Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Tuesday 12 July 1938, page 12



Broke Down Near Seal



Members of the crew of the coastal motor

Tcssel Comara said here to-day that after a mechanical breakdown had occurred In the fngineroom iust north of Seal Rooks on Sat-urday, the vessel had been fortunate to escape

A bolt broke and some cogs wpit» paitly «tripped bul the Comaia, vas able to get hilo Seal Rocks Bay foi ihellei Had she been iaithei on shelter would not have been avail-able, and, as the v ind was high at the time It was problematical whether she could have

anchored south of the locks

The Nimbin took the Comara in tow at Seal Bocks yesterday and brought her into New-castle during the night The damaged machin-ery was taken to Sydney to-day for repair