Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Saturday 27 November 1915, page 5



\t ...ree O Clock

At scorn. hotU mi luouiine.

.".""??is in Hie laite 1 Irm of Pearson,

1,01« ^»'smli^anirco

1 Ostini SHI" by AUCTION

, - MilAn'McLunrî'V'« Wc" '"

0( »bid. About Twflhjrds is Aerv Rich Alluvial

X i.iVilrii of Pearson Rowe Smith aullo

"'sí lil a» above, as sceord mortgagees, the eietert« iimn'}l 0, vIS 1B1ATF ,,

.is.. Pmwrlv of Mr Clnrlrs V Kidman)

K. "Kui 4 miles west from »°»»¿broo_

railwiv tutiuii cmilaining .0,- ACHl-S J

a rArroi'oíílcn of this propertv coiesisls

/,til alluvial Hats cap ibtc of gre it lulim v cine nt I Stn it on si I «diable '<"" ««J¿T* of creal

' ! .run The bllunre a gentle slopi with

ILS sspecl I eaU.v grassed, £d will I,T» «»t C"vta,osTlever)"aIrtl-Tf"the estate Is fit for II.. rÄ »"ti out an. About 100 acre» in

ri i mi now being harvested, whli h will show I ten lil"' hmir» Hi" possibilities of the propertv

n,.rin,° Hie hie droilüit Tile Gums earned a

,¿"3.1 ¡lockof sheep ettie and horses li 1TI

it MISS In its I resent slate it fattens well

i"a« on Ih «at ni .1.1 other ruglan grasses lio iirfrrtlon whilst Us suitableness for Knclia« leca proud h) Mr Andmon on his rmcrtvadjollini. it IS hard to estimate to what ¡¡tint Hie carr.i.ig capicil» could ha increased bv interntli ero) pill, and laving down

Tie i rupert» is will fenced (almost new v.... ..iting) sid huh I into tiveral paddocks am ¡I rodant!, v.alercd b) spring, creel well, and

hu» There is a bouse of 0 room» suitable for , cr-eer »talle willi fcedroom Luge sheep» ords

"irotebli no irnpcrl. lias been offered for sale i

Velón of rrtent ve us which offers such an n.

nins! prospect of increi e in value It won! be ej-ri inutile to amone wishiiig to establish i loentr) loin drd stn I farm hand» to Melbourne e, to a lorttiern station owner de«lring a hca.v carrure south ra propertv is a standby in ease el! or lo speculators for subdiv ision

lit! ouch so ilo«e to Hie elt» The Gums Uato i ki own to ii comparative!» few, ns it I ii 1 ern ii«rd ihnost elltirelv for grazing and has p h limped laids once in mun» veari Bu»ers ure tlerrlore invited to inspect and thev will leo I!, le sunn el lo lind snell ill irea of rieh lu I hint, itndr.elopc 1 ilmost vvittiln sight and to ni f Ile great et!) of Melbourne

(lune to Hie circumstances under which the 1 roi cn v row mines on the market, the reserve if si,, will !e | lacee! so far below the value that ti s a sr I e re nsi Irres! almost an


Tri! fs - lit amount to be ascertained from the pint« ran re injin on mortgige till October, 1020 Tie lulu cr a ti (part on the fall of the hammer jnl |in «ullin one month)

For in portion ni I other particulars appl» to Pur- i Howe Smith and Co Pt» I td , 410 Bl Tsc Irret MiTlonmc_

MUM) M DI CI Mill IL lo 1015

It Three O Clock


Io Clew li counts in the Lite Firm of Pearson,

flour Smith un I Co and in the Estate of iel a 1 Ci minin« Deceased


I) Uti! All I IT GUIM,


rou îosiTivr s u F

finn of I ear on Howe bipit'i, and Co to SLLL I) ILCTIÛN »s nbo.r \

The proper!. 1 nown is


so long Inmvn is the residence of the late Mn-ani ( iimmin« on the Di ep Creek about fit miles from Iloieridge nnd Vi .linn nilvva» stations -n 1 ii out 27 milvS irim Melbourne, and containing mi irea of

mi intK»

ron Wing parti, if tlie rn liest agricultura' hrd suitable for potatoes, oniri s or inv root or corni crop the balirce good «rum! ¡mung ni fattening eottntrv pormaur t» wjtrrcl In the Beru Cre k n nrvei tailing fresl water strejnl also b» dam lnl good «p-lns

TI tro i« i I roomrd li B duelliLg, and the nro leur Is nell fence I

TI !l proper! v c jn 1 o v. eil rreampif-ldrd to lill» c I rtourint: a coo! «oin! Intcs'iien han I» lo Jlelboi rre TI ro gil Ihr late drought It cnrrleel ilill «tor» «itlioit in. lo«s of sheep, old) a few

?Itle anl ti o «lictji off it cot licav» ficccei of

Incht (0 nd wool

lor I rtlf-r ; rliruhrs ippl.

Irar-oi Ho. r Sintli mel Co Ptv Hil IkurU s rrrt Moll ournr_


ll llillpvi t lour O Clock Sharp

MA re llo(c! «ullin Hailvva» Station

TollvrTmen tanner« ( rmcrs or Speculators, for


In Hie F«lilf of Alevindrr Smith Deeeiscd 1S1 ICRl« OPPOS1T1 li ILLAN RAILWAY


T,)FU1S0A HOW I- «MITIl ind CO PTY LTD 1 tute remiel inslrurtions from Till TRU~ ?rris nu nuns ind alinga co ltd

O' Coll m street Mellournr, and Mr« Jeannie 'rilli ttSHl I. tUITION, ns nho.e


OrTOSTll- lill « ILI IN RAII.ll IY ST I TOA ben g | art of 0 1 S parish of «allan Al allan oontunin,. VI itircs 2' roods 23 , li thrs e I first rla"i lurlculfunil and gras

ii«lint -vcfl fcnrcsl and wodi clcatcd, sufll / tient Ir es Icing left for shelter

Teran Qi arter resh I alance wilhuT't »cars, it

Sicr cent ter nanum

Moor ol «al lus leen lived so that bujers can col. «lil I ni trim from Alclbournc

Fo turllirr i i lu uhrs sppl»

leirsja Rowe Smith and Co Plv Ltd , 418 I cale sit et Mtllnmrne or

Th( Tra. tie« Hrcutors all I Atcnc» Co Ltd, IP (Ollis 'tr et Alelnoiirne_




O' the



HULK tlCITON at IfeQuade 8 Albion. Hotel, I' i laiong at three o clock on the above dale,


»Mill IM. I l\l)

s-ildividi 1 into three firms of

M 100 mil 00 nercs each

TI fie pro|er!i is sitiule with over n mill Ire Use I the nain «lu I roid í miles from elthei raidenoi r or Ixmrr I emtrce C.ulli stations, splcn 0 1. »ilcre.1 I. Hie Corkanvvarrabul Creek well i Hitiitr.1 ai I prtlv netted The well improved rone-teael is on II lnr"c»t and central Work and fonssj ol stone brid and plaster building, 17 loom .tables loo e helves cow shed harness roon fed room wool shed motor garage, pig pen. ^mimili j imp re sewered, water laid o ind «IK tan!« This propertv would mike ? Meal fin I fani po sewing a big proportion

irismftoiit «it. mth higher undulating lund e... Ihr roi I frontage nn I all of the highest ngrlcul tmil ordalrjinj, valur

Tro tejiere Mod Is practical!, ill nell flit land S.! '. ?c ' '"^ frontage and capable of in. IN»?; ¡n tie 'lape ef Intense rulture Tile loo f"" irr ' " a h" proportion of flat land, and u ill «t (or ti c

Tmns I ih ral and pim» on application

« ¡j s »Jit an I Co Dan lenong and Korumburra

ia m !?" Î Co 5lalIra aml Sa,c (auctioneers In

i unetlon)



rons«i bvpuniic auction Imnitdlatcl. Before the Cattle Silo

J.lL F.^NINrs anl MtiNNFS have received

i li. .,?ctions ,rom Gie tteeutors of Hu estate of

rai ,'î,.", llr»i>id to SI LI, as above,

ii,ï*", """ail'ing HO ACHE-S 1 HOOD 17 ¡HICIIls |c|"t Mietmeut It! parish of Mo* co int. of Illili. Buln splendidly im EIm"«.""1 loinforrable SPAIN BOOMI D imn-STUn nn I outbuilding«. Suhlividecí into len jndlcics 20 acres oats J ne res of Pin".". ""I »«i'i'"' on n good road 'j vu Is !rom the tonnshlp of TIIORPDUJ

Tie toll |, "si, |ari chocolate in ! ncarl» nil « Us ttjroutlil) rintel mil Is useil Sllfccssfully . l claWii; onl e dilution propertv

mt cn! reason tor plitlng it In Hie market is ut nr cs. t; to v in I up the estate and to do UBI Flin TI IIVS nro offered vlr one fourth

r li Illunie In 1 uni J »e

1 I. Jnilnns anl Altlnnrs 411 Bourke street, Vl-irs nnl IVifnlgnr

sin mm nicraiiHt ii

On I! e Premises as I ndcr ran ,"," ... U( "O'« '»AH of


I'll!! BIOS IAI11IHD PRAHRAN \« l rii.V,"'1'!'"1 Two O C1« I

,l-,. J11« I sl>N srilUT BlllCli ION -M B "CIsF I llooi.s ml Iverv W>rv i 'oner

«"el on Linl « It v 11'ft to Rlg'it ot wiv

KIFROA en . Pr c ,_,,[{_ n _^ A( Ai>T ,/Asl)

' s I I» lli,ll of «a.

«Hiev btiÍÍ'.Í.'Í1 ?"?." I a«t Tlirrr

tin nbTI" ',' ' *«'" ,lcs Glenhuntl. ind Haw

. , y i"'.,, ,' u n ro"sl'""t on I Jn I e.»fl

^ V"u,lsl'e'!"U, "' "' LÍ"'rpRAHR IN At Ullin 0

I «mit ' ,lfl,vlr el DI BRIOv A 111 I ' ss?\"m" ,r "itlir«T ind ill (omer

1i.ll i» l"r («l'""lrs

.'.»« fartin ,« "I leriu« Appl.

** niielnncc , .*" i not er Hi

I """U «ills r 1,

«HlMsflAY 1)1 CI IBITt >

tO] On. oí**. <?.^,ní.k "' .'" IrnperlleJ

. \mi oí i\s\ snlm ,"| ","!" sn

(oiiiM iinon


MUls ,',! I" IV lill) COTTAGE

T r ,," '""' lllll-í'

<*. iIIsm!"? f"'/10"" ««1 worn viluer

'"s" l"1!1, ''"> ' !'' 'i WO! ntle« I luv

«Il ci 'l1,v " ." ' -° lnd ." ' M« \ « î1 ,' lrLk ' "I'c "I'1 H'ni« llH-e. Jl 'n'"' ' """ F|r«l Irte I lola,, ,?; ,"' ,"" ?> ,r "ti r of ll'fi Tie pt T, K'r", ,ii I ¡unit 11 Bu ! I st reel

!" »I fe V M,",1,1" '"" ' ' '"" "

II Tie i ,ii ' ' n"" s,rcLlJi " Mímale 11 li chai ," ! ""lnl »"rroinclid I. In ". rear ï ' T i1'1 ',T ' '""" tlniNinls 1 'ait te, ," ',' î,1 "' ' wealhir Itriultir " i1'1« retires I or absolute

WÄ?« "??"«"1,ri"" c,t"lc """

'*»'laSdliîm"? Uu" l)u,r, nml KI"B

"""'Si O.eci, st,,., Melliouriit


K- ,li!íl,V0,Ni,n''-ov" nticlnncer iT.a Cliapel

I « Il «u " ,"1"'1 B,ru;|) l'rahrnn cit.




