Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Friday 22 August 1941, page 9


wi ¥ iu ¿ATHursr &r maiu2 oidomd A silver Jcwelleiy Diamonds F P Ware

Anllnics Croclnv Cullin linen Tiavel nords ieols PH""«, address litter person Sh lo Mr and Mrs CHARLIE WOOL»

ttVaTHS BAblNb HC MConU-liand O L H ¿OOPt-R »mi fcON P" 1'IU I'"

Pi rams n Ri id Camperdown LA 1757

VlASH HFGISiUlb VVAN1FD Hen Prlres C paid I linn B7I17 _0 loll Sim I

/-lAfcH nrc> sCAirs bacon cutters {j olnss Touiller« li» Llicrpoil SI MA II II)

CAICULAIOfl Monroe Burroughs 01 Comp

loinelti also Adding Machine Lewis orTrc Co 4 Am c1 Place BW4I.0I


VAT ii tin or 8 bars soap lins ex r changed Mnlois call MVV1H17

GALVANISED Irrn ans qiinutltv 3ud hand

C. I COOP! li and bON Pl\ LTD Pt Pnrramatln Rond Cituipeldowii LA 1757 /I OLD Diamond« l*inerii]ds Sapphires It leuellciv Antiques Modem Silver boutlit for cash Highest piIcls Call or send reg post HARDY BROS LTD 60 Castlereagh SI Sjdllf) belwcen King st Marlin Piare Established Jew ellet s 87 year»

.J FAD fcCRAP wauled anv quantity Good Jj Price KENDI LE MM314

MERCURY. Quicksilver. D. Oldman, 15 Castlereagh St. B4947 night XJ1440.

TflRCUHY or QUICKSILVER Jil named urgently HIGH PHICb

MM1I 1 Dnv LM4054 Night

MEN 5 Suits Coals Men s Clothing Best

prices We call. OtOHOr 830 George Slitet eil' near Hallwav MA210U

TVTMVSI'APEHS Jl/u rut «ullin rags Is boule» mêlais We cull IA 1580 auv horn TlTElVSPAPhPS 14/ cwt Furniture Metals ii Bottles Rags Bags We rall UA3407 TITEIVSPAPTRS 13/ cwt Russ to 8/ IV Botlies lorry cills regular UA34Ü4

VEtlbPAPERS sullable for moppin» oi J.' packing Urgent need to assist national rMulromcnla Highest pikes pild phone MIV1604 The Paper Kins ol send 315

Bilnnrra Road Pv

HART WORN Pac 51111« rouis . ...

I odd Coats Ytlburv 13a Bnilov ,..t".

piPINC, »anted am qunnlltv 2nd hand

I G L GOOPFR -"? . -? - -

Jil Parramatta Kon

OFVVTNG Machines all makes'" AC

ino Goorie St opp A Horderns MA3170 (JEW ino MACH reliable no dealers Biuns n alck Jil Dnncaslii Ave Kens FXOB7 OTFfLGIIiDrRS ANGIEIKON BARS 2nd i! barri G J Cooper ault Son Ptv ltd 1S1 Parmnnlta Road Camperdown LA 1757 CCPAP MLIAL IRON MhlALS ???fc,l'r, ,tln«l .bough* highest prices paid D'llim taken dec all Wharf Town

ALBERT G SIMS PTV. i rD NLWIOWN Milli Iel trams Srrapmelal Sydnev



Prompt Attention


si noir corner Liverpool St MAI322

.liVF-EWRIlFRS Standard lvneviilter and J" l?','.'1^'^ Co 7'1 KI"K St MA1048

rpVM.lVRIIER& PH1CI NO OBIFCT Anv L ranko londltlon ure We call and pay r «n ching al least LI above competitors

"'.'Jr., "",'," Dl'"'4 TYPEWRIltl! fPH. C1FNCV 10 C-OROI Si only address

inn um others In Svdnry We call dav inca' Ofriic rniilpiitcnt ptv Ltd Oi n lining 77 Yorl st bvilntv (hslab r

M am othci t,ood

rim njjfTi mi s lillies

lyr BU\ rullMiiiRi Ornaments Siller II roinplclc Homes or Sim plus Tools I men rain« Pianos Glass tulléis cash quick In minn 7lon 211 castlereagh bt MAJ06B lVVNTHJ 1URM1UI1I Modem ol Old H lasliloncd homes oi surplus liinnn.

FH- - ' ' -? ill


The p lillie ure licrebj warned lint Artillen rnrtlrc nil lie com d mu willi live shell li Hie vlclnltv of P V I LRoON NSW on "and mid 2 id Viuust 1041

Tile ilium arci Is i nrlosed llv an rAST WESI line IhroiiUi MOUM C1 ORGI on the \0lirH Hie PA1LRSON RllHt on the I ASI

I l NORTH f-OUIH line through SUGAR LOAF MOUNTAIN nu 111- VV1SI and an MSI WLSr lim through focal on the South

lersons rnlcilng this ana do so at their

oin risk

flinlln/ anv un-tile piauice he

I) r MOORI Lt-lul Alea Commandant

Gula Acini Arm Kulheilord



Ajiiillcatlon lins ticen made to the Directors ni Mir above Companv to is^m u SllllstitillL Itllrr ol Allotment In lespcct ol the lollonlng yuro« of £ 1 ench In the 10») lusuc ol the C ¡ Hal of the Compinv upon Hu statement fiat Hie original Lcltei ol Allotment ii iniclv

No 4 17 ol the l!!2'l Issue to rsbensen I Ind j Pnul for Jil shares has been lost


xolirc |. Ileicln GUeu Hint If within twon.

ni' (21) iIhjs liclenlter no claim or rcpio

tntillon In Icmi I ni such oilklnal leite: o allotinciil Is mude lo Hu Dlreclois the

III then plonul to dell with nell nunile i< on toi a substitute Lcllcl ol Allolmeiil ruled the llih du of August IU41



Tho public uri heirbv wurnrd that f Irld Frintr ptaitki willi Moitais Machine Guns

d Rifles will bl rai,-led nut In the vlilnllv IIT1LFIIAM on 35 li to 311th August 1041

:\ dales Inclusive

flin dangci aira Is enclosed bv tho line n( ti* Prospcit Walu Pit« Lim. on the north

.? . ? . line

? to Bo

Ullcliam Ills on Hu «nulli then a line SN! lo the pip lim. nu Hie weil

Poisons enteiliii, this una do so nt their tin risk tSgil ) II C lORD Li-Col

Area Commandant Wallgrove \ 01 ICI OI DISSOIUIJON Ol PARTNFH .\ SHIP-NOIICI Is hi le bv given Hint the Pirtnership luielolori. subsisting between Hie

ddslgllid 3ACK VAM lb und SAM IMinOUISOS cnrivlng on bilsine^i us Cale sioi>rictnis lit Hu Jliieadeio Cale Dandaloo

ect J rangle undei Hie nnme of Vallis nnd tsdroul os has been Dissolved bv mutual meat as from the First din of August

nV All debts due to und owliik bv the ?w ile finn will lie rccelied uni paid bv

'nil Snm Aiidroul os who will ronllnue. i i:r on the business al the same place "iii at Tlanul" the tOlll du of Aueusl W JACK VAI LIS S ANDHOUISOS

t" In both slgnatuns R D Honlh

tor Dubbo



Apiillcntlon I as been niode to Hie Directols " le a dupllenti n rtlllnite lor 17 ordinals mies In tile nnme ol CHAS KL1MPSCH DICH upon the statement Hint Hie nilplnal " UDoalos numbered 4llbi und '1005 liavc been

tor dcslrowd Nollri Is belebe glvrn lint I ni or betoic Hu I Mil dav of September lill no rlnlni ni rcpit cut itlnn In iispca oiuih oill-lnal I" m irti io Hu Dlreilois thev

II pioceeil willi suili npplliullnn

bated Ibis S^lld dav ni Allflrt 1041

P L I DGHILL Si neilin

ft slorcri Oflue 4 Min rt St Cliciilur Qi av

ipOOHLYS LIMUI D -NOIICF Is luiehv I given that Hu Shire Heeisli i am! lru or Hool s of Un Companv will be closed In mil ti Hie 34lh September 1041 both i\ii lad he The last Meeting of Director*

slurh Shares can be tionsierred lipfoic rlosl ni nooks will be held on VVednesdav the '

s'ltunbor l'lll Ironsfcrs to be dealt willi ? Oils Meeline niiiM lie Indeed nt the dm i»> onloo not lalor linn 5 pin on I "=0|l'mlicr 1041 Bv Orde M J MOLIO\ Soeiotan

-01) Elbnboth Slioet Sednoi

oiMHrnc lirsiNS avd s\Nnirnc n niSIN VVRMSH1S AND Till MIMI MHUPr THIRFOl SV.N1HIIIC RI SIN - - .nts Fe

ail oi ni

thnt tluv be adopted bioirllt Into eommi liri .

Hu o ends from pitsnns anil linns Intiti ted Adrtioss Imtnlrles lo SI'RU=ON mid FrRGU ON Patent Allniiuss Bank ol New Siitllh Wile Billinue H, II Oconnell bt Sydn Km lout Ii VVnlos



Ccminmcillh Patent No 101 130 III

Fa tntocs ni this Invenllon dislre thit It be "lo orl ami brought Into commercial us, --

Inquiries to SPRUSON and FERGUSON Patent Attnrnevs Bank of New So til Wales Building 1G1I oconnell SI

Now South Wale

flOOBLFT AND "MI Til IIMITTD « NOIICI IS H?Rim GIVEN that the 'Uri Tiansfci Books ol Goodlel and Smith Lmurri will be closed 'lorn Filriav 5th Sep irher 1041 to lu sdav nth Sepliuihor lill both das s Inclusive

ni Order of the Board


!l>t Ausust 1141 Artlll« Secrelnry V1W Ambulance Triinspoit Service 1' Eastern Suburbs District -Annual Meet

lui «I Cnntrlbulors will be brid at Ambu ?rct Station Coogee Mon Sept 15th 13U at 0 15 n ni Business Io receive Pi port ".iii to Fleel Coinmlltei Nominations for Com Slltloe close willi Return lig OUR cr ol C oogei Hen Sept 1st 1041 T li Hendeison

Rt.mnhiR Omrer

MHIF AUSTRALIVN G\P«UM IIMITFD I N011CE IS HERrB\ OIV1 N that the Share Tranter Bool s uf The All'trallan Gvp «urn Ilnilled will be closed flinn Thurrdiv 4lh Soplombcr to lhurulas 11th faeptembei

lill both dass inclusive

Tli Order of the Board

TO S3 Pitt Stropt S II BULL

SYDNEV. 31st Allfclist 1941 SPC

riVAKF NOIR F (lint we ludlow Minni

I and Cn Intend to Sill al Auction sli oases of Cotton 1 icee cut Into shape for the uian ifnrlme of mens «hills held bv us on hclnlf of owner at the Rooms of r R Stimme Ptv Ltd 57 Oenlge St North Svdncv on lid Sept 1041 at 11 o clool


lie foio


ACCOUNTANTS (Ineoipornted In 18Í17

Vugust F W TRNrST lONFS F I C A Reelslrar NSW Division 5 Bllrll SI Svdnoi



_._._ ... I boen burnt Svdnev 16th August 1911 1! ROUSE Goner ii Manager

j PREDERIK FMIL JORGrNSON of Danish X natlonlltv born at 1 sbjeri, Denmark and now resident IG vears In Australia and now mining at Spring Hill Road Coniston (via Wollongong) New South Wnles Intend to apply for Naturalisation under the Nationality

Act 1020 1016


lor Naturalisation mulei the Commonwenllh Nsllonallh Act 1020-10 10

IN CONSrcjUDNCE of Hie Loss of Polin I No 12766 on the life nt Leonnrd Williams 11 Is the Intention ni The Australian Pro vhclal Assurance Association Limited to Ksue


of Telephone Numbers from MA8124 and MA4I03 to MAO'lll and MA0913

T VVHL NOT be Responsible for any Debts I Incurred In inv name without mv vwlltcn «uthorltv trom this date 23/0'41 a I GUSTAFSON 15 Bower Stieel Lakemba

T N 1 HrPBURN 5 Hudson Ave Wil * loughbv will not bt responsible lor Debts contracted In mv name without my wiltlen ?uthoiltv trom this date

AOENrs please note I have withdrawn ms

Business from bnle I Marks 174 BnurkL Birool E Sydnev

AOFNTS piense Note-My Piopellv In

Botanv Street Randwick Is Withdrawn from Sale A BOITA

T WILL NO1 be Responsible for any Di bis 3 Inclined In mv name Wallu limn Hriutorsnn h Morion stieet leichhardt

AOFNTS Note -Mv Business 134 Delmore

«'id Randwlel Is Sold 1 Sandon

ACltNTS Mv Plop rlv ot 37 Vlrtorlu St

Ashflild ins bun Sold I I Stevens ii ACTMS Mv Piopellv Rollond bt Alixnn

in i Withdrawn norn sak r Holbenih AOENrs please note Mv Tints at I»ane Cove

. Polo Geo Rl-lmid"

AOENrs Note-My Piopellv Gem Roseville ?'* 1st Althdrawn Sale Sadlier I Indfleld AOtNrs Note - Piopcrtv 51 Rose St Pn

"rld been Sold C Buckland

AOP-Nls Note - Mv propertv 1 Prior Ave

.** Cremorne, withdrawn from sale F Vance



Thev re prohably the most used of «II vrg«

l.blr.-a g, od, nell .«^lil^m.

will assure pound of ried nd a lejfll lu

.lid be Í «rent gift to .1 the I.«

GRrfN PfAS- Gieeiilenst will splendid si L and full pods a pound

Uves nu a inw 100ft long and a f

i moulin lb_.",[,/

DWAIII ritíNCH Bl ANS BROWN Bl--vu IV, has n i r^nd li iiiitatlon lui bllRht leji«tln¡¡ ami hravv yields w11 II lie uleling llirni v Ullin 2 months «nd fur u - -. '. 10011 long II t-ikes lib ned lb

NUN DISCOVrRS. You re a -plcndld ciop limn this one than most slid verv baldy 111

Live a 10V lOOIt lout, lb 1/6

HAWKTsBURi «ONOHt regrrdrd by Hie nipuitment of Aeririillure a« iii on'standing variety-bilpin I'shtlnt and a heavy rroppei lib sted gives a 10't low lb 2

CLIMBTHG TRENCH «FANS Half a pound ol H'lCURl vlll give you a woll of beans ion long Tim re very keucroiis beal cr« and ol encellen! li unir Ib 21

