Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Monday 24 November 1941, page 9



M * play, "The Royal Family of Broadway," by Edna Ferber and George Kaufman, which was pro-duced by the Independent Theatre on

Satuiday night, ha3 no structural or *om*ay strength paiticularly to íecommend it, but it is an enjoyable light-hearted satire on a famous American theatrical family, whose Identity is obvious.

Thp playera only occasionally brought individuality or definite personality to their roles. Mary Hosking stood out as the mat-riarch, Fanny Cavendish, but John Alden, who pioduced the play in the absence of Doris Fitton, and also devised an attractive decor, missed the elaborate posturing and gencial flamboyance of the ever fugi-tive Anthony

Francps Dillon was good as Julie. the most stable member of the family and IN: constant financial piop David ßatner suggested the poise and dependability of the impresario. Oscar Wolfe, Clive Coppard was anile amusing as the naively bhin

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