Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Tuesday 11 July 1922, page 7


BAL.HNA.-Tho Commonwealth Government Works Department haB .started the work of levelling Russell Park, tor an aerial landing ground, 40 a rea In tent. Twenty horse

scoops se eral horses and drays and laboui

ers are nt present ensaged When Bnlsl ed tUic should be the finest landing stage In the State-Tho Boy Scott movement has taken on la Ballina with Mr B King as seo -master Dr T J Connolley Is taking an active Interest In the boys by giving fiera lectures In first aid worl -The Bonrd of I Ire Comrn'oSlonors in Svdt forwarded a new Oro engine to the Ballina Brlga e recently and Irspeotor Coglan from headquarters, Inl Hated the men Into Its «orklnG

B\TIIURSr -Tho Bathurst Progress Aeso elation his received a communication from tho 1 nder Secretary for Education stating that nothing coull be done in conmctlon with the construction of a now high school at Bnthur'l until the EsMmates wera framed Mr H Paul stated that on bohtlf of the Parents and Oitlrens' Association he bad taken Mr Fltr petrit It and Sir Chirles Rosenthal to AH Saints Cnllcre which had boen purchased for i new high Behool and bid shown them how Government money was being wasted The visitors expressed roeret at what tiley had eeen tut snid thit nothing would be done un loss the Coverr mont succeeded In raising a loan for education purposes

BFRRIfAV - The Public School at the Retreat his been re opened having been closed for some time owing to an outbreak of


COFr S HARBOUR- The steamer Dour«) e innot got over the Bellinger bar Unfor-tunately she carries the steel for the railway brldi e over the river at T runga consequently the work is 'aved

JERII nrjR'E -The Shire Connell has unan!

mci sly resolved to urge the Minister for I amis to mike avillible for settlement South Y itborg holding of 2f ep.0 acres also the sur rendeted Crown Innis on Co-ketsrodong North "i ithorg and Broome which will settle 40 fnrrnei Tbo deman 1 for Innd In this dis

trlct recently Is shown bv the large number o' npplicnnts for homestead farms The Wunnamurra Progress Aesoclitlnn at a meet Inr on Saturday evening passed similar reso


I ITHOOW-The Minister for Mines fMr ntz/patrleb) his telegraphed that the money is now available to go on with certain urgent railway work here The Mlnls'er had been reqt estcd to urge the Commissioners to get work started with the least posslblo de'ay ni d also to Issue Instructions that local un employed shall bp given preference -Two very old residents of tho district died this week ODO of them Mr Wllllnm Hodder 82 years of ago roslded In tho district for o*.er 60 years Ho left Ave sons 21 grand

children and se\»n great grandchildren The other Mr JameB Wilson of Rock Hill near Waller-twang was 81 years of age He had resided in the district for about 50 years Ho Is survived by a family of 11 -The death hns occurred at her residence of Mrs Elizabeth Shaw need 6o years

MITT AGONO -The work of getting the gro md In order for the munlclnal golf linke, I owllrg green ind tennis CQUDB Is proceed

in?-A successful recital was given last week to assist a returned soldier Mr Dougil who lost his leg« at the war The public erected a cottage for him and his family, with Mr Rnlnhow as honorary secretary and only n^out £20 Is now required to olear off the


MOLONG-A claim of considerable Interest to councils In the country Is likely to be te«ted as the result of a recent co'llslon of o motor car with a lamp post Mr S M Rath bun of Cumnock while driving along the main huslness th ronsrh'are or Molong Just bofore dawn collh'ed with a lamp post In I'« rei-tre cf Intersecting utreets sustaining considerable flamt~o He is claiming £M> from the connell for dimnge to tho car and loss of Its services while under repair He al'e*e8 thit the lamp WT.S not lighted and that light rain was falling making It Impossible for hlra to see the post The council hns now received an opinion from the solicitor of the Local Government Assso rlat'on and as a result have Informed Mr lathbun that his claim cannot be entertained

MOSS VAIB Tho Rev J H Craig minister of the Presbvtorlnn Church hero for almost l8 years hns retired from his clertcal duties H's congre"atIon and a num her of friends tendered him and hi3 wife a farewell and presented them with a cheque ns a token of their appreciation of their ser-vices Mr Cnlg also took a keen interest in local public affairs.

