Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Friday 9 January 1948, page 12


NORTHERN SUBURBS. For infor-mation consult a Funeral Director. In-

formation and literature may be for-warded to any address on application CREMATION OFFICES 19 Bligh St S5d 1BW1615 Aft hrs XU3717

MAJOLICA Wreaths and Crosses re

main bright for centuries Obtain able from Monumental Masons Write O Cohen La Perouse FJ2385


King Street city Wreaths etc Phone B6488 after hours JA2057


Wreaths Crosses Casket Covers and all tributes B6977 aft hrs WM3432 "WREATHS Crosses etc Miss Bcrm

'' Ingham 125 Oxford St FA4847 HORTON S Wreaths Floral Tributes


ESTIMATES FINANCIAL YEAR ENQHNTG Tlst DECEMBER 1948 under Section 138 of the Local Government Act


NOTICE is hereby given that o_

duly constituted Meeting of the Council of the abovenamed Municipality held on 22nd December, 1947 the following Estimates were submitted In pursuance of the above Act and adopted namely -


(a) The amount of proiiosed expendi-ture out of the funds to which the pro ceeds of the rate are to be carried

£161 955

(b) The amount In hand available for such expenditure Nil

(c) The ams-unt of other revenue likely to be available for such expend!

ture £ B703

(d) The amount to be raised /by the rate for such expenditure £155 252

(e) The total Unimproved Capital Value ol the land In the Municipality

,£ 5 026 829

(f) The Rate proposed to be made and levied to raise the amount required Is a Combined rate or 7 4125d In the £ on the unimproved Copltot Value of all ratable land In Chatswood East Ward Chatswood West Word Middle Harbour Ward Northbridge Ward and Naremburn Ward

A Resolution for the purpose of giv-ing effect to such proposal will be sub-mitted to a meeting of the Council to be held on the 19th day of January 1948 i,

G A BAILEY Town Clerk Town Hall Chatswood

8th January 1948_ DOGS, CATS, GOLDFISH. ETC


The Theatres and Films Commission hereby notifies for general information that an application under paragraph (b) of Sub-section (1) of Section 13D of the Act (particulars of which are set out hereunder) has been referred to it by

the Minister

Any objection to the granting of the application must be forwarded to the Office of the Commission at 121 Mac-quarie Street Sydney not later than 27th January 1948 and should be sub-mitted in quadruplicate

Any objection must

(i) Be in or to the effect of the prescribed form

(li) be accompanied by a fee of £5 (referred to In Sub-section (6) of Sec

tlon 13D) ond

(111) be occomponled bv a statement in writing verified by a statutory de clorotlon setting out the facts ond ctr

cumstances on which the objector relies to support the grounds ol his objection


Application tor the prescribed endorse-ment mode by the Lower Portland School ol Arts Committee (Hon Secretary Mr H Lowe Lower Portland) In respect ol the School or Arts Hall situated at Lower Portland Seating accommodation at date or application 230

IN the Matter of the COMPANIES ACT

1936 And in the Matter of M COEN PTT LIMITED



NOTICE Is hereby given that the Creditors of the abovenamed Company which is being wound up voluntarily are requested on or before 13th Feb ruary 194B being the date for that purpose fixed by me the undersigned the Liquidator of the Company to 6cnd In their names and addresses and par-ticulars of their debts and claims and the names and addresses of their Solid tors (If any) to the undersigned and If so required by notice in writing from me ore personally or by theil Solicitors to come In and prove theil said debts or claims at such time and place as shall be specified In such notice or In default thereof they will be ex eluded from tho benefit of any dis

trlbiition made before such debts are proved

DATED at Sydney this second day of January 1948

A R MUTTON Liquidator


Chartered Accountants (Aust ) Dolton House 115 Pitt Street



LOST SHARE CFRTIFICATE Ap plication has been made to the Directors of the above Company to Issue to EENA EMILIE MURIEL WRIGHT substitute Certificate for Twenty five (25) fully paid shnres of 6/8 each In the capital of the Company or other Certificate In lieu thereof upon the statement that the original certificóte numbered 94 In respect of shares numbered 40926 to 49950 Issued on 24th January 1930 to EENA EMILIE MURIEL WRIGHT has been Lost or Destroyed and notice Is hereby given that If within 21 days hereof no claim or representation In respect of such original certificate Is made to th» Directors they w11! then pro cecd to deal with such appllcatioi for duplicate or other new certificates Doted the 8th day of January 1B48 by Order of the Board P W D1VL Secretary State Shopping Block 49 Market Street sydney





ARY 1948

. At an Extraordinary General Meet lag or Members or M COEN PTY LIMITED dills convened and held at Rose Bay on Friday 2nd January 194B at 2 15 pm the following Special Resolution wns dills Passed -


That the Company be wound up voluntarily and that Arthur Ronald Mutton of 115 Pitt Street Ssrines Chartered Accountant (Aust ) be ond ho Is herebs appointed Liquidator for the purpose of winding np


Director and Chairman of the Meeting

DATED tills seiend day of Januars




NOTICE Is herebs given that th Shore Transfer Books of the Com pany will be Closed from the 30th lonuary 1948 to the 12th February 1948 both dotes Inclusive

The lost Meeting of Directors o which Shares can be transferred before the closing of the Transie- Books wil be held on Th irsdov 29th January

1948 Transfers must be lodged ot the Compon « Office not later than 12 noon on the 27th January 1048


W F KNIGHT Secretary

Toohov5 Standard Securities Limited

300 Fliznbeth Street


8th Janian 1018


(Incorporited in Victorlal LOST SHARE CERTIFICVTF Application has been made to the nbosc Compnnv to Issue n new Share Certificate In respect of Ten Primary Producers Shorts numbered 382826 T828To Inclusive registered In Hie name or SAGE BRUCE (now de ceased) upon a Slntement by the Execu tor that the orlfcinnl Certificate No 610 has been lost or destroyed Notice Is hereby given that unie«« there Is re

celled «onie objection within 14 davr frrm the date of this notice the Dlrcc tors will proceed to deal with the ap plication for the new Certificóle Dated at Sydney this 8th day of January

1918 R J REID Secretary » Mac-quarie Place Sjdney





The following persons are required to take notice that the Council of the Shire of Win

specified below against their names of which they appear to be the owners or in which they appear to be interested for over-due rates amounting to the sums men-tioned in each case and that in de-fault of payment forthwith to the Pub-

lic Trustee of the said rates and all interest charges and expenses in con-nection with the said applications and proceedings by the Public Trustee the said land will be offered for sale at Public Auction by Messrs P C Bourne and Co Auctioneers Moss Vale on be-half of the Public Trustee on the fol-

lowing dates-24th February 1948 at the School of Arts Robertson (Robert-

son properties) 25th February 1948 at the Theatre Royal, Moss Vale (remain-ing properties).

GEORGE ABBOTT of Melbourne Vic-

toria and Sydney, overdue rates £30/15/4 land Lots 7/8 as shown in plan annexed to Instrument of Trans-fer No B206582 Main Street Robert-


ALFRED JACOB BENNETT, VICTOR STANLEY JAMES, PHILIP CHARLES RUSH , JOHN MASHMAN ond GEORGE JOHNSON all of Penrose, overdue rates £9/9/2 land Lot 2, Sec 5, Princess

Street, Penrose.

AGNES MARY BROWN of Lindfield overdue rates £8/10/ land Lot 58 DP 12365. Old Road Robertson.

GEORGE CAMERON of Bundanoon overdue rates £20/14/5 land Lot 42 Sec 1 DP 1136 Florence Street Par-ish of Bundanoon.