On Hie Properties,


Lot l.-At Tliree O'Clock.- 3S_ and .184 JOHN.

STONE HTRF.F.T. Close Hoddle Street mid Hull. waj.-1'air Brick COTTAGES, with Slale Roofs, Euc li Containing 5 Rooms. Ac , Let at £72 Per Annum. Und 3d x 132 to Lil tie Turner Slreet at Hrar. Substantial!.. Construe teil on Stone Found itiou-, mil m Gnod Repair Throughout

lot 2-At Half-past Three- "LAURISTON TER-

RACE," HIS to 111 JOHNSTON STREET, COL-LINGWOOD, Between Gold aud Smith Strcetr -Terrace of 4 Bruk and Stone COTTAGES, with .Slate Hoofs, Km li Containing I Rooms, Bath-room. Scullcrv, Ac. : Rentals, £145 Per Ailnuni. LAND (Wit »in. -c 102ft Oin. to Pitched «.Oil, lu 7,-ood Order. Most Substantially Constructed, and Suitable for ConvcTtion into Shop«.

To be Submitted in One Lot, and if Not Sold, will be Offered Scparatelj'.



For Orders to A'icw, Apply

D. HOOPKIt auctioneer and Government

valuer, Clifton nil!. TcL Northcote', 714,


At Two O'Clock. On the Property,



Comer Wallace Street, Close Heidelberg Road,


In the Estate of the bite Alfred Wood.

ATTRACTIVE QUEEN ANNE W. BOARD VILLA, Containing 5 Large Apartments, Kitchen, Maid's

Room, Bathroom, Ac.

LAND 60ft x 297ft 7Jm. to 20ft R.O.W. at Rear.

BD. HOOPER (ill conjunction with E. A.

. KNELL) has received instructions from THE TRUSTKLS, EXECUTORS, AND AGENCY CO. LTD., 412. Collins street, to dispose of the above by PUBLIC AUCTION. Tue villa is well constructed, und of modern design, electrically llttcel throughout, gorden well established, and but a short distance from the railway station. The sunoundings arc particukirlv healthy anti pic-turesque. TITLE, CERTIFICATE. TFRMS-. cash, omi balamc within 2 jean at 5J per cent Immediately a'lcr the sale of Hie nbcive, Hie whole of the furiu-liings will be sold.-Superior walnut dining suite, 9 pes , with chesterfield couch; niassivo 5ft. sideboard, s.)-_ dining table mid cover, artistic rattan occasional suite, handsome bedroom suite íu ash (modern design), N.M. bedsteads anil bedding, Ottomun box couch und eisy chair to mutch, tlucli. ehcvts, wardrobe, marble top washsluiids und ware, walnut hallsl-nd. Axminster and Drii.s. carpeta and 11. nigs, lino-, overmantel, pictures, occ, and other tables, ornaments, crockerj, curtains, wire couch, kitchen utensils, lawn-mower, garden fools, choice collection of pot plants and sundries. On view thy prior to «nie two lill five l-'or further pirticulurs and orders to view, .ipplj F. A. Knell. Ivanhoe; or H. D. Hooper, auctioneer. Clifton Hill.

wednesday; decejiber s.

Commencing at Three O'clock. On the,Properties,



Lot 1.-Nos. 47, ii), 51, and 53 Bennett Street, Close

Srotclimer Street-Attractive Terrace 4 Brick Two storied Balconied Résidence«, Eich Contain-ing (I Room«, Bathroom, Pantrv, Seiillerv, A-c.

Rental, £1511 Per Annum. LAND 70ft. 7¡n. x ' 110ft. to Pitched R.-O.-wav at Rear.

Lot 2.-No«. 78. SO. and Si Falconer Street, Clcc

Michael Slreet-Imposing Terrace 3 Bruk Twostoried Bfllcouietl Residences, with Slate Roots, Tiled Verandahs, Iron Palisading Fence, l^ch I, Rooms, Bath, Scullerj. Ac. Rentals, £115/10/ Per Annum. LAND 50 x 120 to Pitched R.-O.way at Rear.

Lot .1 -No. 2î Kneen Slreet. Close Falconer Street

-Snhstiintml Brick Two storied Family Resi

.still Stubllng und Shedellng. I*t £67 Per An-num. LAND 22 X 165 to ritchetl It.-0.-niy at


R"D. I100PF:R is Instructed to SELL by AUC

', TION. as above.

The properties ure in flrst-clas« order, continu-ously len.ntcd, sltiiutn in a superior residential area, and can be confidently recommended as tohd and lucrative Invcstn.cnts. , ,

Tjtles certillcutc. Terms-One-halt cash, bol-

inee up to 3 vears.

R. I). Hooper, auctioneer, Clifton Hill. Tels.

Northcote 741, Bin.' 1593.


At Tliree O'Clock. On the Properly,



DEIJCKNSKD HOTEL (The Hose of Carlton),

Brick, with Slate Roof, Containing 11 Apartments,

Bathroom, Scullery, Cellar, <-c.J laind 30 x 66.

KD. IIOOPKR is,instructed'to SELL by AUC

: TION, as above. , . .

Most substsiitiiillj'. constructed,, and at' a small . i«t caii'Dc converted into business or professionnl premises, private residenc-von-boarding-house'. A vcr.v short distance from two tram-lines, lind in a den-clj' populated neighbourhood.

Title certificate. F'or particulars of same apply M. Murnane, Esq.; solicitor, 123 Queen street, Mel-

bourne.' Terms ut pile.

It. 1). Hooper, auctioneer, Clifton-11111. Tels.Northcote 741, Bin. 1300. '


On the Premises. , '- At, Three, O'clock,



PROPERTY, in Estate of Helen Reid. ,

Under Instnictlons from .NATIONAL TRUSTEFÄ


T7I G. IIARTLF:Y (conj'olntly with TOPE and

-I- .Co. (t.v their auctioneer, Percy C. Mustow), will SELL at AUCTION,

Und 32.8 x, on which is erected brick

2-storied building of S rooms, known as AVushlnglon Hotel, which premises will be delicenscd as fronr Dc-imbcr 30, 1915; situa-tion 5 minutes,train, rlose tram, and Iv ich y and SwaliovV and Al icll's factory, in a ri«i_tr


Title, ccrtlllcalc., .Terms-Quarter cash, 1 alance up lo .lilly, 1018. vendor's sollcitoi is W. S. Cod,-, 60 Queen street, Mollxiiirnc.

F. C. Hnrtlej-, 330 Collins street.

Tope and Co.,(Clorcndon street, South Melbourne,







SON and DAV IS, auctioneers (in conjunc-tion) are Instnicted by THE EQUITY TRUSTEES AND AGENCY CO. LTD. to OFFER, as above,

i All that kimi contained in allotment SO, pins'i

of Moe, county of Buln Buln, containing 310 acres: first-class dairjing und agricul-tural land, will grow anything lo perfec-tion; together with buildings and erections



Full particulars from the auctioneers,

Geo. W. Martin and Co, 308 Bourke street, opp. G.P.O., Melbourne;

Mathieson mid Davis, Sale.

(ilOllE LITTLE DAIRY FARM, of 152 aere-, slltialed 21 miles Lindhnrst U.S., 25 nilli. Melbourne, 0 roomed house und outbuihliiig

Al-o, i spienditl eounirj home, willi 32 acres

ni hmel, situated lj miles from 1)lndenoiig, ti inilini in cue of the most eluiining ind pietiresque position« ni that famous illstnet. Nnc (1 roomed house nnd conveniences.

l'ull .lennis nest issue Vpplj Thomas Males and Co . 4i'S Bourke .IrpjM.or

John Cohblediik, 175 Collins slrcct.



At Tliree O'Clock.

In Mechanics' Hall, OAKLEIGH.

?pOIIINSON and Co. will SELL, ' _ ,

._ poid In' ' t, t 2 In iek shops '

5 houses

35 liiutru» and hlu-dlng site«,

titi a p]an anil particular« from the aucli Ileposils-F'rean £1 on lund, £'2"i on hnus Rollinson and Co., next station, Oakleigh


TTilt FE Railway F«-«.», a Vi liable bj iSp,,,,I

* 'Hain, will enuvi-j hiivers.ti. the Sile of

..ST'THIN l.STATT," BROADMEADOWS, em S u tu dur next. Uni. £3 HEPtl-ll', luíame Siw EVEKA LOT 01 FI'.UED will Ik- sultl without u» reserve. Duiiiuii "ml Weller, (17 Queen sJicel; or Keogh uliil King, .11 Kl.rubcth



On the Ground,'u Street, NKAVMAltKiTT,

Neill' DiilgelV-,



7011. \ lOOIt. - , . A Desirable Propeitv. Two Minutes Newmarket

. nullwuv Motion mid Train.

Fliic lliillding Site.

rp II. N.VT'TRASS nnd Cn,, esliite ngciitf, Moonee J., l'omis, F. i'. ROBERTS, auctioneer, JI7 Collins strccl, elly (in conjunction).





Misers. PEARSON, ROWE, SMITH, and Co.-At

Werribee, at one-Sheep and cattle.


Messrs. Al) AMSON. STHETTI.E, ' and Co.-At

Morang-Cattle, pigs, A-c.

Messrs. I). (I. MCCLELLAND and Co.-At Ring-

wood, ut half-past one-Cuttle, pigs, poultry,

At One O'clock Shan".


ill hold tl,cir MONTHLY SALE of SHEEP und I CATTLE,


.Va nbove.

When they will yord

.25B1 SHEEP. Comd-ting of

' 600 crossbred wether?, '2-tooth

.K» creesbrcd ewes, l-toolh, on extra good lot lal) crossbred ewes, ('»-tooth

.3.V).ciossbicd ewes, 6 and 8 tooth -.If crossbred evves. Mooth

350 merino ewe«, I, 0, add 8 tooth

150 merino wethers

200 fat crossbred sheep

30 pure Lincoln ruin-, 2-tooth, well bred.


00 fat bullocks fiom Melbourne and Metro« |

polltan Reuní of Works 40 fat cows

20 very good sellers 25 mixed cattle.

Bin. ci s from Melbourne catch 11 a. ni. train from |

Spencer street.

Pearson, Rowe, Smith, and Co. Pty. Ltd., 410 | I Bourke street, Melbourne.

rp v


. At Two O'Clock.



PEVRSON. ROWE. SMITH, and' CO. PTY. LTD. I will SELL. a.s above,

30 pure Romney Marsh rams, 2-tooth, a well- j

grown lot, and in excellent condition.



At One O'Clock Sharp.




PEARSON, ROWE, SMTH.- and CO. PTY. LTD. , 1 (in conjunction with HEYWOOD, ROSF;, and Co.)

'-»ill hold .




When thev will janl atrout

12,000 SIIEF-P,

Including ,

20C0 crossbred ewe«, 4 mid 6 tooth, large |

'frames. Hi splendid order

1500 crossbred wethers, 4-tooth, Riverina ._

tion bred, early shorn, prime fat; magnificent


2500 merino wether?, 4-tooth, station bred,

earl.v shorn

3000 merino wethers, just 4 j caro. New South

Wale.« bred, eaily alitirn

i 1501 merino cw'es, just 4 j'etra, the am

tirait from Worrotvrh station.

All in lots to suit purchasers. . Good drovers m attendance, or sheep will li« I tnlcked for purchasers. v

Peur-on, Rowe. Smith, and Co. Pty. Ltd., t!6 |

Bourke street, Melliourne.

llejwooel, Rose, and-Co., Stn-movir.