1 ILB POT MOFB TOR 1 II-will give you Ihre - '" " " ' -"""??' " "

I AC I Oil UP TO DAT! and BROWNE! I S ore ovallablr Prices foi laiger quantities _Blb 1 1 161b 6/ 11 'lb 11/6 PHLOX AND PI1UNIAR

Con alwois be d-pended on lor a brilliant show dilling summer and autumn These stinng heolthy plants will give ion a good PHLOX DRUMMONDI B01 100 1/B PETUNrA ROSF OP HFAV1 N Bot 100 J/<> PFTUNIA SILVERY LILAC Box K10 1/9 PETUNI\ OIANT FRINGED Box 10 1/0 MAIL ORDÍR CUSTOMI RS PIFASE ADD





417 421 also 188 114a Geo'gr Strcel Sadlier COUCH or Búllalo I uri* 8/ 100 laid top

dressed lo Soil" bla-k 01 choeoiote 12/6 Ion J 10 6 10 10 bags 10/ Estimate« w Bonni i\\ »II I

SOUS foi lopdiesslng and Garden Use type

foi ench dirtrlct See our Soils first MA" 160 oftn houi" FX0148

1 B THOMSON 4 11 Wattle Stint Ultimo

"f 1VFRPOOI "oils lopdirss ng and Goldens

Pet 1168

CIAIINMION Plants wanted Price per 100

J 1 Henson st \m ryland'_ MUNICIPAL 8c SHIRE NOTICES



Nolle© ia heiebv glvên~Hiat Hie Council uro

POsls lo fit Hie levels of VICIORIA AVENUE Horn Neville Stleet to Tynesltle Avenue

accordance with plans and sections which 1

be impeded ot the office oí the Count II dur-ing ordlnaiv offire liouri

Any peison ttifeiestcel may set forth In Tilt-ing addressed lo Hie undci signed within month fiom date hereof particulars of objections Ihrv nias ha ccthei willi a claim lo

less 01 damage i lilrh thev mav suslsln bv icason oí a prouetty in which thev may be llltereflrd being dlr.ctlv »Itected In »11 Injlllloils mannei by iea«on oí the rising of these levels

G A BAILEY lown Cleik loin Hill Chatswood 19/8/1041




Nolle? Is hereby given that at a meeting oí Hie Council held on Hie 18th August, 1041

Hie following résolution was adopted- lhat Council in the exeirlse of Hie powers vested In It bv sub section 4 of section 2 (b) (I) or the Locnl Government (Regulation of flats) Art 1040 hereby resolves to regulate in so li as Ils poweis will 1 ermll Hie height of

leslilentlal Ila! building lu be erecled within Hie Munlrlpalltv lo two storevs only

G A HAILTY Town Clerk Trvvn Hall Chatswood lilli August 1141



NOTICI la hereby given that the Revision Couit lor the purpose oí revising Hie I Ises ol rlcctoi« will be held at the Couit House Paddington on Wednesduj 17th September 1041 ni 11 « m

Ditrd this twenlj Oisl dor of August 1141 _I C I PUGH Town Clel)




Up to £1 ALLOWED on sour old nt as pilli uniment on » new 1141 Radio It s onlv common sense lo bus a uualiti rndlo NOW villis! adequate storks aie available

Nrw HADIOI AS-Seven wave bands time In sholl wave »talions like locals 1 and 6 valve models

1ASMA FSSI X Radio Phonograph Combi-nation« dual wave models

A1R?0NE- Console and Mnnlel Sel»

BREVIIII and PHILIPS Console ai Vintel Models

Mnntel Dual Wave Seta Irom £11/19/6 Dunl Wave Console Sets ficm £26/17/6

leims liom 1/ vveel Iv

lvvelve Months GUARANII* trade

vour old indio Now and enjoy perfect tone <li nilly and first class recrptiun





Suprnedcd mid trnded til «els which have beer locton tested and oicihniilrd and ililli GUAR


4 valve Elcelrle Consoles Horn £ 1 1 volve ISSLX Consoles Irom £5

1ABMA 1 valve tlecltie Console £7 IIADIOIA 1 volve Console £1

BRI VII 11- blilve Consule £9/10/

RADIOLA 1 valve Dual Wove Mainel £14 KTIEISim Special Dual W«v Console £16'/., Mcllopnllt iii oren only-IfRMS Irom £1 de

Oneil Irldny night" WINKWOHTH ant' -"" ~~.



RIC _._ __


14 BARRACK SI CIIY nest lottery Office (tOOD UM D RADIO SI IS Ken I lillie ned

I Gunrnnteed Misi Toinis 3i/ 11/ 41/ lo it, Valves VAI VI S all Ivpes I om 1/ 1-XCI I TRON RADIO Collere and Oxford Sis mUDOH 5 valve £12 2/10 week Radio

J nio-ler 5 J. HI/1 J/ 4/0 weel 10/ 01 old

set as drp Hamilton Bio« LMIiOO lor tri ii

M J no1.1 Moael Radio ulmost new sell £ li

ui oller lui qulek ssle Home all dm 2<> Wmreii lid Bellevue Hill

J.SLPCIRIC Mom «nd Pltk up for Sale

J theip. 177 Prone st Quay_


ClAMIlIllDGb Indicating ond Recoidlng Ibu

1 mometcrs and Pirometcrs for Indllstllil Purposes Slorl s and Technical SclHtc

SOLE Distributora


LTD 400 Kent Street Sydney


I hone MObbl (Near Liverpool Stielt ) JJUIirYS Reduction Genie Slide Rall«

I I limps Blow eis Llectrlc Meiers Moluis und Dinamos ODONNELL GRIEPIN and LO 11 Druitt SHeet M2991

AUS1RAL 8 h p Hnrl/oiifil Stntlonarv C 1

ENGINE with 2 rhwllcels In good ron dillon SFL AUCIION SALLS

C H WOOD mid CO 78 William st MAj714 |7<I EC1RICAL APPIIANC1 S Maunelos fans tv I Ullin,s ele and Wireless 1 tuilpni til

II lirndini. Llectriral Wireless clc

sJCI AP MITAIS IRON M1IA1S HOUGH 1 tag sims in ltd ni-wiown lAilll Ttlecrnms Sciapmetal Svdnev W/ANIFD to Pinella e JOc-wl or 2 ton Am '' moni i Com pics 01 eomplete with con tien ei coll Rrplv c I WARTON Post

[lie Ntwcnstle Wes!

VÎMN1EIJ JOIIi Halls nnd 0 pairs Wheels

yy anti Asie .- - -


Intended lo lit declared lu the above mullel

Credltois who hive not piov I Hull debt bv Hie elkhlll (lav oí Seplfmbel 1041 MU be iseluded flonl «nell dividend

Dnted this 20th djv oí Mu int 1141


lionels Lkan mid Co kissaile s Chambei C sino


J TRici oh Nru souiii wins vnij 1H1- lUMUAIIAN CAPITAI 1FRR1T0RY SI QUI S IRAI ION ORDrR I 1RS1 MÍH1NG


1 >0 ol 1911 Re FR4.MC S ODÓN

1J41 nt 10 10

Ofllce Svdnel Díte oí Publie rMililiiallon

.Hil September l'llt »I 10 10 am at the Boni r iptev Court s dntv

No lil ui lill Re BINIIMIN DWID BIAK uf IO lilian! Avenue Dalling Pt lilt Sjdnev Coinponv Dlreoloi Dale ui seo íes notion 21st Aiikiist 1J41

All oellts due lu the abuvr I states should

... 1011 of 1941


snld DOROTHY EV.FIYN DAWSON PARkLS his tomnicnccd a tilt agulnst lou in this Honoinable Couit anti I« applilng lor a dis

solution pi marriage un Hit uinunds that you Iuvl wimont Just cause 01 excuse wlliilllv tltserled her and without any suth cause or L (use lelt hei euiitimi nish jo deserted tim lug three leais and upwards and take Nollte llinl von are leonlred lu enter »n »ppeamnee to the sold suit nt Hie moiler oihee of tills Honourable Couit on ti licloie the eighteenth div oí Novembei next »nd In the event til voir uni so doing willi n Hie time limited 01 obtaining ttlither time the Petitioner will proeced and Hie suit be lieaid and detcimlnetl

vom ab* nee notwithstanding A ropy ol Hu Petition Hied lien In ran be hod on appllei

Hun lo Iii iindeislkned Hoe oí charge DJted the twenll-Ilrst day ni Aligll«l A D 1941

KAHUI D MUNRO Pellllonel 5 Sollelttn III I ll/lbelh Slreel Svdnel C K BODY



lo Al I AN BRADGAU ANDR! WS Inle ni dwlnev -Take Notice tint the salt! Violet lillian Andrews has tnniinciired a suit against von lu this Honoilinble Court and Is opiililnk ¡ni a Dissolution ot Marriage on Hie grounds Illili vin have wllhout Jusl rouse or esell'e wlliilllv deselled bel nnd without anv sueh t mae ui excuse left hei conlhiuouslv so de

oiled tluriiik tlnee venn and upwards And lole Nollee that you are letpilied to enter nu upiieaiiiure to the hold suit at Ihr piopel onTre ol Hil« Hi [tourable Corni on or before Hie fuiirtcentli duv ui Nu\cmbfti next and In the event ul vu ir nut doing so within the time limited or obtaining iurther lime the Pellllonel will proired and Hie ault be heard and determined sour absence notwithstanding h topv nf the Petition tiled herein liny be I iii 111 uppllei lion to the undesigned lue ol charge Dated this twenti-ilrst day of Auklist lill C P Winn Solleltor loi the Pet I lionel 160 Castlereagh Stieet Sidney C

BODY (L S ) Rcrlslra

ol ELV II GLADYS K1 MP lote of Mon! / In the Stale of New South Wales spinster deceased Intestate -Application will be made eiler fourteen davs Irom the publlcitlon here

the same In detail lo the undersigned

B GIDDrS Publlr Trustee But inga Bank Building 14 Coslleieagh Slrert Sidnev


WALrS-Probate Jurl«dlcllou - In Hie raíate ol ROSF SMIill lale ot Leichhaidt In the Slate ol New South Wales Widow deeenred-Application will be made aitei louttccn dava Ii um the ptiblicnlion hereof Hint Administration ol the 1 state uf the above named deceased with the Will dnted 14th Orto lobei 1040 anncscd mav be granted to Hil PUBLIC 1RUSI1I and all persons having claims dunlin! the snld Estate must render Hie same In detail to the undersigned W II GIDDl'S Putillt Tiuslee Savings Bunk minding 14 Cn«tlt teach Slreel Sydnev


WAI I S -Prubnlc lllllndlelion - In the 1 lol- li KOBI-K1 Al E\ANDFH H RICK lale ol Undeiclllie In the stole uf New S011II1 Wiles lunn DHvcl tteceised Inteslale - Ap Pllealloii will be made after murken dnvs Horn Hie piblleatlon hereof thut Admini-stration of Hie Islote of the nbovenamed de

censed mov he granted lo the PUBLIC TRUS TrF and all peisons having tlalm» «gainst the snld Estate must render the same In de-tail to the undersigned W B REDDER Public trustee Saving» Bank Building, 14 Cutlerenih Street, Sydney.



WALES-Probate Jurisdiction-In the Matter of the ratulp« ni the uiidermeulloned deceased persons and In the Maller of the Wills Probate and Ailmlnlitiallon Act 1898 1930 the Public Trusten Acl 1013-1938 tin lestulor s Family Maintenance mid C>.ulan «hip ol Inlunls sot 1910-19311 and Hie Inn lee Ail 1931-1.1311 Pursuant lo Hie above lilrntloued Aus Nollee Is hcitby men Illa elco eltdllui oi othel person tiuvtng am debt or el ibu upon ui HfliellllK the, FUnte u

ntiitloii ot

fe I slates was nbluliiiU by the Publie nee In the manner »nu iipin Hie dales mulei mentioned Is leituiieu lu »end In I ni I Icul« ii m willing or suth in lit or timm

lo the Publli : _

mv of Oclober 1941 al the expiration of .illIch time the said Public liuslee will inn cetd to corney and distribute the propclty i nd niseis of the icspculve deccnstd lierons lo oi among Hie lespccllve peisona entitled Iheleto lia'.mu leciitii only In the debts ni claims of which he then has nuilee Anti Notice Is lleleb) tullin Public Ttiiolce will ni pleipeltv oi assets ol

conveyed or distributed to any person oi whose debt oi eli Im he shall not hive lind nollee

of such eonvciancc or distribu-

tion -

IIIOMAS VINCFN1 ADAMS late of Illantl ¡oid In the state ol Niw booth Wales labouier died on the 7th Seplomber 191(1

intestate An Flecllnn lo Administer waa liled bl the Public Trustee on the 1st August

HAM KFIMAN ALDER lite of Slock Hie Stale of New Soulh Wnl-s Bind s Strike! died an the loth lune 1940 Intestate Administration wns {.ranted to the Public Tiustee on the 5th August 1941


Bathurst formerly of Auburn In the ata. New South Wales Widow died on Hie 2nd Mu. 11)4! Administration with the Will annexed waa granted to the Public 1 ruslee on lill lit AUkllat 1041

PA1RICK BRANNIGAN sometimes known as PAIRICK Bl ANIGAN lule uf Bnlmuln In the Stale of New South Wales Retired Seaman died cn the 22nrt 3uno 1911 Piobalc of the Will was klanted to the Public liuslee on Hie lilli Aii| u-t 1941

JLANNIF MARIA DVVFY Isle of Summer Hill loi merlv of Stiumoie In the State oí New bnuth Wales Widow died on the 12th lune 1941 Probi le of Hie Will was granted to the Public liuste 0n the 13tli August

JAMES AN 1 BONY DYMOCK late of the AIP loimcrlv of Mosman In the Slate of New South Wales Storomnn died on Hie 31sl April 1041 Probate of the Will «as

the Public Trastee on the 14th

August 1941

MARY IANE Gil L late of Bexley In the Slate of New South Wales Widow died on the 23rd lune 1941 Intestate An 1 lection

j Admlnlslei was filed bv Hie Public I rustle n Die 20th Anuri 1041

ROBFRT JAMES HACK lat« of Dundas i the Sta.e of New South Wales Cleu died n the 3rd Mas 1041 Intestate Admlnlv

lutlon was granted to the Pubtlo Trustee on le 14th August 1941

MARIA IIAVFN8 lute of Kogarah lu the State of New South Wales Widow died

the 2'llh May 1941 Piobnte of the VMII waa granted to the Public Trustee on the loth

