Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Tuesday 3 October 1916, page 7


Mr and Mrs John McClintock of Digby, have re-

leased the sad news that their son James was killed in action in France. Mr McClintock had three years on active service.

I-ij, Eduard Miller, of Dlcliy, has rccchcd »»'ord

?timrai Fred lias bren »»oundell In Frunce.

towal E A. Courtier, youngest son of .Mr. and «i Cowley, of Pimpinio, »»as killed in action in Mi-on Arn-iM ill. He enlisted nt the outbreak ?Hi»ir, and took part in the lnnding on Galil

toil, j, II. Harper, «ho died in England from' fraomi, «as the ehlct ton of Mr. mid Mrs. II. .1. W« ol llorshmn. He »ras 40 years of uso, and AV*? aml ,ami,>' of «W't children."'

». jtlrhtrin onnir. of Horsham, huí been notified Ttis ion Hubert has been »»minded in France. . . «is, Lomas, Yarnmonga, han received a tele. rt-lremtlic IWcnce department stating that her ¡«?i l-mnuc, haa been »vounded in

latranremont »vas mudo In "The > Argus"

'SrV'"_ Mr"- 5'Tl)re.v, of Skene Hicet,' ?" J, toi bren noliaeil that her. son, Private ZlS S'' V '"''"?InK. and Hie Statement »»-as taKl 'u r,ma,tQ »'"nt'«.» «'as n ¿on ¿f.Mr. í?¿£'. .i''-ï_', ho"' W'nlttcr.. Sir. Mcmbrcy WT I«1 mi ''.«'émeut Is Incorrect. *'Mrs. "îf'"»«'». Mils cousin.

a%",*.,''. i1' 'i0""1'1 "" bcen notified that hia ir« Ki ,J' i' l,l-,"all)' l,as bccn kmi in J-«W nrtt mon I» ago. T»»o brother, arc- at 'Ä. am l'cen nromo1«. t° tlie T* >.hu heen received by cable that Captain itih. .ft son of th-'Itev. E. J. Wolcli, J««, »u killed in action In France on Sep.

"¡gat turbara Hanlin, second son of'Mrs. tei.ïl L,l,i",rc, ,road' llqiiiptoil. has 'been S?1. »»»mW '" Granee. Ile »vas proidously

1 iî' """A ,Pinc' Ho is a brother of Cervyi WT. He »cll-knonn erickcler, »vho died last toEl'*.- R' K'.Ros'. ol Iilchrnoml Plains, ¿iSi?*.Saic.,rirel*rd "ori1 ,rom tlle Defence gunn,., that their ran, Private Ronald Hois,

»wa »oundell in Prance. rrivatc R. Ross it-,!?. TPl«,Jmoit of the Commercial-Hank ¿S. rro.;l""s t0 enlistliur. Mr. and Mrs. I- rw° f'Vî," «"'»K at thc .">»'.

_L" w, h """I", of the Comnionivcalth

r-^ï*. ard »fr* llni,in- r.-.,, 1T« -j..i-- u..

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Krgr A. Ho

. uni Mr«. Hold,

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rTlw.'- ,J'". IIo,,ln' nn»e a« advised by MrS"*i,S,,,,nl lhat tl»'lr 6°n, .nd-CorSr»_?ii31' ],oh}"' "' tllc lri"ld Engineers, who rV7" J* ,n|ls|r|B. lias no»v been reported k ,^?rti,", on .lui»- ".

¿J aW( received from Mrs. Warren, a JW»' »Uland, Councillor .1. P. Crichton, J.P., ¿Í-., , ÏÏ'Ï"D' to* '»m Informed that his son, g"»U Crichton, »»as »vounded In one of his tul ,î »F01'.'"' Sergeant Crichton Is In a bos

frote r. 51. Ilreartv, of Melbourne road, Wil¡TJ", lias bun renortcd »vounded for the mÍIT. 'n France. Prior to enlistliur, ho was gW In the shipbuilding yards, Williams¿».te J. E. Slrliltchie, reported wounded on wtr' *" ,utrd '° 'w o' ni»vood. it cliould *"«ea o| South Melbourne.

lE".,r»1_ Meint.» re, who hns been »vounded In Sf,u, '"e son of Mr. Wm. Mcintyre, al ft, late of Carisbrook.

n.Jiu-rr, of Majorca road, Mfryborough, has f»M »ora ibu her brother, PrKate W. H. ¡«J. lu« .ero »ournie.! in,France.

»tt-Coiporal E. II. l:il" wa» killed in action =J,ie"ihcr s. 'nie Intelligence has been con"!« » the Midler', brother at Restdoivn.