Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thursday 16 June 1932, page 10


Contribution Scheme Outlined.

Mr J R Love, Hospital Commissioner last night broadcast through 2BL details oi the metropolitan hospitals contribution fund

Mr Love declared that, with the co-opera-tion of the public, the scheme would rcsuli In a marked Improvement in, and even the complete stabilisation of M12 finances of the public hospitals

The principles of the fund *ere that any person who paid /6 a week would be allowed £2/10/ a week against maintenance charges If admitted to hospital The fund was open to everyone willing to Join The scheme protided for the benefits to be extended to the wives and children (up to 17 years of age) and other genuine dependants of the contributor An Important principle was that which go-verned the admission of contributors to private hospitals In such cases the contributor would, by following the piocedure laid down, be able to collect from the fund in cash a proportion of his hospital accommodation charges If a contributor was admitted to a country hos-pital, the fund would pay 6/ a day Tor the first time in any scheme of this nature mater-nity patients were included As far as pos-sible, the collection of contributions would be carried out by a band of voluntary workers It was estimated that the first objective should be an annual income of £250,000