DAVID CAMPBELL of Sydney and Killara MARGARET ADELINE DAVIES of Petersham and NESTA MARY KIL-LEN of Rylstone overdue rates £85/19/6 land Portions 41 and 43 Parish of Belanglo

DAVID CAMPBELL of Sydney and Killara overdue rates £45/15/2 land Portion 57 Parish of Belanglo

GEORGE WILLIAM DAWE, of Syd-ney and Moss Vale DOROTHY EMILY EUGENIE MCCORMICK DAWE, ELIZA-BETH FLORENCE MCCORMICK SAN TRY of Sydney and MI<=S E DAWE of Darlinghurst I overdue rates £56/5/2 land Lots 1/4 Sec 5 Ber rima Road Moss Vale

HAROLD EDMONDS FORREST of North Sydney and A R NELSON of Rushcutter Bay overdue rates £18/7/11 land Lot 51 DP 12886 Arney Road


HAROLD EDMONDS FORREST of North Sydney and BILLEN TASKER of Naremburn overdue rates £34/14/10 land Cor Lots 57/59 DP 12886 Ar ney Street Robertson

ROBERT GERRARD GREGORY ol Sydney and ROBERT G GREGORY of Abbotsrord Point overdue rates £15 11/5 land Lots 101/102 DP 12886 Caalong Street and Victor Road


GEORGE EDWARD CLIVE GRIFFIN el Rose Bay and GEORGE F C GRIF FIN or Goulburn overdue rates £7/15/2 land Lot 65 DP 12365 Old

Road Robertson

LEWIS LEVY of Yarrawa and Ber rima and Estate of lote LEWIS LEVY of Moss Vole overdue rotes £47/8/4 land Cor Lots 1 ond 10 Sec 1 Bur rowong Street Robertson


bush as Executor of the Will of WALKER MARCER deceased ond W MARCER ol Homebush overdue rates £8/16/4 land Lot 32 Sec D DP 2810 Lytton Rood Moss Vale

WILLIAM EYRE MATCHAM Di Eng land ond WILLIAM E MATCHEN of Sydney ond REVEREND RICHARD BENDYSHE of Cambridge England overdue rates £7/16/3 land Lots 10/11 Sec 13 Wingecarribee Street Berrima

ROBERT METZ of Berrima and CH VALES METZ or Torce overdue rates £ 13/12/2 land Portions 204/5 Odessa Street Berrima

FLORENCE ALBERTA MEYER And MARJORIE ANICE MCCARTHY both or Goulburn as Exécutrices or the Will or PERCIVAL JAMES MEYER deceased and ARTHUR CROWTHER ol Collcc

tor overdue rates £ 6/9/4 land Lot 6 Sec 2 DP 8o36 Caoura Road Par lsh or Wingello

FLORENCE ALBERTA MEYER Ond MARJORIE ANICE MCCARTHY both of Gc Ibirn as Exécutrices of the will of PERCIVAL JAMES MEYER deceased and ARTHUR CROWTHER ol Collector overdue rates £11/3/11 lond Lots 7/9 Sec 2 DP 8536 Caoura Road Parish of WingeUo

ARCHIBALD MCINTYRE of Penshurst overdue rates £30/17/2 land Lots 80/ 83 DP 12886 Victor Road Robertson

GERALD O'BYRNE of Wagga Wagga and Neutral aand ESTHER O'BYRNE of Wagga Wagga and Peter-

sham overdue rotes £36/15/2 land Lot 34 Sec 2 DP 774 L, Watson Road,

Moss Vale.

THOMAS HENRY OSWALD O'KEEFE of Wingello overdue rates £14/13/10 land Portion 73 Wingello

JEREMIAH O'RYAN of Yarrunga c erdue rotes £ 6/17/4 land Portion 107 Cox School and Nowra Roods Yar


MARGARET CHRISTINA INGRAM PEARSON of Gow 1er South Australia and Estate or late J P O CONNELL of Sydney overdue rates £11/10/8 land Cor Lot 5 Dp 12886 South and Maldon Streets Robertson

MTRGARET CHRISTINA INGRAM PEARSON or Gawler South Australia and E«tote ot late J P O DONNELL ot Sydney overdic rates £22 5/9 land Cor Lot 97 DP 12886 Coolong and South Streets Robertson

ARTHUR PHILLIPS ol Berrima ond Estate or late ARTHUR PHILLIPS, of Albury overdue rates £7/13/7 land Portion 188, Great Southern Road, Ber-


EMILY QUINLAN of Waverley over-due rates £6/4/8 land Lot 541 DP 15995 Argyle Street, Parish of Bong


SIDNEY RILEY of Ssdney and L C BROWN of Ssdney overdue rates £8/4/1 lond Lot 84 DP 12365 Old

Rood Robertson

ETHEL SALMON or Melbourne Vic

torio overdue rates £14/14/1 lend Pt Lot 5 Sec 12 Hoddle and Main Streets Robertson

JOHN SCARLETT of Kioma and STANLEY NOBLE GREY of Kioma overdue rotes £16/12/9 land Portion 172 Parish of Wingello

HARRIET SCHLAADT of Eastwood os Administratrix of the Will of VAL ENTINE SCHLAADT deceased overdue rates £63/19/6 land Pt Cor Lot 10 Sec 15 Congewoi Street Robert


THOMAS SEERY of Yarrunga over due rates £6/16/10 land Portion 103 Cnr Belimbla and Nowra Roods Yar runga,

CHARLES SIDNEY TAYLOR ond JAMES JOYCE TAYLOR both of Moss Vale and Estates of lote C S TAT

LOR and J J TAYLOR of Bondi Beach overdue rotes £33/4/1 land Lots 10 and 37 Sec 1 DP 1136 Ella ond Florence Streets Perish of Bunda


CHARLES SIDNEY TAYLOR and JAMES JOYCE TAYLOR both of Moss Vale and Estates of late C S and J J TAYLOR of Bondi Beach over

due rates £11/13/11 land Lot 34 DP 1136 Ella and Willis Streets Parish

of Bundanoon

ARTHUR JOSHUA TURNER of Moss Vale and Putney overdue rates £34/5/3 land Portions 93 94 and 334 Porlsh

of Yormnga


overdue rites £10/18/6 land Cor Lot 78 DP 12886 Cnr Arney and Victor

Roods Robertson

FREDERICK WILLIAM TURTON of Sydney and HERBERT HIGHLEY of Mosman overdue rates £19/9/10 land Cor Lots 88/89 Dp 12886 Cnr Caa long ond Chorlotte Streets Robertson


ey ond Watson s Boy overdue rotes £12/1/0, land Lots 56/57 DP 12365

Old Road Robertson

P J P PULLEN Public Trustee 19 O Connell Street Ssdnes


ERS LTD -Notice Is hereby given that Debenture Certificate No S822 representing two debentures fully paid up to £ 100 each numbered 17701 ond 17702 Issued In the name of Lily Millar of Willoughby Sydney has been re

ported as being lost Application has been mode for tho Issue of a duplicate debenture certificate and should tno ob Jcction be lodged with the Company within twenty one days from the date hereor the application will bo complied with subject to such guarantee as may bo approved by the Directors By Order of the Boord G R MASON Acting Secretory Sydney 9th January 1948 ENDEAVOUR FILM PRODUCTIONS

LIMITED Notice Is hereby given pursuant to Section 273 of the Compon les Act of 1936 thot a Meeting of the Creditors of the obovenamed Compony will be held at the Board Room of the Crand United Order of Oddfellows 7th Floor 149 Castlereagh Street Sydnev

on Tuesday 20th January 1948 ot 2 30 pm for the purposes mentioned In Sections 27T 274 and 275 of the sold Act Dated this 7th day of January 1948 ,. " .