August 1941

LESI IF ROLAND JOHNSON late of Stan moie In the State of New South Wale Tramwav Employee who died on Hie 71 July 1041 An Flecllon lo Administer v li the Will dated 3Rth June 1941 annexed wo

filed bv the Public Trustee on the 20lh

Auru't 1941

AMY ETHEL MAUDE McKFNZIE late of Gisborne in the Dominion of New ?ealand Mairlod Woman died on the 15th Mar 19T0 Intestate An Flection to Administer was Ried bs the Public Trustee on the 1st August


FLUABF TH MARY RU8SFII late of Bee-croft In the Stote of New South Wales Spin 1er died on the 10th Oclober 1910

An Election lo Administer willi the Will Ilaled 21rd Januars 1920 annexed was Oled bj the Public Trustee on the 20th

Aliens! 1041

MURIFL GFRTRUDF SVMPSON bile ol Tamworth In the Stole of New South Wales

Splnslei died nu the 10th Mas 1041 Piobato of the Will wns granted to the Public Trustee

on the lsl Auiust 1941

MARCUS SlrVFRS late of Redfern In the State of Ncv South Wale« Hillred I aunrlrv Proprietor died on the Glh lilly 1911 Ad

August 1941

died on the 28th

f the Will «is rranted In the Public Tlllslee Hu sole F-euitor accord-ing to the tenor Iheieof on the 15th Aunisl



UNG WAINWRIGHT late of Oyster Has In Hie Slate of New South Wales Pensioner died on the loth Novembei 1940 Inte'lalo An Flection to Administer wa« nled In the Public Tiuslee on Hie »Oth Aueu-t 1011

CVTHERINF WFIIS late of Wlllouglibs In the State of New Soulh Wales Widow died on the 25th lune 1041 Probate of the Will wa« granted to the Public 1 ruslee on the I5lh Mignst 1941

IOHN IirRRFRr WFNI lile of MarrlcF ville In lil» Slate of N-w South Wales Retired Rnllway Fmnlovee died on the Killi luis

1041 Administration with Hie Will annexed wo- gianlpil to the Public I mutee on the 15th

All-usl 1911

HFRBFRT AR1HUR WUMN=ON lote of Tamworth In Hie stat" of New South Wale« Carriel died nu Hie 5lh Jsnuori 1941 In. testate Administration was granted to the Public Trustee on the 5th Amrusl 1941


Punchbowl In Hie Slate of N»w south Wales Sninster (Nurse) dl«il on the 21st March 1941 Administration with 'he V. Ill ar nexed was gi anted In the Public Trustee i the 1Tlh Ai"H«l 1941

W B OTDDPS Public Trustee Savin Book Bulldln" 14 CpslloresMl Street Svdne

TN THF, SUPREME COURT OF NEW SOUTH 1 WALI 8 -Probate Jurisdiction -In the Matter of the EsUlcs of the undermentioned deceused nelsons and In the Matter ot the Wills Piobato and Adminlstr ition Act 1891 1918 the Public mutee Ael 1913-19 18 and the lesiators Fanlllj Maintenance and Guar-dianship o! Inlanls Act 1916-10 111-Notice Is hereby given Hut the Publie Tlllslee hu» Mils dav filed In the Rmlstry ot Ibis Honour

able Court Ills elections to udmlnlslci tile Estates of the lollowlng deceased persons -

EDWARD ARMS I HONG lute of ¡21 W11

son Slteet bouth Biolen Hill in Hie bute ot New bouth wales mbouiei who died 1st Mnv 1941 (Will doled lilli October 19 17)

FRANCLS ARMADALE CAMPBF LL Isle Ot Stockton near Newcastle loimeilv of Roseville In the Stale of Ne* south VVulea Splnatel who died 30th Dtcelnbei 193G Intestate

WILLIAM JOSEPH CHAPMAN late of Black-well Poinl Road, Abbotsford in the State of New South Wales, Mechanical Engineer, who died 10th April 1941, Intestate.

FRANK DAVIDSON late of Auburn blreet Sutherland In Hie btnte of New South WhIcs Reliied Journalist who died 1 1th Match 1941


FRANCFS IIS.RR101 DAVIS late of Slim inei Hill In Hu blute ol New soulh Walis bpln<tei who died 29 li Milich 1941 Intestate


lu (he Stale of New South Wules Reliied Minci who died Glh Now muer 194(1 Intestate

IIIOMAS MC1N1MIF HA\ In the Will call-ed IIIOMAS MndNlYRF HAY late of 54 Queen Street Ashlleld In Hie Stale ' '

bouth Willes Mailne Fmuntei who died 7lh Muv 1941 (Will doted 20th Mmch 1941)

LUC\ HVNNAH HAMMOND JARMAN bite of 10 lhouns fallecí lewisham lu Hie Slate ni New Soulh Wales Widow who died 22nd

lune 1011 IVVIII dated lilli Nueinber full)

HARBAH1 JObl I'll lite ii I Read Vveiiue lithgow In Hie Stale o( New South Willes lliwkei (Married Wrmun) who died 1st Mnv

1941 Intestule

EDVVMID I 1NUS N1LAND lute ot 178 Gul

Ion blicct Woollahra loimerlv o! Bondi lu the Slate ol New South Wnles Retired coopei who died l«t July 1941 (Will dated 7th Ana

nal 19 101

THOM VS HUMPHRry PRIOR lilli* of Bath-urst Militan Camp loitneilv of lineiell I the Stale ol New South Wnles Vclniiury but non who died lot lune 1041 Intestate

CATHERINA HFID lonilnonlv known > CMIIFRINI RF1D lue if 5 Boionn Avenili live Dotk In the Stale oí New boulh Wale

Mauled Wonun who died 25lh Man li 1941


IHOMAS W11 I 1AM ROnntls lute ni Oaknra SHeel Ro-ktl ile In the Slule ol N south Wales Penslonei who died Jim li rums 1941 (Will daled 27ib Jannali 111'

And Nollee Is herebs liiitlnr given ti eveiy cicdllor or othei penon liming u rlalin »gainst til I -nile ol anv ol the abni iiienlioiicel deceased pcuons Is heribv uipili IO send In uailleillurs In '. [lillie, or snell i In

lo Die Public luutce on oi belan Hu olh div of Oclober 1941 nt Ihc eMilrntlun i which time the sold Public liuslee will pu iced to di tribute the assets of the icspeitli deceased pclsons nincng the lespecllve peisoi entitled thelcto having lieird onlv to ti claims of ihlch be then Ins notice anti Nott!

is liucbj [urlliei eh on Hint the said Public rni'lee will not lie bible foi the »'sol« Ol um putt Iheieof so dlitllbuled to nn\ pet

on of whose elaiin be shall no1 have had nollee l the Um- of « iii dlsliibiition Ditod this 20th dm of Autu I 1941 W B GFDDFS Publie liuslee Savings Bunk BiillUlni, 14 Cnstleieurfh fallecí Sjdn

rN ruc suprimí coupi of niw sou iii I WALI S - Piobite Iiinsdlctlon - In tin Istate o! IHANCIfa ARIHUIl ROOM \ CUTIS late of A I F fonnellv ol Ashfield III Hu ->tate of New south Wales Public Scnuiit dece ised-M>Pllcutlon will be . foititeen dins trom the piibllcntion heieof that Administration of the Fstutc of the above named ri« eased willi the Will dated lill luis 1940 amil ed miv be granted In til

PUHI1C IRUSin and nil nelsons hnvlna claims agnln»t the sold Fstate must undei the sim- In delnll lo the undersigned W B OFDDrs public mistic Salinas Bunk Build liu, 14 Ciislloleigh Sticet Svillnv


WALrS - Probate Jilllsdlctlon - III tile Fstate of IOUISA FIIFN BATF.5

Bulli In the Stale or Now Soulh Walis widow dieensed -Application will be made aller four-teen (lavs Irom the publlontlon hereof Hint Adminlstr ition of the 1 stale of Hu

named di leased with the W11! dated 19'h April 1911 onnced nnv be granted lo Hie PUBLIC TRUST F F and all poisons lim -



1PDDFS Public riustee Snvlins Bank Build In«: 14 Cistleieagh SHeel Ssdnev


WAI PS-Probate lui ? diction In the Will ot FMIIY I «.Norn lale of Habelfleld In 111

dnvs from the publication hereof thal Probate of the W11] dated 2nd Deiembei

1926 of Hie ubovennnied decea^d mnv be mantrri to Hie PUBI1C TRUST! E the solo Fxecutor named therein and all poisons hnv in« claims against the Fstale of the said de

cenned must rendel Hie «nun In detail to the



WA! FS -Probate lurlsdlollnn -In the Will of IVMCS lirNRY RFAVIS late of Kell lilgtnn In the Slate of New Soulh Wales netlred Inllow Fxpeit deceased-Application will be mude after fourteen davs from the pnblli nilen heieof that Probate of the Will dntod 22nd August 19 15 of Hie pbow named deceased miv be granted to the PUBLIC T RUSTPr til

nie F eeutor mimed therein omi all person« having claims against Hie F"lnle of Hie said ileeea«ed must render the same In detail to the underslaned W B GFDDFS Publli Iruslee Saville« Bank Building 14 Castle rough Stieet Svdnes

TN Tlir SUPRFMF COURT OF NFW SOU IH I WAILS -Probate lurl'illition -In the Fstnte or HENRY PIM DING CORDUL also known ns HARRY PIPLDING TARLING Inli of Randwick In the Stile nf New South Walrs Stnrekpeper deceased Intestate -Annlloatlon will he made after fourteen davs from tbo publication hereof that Administration of the Fstate of the abovennmed deeea«ed mnv bp fronted to the PUB! IC TRUSTTF and all prrsons havlne claims against Hie sold F-tate must render the sump In riotnil to the under sle-ned W B GI DD"S Public Tnislee saillies Bank Building 14 Cnstleieiigh sheet




WALFS - Prnbnle Iiitlsdlellon

F slate of DAVID S1TWART MeCAt I, lilli of Campsie In the Stale of New Smith WuIp Fireman deceased -Application will bo madi aller fourteen davs from the publication hoteo Ihnt Administration of the F«tnte of the above,

oamed deceased willi the Will executed 19lh Nnicmbc- 19T6 aimered mav be granlcr! lo Hie PUBIlr TRIISTFF and all persons hav-ing claims against the sold I«tnte must renil»r the some In detail to the undersigned vV n oi DDFS public Iruslee Savlnas Boni Bundine 14 Casllenaiih Sheet Svdnev


of Iemora In the Stale of New lundi Vales Widow deceased-Apollo it Ion will be marie arter fourteen davs horn the publication hereof thal Administration of the Fstutc of the nbovenamed deceased with the Will dat-ed 2nd Mav 19IT annexed mav be granted to the PUBLIC TRUSTEE and all persona having claim* against the said Fstate must render the sam« In detail to the undersigned W B GFDDES Public Trustee Savings Bank: Building, 14 C«stler»nh Street Sydney.



WALES -Probate Jurisdiction -In the Will of IANF KENNEDY late of Rose Bay In the atnie of New South Wales Spinster dee-eased -Application will be made after fourteen days from the publication heicof that Probate uf the Will dated 31st July 1141 of the above named deceascei inn) be emitted to the PUBLIC 1RUS1EE the sue Exeiuloi named therein ami all pelions bal in« claims Hgnlnst he Estate ui the said de eased must render th same lu drloll to Hie nuclei Imied W B GI DDES Public Tin tee Suvlliks Hank Build lut II ( i stlclrSLh Stieel Sldlicv

JN nil aupiti ml rouin oi Nr,v> soiiiii

WAI Li - I lubalc Jirltletlon In Hie Eslate oí A! HIED IblWiCllk Inte c1 Mos man In Hie Sute ul Nt v So Uli Wales Stone

mason deceased Intestate -Application will be made aftei foin tren dnvs Irom Ibc pilbil

tation hereof that Administration of Hie Estate oí the abcvLiiamcd decen«ed may be glinted to Hie IUBIIC 1RUS1FL and all pelsons bavins claims against the snld Pstale must undei Hie sime In miall to im iindcisirmil W B CHjDIS Publie Tiustee Savings Bin! Bulldhik 14 Cosllciejcb otreet Svdnel

TU THI- SUPREMI COUI1I OF Nrw SOU 1H 1 WAI Es - Piobati J irUtilrllnn -Estate of AfltE C1 AUK

Ultimo In the Stnle uf New Soulll Wale« Marrlid Woman decea eel

le tnle Application will lie made alter teen dals irom the piililiLa Ion berco!

irimliiísliotlo i of Hie E tnte ui the »bovenamed dece ed mav be krimtcd lo tile PUBLIC T RUS I FF and all pcltons hnvlnk ihlius against the snld E«nte must lender the sim lil tie tall in tile iinucrslgncu W B GEDDTS Public Tui'lre Savin"« Bank Building 14 Cistlercaih Suret S i nev

IN THF SUPREME COURT OF MI W SOUTH I WALES -Piobiir lurlsdlcllon ? "

Will ol MARY JAN! CUDDMOI D lale ot 606 CeiiltiRloii Sireet All urv In Hie Stale o! Ne South Wales Mauled Woman deceased -Ap Jllcntion will be mnde aller fourteen dais fini» Hie publication hcleol that Probate oí the Will daletl 2Ulh October HU ol (he

mimed deceased n s\ be glinted lo Hie PUBLIC IRUTH- Hu sole *xc(Utci named thoirln

Hld nil lie «an hivuik i Illili« malu I the Esli le ci the «aid dei ed in ist lender li e s nu in Cetsll to the undeinigned on oi belote Hie ninth duv ci Seplembei 1141 W B CfDDls Publie Tru lee «-aihks Bank Bul d lllk 11 Castle eagh s|Ket cvdiiev


SOUTH WAL S - Probate Jirlsillcton

N> lirco In the Will ot GERALD PARKER lile of Uki near Mnrv mumban in the Stile of New South Wales Bellied Tari deceased -Notice Is helebv given tliot

