Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Monday 12 September 1927, page 10



Impressive ceremonial characterised the con-secration of the King's and regimental colours to the Sydney University Regiment at the

University on Saturday.

Prior to its present name being adopted this year, the regiment was known as the Sydney University Volunteer Rifle Corps, and later as the University Scouts, and in 1911 when universal training came into force, it became an extra territorial unit, into which were drafted all undergraduates of the University who were liable for training under the De-fence Act. Its present strength is 32 officers

and 480 men of other ranks.

With fixed bayonets and ranks at open or-der, the unit was drawn up in front of the saluting base on one of the recreation fields. Lieutenant-General Chauvel, who was accom-panied by a number of officers from the Gene-ral Staff, received a salute upon arrival on the ground, and inspected the line, after which the company formed into a three-sided square, and the colours were placed against drums piled in the centre. Then followed

the consecration ceremony.

In presenting the colours Lieutenant General Chauvel reminded the regiment of what the colours stood for. He enjoined them all to look up to the colours and, by their conduct, to keep them unsullied, so that those who came after would look upon them with pride. The University of Sydney was the seat of learning in New South Wales; it had produced leaders in all professions, as well as in industry, therefore, it should also pro-duce leaders in military life. Those who were students of the history of the world would know that no concord of Great Powers and no big alliances could completely elimin-

ate war; therefore, it behoved the manhood of every nation to prepare itself for the de-fence of its country They learned a lesson from the Great War. Participation in war was not the duty of only a comparatively few professional soldiers; the whole nation was involved, and every able-bodied man was called upon to serve his country in some capacity. It was not only necessary for a man to serve his country in time of crisis, but in time of peace as well; it was his duty to serve in the

way for which he was best suited

Accompanied by the regimental pipe band, the regiment marched past the [saluting] base, formed into line again, advanced in review order, and then marched off the ground.

The artillery unit of the University Regi-ment demonstrated how a gun was taken into action. The gun was drawn by a motor, which was skilfully handled in the narrow gateways and steep inclines about the Uni-versity grounds. The crew of 10 gave a creditable performance. The spectators ap- peared to be more interested in the motor tractor than in the finished gun drill, par-ticularly in its failure at the first attempt to pull the heavy gun up a steep incline. The wheels of the tractor skidded on the grass, and the gun refused to move. The tractor and the gun were uncoupled, and the tractor proceeded to the top of the rise. With the four wheels tightly locked, its power was transferred to [an] ingenious haulage mechanism, and hy means of a steel rope the gun was hauled up the incline as if it were no more than a toy. After that the tractor and the

gun paraded through the University grounds.