By Order of the Board

G H BUTLER Secretary


-Notice Is hereby given that Share Certificate No 4123 dated 10th Octo ber 1928 for 100 Shares numbered 270 742 to 270 841 inclusive registered In the nome of Catherine Elizabeth Stiles has been declared lost and notice Is further given thot It Is the lnten tlon of the Company to Issue a dupll

cate Certificate In respect of the said Shares after the expiration of twenty one days from date hereof

Dated at Sydney this 8th day of

January 194B

A J RUTLEDGE Secretary


: AND PURIFICATION OF TITA NIUM COMPOUNDS Commonwealth Patents Nos 217-9 ond 100145 The Patentees of these Inventions desire that they be adopted and brought into Commercial Use ond Manufacture in Australia and Invite inquiries to these "nds from persons ond firms interested A dress Inquiries to SPRUSON <te FERGU ¿,ON Potent Attorneys Bank of New South Wale« B lldli g If l8 O Con nell Street Ssdnes New South Wnles

T FRITZ HERBERT OTTO MILLER X cf Germon natlonollts boin at Intcrbog Germans and resident se en s mrs in At strnllo now residing at 146 Forbes Street Ssdney Intend to epply for N it irsllsntlon under the Nationallts


The Register or Members w11! be Closed at 5 pm on 16th Jonuory 1948 to ascertain shareholders to receive the I ending ne v lss e of shares By Order of the Boord W M MT ERS Secre

I*EDWARD MICHEL of Swiss notion

olity bom at Interlaken ond rest dent 20 year« in A strollo nos resid Ing at Doraville Katoomba Street Katoomba intend to npplv tor Nat trail sntlon under the Nationality Act 1020 I WILL NOT be responsible tor nns

debts contracted in mv name on ond öfter this date without my written oi

thorlty Jt-mc« Wolstenholme 14 Wood«

Ave Woollahra

TWILL NOT be Responsible for ans

Debt« contracteo In my name wkho it mv written o lthoritv from till« date 9 1 48 J D Pcddell 1 Smith St



will not be responsible for nns Debts contracted In mv nome after this date without my written authority


PUBLIC NOTICES_ WING to circumstances beyond our ,_ control Business Guides will not be published until March 1 1948 Any deposit «111 be refunded on written re quest ALBION PUBLISHING SERVICE Albion Street Sydney

NOTICE Is hereby given that Bond

Warrant Number A25151 ex Par bury s Bond Stores has been lost Will Ander please return to Bond or under «Igned W J MANUFACTURING CO PTY LTD 9 Macpherson St Mosman IV consequence of the loss of Policy

No 012157 on the life or William Norman Tonge It is the intention or the Australian Provincial Assurance Assoc Ltd to Issue a Special Policy In Its stead after the 9/2/ 48 G BRUCE SMITH. General Manager_


therefore a safe Investment is a reliable instrument from MCFARLANDS 271 Marrickville Road MarrickvUle

PLAYER PIANOS Modern Instruments

B teed laultless cond Immediate "el Rolls stool Free Cash or terms

MCFARLANDS 271 Marrickville Road Marrlckv lile LM5268

McFARLAND S Guaranteed Pianos All

leading makes Immediate free del

Cash or terms MCFARLANDS Retailers Quality Pianos 271 Marrickville Road MarrickvUle LM5268


Rudolt Leonard Lagonda Late 88 note models with song transposera Cash

or terms


elusive model small uprights note keyboard Magnificent tone


VICTOR factory reconditioned Pianos Cash or terms

WINKWORTH S 51 Tori. St Sydney BEBARFALDS have Players for imme

dlate delivery Marshall and Wen dell Zimmerman Steck etc Rolls and Bench free BEBARFALDS (opp Town

_. Ronlsch Brinsmead Beale from 80 guineas and 7/6 weekly

BEBAKFALDS (Opp Town Hall)

George Street SYDNEY


to «lilt all buyers Cash or Terms Pianos Traded In part pas ment

E McFARLAND CO 168 Victoria Avenue Chatswood JA6334

AT ELVY S -Small Pianos suit Flats

or Bungalows A selection of Pianos bs Bechstelu Rich Llpp Brinsmead Feurich Dresden Mignon From £95 Cash tins Elvy s 307 Geo St M2319 BE Sure You Inspect the Lovely


The Piano with the Golden Tone C E DAVIES and SONS 586 Crown St

3 stops past Women s Hospital FA4406 RICH LIPP PIANO A line example ol

this manufacturer s product Rich mellow tone fully rccond and guaran teed CASH or TERMS ELVY S 397 George St opp Dymock s Ph M2319 IMPORTED HAMMOND Player exe

order Brilliant tone Rolls stool Immed free del Terms Mignon Strad Wagner etc from £65 Fully g teed Hartleys 526 M ville Rd Dul Hill PIANOS and PLAYERS fully guor

Gulbranscn Ronlsch Strad Belling etc Min dep rrom 7/6 wkly J yrs to pay WOODS 191 Burwood Rd Bur wood UJJ366 Also P matta Newcastle IOTELY Stocks of Guaranteed Players

t Including Gulbranscn Beale Kar

lona Frauds Bacon Cash or terms at Bank Interest DAVIES. 586 Crown St near Devonshire St FÀ4406

PLAYER PIANO or Piano Repairs

Ring or write for quotation HlUi

class work only Cash on completion of

ork SUTTONS PTY LTD 44 YOrk Street Sydney

GULBRANSEN latest model register

Ing Plas er perfect order Rolls ond Stool cash or terms Written guarantee Cohen s 93 George St Broadwoy


Plono and Ployer Tuning All dlsts UA7743 152 Parramatta Road Ashfield PLAYER PIANO USA high grade

highly polished beautiful tone rolls

stool i. 125 UM86*4

PIANO German Iron frome Mignon

wolnut good order £69 PRE CIANS 496 Parramatta Rd Petersham BRAITLING V S Planos Players

Tuned Reconditioned Tuning lo/ 35 Borcena St Strathfield UM8381


30 rolls seot Terms HANCOCK opp Cinema Dulwich Hill


Kingston St Haberfield UA1537 Pianos Plasers tuned relelt and tube AMPICO Plas cr beaut mod peri as

new £145 Off 100 Rolls UJ2631 PLAYER good £ 125 any lnsp 3

vi tms 12 mths serv WB1587 WANTED PIANOS Uprights Grands

or Piaseis by ELVY S For a llmi ted period we are offering attractive prl ces Ph M2319 Tor our Rep to coll ELVY S 397 George St opp Dymock s WANTED BUY Saxophones Clarinets

Piano Accordions Trumpets Trom bones Guitars etc Highest prices spot cosh paid NICHOLSON S PTY LTD 416 George St- The Musical Centre

WANTED Mignon Drever Belling

ur Strad style Piano Will pey good price take Immediate delivery Phone UA3808 or write Miss STEPNEY 4S Dudley St Haberfield


'» chose upright PIANOS Baby Grds and Player Pianos at highest cash prices Write or Phone BX25C6 or call


We will pay cash Remember Un

used Pianos depreciate Ring M6001 for valuation BEBARFALDS LTD George St Sydney M6001


or Player, ans cond SPOT CASH TO DAY Pas highest price and take 1m med del LMo268 or write Box 40

