Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Monday 28 January 1929, page 17



' Aerodrome Opened.

The first aerial pageant organised by a pri-vate citizen in Australia was held at the Penrith Aerodrome on Snturday, when a number of events, including two races pre-pared for by the Australian Flying Corps' Association, and controlled by officials of the New South Wales Aero Club, was decided. The promoter was Mr. Sydney Smith, senior, who, prior to the start, entertained the of-ficials at lunch nt his home.

Mr. G. Hartman, president of tho Aero ' Club, took the chair at the lunch, among

'those present being tho pioneer Australian' 'airman Mr. W. E. Hart; Sir Keith Smith, and i jriight-Llcutonant C. T. P. Ulm.

i In proposing success to tho Ponrlth Aeroidioinp, coupled with the name of its founder, Mr. Sydney Smith, Sir Keith Smith remarked that If more people would show practical Interest In aviation they would be helping to foster a public air sense. Referring to tho presence of Mr. Hnrt, who mado the first lllrjhts In Australia from the ground 20 years imo. Sir Keith said that he had seen the machine le which those historic flights wore made, and Mr. Hart was a braver man than ho (the speaker) was. "I would not go up in n machino like that for any money," ho (dded.

Flight-Lieutenant Ulm supported the toast, end rompllmented Mr. Sydney Smith on his efforts for aviation. He was sntlsfiocl that the Southern Cross or any other large modern craft In Australia could land on the Penrith Aerodrome.


, The pngeant opened with an exhibition of flying and stunts by Flight-Lieutenant Ulm »nd Squadron-Lender O. Malloy In Moths. Following thlB was the Penrith Joyriders' Handicap, a 2(! miles race for a cup valued (t £25 and additional prb-.emoncy, In which five aoroplnnes, a Westland Widgeon, with CO/80-h.p. Cirrus engine, two Gipsy Moths, with 100-h.p. Gipsy engines; a De Hnvilland Moth, Mark II., with a G0/80-h.p., and an Avro Avian, with a G0/80-h.p. Cirrus engine, competed. The course was a triangle, from the ncrodrome to Luddenhnm, about eight miles, thence to a point near the Prospect Reservoir, 21 miles, nnd bock to the aero-drome, about 11 miles. Fllght-Lloutenant Ulm (Moth Mark II.) and J. Pnlmor's Avro lAvlan, piloted by R. Ourney, each receiving 4m 15s stnrt, were first away, nnd (lew about tia If a milo towards the Nopoan to enable them to gain height before circling back .cross the starting line. As they swept »cross the Uno Ulm was leading by about five seconds, and flying at an estimated speed of 100 mlleB nn hour, ho was out of sight before the two Gipsy Moths, piloted by N. ¿towart and E. H. Chasellng, each receiving Ira Eus, started, followed Bl seconds Inter by jl. Kent (Widgeon II.), the virtual scratch


Tho first report of progress was from Lud-denham, whero Ulm, flying Bplendldly, re-tained his lend, with Gurney still In atten-dance, and the two Gipsy Moths closely In company In pursuit. The order continued unchanged to the turning point at prospect, Hie 'planes all being assisted materially by a «erong westerly wind. It was anticipated that the moro powerful Gipsy Moths would Mali« up their leeway In tho harder fight back to Penrith against this wind. Ulm, low-ever, nefer left the IBSUO In doubt, nnd tenppcarcd over the homestead well before rainier showed up,-finishing the course moro than three-quarters of a minute to the good. Tho two Gipsy Moths carno In sight almost »Ide by sido. Stewart leading to the finish by about three lengths of lils machine. Kent In the Widgeon never looked like a winner, »nd completed the course nearly 12 minutes »der tho winner. Tbe rosults were:

Flight-Lieutenant C. T. P. Ulm (Moth Mark II), handicap 4m 15s (time 20m 47s, 1.

J. Palmer (Avro Avian, piloted by R. Gur-ney), 4m IBs (21m 34s), 2.

JJ. Stewart (Gipsy Moth), lm B9s (race time tim EOs), 3.

E. H. Chasellng (Gipsy Moth), lm 60s-(race time 27m Bis), 4.

Milton Kent (Wldegon II.), Ira 8a (race time t2tn 18s), 6.


i After Messrs. Nell Stewart and E, H. Chase;Hng, both club-trained pilots, had given an 'inhibition, the Neponn Cup race was decided. ¡lèverai additional neroplanes, which arrived

sfter the meeting opened, took part In tills ncnt, the course for which wns altered to from the aerodrome to the Nepean bridge and birk four times, a distance estimated at 15 files. It was run as a sealed handicap, and the six starters nil rosa together, the slowest ofl the ground being tho fnmous Bed Rose, In tvhich Cnplaln lancaster and Mrs, Miller few out to Australia. This machino was mtered by Mr. J. Pnlmcr.

There were four 'planes on scratch, all Gipsy Moths, and they Boon assorted their tiiliremacy, F. K. Bardsley taking the lend from E. H. Chasellng, N. Stewart, and J. Mitchell. Ulm gradually lost ground, until (tt the finish he «'as Just a lap behind tho ' leader, while Palmer «'as farther behind still, iThe four Gipsy Moths, however, made a really

ino race, and finished with Intervals of only '» few seconds bettveen each of thom, while

the fourth was only 40 noconds behind tho

¡frst. The results wert!:

I B*. K. Bardsley (Gipsy Moth), scr. (time tai, 1,

1 K. H Cbasellng (Gipsy Moth), ser (3m 4s), 2.

N. Stewart (GIpBy Moth), scr. (9m ISs), 3. > J. Mitchell (Gipsy Moth), scr. (0m 40s), 4.

0. T. P. Ulm (Moth Mark II.), 2m (lim 48s), J. Palmer (Arro Avian), Um (Um 54s), t.