Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Tuesday 17 July 1928, page 6




' Mr. Arthur Shirley, formerly well known

hore M lils activity in producing Australian films, such as "The Mystery of a Hnnsom Cab" and ' The Sealed Room," has now gono to Rhodesia at the Imitation of several lead-ing people to Investigate the ) ossibllltles of Rhodesian films According to a recent lssuo of the "Rhodesia Herald," he is taking part In the launching of a. local company, which «111 roohe pictures dealing with various aspects of Rhodesian life He has letters from several agents In Loudon offering to distribute thioughout the Empire the films be produces The flrBt Is to be entitled "Sons of Rhodesia " Tbo scenario depicts life on a tobacco farm. In an interne« Mtb the "Rhodesia Henld s' representative, Mr, Sh)rloy describas the country as a "producer s paradise'-parti}, he explains, because of the

clearness of its air