P O Marrickville


Alto or C Melodv high or low pitch any condition MACARTNEY 14 Basement Kembla Bldg 58 Margaret St PALING S Bus PIANOS Prevailing

prices are high they will be plea«ed to send a representative to inspect Ring write or coll 338 George St BW22M .":__: Iron frame Piano out ol or »> der no objection if sweet tone Irom private home preferred Phone FX6088

ans time

WANTED 2 Pianos suit convent

teaching classes Reosonable price


WANTED Piano out ol order no ob

Jectlon Principals only Phone

Burnett Grocer LU13o4

"ITtTANTED Bubs or Boudoir Grand

» » Piano of reputable make Reply

Box 3103 GPO

1JIANO WANTED Will purchase lor

cash good reliable make Iron Frame Phone M33I5

WANTED good 2nd hand PIANO for

cash Irom privóte home preferred Ring LM2785 any time

WANTED Pianola pay to £ 100 Pri

vote Ring MX2720

WANTED Player Piano prlv buyer '' will pav £110 LM2649

WANTED Piano or Player Plono cosh

ot once Please ring LM4571


ADVERTISEMENTS Whatever your needs you will find them_


ASERvERY and Salad Hand 5 da.,

wk Glcnogles 24 D hurst Rd ACTIVE elderly sober Man milk

tether 2 cows 1 Hercules St F field A CAP ABLE Ck Gen no wash own

room reis ess wage £4 LW5370 A DAILY HELP required to relieve lor

two weeks UM6074

A GOOD reliable Woman help mom

Ing or daily 1st class private hotel King s Cross FA6985

A Capable Domestic Help 3 adults no

laundry gd wages mod bungalow Randwick FX2635

AGENCY UJ2149 Help Comp 2

adults 50/ Hsprs 3 adults no laundry SU field 60/ Burwood 50^.


assist all duties live in or out Apply Oriental Hotel King s Cross

AOOOO HOME awaits good Cook

General two In family In flat WaBcs £3/10/ Reply with copy references to

No 58o5 Herald

AT LEA S 86 Pitt St B2S68 Chefs

Cooks, Dining rm Super Clerk Female Cleaners Cples Stns Osts Htls Overseer Stn Hnds Lods

A CAPABLE Young Woman assist

small home No cooking own room Salary £3 Must be fond of children



ern Mosman private home Other help kept All amenities Very good wages Personal reis XM1860

A GOOD HOME awaits competent

housekeeper cook under 45 very good woges Reply with copy references Box 2642 GPO Sydney

AUTOMOTIVE Spore Ports Factory re

quires the services of a CLEANER Good conditions Apply Mr Adorns Brodies Bros Pty Ltd 133 Parramatta

Road Flvedock

A CONGENIAL Position for 2 Friends

or Sisters as child s nurse and housekeeper for girl 4 yrs and 2 business adults high wages attractive quarters own radio JW1233

A RELIABLE WOMAN for Light Clean

Ing and Tea Work No Saturday Wages £4 Apply KENNARD BROS

15 33 Fronds St Broadwos MW2521

(behind Grace Bros)

AT GEORGE and COPE Employment

Agcy Scot Chbs Hosking PI B1287 GARDENER prlv home DARLING POINT Must be thor exp able spray and prunes5 dass £7 live out Inter

lew cmploser Thor recom

COOK GENERAL prlv home VAU CLUSE all duties 1 lads Refs are essential £5 live in UM

TWO FRIENDS or MOTHER and DAUGHTER stat DENILIQUIN OS Cook and Housemaid No ldry £6 and


School child considered £3/3/ keep


LOW TREE share duties 3 In kit £ 6



MARRIED COUPLE very modern stat ST H DIST Wife Cook gen J adults Man milk kill etc Own sep turn dec cottage wireless Refs essen Thor


MARRIED COUPLE hotel west Use ful osslst bar Hse waitress £7 clr

MARRIED COUPLE hotel sth coast Ldress Kitchcnmon able rel £7 also

MARRIED COUPLE hotel mnts £6 16/ clear

COOK Male stat QLD border i 5 out £5 and keep Rec

COOK LNDRESS stat GRAFTON 2ln 2 kit £4 Rec

CHILD S NURSE stat CANBERRA dist 2 small children Exp cssent £4

CAPABLE WOMAN control staff hotel sth coast Supervise dining rm

etc £3

STATION HANDS married cottages olsc single Grooms Lods Gardeners

BAR USEFUL experienced Concord

Hotel Concord West UF1175

"O ARMAIU ptrm ^experiencenot essen


Rovnl Shell Burwood UJ4205

BARMAID Saloon must be exporten

ccd corni etcnt cits MA1101

BARMAID pub bar 5 doy wk *d

colds vages XF1243 after 9 om BARMAN Usctul Exp or willing

tench energetic man Ring MW1647 B\R USEFUL exper ond refs con

genial pos for reliable person live i or oit Small «ub hotel Woolwich

I hone H inter -04

"¡JARMAN USEFUL 2 required expert .-> once no1 necessors 5 dav 40 no ir *rck £f 11 Appls Hotel Chatswood alter 10 nm lo day

CLEANER vianted Pvmble one day

wcekl £1 JX2372

COOK 2nd 130 guests live Mt £6

clear FW4358


CLEANERS Women, offices 30 hr

week no Sot Prudential Marlin PI

COOK for Convalescent Home no other

duties Phone JA1706


3o Vaucluse Rd nr Const FU5822 CASUAL WAITRESS, Mon, to Fri

to 7 Thome s Í35 Pitt St

COOK GENERAL cxp 2 adults no

washing Ring 1TJ6653

CLEANER fern 9 am to 12 30 Apply

No 9 Springfield Ave Potts Pt

CHFF first class good conditions

Royal Hotel Tamworth B986

CtOOK wanted Apply Horse and Jockey

' Hotel Homebush UM6119

COOK Female live in £4 clear l'/j

day off live in Ring UW8503

CITY hotel requires capable Woman for

Servery Bar Apply 12575 Herald CHEF wanted Continental experience

good wages Cafe La Palette 419 New South Head Road Double Bay

COOK and Kitchenman good condl

lions Thtseldome Guest House Phone Wallacia 15

COOK exp woman relieve 2 3 days

weekly guest house Bellevue H1U Phono PW5J24

CLEANERS tor hospital 3/ per hour

Tele LM4117 19 George Street Marrickville

COOK 4 In bus family £4 weekly

good conditions dally or live In Lindfield JA7912

COOK five day week Good position to

right man Apply ready to start Baltimore Restaurant 70 Pitt Street

COOK req Mudgee (In town) own

quarters radio, all mod cons Salary £3/10/ Phone MA6754

CLETNER male straight shifts no

Sundays Apply after 10 oin ROYAL AUTOMOBILE CLUB 89 Macquarie St

CLEANER male required to clean

premises Apply Mr Salakas West cott Hazell and Co Wattle St Ultimo CLEANER male required to clean

modern workshop Apply Mr Flet cher 16 Orcy St Kogarah

COOK Woman for Nurses Club live

In Award wages good conditions 7 Rockwall Cres Potts Pt FA3859

CLEANER Woman required for work

room and offices light work me«

sages twice doily 8 am 2 30 pm Apply SPORTS DEJOUR 199 Liverpool St

COOK GENERAL wanted lor modern

Home close station 3 In lamlls other help kept own quarters Ref


CtOOKS wanted for hamburger cooking

i straight night shllt good wages ond conditions Apply Silvers 1st floor p O Chambers 333 George St

COOK tem ile required urgently at

Moorong Victoria Road Ryde Good salary ard excellent conditions live In Reis Phone Ryde 559