MONDA Y, 6lh D E C E M B E li.

At Eleven O'clock.

At tile Stables, Next to Post-odlce, » CAPE STREET, HFlIDF-I.BIiRG.

| By Order of -Air. Hobt Weekes, who has Decided |

. to go in for Motors.


Of his


Including 9 HORSES, 5 big upstanding, clean-

limbed active Horses, milt eouch proprietors, orchardists, or cordial makers; 2 light coach

Horses, 1 good huggy or cib Horse; I 14-, hand thick-set Pony, suitable for lady to

drive, 0 vcar.s old. '


New Drag, carry la; another, carry 14; Wag.

goncttc Coach, carn- 11; light private Wag-

gonette, carry 6; {-shaft Jinker, 1 Abbott | Duggj.


* 4 double seis. 3 single, lot of spare harness,

saddle, and bridle. 12 collar«.

LAMPS.- 4 pair coach and other odd lamp.«, 4 I

acetylene Jamp«.


C O G'H I I, L and II A II G H T O N,

79 Swanston street, Melbourne.

«TsTÎA""^ sith N 0"V E M B E R.


ADAMSON, STRETTLi:. lind CO. PTY. LTD. hold their FORTNIGHTLY SALE on Monday next, when they will SELL

Milkers, with their e-nlves at foot; forward and

bflrkwarel , spiingcis-, beef and fleshy cattle, storo cows, heifers, jllld jollllg stock; fat anti store pigs.

Account Mrs. McDonald, close-to Mernda stn

tion, 12 acres of growing crop (oats). Can __ he stacked for 0 months ¡fjrqtifreJ.



At Half-past Une O'clock.

). o. mcclelland ami co. win offer

Milkers, sprnlgcis, fat cows, stores, including j

a nice lihe ol dalry heifers, showing well lu

calf; also pigs, calve«, poultry, iiirniture, j


On account Air. A. T. Alilcs, "Quamby," Ring-

wood, ¡in extra good line of pnre-bre-d Berk-

shire suckers, from his well-know n pri-c-1 tuking strains._


-1,1) HEAD of CATTLE, of All Classes.


of CATTLE, also SHEEP, HORSES, Ac, Induci-ng 10 coed working Beillouks.


OK) HEAD of CATTLE, of All Classes.


| TI VE SI-L1.INO CO. LTD. will SELL, as above

The auctioneers advise bujers to attend.

| rpUFkSDAV, 30th NOVEMBER.-DAIRY CATTLE, X DAIRY CATTLE.-Dandenong Council A'ards.

-ROBERT GUNN und Co. will hold their usual I I SALE at the Council A'ards. as above,


HEIFERS, Including some line cowa for Mr. II. 1 G. Gamble: a tnickjoad of cxtn good cows from | Yannathan; and n Irtickloael for .Mr. F\ W. (ïrca

Caldcnncadc, among-L which is one extra good I Jersey cow, very quiet !K) SPRINGERS, Store Cows, and A'oung Stock, nmongst which will he two truckloads from Yallock and Monomeith, and one truckloael of springer., pnme fat cows, ariel vcatere from Tarwin; anti 25 good vcalers. Trucks

available for distant bujers night of sale. Train I | leaves Flinders street railway station at 10.201

,m. for Dandenong.

Robert Gunn and Co., Dandenong._ n U E S D A Y N E X T. |

liOtl station-bred (Month Lincoln cms. wether», I

one line nnd one mark, and in forward to fat


In lots to suit buyers' rcipiirements._

ACRES, 1000, clo«e lo railway, well fenced,

good homestead, woolshed, necessarj' out-buildings, permanently watered, abundance ol feed. In the North-Eastern eilstrlrt. All sound country; very suitable for tattle, or would fairy a large uunibei of .beep. Owner will sell «c n very rcasouuble price, anti give long terms «s will louse for 3 jrars. Fii'I pailieuluis,

KEAST, MORRIS, and .MILES, auctioneers, 10 Collins .licet, .Melbourne'.




PASTORAL and FREEHOLD PROPERTIES. The undersigned have now


Snllcilors. Nunn. Smith, anil JefTresnn, Norlhrrn I As.iinnce Buildings, 4(8 Collins st., Melbourne,

GIBBS, BRIGill'. and Co., Managing Agents, 31 Queen st. Melbourne.


A GISTMENT.-The Melbourne nnd Metropolitan I -ei- of Works has .lecommo lution for horse, on ugisluicnt at the Metropolitan Farm, Werribee rnlrs 1/9 lo 5/0 per week, according to siro. Full

particulars upon application at F'arm and at the j Head Olllce, 110 Spencer street, Melbourne. _

HORSES WANTED, lo GRAZE," 1 I!, 2,'"¡"Til)

acres, splcnilid feet!, river frontage. Rainsay, fro. lion, or "' l-wndon._ VACANCY limited number "HORSES, i'jllîc";

hc«t paddock in district. Moulden. D.'pnt, op. Preston Reservoir SUIion. ' 'Phone Northcote 3)7. _


BAY HORSE, medium eiclivery, voum.-. ftauiii'h;

.viv trlul. Witchell ami Hurlstone, Hanlin'. , Kensington.

BOX'HILL MARKF-T, Every Wcdnesdaj'.-Clttlc, Pi«', l'tiulny. Veiw le«. Sundries. T H B. Morion and Son, auctioneers, ,2 Swanslcr siren, and Box Hill. _ _ . _. /-«HlClvENS," simili:" old Fowls WANTED, alse l-V Turkeys; special prices given: (rates lent; ne csrlagc or ciiinnil.slun charged, lljiund's, Quecn'i Illidge, M.llwiinic. __ C""mHCK FOOD.-In J. ond A. »nye»'« mi.ti'r.

j the quality is maintained, ann will give the ln«t remits, a» the right proportions are in it, recurdlesa of erst. Obtainable ull suburbs, and J,

eni__A.____e_je__._2t! S_l{jtoheth st. _ __'__ _~*«.llll'K I'ÖIID.-OuVinl.turc iv the very best: v.. onlv flr-.t qiinllty ttulf ¡s put in: (Ib., I,', J. andI.A." llosnj«._Klliutvprli i_h ? .

xtill ~ exnr-"-l.tul, hundióme, 11.3 hands, stiil

> iiellvcrv, um thing; £1»: well-bred Jinki i .

"ire, £0._ 'Moiililcii,_Preston Reservoir._'Pimm. | t 101.1.11. (hitch), jtiungT well bred, for" SALE,

'' cheap, good winch. II Barnsbliry Terrace, opp. station, MavvfcjdMim.__ tTllVV. siller Jersey, 2nd call, e-ilved Wednesday,

.1 Veil, hcivv miiikei. Moulden, grarier, '

l'r.v,mt l.cseri_uir_, 'Phoney_ .TiTil, SALE, '"young." .Vjrslilre-.ltM.ri,"'rich I I milker. 11 quail«. Cull Wood, nest Bunill Bridge lintel, Ringwood. _ _ ...

("10VV* veiv Fiindsome, Jersey, 3rd calf, guuranJ tèeel .il quart«. I5lb. butler; can icconimenil. ,",6 .Vuhnrii groic,_Aubnni. ___._ /"vÖVV-KHHFKHS'. - You'll get 23 per cent, moro K.J butler using "Exccll" Tweicow Separator in

slead dish-uctting milk. Catalogues. llarlram, |

ßSU Bourke st.


COlls ' cairel Tuerdav last half 1 red Jersey

uni Ivrshirc thirl calf luUkluí, ti ipiarts _uaruntrcel itrfeet li lui rd toan.

I lelorla __H Invcrluav grove Auburn __ DM IIHOUND PUPS froiiilcditrct sot

SAI 1 thrqp _N (ole jim (amierdovvli DOGS - Silkv lern r 1 LPs for DISPOSAI

sca=oi al le | resent 1. Darling ti South

feoutliji arra Domain _ DOlji-Aorkshtro lerner 1 upinc 1 nj, luire 1

Silkies pcllgrre s re lolinili Bo. thea[ 10 Tasliinny id llawlsl irn

T_0G1 - High class 10MI HAM VNS f r Sil I

.U II Moselev Ml!ls.r.n_ t _Don ilti _S_A_ira TTjGOS Blick Oriingl n pi io champion lavllg .*-» str-ins s setting: t, itlee I forwirdc I t, ur nntecd cull inspect I ullrls 4 months ni I now liying Oresrcnt 1 oultr» Anrd« I Clamer tres

t Cintcrbiirv_ ECOS Milite Uklorn corni ctition livint,

strains no» rreliie el "o K10 ijckel fr arded Crescent I ouitrv \ ar Is 1 lliautcr cres cent __ "nterbur._______ EG(S lilac! Minorca« an I Al I eg) orri» worll s

champion laving strait « onlv s setting 10 guaranteed s Butterworth tit. addrcs« "a"

I linbctli st__ ECCS f r 1 alching PI eassni

Turl-ev 10 (1 Ducks lions ill l ree I* amuii

and Rutledge 40j Bour_c_st____ TTWIt Sill F Stylish Harness HORS! thoroughl» J- quiet Ijdv can drive or rile also nie llav Saddle Horse fit for lid» C Pullev Belton, (jlrneira ni Caulfield_ 17*011 SAI* Bugin MIHI- Sirs le Inn Is ha

-a- taken prire at eiio.v Kaleno corner of Balwyn and Bein ore nts _BaJwyri___

I TOR SAU Plvulouth It irk and Wilta, le g1 cm

? COCKtltFLS suitiUle for esr!, li util sr Hutton Murray i I P c_on__! I onc^Norlhcctc MO ITtOrtLb Chicken» Durks Tu'kejs all classes

? WANTU) highest pnces paid crates lent

no cartage or r uimiasion llvUnd s bennltt s Bulga. Queen s Bridge Mellvournc._ 17*0). TFRRU It I Ul I IE» sill h-lfo I fômulos

? pedigreed _1 Walker st. Pralirin ol Big Store alter __ _ _ r_.OOD Lajing M HIT! II i.liOltN"! «Avail

NJ elottes liens roc »teni anl ducken« owner leaving Bick David rd Hampton_ C_.OSl INCb Ducklings -1 1011 « ANTI I! lor T Xmas toi pri-es given «ni for price list Crates lent JlvlutiU (._etn s Htddgr _llelb_ HACK for SAU e]uict fest good , lo» priée

Applv Horseman Argus oilier _____ HORShS ("0) draughts medium an! deliveries

fresh from tie countr» well 1 roken in 23 ( apel bt North Melbourne I hone o s"

HORSES -Two Draught« for « IU suit farmer

or marett gardener Gillespie s Flour Mills Burnlev __ __ __ ___ __ _

INCUBATORS - ramous Vernie Australian

manufacture teste I recommended b. Covern ment expert ItXi per cei t (1*0 egg) 1 oc usions CO per cent (-.00 e¿g) llntr for te tiinniilala ind c-Utlogucs. railures imj odible with lil niodrls Special guarantee »after ant li onth s trial if lui

tisfactorv money re lui ird All sires. »0-egc, 42/ Brooders 10/ Fertile- 451 Uizal eth « INCUBA TORS-Nnthint Better TI an Prairie

bute - Ihevr alsolutelv srorl I s liest leading i ouitrv men use recomnirn 1 cheap simple dependable Bartram ISC Bourke st __

