Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Saturday 24 June 1950, page 13


Students' Special

Church Services

Protestant churches and all universities Ihroughont Australia will observe to-morrow as a students' world day of prayer.

The day of prayer has been railed by the World's Christian ¡«rudent Federation, and is ob-served in 51 countries.

i "he Australian Student Chris-]

'¡.an Movement, which is the "Australian member group in the 'federation, will hold a special serhice in the Great Hall.of Sydney University at 3 p.m. to-morrow. ) The service will be conducted I'.y the Rev. B. R. Wylie, Master ' f Wesley College and chairman

-f the N.S.W. State council of

¡lis movement. The Rev. E. J. i Davidson, rector of St. James' Church of England, King Street, [will give an address entitled

"Prayer in the World We Live


During the day special ser-vices will be held in city churches, in which students will take part.

In addition, special prayers have '.,en distributed by the movement ;-*n all ministers of Protestant de-nominations in Australia.

The world day of prayer will be observed in a radio service broad-cast from 2FC to-morrow from i 9.30 to 10.15 a.m. This will be

¡conducted by the Rev. Frank Engel, i S General Secretary of the Australian I Student Christian Movement. '

I The World's Christian Student I Federation was founded in 1895 by 1J>. John R.Nott, who is still one

of the leaders of the movement. The Australian body came into ext istence a year after the world body. ' Mr. Wylie said yesterday that the ;day of prayer was instituted as a

symbol of world student unity. Aus-tralia and New Zealand observe a r'iffirent day of the year, however, nr:e the universities of the north

]? m hemisphere observe it in Fcbru|"Y, when our universities are in

! ition.


j j Cardinal Gilroy will preside and

j ch at High Mass in St. Brigid's ! «urch, Marrickville, next Tuesday

¡ j 10.30 a.m., in honour of Blessed , j da Goretti, whose canonisation

j t take place in St. Peter's, Rome,

| ¡lorrow.

1 bishop Lyons, Auxiliary to Car* !' iii Gilroy, has been appointed 1 "ar-General, Diocesan Consultor, i parish priest of Eastwood.

1 Cardinal Spellman of New York Wji« cabled a message of congratu-lation to Archbishop Mannix, on | the occasion of the diamond jubilee J of his ordination as a priest.

j The Primate of All Ireland, Arch-

bishop D'Alton, also sent a similar

message to Dr. Mannix.

? Bishop Norton (Bathurst) was re-

ceived in private audience by Pope Pms X11 last Wednesday. He left for Rome two months ago to attend the Holy Year ceremonies.

Xaviei House, Gordon Crescent, Stanmore, which recently was ac-quired as a home for Catholic youth, will be blessed and opened by Cardinal Gilroy on July 9, at 230 pm.

. The annual Mass and Commun-ion of the Sydney University New

man Society will be held at St. Mary's Cathedral on July 2 af 8


The annual meeting of the Cath-olic Postal Guild will be held at Legion House, Castlereagh Street, next Monday, at 8 p.m. The Rev. Dr. A. Harcombe, S,M., will de-liver an address.

The annual district parade ser-vice of the St; John Ambulance Brigade will take place in St. Andrew's Cathedral at 3 p.m. to-morrow. The preacher will be the Ven. R. B. Robinson.

St. John's Church of England, Ashfield, will hold its patronal festi-val and temple thanksgiving to-morrow. The Rev. F. A. S. Shaw, rector of the parish, will preach at the morning service, and the Rev. W. J. Siddens at the evening ser-



Preachers at leading city churches to-morrow will include: St. An-drew's Cathedral, 11 a.m., the Very Rev. S. Barton Babbage; 7.15 p.m., the Rev. M. C. Mewth; St. Mary's, 11 a.m.. the Rev. George Gallen; Scots Church, both services, the Rev. Hamish Mackenzie; Wesley Chapel, 11 a.m., Dr. F. H. Rayward, and Lyceum Hall, 7 p.m., Dr. Ken-neth Kinncy; Pitt Street Presby-terian Church, 11 a.m., the Rev. N. F. Cocks, 7.15 p.m., the Rev. Raymond Abba.

Principal broadcast services to-morrow will include: 2FC. 9.30 a.m. A.S.C.M_Day of Prayer service (the Rev. Frank Engel); 2BL, 11 .a.m., St. Andrew's Cathedral (the Very Rev. S. Barton Babbage); 2CH, 11 a.m.. Strathfield Presby-terian Church (the Rev. Colin Dyster); 2SM, 11 a.m., St. Mary's Cathedral (the Rev. George Gallen): 2CH, 3 p.m., A.S.C.M. Day of Prayer service. Sydney University (the Rev. E. J. Davidson); 2CH, 7.15. St. Barnabas's Anglican Church, Broadway (Dr. Howard



Dr. Norman Dunning, principal of Haworth Hall. Hull University, England, will give three addresses at the Waverley Methodist Church


Dr. Kenneth Kinney, of the United States, will speak at the Methodist "Pleasant Sunday After-noon" in the Lyceum Hall, Pitt Street, at 3 p.m. to-morrow. The title of his address will be "The American Theme."

The Presbyterian Moderator, the Rt. Rev. Hector Harrison, will con-duct services at Toronto and Cess-nock to-morrow.

This afternoon he will open the new Manse at Toronto.

One June 20, the Rev. Philip Somerville was inducted to the Pres-byterian charge of Tocumwal-Fin


Commissioner J. James, of the Salvation Army, will travel to Queensland this week-end with Mrs. James, to fulfil official engagements

in that State.

Colonel W. Cooper will conduct meetings at Campsie Corps to-day

and to-morrow.

(Religious Advertisements, p. IS)