Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Friday 26 March 1920, page 11




nelehU declared for i.owreooi

"llmore »/«,,-,.(,]. cup, Melbourne Gun fclub

-,._ «« Sud io, «Inch arrived from .,ng , , Hiirioi: the tied», brought a talimbk b° "cot of tl.oroi.ghb. c1 lunées Thes """li red from Pngtan-i bl M. Woot

"I ru»hol.l, M B Ciodb.,' Z " It ti ". the"" for Wootton SCu , ! 1 nue fiie i cn. s old, 1» I minne

"t'uoi meed II ithn good deni of «ne I

lr ," gandl..8t8easo.. She «on throe ,

;;;",. ^csMon u.ei..t .»»»"»&«'?

Lck (oontJ »Mid ii eight Handicap, m Tch»l,_ carried 8 5, and n>n » mt le in !T. . \ i"-Tcr is a thTcc j tnr oltl colt, bj l_l4 k,riL Ison of Desmond) from ISitUe V_ bU..bine from ]...|ieno..8, 1. 'Jai_irl« ihe unnamed three .em old fillj

i? -»tornonni (foil of Dmrnond) from * 1}| tinold'in. ¿y Ka*er from lML>' .Bel

Vftld|. l-icbnra Skedaddle is also a ¡Si arold lilli In Storno«aj.hti dum .__Vdier Wami l>y Ijoninaiul fio.n bil

loul lu \Aildl otter Siller Wand is Vf,ir«it.r to Lfinella «liri tv ou the f,tl wr ".ir I dtiurd Hulton in 191» The fiih"ucniliei of the piutj i« 1'eroiiüJii, n l-laii f Hi bi I-onaiiaud (son of Cup ÄfBiniPrelulil« Pol, ...c1..*, Korim bj Imphion fiom Spinn»*«

_fbl Ivendul 'lhere tint, .inotliu , .nstotnt on bond, a tolt bt i.! mi from I id. JlieicMi HL IS not

!,5 bj Woolton He ii.11 be raced in Trie of rmliorscB «ill be hUd at the Utorit Hoi c «nillir on Mondât, «hen

Messrs. William C. Yuille and Co. will offer for sill« Ollie On, Tlirnso, Avlona, J nu I Cuoss, Oscillate. Jlaflioni, Queen Bess, i (¡reebia, Jack in the tireen, Tlcdmere,

j'tcrois, Weroln, mid ii two-year-old lilly by J{rd Dennis-Treux.

Weights will be declared in Adelaide to-day by Sir. W. C. Hughes for the (Joodjwood Handicap und Adelaide Cup, lo be 'rim at the South Austialiun Jockey Club

autumn meeting in May.

Scratching« were received for the Kpsom meeting, to be held to-morrow, na follows: -Open JTandicap-Rael Jjoein and, Mar-chand, "nish Steeplechase - Mooloolerie. Welter Mile -r- J3erriJ.ce.

,Kilmore is one of the oldest racing centre« in Victoria. Jn the seventies und eighties meetings there attracted n good deal of nil tnntibii. The Isilinpre Turf Club .will hold

a meeting fo-iluy. ' aifd as the entries arc , numerous lhere should be some interesting I racing. Metropolitan -racing men will be

there in large numbers, and to meet their I convenience two special trains will-be- run , fron.-i Spencer ' street this morning. Th_

lirst is-timed to .leave at 5 minutes piist'10 o'clock, and will -take horses us well as passcngers. s The second train,,ficngi'i. only.' will deport n't 5 minutes to

11 o'clock. The weights'fot the'principal !

race are:

Turf Club Handicap. , I'.iciit mid n I.alf fiirl_n;,_ -Sir Truqimlr, !).0; Springton)., S.)2; Lupin l_fnill, 8.111; .Mundrr-toii. 8.8; Post Impression, 8..; J'elrr Denar, 8..1; Woorinyan, S.l; Mu* Slur, 8.1);, 8.0; Alurcaiitaubi, 7.1«; Ynualuil, 7.0; Hnllyniip, 7.7; Vi^s liu^nl Hose, 7.7; Kumunu, 7..'»: I "tho'itis 7..1; Bonnie ltrocude, 7.5; Mneniic, 7.:i; Süperb. 7.0. , >

When Pondla won the 1'late at the Yea meeting on Tuesday he carried 7.!), and not S.10, as previously published. Ile was handi-capped nt 8.2, but his apprentice rider, T. Cranny, claimed nu allowance of 71b.

