Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thursday 3 January 1935, page 11



Al a meeting of the New South Wales Talking Picture Pioduceis' Association ycsteiday, Mt Challes Chauvel said that duiing the making of "Heritage," which he pioduced for Expeditionary Films, Ltd , £1000 a momh was paid in wages to "extras" foi a consider-able peilod The film took eight months t"

make, scenes weie taken in thiee Stntes,| and moie than 1000 men and women ^'eiel given employment

In addition to the featuied players and "extias, ' many plasleieis, carpenters, and scenic aitlsts weie employed in the constiuctlon of settings, The prepaiation of 800 cos-tumes alone gave employment to large numbets of seamstresses, fltteis, and millineis

The association Is utging the passing of the

Film Quota Bill, which came before Pailta-i ment for Its first leading last month