Executois Seventh and Hthth vLiolints In the lbnve I stole hove been filed in mv omtc Supreme Coull King Sireet Svdnev and nil lill mis linvlng am el lim on the Fstate or being otherwl e InlelLsled theieln are lieieby requited lu come in beiore nie at mv said ofllee on or befoie I bel seventeenth dev oí Sep tember one thousanl nine hundred and lotis

one Ht ten thlilv o cloLk In the furenoon anti Inspect the sime and li liles shall think lit object theletu otherwise II the sold Accounts be not iblectcd tu lite same will be examined by me and passed nccnrdlng to law And Nollce Is also lierebl given that tin Hie nllownnre oí the said Account bv the Court commission will be applied tor on behalt of the slid Executor« Dated this Jl«l dal oí Au.iist 1941 CHAS I BUICIIAR1 (Lil 1 etl lill HYNES éz I LI ion Proeiois lor Executois MiirwlUum bah Bv lllelr Agent« HU L T1IOMSON A. SUIL1VAN Solicitors 11 . PI t Street Sldnev TN Till SUIKI-ME COURT Or NLV\

SOUIH WAI F 1 I roíate JurUdi lion -No 201107-In the Will li ROI» R 1 BHUCL BUCHANAN lote oí Wlmmero MiLecd Street Mosman In the SlHte of New South Wales Retired silk Merchant dcceised-Nollce Is herebi given that the Sl-cth Aecounls In ihe above E«tnte have this dnv been filed In mv offlre Supreme Court Building Fll7nlielh Street Sidney And all peuons having nnv Interest In Hie said Fslnte mav ecme In beiore me at my said offlre on or betöre the seventeenth das of September one thousand nine and forlv one at ten o clock In the fo enoon and Inspect Ihe same and li thev shall Hil ik 01 tbjeet tberetn otherwise li the sold Atrounts be not oblcctcd lo the ame will be eiamlned bv nie and passed including lo hw Dated

entv first d-iv of Aiimi«! In


WAIFS -rrohotc Inrisdlillnn-No 141086 -In the Will oí ADA RICH late of Ihe Astor Macquarie sneet Sidney In the stale

counts In the above E talc hove tills dnv been illed In mi oftlrc Supreme Court House Islnsf «trecl vd,,,^ und nu pLisons having unv clHlms on the said Estate or being othet

wise Interested llier in are llcrebv icqulretl to come In beloie me ni mv said office on or before llnir dnv Hie Ililli day oí september next at lo 15 o clock In Hie forenoon and lil

spec! the same and Hie 14lh Aecilinls nl leadv tiled Iiiieln and If thev shall Ihlnk lit object tlieielo otherwise li (he sold Ar counts be not objected lo the some will he examined by me und passed acco ding to Ihw

Mid Notice Is nl«o herebv klven tint on Hie Rllovonce of the said 14IH and 11th Ar munt» bv the Cuni! lomiiil sion will be np piled for on behalf ol EDWARD TELF0RD SIMPSON one of the Lsecutors of the sjld Will Dated this 21st duv of «.Hüllst lill

-lu the Will ni DENIS JOSEPH GLACKEN late of Norlh Sidney In the Stale of New Soilh Wales Retired Conttoctor deceased -Notice is herebv klven lllot the te

Accounts In Ihe above Estate hove this _.

been filed In ni> oilier at the Supieme Court Holse King Sticct and »11 persons having rlalm on the sold Entile or being otherwise llltclested Hierein are helebv reouired to e line III before me at mv sold olllce on oi belan Hie eikhth day oí September 1941 at Inlf Hist two otlo k In the aiternoon and Inspect tile «aine and ii they sholl think nt object Hiérelo o bel wise li the «aid Aecounls be not objected to Ihe enme will be examined bv me and passed accoidlux to low And Notice Is also given tliot on the iillowancc ol the said Accounts bv the Couit Commission will be applied lor nu bel nil of the Txirutor IGNATIUS JOSEPH BENFDICT GLACKFN Dnted this 21st dov ti August AD 1941 CHAS E BUTCHARI (I S) ReglSlroi

VINCFNT 10HN I L\ NN Proctor tor the Fxcrlltol 121 Pill Street Svdnev


WALLS Prùlnle liirlsillcllon - lu Hie Will or I RANCIS JOSI PH CARIlOl 1 late oí Coogee In the SI lit ol Nev Snath Wales Retired Ho ellceper dicci erd Nollce Is helebv glieli Hut Hi (hlul ncrotltils lu lilt above f slate have this dav bein Oled In mv omeo Súpleme Coin Hoiisl King Stietl «nd all larsons having nnv Interest lu Hie slid 1 stnte mav Hue In bet re mr at my snld oOlee on oi before Hie seventeenth dnv of Septtnibei me thousand nine hiintlied mid fmtv one tit 11 uelotk lu the toienoou and Hist en Hu same and II tllei shall Ihlnk fit obiect Hiéle-lo Othiw l"i If the sild accounts be no1 objected to the smile will be ex mun d bv me and pissed ntLoidlliK lo Invv And Notice is also llcrebv given tint on the Hllowinet i Í the sild nccu nits bv Hie Court commission will be anpllcd lor on behalf of Hie I xec ittu CYRII BASH KrAHNE\ Dittd tills twenll

Ilrst dnv of Aili list In Hie vesr One thou mid nine bundled nnd fortv one (IMS E BUI CHART (I S ) Regí lim 1 Al LOR A KI Alt

NF\ "aliénais Cllv Mutinl B llldlnii Hiinlel v Bil li Slreel« Svdnev


WAttS - Protnte hu Isdlt lion - In the Will ol MURDOCH Mrl HLI late oí Kim. s Cross nrnr Svdnev In 111 stile oí New South Wnles Retllert News Akent decensed-Notice I« helebv given Uni Hu Tllsl Arcotliils In the uboie r lite have been Illed tille il y In mv offlre Svdniv and nil nelsons having ans Inteiest In Hu «aid I- lite nnv nme In beiore mc at mv «ild nlllrt ni or bt lore ill- «even ticnlll div ol September 1941 ni It o elork In the Imenoun mid In peet the Rune and II llirv «hnll think ill oblcet Hiérelo other lise II Hie enid Ateo nils be not olllrei d lo Hie «mu vlll be ciuinlnetl bv me and nassed nr culling to law Anti Nnllee Is also herebv given Hist on the nllnwnnci of the snld Ar

lounts bv the Court eoinmlsslon will be np ulled lor on behalt oí (be rxeeiitor Oatt ti Ibis twentieth div of August one lliou and nine hundred mid lol tv ont CHAS r BU1CHART (I S) Reklslmi A. s HrNRS. SI ADr f: 1AIC11IHF Pioclois tor 1 \erii Urs 7 1 Pill Stree! Svdnev


WAI LS -Piolnle luilsdlrllon -No 11011" In Hie Will rl lURTCE IOSI PH AUGUSTIN!- TEEHAN lite ni connu Hie Stale o' New South Wnles Grn

eta ed - Notice I« helebv jlven 111 Hchlh Atcount« In Hie nbnve Fslah tills dav btcn filed In mv ollie «"vdn all person linvlng nnv Inteiest In It

estile nnv tcine In beime me it mv oltloc on ol beloie

umbu lill at 11 4i odcrk In Hie loiennon and insiect Hie snmi mid If thev hol llllnk Ot object thei io

. lil

And Notice Is nlso'herebv klien thal nn the illownnee of Ihe sold Account« bv Hie Coull romlnl Inn v||l be upplled for tn behili ni Ihe Eseculoi« Doled HU« tv entv

lilt tliv oi \ nu si 1141 CHAS F nUT CHAR 1 (L S ) Ri-iMlal I D 1. IÎUIION v SON Prcrloi« lor rseciltois Cnonnmbl» Bv 'hell Svdiiv Akent I C n CADDEN Proetnl -9 rih-ililh Street Svdnev

TN 1 IIP SUPRFM1 COURT OF MV SOUIH I WAI TS Piobite Itirisdlrllon - No 212117

In Hie Will ol IOHN IIAMII ION SCOT BROOKS IIIORNLli lila ol Buckhurst

i~l New South Illari Road Pilnl Pinn neir Svtlncv lil Hie Stale ni Nt v Soulll Wales In

ve toi deceased Notice Is li rebv glvtn thtl lile Eoilllh \etounl« In the above Eslnlt have this dnv bien OI»d In mv olllce ni Hie Suprcliu Conn House King slietl lind nil PLisnns linvlng tlalm on Ihe slid Fílate or lielnk athelwl i. Inlilesled Ihtleln ire herebv re quired In come In licfnie me nt mv sold olhVe on i i bernie Hie ilghlli dav of September 1941

ni tv i o elork In Hie afternoon nnd Ill'Piet the some mid If thev slinll Ihlnk ill ubjert tlieielo otlieivise if Hie snld Ac oiints he no1 objected to Hu smile will be examined bv

mid |us«ul ictoidllik lib» "".- "?' ' das of Ailklist AD 1J41 CHART (L S ) Rellanar

Fl-iNN Prorlor lol Hu Lxci


WAI I S Probité liirlsdlctloii - In the Will ni HI Rill Rl ROYSE IYSAGHT late of Svdnei In Ihe Stale nf Nev South Wil-s Mciclmil deem ed -Notlre Is herebv given Hint the First Auounts In Hil above r stole have been tiled this dov In mv omer Svdn-v

mid all persons linvlng nnv Inlcitst In Ihe sold fvtnte nins tome In beiore nu at mv sold offlce nu oi before Ihe sixteenth div oí Sei leinbci next n ten o lotk In the fort noon nnd lnsptit the some and It lives sli ill think Ot olijerl Hiérelo oihciwi II Hie sold Act mints be not objeeled to the same will be e auilned bv mi ond pass d orcoidtng to low Diled this nineteenth dnv of Alirust lu the veut one liions tnd nine hundred mid forlv one CHAS E BUTCHARI (L 3 )

Registrar. FISHER & MACANSH. Proctors for the Executor, 70-72 King Street, Sydney.


WALES.—Probate Jurisdiction.—In the Estate of WILLIAM MICHAEL MORAN known as WILLIAM MORAN late of Cross Roads, Wollongong in the State of New South Wales. Retired Miner deceased intestate.—Application will be made after fourteen days from the publication hereof that Administration of the Estate of the abovenamed deceased may be granted to PATRICK WILLIAM MORAN and ALICE ETHEL HARRIGAN the Wife of ARNOLD LESLIE HARRIGAN, Son and Daughter of the said deceased and all notices may be served at the undermentioned address.

Application will also be made that the usual Administration Bond be dispensed with and all creditors in the Estate of the said deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned D'APICE and D'APICE, Proctors for the Applicants. Central Chambers, Crown Street,

Wollongong. By their agents MAKINSON and D'APICE, Lisgar House, 30-32 Carrington

Street, Sydney.

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NFW SOUIH WALES.—Probate Jurisdiction.—In the Will of MARTHA ELISABETH JOBSON, late of West Dapto in the State of New South Wnles Widow deceased -Application win be mode aller fouitccu dnvs from the publlea Mon hereof Hint Probnte oí Ihe Inst Will and Testument dnted the fourteenth dni of Februnrv one thousand nine hundred nnd tblitv Ave uf the nltoveiiiimed deceased mov be grained lo BERTRAM Al ON¿A JOBSON of rolrv Me (dow In Hu said Stole Green liroecr ond PERCY GEOROF WOODROOr of Elimunna Dnptti In the flnld State 1 ubourer Hie rx-ecuicrs named In the snld Will and nil notices mnv be seivtd at the under-mentioned oddless All cledltois In the Ella e of Hu deceased are herebv required to send lu pnrlleulnlH ui their claims to the underslLlied COX A. WISFMAN Pror

tois for Executors Wollongong Bv their \krnls W I MrlLHOM- A. CO Solicitors 44-l(. Martin PI ire Svdnev


WAI ES -Probnle Jurisdiction-In the Will of IULIA MARY CROSBY of Picton lakes Village Seulement Courltljih Spin -1er -Appllenllon will be mode aflei fourteen dnvs lunn Hie publication hereof that Pin

bale of Hie last will doted 21lh Scptembtr 191) ni Hie ahfveUHined tlccen-td unv be (¡rallied to AlENANDER JOSI PH CROSm Hie Executor In the said Will named And nil Notices moy be served at the omer ot the undersigned to whom nil persons having nnv clnlm against the Fstnte of the -laid deceased are requested to send particular* thereof with-in the said fourteen davs Dsted this eigh-teenth day of August If" --BFSWICK Proctor lor

Ellrnbcth Street, Sidney.



WALLS -Probate Jurisdiction -In

Will of TREDFRIOK GAI F late of Newtown near Sjdney In the State of New Soulh Wale

Raliway Employee deceased -Pursuant te the provisions of the Wills «Probate and Adminis-tration Act 1898-19 l8 of the Ieslalor s Famllv Maintenance and Gnaidlanshlp of Infants Act 1016 19 13 and of Hie Inl lee Act 1925 19T8 Notice li herebv given Hut all créditais . ithei per ons Having ans claim oi demand upon or urulnsl the Fsl ne oi bping other

vise Interested In Hie liupell ami st« ni til Hloveiiamed dece id win died al Iloiuniil irlvute Hospital harlvooel li Hie sild stale on the seiond dav of Amil lill noil Probu

if whose Will was Rrintrei lu in» Súpleme Court of New bouth Waits In Its I tóbale Jurisdiction on the eighth dnv of lulv 1941


ed lo send In on or before Ibe tventv llllld rinv of October next full pullen! us of " Ir claims and demands linn the said

ile or In respect of the s lil ttoivily and ils or mv part thereof lo rb ile* 1 crv Coffin In Hie cale of the i uri nluud HI AK.F V. RING ol No 4 Cn Helci^h St e t Sydnev

Proctors for the I xeciilcr ni Hie expiration

? v hlch lime the aid Ch iles Ivei Cornil

I tiilloi of the \ 111 o' Hu sild d-erusei Intends to pirered lo idminl tri the aid I" tali

" to tomes and dlstrlb Ho the tirpeiti uni

ti of the Mild deceased to and «mons iii pintles and peru ns enhll'd thereto haeliu legnrd nnls to the claims anti remands o which he shall then llave notice And tin aid Chai los I/en Cofrlll lill not In respec if the propertv and a el« ol nnv part theie of so conveved or (II trlbutpd li liable to in: iel on ol v hose elulm he ball not have hail notice Bt Hie time of fui li ronvevanco or

tllbutlon Dated the Ivnllelh dav of til" 1941 MLSSrS Bl Al 1 A RINO Pier lor lile Lxeculor 4 Ca He enph Stnet cvdi

r\ THF SUPRFMF COUetl OF NFW SOU I It I WALIS -Piobale luiIscllilinn - In the Will I DS.V1D FYI 1 late o! Peino - In Hie S

