Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Friday 5 August 1927, page 10




The Sydney Cenotaph dedication committee has completed arrangements for the cere-mony which will take place in Martin-place

on August 8.

Ticket-holders for the dais will enter Mar tlu-placo by the barriered laneway in the centre of the road in time to be cn the plat-form before 12.50 p.m.

Tho Premie (Mr. Lang) will arrlve at 12:15, and the Governor (Sir Dudley de Chair)

at 1 p.m.

| The dedication ceremony will he as fol-


Hymn, "0 God our help In ages past," played by the band and sung by the general


The Governor will call on Lleutennnt-Gene ral Sir Harry Chauvel to speak on the subject of "The 8th of August," after which the Governor will move to the Cenotaph and place the first wreath upon it.

The bugle band will sound the "Last Post" and "Reveille"

The Governor will then return to the dais and call on the Lord Mayor (»Alderman Mostyn), who will formally accept the care

of the site.

Hymn, "Recessional," played by the band and sung by the general public.

The Governor will then depart, the band playing "Australia will be there."

No arrangements have been made tor the placing of wreaths on tbe cenotaph during the ceremony, but an opportunity will be provided afterwards. Only ticket-holders will be per-mitted inside the reservation. Tho general public is nsked to allow mothers and widows of fallen soldiers to stand as near to the barriers surrounding the Cenotaph as pos-sible, and also on the steps of the Post


»Amplifiers are being erected to carry the voices of the speakers along Martin-place into George and Pitt streets, and broadcasting stations will transmit the ceremony by wire


Leave has been granted to returned soldiers, sailors, amd nurses In the State and munici pal service from 12.30 to 2.20. »\s far as de-partmental requirements will allow the same nrovision is helng made in the Federal PuMle Service. Private employers are requested to grant similar concct-slons.


The Minister for Education (Mr. Davies) yesterday approved of leave from school from 11 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. on Monday nc\t r"lng granted to noy fv-outi attending the Fort street Technical High School, the Sydney High School, and the Mosman Intermediate School and Preparatory School. These Roy Scouts are being invited tn ass-lst in the dis-tribution of the programmes at the Cenotanh site dedlrition rcremonv between 1 p.m. and I p.m. The scouts are to report Immediately they arrive In the city at Scouts' headquarters,

258 Ceoree-strect.


Mr. II. G. Bennett proposed to members of the I.egacy Club yesterday that the Public Questions Committee might consider whether or not the Premier should assist in dedicat-ing the war memorial In Martin-place. The idea was to remove the ceremony altogether

frnm the political sphere.

Colonel Hyman said that the land in Mar-tin place was made available and the work upon the memorial was so far advanced only because of the Government's assistance. The matter was not further discussed.