I NCI BATORS Broaden) - Best * tamable Lap

snie» The momc crs Brooder Lamps Duners ( nt Mills J and A I oves, "il Uiahcth st _

tvCUBAlOBÄ.-sun tare! Cvj hers brst I ot au

thermostat reg. lators guaranteed Catalogue-,

aid t Bovrs Fliribeth nt

I SCUB AI OR.S - Challenge «elf rrgulatu g

100 egg "0/ Brooders, "0 upmrds Snntl

Ruttlcdgc 4Uy Bourke st jagents______ I_CUBATORS Petalums, cheapest most rehalle

54 egg 11/ 120-CSiT 100/ 210 egg 100

Brooders Shell gnt 11» land s Queens Bridge

So ith Melbourne

MAR! 13t bands Anchor hriind "ood buggy

pon» CS II Mosclej ~> Alillsw.ii st

South larra

PPRPETUAII A Brooelv IH-tSS- The Hstello

la egg Incul itor 12/el hgTctcr 1/ car nage paid De baie 4f Russell_st D pt _^_ PFRS11N KITTI. Nb now nadv i rwlv'importe 1

mother Ingllv pedigreed mile Chinchillas Smokes _J._/"/ -i Ilerl. _st_ ! ist Caml orwell

P1RMAN hlTTKNS fats white and colours,

perfrcllv hralthv pedigreed lorclv pet« 11 AlcAiindru st Kast St hilda ____

P1RSIAN Bli hlTlFNS or i-xchango Prire

Blue (lil kitten) Imported blur nt stu I )J> Cuntí rl iirv_r I Canltrbiirv____ P1GT.ONN lil or voutig an) Inchest

prices given Hvland s sennitt s lee Mork« (J leen s BridfT_Phone _2______

VX7ANT1- D to SU I POM Harness and ( over » » ness Cart together or separately also 7 Pure Leghorn I owls with rock 40 Alma ni t»m




. INrvv and srrondhand

Hundred» to Choose rrom

TIARM-SS ind S ADD! UtA I ight and Heal-.

llIUTliS AMIS spitlvos S1UF1S Ac A.

li rite for Catalogues an! Barnaul lists Overhauling Repairing Hubbe Tyring



l8" Queen street MFIROUVtNF

6"0 640 Church Street SOUTH RICHMOND

"ÂT^IlTjYl RiTÑ )te -Clïvïnd CountVrpXGGIFÄ -.V linkers I huctotis Waggons Carts new srcohdhnnl eleirli g for i cw stock «levens 1"7 0 A letona parade O llmp-wo ' _ A A -Spcedlni, RUGC!_S ££1/10/ 4.16/10/

. hing Jinker« £1-/10/ King Ivamcrs £10 10/ Speeding bulkics £lj/15/ unapproachable

v_____e__on-_wc_r Maring Bro. 41» Pliai eth st.

A nilOTT HI G(.Y gool order Fn"lisli under -»*- ijrnaj,r ho I bargain -0 Merlin Quat l. mita avenu Ripponlt l I jrk ( c ' _

A T StlrMund « latrobr st nibber tJTe 1 JIN A. 1.1 It i."l/10/ leaullful ! bicton _"9/l0/ l c. hooded Bl ggles »plonill 1 stock __

A UCTION Dr S and 0 i wing Bros STOCK

A. li A( (.ONI TILS Iiggie Dra" (

Tools cirri tors inrewr.ed ale »4- IrunMin st Svdnev Aniuld Best 111! Co Qn



w AGCONi -ros stock



BUGCIlv -New show niSbertvrel At lute

chapel new p aro liox and farmers Buggies and sh double »rated one rle-arirg pnces s even» 12_ n I letona parsdc Collingwrod

Btlrl A A! bott 1 carl, new slrlish light lever

hood brake lamps leather throughout Har ness ! argun Dortet 453 Nicholson st North r__tiro»_ BL( FA hooded st»lish strong 1 nglfsh fore

carnage miller tvrcs rcvrrsiblr scats like

1. n bull ) rubb r t.

t sue riftee Burton in I

Knox Biirwoal rd _Jlawtliorn_ "OI CCA Ah! ott lever hood leather I! mugil -a-* out perfect order cost _G0 sell eheii In spcet Mon lay to I lentv r I South Preston


. .. epaiuting several good Ibt otts and 1 iano-l o-v Bungies Waggon» Motor car» 1 0 ight cr erel aiigpci_ Bs HOOD! D Bl Gd lolu,-distante lilli« t,ooil

» a n . c1 cap s Se.mour rd j-lstcrn

M-AV SIIOAVltOOM at 411 I lizabeth »trcct

n up to lite stock of Buggies and Jinkers G od work lair prices

___ln-pceiton Invited

morl» new Boggle

Jinkers Pbactens lonv C iris Grocers Mill. Carls 1 ruit l\ igt,ons Ac Harness single doulle Sullies Brilles cash terms lu Stewjri

tt _eltv ( _

"I/IAIIMIHS lliifcfci HA((ON ieificl or I

I1 1 utr I t ill I r nova! r sells drop tailboir I I rake troi- stilish Dors-t 4 ra Nicholwn st N rib lit rev _ __

aOURNISS LAITS rubí rr lires limólos

Bl .gi s «lol« Hil r new ml croll I lan I iii ii; sal Mir ris esiarhb illdei I. v GOlHNtóbLAIt mit ponr cost j.10 olTcr __>' Q leenjt_

"IINIvIR ; I His Dmlnptjris notrr «lidlig eJ ral 1 ni. li tone nie vrr. suirrinr nil mice drip 1 I rough(11 si Bitlnoi I Hill linne di __llin l_or__ JlNMvHt mil r Urs moler seil oirritlmt

Ijlrst hjriirs» «ivl vii lil p,rfr t 0 1er eompul r. sale I I I r I st Nnith Ile Ho 11

TINKI I Hiller tires Ii Ion wheel au 1 si ift« " lite t «vic ml lum mu t tell J.I A R itr st s^ lair

In cal I 1 II tri n

111II Burlón at I h ox

-s to!, IONV II I m I an!


.I lime

rl Soi Hi A irra

TINlvl-B if. lill r lire I I es1 vue mist

.I s il cn 1 led Mr* ni s "1 ,---.

riNlvl Rs (41) lew Jil I s II 1! le» I. ,« .» .vrlrfirc I ilii-ue it d 1 ir-iln 1 « « ( if,. Uro« is Qirrn t »lcll it el Rieht 01 I

T (IIIIIITS all <ir 2 A\ l.gon« 4J l.r silt J- linier cr ..I it orr.hil, Ro. e tram (cr t 1 1» I 11 rr Norlin otr__

I~lHltl lient carn "~¡ons Iiníhlc nie

J .veil luilt larkin IVivinr 1!, M nv -I Sill Mell uri __

.»lill ION h (»I Irile lullen I « _!," r I 1 ihr 11 u t sell 1 (Irait 11 ir 1 ir" N

( u!t 1

11IANO BON nllrr Ivrcs I nx runnini, nvl s

(with el li »if loll I liv), 1 «t.lxi elter 1 J

I) 1 ru st

"PIINORON Bl I FUS nil! tjre. Ill 1

X linkers J, ot ni s» Lus new at 1 fee 1 1 li id ilcarilu, «ile Moms 1 achbuil I r Lew T\71C( ONFTT1 strom. Uccn'c 1 silt countr. II elcj| A Bi.cndilo M Don ii I st Mar el nil._

Tit I ONI Til ml Fn;!i«)i t r rinia-i

1 ike ni f) ern it' W11 ( (INI "Al it nette« nil si e ni. ?»,

M tiv nu. ^11 li. sink« bl, values |K-| ( 11 re-h «t S I ith omi _ __

Vt'ANTID veri I lad t Bl ( GA .hu Ihm« >» te 0 I order f. r i 01 v 112 INill par iculars irle 1'onv _Ari.us__ier_ _




A A A A A.

Aitiir Aforoitcicii.;

The Worlds Best Iv 1c<t

191, Wedel 31 h p , eouiiterslnft _eir box

speed platt dutch chain and belt drive deeom passion spring (rame, perfect s-lo or side ca*


191. G li p Twin, .countci-h lit gear box 1 speed plate clutch chain and belt drive spring frame 1'ie latest and bc-t in Motor Cielo, car practice

In drive and construction

Inspect new models. Cotalogucs 'ree Cash i

Carbine lap 4 h p c.ngle 4 r 0 s h p Twin 1915 model engines t* tilt to vour own order and -inculcations Anv nuke of cjclc atiu motor taken ss |Mrt payment

Cash or Easv Terms Co'll or F_isy Terms

fcecondlat d Alutor Cvcles best nidi eras powers. Inspection invited


bole Vgenls for


Nominal II l> 12 Brake II P TO

Pelroj Coiistimplion 10 VI P c1

"A CAR of Pel feet Design an 1 FINISH'

Fitted willi r EirCTRK- LKIiriNG,


Ac, Ac


Three or Five Crater Car, AVith Complete hfluipnient NO LATRAb RF QUIRED,

Price J.J25

6-12 FTinders street Melbourne

?"..Turner Bros. Turner Bios.-New BICYCLF-I to Order £8/10/ to £17/10/ old machines token part pajment Secondhand Machines Iron. £3 long terms, '?undries belriw co«! Ask (or catalogt-ca. Turner Bros J" rllrabcth st Melbourne.

A-' 0 h p Al TO CARRI1 R CHASSIS (is u ed

Iv General Po-t oflici Ac ) guaranteed brand new an I in perfect condition n sacrifice under hall co-t (ruc i-V Shield- Motor Co, 0 Flin der_ st__ "A BIM DON rhp lap for «All or Exchange -eaV foi «ingle ei linder s,H1,|u^ ,nomine. 12 Horsburgh grove off Kooyong rd Al mad ile_




All I owcr« _3 to 10 li p

Singh, twin and lour C.Jindera. ,

Cash or casj teni s Exchanges arranged Trial

ruus given



"0" 9 11 11 Swanston street Alclbourne

ILHU'AIHS Repainting Re nmmilig, "New

lillie, tir-1 tlass iver! linn hip lud materials

All HI PAIR-- Fngliiirring limit Work Paint

mi Ac i nlv competent mechanics reason able charge- Couti Bios, Advance Gurjge, 177 Que t n st_ Al I VV1AC ---pari Pttrol lins In pressed steel,

with sj et lal holder for screivin¿ on foot bearii 12/r Srott a Tire I-conomiscrs, from 37/0 Tana Vii tal Polish (k1 tin

I V Al V C (The Vustrahsian Motor Accessories

«_____ !___!t_ <el _21_F lixabetli st I'honc 6574^

AT Denn s lascelles -2(1 Rover, double seutci,

full) equipped £150 roomy 61b Fllxalieth

sire I


Al I) im.*. L-scelles -lo 20 Talbot bargain

doublt sealer, ¿UüO, newlv painted

J* h&ibrth_ st, ,_(_*_ Al I>enn.M I.a»t.cï.rs ,' (.colong -Double soatir -*-X liirrUOHI11 oolourçd, ii-S-, bingle, colo .rod uno lu.Hi late m«Icjg___

T ncnn>F I/iserlle*», Jt-cIlKmrtie,-¿it TO Mer

cedes» _rio_h1e-.-catcr _ white excellent ______*

. Dennys t-QrtPcllcs - I nplis.i ijwifti« at

s)rociníh low prises, (elect tp*daj 61EÎ YAiza. i bptli st ann f penong_ f , ,._ AT Demu« latinea'-J nRllsirisuiUs, sitial

prices larg lins OIS HÎr-abetl. st , .iimt«pp I lonç_,____

AT I>enm>* Iäst-Hc» -Maxwell smffle*¡y.ftieT,

JÙ1K) biKchlh hood I m rira in JIalop ei.., Geelong_. . ? .,_ AT Jîonn.t. l-0tcp]lci, (.colone -1 ord, double ._Eciter, ¿TO tooHjoífpr unte at once _ AT IJcnii^fT^hisTotlcs f (jOpIoiik-Si£iure-.Nauciin, ______doiiblj^ w»t_r,_]í li P_ Wtlendld c1», nee_ A T lleno«« U«cll«\ OIS rtlr_ttbcth"bl -27 li p -¿J- Studebaker ncwl> lahitcd pre*» doublt. BCitcr, £J*0 nnh_ ,, i____,