I 'sen Suilli Wales rrullkrn *'oi deceased tpstMte Ptirsuint to the wills Probate and AamlitlftlHIhli All 18J3 pud til lestltor Famll- Maintenance und G taidlnii hin or li faul« Ait I«!« and ihe Tiikico Act l'l Notice ¡s her'bv pi en that cverv croilu

ntiiei uersou ha I ne am el loi agi in

F late ol DU ID I V. F* lie obo ciibiihiI eased Abo died on or n0 t hie third dav Mull 1941 and Probot of whose Will i in til« tweiilv SKIP d»v of June 19 11 nl'd bv the Soo erne Court o( N t So ith les lu JAM1 S F5FF and H\RRV ROO 11 boll! ol ! etch ir dt the Fxculcrs In thp so Will Is hfiel v required lo »en! ) a

tculnrs in vrlllue et s eh claims to the said Jrmes Fvfo and Hain Rnotos In care of the undersigned GICOIV S Madden V. Cnmpnov

heir ornee hcreunder ment oneil on ot be

the tventv sixth dav of Oetobel 1911 the expliatlon of which tim the sild lûmes Fvfe and Ham Routes sill proceed lo dis ilbute Ihe »rsets o( the said deriascd amongst the p r«ons entltlen theicto having

rd onlv to claims ol w lill h lllev then lia .ehe nut-- -.

nil Har

notice And Notice Is hcrehs luilhci «i

said lam ? -.

be litibli

thereof so distributed lo biiv person of whose claim lliev shall not have had oollce st .? time of such distribution Dated Ibis twee Orsl day of Augusi 1341 c.RLGORY

MADDEN J: COMPANY Proclois lol the L seen Ol s 21 Oconnell Strret Svdncj

I N THr SUPRTMF COURT OP N VV SOU Til L WAI IS-Probate Juridiction In the VIII ol LINDSAY GORDON ABBOTT lote ol Chasser Sheet Adelaide In the s'a c ot So Uli Australia Paint and Colour Mcrciant but lal" of Hill Street North Ad-l«Tile In th said state Companv Dluctor deceived -Application will be made nltei toolleen dnvs trom the publication hei«of thal Probate ol Hie Will or the abovenamed doceas d granted by Ihe Supreme Court of Soulh Australia lo SARAH MABFL ABBOTT ma be »aird with the seal of this Court And all Nrl ce«

cried at the undermen ton»d aodiess And that application will be made lhat tie Administration Bond mav be dlspin ed willi

oltors In the Enlate of the slid re are heiebv required to s"iid In pu

of inelr claims to the iunlrtisi,neri THOMAS JOSEPH FUBCFLL Proctor 66

Klug Sheet sidney


WAI ES-Probate Juilsdlctlon-In (he Will and two Codicil« thereto of CbORGr WILLIAM TLLISON formcrlv of Verona

ad bouth Yarra In the state of Vic

torln but lote of 89 Avoca Sheet ->ou h \nun Hforcsnld Gentleman rieceusca-Appin ettnii vtll be made aller fourteen (lass horn the p ibllcnllon hereof that the Probate of the last Will and no Codicils ihci lo ol the nbovetiarned deceased granted bv the S inn me Couit ot Victoria io HAROID 1 IOM1 SHACKFLL and HANS HANSEN mav b- sealed a ith the seal of this Court And all crediims n Hie Estate of the said deceu^od arc lliiebv lequlied te send lu paillculan A their rlalms

undeinientioncd address Aid all Notices may be served at the iindeimentloned addicsi P V McCUI LOCH i. BUGGY Soli-citors I 17 Pitt Street Svdnev

TN 1HF SUPRFME COURT OF NEW SOUTH 1 WAIFS-Probité lurlsdlctlon -In Hie Will ol GEORGE AUGUSTINE 1RY late o! Brookvale House Brookvale near Sydnev In

State of Ivev So Uli Wales First Clerk the Water Conservation and liiisitlon Comm! sion deceased-Application will be made after fourteen dava from the publie ition hereor that Probote ' . leitntneut dated the _. _

ber one thousand nine hundred and eleven of the abovenamed deceased may be granted to J\NF TRY the hole Executrix named lu the said Will and nil notices may be served it the iindeimentloned address All credltois In the Fstate of the deceased aie hereto required to send In particulars of their claims to the undcislgucd Dated this 2">nd dav ol August 1911 Mc! VILLi A, MoEVlLIY, Pro-tors for the Fxecutr x Cathcart House ' Ile Gnstlcicngli Sheet Svdnev


JW ALFS-Probate Juilsdlctlon-In the Will ol MARY ANN V1CKFRY HALL late of Hoinsbv In the State of New South Woles

Spinster deceased - Application will be mude aítei fourteen days from Ihe publication line of lhat Probate of the last Will and Testa

it dated the eleventh dav of September

thousand nine hundred and twenty Ihiee of the abovenamed deceased may be granted to FMILY KALI nnd EDWIN CUTHBFRT HALL one of the F éditrices and the E-ecu tor named in the uld Will (the other txeou

' Fnrniwoith Wilkins having pie deceased the testatrix) And all Notices miv 'ie solved nt the undermentioned address All uedltois In the Fstate of the deceased are lerebv icqulied to send In partlculaia of heir claims io the underslgiud V ICKI RY A. W11 SON Solicitors 2 Marlin Plnce Svdnev



WAIFS-Probité Jurisdiction

1 stole of FILrN 1ANSF1L I IEI D late of 24 Booth street Amelitlc In the Stale of Ne v South Wales V/ldow deceived-Appliiation will lie made Biter fouiteen davs from the pilblliallou heieof thal Admlnlblratlon willi

Will daled the Ihlrtv Hist das of Mav 19-8 unnexed of the I statL of the abovenamed deceased may be granted to FI1IEI DAIS5 IILID and MURiri \IOIEl I II LD the daughters of the ibovennmed deceased mid

ie sole beneficiarlos named In her said Will nd all Noliris mav be soiled ut the under inlioned addiess All ctedltors In the 1 stan

the said di erased are herebv required to send In pnrtlculnis of their claim i to the undersigned F C PFTR1I and SON Proc

lia for Apiillc nits T7i Goolge Street Svdnev IN lill SUPRLME COURT OF NEW SOUTH I WAIFS-Probute Jurisdiction-In the Will of SI F PUEN HENRY DAVIS foi mel ly of Inaw mg bit late of Rnvmanri leiince in the state of Isew Soulh Wales Retlied Fanner deceased -Application will he ni ide aller louiteen dnvs from the lublleilion heieof Ibu Probate of Hie last will and lestument dated lOth Aitkiist 19T7 of the abovenamed decoR ed mav be granted to IIIZAHEIII MA\ DAMS Ihe Sole Ixceuulx named In the s Id Will nd nil notices mnv be served nt Hu indeinionlloned iddrcs All cndltois In Hu fstate of Hie deceised mo herebv lequlrori io send In purtli liais ot theil claims to Hu

ndei Irnod MAtKFNZIl

Piocttus loi the 1 cent!

Sticel Rovniond Tenace B their Akents ~ N HLNDERSON V. IAYIOR Solleitnis

I Pitt Street Svdnev


WALFS -Probate lliitsdictlon In thi

Will of LI 17 ABE. Til s\f\Hr WHIir late of Wollongong lu the St te nt Ne v louth Wnlrs Married Wmnn dee-i ed Applli ilion will be made after ioiirtocn di s from the p ililleallou

nt Hint Probate of be losl Will and Testament dnted the seventh tiny of Iehruaiv

thoisand nne hiimlied mel fortv oup of the nbo onimed tlocensod miv be gi i tit cet te MARY MACDAIFNF T.AN and DF SMO\D RV.AN the Fxeeulnrs nnined In the said Will anil ill notices mnv be scm.| nt the under

enlloned iddle'sis All clcdltois in the r t Up of the deceased are heiebv lequiiid

«uri li ti Ulenia .lill ' ? - -1 >

DWV.ER BRAUND la CO 71 Pitt Street

Svdn v

e. mr supRTMi couri or nfv «iouih WA! l s Probate Inn diction In the I late nf CAVIN McCOI L CROZIER late of W oi nona li ihr " - -? - .

Ure id cn

len v III le made i

ublle non hrieol. state o! the alioven imeri decea'cd mnv lu i rurel lo 11 SS1F WISE I IAN CR07I1R Hu Mother of he deceased and le oi ed at he

.leelltcis In the

ie hoiebv required lo «end In i articulara ot li Ir rliinis 16 the tndeislgntd And appll ahon will alo be mule tint Hu iistal Ad nlnlsliatlcn Bond be entlrelv dispensed

14 4b Mutin Pla

Will and Codicil of ntlDlRKK IHAML SMITH late of Armidale In 111» State of Hev

.Multi Walis Flltei decca ed Aopllcatlon will be made nllei Innrleen dajs tiom the pilbil

eullon heieof that Piobite of the list will mid Testament dited Ihe eleventh dav of lune one thou and nine liundied und thlrtv

«iven mid Codicil theicto dnted the second dav o! Novembei one thousand nilli hiltidied and tlllrlv nine of the nboicn mied deoensid inuv he grauten to GLAD^b SMI III the Fxecu

Ills iiBmed In the said Will And nil Nrllcis ni iv be seived hi the underineuiluiicd nddre*s VII cieditors In the 1 late of the deceased ile heiebv required to icnel In particulars of their claim to Hie undersl ned MCKF Hi V W11 SON Solicitors 2 Marlin Plate Svdnev TN THI SUPPLMI COURI OF NFW SOUTH

WAIFS-Probate Jurisdiction-In the Will of EVA HARRIET I SAUNDLRS late of Ovfoid RohiI lnsleburn In the Stale of New soulh Wales Widow dice ísed-Applli all in lill be mode altci I untern dajs from the i ublleallon helcot thal Pulbah of the last Will and Testament dnlid the eighth dav of Docenibnr one thousand nine hundred nnd thlrli two of the abnvenun d deceased mav be granted to RONALD DAVFNPOR1 SAUNDI RS the txeculor nnined 111 the said Will mid nil Notices may be seived at the undermentioned uddie«s All ereditois in the

.e of Hie decenscd nie heiebv lequlied to

In pirllculnrs of theil elilms to the underlined CHURCH V. DEV. 74 Pitt Sheet



WAI FS-Probate Junsdli lion - In the Will ol CHARLFS S1CPHFN MAJOR late ol Highgate Hill near Brisbane In the Slate ol

luensland Retired Farmei deei ised -Ajipll

lion will be made aítei fourteen dava horn e publication heieof lhat Probate o! the Will wianlcd bv the Súpleme Court of Queens

iivod al the undermentioned addr<

uedltois In the Estate of Hie said deeeasid ne heiebv lequlied lo send In paitietllais of their claim« In the lindeislxiied II 1 ASP1NA! I A. SON Proctor« lor Fxeeutrlx

20 Marlin Plan Svdnev


WALFS- Probate Jurisdiction-lu the Fstotc of ELIZABETH WLLSH late ol Ken slngton In Hie Slate of New South Wales

Widow deceased (Intestate) -Application v 111 be ninde niter fouiteen dn s from the publica lion licuor that Administration of the fstate of Hie abovennmeri deceased mav be gi mteil to DANIEL WILLIAM WFf SII Hu onlv son ol the deceased And lhat Hie usiiul Admlnishallon Bond mav be rilspiiiscil with and all notices

herebv required to send In particulars or their claims to the undersigned W S KAi

Proctor for the Applicant 67 Castleieagh

street Svdnev


WALES-Probate Hulsdli lion-In Hie F-tate oí CIARA 1V.NF BRrNNAN late ot Klngsfoid neal Sidney In the State of New South Woles Wtdow dereuscd Intestate -Auplieatlon will be mude after fouiteen dava from publication heieof that letters of Ad ministration of the Fstate of the abovenamed mav be granted lo W11 HAM HENR-v. BnrN NAN the son of the said deceased and all per-sons baling nnv c1 lim against the said Fatale are required to foiwarel pertlculara ««thereof to the undersigned within the said period and

all notices mny be

Honed address W _ .. _

Applicant 77 Castlereagh Street Svtln


WAIFS -Probate lurlsdlctlon-In the W11! of SAMUEL MAXW1IL lale of Sixth

Weston In Hu Stale of New South Wales Mlnei deceased-Application will be made allei lnutteen dnvs from Hie niibllciitlou heieof lhat Probate of Ihe last Will and rertamenl dated the Ulli June 19 17 nf the abovenamed deceased mav he granted In SARAH MAXWELL the Executrix named In the "aid Will and all notice*, may be served at the address of the undersigned All creditors In the Estate of the deceased are h^ebv re quired to send In particulars of their claims lo iho undersigned SARAH MAXWELL sixth

Street Weston.