/"THEF wanted 1st class experienced

/TGur^ *jru«xijw»ij lu, i)i iv uui.iv, no,. x-' Suburbs good room own bathroom excellent wages Apply first Instance

Phone M4629

CLEANERS Female city Office Build

ing full time or part time Mon to ~ ' Caretaker 19 Bridge St BW7409 "

COOKS Second also Baker Pastrycook

required for Hotel Kosciusko Apply Government Tourist ' Bureau Challis

House Martin Place

CLEANER (Mole) 40 hour week Mon

to Sat Excel woges and conditions Apply MONTCLAIR 347 Liverpool St Darlinghurst

C(LEANER (Female) young exp«r

' Straight shift 6 hours daily M,on to Sat Excel wotes and conditions Apply MONTCLAIR 347 Liverpool St


COOK (Female) Excellent working con

dirions Tree air travel in Vac Apply to Personnel Officer ANA Pts Ltd Mascot Aerodrome Phone MU1451

CLEANER experienced part time tor

mod Flat Bunding Edgecliff Re ferences required T ELLIOTT and CO 8 Bayswater Rd Kings Cross


for Mascot Aerodrome Good working conda Free air travel In vacation Aiply to the Personnel Officer ANA Pty Ltd Mascot Aerodrome Ph MU1451

C1APABLE Woman gnl duties small

i home two adults six days wkly 9 am 1 pm Perm suit applicant Ex woges Write conies rets P J O Sulli van Elmsdale Young St Wahroonga

CHILD S Nurse Motliercratt or ex

perienced Tor 1 girl 4 sears high wages ottroctlve room own radio other help kept Further particulars please

phone JW1233

CLEANER Woman for dressmaking

w orkroom hours 8 30 am 2 30 pm High wages perm pos Apply ready to start Coral Lea 195 Liverpool St Syd ney opp Hyde Pk 2 drs Tatler Th


for Staff Cafeteria required Good conditions Apply Personnel Office DAVID JONES PRODUCTION BRANCH Marlborough St Surry Hills


Stall Canteen Good hours condl lions No Sots Apply Industrial Officer PETERS ICE CREAM PTY LTD 140 George St Redfern

CAFETERIA Assistant req 8 30 am 4

pm No Sot work Woges £3/17/

nicols Included Good conds Apply after 9 am Columbia Pencil and Crayon Co Pts Ltd 183 Botans Road Waterloo COOK Female to take charge of kit

ellen in small Junior Red Cross Home Ramsgate Good salary and con dillons Appls with references to the Superintendent Australian Red Cross Soclets 27 Jamieson Street Sydney

DOMESTIC HELP wanted doctors

residence Phone WM3577

DAY WAITRESS 11 JO 7 30 5 das

week Snuggle Inn Bondi B»och

DAY WAITRESS Tavern Inn 7 Allred

St Circular Quas

DOMESTIC HELP reliable person to

do housework 8 30 am till 2 30 pm dally Modern Flat Good wages and conditions References Ring FM447B DAILY Housemaid for Catholic Girls

Hostel In cits Apply 4th Hoor Cusa House 175 Elizabeth St Stall Superintendent


Monday to Friday straight shift Apply Dietitian Royal Alexandra Hos pltal for Children Bridge Road Cam


DURY MANAGER Married lor near

suburban Dairy milking 200 cows dolly Wire to board o men Separate qtrs Salary £500 pa plus Cottugc men s allowances Box 3112 GFO



FEMALE CLEANER 25 to 40 years for the Staff Toilet Rooms

KITCHENMAN 2o to 45 sears for the Davy Jones Locker


SODA FOUNTAIN ASSISTANTS Full time Assistants In the Soda Fountain

WAITRESSES Midday and Full day Please appls to the Staff Manager 6th Floor Elizabeth Street Store

EXPERIENCED Housemaid wanted

Lapston« Hotel Glenbrook Pen 85 EXPER Kitchenman wanfd Lapstone

Hotel Glenbrook Penrith 8a

EXPERIENCED Waitress wanted Good

wuges and conditions Lapstone Hotel Glenbrook Penrith 85

EXCEILENT Opportunity to secure a

good Home for Middle aged Woman in return for Light Duties and small solars References necessars XB30J8 ]7i XPERILNCED Mon pielerabls mar

-J ried required for poultr/ and veget

ohle farm near city Good salory and accommodation Give copies references and opply to 6388 Herald

ENGLISH Womon one child, 6 small

new bungalow Killara w'lshes con tact Woman about 50 as Companion who will give light duties exchange board Write 13U28.r\Hcrald


Nurses «quarters at Bodington TB Sanatorium Good wages and living quar ters Apply with references to the Super Intendent Australian Red Cross Soclets 27 Jamieson Street Ssdney


female for Lads Gowrie Convalescent Home Gordon Excellait conditions and quarters Gocd woges 40 hour week Appls with references to the Superlnten dent Australian Red Cross Soclets 27 Jamieson Street Ssdney

ITiOOD WV.ITER wanted Good condl

. tiens Lapstone Hotel Glenbrook

Penrith 8o

F EMILE Office Cleaners wage £3/16/

26 hours weekly Appls Mr Cook 4th Floor Colonial Mutual Life Build ing 14 Martin Place Ssdney


WAITRESSES and PANTRYMAIDS for mlddas three quarter ond full time work In the Restaurant Cafeteria and the Stall Luncheon room NO SATUR DAY WORK Al ply to dav or to morrow to STAFF OFFICE SIXTH FLOOR

GARDENER to-doy level lawns 20/

and raros FM3155

GARDENER cosuol £ 1 per day plus

fares JA8995

GENERAL USEFUL Male good con

dillons and wages Helenic Private Hospital Rondvlck FX1159

GRILL COOK relieving for fortnight

no breakfast or Sundays Appls Chef Hotel Ssdney

GENERAL HELP good woges condl

tlons Apply with references Dur ban Club Hotel Elizabeth Street

GENERAL Help all duties family of

2 9 to 1 pm 5 or 6 day week Vaucluse area Ring FU7780

/"I ARDENER required bv NSW Com xJT munlty Hospltol Moore Park one das each week Ring Matron FA2196 GENERAL wanted no cooking or laun

drs live In Good wages and con dillons opportunity leam bar Write or ring Tate s Hotel Springwood 21

GREEN KEEPER Fully qualified Green

keeper wonted good wages Applv Mosman Bowling Club 15 Belmont Road


T"| OUSEMAID 8 30 to l six days week X1 ownrd woges 44 Macleay St

HOUSEMAID Apply Union Club 2

Bligh Street cits

HOUSEM D WAIT 8 to 12 b fast

onlv £4 5/ Hotel York King St

HOUSEMAID assist Bar Lakemba

Hotel UL2164

HOUSEMAID assist Bar exp live

in or out perm M3360

HOUSEMAID refined cxp or Incxp

Mac s Priv Hotel 304 Pitt St


dillons and wages Helcnle Private Hospital Randwick FX1159

HOUSEMAID assist bar bar cxp not

essential live m Rosal Sheaf Bur

wood UJ4205

HOUSEKEEPER small hotel 3 adults

no laundry live in £3/7/6 clear No 14327 Herald


conditions and woges Loch Lomond Gi est House Terrigal Phone 8

HOTEL Astra Bondi requires 2 K t

chenmen Good woges and condl tion« Applv personally to Chef


Girl B B fast 5 dass full bd wk ends Roynl Ncut Bay wharf XB46T2 HOUSEMAID WAITRESSES Excel

lent positions Comfortable rooms Good woges ond conditions Write The Clarendon K itoombo or ring Kal 7o6 nANDTMAN Catholic religious house

Manly ovn quarters \pply 10 am 4th Floor Cu«a 175 Elizabeth Street Staff S iierlnteiidrnt

HOUSEKEEPER wonted Cood liont-

own mistress No objection to child Open one seek All letters answered

708o Herald

HOUSEMAID req li red lor Prlsate

C est Hotel live in if reqilred

dav 40 hoir veck Auls Pacific Private Hotel Camt hell Pde Bondi Beach

n OUSEMAID anted permanent posl

tion good nges and conditioi « 1

dos wetk Api Is Ho t ckeeper Hotel

Svd les

HOUSEKEEPFR for 2 odells hleh

woges to reliable perso i 1 irge mod era home other help kept set arate rirnlshed q nrters with rorito JW12JJ BOUSEMAIDS req ilred for Jenola!

