Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Monday 26 May 1941, page 3



The Edward Small production, "Kit Carson," presents with more than average virility a story of a famed Indian fighter, whose deeds and daring won him a place m American history and in his country's romantic literature. Like Buffalo Bill and other great scouts End Indian fighters, he lives In a thousand juvenile îomances.

Although the picture lacks what is known ns 'star taino," it can be ranked «one of the best of th? rplc westerns. Çt\ fictms do an e scellent iob The ¿niionment which the pioduceis hnve hu It for their story of Cal con's ad-ventures while escorting a waggon train acioK Indian-infested territory hat, se -dn-ii been better in a picture of this line Thr-re is enough authenticity mid action in the wuratlvc to keep the ta-te, ¿st intact A tension iuni tin 0113h he film vhich never slackens Ine irJ.aii Laities are fine, anil leallstic enough foi one to regain for a bl let spell jouthful c-ihilaration of the early

nrririe fighters

"he lindscaprs nrc particularly airebtin<- Atmospnere is well sustained, and th" characters are deal-cut, without any nrarruitic overtones to emphasise their Aiilhtv Sentiment is never allowed to

1 amo dramatic incidents The in-clusion of an histoiic troop of Ameiican foldiTS lvliosc leader is pioneering new coonil v against the wishes of a sadistic Burnish-Mexican dictator in league AVith hostile indians gives the stotv additional romantic value. A newcomer to the screen-Dana Andiews-makes a big impression as the officer in chaigc of

these troops

Jon Hall, who «lill be lcmembmcd In "Hurricane," nicely undeistatcs the dramatic value ot his title role As his henchman, Ward ßoud and H.MOICI Httbei ure niie^pectedlA good, as is L\nn Bail us the aittstOLLittc hetoine aneen veteian C Henry Gordon is the vill.iinous' Me.ican gotemoi. (Plaza Theane)


"That Certain Something," the second production of Argosy Films, whose "Tower and the Glory" was recently Been at the same theatre, is now being screened at the Mayfair. Many will view it with mixed feelings, some with keen disappointment, and a few with amaze-ment, for the film definitely falls below the standard which Australian pictures tave reached within the past few years.

"That Certain Something" is supposed to "glorily" the Australian Biri. There trill be conflicting opinions «bout this. The narrative of the film is as Australian In spirit, In characteristics, and in environment as Mickey Mouse is Nazi in tempérament. The story Is lamenta bly weak; the very threadbare one of the demure little girl of humble parentage who wins to a screen career after com-bating the prejudices of a producer and the intrigues and hauteur of her equally ambitious, socially superior and glamorous rival. Had it been even fairly well writ-ten or been given good production and imaginative and virile direction, the hack-neyed theme might have passed muster. But most of the presentation is poor, and Ita few acceptable spots not sulilclent to compensate for the general tedium and lack of virility.

The film certainly shows belated signs of polish towards the end, but the way the story has been allowed to meander rtlong after it should have finished is only the final example of how poorly the script has been conceived. The photography is sometimes good, but more often crude and flat-particularly in the close-ups of the actresses. The camera focuses on one spot far too often during the presenta-tion of some scene, and it Is this lack of roving shots or Imaginative camera angles that emphasises the astonishing monotony and reiteration of the script. Many a situation is flogged to death. Best scenes arc those of the party, where some action at last takes place :<nd some suave acting is evident.

Megan Edwards was not the best choice foi the typical Australian girl, despite her own personal attractions. Thelma Grlgg, ps har haughty rival, reveals histrionic !>l"iit, but is too melodramatic. A good ¿ircitor could greatly Improve this young tctrcis. lou Vernon, as the boorish t":iiiieramcuta] producer, struggles with a ttiolish IO'C and îecnlls the'comedies of 'lark Sennett. George Sterling and Joe la'-.ton show good comic ability. Charles Kilburn, in the most ridiculous and most ur.-Australlan role of all-that of a bored lounçe-Iizard forever carrying a pet poodle or standing around with a satiri-cal expression-was at least arresting. Howard Craven (as the poster artist hero) anti Ronald Morse (as a pseudo French producer) were easy and natural. Leslie Victor plays an eccentric executive.



Those who have never been inside Earl Carroll's sumptuous cabaret in Hollywood ind seen all he has to offer there in mtertalnment, can now occupy a table pide this famous rendezvous by watch-ing Paramount'» "A Night at Earl


A. gangster's kidnapping of Carroll's gow before It can arrive from his theatre p entertain the mayor and his guests at the cabaret, provides the slight dramatic thread that holds together the con-tinuity of what Is no more than a high¡lflss glamour show. This has enough reshnew in song and spectacle to make TO film different from most musicals. Ken Murray is amusing as a compere, an inebriate enlivea, the proceedings. Earl Carroll is no actor, but his nppenrtnce in the Ulm naturally creates interest, particularly as he looks the antithesis of »nat Hollywood generally represents in its action as a famous entrepreneur. (Prince

Edward Theatre.) |