Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Saturday 27 July 1929, page 12



A deputation of members of the eveu i t of the Gn/lers issocia ion waited on t

Acting Premici (Mr Bittcisbn) ves t"i to esk the Govejnment to plve elect lo r c lui ions pn« ed at their recent annunl or

fen nee

Sir Norman Kater urred that conti o oí travelling stool louies hould be truileia from the Minister for Lands to the Alii i for Agilculture where more symp? 1 ct

treatment could be expected Under pit cn conditions stock loutes and ícsprves y ere 1) iri filched for settlement puiposc»

Mr Bttttcnshnvv said the Government -.» endcavouiing to allocate to each dppirtmei» the work ilphtly belongil to U 'Hieir pi posai was rensonaUe and he saw no ie son whv the c1 enge should not be m ide

In response to Colonel r E Martin I' said that the Government VMS seriously ton sideling the advisabil ty of constiucting ( a' roads ins'end of short railway -=pur lines

To a request that the Taemas bridge w stroyed by the Munumbld¡ee Hood shot Id Jrebuilt he informed the deputation "hat th contiaet for the job had been given to th State Monier Pipe Woiks on June 24 and *

to be completed within 70 weeks from thai


He agreed that It was anomalous that n otu lorries em_loyed on a gracier ov n proierl

should not be granted the .nine rtgistntloi concessions made to fanners He also pi o niised to con ¡der proposals for more car i

gundlng firunst fires caused by sparks nom

railway trnlns .

The Railway Commi'-sioners had mfoimeo him that steps were beinf tal cn to stamp out rabbits on railv ay pi op« ty He told the o

putUion this in icply to a request that tw C"mmis<-ioncrs should be forced to deal y m

the matter

It was urged that moro «.tilngcnt metnofl should be used lo conti ol the u e of ryuioî poisoning of orossims thioueh which v lu able stock was killed Mr Burtenshaw J th"s would require an amendment of ino Poisons Act He would icier the matt« w the Ministei concerned ..

The control of bu h fires would be d nu with in a bill which the Go ciiun"nt hoped o introduec he said Other matters roi tit '« taxntlon which weic submitted he promi-eu

to refer to the Treasurer