Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Friday 14 July 1916, page 6


Mr. Hughes has sent a wireless message to Cape Town, saying that he is indisposed, and uncertain as to whether ho can carry out his programme, so far as visiting Kim-berley, Johannesburg, and Durban is con-cerned. He was to re-embark at Durban on Tuesday.

The. members of the Overseas Parlia-ments, who are now visiting England, were cntertained on Wednesday by the muni* cipnlity of Newcastle-on-Tyne.

Mrs. Joseph Chamberlain, who before she married the late distinguished ? English statesman in 1888, was Miss Mary Endicott, only daughter of a judge of the United States Supreme Court, is engaged to he married to the Rev. William Hartley Car-negie, rector of St. Margaret and canon of Westminster since 1013. Cation Carnegie, who is SO years of age, first mar-ried a daughter of Sir T. C. Boevey, baronet, who died in 1001, leaving five daughters. He was at olio time rector of the Cathedral Church of St. Philip at Birming-


Mrs. Fled Niblo, who with her husband made n successful theatrical tour of Aus-

tralia, died in New York on Weditçsiky. The late Mrs. Niblo was well known to Australian thcutre-goers. She visited this country in 1012 with her husband, ppcm'ns as Fanny Jasper in "Get Rich Quick' Wal-lingford." She also appeared in a number of other plays. On and off the stage Mrs. Niblo was u favourite, and the members of the profession, by whom she was held in affectionate legurd, express deep icgrct at the news of her death. She wng a sister of George _I., Cohan, , one of America's leading comedians und play-wrights,'. lind was 'known professionally, as

Miss Josephine'Cohnn. 'She had not en-joyed good health for some time, and when m Australia had a serious illness, arising from heart trouble. Mrs. Niblo leaves one


Two cable messages were received yester-day by Mr. Edmund Jowett, of Toorak, about his younger bon, Erie Craven Jowett, a lieutenant in the Royal Flying Corps with the British Expeditionary Force in France. One was from the Secretary for War, Lon-don, advising thai Lieutenant Jowett was reported missing on July 8, and the other (lodged earlier) was to the effect that lie had been 'promoted to the rank of first lieutenant. Lieutenant Jowett was edu-cated at the Church of England Grammar School, Melbourne,' and Trinity College, Melbourne University. He was at Trinity College, Cambridge, when the war broke out, and received his commission on Sep-tember li, 1914, in the Northumberland Fusiliers, nnd was afterwards transferred to the Royal Flying Corps.

Professor Tucker, who was to have lec-tured before the Newman Society this evening, liaB been pievented from doing so owing to illness, iind the lecture is post-poned till next Fridoy in consequence.

Mr. C. McDow-11, Labour member of the West Australian Parliament for Cool-gardie, died suddenly at the Perth Hospi-tal yesterday morning. Mr. McDowall only returned two days, ago from a tour of the electorate, and friends who saw him on AVedncsday night Baid that lie looked "a bit shaken up" by the journey. Mr. McDowall was 61 years old, and a New Zealander. ' He was formerly an auctioneer in Melbourne, and was at one time chair-man of the A.N.A. and a member of the Nunawading Shire Council. . lie wns a leading Freemason. , Mr. MeDowiiH'a death reduces the Labour party's strength, ex-clusive of the Speaker (Mr.'Troy) and Mr. Price (who is al the front), to 21 members at the opening of Parliament, in a house of fifty.

At the annual general meeting of tiic Brisbane Chamber of Commerce yesterday, Mr. J. D. Bell waa elected president for the ensuing year, and Messrs. E. B. Ware-ham and John P.'Wilson vice-presidents.

Lieut.-Colonel li. E. Courtney, C.B., of the 51st (Albert Paik) Inlantry, has been appointed acting State Commandant in Western Australia, in succession to BievetColoncl J. II. Bruche, who has been ap-pointed to the Australian Imperial loree. While holding the appointment he will ah sume the tunk of colonel. His military allowance has heeii fi_ed at the rate of ¿7u0

per annum.

Information lias been received by cable message that Cuptam W. Moiton Johuson, loth Manchester Regiment, was killed ia action on July 1. Captain Johnson was chairman of duectori ot Messia. R. John-son, Clapham, and Moins, Ltd., of Manches-ter, England, with branches ut Sydiie} and


A well-known railway official, Mr. A. B. > M. Cooper, died nt his residence, Cain«

bcrw ell,_ on Tuosdny. Mr. Cooper was in- J spcctor'of refreshment rooms of the Alt- ; tomín Railways department, and m this ' capacity travelled continuously over the A ic- ,

lorian lines.

Mi. Edward A. Mylrea, .bachelor of vcter

inai} bceuee in the Melbourne University, ¡ is pioecedmg to England, having been of- ' ccpted ¡is lieutenant in the Imperial Anny. Mr. Myhen, who is 22 years of age, ins lind

un exceptionally successful scholastic e


The Equity Trustees Company Limited and Mrs. R. M. Davis are applying fur the . grant of probate of the will of fcamuc , Brusmcrc Davis (generally known as -aniuL'l

Davis), late of No. 8 Barkly street, st- -Kilda, anil No. 230 Flinders street, Mci- _ bourne, financier, who died on May »i

1918. The nssets ure swom at _17Ä'0'5. > of which -13,060/10/ is realty, and -t'4,Wl ; lti/a is personalty. The testator bcquc-tli« r the whole of his estate to his widow ana , thildten. ''

WILLS AND ESTATES. t lUnnah -huli-i, for-icrly cf Fitiro>, lint '»tB ' of the Fsplaiudc. Clifton Hill, married woman,

who ellcel on .Inns 3, lett by will etutccl April _>. ; W11, real cstntc valued at _4,«00 and newi-i . proucrtj valued nt _«S to lier husbaml and Km- .

Man Hall O'llrlcn, of the 1' HotJ« £ Urunswlck street, Fltirov. married womnii, too e died on Mav ¡i, left bj will dated Octobir 31, 1011. r re .ii estate vnlucil lit _2,6I2 nnd personal proper«.' valued nt £313 to her liuaband. , , ,,,

The National Tril«tces Company ia appljlnsJ« letters of udinlnii-tmtlon ol the estate of raer Lawrence Nurrli, late of Toranir, «toe- ami stat»} ngclit, who died on September..- I-f, learlnn wi «tate v_ui_ at _7,_" and pcnonalty *__". »U_ t> dlviilbli between hit wittow uti chll-ts«