WALES -Probate lurlsdlcllon -In til Will of CFDRIC SINCLAIR CAMPBFLL li

of Hotel Bondi Bondi íormeilv oí Mcintyre Park Inverell In the stile oí New suit! Wales Re I red G »¿let dccenicd-Pulsion: lo the Wills Plob l and Administrât!in Ac 1898 -the Teslutor s Ei nilli Mninteiinnie ant Guardianship ol lui ils Act ltlu ind Hu Iruslcc Act 112» Niilec Is licteb) gnu Hut every cictlllor ii oilier pel cn huvliu oiiv 11 lim a,am l Hie l-slotc t Hie Inn Cedric Sil eli ir Campbell Hu ibvtnamed d tcised who died on ti ibo I Hie Iveuv ninth day of April one I liol ititi nine li unir t ml it i tv one end IMobnlc it li se will vi til Hie twcnll -Ikhlh d v ol Julv ruc Ihois

and nine bundled nnd Innv one ginntet] liv Ihe Súpleme Ciuit ol Mel So Uli Wiles u IhF TRUS1TE.S EXLCUrORS AND Vi E NCV COMI \NY LIMITED tin Hu salt! Will called the Tiusleer 1 \ecutots Agcncv Ceinponv I ml (ed) Ihe Fxcclllnr In Hie silt! Will ii mod I heiebv icqulred ti send pnillculm« in viitin ot such claim to the said The iristcrs i lors and Agenev Corni mv I Imlt-d at li olllce No 1 Bl eli Sliccl Svdnev on or bein ihe twenti Mitti tai of October nm thou nu.

mu li ind «J and lorlv one it lu t spinnen ti vvhlrh lime Hie snld The Inisucs- Esecu mrs and Akcncy Comioni I Imlieri will ii

tcid lo ol tllbitlc the as Is ol Ihe sild ti-

lls eitllied Ihricli ?Ulm« ol vhich it Mid nntici Is heiebv Iiiilllei

ild The 1

v. Akencj Camp inv limited cc -d nmong (lu Inv,np rec id then has nollci

ani lilted to n

not hive had notice al distribution D lui Hil

l be linn rl thcrcot «o di l

ihnso tlilm It shnll

tv entv second d v nine hunt! etl and


I'roctoi for the Mid Em

66 Klilk Street

IN 1HF SUPRFMI COURl Or NI W SOUTH J WALES-Piábate I nisdlclloil -In lill Will of MARY CiIBBENS lite oi ill "churst In Hie Stnle of New south Wale W Id i v

dec »sed-Pinsuant lo the Wills Pinbile nntl Adnilnislintlon Vet IT')« mid the leslnlois lamllv Mnlnltnance nul Ginldlomhlp ol lu

innis Act lilli and ihe Trustee Acl 1' > Nollce Is heiebv klven thit

ii he

rlrlu ,RY GIBB NS

nnmed decel ed Abo dlctl on or

iwen v sevrnth d" ni October one thou and ii ne liunnied and lortv nnd I rolnte ni

Will *ns nn 111» n elllh dnv ni Inn

thoi nnd nine li ti Ind «ntl lortv one gnntid bv Hie Súpleme Ccirl of Ne* south Wnlrs o EDWARD UBLRr II VNCOGK tht Lxeciltor in Hu sall Will nninitl Is herein lequllcd lo rend paitlculrrs In i It ins, ni «uch cintil-lo Hie said rd aid Albert Hancock In cm of ihe imdel lined Eel nul Mbcrt Hnncork at his ollltt hereuntlcr mentioned on cn be Hue Hie (vein nts dov ni Oelober ont thousand nine bundled anti lortv one nt tin expiration or vhich time Hu said 1 divine Albeit Hancock vlll priceed Io dlsnlbtllc lilt assets ol ne ild deed ed nmongst thi. pel

mis entiled tlieielo hiving lenltl onlv le Inlms oí which he then has nollce And Notice Is herebv lulthcr klven Hint Ihe s-ld Edward Albeit Hanrotk will not ii 1 ill -tor Hie assets ti anv pan thcreol «o irlbuted to nnv pelton ol hose ela I sholl no1 hnve hrd nollce at the tin

su h dlsllibiiilon Diled this twentv tcond dnv oí August one thousand ulm hundred mid lortv one F \ HANCOCI P eC

Hou c Eorcst Ho Hie




ill I M

HOUSTON Solicito! 19 Mirlln 1 Inte Svdn


WALrs-I róbale lurisdlrllon -In Hv Will ni HERSIIIA AUCUSIV SHE M ON lil, ni Vaucluse In the Sllte ni Ne i South Wnle Wldo deceased-Pursuant to the Wills Pin boto and vdinlnlstintlon Art 1 ! l8 1 I I n

to Ihe Testalois Eamily Mnlniiiuu omi Guardianship ot Inlauts \rl UK 19 11 nntl lo the Tru tee Act 19 i lill Notice Is herein given that all crcdltois and other person« having any c1 lim nknlnst the I stnle of Hie »boveuemed deceased who died on ni obtu t the eighth dav of I ebrunri one thousand nine hundred and forlv one mid ProbnU ti vhoe Will was nu the twcntl si Ih dav oí M iv one Thousand nine hunored nnd Iniii one i anted bl the Súpleme Court of New south V ile In its Plobau. Iori dlrllon lo rilEirTlIC W11

LIAM IGGIESION (now Sir Iletieik William Pgglcslou) Hie sole I editor nnmed In Hie « d W ill ore heribv nquircd to send pirttcu ir

in writing oí such ilalm to Hie sud Sir rrcdciic Willum Lgglrslon in cue ni Hie

indcrsUncd W A Glider Son <» Co 27 Hunter Sticet Sldncv on or beloie the thirls

llrst dav ol October ne t H the rxplinllon ol vhich time Hu snld Sir Freddie William 1 kgleslnn will piocced lo distilliute Hie i* s of Hie said deceased amnnk t the prison«


titled thcicto linvlng re

claims if whit li he slnll then have had not \nd Nollte Is herebv timber klven aid Sil ficdeiic Wllllun Engleston


pirt tliercof of v/ho«<

iii lm

be liable

so distributed io an/ pel

he shil! not hove had notice ot

oi snell distribution Ditcd this twentieth «luv of Ailkiist 1941 W V GILDIR SON

Praetor« lor the sold Escultor >1


Street Svdn

of ROUntr IOHN 10HRENS Inte ni Ne

lu the Slate oí Nev South Wales Rollins Employee decca ed (estile - Pm nant to the Wills Prubat- and Administration Act ia 11 and the le lalor s 1 ¡milly Mollltenon

1 )lli

Hu tin creditor

doini »kain t the Istotc of ROBLR I" IOHN TORRENS the obovcilamed deceased who died on oi about Ihe elshlh dal ot Mnv 1941 nnd Piobate of ivhoe Will ins on Hie !lr«l dnv of lulv 1011 kionltd bv the Supreme Couit of New South Wnle to CHAR1ES UAMBI Y of Wollongong Hu sole Execlltoi in Hu sold Will named Is herebv required lo sind iiartleuhrs In wilting uf siten rlnim In the sold Chirit s Hamhh in care oi the untlciaisncd Gictoiv S Madden V, Compon/ tit their olli e heiiiiudci mentioned on ur btioic the t\ entv six li dis of October 1941 it the espliitlon of which time the snld Chilles Hambll Alll proceed

the said Charles Hnmbly vin not be liable ior the assets oi anv pull theieoi so dislributed lo anv person of whose clnlm he slnll not hove hnd notice nt Hie time ni such dis

tribution Dated this Iwenti Hist dnv ol August 1941 GRLOORY S MVDDLN Ai COMPANY Proctors for the Exer Itor 26 O Connell Slice! Sidn

Will of WtLrRED NORMAN HAWKE late ol Bondi In Hie Stntc oí Nev South WiIls

Retlrtd Ban.c Officer deceised -Application vlll be made alter fourleen dnvs iiom Hu publicitlun htleof that Piobitc of Hu lo t Will and Tuliment of the oboveiiamcd de

censed dated the sixteenth div of December one thousand nine bundled mid seven m ti be S ruined lo DAISY I MMALINE GRACT HAVVKL the Executrix mined In the snid Will the nlhci Executor ROBERT IHlODORr H1VVKR named Hierein having inericcei«ed the testntor and nil persons having my rlalni egulmt he Eslnte ot Hie Slid deceased art icqulred to torword puilleiilirs Ihcieof to

Castlerengh Street Svdnev

_ _UK1

Jurisdiction - In the

Wil' of JOSI PH WIILIAMSON 1A1NELI (snmcllincs known ns loseph William lotnrll) lale of Iciildeile In the SI ile of New south Wnles Cnnlei nnd oí Hie Aiistrnllin lmpeilnl Torre decci ed Viipjicallon will be mide after fourtee i dm« Horn the publlritlon heie of Hint Probóle of Hie 1 «t Will and lesi i

ment dated the twrnlv nilli dnv of July one thousand nine bundled ind folly oí Hie

AMY sule Fxccutilx Il notices m iv d decca ed nnv be ki CONSTANCP TVTNrii (Ile

i oin ii In Ihe Uti Will ind a

be seived Ht Ihe lindel mt till meri ndd: __ Ml el editors In Hie I sill ti Hi sild de ci ed hil h t by icq nred ( i send In p»r Hlilns ni ( Ile I r elilms to Hie i ndcislgnt d C1 A e-i ON F DAVIS Piorln lol Hie 1 seen

lils leilld ile «Init ferndene Bv hi« .?gent I BUSH JACKSON Sollt Itor 117 Pitt street Sidney

JN THF SUPItl rlr IOUR1 OF Ni W sou TH

WALIS-Probate liiilsdletlon -In the V 11 of CI fl TORD PATIÎH K Ni WSOMI late of Wcl Ingrnve In Hie Sion of New South Wnles Growler diet jsed - \\ pllrntlon will bt

iourteeii dus li om the p ibllcutlon of thal Probate ii Hie list Will ond Testament doled Ihe eil hill day of Align«!

Ilion mid nine bundie I aid iotlv nn of Hie nbovenmiied riecea«ed tuav be krnnlcd to riORENIcr IDA NLWSOMI (In Hie sold Will cillrd rioiencc Ne some) II VIN BTDE NEW SOME and PEOINALO JOHN NEU SOML Hie lxetltilx mil liccutoia i Will nnd ill nt tiers nnv

undermentioned nddress anti nil crédito

ihe I s ile of the suit! deceased nie herelr

In particulars ol their clilm

Id vert at the



:i pool

Will ol CORNELIUS FOLE V lau oi lime

burners Creel in the ««lute ot New South Wnles

Gelter deren ed-Apilettlon will be

ment diled the follltcenth dnv of Siptenibtt one thou and nine hnndied mid twentv .jiven ol the nbovennmed decensed mnv be gmnted lo ARCHIBALD r-RFDLRICK LAWnlL oí Clin

dice Town In Hit State of New South Wales lintel Licensee the sole Exertllol nnmed lu the

ed nt Hu


.. nsl Hie Estate

ccn«eil aie heiebv rctplesud to «cul in pa tlculnis theieoi to the undersigned vv lit Agents lu Sydnev aie Messieurs S L Ci ok Sou ol 14 Lprlllk Shiel WALLER Proctors


oí ABRAHAM IS VAC SOLOMON late of Newtown ncnl Sldiuv In Hie Stnle ol New South Wnles Cnirln deci isetl Intestin -Application vlll be mnu' ill i tomtcin (141

'ils f tem Hie liubllcntloii hcieoi Hint Ad

Inl tullon oí the Fsl»te ol Hil Hboviinnuti deceased may be i nulled to AUCUSIV SOLOMON Hu Willow ui the sold dctc s d

nd nil iioIIclS mai be servetl nt tile under mentioned Hddress All treditois In Hie Estin til the i Id decensed ale hilibv required to

tnrt In i articulais oí Hull tlninis to Hit undersigned Appllcillon vin oin he mirk that the Atlnilnlstiiitlon Bond be dispensed willi Dited this twentv Orst div ol Alum One Ilion and nine bundled ond loitv on u n SCHRADER Pioctor for Ihe Ad

otrls 11 1 Pitt Sheet Svdnei

- "- --- SOI_


and' Cod eil o! MARY K1LKLLI \ lite of Poddliikton In the St le ol Ne v soi Hi Will s Wldov deceased Testate-AlipIlciHon will be mude nun Iourteeii dus Irom lile p ibllr i

(lou heieoi Ihal Piobolt of the last Will mid dated the elklllh of Mav One thous

and nine bundled mid lorlv one und Cull II thereto doted Hie twenti lI"!uIi oi Min


thousand nine bundled anti lui tv one tit tilt nbnveiiumed deceised mu be uanled lo WIL LIAM THOMAS MORCK ui 7) Eil iUlIIi Sheet Svdnel Sellrltoi Ihe Execuloi nunod

._ Eslnte of the tleceosed arc helebv lequlied lo send In pnrticulois oí their clolms to the iindeislklled MURPHV V MOLONEY sollcllnis 79 Ell/obeth Sticet Svilmv

Retired ronner decenSL I -Applli Hit n will lu mude alter fourteen d ivs from Hu publication liiieuf thal 1'iobnte ol Hie In t Will mid restituent tinted Hu «I Hi dil oí Dctembei one thousand nine bundled mu! Ihllti thret ni Hil alinvcniimed deceisid mni bl ginnled lo Eil BFRT CHAHI ES AUOUS1US HIBBARD lind C1 Y DE BOUDrN LOFTUS HIBBARD the Executois named In the snld Will und all notices mnv be sciVLd nt Hie undei mentloned nddiess All cicdltois In the Fstate of the deceised are hciebi icqulred lo stud lu pnitlculirs ni theil claims to the under

signed WALKER GIBBS A. COOK Proctors for the Executors 17 Martin Ploct Siduei

'-"":._..:: ;_."... _. :::',v

-Probnte Jtulsdlctton -

Will ot JAMES THOMAS SIPrE lilt ol Coogee In the Stile of New South Wnles Fitters Asslslnnt deceased -Application will be made aller fourticn dais Irom the publi-cation hereof Hint Probate of the list Will nnd Tcstiment dated 27th Decembei 191 1 of the jbovetuimctl deceased nnv be glinted to ISABLLLF HARRISON SIPPE the V/ldow of the sold deceased mid sole Fxemtrtx appointed lu Hie ..ild Will and Hu rein lulled

my denr wife and all notices in ty be seived al the undi iminllnncd address All cndltors In Hi» Fstiti of the decensed hil hereby reqtiiled to send In particulars of their clnims to the undcislgned VVVI1IR DICK-SON A. CO Pioctois for the I sccutrlx Prudential Building 11 Mortln PUcc Svdnev


WALES-PioIioIl Jin Miction -In thi Will of WINIFRED ELVARD lolc of Morilckvlllc lu Hie Stole of New South Wales Splnslci

deceased-Appllcttloii will be modi nller faurlceu dnys fiom the publication lleieof thill Piobote of the lust Will and Testament dated the third div oi June one Hu mund nln hundred mid thlttv of the nbnvenamtd de ctased mnv be ki anted In Ellin, V10LLT COX and ADI LAIDr GWrNDOLFN ELYARD the Exécutrices named In the said Will and »11 notices may be served nt the undermen-tioned address All creditors In the Estate of the deceased are hereby required to send In particulars of their claims to the underslkned E H TEBBUTT A. SONS Solicitors. 2B Mar-tin Place, Sydney



WAILS -Probate Jurisdiction - In Ihr VIII ni ROIITl MO\.rS lale of Ventnol 1 lo of W lit lcntlciuin deceased -Piii«uao( ti

niiMnn of th- Wills Piotnlc i nd Ad

nailon \ct I Uti 19 1 ol the lr«t;tir « llv niiliilnnlire nil Gil idlan lilli of In

heribv given thal all h-r pci on ha big »v rlnlm

the nloveliiinrd ileee seo who died ni Vent

mr Isle o( wini on the iwriitv third dav ol August 1940 end Probule or whose Will

as "iintcd bj the supreme Coull o! New South Wales In Us Probate JurUiIctliin on ill st hi dav o! Alien t 1041 to PI KPFTUAI IR131FF COMPANY (LIMITED) are herebv i ml rd lo send on or belore the tv entv

tilth du ol Octobci Hist lull pulieulnrs c1

their clilins and demands upon the «all I tate or In i pert of the =ald piopertv r-iid niels or nu put Ihdrof lo PIPPFTUM TPUS1LL COHIWi ILIVITID) T! I Hi mci St reel svdnev at he cxp ration of which lim" tin

liri 1 rrpclual Ti (tee Conipnn (! Imltod) as Excculoi i>( 111 V/lll ol tile Hld d"cei>od In mrs lo piooi d lo arti mittler the old I «mi

rid lo ron o and di nine the prap" tv mid nssrls ni the ii el tlccc ed to mid anuna Ihe line and j elson multi th-iolo lluvini i-gnul ml to Hie claims and demands

hleh thev shill ihen hav notice And aid Connu lil no in rrsi eel I

lllbiltlou Do ed t! Is fltl rntii dav ii 1941 For I I RP1 IU \I IRlSrit C1 (IIMIlrii) H \ DOLe.LA"S !