MOUNT VICTORIA.—The remains of the late Mrs. W. H. Butler, who died on Thursday even-ing. were interred in the Roman Catholic portion of Blackheath cemetery. At the grave-side, where the Rev. Father Boren officiated, a large assemblage gathered to pay their last respects. Mrs. Butler, who was one of the best known and respected residents, was a native of Roscommon, Ireland, and had resided here continuously for nearly 40 years. Mr. Butler and a grown-up family survive. —The Blue Mountain Shire Council is expediting work on its chert leases, near Mitchell's Bridge, Old Victoria Pass-road. Up-to-date hauling and crushing machinery is being instal-led, and it is expected that work at the quarries will commence in about three weeks' time. The council hopes, with all outside demands for the metal, to be in a position to keep the crushers going at full swing all the year round. In the opinion of practical men, chert metal is the best road material obtainable in the State, and the fact that the shire council, after very mature consideration, decided on such a big venture, points to the conclusion that its ad-visers subscribe to this opinion. The wonder is, that with such a long-standing metal short-age the Government has not at least tried some of the metal from deposits which are known to exist on Crown lands adjoining

railway property.

'MUDGEE.-At the Cassills Police Court the Merriwa P. P. Board, for whom Mr. B. R. Daniel appeared, proceeded against Arthur Exley-for neglecting to destroy rabbits. A fine of £10 won imposed. The defendant hat!, been previously convicted three times for a

similar offence.

NARROMINE.-After 25 years' residence lu Narromine, Mr. G. W. Barlow, managing di-rector of Western S'ores, L'mlted. has re-signed his position to take control of tbo company's business In Sydney. At a gather-ing representative of the town and district he was accorded an enthusiastic send-ptf. and presented with a gold watch and chain In recognition of his services In advancing the Interests of the district. Mr. Bnrlow was aliso entertained by his Masonic brethren, and also by tbe compnny's employeos. and pre-

sented with souvenirs.

PARKES-Tho total revenue from IBL3S re-ceived at the local ofllce and paid direct to-.tbe Treasury for tho finnnc'al year ended Jure 30, 1922, was £1C",!"60.-Over £100 waa obtained for the local hospital by an adult and Juvenile bell.-At the Police Court summonses against 68 defendants Cor alleged breaches of- the Gun Licenses Act were withdrawn. In view of the proposed amendment of the Act durlLg the current session of Parliament.

PEAK HILL.-Dr. Hay has resigned the position of alderman of the municipality ow 'ng to proisu«- of profo's'onal prnctire. Mr. and Mrs. Joo Lano, residents of the dis-trict for the past IS years, were given a pub-lic send-off. Both were presented with handsome presents as tokens of appreciation of their splendid ""services to all public move-ments.-Mrs. Janet . Driver, an old resident

of the district, res'ding at Gundings, near

Tomingley, died on Thursday, aged 70 years.

QUIRINDI.-Mr. J. Cudmore, of Sydney, has purchased about 10,000 acres of Mooki Springs


RICHMOND.-Prior to his retirement and departure from Richmond, Mr. J. D. Brown, manager of the Bank of Now South Wales, was presented with a roll of notes. Mr«. Brown, who was a prominent War Chest worker, was also euterialnod at afternoon ten by the ladies of Richmond and presented

with a cheque.

ROBERTSON.-The death occurred re-cently at Evilly Vale, Robertson, of Mrs. Charlotte Me."yilly, wlfo of Malor McEvilly. V.D. The late Mrs. McEvilly, was o daughtor of thu late Daniel Regan, of Tam-


ULA.MARRA.-Etteiislvo uew factory build Ings ara being erec_ed for the PIgner Dairy Co. at Ulmaira. The bul'dicgs, which will oost os-er £20,000, will be the finest and most up-to date on the North Coast.-Constable and Mrs A. Langley wore entertained by the citizens and presented with a testimonial prior to their departure for Lismore. An excotpionally mil«! sensor. Is lemg experienced on tho Clarence so far. «Already there Is a noticeable growth In clover and other pasture grasses.

AA'AGGA -At the Quarter Sessions on two charges of emLcz ling moneys belonging to tha Ttlverlna Inland Freezing Company. S

P. Erldle, secretary to the company, pleaded j

guilty, and was senttneed to l8 months' Im-

prisonment on each chirge, the sentences to I bo concurrent Patrick Joseph Griffin, late town clerk ut Junee, appeared ou a charge of embezzling funds of tho Ju-iee Council. He was remanded to the next sittings of the Quar-ter Sessions. Charles Willum- was charged with stealing £33 from H. J. Clancy, of Henty. «After a rctir»mout of Unir au hour the Jury returned a verdlgf of not guil'y.

WINGHAM.-There recently passed away an old resldeut of Bobin, near Wingham, in the person of Mr. Thomas Moore. Mr. Moore bad reached the age of 8G years. He carno to "lUstralia from England at the age of four years, with his people who settled In the Dun-gog district. Thirty ye_rs ago be came to Bobin. The late Mr. Moore was one of the party that -aptured Jimmy Governor, the ccUuro_ outlaw, some year ago.

YALGOGRIN NORTH -Mrs. William Stan-ley. aged 75, a resident of this district for the past 30 years, died at her home Uero oa Tours day morning*. , " -L