Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Saturday 21 September 1935, page 21


Australian Enterprise.


National Productions, Ltd., a new Australian enterprise, which will commence its operations with the production of a picture adapted from the book, "The Flying Doctor," by Robert Waldron, entertained a large and represen-tative assemblage, including the Premier (Mr. Stevens), at a dinner at the Australia Hotel last night. The chairman of National Pro-ductions, Ltd, (Sir Hugh Denison), presided. Other present Included the chairman (Mr. C. M. C. Shannon) of the board of National Studios, Ltd., an allied enterprise.

The Premier, in ackonwledging the toast, "The Government of New South Wales," pro-posed by Sir James Murdoch, a member of the board of National Productions, said the Government was happy to make any contri-bution possible towards the promotion of good, healthy industry on an economic basis within their own midst. National Productions, Ltd., had shown sufficient enterprise to take ad-vantage of the recent legislation passed by the Government. He was proud to know that that company had at its head Australians, who, with their capital, and with a hi-althy spirit of patriotism and enterprise and vision, were prepared to play their part in fostering a promising industry that bore the label, "Made in Australia." The recent legislation passed was dependent tor its ultimate suc-cess in competition upon the quality and salesmanship of the article produced. They wished the new enterprise every success. The Government, by its recent legislation, had only sought to remove natural barriers to ihe com-mencement of what they all hoped would be a great Industry in their midst. (Applause.)

Mr Alan Guy, a member of the executive of Fox Film Corporation (Australasia), Ltd., In proposing the toast, "National Productions, Ltd.," said he hoped the new enterprise wn¿¡ only the forerunner of a vast industry in Australia. He had the authority of Mr. Crick to say that the company which the latter represented would do everything In Its power to establish the success of the new enterprise. (Applause.)

Sir Hugh Denison, in acknowledging the toast, said that, with the quota which had been established, the new enterprise hoped that It might not only be able to achieve success for Itself, but that it might also be able to help those already established in the industry In the Commonwealth In building up a great enterprise. The State Government's recent legislation merited the commendation of all those who were Interested In the sound development of the film Industry in Australia. (Applause.)_