Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Tuesday 23 November 1937, page 7




Sir,-Permit me to reply to Rev. R. P. E. Bradley's letter in Saturday's "Herald." Ever since the Wentworth Memorial Church .was erected a few years ago, I have attended the annual service lield there In commemora-tion of the anniversary of the great states-man's hirth. I was present in the church on Sunday. October 24, as a member of the Vaucluse House Trust, when Mr. Hawkins, M.L.C., delivered a eulogistic and impressive »ddfess on Wentworth'.s life.

Hy letter in the "Herald" of November 16 mentioned that, for many years, a memo-rial service (in which the late Bishop D'Arcy Irvine always took part), was held in the Mausoleum on the Fltzwilliam Road side of the present church in Parsley Road, prior to the annual public celebration in Vaucluse \ Fink in the. afternoon. The trustees alwnv.s

selected a Saturday nearest, the date of hu

birth (October 26, 1793), and I have con-sistently maintained that this ceremonial should .be held regularly with the especial object of Impressing on the rising generation, »s the late Sir James Martin said at the funeral service,

"So thst whrn these rolonles shall lie thi> abode

of many million», llvlnir under English lmv. and meal-Ins tho English lansuase, when the education oí ihr -.on:! shall be more widely 'diffused-and thPir Intellect more widely developed-the best and the ablest of them all may gather lessons from tlie life of William Charles Wentworth and catch, perchance, some Inspiration from his tomb."

For financial reasons, the trustees of Vau-cluse Pork were reluctantly compelled ia dis-continue, the annual public celebration, butvhen the church was built on adjacent land, gtvp-i by the Wentworth family, the memorial service has been held there.

I am, etc.,

W. F. LEIGHTON BAILEY. Waverley, Nov. 22.