Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Monday 17 March 1941, page 4



Independent's New


The production of Robert Ardrey's

drama, 'Thunder Rock" by the Independent Theatre on Satur

day night gave further evidence of

the important function this group is discharging

For Thunder Rock which was writ-ten shortly after the outbreak of war is a very fine play. It is witty and dramatic, thoughtful and enthralling. Its theme is one of great topical urgency. It seeks

an answer to the question-what hope is

there for humanity in the present period

of war and waste and what action can

the individual take to preserve the thing

he cherishes?

Robert Ardrey tackles, these problems with courage and honesty, keeping away from sentiment platitudes and pre-judice.

rhe pitt la miiieined v ith the innei rontlicl ot one inni/liu ii-a highly intilhgent sensitive. Aiivnican Joumalist oí i profesional ob"eiver ns he him-self lemarks Ihis mans first leaclion to the rhaos and waste life in hi- world is flight He finds a haven as a light-house leepir on an acte of lock in the mindle of fnli Michigan Heie bv himilf with no 1 nnwledse nf outside events

he fight«- out hi-- lonely battl" which (iilminutc in a recoveiv of hi« 1rs! idial

of his fn h In himself and olhiis end of his hope for humanit\

INGENIOUS METHOD I Tin authors method of depleting titi1stiuggle is iifcniou1" He peoples his

sta<;c not v ith allenuntecl allegorical j

hgiue« but with chaiacters who lived last i cenluit

Tit tue veil 1041 an lmmigiant ship I

had shuck Thunder Rock and had been,

lo>t with ill hand., The lournalht pic-1

tutes lo himself wini six of those aboaidl itere like So tlvld is hh Imagination that to him thev aclmllv exist At flist

they nie crcitures ot a humoious whim |

but later the idealist within him foices, him to picture them as they must have been riom Dickensian giotcsques thev become real men and women And thete icxl men and women being concrete expressions of his own honest thinking by their challenge di he him irresMibly back to the woild with renewed sticngth to meet its problems I

Dot!, ntton s production achleted at

times stanonids of professional excellence ' Each member of the cast gate an ade-quate peiforimnee and several of the players acted teil finely indeed

Desmond Rolfe as the Scottish cap-tain of the wrecked ship was outstandilng His acting was polished and everv detail of his characterisation consistent and significant Dennis Glenny appeared as the journalist, Charleston. His per-formance although never arresting was competent Norman Haire, Marie Rosen- feld, John Appleton and Jessica Page were others who acted impressively and with sincerity.

The play will be repeated each Satur-day night