Cases and the Chalet Mt Koscl « ko Api Is Govcrnme t To irlst B ircau Cholll« Hoi Mnrlli Place


in good conditions nnri wages ex



M.iuse B Hill Phone Logon

Brae. FW5J24

HOUSEMAID wonted liso in good

woges end conditions Opportunity leam bar Write or ring Tates Hotel Springwood 21

HOUSEMAID relieving 8 am 5 pm no

week end Pantrymald 8 am 5 pm no wk end Scrverjmald £4 per week Permanent Casual 6 pm 9 30 pm



DRY HANDS Vacancies exist In these positions lull time or port time at the Royal North Shore Hospital ol 5sdues St Leonards Five day week (40 hours) HOUSEMAIDS Full time £4/7/9 per week also Port time 4 30 rm to 8 20 pm WARDSMAIDS Straight shifts 7 am to 4 pm £4/7/9 per week LAUNDRY HANDS Female (6)

£4/7/9 per week Variation of award awaiting gozettol Applicants sho lid 4p ply to Sub Matron or Laundry Monogcr

General Medical Superintendent


Blue Mountains requires 6 Wait resses to live in good wages condl

tions Apply 22 Stanton House 133

-IV Apply Hotel Bondi FW1171

KITCHENMAID no Sat Lincoln

Lnge 51 Rowe St city oft LO om KITCHENMAN wanted 5 das week

lernandez Cafe 126 Pitt St

KITCHEN HELP M or F 5 30 7 30

No 9 Springfield Ave Kings Cros« KITCHEN HELP week end Rift Cate

Double Bay FM5517 after 10 am KITCHENMAID good conditions and

wages Hílenle Private Hospital Church Street Randwick FX1159

KITCHENMAN exp 40 hrs Mon to

Frl £6 clear Regal Cafe 56 Pitt


KITCHENWOMAN experienced nice

position for nice woman live out Apply 79 Macleay Street

KIOSK Attendant required for Jenolan

Caves Apply Government Tourist Bureau Challis House Martin Place

KITCHENMAID 10 30 7 30 Mon to

Frl no week ends gd woges Marguerita 7 Rowe St cits

KITCHENMAN oble relieve 1 day

good position high wages Belvedere House Blackheath Phono 27 or write

fflTCHENMAIDS morning work 8 3

George Street

KITCHENMAN wanfd Good pay Per

monent position preferably not over 40 and eager to learn trade REP1N S QUALITY INN 108 King Street

KITCHENMAID relieve two weeks

peel vegetables cut bread only Meals free Baltimore Restaurant 614 George

Street next Plaza Theatre


£1 and fares FU9471

LAUNDRESS Assistant required for

Hotel Kosciusko Appls Government Tourist Bureau Challis House Martin Place

MID DAY Waitress 11 15 am to 2 45

pm gd wages and conds Marguer Ita Cole 46 Castlereagh St

MOTHER S Help live In no laundry

good home liberal wages Rose Bas FU7177

MID DAY Waitresses Apply reody to

commence Union Club 2 Bligh St city

MALE Cleaner for several weeks re

llevlng work steady position Core taker 250 Pitt St

MALE Cook for Bourke ten people on

property wages £4/10/ and keep Apply New Zealand Loan 38 Bridge St with references

MOTHER and Daughter or 2 Friends

req by country fomlly at Womberal

Light job good wages required until end Fco Appls Mrs Lee o/o Pitt Son and Badgery 4 O Connell St Sydney MARRIED Couple req. for country

woman, cook-general man, If In experienced willing learn milk, kill, gar den, useful, Refs essential. Wage £7 pw. and keep J Carter Kikiamah Young MRS BENTLEYS AGENCY Wingello

House Angel Place B5832 B5839 MARRIED GARDENER CARETAKER for near country private home milk one cow separóte furn cottage to selves with electricity site 2 days at home stead wages £6/2/

MARRIED COUPLE for Station BRAIDWOOD wile cook gen fer J adults mon gen farm work and help with sheep wages £6 and keep excel quarters can recommend

MARRIED COUPLE to shore duties for 12 Students Hostd city live in excel wages

MARRIED COUPLE for Suburban Hostel to shore dntlcs for 15 Students live In excel wages


NEW ENGLAND dist , must be exper furn cottage supplied for wife excel wages ond cond con recom pos

MARRIED BOUNDARY RIDER for sts tlon WARREN furn cottage supplied no duties for wife wages £6 can highly

recom pos

MARRIED COUPLE lor station WIL LOWTREE to share Indoor duties 3 Inside 3 o aside wages £6 and keep we can highly recom

BUTLER-VALET for AMBASSADOR S private residence CANBERRA woges £6 and keep This is a position we high ly recom can interview employer in town

COOK for private home DARLING POIN1 small adult family exceL wage« and conditions Can recom pos

HOUSEMAID and HOUSE PARLOUR-MAID for NEW ENGLAND dist wages £3 each and keep con highly recom


COOK for station home BUNOEN DORE small fomlly housemaid kept wages £3 10/ and keep can rcora pos

DOMESTIC HELP for private home SPRINGWOOD 2 adults 2 child no laundry wages £3 can recom

COOK for station home COOMA dist

woges £5 and keep and fares paid return for 6 to 8 weeks sotlslactors service start duties 26th Jan

COOK for private home on tram line DOUBLE BAY one Adult 2 on staff wages £3/10/ ond keep can highly

recom pos

CHILDREN S NURSE for station home QUIRINDI 2 boys 2'4 4t2 and baby girl woges £5 and keep can highly

recom pos

CHILDREN S NURSE for private home. NORTH SHORE 2 children 19 months and 5 months excel wages This Is a pos ni highly recom

COOK for private home on tram line ROSE BAY excel wages and conditions

can recom pos

TWO HOUSEMAIDS and Waitress for leading private Hotel MOUNTAINS wages £3 clear of everything

KITCHENMAN or KITCHElsMAID for MOUNTAIN Golf Club live In excel wages

REFINED WOMAN dally help 10 am to 2 30 pm for flat POTTS POINT good «ages

GARDENER for station FORBES must be exper flowers wages £4/5/ and keep Can Interview employer In town

STATION HAND for COONAMBLE dist must be exper wages £4 and keep can interview employer In town

GROOM tor station milk kill no gardening wages £3/10/2 and keep

WANTED WOMAN to do children s laundry collect and deliver on tram line Point Piper good wages

HOUSE PARLOUR MAID for station home BALLARAT VICTORIA small adult lomtly woges £3/15 and keep lares poid I his Is a pos we highly recom NURSE wonted Mothercralt or ex

pcrlenced tor period of month 2 small boys 3 and 5 years close Woll stonecraft station Ring XB4107


Junior Red Cross Children s Home £2/10/ clear Excellent quarters Apply with references to the Superintendent Australian Red Cross Society 27 Jamie son Street Sydney 4

