Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Saturday 22 February 1936, page 11




Stör}/ by William Hatfield


Mr. William Hatfield, author of the wellknown "Sheepmates" and other books, is the writer of the next serial story that will appear in the "Herald." He has on this occasion taken the subject of the Australian forests as the theme, or background, of a romance. The title Is "Big Timber."

One of the problems now exercising thought in public men is the ever advancing danger of great losses of land by soil erosion, due to the deprivation of the natural protection of trees, and as a student of nature, Mr, Hatfield has a subject to hand In which he is thoroughly versed. He has woven this Into his tale without in any way diminishing or overshadow-ing his characters and their doings. It Is a story of a young bushman reared amongst the majestic trees of the Blue Mountains, of tim-ber and timber mills, and of a wealthy tim-ber merchant's daughter and her love for the man whose life is devoted to the country of

his birth. There is a wide range of scei.e, ' however, and the colouring is varied and sus-

taining, finally returning to the original t "atmosphere" in which an exciting and sur- u prising climax Is staged. Here the readei will And something unusual-a chapter of events with which timber men may be acquainted but a novelty to the lay reader. It is told with Mr. Hatfield, customary skill in descriptive writing.

"Big Timber" will begin in the "Herald" on Tuesday next_