Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Wednesday 18 April 1934, page 9


Plans for Australian Film.

Aftei several months preparatory work, fAr Charles Chauvel will begin next week the photography of his film ' Heritage " which he is directing for E<peditioiidry Films Ltd With a number of actors a cameraman (Mr Tasman Higgins) and an assistant (Mr Thomas Arnold who as 'Chic ' Arnold, ap-pealed in Sydney on the stage recently) Mr Chauvel will leave for the Clarence River lhere he will begin operations at Mr T Field's Gordon Brook station

Several owners of large cattle stations Mr Chnu\el said yesterday have promised to co-operate to enable him to secure scenes de-picting the movement of pioneer settlers

The principal actors taking part In the Clarence River scenes are Mr Franklyn Ben-nett (known on the Sydney amateur stage as Bruce Benne't Smith), Miss Margot Rhys (who recently played with Mr Theo Shall in Melbourne) and Mr Joe Valli who is on his way from Perth

About 600 "extras" will be used in ' Heiltage " The costuming will entail much work and expense One of the largest settings will be that of the eaily Government stores, and will include the famous Tank Stream