Arrangements have been made for the bookmakers licensed hy the Williamstown lÎHcing Club lo operate ;it the meeting at Moonee Valley on ..aster Monday.' The difficulty in fitting them in lfas been over-

come. .

The.Sunbury l.aeing Club "will hold a meeting on Thursday, April ],., for which ,L'2,)U will be given in slakes, the principal

rncc being tlie Sunbury Cup, ot £115, over a distance of 10 furlong».

The Geelong Raring Club lina issued a progrnnjinc of nix events for its meeting on Sntiu.lny, April 1U, the chief'clent being the ficción, llimdicnii, of £200, one mile and three furlongs. 'I he other events com-prise ii Maiden l'late, live furlongs; Welter Mile; 'JVo-yeiir-rild Handicap, four fui'longs; and a Divided 11.indien j), BÍX fur-longs, the stakes in nil amounting lo £350.

The Mortlake Racing. Club will, bold a ini'oting on linster Saturday, and entries will be tuken hy the secroturj", Mi. W. J. Ilray, nt Mortlake to-morroiv. The'slakes total £245, Since last yenr the club has expended £337 in impiovctnenls to the course, mid has just accepted tendera for miling in the course, nt a Cost of £250.

"'Xi'ckii.JatK" and "Inquirer" (Adelaide).-« to


S. DM 1, J burnda) - On tho outer part of Hi« mid Ile irr-'*! truck at Unndwick .hu morning I"ii«elius ran n mile in 1 14 nnd Poitrel a mile and ¡i niwrter In 2 It Hie last Tour furlongs taking OH. Ile «cut in gool stile hine; of the ben ?lui useful uorl Orient Maid and »elinda ran fit furlongs In 1 II. Dalitross and Cimnerc «fi furlongs in 1.17) Duarewin nine furlongs in 2 2, fjord, Mura.« kci cn furlongs in 1 14 and Red Dome «nd ilollv fi Robe five furlongs in 1 11 Aareotlnc beat I-mere bj 10 .engthi over seiet furlong» in 1 VJ Udihe nlue ran iii en furlong, in 1 I!. Sjdnev Diilnstl tile furlong« in 1 i, Ramblers (.old uni Contine Ilutan fix furlongs lu 1 18J latk I indhj and Greg Nevin furlongs in Iii» Hiding Da. four furlongs in I)fil) and Seuboimd nine furlongs ill 2 7 Poslastre beat .nmldool over llilip tin longs irt 2 2| Kcnilfnrd and Mug of the lorest coined a mile in 1 47.., and kcw-pie a mile in 1 «1 Ama7XHiia led Swift 'hot over nine furlongs In 10) Sandbee did Hu furlongs in 1 5, and Ne» Zealand a round in 2 20 tan Or beat Kennsqubair b\ a length at the end of a mile In 1 te) Artlllerinian ran onci round the tan In __n, and Millième cover«! si\ furlnng., in 1 10 Celigne and ".plana rill seven furlongs ni t St. au the course proper Macadam did use

ful wurt on the tan


WC Muling- Svdnc) tup-Kilrush, Colbert lloucastir II mditap - Vrrovvsmjth ,

\ll 1 ngiigenicnts -Blue Cross, Colbert, \ anltor, Irilliah, Polls, Wooloo .


