Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Saturday 11 February 1933, page 17


Appeal to Minister for Customs.

Mr. Charles Chauvel, who directed "In the Wake of the Bounty," staled last night that the Censorship Appeal Board had considered the film and announced its decision. When

the sections of the picture photographed in Tahiti came before the Commonwealth Film Censor (Mr. O'Reilly) recently. ? he ordered thiee excisions before the film could be pub-licly screened within Australia. He also ordered that a cut should be made In the section photographed within the Common-wealth beiore the completed film could be ex-ported lo other countries. The Appeal Board lins passed every part of the production except one set of incidents which relate to a native


Mr. Chauvel declares that he and his board ol directoii Intend to carry their case from the Appeal Board to the Minister for Customs They feel, he says, that their film has been unfairly shvled out for attack, while foreign productions embodyinR the same type of in-cident have been allowed admission to this country without comment. If the Minister (alls to reverse the decision of the Appeal Board, he goes on, "In the Wake of the Bounty" will not be screened in Australia. Its oa-ners w11) simply send it abroad, and con-centrate on the oversea market The scenes of we native dance are the pivot of the whole production. If thev are deleted, the film will be spoilt _