AT Dcnms taste) les', Melbourne - 1S-2J Kiat,

splcnhri eli!.tis, thorough order, X200, tk_ Ihen or waggon cluin drive_



Should bc^on hvery Chassis In

41australh ; (

INSIST on One for .our'.New CH \SS1S

Whether Produced b\ the AlUc&.pr,,-tuertea,

Cheapest and Best at on' x

FtflQV% , ^

St, -Kilda ^q:^ -_,. r

Get Quote i Tfi^e 8*00

Itepairs and Tainting a Speciality

LTOrAlUUEl. Mi p first class onlcr tnnl

Riven to be bow \iition, Beauchamp b W ed nerlai neit __ _

BS \ B.nR'e scat,"perfect order nih'sODOn.Uev

. cheap lo- each Chas Kiel, ftt Little Bourke nt __ 'Phone s_:0u___

BAI.0AÎN, JL19J lilli MOUIIb, «iscater liitc

model, priori rlimhcr fist, any trial Box 17, Stock 1 it hain..* Melbourne_ BAltGAINS in S¡nBle watery noted males

CAïtern must eell genuine lut_nlus offered i"1) Queen f-L _rit*v


BARVET G1-\_S stiel, cisv patches The patch _jJut never comes off_ BUM. and R0C11I PT! ITD (late Bennett,

Wood Roche Ptv I til) "3l>-21t Swanston st , Melbourne __,_

BFH1Î. and ROC III -KO\FH 11116 counter

shaft Motor C> ele» just landed, thev nre per feet *-cntl for a caulogiie_

Bl URI and IIC1CHI. - Secondhand Rover

UOTOR C.n F-S «anted, nnj model, an} condition_eii«h vv altin j_

TUR. and ROCHF -l\e specialise in Motor

It KFIMIHb and will make any part jon cannot irocurc______ BFRR1 Slid ROC111.-Urse«t stoC-S of Motor

ArccS-ORlFS in Australia cvcrtthinB ior

the motor aml_lnotori«t ' ^^ l Bltn C1 F cent s R <~V imported, htlfnnei

Archer I speed toi«ter, pear ea.e, llrobks saddle offers_eit__Ro.«i st. Armadale T

BIC^CIF (rent's 11 S A , FÎilic free" wheel new

tvrc-, best order must sell laß Mills st.,

| Mhert Parle_.,.. _

BIM Cil BS.1, cost 4.11 Utile i V, , one of

the lest michine« must sell, urgent .0 Crnir «t Spotsvvoed . s

B ICI C1 I TIRLS 6/ 6/6, b/0 11/ Tubes,

a/ 1/11 5/1 anti r/tl IlieiclM from -.2 Stsnclard Cycles, 318 I llabcth st., Melbourne._


rcrfect Order,

£2 £2/10/, i.l'111/j £1/10/,

Ne» to Order £1/16/

. -? - ilk

TI Rib, '<! 6/(1 8/(1 Oeelllic,- 11/

TIBF-, 1/0 1/11, Oicmlc 5/1, Dunlop, 6/6

HFPS.IHS to \.n Mike Cjclo



Secondhand -fachlnts ctiual to mir, easy terms

Catalogue posted Sundries at half price Carbul» | Cycle Co ita Rourke street _

BIC\CLI-3-Duplicate P\RTS stocked, USA,

Red Hird, Massey Harris, Imperial, tic sun dries and repairs casi terms Prince and Smith, 131 Sydnc) re! RninEivIck_ B ICI C11 .« - Wiitc for (rec 1U16 U ir bumuiirue,

discount "J | cr cent off Illcyeles till "nias,

lilv Cj.le ttorlt« 111 Coiniiie-_eial.Ttl Pnb-an_

BI( \ C I 1 S -flic I iii 1 nil! lo eirelcr absolutely

the I I or evtrvlinn- genuine HSV 1.12 10/ le-s il pel cent Nina» reid on_ BIC^ C11 S -Tin Uli our spei lal Xmas offer

worth «colin, all nu leis subject to same dis-

count Works 111 Coniiii rtlnljtl Prlllnii

BOOM - M itornts ¡ret full vahío out of lires lu

iisiiiB Vii uns s S| endless Tvrc b ner Jones

lane 118 V Lonsdale .it_____

BOOM -Motorists' Nu more Hu; lire Hill , us

A linns s bpclldlcss Tv re .aver CD/ set, filled '

I cnt !->7S

BOOM - 0QO In lo a»i i

Tv res ! v iisiii. telJii l_illcj_at t.-age_

BRU Milli M S ROM) M.P'Or MCI URTA/ for

metor an I e.eie teñirme, nevv edition nt

.k'nN _r._iii_isljlureaii 1 mikscllerj' 1/

T>1 O VD11I VI s HO Ml M U' of al) Miles lloiln I X» Mclbiuirne foi s! nrtcr trips mu edition mw reid, it ill mein» 1/ po<leel 1/1 __

IIIIOMIHFM ?> «?PI CI M Oil 111 W11 MeTlOlt

> 1101 II MM". Melin «rue to Sjehicv an I to Aleliildi mil I at s _>/( cull til lill li ti!stller__ _ t-\ M 10IIS.S.ON I IH1HIC M, lOMPV\\, 118

v . 1 ons Uli -t 11 otu Cent "Bl - !l i"nelo

ui I llvrnino I vpert _ l h irj C8 mo lerati

Í s vim! I \c7r staler v rv little needv looks like * iriv, int Irlal cr is-ndn ition veo cheap lim , llntora, C3 I Ittle I iiurU it ~ 'Phone i2.w ___

_r>Mt. eil Ave lui I lip "uri li in 1 erne ^ strc-üiiilliit liotli ii inn, Riiirinteeil ordi, will imr"i lenna IM i^e I Prihran t

,i\ll lir Mil PI lip 4 cvlinder« 5«-i(ir I In.lisb nuki, c nipl te willi booti It £10 Ulqhv 2,SSnnsl Hlelimonil

/SIH^IS Sltlee-ll, De l er \ ill« lol Vue" V Uro lut.lii Uti veil i len. lo, 417 Siean st n st lt»li iv i I <"?. ile Ciuh-lic Sulniv \rilliltl lit «I idlu.Ji "illin, st

_ l|l\Ss.|S or C ir 1 i win I bist "um I pulir V I le I u I I V Mi I! ina» _

/"VII! M' lllimil (lill Hills t\ln lui

\~> ..' li ii J.I I S.uli lui! ii 1 I u 11 h tr u I iildit llir .« msi i jt

/ HN-ilIT Mllllinvs li r II dil St e illili I *- I MIS i. id le in I siiilI « Jters tun trill ill I rio- 1 liol e fib- IN Hu! eil I _ /"«.Ll .our IUII Hills in Hie - lou Illirie 1 V- Covers au I Se ii ! o wini em will culb' uni lo lo II Ml l ey r. lo __es_ / IUI F C VI INDI II-. II 1 it I mel i n. mil 1 in V llliifi« mil I lill i n n n t it. >nl r Mlrln MtltrWorlts I 0 M si el l North Milli) ni

/"«Mil CM! ( \\ I. 1 rr. eil olhei ililli I V. lit model IHMIII -llill«i_ Nc.viurt DIVM1 I'll t Ill's s u ^1 tali _.' o

ceil order in i ii Hil m .io/c, I lrte-n

»bk _ _ _ * "

DP DION PU I il le«ejtir ^rooniv. good

ordir lonipleli £1j or terms linlav ?

liles. 076 Fli-ablth st



With C'.t.A'. Ughtln]




Telephone, IVinelsor 42-1.

Motor Repairs, Milling, (¡ear cutting, Case

Hardening, Ac. ',

Motor Accessories, Oil», Petrols, Alvvajs in Stock-, _Ford Overhauls a .Speciality._ DU DION Car-owners, for repair», spare parts,

expert advice, apply sole agent, A. G. Hamp-ton, III Flinders st._ DcjC'Tlíít wishes Sell 12 14 DI.LAGI.', single scat,

wire wheels, perlrct order; expert inspection; -2Í0; principals on]». .Medico, Owen's Agency,


D °


MO-OIt-CAR. ,^ .



Full Floating Hear Axle, Tunken Boiler Bearings,

Chrome A'unadlum S

ricating; '

AVhcel Base, lioln.;

ll'oight approximately 22001b.,

Very Light on Petrol and Tyres,

Dclhcrcd in January, PRICE £313.

REMEMBER.-Tills Car, unlike manv others, has a MAGM.TO, which is most essential; also FULL



PT!". LTD.,

331 340 Latrobe Street, Melbourne.

DON'T Throw Away Your Old TYRES: Fitted

witlrScott's Economisera they will give »'ou lhou.sunds more mile». AU garages.______ DOUGLAS. 2J, 2 speed, clutch, perfect order,

.Seen White and Dulguu's, 4,Wright's lane, city. ' ,_¡_ DUNLOP Molor-ejclc 'll'ltl_!, 20 t.Uj, English,

suitable light car, complete with tubes; £0 set. Benda, 01 Queen st.

E~X C'l- L S"! O R M O T O R - C Y O L E,

Comfort and Safct»*.

The Spring Scut Post, Long Folding Foot Heals, and woll-bnlaiu'cd Engine give the comfort and stuhilit»' of a touring ear. .

'The Grip Control, Powerful Double Brakes, independent!»' operated, and Low Saddle Position

make it Hie safest motor-ei cle ever built.

' No matter whut »our special reciuirements, yoi

'The JAMES motor-cycle engine cylinder has staggered radiators t loverly arranges! to facilitate tile How of heut to outer points; A'ulvc» ure of large urea, Intel changeable, and practically un-breakable; Piston is light, and exceptionally btrong. '

Evtry feature of the machine unmistakably de-monstrates the merit'Of skilled design and craftliunsliip. . \

Orcler«»our machine for Xmas now.)

Catalogue' posted.

ÍTXLAV BROS, 322-4, Melbourne. 171 >., single-seater, nearly new; inspection in

.'» vltcd. Tarrant Motors, 00 Little Bourke

st. 'Phone 9205. ' . -

F ii., 10-24-h.p., 5-scutcr, llrst-cLiss condition.

._F.X., northcote P.O._ I7-AT LANDAULETTE, perfect'order, for SALE,

cheap;.suitable hire work. Grimwade, Flin-ders lane._;_ FIAT, 12-13, doublc-seit, 1015 model, ear like

new. 1-iton and Co., 430 Bourke st. (Cent. 0285.)_

Oil Little Bourke st. 'Phc

THAT, 16-20, single-sent, tilt., model, wire detne.

heels. Eaton and Co., ISO Bourke at. (Cent. 02.5.) e_______ I THIRD CAR, lutest model. Apply MA Caroline

; st., South Yarra. Must sell, owner going n_vay._ ___________^_.

IiiORD, 5-scater, reeentl» overhauled, splcndiTl

- rittinfug older; £03. Anderson, 111 Elisabeth st., 2nd lloor. Te!. 7472.