BO\CP A. llOvf L Pro to

Will ni SVRAH AMP CRAV I ORD late of Mm i ckvllle In the S a e of Ncv sculli V-le Manie I «Arman decpnv.d -P ir nant lo tin ne ena o! Ihe \\ Is Prob te and ad mlnlstiut cn Art l"°u 1918 of the Tr«tttri

I mii'i Miiliitemn e nn I Ol airihuis'lip c

InUnts /el 1"16 1933 and of lb» Trurtre Act 1975 19u8 Notice Is hprcbv Riven

I! errd ton and o h*r prison« having clnlm or demand ii on or aciln«l the F cr clheiwli Inte esta i in t'le pronertv a «cts of Hie iboi named deceased who

en lb' iwrntlrt i dav of Mav ore thou

nine hiudicd and forlv-one and Frihotc of vmse Will wa« einnted bv the Surrcm» Couit of Ne v bnith Vn'-s In Its Probóle Jin diction on the tuent cn div n' "

me thoti'-and nine bundled and loitv-ono lo ltlC ERNEST CRAW-O.tP ate h'rcbv

qulieri to flirt on or before ll*p th!rtv-flr3l


oxpliallon rï v lirb tlnu Hie slid" Fríe Ernest

rnvlenl as Fxrrutor of the % 111 of the decea=rd Intends to pioeeed lo Admlnl'tci

aid Fslal» aid to convev and dl-trlbntc Hie liiop rtv and assets if the snld dccea'ed

nnd nmon the parties nnd per'oos cnttllod theicto having crnrri onlv to the claims and riempnd« of which he shall then hove no leo And Hie «aid Executor vin not In le peet of the proppitv and

theierf <o come eil or distributer] be liable

rlbiitlon Dated this 2Ht dav of Viigtnl 1941 DAWSON V. HERÍ ORD io Icltors for Fxecutor 104 Hunter Street

IN Tlir SUPRFMF COURl OF NEW FOU I II I WAI ES -Probate Jml'dlc li

V/lll of JAMES I LSI IP KEIMAN la e of In vciell In i ie blot . - . _ OiUcer and In civ

Impcilal Folce on active eivlce abroad de ceased-Application will be made after foin teen dava the oibltia loi hereof tha

I róbale of Hie lnsi W11! and testament darod Hie sixth dav o! Muv In Hie seal one thousand nine hundred and lortv of the abovenam»! de

ceas d mav h« rreiicr to AGNFS IWBEL

lOVCr KFXMAN and ITSLIL K1 LMA^ ' rxocutrlrrs named In the said Will nu

oolites ma; b» served at the un leimen lent (I

drllt s All Creditors In tile Fslale of the deceased aie heiebv required to s»nd In par l tulara of lllelr clnlm« to the underslg i '


1 neto


IN 1HF SUPRFMF COURT Or N V. SOUIi! I VV1LI S -Probate Jurisdiction -In the Will if RFGINALD BFNN COHEN lale of ( Holl irolt Avenue Hampstead In the Counts of Middlesex Envland stock B-okers Comm

son Aient doce cd - Implication will le mane ittel loin (ecu dav« from Hu publication here

of that Dt filmte Prcbite of t'le Will of the lute Reginnld Benn Cohen granted by he Pllnelpil Rcglnrv ot His Maleslv s Fitch Cuurt of lush e nt Ilandudno Wales to Jrn HOLD GEORGE COHTN and I E.SLIE Wl

STON COU! H may le «ealcd willi Ihe Seil ol this Court and al! nonces mnv be seived at the undermentioned urtdiesi All erfdl

tors in the Lstatc of the snlri deceased me iur-bi required lo send in particulars of their c I itma lo Hie undcrsUii ri Dated the nine lecnth ria; of Alltll t 1911 ASIirR OLD A. ION F S Prottois for Hie Executors 5 Bligh stieel --vdnev

It, Til J- SUPRFMF COURl OF NEW SOU 1 H 1 WAITS -Probité Jurisdiction In the Will if NICHOI \S GORDON Moll I Ri F lale of Hie Mistrnllan Impeilil Polee nnd lormerlv of 2 Livrence. Sllect Mnnlv In the btale of Now South Wales deceased le tau M plication will be mode alter fouiteen dnys from he iiibllcillon hereof that Probate of thi lost V'lll and Testament dnted the fourth dav of laoiarv one thou'and nine hunch rd nnd lortv of Hip abovennmeri deciased mnv be gnu ed lo PERCi HIRST GOLDSTEIN (In the «old Will cull-d PI RO. II GO! D SI FIN) the Fxp utor named In the said Will ind nil Isotlces nips be served at the unoer

nunlloncrt addie s All creditors in the F stole of Hie deceased ure herebv required io send in jiaitliulnis of their claims '

..._._ of Nev South Wales Rp

tired Biot Operator deceased (In the Will deslftiited Boot Operator) - \pnllcatlon will be made aftci fourteen dnvs from the pub

lie Ulan luieof that Piobale of the lu t Will and lestament. dated the twentlel'

Ixerurlx named In the said Will and ill i nie may be served at the iindeimentlonoel uddr s All ciodllois In the Estate or the il«cci ed me herebv lequlred to end In par Hail irs of their claims to Hie unrteisigncd MCKLN71F v. COX Pioctois tor the 1 xcru

trl\ MiKen/le Chambers <»5 Molesworth fctnet Li«moie ^vdnc} Aleuts Messis

MARUN V. IAMPORI Solicitors 129 Pitt

of VIIURI TIEDEMANN late of Rosrb ink Minion In the Slate of New bouth Wales Dalrv launer deceased--Application will be made aftei fourteen dava from the publication here

if that Probate of the last V HI and Titi ment dated the twenty seventh dav of Fell mar one thounnd nine li nulled and thlrtv

six of the abovenamed deceased mav be grant d loCHARLLS ALBrRT TIEDEMANN ni d SYD

~*~. Executors

otlccs m ly li served at the iindeimentloned nddter« Alt t realtors in the Estate of Hie deceased arc hereby required to send In particulars ol theil claims lo Hie under.3i.ned I A Hin A. son Prcctois foi ApuUrant« West Mill land Bv their Agents PAYILN ii P\E 4 Cistlercal,h Street Sfdnev


i- WAI I S -Probité Jurisdiction -In Ihe Will of JAMES M\LIS RODGER late of Soulh strathfield In the bl ite of Ne* South Wnles Retired deceased Appllcitlnn w11! be made a' ter fouiteen da s from the publication line of tint Piobale of the lu«t will mid Test i

ment dated the fifteenth div of August one thousand nine htlildlcd and foils rue of the ubovoiiamcd jHmes Mvles Rodpel deceased miv be Slanted to rLI7ABLTH Min s HOIX. 1 1

a D uighter of Hie sold deceased und the «o e FxecilhK In the sale! Will named All Notices hould be seived at the office of the under

Ikned to whom all creditors are requested to forward pullen tus of theil claims within suth period of fouiteen days as ufoiesald FM1I F J FORD v. CO Proctors for the I v

'mux National Mumu Bullolng 350 George fN 1HF SUPREMr COURT OF Nrw SOUTH J WALIS-Piobale luilsdlitlon -In the Will of HI NR\ J \MLS G1GGINS lute of Motto nein Rnvmond In race In the State ot New South Wules rainier deeenscrt - Appll

citlon vin be made after fouiteen days tram the publication hereof that Probate of the last Ulli und Testament dated 21th October 1)10 of the abovenamed dicci«cd mav be

-iltcd to CHRI3IINA EL1ZABI III CICG1NS the bole Fxeeutilx named in the snld Will and all notltes may be solved mentioned address All eieuilo (Í Hie deceased are heiebv n In pal Hull il s of theil claims

CUNNINGHAM Port bl pi hens

.._.". , -J .>'n"

«I lill bheet Svdii..

in jue suiRiMr coupi oi Nrw s-ouni ,i.,."AI rs -Piobile Jurisdiction-In the Will ol 1IMOTHY OVhLEY lute c1 Mol it Hail

neill Rai mond leiraee In the stale of Niw South Wnles lictlied Orchardist deceased - Vp intention lill be marie allei lo irteen davs 11 earn the Public mon heico! that Probate ol Hie last Will and lestament dated Gili Decciilbri lill) of the obovenimed dcceisid mav li" rranted to JOHN OVKLLl and OIIVFR ROBERI HOP

All uedltors .... heiebv leq lileri to semi In paitlculara nt theil i laira lo the undenlkiicd MACKENZIE ,V. CUNMNCHAM lio-lll« lol

Poit Slcphc

ot .. ... _ _. _in Snlnslii Abdication will be

teen davs from Hie publication heicot tint Probate o! Hie Will of Hie i linen nud de ceased granted bv the Súpleme Court ol Me

inn to CHAKI ! S II IVIS CAIDrit und BRIAN KIRWAN DONAI D->ON mav be seiloel with the Seal ol tills Coin V id nil notlie

may lie aclieri ni the uiulumentioned andre s And tint application will be made Hut Hu Administration Bond nins be dlspcn ed willi All ercillttns In Ihe L m1 ile ol the slid docen ed aie henbv lequlied to s nd in paiticulnis of theil i Hlms lo Hie illideislgned THOMAS

IOSFPH PUIiCFI I Proctor 00 King bheet

Will ot IAMI S MORRTSSIV. lule of Hoinsbv 111 111 Stan of New So 111 Wales Rellred Knllw v (mp avec deeca=»rt Apt lie III i will be in de iltel fouiteen dnvs tiom Hu niblle i

Hon hrieof thal Publie of Hie Will ol the ulioviiianud deceased niteri the lentil ilav of Noveltlbei one thousand nine liundud nuil thiitv nine mav be gumlee! to IOS! I II S1EP1IIN MOPR1SS1 Y hie soli Executor mimed In Hie said Will and nil nollres miv be seriell nt l\\i oOlee of the undpislgned to

(horn nil pelsuis hnlnk nnv durn nrjitlnst the snld Estate ale required lo toiwsid par tlculnts then ' -.

teen davs


" ti Point lambilli In Ihe Stale ol Nev

South V ales VV idnv deeois-d -Appllcilion will be mnile aítei frurtceii riavs fioni the liubllci

i heieof Hi t Probate of tin Inst Will and lestnm ni rinlid the ciuhtb dav of August

¡ thoiiiauri nine htindiod and fortv me ot

abovenamed deceised mav be granted lo IVY ULEI N SMIIH and HU DA I OU1SA MAHA! A PFV.DON the Ixecutilces named In (he sild Will and all notli-s mnv be served at the undcuncntloiiPd addles« All ci rillois lu the 1 slate ol the deceased nie h lcliv loqulretl to send In pnltlculnrs of theil ilnlins to til» underlined BLAND V, CUNMNO

no C org SU. - .... -pn]

-Probate Indi diction


orlv of W est R de and late of coogee in the State ot New South Wales Plumber dcienscd -Application will be made aftei fourteen dava norn the publication hereof

AiiPFD ivrnmvn and iohn wil LIVM TAl-TLHSMI the sons of the snld de

¡ed and that the usual ndmlnlstintioo bond be dispensed with VII notices m b

vrd at the undeimentioned address nnd all crcdltois lu the Tahiti of the snld riecenscd

herebv lequlied to send In patllciilars of their claims to the iindeinikned OSBORNE M ALLTN Proctor foi the Administrator 56

ilitrr Sheet svdnev


WAH S -Piohnlc lurlsdlctlon - In Hi

Will of JANE I ntl WICK late of Rallwuv

e rlmoie In the btate ol Vlctoilu Widow ia«ctl-Application will be matíi i Uri .lion davs lioiu the iiiibllcatlau hneof Hial

Piohali of the Will ot the abovenamed dcceisid gruttcd bv the súpleme Conn of Victoria lo JANLT LOUISA PARSONS may be scaled wllh the seal of this Courl and all notices mav be seived at the undermentioned address All crcdltois In the Fstate of the said deceased are herebv required to send In particulars of their claims to the under-signed PARISH PATIENCF etc MCINTYRE Proctors lor the Applicant, 2 O Connell Street Sydney




I WALEST-Probale Juilsdlclion -In the WlU of WILIIAM GFORGF KERRLISH '«« <g

isnrih =lrathnrld in (he Slate ol New souin

ÎAÏ, -'r"',:,",! Ofllcia «f«T«~ ,

i,'",1."»",?,! Irin! nlsh'lTlu Arl 1"9 > 1913 nl" '"" Trsom.' E im Äicinnce nnd Ouardlail

Vl IsisT Act 1911 19 10 «»lol J' re Ml li". 19 »I Notice Is herebv -ivrn Bil red lois and other !.« ?"*".* £ clilm or drinrnd upon oi against tn« rc-r other I e Interested In the proper T ns«cl« of (he ibovennmcd deceased who

on he fir«? div ol Apill 0"«,,"»»'"»"«!

