Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Saturday 4 April 1942, page 6

Music and Drama

I -»

¡Williamson's Buy "Lady in Danger"

i -.

Although the Independent Theatre's season of Max Afford's outstanding comedy-thriller, "Lady in Danger," had to end last Saturday night to make way for the already scheduled produc-tion of Margaret Pearson's "The Press Gang" (another Australian comedy which a Doris Pitton presents this evening), the Afford play will be seen

Hal JViiOQipsíin, who plays the

juvenile lead in ''Point Valaine'" i

at the Minerva. Theatre..

agein in S/tinev va tue neal tutuie having been purchased this wee¿: bj

J C Williamson's, who nave also i secured the woila rights I

This vail be particulaily piicouraging ¡ news for Australian writers, a tew of |

whom, unearthed ov tne Playwrights'

Advisory Boaid in its persistent sealcn . iOi native talent nave already shown a definite flair foi drarnatu wilting This was manifest in íaiious repertory oroductions spor-ored by the Playivrignts' Advisory Boaid, oftan in con-junction with the British Drame League of Sydney

J C Williamson's me also intei- | | ested in ine perfeimmg- lights of "Dad |

and Dove in Snake Gully whrh '

George Edwarde i« now converting from a radio serial into a stage play Mr Edwards, who made his last appearance as an actor in J C Wil-liamson's production of "Potash and Perlmutter," will probably appear in the íole of Dad


"Claudia, ' which will have its Sydney premiere at the Theatre Royal this aiternoon, proved so popjlar in Melbourne that it was presentad at 5 30 and 8 15 p m for tue final nights of the season there Terrv Walker arrived In Svaney on Thursday She spent the tiay rehearsing her part despite that she had just concluded a 15 weeks ¡season m the role In the e\ening she spent a busman's holiday watchmg o perfoiniam'e of 'Point Valaine" at the Mineiva Theatre

Roger Banu who plays the role of I he eminent writer, Moitimei Quinn m 'Po'nt Velaine" is a Sydnev actor who saw active service in Malaya end lecentlv returned heie in a hos

pital ihip He lomeo. Marie Tempest's companv dur ng hei Avstral>an ieason ard fo saven veais travelled with lie*lhrou-hout the Commonwealth ana the Tai East He afterwards apn°aiad with Leon Gordon and with Dclysu

"Fannv's H<-sr Pla^

B°ry) Brypnt who has gamed a fine reputation far, (.he director-producer of one of Sydneys lc?dUi<3 leperlory tneatres, resjrth tina to v»eae hei well-known pla'/nouse in Dariinghuist raced witn the »ltemative of clcsing down altogether during the war oi launching out in a bidgel vi ay ?''han hitherto Mk-s Bryant, comageously tooi. 0\ci the lonsiderabh larger pieimce- of the L'ttls Tr-catr.- in Phillip

¡Sheer whifli vail hencefortn le known

I a« Ri vants Plavhoiure There she j

intends to piesent on a more elaboiate scale the same class nf plays which have consistently drawn lover- of good cornea/ and di ama to her ruiy uiurch c-ypt in ftorbss Stieet Next Satur-

day e/ening Iiiss Biyant will formally j

onen hei new theatr« with a i arformanre of Bernard Shaw's 'Panny'Firrt '"lay." the comedv whi-h

onginally launched hei ana her ' f0th»r, Geoige Biyant in repeitoiv ' production