Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thursday 30 May 1940, page 20





Adventures of Rudd Family. ,

BERT BAILEY;' bearded patriarch of'Australian films, can well be

regarded as "Dad" to a nation. It's more than 30 years since he first personified Steele Riidd's character on the legitimate stage; and now he has just completed his fourth Cinesound film.

DUT, while he Is "Dad" to seven mil.*-' lion Australians-and even more Londoners since the remarkable oveisea*. success of "Dad and Dave Come to Town"-he is "Dad" in the strictest meaning of the word to ono person only

Miss Tim Bailey besides being his only daughter, is also his closest confidante and adiiser She it is who Is the constant companion, eiltlc, and even chauffeui to the mar. who is known, with lovable familial itv to «o many as plain "Dad" And accoiding to MloS Bailey, his stage and screen poitiayal*or this familial flguie are no meie histrionic


Instead-and Miss Bailey is doubtless the one person in the woild who is qualified le know-her fathci, the actor, is the peisonlfication of "Dad in leal as well as ' icol" life'

His Philosophy.

'T-TES been Dad' to eveiybody for lust a1

long as I can îemcmbci she asscits "and I don t think it's only because he s <-o well known on the stage and sciecn I feel that the philosophy which always seems lo typify his movies e\actlv tallies with his out-look on thlne?*¡ genetall. "

And knowing Dad its easy to see that his daughtei is light1 And lo Ihose who onlv know "Dad" cincmaticallv his ofT-sciecn loutinc has hitheito been shiouded in behindthe-scenes mystciy

Who bettei then to tell of Dad as he rcallj is than his own daughtei '

"Dad wants but five essentials to make hra happ^ " ss^s Mi^s Bailey, "and they'ie (he. five B's' bowls books, boxing, bed, and box-office sucers.-- foi his pictures Give him I hose throw in a packet of cigai cites-not cork-tipped, thank you'-and you've got his design foi happiness Needless to sav I heir aie tiimmings-but it's up to me to see lhat they don t come too often foi his well-being

Breakfast in. Bed.

"PROBABLY the one luxury that Dadr

allows himself Is bieakfast In bed bul then, he never tuins in until midnight 01 one am, even aftei the haidest day, so he probably deserves it

"His consuming passion is of couisc, bowls -and he's piobnbly a good player, though Im not sufficiently veiscd in the technique to know for ceitain All I know is that the cxeirise of guiding the ball towaids Kitty after it leaves his hand piovides just enough bend-ing to keep him fit

"Yes. lies a Aoiaelous reader-tiavel books, spoit magazines, peuodicals, newspaper com-


"And its piobabh br-rause ho ¡cads so much that we get so many poppeis-in for Infoimal chats There s nothing Dad Wtcs better than a quick-flie discussion on affairs in geneialand he's got plenty to talk about now, hasn't


Not Irritable.

"T)uring production on a pictme at Cine*J sound," she says, "theie's no ti ace ot irrltabihtv, even after the hardest day at the studio Dad's got the happy knack of leaving work-a-day wouies in his diessingl oom or on the set with Ken Hall, ' .she


Miss Balley says that her Dad has gi cal admiintion for Ken Hall-an admnation

doubtless made all the more enthusiastic by

'the'fact that each film in which he has appeared for Cincsound, all of which have bfen directed by Hall, has pioved so successful.

- And It's a feeling which is icciprocatecl b\ Ken Hall, who conceived the Idea for "tlv world's largest auton aph book"-the volume now being signed by enteitalnment-lovors in leading theatres righi throughout the Com-monwealth for presentation to "Dad" Bailey.

BERT BAILEY and his dauahtcr, MISS TIM BAILEY.


MARTYN, and FRED MACDONALD in a family scene from "Dad. Rudd, M.P.," Die neiu Cincsound comedy to be re-leased on June 14 al the Lyceum and

Capitol Theatres.