Coburg._ 17lOI!ü"sirc Motor TYRES, guaranteed, 3000 i

. £3/15/;'Tubcs, 20/. G. ,A. Benda, 31 Queen st. 17.0R1), flvc-scutcrViiciirl.v new, Intermediate body,

? painted gre..'.' .5(13 King st., West Melbourne. FREE ENGINE, . Illlb-Illillt, In, 21 wheel; £5.

Sutherland mid Farquhar, on. Toorak «'"tiotu___, _____,_C1 C1 'A. BRENDA, 34 Queen st., light RilbberT. studded, 20 x 21, 27/0; heavy Jlilbber-stllddcd, ".3/0; Tube«, s/._____ G~îÂrBF.N"DA.-rjlotor-e.vclc OUTFITS, 1/0; 26 x

. 21 Tubes, 8/¡.heavy studded Tyres, 20 x 2}, 37/0. 34 Queen st._

A. BENDA'.-S15 x 105 TYRES, guaranteed, 3000 miles, £5/6/; Tubes, 27/. 31 Queen st.,

G-. Gr.

?jÄTilEMJA.-6S0 t 133 oversize TYRES and Tubes; nltnost half-price, /'ill Queen st.

_ni~"Ä. RENDA.-SIO \ 00, 810'x 100, 32.x 31, 035 VJ*. -. 135 TYRIS; nlmo«t half-price. -31 Queen st. a'ÊRMAIN (Knight engine), 20-ll.p., single-seat,

.electric II. '¿Cent. 02S3.)

X.electric light. Eaton and Co.,. 430 Bourke st.

>nt l___l ' ' . a ET Two to lei


misers, . All accessory houses.

'fl LOBE - MOTOR AND TAXi CO. LTD., VI"" - -03-103 QuccnM' Bridge Street,

. .?* .>, ' South Melbourne. -'

"WV" have the» following SECONDHAND CARS

for SALE:

1 I'inot Touring Car; 1 Pono'Tolceló Touring

Car, scat ., £230: 1 Unie Slnglo-sciilrr; 1 Ford TaxT; 2 O.ll'.K. light Cars,,from £140; 2 Ford Deliver» ; 1 Unie Tourer, seat S; also Motor-c»cles (new), from £50 catii, two speed, free engine.

All aliovc in Hrst-tlusS'ordcr.

H UMBER, 20-h.p., 0-scater, spans wheel, nil

iictissorlrs, looks like new; any trial; £200. Hall. 107 Quern's Bridge st., Soiuh' Melbourne.

M O T O . C Y-0 LES.

109-113 Russell Street.

IJiDIAV Twin, 7-h.p., 2 speed«, C.B. sldc-c

'?<- good-order; bargain. Not Sunda»'. Il) Pc sti.'11'ntliran. nrir station.'_? - .




I., ,. DAYTON.

1010 Models read» shortly. Write; for catalogues

of these machine's.

Old niuihines taken us part payment. terms arranged. ' I

lange assortment of Secondhand Machines-' Ruclgc-, Triumphs, B.S.A., J.A.P., und Indian.


Motor Works, i

j High and bliort -tract.. Bendigo.

J'A, P. ENGINES. - We specialise ill the HE

.' PAIRS, Ac., of these famous engines; 20 x 21

perfect order; £57/10/. Baifour's,'Geelong.

JA.P,, 8h.p" twin, 1015, 3speed, kick starter,

. as new, petfeet condition; tltcup. lb .Mtiniiniglrcc rd., Ilnv.thorn,___ J.Í.P.,,~0h.p., nenrly new, lamps, spu

. not home Snlurdj». 137 Tloddlc st., W. Hi mond. __1_ KEEP Your New TYRES Ncvv.-rTurn your dis-

carded covers lulo detachable jatkets, ' SeottV Economisera._All garages._ KINGDOM CICLES, easy" terms; B.S.A.,

. depisit, balance 5/ weekly; Pattern, £1 deposit, balance 4/ weekly.____ .__ TV"INGI)OM for sundi les, low prices; ("lülñ«,"4/;

XV Tube-, 3/0; Clivers, ¡Vi., 0/0; Sjdellc«, 2/11. Kingdom Hor-s, Ulifton_lHII._

I' lHY's"DICA'CI.E, free-wheel, supci iiir"!iiè";

J Mdl £".; no further use' Miss 1 lloma«, 252 Smith sr., Collingwood. ____ _ IA1I..ST Italian RAPID. 12-lVchassis, just "un

.( pac leed, llcxiblc, silent, tlcun; J-4Ö0. Finlay Bros.. (.73 l_l__licth si._

.AhA:*ltADIÂTORb, reliable repairs; nunile....

tiller. Petrol Tanks, Mutlguunls, general «licetmetal iiiotur-«oii.ri. Cnrlieit (lute llli'kej), 21 trshaniitiss. J-r., N'nrtll Melbourne.. _ I" KIHI' CAB, slandlnl or oilier "luiíkc; must

.- stand expert inspection. Price anil purlieu.' lim, K11, Argils.

LIGH T'\VriGirr'.llt'lilTUAUIi_,T3/ ¡nlr. Slither

lind and FitriHthar, op.,'1 oural; station. __ M"l.(!.-," Hie' Champion Motor," bc-t" bv ~¡r«t;

. ionio in uni see du- lalut models; new shipL'nt ju-t landed; repairs clone in IIIst-class st» le. maude and Alilliespn, Sill Lou-dale st.

.!*, «eli Mailers, .icc-iuntil.ilors lep.iircel

TVr.VlNI.TG* -K.W. High Iclisiiill Single, Tv.ii __L mid If.linder .Magnetos btneked at Tarrat

«, Illl-M'll -«I.

MAX MELL, iloubli'-caler. 1011," Du., tori "tile«"

_",.il ..nier, -eitind; £103, lurg mi. Finlav .. ,075 Ell-lliclh si _ _

¡OKIHSCIM 01!)) epiallt» ILrhi" CII!, 10-li.p.,

L ,( -nioii-'l r vlleite ; model de Luxe; e'licip. Pip.1, |'. nli r Muter to., U7 Lillie Cullin, st.

MOKll'.l li!, .'. j linder, rat 3, -p!, min! niele r.

"mail'.,, i ."-J. cn», tni!. II. I"ii..s um! , 52 llamen.- 'I , l.ll.e.11.

MOTOR ri'CLIS. -, to Purria«., gon.1

«rcoii Ulan'! MACII)Ni:.S, u.l mikes anil ; good price«. E. M". Broun, 2cr 0 11-lj S. ihm oil -t._

MtnOIHSI-.7l!iiairois.-Gi't Gear e-ii(liii"-, Mi'l.

lu"', C. -.' Ii ml. mug, Now Pall-, ii must r\ siinm.'il Inn, Davies, bliephcrel, beiuth Millieiurnc

Tel. 31S.

ICH THUS "nu! Tube Te,'.'

_ f li ICH THUS mil Tubes,

-Vi. _l; st-, x t'-,. t.", r, un


111. lum ml.

fOTOn-CYCI.I', _l li I»., good iirdcr, B.wch I 1 nd 11 c iib . Di Hld fork«; 0.11.

i, 2.I.. High «I., l'ruhun.



0 T 0 R . C Y C I. K S.

"Il S A." MODEL "K," "U.S. I." MODl'L "K," f "U.S.A." MODUL "K,"

"U.S.A." MODI:!, "K,"

with alj 1015 improvements, ." speeds, nud free cngii>c, counter shaft gear box, chain and belt trans-


The machino is the finest product of the famous R.S.A. F'aetor.v.

Write us for full specifications. Catalogue, with pleasure.

millmgf: bros.,

260-271-273 Post-office Place,

. Melbourne.


TURNER UROS., sole agents for the FAM01I3 English HUMPER and VELOOK Motor.Ciclcs, fitted with all the LATEST Improvements, kick starters. Druid sprint? forks, llosch magneto«, Ate. : ami the renowned 1IAHLEY-DAV1DSON, the CHAM-PION' SIDE OAH ami -01.0 machine; S h.p. TWIN, 3-SPEED CK lit BOX; counter-shaft, free engine, Uoseh malmeto, enclosed, kick starter, hand brake. &_.; also Hie VERY LATEST in J A.l. MOTORS. 1-h.p. Sinitle«, 4, 5, 0. and _ li p. TWINS. lll'ILT fl'EClll.LY HY CS FOR AUSTIt ILIAN ROADS; SECONDHAND MOTORS; all makes, from £16 OUARAN'TKED IN PEIirECT ORDER. MOTOR SUNDRIES and REPAIRS at whole.slc prices. Any MOTOR or BICYCLE TA li FIX as PAH* PAYMENT. SIDE-CARS i SPECIALTY.



17 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne; *"

And at Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane, and Perth



. I. urdíase your ACCESSORIES at, and Bet jour Repairs done by the old house in the traelc.

argo Shipment^ of J. A.I'..'Snares and Sundry Goods just landed. ;

Limited-number of World-famed' A.J.S. 1IOTOR

CÏCLFJ5 available for delivery before Xmas.

Special Attention to Colllitry Orders.

, K. «'. BROWN, .

207-13 Swanston Street, City. .


OTOR . CYOLF-5. MO fOll CYCLES. PRECISION. Hil! 4, £70; Precision, 2-stroke, 2speed, £55; Secondhand Machines-N.S.U., 6-h.p., twin, £30; King Dick, 3J, free engine, £45-, '.Icifersou, 4-h.p , tree engine, £Jd;,Pierce, ,4 li.p.,


Terms arranged and exchanges effected.


TOR - O Y O L' E O.


. B.S.A.,

MILLEDOK IlROa, ' rost-olHcc Place, Melbourne,

_Sole Agents,_



Up to date, seat five. Owner having single-seater

built, Bargain.

_FLOOD'S, St.Jvlida rond._ MOTORISTS.-Damiwcd Moto'r "amps, Radia-

tors, Horns, Mud Guards Repaired espial to new; Carbide specially made up in airtight tins

for motor use.


_,1.1S_Klinibelh Street._ MOTOR, CYCLE ACCFSSORIKS at prices to

beat all, 7/S; Dunlop Belts, IS/«: Crash Oicnll.s, lil'« suit; Motor Cycle Outfits, 1/ each. If we can't stipplv- sou nt a cheaper late, don't hil}. SUTHERLAND and FARQUHAR, Swanstoii_street, cil.v._M" M" ÖTOR_CII.isSlS, Side-car, Delivery Van, as-

signed estate. Auction, Tuesday. 457 Swan-ston sL View- to-elay. Catalogues, S)dnoy Arnold, liest, und Co., 10 Queen -I._'_ MOTOH-OYCLES, .I.A.P., Precisions, U.M.C.,

and Sarolen, cash or terms, from £15 de-posit, £2 monthly. Hercules Importing Co., l63 Qucensberr.v st.. North Melbourne._ MOTORCAR "Owners.-Carol Motor Oil. HÏe

mlist reliable lubricating oil-, ask for it, or write C. 1.', Higgins,* roxton'lane, rear 305 nin-den, lane, city._._ MOTQIM3AHS for HIRE; toura'arranged. Wright

and James, .lunchou Garage, St. Kilda, 'Phone, Windsor, 603. Repairs done by cxpclts.

All Accessories.