PASTRYCOOK for finishing I Good

conditions Ring LF3112

PANTRYMAID start at once gd

wages and conds Marguerita Cafe 46 Castlereagh St

PANTRYMAID No Sot Sun Dr shift

work 349 Pitt St upstairs MA5293 Good conditions wages

PANTRYMAID wanted »Apply 52

Macleay Street Pty Ltd Green knowe Avenue Pot^ Point

13ANTRYMAID trcrmonent position

. good woges ond conditions 5 das week Apply Hotel Sydney

PART TIME Female Cleaners req Ured

8 am to 11 am dally Apply Busl

ness Manager St Luke s Hospital King s


POULTRY ÍARM Wonted expd Man

also Woman experd Hatching Good wages and conditions Box 1098 GPO Ssdney

PANTRYMAID wanted for straight day

shift good woges and conditions Apply ready to start Silvers 402 George


RESPECT Man help lise garden

rcf 64 Darling Pt Rd FM4885 RELIEVING COOK Irom 2 pm till 6

pm five week days 3/ per hour plain cooking UJ1776


dry no heavy housework good home good wages Eastern Suburbs FU671B RYDE District Soldiers Memorial Hos

pltal Wardsmald wanted Wages £4/7/9 40 hours Accommodation avoll

oble If required Apply In writing or Telephone WI1211




Housemaids Kltchenmnlds Scullery

molds Wordsmalds Excellent rondltlens ond wages Sleep In or out Applicants from country and city welcome Refer

enees Apply Matron Phone Ryde

559 or 560


Visier s 145 Castlereagh St

SANDWICH HAND exp Coff Lonuge

116 Parramatta Rd Camperdown

SANDWICH Hand 8 2 30 no Sat , Sun

Gd conds Embassy 6J York St SUPERVISOR wonted for straight night

shift excellent woges and conditions Apply Silvers 216 Pitt Street

Q T LUKE S HOSPITAL KING S ¡J CROSS require the following staff Clconer Pontrymolds Housemaid and Trajmold foil time or part time 5

doss a week Award wage

TURRAMURRA -Cook General all du

ties own quarters 2 adults Bunga low near station £4 Pers ref Tele JW2266

ULVA 12 O Connell St BW1181

Chel north £0 south £9 south £7 Sweets Cook south £6 Kit men city entry Bar Usts Usrs Hseman etty Fd Wtr cits entry Couples cook and bar usl W tress ond Pant mon Chef and Offsdr Bormds city subs

Booking Clerk £5 subs Hsckpr £5 south Domestic Staff all lines

VtTAITRESS smart exp Girl 8 4 30 ' > no Sat Sun Embassy 69 York St "WAITRESS wonted Uve out Hotel >> Moms Pitt St city

"WAITRESS 6 pm to 8 pm Apply >> No 9 Springfield Ave Potts Pt

"VtTAITRESS Casual 4 hours dolly >> Elston Hotel George St BW4218 "ITTAITRESSES wonted Diabolo Res

'V tournnt 245 Pilt St

.WAITRESS IO 3 30 Mon -Frid

»' Onie 223 Macquarie Street

V17ANTED Woltrcsses Excellent pay > V No Sut day Repln s 175 Pitt St cits X\T ANTED Mon gen duties privóte »V hôpital Apply Matron LM2568 -\TTANTFD House Assist Bar Perm >V Phoi e MA5187

"tATANTI-D Mon use scsthe clear

>V gro nd TO Flood St Bondi

\\r Al TRESS Hotel Mansions Kings >> Cics.« Good cass position

"\TTOMAN lor domestic Duties small »V t. est Hse Bondi FW1661

"WAITRESS (2) casual 3/ hr 24/

>V da nooi tri Retal Cafe 56 Pitt St

ITAITRESS 10 ~ Mon Til £4 5

1 c1 r st Mo i Regal Cole 56 Pitt St TANT ED Cook countrs properts

v\ At i Iv New Zealand " Loan

Bridge Street

""¡TAIIRESSFS Excellent pov No Sun


.... . ... _w or port time

Rcrln s Qiolitv Inn 108 King St

- rxNTED CHEF nlso WOMAN gen


. . rial w rk Boys lev G irst House

The Fntronce Lnt 3 or write Box 3B "WAITRFS°ES Misual ond full lime >V beet rendition« Applv eorly VERE MATHEWS 147A King Street


WAITRESSES £4/10/' meals etea: M rtngham Cote 54 Pork St on To "WAIIRESSES full time a, tln£ JJ»

' ' mlddas also Full time Fountain Hands Cahills Restaurant 132 put g,

-WAITRESS, good conds wages fa

'' clear Healthy climate Belvedere House Blackheath Phone 27 or writ. WANTED Woman for House Cleantat

Ring LX2719 7 Highclere Avenue


WAITER wanted Apply 52 Maclear »' Street Pts Ltd Greenknosse Av. Potts Point " "WrAITRESSES wonted Apply «a

»T Macleay Street Pty Ltd Green

knose Avenue Potts Point

"WANTED CHEF mole or female An.

>' ply Lakes Hotel The Entrance

Phone Entrance 86

WAITRESSES Five-day week No 1«.

nights Wages*£ 4 Good condition« Claridges 206 Pitt Street (next Lsceumi

WANTED Female Canteen Assistant M lor AMP Society kitchen T Pitt St °

WANTED reliable Person look after

two Children afternoons thru weeks Refs FM5921 T WAITRESSES also Girls for Mill

Bar day shift only Everest Milk Bar 7 Martin Place "* WAITRESSES fuU and part Urne AD

ply arter 11 DUNGOWAN 34 Mu

tin Place

"WANTED an experienced WAITRESS " also Relieving Housemaid 3 weeks Apply Hotel Arcadia 176 Pitt Street


»» wanted 5 day wk Good conda FERNANDEZ CAFE 126 Pitt Street

WAITRESS 5 till 12 Monday tra

Soturday £4 clear also Pantn mold FM38J1 Mary Pumpkin

WAITRESS wanted no Sunday nn

nlghtwork MONACCO COFFtp LOUNGE 169 Liverpool St city


'' nights or weekends 6 Piccadilly Arcade ' WAITRESS experienced Apply after

10 am Miss Leigh Royal Automo-bile Club 89 Macquorle Street

"WAITRESSES vacancies for 2 ex

» » perlcnced Waitresses at Gentlemen a Club In city Can live in Appls corner

Macquarie and Bent Streets

\\TAITRESS 10 30 7 JO Mon to Prl '» No week ends or public holidays uniforms provided good wages Mar guerlia 7 Rowe St cits

WANTED Mlddas Waitress for staff

dining rcom good hours conds No Sat work Apply Pellegrini and Co

Pty Ltd M4171

WANTED Experd COOK HOUSE , , KEEPER References necessarv Apply 15 GInahgulla Road Bellevue Hill FM2604 v. "'" WANTED Married Couple cook ard

kltchenman £7 r»r week clear Onls experienced couples need apply

Glenell Blackheath Phone 1

ANTED Permanent Barman excel

lent position for right man Good wages and conditions Appls Lewisham

Hotel Lewisham

"WAITRESS We have a vacancy lor

>> a MIDDAY WAITRESS Apply Staff Superintendent MARCUS CLApi and CO LTD Control Square «yenes WAITRESSES highest woges 118 30

2 days off no Sunday work Appij G and G Coffee Lounge 387 Gecree

St opp Nicholson s

WOMEN CLEANERS required tor city

offices No Saturday Apply Care taker 5 7 O Connell St belote 9 an or arter 4 30 pm