Oro* .ettenia) Thi «aether «as fine and the atlcndam hiy the special train from Melbourne l ollie ero Hied 1 Iclil. -ere of rood »_e P Tillan v b, v in n dnubli on Ttoynl Matrb, vv«s thi must

.lucssfill Joekiy Harkers did Will, as erery winner .inrled a Ural or sec« nd favourite After tin 14 5 l'un


talo thi mnnttm of fojed 1 nt the stew arils aero, tr-ihi i Tiilnnatli na of tin omiir (S Han-lsl ami the '"ki) II Ollelllil Harris produced evllenre

i Tiilnnatli ns of tin omiir (S Han-lsl ami the L> II Oltellljl Harris produced evllenre ung Hint In had ¡metal To.«! viho waa bully mv^ffercd v Ith «ben tiiaktni. a forvard run m the stmlkhl I «st Chance vvi n lils thin! rare In sucres fcion v ben hi morell in the I latí Mr I Cooley ii led as stn ndlar) stiuinl and Mr \ I I ray

as startir Details -

...üü*..1. ° .'./Al?. I" » "-" Woodsa HOI AT Al .Tl'II lu Richi Iii lal-Matchbo* I yn, - . nr ne I - 1 II Tehan) 1 II Williams» II. \l ll\

Hill "n carnell 7. (N Mclutirrl 2 <. Meka. » .-,,._ ... carnell 7 '(ii Mclutjrrl > I. Mckail

rOHN.UU "o carried 7 _ (VI llnmlSon) 1 Othci

S-HIULV bol' Ilnmlivl rcHusí 7 1 (O

ti liiert, «.in (t Smith) netting-, lo

in.N w M vTPii - t" i .,-i vi-k^t.. tun it»-Ulm

«it um ii"M i.Wo to""."«g«i"iS_!ïj~T«i.'

to 1 «Rsl 1 ellis« in to i «ßst Tomi i 1 cudi aest o hers W i n li. a 1 -until and

, --..- li i"tli« lctiicin second and third I lip < waa fourth and Libcrtj last Time

I ns Itacc of £15 second ponr £8 Five

nr n-n_ii I n»-u._-i » i.. -. i .r,\r it. i»\ t

fiirlorcs.-it 1 Heywoods hr ml ADV^ IlhR. I.

lv IliviUi-hlitnal r lu "7 ((? raUml 1 " " Huiles ih ni OlINN ni» (W Davis)

llarrli« b s mi. I) g | I) l) Itelll)) j «Jther

«rcra-Wec Martin 7 8(1 I loraine) Pointer 7 J li' lolianl 1 rim I onl 7 _ (11 Mcintyre), litiimy Mi ire 7 1 (I Smlthl Hettine-, to 4 ae«t I .1). llKKYL f, to ' spit r-yed 1 to 1 ass. Ovens 7 to 1 each «OTU l'olntcr and I riut Koot, 0 lo 1 carn awl olbin Won bj a length with i i eck between second and third Time 1 0

I otu Race of ¿Lin Un a vi -11 Huiler s ta g I Iltr HUI, b) Coatlxilt-Hhli Hell 7 .) (O Hen n ti 1 1 Garland« eh g Sl'Vltk liAl' 7 id 0 Iii lib I 2 W Mcbean* m m KONA 7 7 <H Mrlntynl 1 Other startcnv-lt_scue 0 5 Jil

Himlltonl niurllcbt 8 0 «t bntonl. Some Toy, 7 I (« Darts) little (lull 7 8 M Heming) Het

line-10 I" I asi. lion. 1 lo l aitst 1 Uti Uhr L 1 to 1 agst Spark I,sp io to ] «gat Rescue iii to 1 nRat lïlncbiibt. Won lil li.» a length »ith a neil: between second and Ihlnl Time Ó Ï1 1 5

