Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thursday 14 March 1940, page 11




State Guarantee of


The story of the Australian Light Horse in Palestine during the Great War, especially the famous charge at Becrshcba, will be retold in the film, "Forty Thousand Horsemen," which is being produced by Famous Feature Films at Cincsound Studios.

The film is one of four to be produced under aciecments between the State Government and local film companies, by which the Government has agreed to guarantee expenses amounting to


The State Government hns guaranteed c ia 000 of the expenses incurred In makin? "rortv Thousnnd Horsemen " The story is by Charles Charnel, diieetor and producer. In collaboration with E V Timms, and is based

on official var history

Some of the outdooi scenes have alteadv wn made in collaboration with the Austra"ani rallitaiy authorities and others will prob-ably be made neal Ci onulla Casting w11 ."finished within about a yycek and with extras it is expected that more than 1.000 people will be employed during the making of

the film


\ spokesman foi Famous Feature Films said yesterday "The film is the most umbitious

or attempted In Austialia We hope to htye it finished in thiee months, and it will lip shown In England and the United States nip cast will be all Australian "

Clnesound's "Dad Budd" will be completed m about a month The State Goyernment

is Guaranteed .. 12,500 of the expenses of Jus film Cincsound Is the only studio in \usl inila which his been In constant produc-tion since 1930 and "Dad Rudd" is the comninvs eighteenth film It has a cast of 40

The Government lins Riiaiantcctl £25.000 of the expenses of Argosj Films, which Is to n nice two films-"Daughteis of Australia" and Man Without a Country"

M» Fiederick Daniell gcneinl manager of Aiso'sy Films. Ltd, saul last nisht: "The company has taken over on lease National étu-dias, Pagewood, and rig Tree Studios, Hun

Datr'htcrs of Austialia" will be made at Pinewood, and will be dhected bv Clarence Badger "A Man Without a Country" will be made at Fig Tree, and will be directed by Noel Monkm-n The productions will give employment to a large numbet of Australian

.A Man Without a Country" will deal vrith Hie development of Australia's air powci, and the co-operation of the fighting forces has leen sought foi pi eduction_