Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Wednesday 11 June 1947, page 1


Had Letter-bombs

LONDON, June 10. (A.A.P.).High Belgian police officials said to-day that the Jewish couple found in possession of letter-bombs ad-dressed to prominent Britons were members of the Stern Gang, says Reuters Brussels correspondent.

Police arrested the couple on Sun-day on the Belgian-French frontier while they were on a train from Paris

to Brussels.

The "Evening News" correspondent in Brussels says that a detective-in-spector from Scotland.Yard, who ar-rived in Belgium by air, will question the woman not only about the letterbombs found in her suitcase, but also about the bomb planted in the Colo-nial Office, Whitehall, in April.

[A smartly dressed Jewess, on April 17, placed a bomb in a cloak-room in Dover House, a section of the Colonial Office. Another woman found the bomb, which was removed before it could explode.]