Kiddell s ( reck l'une of ¿,1. second hone. £S I nur furlong.- . MeliinnoiTs li K I Mil Olflllï! lv < qldc~l antasj 812 (I Hnrrtnnn) 1 li Tain

tons li II ST ItW.v 7 12 (I. Tajnton) 2

1 I lemlnBa li 1, HUNT! 8.2 ( \ Deanl 1 Other al .rtcrs-lav-a lack 6-11 (It IcffrolBl Ncwbolt 8 0 (ti 1 riiorsl, Mliri Harpir R.1 (I I rankllnl lady rilli 8' (M llloml Ulrklb 7 12 It tnli) lal leim« 8 0 (I 1 leming) . IlittHg.-i to 1 agît St Hock 1 to 1 agst THin iil'l-F 4 lo 1 nest Ni «holt li lo 1 agst, liuiiti 8 to 1 nirst I a ty OH) 15 to 1 each agit othirs Won by a bead wltli two Iciifrths bitwccn second and third Time,

Norelty l'on) rice of £._ 1 our furlongs,n W noils s b li HO. M. M .Toll 7 J d' Tehanl 1 1 kains li B 7> NI) . lol 7 11» Hamilton) I J Donovans bl ITU II 71 (li Mclm.r.1 1 O hir snitTB-Ilmmy Moon 7 0(1 Smith) Vher toy 0.10 11, Fatoni UittliiK -2 to 1 on I Uti« It 4 to 1 nest ttOV VL M \Ttll a to 1 nirat Abertol 10 lo 1 acst /enda loy Won b> two IcnRtba with a length betvvctn aicond and third No time

Hld'elis freck Plate of iir. second hone M -S Sullivans eli B I AhT t'llVNCl, S-1 IW luinkol | I Hill» MITTI.. l'lN'nll 712 "" 1 Icinlwil 1, 1 and 1 Miller s MONI TUL .1 î'olol i Onlv .tartera. UetttnB

nd Mastir 1 endil .1 >von by fllx leilitha with aecond and third. Time


COL VC W edtvcsdai -Tue Cororooko annual race meitits waB hild on tlii Mertoun l'ark course to liai nure vins n good attindance Heimlts -

lilli llnndicai rivu furlongs -D McMshon s HAUT Itlllk I) 12 (Kelly! 1 O' Val«ni ? IthAllY MONIA 11 0 11 iJrldßil î ,Vi kill) s DON 01,1 \Llt 0 7 caiTied 10.2 (Tania) % Other M-rtcrslewilctte (17 Ilecoilir 0 ¡, . llitllng--. to 1 on ltcady Money 5 to 1 neil H VU I klltk Won by n tuigtli and n half .

Norclty l'onv Hace I our and a half rurlonßs.-I I Morrissy« HN11' 0 8 CUhan) 1 h 1 O Hnmn IKIvM'lm lill (Mel oodl 2 f Mcinnes s Mlas SMMSIlIt UI10 (Donnin.) t Other startirs

Iviim 101 Seaifare Ol' , little Model 115

\rlaharlo n l'ridi II I) .nnbitlcr 8 12 Alala MO Mont Noir 8.10 buuti 8 7 HiUine.-û to 4 on ' - .... R to 1 aiist sylvester

a di viuallllLd nun was duimia-ed Notlco of aplica.

1 lying .Handicap Sk furlonf-.-O Hums« f,H\ss I'lltAli I"!. (Ilndsai) 1 1 Jnckson a 111 \( Ii IIIWI%10- ' uni) starlcm llettlne

tjttASS I'lllATb Vi «ti by a lengtU and

lllic-Trot and Calle p. - C I'lvvmev I

4 to 1 i a bilí

11H.I scratch (Hreen) 1 J O she. s MO I) Milli T -X! ids Will (lax) 2 1 hndth « tllfHS ur_ili (owner) J loprUell started.

e-iBth and a half . . ,. - -.

Con rooka llandlcap One mllu-O Hums s ie-iltth and a half

Con rooke Han-,. . ,-... ,._ - _-?. OIIAHS URAH 120 (1 Iritaaj) 1, I lack_in

i,HA-n i nviii i^ u. II " "_-., iii.", ?«»..«-'ti ?

