE years ago

(next Wednesday) when the Australian Broadcasting Commission was formed, the studios were like uncomfor-table padded cells and the I microphone was a little square marble box suspended on wires from the ceiling, accord-ing to Miss Dulcie Blair, violinist with the Sydney Sym-phony Orchestra, and one of the few women associated with the Commission at its incep-tion.

Miss Blair (who in private life is Mrs. Knight Barnett) , has one of the longest con-

tinuous broadcasting service records in Sydney. She will be interviewed to-day in the A.B.C.'s Women's Session.

"Working for more than two or three hours in one of the studios was dreadful." Miss Blair said. 'The walls were padded-I remember one was smelly seaweed covered with a layer of cloth-and thickly hung with plush cur-tains to absorb echoes; no airconditioning of course.

Value Of Echoes

"Then suddenly somebody discovered the value of echoes, and all the hangings were ripped down, the walls were bared, and the draughts that still haunt us were estab-lished!"

Miss Blair (the child of musical parents and grandpar-ents, who began playing her violin at the age of six) was one of the original 2BL trio, back in 1925.

The trio later developed into a quartet, when 2BL and 2FC merged, later grew into an ensemble of about 16 players, then into the Sydney . Symphony Orchestra, now 82

players strong, with l8


More women than everexcept for the war years -seem to be going in for orchestral work, according to Miss Blair.

"But some of the overseas conductors who have come from all-male orchestras have been greatly surprised to find women here. Georg Schnee-voigt, who terrified us all, by the way, until we got to know him, thought a woman's place was definitely in the

home. But none ever trans-lated his dislike into action.

"Actually, a job like this is often tough and tiring. We rehearse from 10 till 5 each day at the A.B.C."

For the past ten years Miss Blair has also led the Con-servatorium Orchestra for opera productions and dip-

loma concerts.

* . *

FIVE Fortians were present

when the story of Fort Street Boys' High School was produced and recorded for the Rural Bank's programme, School Days, next Sunday (2UW, 6.45 p.m.).

They were writer-producer |

Brian Wright, narrator John Saul, John Appleton, the ori-ginal writer-producer, Noel Griffiths, the bank's public relations officer, and control operator Ted Husband.

* * .

"The Man in the Kitchen"

1 during the A.B.C.

Women's Session this morning is E. J. Moloney-recently re-turned from overseas where he sampled foods in as many restaurants and in as many kitchens as he could.

With more than an aca-demic interest in two cookery books-"The Garrulous Gour-met and "Oh, For a French Wife!" Mr. Moloney really can get down to business over

a stove.

Invitations to his small din-ner parties (all dinner parties should be small so that con-versation has a chance to match the menu) are coveted, and at this season of the year a delectable dish to serve is French onion soup.

Madame Jean Strauss, wife of the Consul-General for France, says that this soup, with cheese and fruit, is a Sunday night meal in her home, where dinner is served at midday.

MISS DULCIE BLAIR, violinist with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, and one of the few women associated with the A.B.C. when it was formed

21 years ago.

CANADA'S Dominion Day

(July 1) will be honoured in Australia's Hour of Song next Sunday night (2UE, 8). The much-travelled show leaves to-day for Melbourne to do two lecordings.

'"* . .


known Australian actress, who has been on the London stage for some years, has told Gwen Plumb some of the

highlights of her stage experi-ences. The interview will be presented by Lyndall Barbour in "Women's Week" at 12.45 p.m. to-morrow on 2GB.

* . *

THE problem of making

tiny rooms in a flat look as big as possible will be dis-cussed in a talk by an interior decorator on Del Cartwright's session on 2CH at 12.30 p.m. to-day.

* k *

AFTER 10 years as their

producer, Lawrence H. Cecil will sever his connec-tions with 2GB as from next Sunday night when he pro-duces his last 8 p.m. play. "Mr. Denning Drives North."

* . *

TWO women largely re-

sponsible for the play, "Death of a Cardinal," which will be heard on 2BL at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, arc the writer, Diana Maccallum, and leading Sydney actress Muriel Steinbeck, in the role of Margaret. Mrs. Maccal-lum took three weeks to write the play-the story of Thomas Wolsey, Caidinal and adviser to Henry VIII.

* . *

A FULL half-hour of

"South Pacific" songs, sung by the original American cast, will be heard on 2UE at 7.30 to-night.

AN interesting selection of

Australian poetry lias beep made by John Thomp-son, and »ill be heard on the air in "Quality Street" on Sun-day (2BL, 9.30 p.m.).

-K . *

LOVE and adventure in the

16th century will be the theme of "Edmund Con-quest," a new quarter-hour serial due to begin on Monda) at 8.45 a.m. on 2UE.

+ . *

Highlights of to-day's lis-tening for women:

2FC: Women's Session. State Round up from Melbourne, Cookery Book-A Min in (he Kitchen, topical interview, Our Children-"Holiday For A Housewife." bv Mrs w Clarke, 1145, Talcs Trot« Mans Lands, 1, Blue Hills, 2. Housewives

Choice, 5 15, Children's Session, 6 45, Stranger Come In, 7 45. Happy To Know You

2BL: 9 30, Kindergarten of the Air, conducted by Joan Lcnnartz and Clima Flaxman; 10, Dally Devotional, 10 15, Svmphony Hour, 1 30, Young Australia, 2, The Music Lover, 3. Star Artist-Ossy Rcnardy, 4 15, The Besl in Music. 7 20, Opera Curtain.


2GBi 8 45, East Side. West Side; 9, Tront Page Lady; 9 15, Eric Parrant's Record Room, 10, Housewives' News, 12 45, Love Everlasting, 10. Man'y Presents, request recordings and shopping hints for Manl> listen-ers! 2 15. Our Town's Choice-music .(.quests from Camden housewives, 3 0. Eric Parrant Calling, 7 30, Leave It to the Girls; 8 0, Australia's Amateur Hour

2CHi 10 30, Over the Years, with Joan Read compering. II 45. Kitchen of the Air-recipes and hirts. 12, CH Women's League-activities of the social, bridge and sports clubs in the logue 12 30 Del Cartwright Show, 2 0 Let's Talk It Over

2Ufc: Musk until 12 whin serial. .Storm Child." is heard 3 0, Call

lorn UH 4 12, Little Pals-child-ren's retords, 4 45. Rumpus Room, | 7 15 Diamonds of Death

2UW: Serials at intervals from 9. 5 0, Teenage Club, 8 0, Alan Toohey comperes Amateur Hour

2SM: 9 0, Home Tolks-two hours of request music and messages from housewives, 4 45, Birthday Calls to Children, 5 0 Uncle lohn-ihlldrcn take part in the programme from the studio

2KY; li 15, Women's Session, con-ducted by Rona Wilkinson, 12, Top Tunes; 2 30, John Harper in Sub-urbia; 3 15, Accent on Melody; 6.0, Australians on Parade.