Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Saturday 30 March 1940, page 10


I .. leaflet raid-the leaflets minus propa-

ganda and decorated with caricatures and

j -ketches-was a midnight surprise at the

Tiocadero, wheie the annual Artists' Ball took olace last night Reflections of the inteinational situation weie also seen in a floor ¿how featuiing "Stalin," "Hitler," "Goerlng," 3nd other world personalities, and in wall posters Fancy dress was worn by a large I percentage of those present and among the ' most popular disguises were pirates' bizarre

"lothes, "military" uniforms of every dcscilption, and the traditional "rig" (complete with umbrella) of Mi Chamberlain In the absence ol the piesident of the Sydney Black and White Artists' Club, Mr Stan Criss, official quests weie cnteitained by the honoiarv secre-tary, Mr Jim Russell, and Mis Russell The official pal ty included the honorary treasurer, Mr. Cllf Peir, and Mrs Peir Others present included Mr. and Mrs James Jackson, Mr and Mrs. Elie Jolliffe, Mr. and Mrs. Julian Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Lance Mattlnson, Miss Rene Williams, Messrs. Petiov, W. Mahoney, John Baird, and John Mills.
