Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Wednesday 13 October 1926, page 10


Yowie Buy.-Construction of baths, letty, dressing sh/eds, and stone wall at Yowl» Bay, near MlramlH, (or the Sutherland Shire Council. Tenders close October '20. . -. .

Oldie.-Erection of a large block of business premises, Broadway, Cilcbe (quantities). Messrs. Moore und Dyer,

tub Pitt-street.

Coogee.-Extension and comerelon of residence into fiats,'Dudley-street, Coogee. Mr. W. De 1'utron, aichitcct, 10 Bllgh-slrcct. _. ,

Randwick.-Erection of.a block ol lour flats at Ilnnd. wick. Messrs. O. E. Chapman and Co., tol.dtors, Advur House, 10 llllgh-s.roet.

Rushcutter Buy.-Election of eight flats in two blocks of four cudi. * nuns at Dumoulin, llastings-puiude,

Bondi Kurth.

* Main» Hie.-Repairing and strapping brick \enlllating shaft at Matraville for the Water tnd Sewerage Hoard. Deposit £10, security ¿'50. Plan, at the olllco uf the Chief Draftsman, Water Board.

Lindfield.-Erection of a school church lit Lindfield. Mr. 8. Ucarty, »r-hltect, Kembla Building, Margaret


Bexley,-Erection of dwellings to two lock-up shops at tram terminus, Bexley. Plans at 00 Jtuilwuy-street,

Rockdale. '

Pymble.-Erection of a residence af Pymble. Mr. .1. Aubrey Kerr, architect, Kembla Building, Margmet


Bankstown and Kui«.-Erf ellon of cottages at Bankslóivn and lljile. Mr. Cullies, 82 Pitt-street.

Cowra.-Erection ol saleyards tor cattle and sheep st West Cowra, Plans ut tile council chambers,


Auburn.-Excavation and concrete work, also brick work, nt Town Hall building. Auburn. Plans at the

To\mi Hall.

Ashfield.-Erection of n residence. Nhon-avenue, Ash-field, l'liins at 01 Clieltenlium-road, Uuiwood.

Federal Works.-Sepuiate tenders, &c-ompanied by the .neccssafy deposits, Will he received until noon on the dates shown tor the following works:-(I) Bathurst Post-oUlee: Installation of electric light, October l8. 16211. (2) Liverpool Explosive. Stores: Altciatln/is and repair«, October IS, 102(1. (3) Liverpool Mobilisation Storni! Kepal« to roof, etc., October l8, 102(1. (4) Smithtown: Election of brick Post-olllce, Oct. IS, 1920. (5) Sjdnev (..P.O. mail handling plant: Structural steel for mail and letter lift«, O-tobcr IS, 102(1 crectioii of goods elevator, October l8, 1020; erection of passenger and letter lifts, October l8, 1020. ((I) Waverley Tele-phone Exchange: Air conditioning plunt-(¡ulvanlsed Ironwork paid vacuum cleaning fittings, October IS, lIHfl. supply of two centrifugal pumps, October l8, 1020; erec-tion ammonia refrigerating lompressor, etc., October l8, 1920. (7) Wiseman's Kerry Post-oHlcc: Itcpalrs »nd painting, Ocluhcr l8, 11120. (8) Kirribilli House. North Sidney: Renewal of roof and minor repairs, October 25, 1Ö20, (0) Waverley Telephone Excliiince: Supply of motois, October 2-,.4920. PI»ns are available at the omeo ol the Commonwealth Work« 1-lrertoi, Umtoms-lioiisc, Sjdnev, also as Hilder:-(1) At Post, ofllcts, Bathurst and Ournie: (D'and (7) at the olilce of the Commonwealth Works Inspector, Newcastle: (!) nt Kempsey l'ost-ofllre; (7) at Post-olHces, Oosfoid and Wiseman's Ferry. Tenders .hould be forwarded (o the Commonwealth Works Director, Ou.toms-housc, Syd-


Bondi.-Erection of a biingalow at Bondi. Messrs. Cordon McKlunon and Sons, architects, 70 Elbabelli

»tree.. ,

Hose Hay.-Converting a residence Into flats nt Rose ' Uiy. -Messrs. Oordon McKinnon and Sons, arcliltects,

70 Elizabeth-street. /

DarllUKliurst.-Erection of flats nt Darlinghurst. (Quantities.) Messrs. Edmunds and Wright, architects, 8 Spring-street.

City.-Exteushe alterations mid tile construction of a stage nuil counterweight si stem nt lie llii.vmarl,et Theatre, Oeoriic-strcét. Mom at the office of the ciikIneef. Union Theatres, Ltd., 251a rllt-slrcet. Tenders

close October 28.

Canberra.-Erection of a residence at Cunlierrn for Mr. ,1. 11. Calthorpe. Sir Charles ftouuithal, architect, Cnnbcna and Sidney. Plans also nilli Mr. Dolist, Commercial Hank of Australia, Queanbeyan. Tenders dose October 28.

Compete -Erection of St. Mel's Roman Catholic Church, Campsie. Mr. ti. (Jlancev, nrchltect, 2U Oustle.Mgb-stroel.

Parramatta.-Erection of n factor)' at Parramatta. Messrs. Howe ami E.ue, arehiteels. Parramatta.

Quak-r's Hill.-Erection of a publie lull at Quaker's Hill. Messrs. Howe anil Eire, architects, Pairumuttn.

Parramatta.-Erection of clubhouse for the Parmmatto Unwillig Club (Quain ide« 1 Messrs. W. Kenwood und Ben, ..reliltfcts. Illa Pilt-strcet.

U-urltiiglmrst.- -Iteration, and additions to 00 Wornerfth-asenuc, Darllnuhurst. Ptans at Westport, \'aiiibaroad, Hellenic lilli.

Cronulla.-Erection of a four roomed uciUicrlmnrd and nbro cottage ut l'ionulla. Mr. II. Bonney, Elmos, blinkespeure .trect, (»inpsie.

War FeiAke Homes.-.Separóte lenders are im tied f»r the followim; woiks, und should be addressed to the Deputy Coinii-inlssioiier, r> f larence street. Sidney, from whom plan« uiiiv ho «Mained l losing noon Oelober 19, I».'«:-Priik eottaues at I'irlwood (21, Northbridge, Ruse llav, C'liiitcrbnf.v, Bellin ne (lill, lame Coio. Ilelniore, Rockdale, M illuimlibi : timber cotillee at Canter-bury. I'mares» pa.ments ure made vsccklj eomlll ionally upon the coiupletion of work lo u laluo of at

least £!>0