Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Saturday 26 January 1929, page 10


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In the following list, candidates who gained first-class honours at the Leaving Certificate Examination are arranged in order of merit In the subject specified. The number placed after each name lndlcntes that the candidate came from the corresponding school on the following list -

(1) Canterbury Iloy«* nigh School, (S) Christian Ilrotlicrs' College, AAovcrley, (3) Christian Brother«' lllith School Lcwlshim, (4) Cranbrook Edgecliff, (5) De La Salle Colicuó, Ashfield (<1) lort street Ilo.i' llllih School, l'ctirbham, (7) Knox Grammar School, AAahrouifca, (81 Marist llreitlicrs' College Iiondwlck, (1) Marist Brothers' High School, Dirllnghurst, (10) Isc»illiL,ton College, Mnnniore, (11) hortli sjdnej lions' Hl.h School, (12) St. Alojslus' Coliche, Milsons Tolnt, (IS) St Ignatius College niven lea» (14) St Joscj h a College Hunter« Hill, (11) Sidney Hoys School, Moore Park, (1(1) Sjdnev Church of 1 ngland Grammar School, jtorth Satine), (17) Sjdiuv Grimmir School, (l8) Sjdiiej Technical Ililli School, (10) Prl»ate Study, (20) Alibo!_leli,h, AA ihroonc_i (21) llrlihton College Manl}, (22) Church of England (»irle' Grammar Behool, Darluighurtt (21) Church of Ingland Girls' Grammar sehool \orth Sjdir», Ci) lloinlnican Convent cchool Stnthlicld, (25) Tortstreot Girls' High School, (2Q Alinden '.clio I =tultll

field, (27) Monto Sant Anecio Collci.0, tiorth S.diicv, (21) Iiorth Sjdii"} Girls High School, (29) Our lady of Hie Sacred Ht irt Collic,e Kinsiiuton, (10) lresInterlan Ijidlcs' College, Crojdon (111 Presl vlerlnn [.ailles College, I'jmble (12) Hedland», Cremorne, (_) Sidney Giris lliirh Selnol Mo in Park (14) New England Olrls' School, Armidale, (31) llathurst High School, (30) St Stanislaus Cillei,c ritliurst, (3i) Inlermediatc High School (1R) llrnlt-n Hill High School, (19) Sicrod Heirt Apostolic School, Douglas Pirk (40) st Patricks tolloso Giulliurn. (41) Inierell Intermediate Well Scliool, (42) Katoomba Inirt-mcdlate High School (41) \Acst Iiomnse» Inter-mediate Hlc.h School (41) Tast Maitland llois' Ill-h School, (4A) AVest Maitland Girls Hleli "di ml (41) Frcnshim Mlttigong (47) Marist Ilrolhers' Juniorste, Mittagong (48) Mudgee HI 'li *-d onl (49) Newcastle High School (10) OrinRO High School, (11) Parramilti Hieb «chonl (S') The hine, s «cliool, Pirra matta ("1) Our Lady of Mtrci's College Parramatta, ('4) Cotnent of Mero) High School, Singleton, (51) _im»vorth High School


Margot Hentre (19), Henri H Trlstnm (1), Keith V E llradflold (Id) Catherine II 1) AVood (31), louis I leek ((!) Helen M AVont (42), James T. Peek (65), Mola AAaltea (13), John IÎ Kolan (2) and Kathleen Tennant (21) non, , Marjorie S Moss (29), Kvtlileen P Kidson C3) and AAllma Radford (TI) aeq lloiiglis Gordon (3(1) anti Stephen C AAhlto (4) aco. , Monici Diloi (¿4), I hillp II Micindoe (in), lleltv S Mut'rnd (12) Peggy C Miolntjro (17), Mar/orlo M Ilvdcr i20, Gwcnlth M Iliirnard (41)

