Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Tuesday 27 September 1938, page 12


Will of Sir Charles McNess.

LONDON, Sept. 26.

The English estate of the late Sir Charles McNess, of Western Australia. totals


I His bequests include £2,000 to Mr. L. E.

Shapcott, seoietary of the Picmiers Dcpaument in Western Austialia and a fuither £2 000 to Mr Shapcott foi the development, at his disci ellon of Loch McNess

Sir Charles McNess also bequeathed £8 000 to the Piesbjtcnan Church Pcith, £4,000 to piovide a mernot lal to Lad\ McNess and himself, and £22 000 lo Western Austialian chaiitics The lesklue of the estate goes to the McNess Housing Tiust


PERTH, Monday

A financial statement filed in the Supiemt Couit concerning Hit. will of the late Sli Challes McNess Mho died on June 22 aged 35 yeal s disclosed that the net balance of hi1c>tatc foi piobate puiposes was £177 634 Apuit fiom bequests to piivatc poisons ht mule generous btncLictions to hospitals chut ches Institutions foi otphans, Hie blind deaf and dumb Hit Home of the Sallation Aimj the McNess Housing Ti list the devtlopmcnl of Loth McNess at yanchep and loi di inking fountains anil íesting-plattt, in mcmoiy of the late Lnd\ McNess