Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thursday 6 November 1952, page 7

Women's Interests On The Air To-day

Her First Serials About


"THE Red Mountain," a documentary serial story

which begins this week on the A.B.C.'s children's session, has been written by 21-year-old Coral Lansbury, of Neutral Bay, it is her first serial.

The story is set against the background of the Kim-berleys and tells of a cousin

from Scotland who comes to live with a family on a station there. John Ewart plays the cousin.

Miss Lansbury graduated from Sydney University with honours in English and His-tory and is now writing a thesis, "The Growth of Australian Trade-unionism in Australia," for her M.A.

She wrote her first play when she was 17 and has now written eight, most of them in verse form, which she prefers.

As a second-year Arts student, Miss Lansbury won the Henry Lawson Prize for Poetry in 1948.

* . .

IN her session, "Confidential

to Mothers" (2UW, 11.45), Mrs. Pat Cotton draws on her

MRS. VALERIE CAR-TER, of Hobart, who will conduct the A.B.C. Women's Session this


own experience as the mother of a 13-year-old son, Richard, and three-year-old daughter, Maryke, to talk about the problems of parents.

For the last six months, Mrs. Cotton has been writing and broadcasting the session from Monday to Thursday, choosing a different subject each day, on some of the problems and difficulties which occur in the average home.

Mrs. Cotton, who was born in W.A., began her broadcast-ing career in Sydney, writing travel talles for the A.B.C., and later during the women's .session she broadcast a talk, "Chat Over Teacups." '

For her present session,

Mrs. Cotton says she uses her own experience and consults medical and educational authorities and marriage guid-ance councillors for help with problems.

"Letters are treated in con-fidence," she said, "and if the problem is too big for me, 1 advise the parent who to con-sult."

. * *

THE A.B.C. Women's Ses-

sion this morning frill be

conducted by Mi's. Valerie Carter, of Hobart.

Mrs. Carter is a well-known Hobart soprano, and has pub-lished two books of verse, she is interested in many women's organisations, and broadcasts regularly on the Tasmanian

Women's Session.

Her husband, Mr. Jack Carter; is a member of the A.B.C. Tasmanian Wiretes Chow», ? r*i

MISS CORAL LANS-BURY, young play-wright and author of the children's serial "The Red Mountain."

Highlights of to-day's listen-ing for women:

2FC: 8.45, Smoked Mackerel; 10.30. Women's Session, the Ex-ploratlon of Tasmania's Oldest Cave

by Jessie Wakefield, member of Tasmanian Caveneering Club, Pro-fessor F. J. Schonell in 6th talk of series, Facts and Fiction, Mine and Thine, interview with Mrs. Hutchison on the works of mothers' clubs and parent's associations in Australia; 1, Blue Hills; 5.15. Children's session, The Farm Without a Name Bar-bara Jefferis, The Red Mountain, Coral Lansbury, Argonaut's Club; 6.45, Stranger, Come In

2BL: 9 30, Kindergarten Time, Anne Drevcr and Marione Bojes from Melbourne; 12, Lulen Girls'

Choir, Oh, Lovely Nisht »fTesche-mâcher), I Heard a Robin Singing (Day), The Holy Child (Easthopc Martin), Some Day We Shall Meet Again (Parr-Divlcs), 2, The Music Lo\er, A 15. The Best In Music, 7 20,

Sydney Male Voice Choir, with Diana


2GB: 8 45, The Constant Nymph, 9 15, Eric Pnrnnt's Record Room, IO, Housewives' News. II 45, Mrs 'Obbs; 12 45. Vcndctla, I, Manly Pre-sents-request recording's and shop-ping hints for Manly listeners, 1 55, Hc-illh in the Air-discussion on pro-teins, 2 15, Our Town's Choice musii. requests from Camden house-wives, 6 45, When n Girl Marries, 7 15, Hart of the Territory, 7 10, Lene It To the Girls with Harry Dearth and advisers, Elizabeth Rid dell. Margo Lee, and Josephine O'Neill and George roster. 8. Aus-tralia's Amateur Hour, from Sjdncs

ÎUW: 9, Crossroads of Life. 9 15 The Evil Lad), 9 30, Appletrees, 9 45, Woman in Love, IO, Doctor Paul, 10 15, The Dccener, 10 30, Lote al Arms, II, Never Let Me Love You 11 15, Wakefield, the Home of Mar> Lane, 11 45, Confidential to Mothers, 2 30, The Dead Certainty, 2 45, Afloat with Henry Morgan. 3. The Tender Heart! 3 15, Sincerely Rita Marsden, 3 30, Mask of Fate; 6, Phantom Ranger, 6 30. Doctor's Orders, 6 45, The Thoroughbred; 7 15, The Burtons of Banner Street, 7 30, Fate Walked Beside Mc 7 45, The Enchanted Is-land; 8, The Amateur Hour, Alan Toohey compering

2UE: 10 32, Sewing Centre; 12, Journey Into Freedom; 1 15, Paula Lehmann, 3, Call Trom UE-music telephone quiz. 4 32, Little Pals children's records, 4 45, Rumpus Room, 6 15, Chips, starring Chips Rafferty, 6 45. Ships and the Sea, 7 15, They Were Champions. 7 45.

Eight Hour Alibi, 8. Xwizzo-music and variel) programme carrying weekly jickpot of £1 000

2CH: 8 45, Tor Lier Young, 9, Willow Bend, 10 10 Over the Years, with Joan Read compering, 11 30 Dream Holiday, II 45. kitchen of the Air-recipes and Innis. 12. 2CH SVomcn's League-activities of the social, bridge, and sports clubs in the league 3 45, The Way of an Eagle, 4 15, Voluntar> Workers

2SM: 9, Home Tolks-two hours of request music and messages for housewives, 4 45, Birthdaj Calls to Children, 5, Uncle John-Children lake part la the programme from the studio

2KY: 11 15, Rona Wilkinson con-ducts the women's session of music, 12, imported recordings