HI Vfl. HOW I, 10" (Donnellil 2. Uulv surtirá Hottlnfc-0 to 4 oil UttVSS 1 lltATh " - .?.? -

Ilirtaneo Handicap Trot One milo and a halfW Wylli s (,HMI }.i i-ds bbd (owner), 1, \\ A Snderron s \1 ION 176 «I» bhd (llrock), 2 (, Itueklos CASIII1 It (Martinb ) Twelve BtartiM Ikttlni.-. to 1 on Illumination 0 to 1 agst OHAB Vi un bl 12 lanK


-H. SDA. MUttll to

Novbe Kandkap. I ive furlonsii.-I'endllccna 0 0 liri K11 i-ani S.U Our Da) fe 12 lantronuB 812 Vlmla fi 11 \mani 810 Receipt 1.10. MirnBronB, 8 10 Iain lol. 8 7 I ml "itlteh 8.7 \erbenn 8,7Í I h ii nil klnK 7 111."I u~*1ir 7 1- Pegmatite 7J2 la loveusc i 710 l'lailno 710 UIui Jeans, "71

W inw-in 1)

I rill Handicap, HTO furlong*.-1« Mah 9 0 omeiiwai SO tharlihyc 8.0 liulhlc


Sun Cloud 8 11-, SprlngwinB 8.0 Manderston ^ , ( aiiBht 8 4 1 he Tuck s.1 I'ost Impression, 8 1 I'ctir Dewar R.0 Horceloni 711 lla&sindine, 7 5, Miss Royal Hine 74 Ml» tliallcnscr "I, St Mali 7 0 Sniierb 0.11 buoy Malt, 0 7 Master I If 0 7 Heatfoot « 7 , , " ,. , .

I lylni. Handicap Ure furlons-.-Sun Cloud 0 0 Mar hand 112 I ho Tuck. 8 8 Havinwnead 8 8 II nuleri ton 8 > Sabot 8 I I etor Pinar 8-2 Honnl. llrocile 7 1> Ilarldom -fl I cftll 77 rvorthim LrovvTi "0 Hlaek -.ull 7 0 Thsrenona OU lan

- ~ ' Hnatloot. 0 7

CON llandlcapiier

,_ " ._. _ .... rlongs.-Carri On 1)01 I c trest i ".. Ulina 7 " * Irebill 7 7 1 ittlo Onl

\dcllne 0 12 I Hilo Slip 0 -

.. > I on) Rice, I Ire fnrlonga.-Hrlanrta 0", Mis»

IJo fcl Miss -JITolll 710 _Dorothy h 7 "I r"uph nun Prince 7 4 Sultana 71 Mies Mnem - .' ".._-/"_. -- i f.--y yo I nld 7 0 Thunde

CAIIIbb nandicappcr

I I'rintfoot 7 0 I lanry 7 0 I nld 7 0 Thunder

bolt 0"



Itullanit Handicap Nim furlonffä -1 ankci Roy .mitih Numil 1(1 )d» Uni* U«) 40 lils Molto 70 ids Mnn Pickford 71 id» l irise «. vds HU i like IOJ lil«. Myra Hum) 1,20, )ds, Wi. Mee 140 lill Tm Caid 150 Ids Stnrlishl I hinics, loo ids

lill rni cain jill) lus -»uinigni i um Mto Hills .00 ids .lenken 220 >d<

' _! Hnndiiaii Onl mile and a <

mratili Darli) Huon 15 )dB - -... _-. ^ankei Hoy Dancer ij ids badi llronte llonnif I rlncesn. So Near Wn billi, \miina uO ids litanie Maid pn yds.

Redan Handicap Nino furlongs.-Hoyaltl scratch, I arl Dobie >5 ids Imso Ralfclo Dancer lo ida Nynuill W u Rilli I« ids Pli k Hoy .0 ids Ahlirr claude 00 lil« Oakwood 70 >d« Titaulc Maid 7¿

ids \lalto 05 Ids

Hallara run (Ino i

- ressv I Innl r dillon hi rlnnllii

10 )ds llnnnie 1 rinces« 25 ) Is Vbhcr . Oakv-ootl 00 Ml« Happy Myrtle 80 Id« le ISO Silected ]0i ids Mrd I ttlham 1_0 ids I í ni Maid 170 id« Tango Tom

.biidun 'Oijils.

tiling Handicap Nine furlong«.-St, luke siratih Sileited 0 )ds. I rince of Wales Vii.