.,in. iutnrírrH nnd ioilv one nnd Probate ot

"S,Si as granted bv the supremo Court

ei?/ e'n" .-Xff.ï'.h:",^Utn"SgB

October One thou Hld nine hundred ind¡ tortv , ne full paillrulnrs of (heir eli insni djj m-nds upon the <»ld Estate or In rrspec? <*

.inere'ef"1 t'ô^lonT iTlKnT xBjj

ii iÍsH «na PHIL» WVL1LR SMYTH KIN» nUISH ann ^ rH KINa ,, Marti,, Place <- thic it the c plrn'icn ri whlcli lUne Ill's said Fdlth Illnbctli Kerruhh mid PWIV Walter Smith King as Executrix ann J\jcu ?oi I the V III of Hie «ild dot cosed intend to íoc-ert to admin ster the old Estate and te onie« ind distribute the propcrtl and nss-t* f -he 'Old dccei ed to and nmong Ihe pnr lies and persols elided therein having r Vrd on" lo the rl-lma nnd demands of willeri he" "lilli Hl-ii 1 «ve notice and the sold Fdllh en-nbeth Kcrruhh mid Phillp Walter SmVT} K ns «111 not In -»«peet of the Propertv i iel a« ets or mu pnit thcreoi «o conveyed or dis irlhuted b- lible o nnv p-fon mI >"r*»

i ulm thev «hn,l not hnie^hii^ nojlce _«! J_h«

... nlneleenth dnv of



J wai ?=- Irrimie I iri-,d lion J" 'h* Will »Id cent ri AN'NlC rU7ABFTH BUCH "¿IAN lié oí 1 o e lliv lu the Stile nt

",, cruth Wv widow decensed -Pur-'

liant o Ihe Wil s I robóle ard Aíminlstrat cn Act lil l-l I»-S 'he T es1 itor s Enmliv Maintenance ind G nrdinn Inp of Illlnnts Act,

,916.19 18 nnd Hi' Ti..«lee'Act 1121-10^

Notice s heiebv given tut everv cietlttor or nihíe iici-cn hu I ig em ram ngatnit (hu


Die ptiovcnamed tjrecos-d who died on tn» evciih dil of ton lorv one thousand nln« hurored rnd forlv one and Probité çf wheats Will and Coolrll was on ihr- twentv ilr't da» of Miurh one trnjsnnd nine 1 unorod and forll-onc gi anted by Hie Cuprcmc Court of Nee Soulll Wat"« In W11 LIAM I RETJ^RICK

nncHvÍAN m i io n- buonor, wi'imak

rnt 1AMFS HLRETR r CARV1N the Fxeci -tors In th- sao W11 nnd Codicil named lj uquircd lo send pnrtlct In-s In wnt'ng tit sucn clam lo ile sold VV.IIIom ricdtrlclc Buchanan Elliott Geoipe Wiseman nnd lam»» Heib-rt Gamii In ce.e ri Hie undo. Igneel HUGIIFS HUGHES <. GARVÍN rt their office» hniciinoer mentlonea on or beiore tie _ >"} am of October one Ihotumd "li",,1'«»!»T »ni forty-one nt the expllntlrn of which I m J tv-e in d W11 lorn Frederltk Buchanan «THom Geo-t," Wlsemrn aid Jnmcs Heiuert Giriln will pioccd lo I'shlbule the nesets el hs 'ild drcased amongst the persnns entllleel the-elo linvlng ican on!« to Hie cairn of vhleh tlev hove not ce And Nptlre Is herebv furllif given ihot the -nd Willum I rcdrrldc Burhmian r* It tt Gcoige W lemon and

mines He-bert cm In wi'l no1 Le I'-ioIf for

Ihe osse i rr m« pm,. Ih-rcot «o distribuí"« lo on-- person o' whise rlilm thev baie not Sid nollce at Hie tl-re oi such distribution Ducd th s eel len li dnv of Auci st Ol'« llirueand n ne hiinorcd and forti-one. HUGIIFS HUGIIFS u. GARVÍN Pro-tc - ÍOT the rxrciuoi« ir B -rn " st "et vane

TN THF SLPP^MP COURT OF NFW SOUTH 1 v\ \i j - _ Probll» I rl dlelio I - In til" Wilt of THOM1S GRrOORY CHVN-'HVN lair of lxogiish In the Sitie oí New Soulh Wales. Crmpesltor, deeeisid -Pursuant io Hie W11", Probate nrd Ao-nln s n inn Act lins .«rd Hie Tc'titoi s Fa nils Malnienince ind Guar-dianship of Infni s Arl 1110 nd Hie Trus-tee Act 1925 Non e is herd v given Hi it eierv cicdlloi or other proa havinx nnv clima ignln t the fstale if Ihomis Olcgorv Shnin han Hie abovemiued decei ed vho di°d on eir about the nilli div of Apnl on" thousand nins hundred mid for i one and Piobite of wl me. Will ' . "" """" """



HENRY KING the F-tccutnrs In the Slid W U mined Is herebv icqulred to send parlicc lirs in writing of sieh clnim lo the slid ldward Albert Hnntock and George Hrnrr King In enre of the und"is|gned Fdwnrd Albert Hnneock at his offlre hcicundei men-tioned on oi before the twcnlv-flith div of October one thoii«ind nine bundled and foil ?. nut at Hie cxplrilion of which time the so d Cn» »rd Alheit Hanco«-,, nnd Gcoisc Henri King will piocced to dlstilbllte 'he n ret« of the sold deceo ed omen st Hie poisons en Ulled theieto hiving legard onli to claim» of which thev then hove notice And Nour« is hciibv fuilhci given thot the slid Ld word Albert Honcocl ond George Heniv Klnic will no1 be liable for the n-scts or my part thri-of so dlstllbillcd to nnv person of whess» clnlm thev shnll not hove had nollrr nt thu time of such dlstllbullon Doted this twenty second dal of August one thousnnri nine hun-dred and torts one F A HVN'COCK Proc-tor for the Ixcclitors Station Hou«" Forest Roid Hurstville Bv his Clt/ Agent J.


Biockworlh 1^5 New South Head Road, Double Bnv near Siduev In the State ot Ne« South Wples Wldov deceased Intestate -Pursuant to the Wills Probate ond Adminis-tration Act 1898 1940 the lrstalors Famllv Miiiitennnre nnd Guoitllanship of Infants Ace 1916 1918 end Hie Tiu"!ec Art 19J1 1940 ' Nollce is herebv gli,n Hint all creditors, child or chlldicn and other person- hiving uni debts clnlms or demands of v hit kind soever upon or nflcchng the Eslnte of Ihn nboicnnined decensed (who died on or nboufc the seventh dnv of June 1941) and Letter» ni Adnilnlsharlon ti whose Esme were giant"rt bv the Supreme Court of New South Wale« In ils Plubnte Jurlstl ii on on the seventh do« of August one thoisend nine hundred mid foils one to He PrRMANFN 1 TRUSIXF COMPANY Of NFW SOUTH WAILS LIMITED

lie. Aomlnlstra'or of the sold Tslntc aie heiebv lequirLd lo send In particulars of such dcbls clnlms and demands lo the said «.dinlnlsh Uni on or beloie Hie twentv ruth dm of October next it the cxpliihon of which time the sild Administrator will proceed to distilbute Ihe as"ots ot Hie sild deceased milong the persons entitled therein having icgird lo the debts delius nnd demnnds onlv oi which It slnll then have lind notice mrt the sild Administrator w11! not be liable for Hie a sets so distributed to anv poison of whose debt claim or demand It shall not hove hid notice ot the lime of such dlstiibn tlou Dalid (his twentv second div of August 1941 Foi the PriîMANEM IRUSTFr COM-PANY OF NEW SOUIH VV4LFS LIMI1ED. F V T WHITTLr Monnger ¡NORTOrf

SVI1IH A CO Proctor«

fN THF SUPRLMF COURT OF NTW SOUTH 1 WALIS -Piobote Iiiilsdutlon -In the Will of SIDNEY IAMES IVANS Inte oí Brock w oi th 321 New Soulll Head Rond Dniibl» Bni nenr Svdnev In the Stole of New South Wnles stock and Shale Broker deceased -Puisiinnt lo the Wills Prubnic and Adn ims 'ritloi Art 181,1/1140 the Teslators FamllT Maintenance and Gi nrdlonshln of Inlont Arr 1916 1911 mid Hie Tiustee Act )92t/ 1110 Notlrc is hereby givrn tint all cicdl lois ililid or children nntl other person» having anv debts clilms or dennnds of v hat lind -oevtr Huon or niieitlng Ihe Fsnte ot th» nliriennmed deceased (who died on or nbom Hie Fourth div ol Innunrv 1941) ind letter» ot Administration oí whose Esnte with tim Will of he silt! decensed nnncsed vere grinled bv Hu sunn mr Court of New snub. Wile» In Ils Pinbnlt lurisdlclloii on the nilli dnv of August One Ihousii d nine hundred mid fom nne to Hie PFRMANEN1 IRUSITF COMPANY OE NFW SOUTH WAITS LIMITED till Ad inlnlsiialor of the «nid rslite aie heiebv ic quircel lo -ind in pnrllciiins of such debt« i Minis mid dinmid« to the sold Adnilnlstritor on or bilnic the lvvuitv iifth dav ol October next at the ebullition of which lime Hie said Admlnirinlor will piocced to distilbute tim assets oí the said dertn«cd nmong the persons entitled thereto lining icgord to the deb!» chillis ond demnids onlv of which li shnll then han had notlic and the nld Adminis-trator will not be Hoble tor the assets sei dlshlbiiled to nnv nelson of whose debt claim or di mauri It shall not hove hud nollce at Hie time of such dlstrlbullon Dited this Iieniv sitond dnv of August 1941 For In» Icimiiieu im«tce Coinpiinv of New South

AÍ1! ni1"1""1 r v 1 WHITTLE Vnnnkcr.



,I"" «AIES-Public lurlsdlctlon -In th» Will of LIONARD BARNFS ioimerlv of Svd-nev In Hu stitt ol Ne» South Wil-s Wilier but lan- a Mrmbei of Hie Austnllan Impor inl Foires on Active Seivlce Vbioid deceased. -Pin min to the 'Vin« Probnle nnd Ari mlnlstintloti Act li 98 lila ind Ihe Tcstn (or s Enmllv Molntcinnce and Ginrdlnnshli of Intuits Art 1916-19 18 Nolite is herebv riven tint even ciedllor or elhei pcrEon liavnig mv debt or clnlm upon or níTecting Hie Tst n al the nboveinmed decensed who died on he nlneleenth dov of April 1941 and PiobniL el vvhosf Will wn-v on the seventh do of Munt 1941 cMinted bv Hi» Stpirmn Coull of New South Wnles In Its Piobnt» Iiirladlcllon to ALAN BALFOUR BFR TIE Ihe sole Fxrrulor In the «nld W11! named In heiebv icqiillcd lo send In pnrtletilnis In writ ink of euch debt or clilm lo the sold Alan nilibili Be He in care of Ihe undersigned on in before the twenlv fourth dav of Octobei 1911 nt Ihe txpliallon of which time the sold Alni Bald ni Bertie v 111 pioreed lo distributes the ns«et« of the decensed nmongst Hie per-seas entitled Hicicto hiving íegnrd lo th« debts and clnlm» onlv oí which he shall then linn nctiet And Nollce Is heiebv lurcher niven tint the «nld Alnn Bilioin Bertie will no1 be loble lor Hie iissets or nnv imrt theleof «o dhnlbtiled lo anv poison of whose debl or claim he ho« not lind notice nt the lime of

ich distribution Dnlrd this Iwentlclh day «f liikiisl 1911 OWrN PFRK1NS Proctor lor 1 xecutoi 171 Ceorn Stlee Svdnev

J N 1 HE SUPREME COURT OF M W «OUTH I WAILS-Prolnte lurlsdlcllon -In Hie Will II CHAPLrs IOHN CFRUTTY Companion of (he Mosl Dlstliikiiished Order of St Michael nnd Sr George Inle of 110 Dindcnonc Roid Caulfield In the Slate of \ Ictcrh Reined Midlloi Genernl decensed -Appllt allon will ni-mmie nllei iiiiirleen dnvs fiom the nubllcatlon heienf Uni Probm oi the Will ef the ihne n lined decensed nrnnled bv the «supreme Cnurr of Mt Hu In In OI IVE MAR10RIF SIMONSON unv In s»nled with the Seal of Ulis Couit mid nil nollccs may be served at the nnder nienlicnetl indiess VII tiedltors In th» Fs lite cr Hie snld dceeuscd ore hereby requiieel lo «end In poilictilar- of ihelr chims lo Illa i min«Uncil within the «nld peilod tt M. PARKI R Proitor 77 Cnstlciengh street Svri


U VI FS -Probllo Illilsdlctlon -In 111» I slot» of W11 LIAM POWNE bite of Svdnev In the stnle of Ne« South Wales Accountnnl

tleccn«ed Intestnte - Applleitlon will be mido lilcr lourtCLll dnvs fiom the lulhllcntlon heie of Hint Adininlstntlon of Hie Estite of Hi« iboven mied decensed niov be granted to HENRIETTA HrARLE LESUE a dnughler ni Hie snld deceased And nil Notices ma b» served nt the undeinicnlloned nddre AH oiedltor« In Hie fstote of Hie snld decca-sert

cqulietl to send In partleulir»

Sli el Svdn


cour r of" pr-rrv sessions holden Al CFMRAI PO) ICE COURl SYDNEV - Tn WILLIAM AirXANDIR SUTHERLVND -Notice I« herebv given to von Hint application has been made In this Court nn bonall of I Hierin Millicent Bnlriv (n) To cull up m d maud pavment of Hie whole oi nu« nari ni Hie principal sum secured bv Hie Moitcng"

aftc .


demise mid leis» and collect Hu

linn (c) To exorcise- prwrl of sole tiei Ml thot piece or pnrccl of land sltinte In Di« Counts of Cuinbeilnnd Par! h ni Pelei«ham hiving n frontnge to Encllsh street Coltuier down of nbollt 21 leet nnd 1 dentil ni nb"Ut 62 Ice! b«lng lot 14 nnd pnrt ni Lo! Ii De-posited Pinn No 267 mid being the whole of Hie lind In Ccrtincntc oí Tille Volume 717 Ioho 0-S on which are erected Ihn urcnil e« liiovn ns Number 18 english Shed Cnmper dov n mid belnp the whole of Ihe Innd com Pliscd In Memoinndum of Moltgigo dnled 111» iGutlh duv of lune one thousand nine litin dreri mid twenti righi Reslsteicd Number H6749 4 k1'en In Ihe said William Alexander SilthLiland In the mid rlfledn Millicent Bildv tn «eiure the repovment of the sum of rn « bundled pounds (e-jnoi together willi Internst ot Hu tott Hinein mentioned

UPO^ the iolloivlng mound» nninelv-1 lint tlcfniill has been mndc lu the the inlerch!

nu t nie ni

Hie snld pir-p itv Is le»s ihnn

owhik Hu non rnd «-cured In Hie sild Mm kate I Thal delnull has bull millie lu t pavilion! ol Municipal rites

And nollce I» luilhcr kiven Hint Ihe so nnnllt ilion «ill be llenid bv Hie said Court Wednesdnv the tenth dnv of Septembei 1941

proceed In vour nbsence Dated at Sydnev thi« twentieth day of August 1941 PIGOTT STINSON MACGREGOR As PALMER Solid lor» for the Applicant 2b Castlerengh street.
