Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Saturday 26 October 1935, page 21


I PLANS FOR 1936.'


Cincsound Pioduclions LUI announced yes lcid_y the schedule of films which the dlrec tois have decided on for 1936 Besides the rae lng stoiv Thoroughbred which was leferred to in vesleidays Herald theie will be a piclute dealing with the tlmbei Industiy Rolf Boldievvoods Robberv Undei Arms and three large scale productions In co opeiation with American interests

The story of tlmbei getting has been given the tempoiaiv title of Bit linibei lhe story ha« been specially written by the Ans nallan aulhoi William Hatfield who has al

ieady piovldcd one oi two scenarios to JEfftee Films in Melbourne and it will be adapted for the scicen by Edmond Seward A well

known actor at piesent appealing in an american studio will piobably be bioughi to Australia lo plav the leading paît

Robbei Undei Aims has been under con

slderatlon foi lhe past two yeai s lhe Chief Secietatys lefusal to allow When the Kellys Rode to be scicened lu New South Wales -duck alaim into the dh»ctois of Clnesound as the1- feued that theil film (also dealing with a bushiangel) might sutlei a like fate They attempted to piotecl themselves by sub mitting the sciipt or Robbery Undei Aims to the Chief Serictaiy befoie they be__n pio

ductlon but the Chief Secrelaiy said that he could make no îuluig except when faced with the completed film The pioject was dropped foi the time being But Clnesound bad paid a substantial sum foi the riants of the novel had piepaied thiee sepaiale sciecn veislons and did not see why so much money and effoit should be thiown awaj Accoid Ingly the d rectois piesented theil case to the advlsoiy boaid which was cieated lecently undei the New South Wales quota legislation Once again they íecelved the îeply thal no assurance could be given befoie lhe film was actually made So now they have decided to take a risk and to go ahead with pioduction

One of the othei films as alieady announred will be made on a fifty fifty basis with the United Aitists Corpoiatlon Mi Cecil Marks the gcneinl managet for thp coipoiatlon in Austialla has taken s numbei of Australian books with him to Hollywood He will submit them lo the vice piesident of the coipoiation Mi Arthm Kelly

Thoioughbicd Bl" limbei Robbery Undei Arms and the United Artists pioduc tion will all be directed by Mi Ken G Hall Thoioughbred It appeals vill be based on the caleci of the Austnllan tacehoise Ph i Lap Pim Lap gained enoimous public» in Ameilca just befoie Iks death theie In 1932

and this fact It Is considered will give the film a sneclal interest foi the American public Production will begin on Decembei 1 Oiei a thousand actors will appeal in Robbeiy Under Aims The companys research men have been busy foi some time galhenng data so that the picluie --hould be historically coi reel in every detail

Robbeiy Undei Aims lhoiou_hbicd

and Big Tlmbei will bp leleascd by Biitlsh Empire Films Lid Oversea tmaiketing will be in the hands of Associated Dlstiibutors Ltd a crmpam which was formed recently in association with the C M Woolf Interests in


Another impoitani activitj duilng 1936 will be Captain Flank Huiley s pioduction of lea tuie length Australian art study romances

These will be ooen ah subjects with a threaa of stoiy connecting to^ethei the scenic ele nients lhe model will be Man of Alan

which was a supieme example of this type of


Iheie is also to be an impoitani develop mont in the piesentutlon of the weekly new îeel [n Ameilca a company calling its pio duct lhe Maich of lime has evolved a sys tem whereby significant topital events aie îe

enacted foi the cameia cilhei with the people who oiiginally look pait in these events oi else with attois as substitutes Something of this soil will be incoipont c1 in the Cinesound News Cinesound will continue duilng 1916 io supply news pictures to Metro Goldwyn Mayei in America to Pathe ¡n England and to

Ufa In Bellin

In oidei to make loom foi all this .ctivlty Clnesound will have to enlaige its No 2 studio at Rushcuttci Bav and its film laboiatoiy at the No 1 studio Bondi Dedslon concerning the studio at SI Kilda Melbourne is being lescived until the Quot Act in Mctoria leaches finality