.._ ii ids Slarllmit Chime« nil yds A la Mode rt"> vds Mto Hells 70 yd« Slitvalimi. 125 ida rnn"o lorn lally 1 veljn Vltn clllmcs 130 j ti».

\ J (IRAI Hanillcapper .


Will IV IO- (f. / ) «ednesdai i-Tlll chief ivenls of tlie Southland meeting resulted -

McepkeluM 4C0 Mvs Tlirec miles -San Sclias tim 1 /nroonu 10 11, 2 silver.lire 118 1 Mne si inert Turn 0 lu

Southland Cup 000 sols One mile and a quiittr-Joik, 011 1 Hu Soldier 8 0 2 Warlike, 7 1_ 1 I Iglit i-tarters. linn, 2.1111

Hingltilo Cup, 1(10 MIS One mile mid a prart.r - Hit'tii 110 1 lovtmuteh 80 2 Noble man, J lim starters Time, 21115


WKIJIJINUTOK, Thiirj-ilny.-At the Kangltikci race.-. ttvilav tho chief events resiilteilr

I'ni'cr Memorial, of £DM. One mile <.- -1 a -llsmiiee.-MOinOA IVANOVA, 7.10, î> "JVKMlTCIl, 8.0, 2: fll.» (.OIJO, 7.8, ». Si*, »l.lrtcd. Won liv lull n length. Time, l.iiO 1-3.


At Hie Southland hicus Hie principal event roM Awanui Handicap, of £100. One mile and a til«, lance-TIN SOLDIER. 8.0, li UOUKK'S DHIFT, 0 10 "¿I JOCK, 7.13, ¡I. I'lve Won by fpuf i.nsllia. Time, afc_



Entrleí foi" the fontracinr-, cj-rlinit, IIOK racing, ami wood clmp nt the Klf-ht llburs .lorL-, have been extended till Suttinlay. March **7. I'ootnmnine At the TMiIci Hull, anil cycllnir at the of Wheelmen, 'lill' liainlliapi »III appear on April 3 and acceptance-, on Aljril 1".


Preparation« aro heins miule I;} tile Victorian Anfocintlon lo ro«unw the premiership competition* thii ¡wiaon. l'lactic. gum« «¡11 be pljyeil lo-morrow. ?




Mo»t Contr-nlont Course lo itali««}' In VlcUirl».

Special Train lean* Spencer street station nt 10,IS am bplendid motor road, Onl) 40 miles £roni Melbourne. '

Tint class Ijunchcon at Court-c. Booth In CliarRc of Mr, C. Orr.

1'IRST IUCK. 215 P.M.

R. W. GUTirillDGE. Seaetarj.



£205 STAKES £205.

1-HOaiUMMIÎ. ,

1. WIXNIDAD HURDLE «ACE, ol 70 sovs. ; Tvio

miles. Nomination, 15/i ncccplancc, SO/.

2. HANDICAP TRIAL, STAKES, of 15 son. ?. For

horses that have not received more than IO son.. In any one race on Hie flat. Five lone». »Nomination, 10/.

3. HANDICAP PONY RACE, ni 20 sovs.

ponies 1 t.l and under. Til c furlongs. Nomina-tion, IO/; acceptance, bl.

A. MORTLAKE CUP, of 100 sore. One mile.

KominatUm. 20/; acceptance, 40/.

5. HANDICAP TIIOT, of 20 sot». V.T.A. rules.

1. miles. Nomination, 10/; acceptance, 0/.

6. SHADWELL FLYING STAKES, of 40 nora Silt

. fin-lone**. Nomination, 15/; acceptance, 20/.

NOMINATIONS, together ivitli fee», CLOSE willi the Secretar}-, Mortlake, lind with Mr. A. G. Penda]], Warrnambool, not later than G p.m. on SATURDAY, 27lh MARCn, 1020.

