Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Wednesday 16 August 1916, page 9


Banning Enemy Goods.

The purchase of German goods was strongly condemned at a well attended meet-ing at the St. Kilda Town Hall last night, held for the purpose of forming a branch of the Anti-German League. The mayor (Councillor Love) presided.

Mr. F. Mitchell (chief president of the league) moved --

"That this meeting of members of the Victorian Anti-German League and the citizens of St. Kilda offer the Prime Minister Its heartiest congraltu lutions on the success of his campaign In the mother country, against German influence throughout the Empire. They are prepared to do their utmost to support him and his Government in any measure dealing with the German menace

to the national welfare."

He said that the league was out to have every German interned. (Cheers.) Mr. Hughes, in his Adelaide speech, said that a German was not fit to be a citizen, let alone anything else. Why was it that the Federal Government, employed between 30 and 40 Germans? (Applause.) Were these Germans fit to take the money of the taxpayers. (Voices: "No.") The woman who bought a German article at sixpence, in preference to the British article at sevenpence, was buying portion of a shell to shoot her son with. (Applause.)'

Councillor Beulthorpe seconded the motion, which,was agreed to with en-


M. Maurice Carton, the Rev. W. H. Beurr, and ex.-Sergcunt W. Ia. Williams

also spoke.