MOTOR-CYCLE for Sale, Triumph, scconilhand,

in good running order, just re-bushed: also new rings on piston; home Saturday dening anil Sunday, len Station si.. Ho- Hill,_

MOTOR-CARS, "secondhand, single and double

, .caters, various makes, good order: from £45. Hampton. 114 Flinders st._ MOTOR 1/lRHY, 3-ton. steamer; £00. or oller;

eo«t £000; Isirgaiii. .Miller and Co., 51S Brunswick si., North F'll-roy._ MUNRÖ'S for the Best MOTOR-PARa-Cross-

ley. Mors, Bayonet, Hillman, Clement* Bayard.- 501 F'li-nbcth st._-_





rn.__s-OMRN.U- MILEAGE TYRES, AND REAL ANTI-SKID TVRES. Guaranteed on a ¿000-Milc Basis.,

Solo Distributors:


* Bussell and Bourke Streets,

Melbourne. , ,

S-h.p.; J.A.I». ^Racing


OVK It I. A NI) New" 1910

Known as Monix sa. ?

In U*t Saturday'« issue we told >ou about the specification* of tin« »underfill no* cary '"nils | week we wKh to brun? particuturly under "lour notice the splendid sjstem of hifïh-tension mngneto ignition nnd the two-unit electric generator and electric self-starter as fitted on all model Sí. Over-

land*. I


Dependable Ignition. I

Ignition must be absolutely certain, and to ensure this should not be complicated v.u., or dependent on any other part of the mechanism.

Batteries and coils originally u*ed for ignition were lon^ ago pro. ed less satMactory and U"-s

rctiithlo than a magneto, i

The development of electric lighting and starting, which require* n storage battery, tempted minufact.irer_t, however, to rut their co^ts bv- el. minn ting the magneto, depending on the starting and light-ing batterv for .«uitinn ul«-o.

When ignition is obtained in this way it lilians a very involved compllention of partK Diflleultv

with one is Iikolv to atTcct the others. Should I «tarter fail or lights not uoik, .iour ignition is apt, to fail, too-and jon can't run jour car. X

Overland ignition !?» nrovided with a high-1 tension magneto, independent of every other electncal patt. Not even atmliarv dr\ Ivatteiictt arc lequircd. The magneto lins no connection with Hie- starting and Jiirhtinir sjntem. It does not deteriorate-]s nlvvnji ready to deliver a hot t-parlc nt the llrst revolution of the motoi. failure of starter or lights canuut nlíect it.

It is the stmplci>t system, 'ihere U no complicited wiring to eau».*, trouble; there la no sepatate coll to tret out of adjustment. The magneto requires practical!v no attention bc>ond a drop or two of oil in a thou«and miles.

It gue-* a hotter spark than other nyslems. inftirinjr complete combustion, and therebv utilising all the cnergv of the gas. This meant, a livelier, more powerful motor.

Magneto ignition is more expensive to tlie maker than other j-vi-tcins; but, in common with the highest-priced airs, the Overland has it because it is, the most dependable.

MODEL St OVERLAND Vu]\y Equipped Tqurlng Cars sell at £..25. .

The Huest value e\cr offered in Australiu.SAMPLE OAU ON VIEW.



Bourke and Eun»cU Streets,

Melbourne. , ' .

yiiifitnitctl and Descriptivo Catalogues Mailed on request.____*


V T. It 1, A S D, 1010, -modi:', sa,Has Arrived, miel it Sow on View-.

It will pay von well to Inspect this Car before

ordoilug ebewlierc.

TI1K I'ltiri: IS iiSM, willi oiorjlliing on. and Incii-iiing'Ric lights ami r.i.iurriuc skm» STA 111 Mt. '

AnMllTKn-(he simplest, stnuiiihest, and best flnislieil, modérale juiced car ever produced.

Delivery tan be given In few- ekijs. -

Victorian Agents'

itr.i.i.ow-r.ii.iviNM:n motor co.,

Russell and lleiurkc streets,


dialogues mailed on request.

O'VKM.lMi TOI-.RIM: cAll.~clcVrlrnielif iiid

.Lu 1er.'null 10 months old: am- trial; £.M0. Mnlthew-, '.ill Russell rt. ? Phone ."iei;-'___ _

/ .Vi:HI, ÍM1," t.'i-h.p.. ¿omi "order," dn'iili IWK1 I' oui), mu (.u,; £U,'., birgiln. l'inlsy

Uro«., (IT.. r.liMhelh 51.


AUTO-WKf.niiHS'and llNOINKFrRS,'

17 billie Latrobe ftreet,

Two ilnurs oil Swanston street.

Thone ,17M). _ __ _____ ". /"\\\-AClT\l.l.\i: WII.IIIMï. Imf.eST'oriuki'd, V.» nr iXini Mnlir uni ii n bine Parts any met ii ii'liiireil: Jhiiniiiiiim wink n -peeialli) ; all vvnrk «iiiir.ililee'd and turiiiil out qu'iklv and puiictit.ill.v. Iliiiiibnni iiiil ltnhiii>on, MJ I ft., between etiv-insieii mid I li/.ibi-tli vi-. 'I'luille I'lliO._

r>iL\iri¡ mun rvms

X ,\i mimi eulin nu' .. ?


-Ire Riill-h made-nu

.in intiu'lv Illili li Ii

de in tatillon b.v

llevar li-' best tv

le-, and tlie binti



The wisdom of selecting Hie 1010 "BIG FOUR" must be npp iront lo cverv intelli-gent buvcr. 'nie Motor ejele, with an un-broken chain of succès., guiiird through consistent""irliibilitv and ettleicncv. 'liiere is one futter in the success of the "Bli; FOUR/' winch no other po«sc«.«es-it is i:\PEitlEMK. Fifteen »cars of ai-ciiiiiiilateil know ledge, obtained from aetut! tesfunil practical experience of Australian condition«, concentrated m the "BIG rOlilt" guárante,' to a Biner greater margin of power, greater relia ldlit», greater strength of iranio, greater eroiiouiv, .uni greater re ii value for money th in .mi othei mntoMvilr at or near its pine. Ihr onlv Alotorcvele «old in Aus-tralia tint is built and designed from ind to end to with-tand Aii.lriliiii ro-id and condition« Tlie machine that lia« «mired both Au-lralliin Defence Department Con-tract for Motor-c.elos for Active tervue.

Standard Aludid. _70. Throe Speed Mcvdrl, £E0. 'Jbree Speni Counter short (¡car Model (reidy lite ni Deiembir), £S0.

A. G. llhlLING und CO. PTY. LTD.,



Mid«, and li Iioli'Mle Dislribntors onl).

Any one or the following Agent« ..ill lie glad ot nil opiKiitiiml. id proving "BIG FOUR" S" ITRIOIIITY 'IO A OU. Make amusements for

"PRECISION HEIDI)! INTERS - CARLTON.i- Two's coitiptn» but three is a long wav bet

cr it ti,, tlnril party n a "UK, lOlJIt" Side-car milli. The christmas holiilu.s ..ill shortlv be i .on, .,",1 ,t » - ....


I"). HENDERSON", Ualhilimn «trcit. Carlton.

PRECISION liriDQLAltTLHS - CAULFIELD.-1- . HI _ sluiiui~s u week, and all the tountr;

o explore, all the health and pleasure of .... -1 outdoor life. Mi « a wotk for all Hie jovs of Motoring for um That is what it costs lo run the PRECISION "BIG FOI It" Side

' outfit. AVrito for "A vard ot proof."

I. b IIO.IUDM IN .Dandenong road._ IJllhCiSIO.N HEADQUARTERS - HEM.-Hie

PltlX-lblO.N" "BIG FOI"!!" has struck just the huppy medium in power and weight, which i« aaklng it the universal Motor evcle. It is power

ni enough to luke a side-car .invwhiTo, am! is lower in cost of upkeep and depreciation than an. Twin or Single of equal iKiwer. A tri ii run will

convince von.

II. F. COOPER, Collum road, op. I'ost-olllee. , PRECISION HEADQUARTERS' - FOOTSCRAY.

-You can pay more- ami get extia power that »ou will Ijavc no use for, but »on can't get the* same power, equipment, and reliabllllv in anv othrr Motor-otic lit the sunir pries'. Hie PRE-CISION "UK! FOUR" is the Motor-c» ric that has ttuit reserve of power tltiit enables it to pull ii side tar ut that stead»-, even pace over hilts and through heavy sand, which is a delight to the owner.

?I. ANDERSON. Nicholson street._ T3HEC1SI0N HEADQUARTERS - -NORTH MELJ- . BOURNE.-If »on will make a side by side comparison of n valve, big omi bearing, main-shaft bennng, and gudgeon pin of a BIG FOUR engine, vutlrUic same vital |>arts of anv other Motor-cycle engine-von will understand why the PRECISION "BIG FOUR" has taken the lead in Motor-c» des for long wear mid rcli.lbilltv. There's a reason.


BURI'.-No mutter v.lut power »on prefer3} "BIG FOUR" or O-h.p.-l can build just the ma-chine .you want,'and »ou will find my workmanship and my guarantee just ti little better than the Motor-c» cle buyer usually gets Let me demon-strate my 0 h.p. Twin, with its remarkably lo., petrol consumption.


'Hirco reasons wliv »on will cventinilly bil» BIG FOUR"-more power for the .«une nione», longer wear, »respective of price, hnllt for Ans

lltinus. I sell "BIG FOURS" bn_u«o


tra]Inn condition«.

1 luve proved these assertions are



Tile Simes Garage i« both In colour and ser-vice essentially a White House, and the reason we handle the PRECISION "BIG FOUR" Motor-cycle is on account of Its reliability and endur-ance, which assists us to keep up our reputation of giving perfect service to all our customers,

. SIMES AlOTOR GARAGE, High street. _ __»ll_Cli-lO.N' HEADQUARTERS - BALLARAT.J- Wit li niv 20 »ears' experience m c.vrlc und motor work-, 'l am in the position to judge the Motor-rvclr that will give »ou liest service. Mv speciality is the 31 Twin PRECISION", the ideal solo mount;, for »our Sidc,-car tour flh.p. Twin PitEClSION ,is the machine »on .will eventually hn.v. Have »on mode »our Christmas arrange-

ments? Como and talk it over.


NABEAI,.-By purchasing a PRECISION Motorc.vclc from me »on get the brnrllLs of 20 »ears' en-gineering and Motor-cycle experience, and one of th best equipped Motor garages in Victoria. This means for »nu correct equipment and satisfaction after purchase. Let me open your ryes to the "BIG FOUR" capabilities. li, II, MERCER._ "PRECISION" HEADQUARTERS - STAAVEI.l.-I

have built and sold Motor-c»des of prtioti. cverv make ut different tunes, lint f always recommend a PRECISION "BIG TOUR." My icusons ure, that 1 have found from' actual experi-ence it is the most reliable, economical, and ser-viceable machine vet on tho Australian market.

A. T. IIUTTI.Ei". _




Here Arc a Few Kxamplcs:

BATES, 20 x 2J x 2r Special Covers .. .. £3/3/ BATES, 2(1 x 21 Special Covers.£2/10/ WOODGATE'S MOTOR-OYÓLE OutOts .. 3/r, euch. .AIONT1L SIDE-CAR Tail LAMPS.0/0 each. A.K. KNEE GRIPS.10/0 each. DOVER MOTOR-CYCLE PUMPS.5/(i each. STANLEY LEATHER BELT LINK .. ..1/3 each.

>RFCIS10N BIG 4, .tunney, 3 speed, with

sldecur outfit, complete, new. Johnston, 28S Sydney rd., Coburg. ____

ETROL ENGINES for SALE; 1, new, 10-h.p.,

2-cj'L, fitted with Bosch magneto; 1, S.U., 14-10-h.p., 4-c»l., j'iist overhauled; in good order; sacrificing. Tarrant Motors Pt»'. Ltd., 77-SO Ljgon St., Carlton._

p U I. L M A N R-E P HT A T I O K.

The.Pullman Railroad Corporation is wide-world known. It has .1 high reputation for sound engi-neering, design, and material.