Special trains will be run from Koroit, Warrnam-bool, Terang, Colac, CatnpeTtio'jrn, stopping- at all {dallons. Holiday excursion fams.

W. J. BRAY. Secretary.




SATUIIDAT, 10th APRIL. 1020.


.MAIDEN PLATE, a handicap. 5 furlongs. 50 sovs. HIGHTON WELTER HANDICAP. 1 mile. 70


JUVENILE STAKES. A handicap for two-year-olds.

I furlonits. 100 so«.

CITY HANDICAr. I mile S furtoln-n. 000 sovs. GKEI/ONC PLATE and PURSE (divided handicap),

fl furlongs, IM sovs. All nominations 10/.

NOMIXATIONS CLOSE NEXT MONDAY, 20th MARCH, at 0 p.m., In -Melbourne, willi Mr. II. .1. «Heiland; In Pallara!, uiih Mr. II. McGoldrick; or with the Secrelnry, 41 Maiop stleet, Geelong.

Handicaps will lie published -Tuesday, 0th April, Full r.iilway freiglit -orlll be paid on all horses compel Ir« at this'meeting (ctcept placed horses)

»ilhin n radius of 00 miles.

_._A. .1. YOUSG. Secretary.



Ü10.-HANDICAP PONY RACE, 14 a.u. Í30.-B.11.C. HANDICA'P.


.C10.-N.OYELTY PONY HArTOICAP, 14 a.u., to

12.2. , ' ' ' .


All nominations, 30/, '. ,

Komhintion forms obtainable from secretaries, at S*'alc, Maura, Orbost, and llalrnsdale.


V.B.C. rules.

Booth to be fold liy auction, oil Thursday, 3st April, at noon, by. Messrs. A, Macarthur and


_11. FRENCH, Secretary.



Park Stakes. One mile (weight« to be raised rill.).-King of Hie Forest, S.7; Mena Sands, S.3; l-anlROn, &.*2; Waivrara, 7.13; Etonian, 7.12; Flip, 7.12; Tickeroo, 7.12; Ooldea, 7,0; Belinda, 7.7: Itanny, 7.5; Mltecsb, 7.3; Checkspcar, 7.2; Bristol

Hov, 7.0.

Flying Handicap. Six furlongs.-Portrait, 0.3; Sydney Damsel, 6.10; Maltgllla, 7.10; Playman, 7.10; Sweet Hosalecn, 7.2*. Treready Queen, 7.2.

Two-year-old Handicap. Five furlongs (wcight-i lo lie raised Dib.).-Wnltca, 8.5; Bandbox, 7.10; C'oolante, 7.11; His Hlghncj-», 7.0; Broi-illian, 7.5; Weladay, 7.4; .lack's Diiy (Inc. 7lb. penalty), 7.3; Stony, 7.2; Scccotint-, 7.0; Sprite, 7.0-, Scarf, 6.10; Akran, 0.10; Sunny Marsh, 0.0.

Ilnukcshiirv Autumn Handicap,' One mile and three furlongs (welc-hM to be raised 81b.),-Mil-lième, 8.0; Amáronla, 7.11; Gre«, 7.7; Pollastre, 7.7; Yarraldool, 7.7; Cornera, 7.3; Kcwple, 0.11; New Zealand, 0.0; Gcticua, 0.7; King ol the Forest,

hurst Lady, Ö.2; ílrátiano, 7,12; Dcsseri, 7.0; Wa

pole, 7.7; Sumach, 7.7.


Hurdle Race. - Miss Rosslyn, Mount Miltjdn, Larco, lloval Union, Encounter King, Fatal Error, llaniako. Tully, Curratum, ' Boucaultboy, Woakwine, MIM ItesUilll, Calara.

Onkaparinga Cup.-Wee Gun, Dimitol, Mclbolt',' Pretty Bobby, Prince Bardolph, '. Boontrce, In-tolerance, Black Karl, Anton,, Batte Wood, Queen of War, Jessie Stirling, Rckop, Día


Great Eastern slccplcehafc.-Devron, Miss Rassljn. Fatal Error, Vin-nir-kman, Culluleraine, Mooenbar, Naval Gem, KpkteliL*. I.ceite, Orison, Aryanthus, Eilinol, Sir Pistol, Waltowa, Bjnator,

Maori fjnil. Wyreema.