Pirhara M llrtmn (11), Ham li Quincy ((1), and Dorothy M AAilkcr (11) non. , Patrick Newman (30), Marcus I Ioine (52) mid Alilsie y s»»m (40) ncq , Mirjnrle Ii Hnlrnis (1i), Muriel li Small CO) and Inthloen II AA'IU'amron (W) aeq Arms r Droivn (1"), Ross M Dunn (4<f), aid Allan ! Tistman (2) aiq , Alex C Prattle ((1) and Mar-irrt Cunningham C4) aeq , rilrahetli A Ilrowiie ("01 and Adrhn N Old (ti) aiq , Donald A St C Rothwell (11), Mal-colm P Crisp (11) 1 hillls TI Allird (20), Ilosabelle Fov (2S) Pride nolmes (27), O Mcintosh OR) and Alhelstin O Moles« orlh (0) «cq Hoy M Huile» (10), «clfni C Russell (45) lohn S rcrriri (9) lenii I Ilronmc (21) Toscphlno Gtimbleton (51), and Phyllis M Kilterry (21) acq Harold I! Carter (r) and Ann F Thompson (15) aeq Trancls I) Bates (f) and William M Clune (30) acq , Thomas IV

Gleeson (14)


Thomas Osrson M4), Siduev Tohn F Routhffata (15), Allin J Elstmin (2) «nd Kathleen Foy (33) acq, Athamslus P. Ireweek (11)


Athinasius » Trcweek (13), Sidney J _ Southgate (15), Kathleen Foy (11)


lohn R Nolan (2) Allan J Tistman (2), Ann T Thompson (11). walter P Itrdipplc (16), John Duhlgg (2), Ieoinrd 1* Mcliae (49), Kathleen Foy (31), Pitrlcla C Grerorv (11), Thomas Carbon (44), Itli hard II Perkins (12) Thomas AA Olceson (14), Jean A steivart (33) Donald A St C Rothwoll

(11), I-celio M Tox (1), Alex O Beattie (0).

a KI? MAN. Qeorg« Walser (15)


Jack Hobart Piddington (111 Harold James Drown (0), Thomas Carson (44), Nev.'le V llnblmge (17), Itnby Paine Scott (S3) James F Scott (0) and Allan I. AAatson (11) acq Roland O Mnrphv (11), Earl W.

McGann (49), Harold A S Mitchell (40), Strntford H AAIMiire (171 and Francis Cahill (47) aeq John Alex AAelib (1), James Donald (51), Itonnld I. Malnr (15), loSn S MoFaiill (li) leslie P Mu»rnve (14) and lean O Porter (11) aeq Fdmnntl AlcMahon (14) and Audrey M Moller (11) aeq Joseph P Maller (14) and Robert P Gilder (11) aeq. Alan r Hodge d',). Henry It Vickery (1) and Harley AA Wood (48) icq Arthur J Lipscomb (IS) Arthur A Suttm (16), Ruiscll le O Brenton (7) and Thomas K Itvan (40) aeq, Phillp M AAood»»ird (6), AAllllam fi McGowan (l8) and Cecil F AA right (10) acq, Paul K Tnmllnson (17), Ross M Hairod (15) and Donild Martin (0) arq


Adrlcnnc J Crane (20) Phillis M Kaberrv C5), Ruth Cortls Jones (2D) Oeorce A F Fiiikner (1), Clarissa F Ilc.ncr (21) and Philip II Alncindoc (IO) aeq, Frnest J Breskuell ((1) Ale-ciudtr C llealti« (II), Arthur II Conlon (0) and Hornill» M "Aork ("5) aeq Jack C roster (19) and Frederick C Starling (44) aeq, John It Nolan (2), Muriel II Small (20)


Hassall 1/ Wataford (17) and lack II Piddington (15) aeq George II Made (17) Alilliam s McGoi an (16), Colin G Acland (l8) Harold J Drown (0), William H Mi»»d«lei (44) Maurice R Joseph (0), John S McFaiill 04) Roland G Murphy (11), Haney 1! «milli (0) and Allan I AAateon (11) aoq Harrold F C Daiis (C2), Rolert F Brell (52) Anton» G Hungerford (0), Allan J Campbell (l8) and Jim I" Biddlecombe (49) aeq


Tari W McGann (49) Harrold F C Davis (52), Maida F B Halt (28), Mnrjmtc M Hidcr (25) und Valdi I Dent (28) ncq Adrian N Old ((I), lamca A AArkht (16) David A Brillen (1") Claude O Brien (8) Douglas K B Thls'leth»»aUc (0), Francis Ca-hill (47), I rincls J Gi) (¡I) and John T (.lilla (47)



Doreen McKay (27) Ruby Payne Scott (33), Olario

T Heiner (25)


Alan n Volsey (41) "nltl E Maiden (25) Barbara M Brown (45) G»»jiidollnp O Garfia (4(1) and Eleanor P Hill (23), acq , Dorothy M J orlt (25)

PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. Joyce S Dingle (101 plnllls B Allard (20)


Bervl O Cooley (22) Phillp L Jobson (10), Lorn« Y Itlcharlson (34)



A number of non school stu lent« although not candi-dates for the loiilns- Ceitlflcate iittcnilel the examina-tion in one, I»vo, or more siibjccls Tile results ar«

as foünviH -


Aird Kenneth Ivie M in m Alexander Clar-ence II, IB 17piss22L Apps Iii» nilton 2L Bat.««, I iiircnoe IB Blnstoa ! 1 duart! Alan 111 Bniirn», Genrirc I eui« 111 3B B on Bo»t Richard Ilenrv, IB 17pa»s Iliodsk» Al-xanler G II 17pi". IliroUkv, Is d r» I II, 1FB 17pi<s B m He Albert Stinley, IB 24B Burnell, Hirnlil O IB ti ril Colvin Edivird lohn m Conn Alfred ! rancis 2FÎ IA Tpiss Oill-r, Rayinonl, Frue^t ]7pass Cutt», Piuil Hardoi lBfRilB, tie rcrranti Maurice ( 1 A 2B R \ I'm < 11 11 n, llndolph F BB 17pa«s Dixon Cior"-e lincoln 17piss, Doust stanley Cvrll "B Dunstan Hirolrl Ol» .. fú 5B Eilelsten Pone Richard IB 1SB 17pass Fill eck, Herbert Wm 10B 1 linn Allun losepli HI, Flinn,

Leaving Certificate. t] .$»

_- *

Vorbert Patrick (in SU 181! Frederick» Kenneth AS m , 1811, CHI flnme I von all Ora} Ccnrire Mervyn, 111 "II Vmv Crav Stnnlev fíenme 1T1 511 1211 ]7ni««, Herbert llanlev Pov (111 10T1 »«A Hcrhnrn feoffr v, IP Sit CB lawler Anlenllie FranoU 111 rn «Sebo fl-t 1 Iii n ' II -.n °n M«-Hn "n-cr V "H 'I» rn lllekev AAilllnm J 111 fin 7P Uni, Frl" Charles, in 211 «n 17 pn«« Tenklll« Phillip lil 2T TO 17 pnfS

1W, Je|»eri Tolin ellie f>n 17 pn«« Terrom« Oor-a Roland 11 17 pal.« Jnnei Charlo« lloyd in «1, I nes Maxwell Arthur If Co) Tvimn llnddnn Ilreln aid 211 Iiemplhnriie Tnlm K 111 T.oil"c lohn nixon 21 sn 17pn»i Mcrnrtl y Ti«enh Tlio« MA Oil Mclial Kenneth Joiu-nli HI V Moore r. i Id MclJiren rR on Alonrin David lsn Morris Wilbur 0, IB «n sn- Morrliewv John T «cpli 111 IT Pn« H«on Allan Thnmn« 17 r>»>" Perrv Fdivln I or IB 17 pa«« Pert WIMlim Frntt in nil 1811 Prlmro«c, Norman A in 2n 17 pans Hold «on Chirle« IB 111 17 pi»« «¡mart All ert lohn lil fit (111 linne, SS alter Alexander "n Tlinmn« n.ii«sell John on 24B; Watson Jnlin Tran li« ti lil "II nn 17 i n«« AS liltlnir Thom« rdisard 111 RI1 17 pn«« MoArtlmr (looroo T in 7n ion 17 pa«» Arnott Kenneth K in Dnrc Norman Tlei-lnnld in IA fill Could rdsird F m inn Hellyer Vincent A 7n 2W Tnffrnv,

Don-lid W in 211 17 pn«» AlcOhnn Albert F, -»n on 7P Pevnnid« Arthur P 17 on«« AleKlnlnv, louie in fin Neville Catherine Alan m IIB mirlen Susan Fvn in IBU «Untiers Veronica in lfli nvrnes Doris lwlicl 21 rn lill Jlenclier Made blue "II III Mitchell Kathleen Olgi 3D Itcelfcrn, Fva 1» llolln, Aalrdo Tv une in


Portus Poiigln« Ilnvlv un nn fir., Heed Marr nroisn IB 01 IW 17 pns» McCarthy Allan Onr~e II in on sn n-ilmer, Arch, 21$ 17 pass, Ncssall, Mnrgirct Craig lil in