Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Saturday 19 April 1924, page 14



An instructive lecture on snakes and snake venom was delivered on Thursday evening. by Mr. J. R. Kinghorn, of the Australian Museum, In the lecture hall at the Royal Show The-lecturer stated that there were over 2000 species of snakes throughout the world and about 180 in Australia. The majority Vets terrestrial, some were arboreal, and some aquatic, while the blind snake lived under-ground. There was a legless lizard in Australia. Snakes differed from lizards, inasmuch as lizards had eyelids and snakes had not, their eyes being protected by a scale shaped like a watch glass. The tongue of a lizard was thick and fleshy and only lightly picked, while that of the snake was long, rod-like, and deeply worked. Some snakes laid eggs, willie others brought forth the young arise. The

Australian carpet snake, diamond snake, the" tree snakes, and one venomous snake laid eggs, while the remainder of the venomous species brought forth the young alive. The Australian green tree snake was harmless, whereas the brown tree snake was slightly venomous. Our best known non-venomous species were -the diamond and carpet snakes Both were valuable in helping to keep parts of the country free from rats and rabbits. All sea snakes were highly venomous, the commons along the Australian coast being the yollosv-bellled Sea snake A new giant brown snake lately discovered in North Queensland was probably the worst snake In Australia, as its fangs were as long as those of the rattlesnake, and the amount of venom secreted was about twice that of the death adder.

The lecturer said that In treating snakebite there was no need for such drastic measures as cutting off a finger or a toe. Such a practice was often absolutely unnecessary and dangerous. Alcohol and ammonia had no cura-tive effect whatever, either taken inwardly or applied to the wound. Venom had been mixed with both these and had retained all of its poisonous properties. Permanganate of potash could be absolutely relied upon to neutralise and kill the venom. Following upon a bite a ligature should be applied as soon as possible, so as to localise the effect of the poisoning, and the surface should be wiped free from any surplus venom. The wounds should then be cut open so as to drain away as much of the poisoned blood as possible. Crystals of permanganate of potash should be applied to neutralise and fill the venom. As much of the blood as possible should be sucked or squeezed out. Medical aid should then be sought. If the patient showed signs of collapse stimulants, such as small doses of brandy or whisky, or strong tea or coffee, should be administered. The patient should have complete rest. The ligature should be loosened at the end of half an hour, so that there would not be any danger of mortification setting in. a