Hills Railway HandlC'ip.--Anton Belle, non-mis, Marslada, Cerise and Green, UUtle Queen, Lady Eudora, Peace Day, Thaynul, Ililli Robcrls, loantonn, Monte, Queen Wintinna.

Welter.-Stro, Scots .Itali, ' Murillo, Budanos, Stage Frhrht, Sonhnrdrie, Barrneoon, Queen of War, Yooplna, Hen Illunie. Killarney Rose, Jessie Stirling, Flirt Day, l\anv_n.



Tlie match between Ti hilly and Queen*« Col-leges was continued yesterday in One weather on the University oval, Tilnlly College scored 222 and 201, Langlands 51 (not out), Balley 41, and Swectnam 30 being the main contributors; to tho .second innings total. Ryan took six wickets for

Iii, Scott two lor 17, and Lewis two for 45. Queen's College first innings yielded 133, and In the second innings thcV have 80 nina for three wickets. Merri. 44 and »owning 34 (not out) were the principal scorers In the llrst innings omi Itynn 40 In the second innings. The bowlers were Bailey live for CO, langlands three for 43, lln.liton two for 2. The- iliatch will be concluded to-day.


The final round of (he public »chool.' matches will commcnci" to-day, and finish on Saturday.

The caímos Bro as follow:

Geelong College v. Xavier College, at Xavier College; Wesley College v. Geelong Grammar School, at Corioi Melbourne Grammar School >. Scotch College, at Scotch College.



A meeting of the Metropolitan Amateur Foot-ball Association »vus held on Monday night, the president, Mr. L, A. Anderson, being in the cliair. It «as decided that matches between the clubs ot the association, which hate been suspended since 11115 owing- to tin* war, should be resumed this .war. Of the.e club** only four remain-Collegians, South Yarra, University, and Elsternwick; but Hie admission ni four new cliibs-Old Mclhnniluns, Old Caulfield Grammarians, Melbourne Swimming Club, und the Teachers'' College-makes A total of eight clubs. Tlie season will commence on Slay la, and for, this year there will be no ncmi-flnal or linal matches. Warm appreciation was expressed bv Hie meeting of tile .work of the retiring honorary sccleUry, Mr. .1. Y. Deane, to wlio*c efforts the re-forming of the a.-socfaüon has been very largely



Victorian Bowling .lasoclatfon v. Country Asso.ciutions.-Thcsc matches will take place in the country centres '"to-niorrov.*. Eight metro-politan rinks will go to Geelong, six to Ballarat, six to Wormsul, four to Bendigo, nnd a team of four tinks will also visit Camiierubwn, playing at

Geelong en route on Friday.


ADELAIDE, Wednesday.-The Adelaide Golf Club lus decided not to hold the Australian cham-pionships in jVlelaide this year, but lo ask the ?-,!- "-.i. .,_?"- i. ..,-- thii s|nt_ ,0 lctain


For the weekly shoot at the grounds of the Melbourne Gun club this uF.crndon starlings ami pigeons will bo used for handicap!,, trophic«, and Easter ham». The lirsl event will be commenced at balf-paiit 1.


MELÜÖIIHNE GUN CLUB V. BRIGHTON. At 1.1«.-Starling Sweeps. Four hirds.

At 2.30,-Pigeon Sweeps, and Handicaps. Four birds and miss out. Trophies and hams.


ALL STARLINGS. First Event, Six Birds; at

1.8(1 Sharp.

At 2.-_3|ien Handicap ot £10, followed by lour bird sweeps, and hams.

Special trophy for members, minimum 5, on 21 yards. Starlings, 4d.


At 12.30.-rigeon Match, Lovelock v. Richmond,

for £50. .

Al 1.tai.-Starlings. At 2.30.-Pigeons.