WAITRESS required for Prisât«

Guest Hotel 5 day 40 hour week live lu If required Apply Pacific Prliate Hotel Campbell Pde Bondi Beach

WAITRESS casual 5 8 pm ree ired

for private guest hotel Apply Pad ile Private Hotel Campbell Parade Bondi


"IXTAITRESS wonted toke charge small

TV dining room gocd woges and con

dillons Opportunity leam bar Write or ring Tates Hotel Springwood 21

WAITRESSES wanted for straintit day

shllt 5 days per week good ssagei and conditions Apply ready to stan Silvers 216 Pitt Street

"\7T7AITRESSES wanted for straight da;

'' shift 5 days per week good wages and conditions Appls ready to star Silvers 402 George Street

WANTED Kltchenwomon no late

nights or" week end work Gccd wogse and conditions Apply 167a Caste reogh St


WAITRESSES req by ANTHONY HORDERN and SONS LTD App.; Staff Superintendent 3rd floor

-WAITRESSES"T2) required permartnt 11 positions good woges ond cendi tlons 5 day week Apply Head Wale Hotel Sydney

"WAITRESSES Soturdoys only Hoon

>> 10 am to 7 pm Apply read) to start to Manageress Sargents Ltd Ground Floor 55 Market St

"WOMAN1 for salad making hou-s s

' T am to 5 pm 5 doy w eek Apply to Manageress Sargents Limited Grcy^. Floor 55 Market St after 10 30 as WANTED Kitchenmoids and OrJ

Cooks Night work Appl Mellon Taxi Drivers Club second floor 68 Oi ford St city between 4 pm and 6 pt "\\TAITRESSES full and port tint

'' good wages and conditions ME

work Apply California Coffee Sh-p King s Cross FA5623

WAITRESSES for Moscot Ae odro-i

Good conds Exper not essen P-H air travel vocation Apply to P'rsoane Officer ANA Ptv Ltd Mascot Ae o drome Phone MU1451

WANTED Waitresses (2) per-nant-it

Top wages good condltio s 40 hours 5 dav week closed Sjndays Anpv Henrv Hool fe s Pty Ltd Restaurant 630 George Street

WAITRESSES (Casuol) Casual Wait

resses (luncheon or dinner) are re quired tor our Bevcry Arpls MJS Brown Supervisor Besery Australi

Hotel Martin Place Sydney

"WAITRESSES required for Hotel

' » Kosclu«ko and Jenolan Ca es ajo Staff Woltress for The Chalet Mt h« clu«ko Apply Government Totm t ~ ou Challis House Martin Place

ANTED 1 Housemold and 1 Re lev

Ing Maid permanent positlors Award «ages and conditions Live In or out Apply The Lakes Hotel The ED trance Phone Entrance 86

YOUNG MAN for kitchen pantn

Apply 52 Mncleay Street Pty Ltd Grcenknowe Avenue. Potts Point




ACTIVE Healthy Man 60 trust-so thy

good character refs wishes Pt»

Caretaker knowledge garden city ot country No B723 Herald


Reliable WOMAN des 1 or 2 dan relieving cook or housemold Sat cun

MARRIED Couple des pos ho el use-

ful kit or bsr and hse waltr-ss

MARRIED COUPLE des pos «tot S h Wife cook gen man milk lill etc where 1 child token Exp Re s

ELDERLY COUPLE would caretake

home pets during owner« holldavi

8727 Herald

ELDERLY MAN good plain cook re

quires light Job or Relieve No 9221 Herald A .

Ï71XPERIENCED Children « N irse d» I (

i< Position 1 or 2 children No "i fehorc Line Good references Tee


("I ARDENER ret ex| Da « vcar

y 25 8"47 Herald

GARDENER expert good corker ret

TO 7096 Herald

GARDENER wants Day« exp la«n<

flowers and general Mr Cran 3TI Abercrombie St Redfern

C\ ENERAL nice cook ad lit (am I ra \X laundry Eostern Suburbs 6 « Herald .. . j »,." INTELLIGENT Young Married Man

good appearance nine vears ca et Ing experience all branche« requit! Position with view to mana"lng Kit. FA7280 , ".,. LADY seeks Position Companion Help

1 iBdy North Shore line preferred Apply M R Rowe 9 Redlen! Avenue Wahroonga moio MRS BENTLEYS AGENCT B3839

MARRIED COUPLE des pos ctrs hotel wife housemold mon lselul MU sober ond reliable Rcfer-nces

MARRIED COUPLE des los station to share indoor duties roon cook »ii housemaid where child IO tuen M

COMPANION HELP des prs for c« lads light duties " Re'""1"5 ". nri

COOK HOUSEKEEPER des PCS P« oteliome where girl 2 srs taken «eti cut references Can recommend

DAIRY FARMER SO mc %"'.* .nan des pos wl ere furn cot age aval

""EXPER* "GARDENER des pos Le*«

Mountains or Seaside Use In or »mm to botch Refs , , _" KEF LADY Housekcep for 1 mia

aged Gent good home_ Prot Sub Write part (open 2 doss) 706o «".? RETIRED Farmer offer« Ser.ces mc i

lugs ns Gardener In Exchanse to good Accommodation self nnd « :e

8703 Herald ",,, _ -t SITTER reliable womori « ra,°

children nightlv FW71 3

V0UNG MAN wont« Wor..4 hors

X mornings Cleaning Gardentns


X tlon in countrs West line f"

te 56 Victoria St Alexandra

OUNG Lads j seeks Work J» ?$ A Sitter Bondi Belles le P«£"£ good references Appls 106 R05T a

lSnAILY Workers Uundr,«. Clear

I) ers Cooks Savour-. M'kcrs Paw'

maids in uniform «»VuT

114 rn«tlereaah sl %"4i "-?



The follow ingo classlflcai.cos ma« »

authenticated BIRTHS .''VROACTT^G

ESK '«"SacVt

MÄe Ä^ivftu.^



PARTNERSHIPS necessitate »? "r

chnrncter references ",,"" m et

Advertisements to "« »u^'n,n'd >< and endorsed with ,,1J"1}"i!mons sa dress The numtar of InserirT

correct heading must be s ven f settings ond classifications ra ^,

S5 doanndot ffl'Susr'

made for eirors unless »"«"''?," 0"

to them on the day of pubrtle» ° ^

. Herald box numbers ore "¡J-" ^

at a feT of 3d Replies must be «

"lAi^èUt^norne, oie« c

nom de piume c/o post o'""

Herald not »«»table d c " . Where references are «J«.»"8 yvn . box number state copies onl-"," originals or documents of "' oW« been inadvertently '"*",d, ,or phoo return Immediately Requests mr y

graphs not allowed i«ieed ^

Advertisements must be I«1T .

carl? as possible prior J« f*0CU, ,

and exchange should be added to

C'Gisements for seconçI hand*«

Vehicles Vacuum C'eincrs R( Mowers Tspewrttcrs »nd.SnlBc"ii frlgeratnrs Washing »ngeN,tea!

Mochines must ti» Security (Pria«) Risu «101;

White space I« not allowee1 rf Dividing rules ore not perrai , ans classification except Busing ^

nouncements shl,PP'5Liinn Sales «c Tours ond Trove Auc ion a«

Reol Estote Auction Sale« ",,«

Advertising Inquiries T?,rd"i _ O.T week days ond 9 12^B1 '"£ tTD IOHN FAIF*""ir ' cnNg -~y, Printed ond published; bv '"",""^1

A. Sons Ptv Limited *' L'i'nijjf terrrt office of the Compans 38 «

Street Sidney