Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Monday 18 March 1935, page 6


Sydney Players' Club


The Sydney Players' Club opened Its season auspiciously In St. James's Hall on Saturday


For two hours Mac Luker's comedy, "In-truders," kept the audience in laughing mood. The laughs came easily. The impertinences and the audacities of the salesman who tries to sell second-hand cars to old schoolfellows accounted for many of them. The billings and cooings of infatuated lovers whose "quiet" honeymoon at Cuddley Corners Is shattered by a series of mischances provoked merriment by their sheer Inanity. Then there were, the. mysterious Smiths-a silent drinker who outwits his domineering, uppish wife; an inquisitive 'and censorious spinster neighbour; a light-headed sprig of the nobi-lity; and a clever old caretaker with a genius for misquoting proverbs at apt moments. All these are fruitful sources of merriment.

"Intruders" Is a fine acting piece, affording as it docs opportunities to every member of the cast. Most of the players handled their parts well, and the experience gained should enable all of them to do better when the comedy is presented again on March 23 and March 30. Wendy Woolfrey, Glady« Shaw. Edward Cavill, John Oopeman, and John Appleton gave outstanding performances in the more important roles. Mr. Horace J. Salier was the producer.

In response to calls, the author made a speech, thanking the players for the manner in which they had interpreted his comedy, and the audience for Its generous appreciation.