It is not likely that this good name-would be jeopardised in their latest model


One Ins only, to examine this car in detail to appreciate tlie line organisation that backs the machine with its reputation. '


073 Elir_bi'Ui street.

RADIO, The Radiator Cleanser.

ADIO, For Cool Engine AVorking. RADIO, For Internal Use Only. RADIO, Sa.-cs Naphtha.

RADIO, Hork.» AVhilc Car Is Running.

RADIO, Preserves Tubes and Water Jackets. RADIO, Obtainable AU Garages. HADIO, TRY 1T1II

KAPID, 15 h.p., 5-seatcr, verv mee order, tin«

' body; nnv trial; good Dire Cor,- Tarrant MotorB, lUMattl« Bourke st. 'Phone 0205._ REGAL CAR for SALE, single-seater, mulei -lung

thassis, new!, painted, new hood nml-sidc eurinilla, nickol fittings, one spare tyre, three spare tube«. Robertson, 400 High si., Northcote.

REPAIRS.-An»thing and Ever» thing Bcralrcd,


REPAIRS.-Cheaply and Satisfactorily,




REPAIR..-07 to 101 I.lltlo Collins street, .REPAIRS.- '

IIEPAIRS.-Opposite Eastern Market. REPAIRS.


OVER, 1011 molle!, and enaedi-billlt side-i-r,

condition gtiirniitrrd; an) trial; mu«t sell. 22 Eduard st., Gli'liferilc._ ROVER CAR, S-IO, in pcifeet order; will sell

' cheap. Mr. C. VI". Hilson, SrotFs Hotel._ SCOTT'S TYRE FCONOMlSEI!S,"tllo mill- genuine. protected hy patent, bteps will be taken ngqlii't liiiilligemeuts._ CÍ E C O X 1) II A X D CAR S,


III the Best Cntiilltlon,




Fafnlr, 4|, JMJ/10/; 3] Mutthles«, .speeds, fiet engine, -13; Sarolei, JJ, fue engine. £3S; L.M.C., 31, £.0. Sutherland and Farquhar, np. ? 1-11011._,_;_ CJIXO.NDILIM)' MOtiiR-ClOI.i:, -cylinder, 31, C) Piwlston, Triumph, King Dick Wanted. Cooper, Staple.- st., Mest Melbourne.__ .


Ö_Dr» J l.u_l__l.v,___^n___,______ Q II 1 P M E X T



Just Arrived.

.IIS. A. MUNRO and Cn .


r_Tl)E CARS.-There me now (¡rsTtlöci;-ridÏ? £3 CARS on «.usliii'lun neills built In us. our nrl.t'ie spinks lui ll'ilf. Our luti'.t spiin,. .ihcel is 25 per tent, in advance of Hie rigid l.pts


_228 Glenferrie lind, GLl.N'M.HIME.


IV. .1. li IIIDEN',

101 Swanston st,at, M.ltourne.

©¡IDE CUIS, ici le li hüllt luidles. I point cl.l«~l"T >>' '.is III . «-1111111111111 uni linqiihur. Siva.!


aiDE-l'llIS "mud to uni mntnr-iirle, pulen! >? * 11>|> f..| Iml.; e i«h ri Innis. Iii nilli'» Inv pci-t.n,. I ii.. II I Qu. ii'sl.iii» st , Ncnlli Melbourne.

(JIDK-ClR, wicker lioeli,". gund ehr*!»; £0" O Siillii'rlnilc_lllil l'iri|lilnr,__p 'Timrak station, Ç_lt)i:CAltT~eMiilSnillt7 light, «Tung; sell; bar"i-1 gum. -.". Ili"li st., Malvern.

I .



Extraordinary Successes in .Australian Trials con-tinue to be repotted by riders ot

-i-ll.0. -I.S.A.,

Filled with


WESTERN AUSTRALIA.-1» Mlles T.T Side-car Race. 30th October-B...A.. first and second, beating previous record, by over one hour.

,,'NT:W ,?.#,.*_ .-°rTto«*' Meeting, Brighton Bcacfl, J0-liile Open Siele-ear ltacc-1I.S.A. first. l>cau_K big "Ivviiis." amiele Open HandicapU.S.A. llrst and ÍJ-stcst-timc, again beating "twins" of'ï-9-h.p.

VICTO.«!...-Marysville Reliability Tria], Siele car i-cctlou-U.S.A., the only "«ingle," with sidecar, to get through, winnup the Trenca snecial

prize. «> '

NEW SOUTH WAI.KS.-Throc Sidecar Trials, Ihree svins. Cleat record put up by jir. c. Lloyd


Now in stock.

Clll at .vour nearest agent, and be convinced.

Agents for Victoria, M1LLKDUE BROS., Mel-

bourne. ^ _ - .

. *.i Y--.nS3.N,E .¡,';p'«Ttlnir B.S.A. Co.), Al >

tralian Buildings, Melbourne.

SINGLE-SEATER (3), prctly 4-cyl. car. like new;

owner going Sjdiicy; no reasouabh< oIIct refused. Francine, 222 Hanks st.. Albert Park.

SOUND, doublc-scater, IS-hTp., stroiiirquiëtTcn

glue: any trial; £00, cash, or terms. 478 Elizabeth v.t._ STANDARD, I.-h.p., üscater, very comtortablo

ear, hplcndid order, all acccs-orles; any trial; bargain. Chas. Kiel, (¡0 Little Bourke ft. Thon.


The British Government purchased over three million pounds' sterling worth of Studc-altcr Motor-cars, Transport Waggons, Vehicles, &c., during the first three months of the war.

Use their judgmeif. for your lead, and buy a

Studcbakcr Car.

Roadster, seat three, £350.

Touring, firc-paFscngcr, £oP_.

Electric lights, self-starter, full floating axle. No caí within £100 of its value offered in Vic-toria, Terms arranged.



400 Swanston Street. Melbourne

(Above Public Library).

SlUllKll.lKKlt, 1010 model. 5-seatcr, electric

starting, (Vc; cheap; on way from America. Studrbakcr. Argus._

IV. 11. Baxter. Now st.. Brighton.

SUNBF'AM. doubie-sealcr, thoroughly overhauled,

in perfect order; cheap. Chas. F* Klei. Gd Utile- Bourke- Ft. 'Phone Ogg._

S\VHi"l', single-seater, 10-13 ELI*,, wou'd maka

splendid delivery lorry; jost overhauled; owner, medical officer, le_r_ng for front: sacrifie-nt £1_-. Sunday monning, "Iliad,«* Kilburn st., near Orrong rd.. Cauln"d._ rmLHOT Touring OAR. fitted with bet ? J- colonial boely. complete with hood, icrecn, alt lumps, and toole,, m magnificent order; bargain. On view Kellow-Falkiner -Aotor Co-, Dourta st., city._



Give tlie greatest satisfaction; HXXVndlc gnaran* teed on cars up to Ifîcwt,; ôOOO-milcs over locirt. No blowouts or punctures. Send to-day for boo.* let and prices. Oive size of tyres yon are using.


39$ tni_ibctli Street,


'Phcne 1035L

T~ÏÎF. nice for TYRES and Tyre Benair«, lüdest

Repair Works in City. Prices to suit camp workers. Bennett, 21'_ f.-itrobc st, Tel. GOGS, Wringer Hollers lie-rubbered from _/(_

THH PULL-UN* has detachable engine-head, earn

shaft, and oil sump; £320. Finlay Bros., 075 Elizabeth.st__ TRIUMPH, 3 speeds, expert examination invited;

must realise; first offer, us Tari, st-, St.

Kilda._. ?TfiliUAinuLf,," light -Car, for sale, fully equip

X peel, iib new; spare wheel, complete; electric light, horn, Ac; £170 cash; see it. Sat. or Sun-day, Radley, "Dccomct," comer Chapel St., Alma rd._



Firdlders', Engineers*. and Welders* Tools.

Assigned Estate. Oxy-Acelv lene Co., 45? Swanston

street. Catalogues.

SYDNEV 'ARNOLD. BEST, and Citv, IB ^nccn st.'

TURN Your Old TYRES into Detachable .lockets

witli Scott's F'conomisct-; and cut your tyro hill in two. Alt accessory houses stock them.


V Patent Motor Grease, Solidified Oils. All garage«. Commonwealth Oil Co., Jones's lane. Specially adapted F'crd's._

DERS will be received by the nndcrmentioned until noon on 4th prov. ilîgbc-t or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tender to be necoinpsnied hv deposit equal to 10 per cent of tender. Chassis has been removed to Hampton's Garage, Flinders street, Melbourne, adjoining Dunlop's, for convenience, where it may be i_-pectcd.

II. II. JACOBY, Adjuster of Fire Losses, 31 Queen street, Melbourne.



," n-..,. a VINOT it is -necessary to order at once, as our rcceiitty landed stock of Chassis is only small, and further supplies are practically impos-sible to obtain. By latest cable we learn that ship-ments have stoppe'd, as the cars are commandeered by the authorities. To-day we can supply 12/1.. 15/9, 15/20, 25/'» Models. Catalogues, details

WALTER Wli*n»l7Rîf PTY. LTD.,

_5S A'Bcc-ctt Street. Melbourne,_ VINOT, 1--1Ï, single-seater, used 6 month?, all

nccc-sories; perfect running order; trial. Op-portunity. Argus office. . _________ YTTANTl-D, to Exchange, Block of Lund, value VV . £100 (15 x 145) for MOTOR-CYCLE anil cash, or Motorcycle, Side-car, and cash. R.S.,' Ihii___.__0.IJjO._.___ WASTED, lo Sell "Studebaker*1 OAR. .'i-seater, V V electric starte-r. lights, etc., complete; per-

fect order; owner gone away. 17 Soutliey St., St. ' Kilda._ "fT/ANTED, B01ÏY. Torpedo, lalest, to" sr»t S, V 1 wide »eat, for F'ord chassis; any orelcr. Tvrc, Ar.'iis._ \"t»ANTl:ñ, Secondhand MOTORCYCLE, c.v Under 1 ' :¡j, Precisión, Triumph, King Dick. Cooper, Stanley st.. West Melbourne._ V|".\NTI.U, KOKD'OAIt, coinplele, .-miter preV V terreel; ca-h. \V. Dnlliniore. lkiot Store-, corner rinrrndnn mid Bank «Is.. Soulh .Melbourne._ V\*"-.NTKD," MOTOR-CYCLE, -single or twin, nnv 1 1 giioel make: also Side-car; cash buyer, ¡nunceli

.Iv. . lil Chapel st,_ (Windsor SSTiB)._

TANTEO, TALBOT, or English make, 12 lo 15

burse, iî-sc'iilcv; gooel order; cash waiting; £150. W.S., P.O., Collingwood._i WANTED, to Huy, Fecoiiilhand siiiglc-senler VV_ÇA.t; gili- full particular--'. X.Y.y... Argil».

70LSHLI.Y CAR, 10-20, single-seater, any" es

animation or trial; uallv- nice car. Tarrant Motors, «I Little Bourke st. 'Phone 0-05.

WA, w°


Hing Central 630 or 8233 and get measurements taken, samples, and estimates - all free to you. Special discounts for contractors and large orders. ,

A HCIllTnCTS, We carry Large Stocks, ot


Also , .F'RAjn.N'a FEN'C* ING, ¿¿cr CONTRACTOnS.



'Phones 105.1*. _. I.

AH C1 li I T E C1 T S, i B li 1,1,11 É It S,

USE "LOTT'OII." SnEETS (Patent).

Tlie Ideal Materials for Ceilings, Walls, Attics, "¡c.

Perfect Face, Pure White.

Tough and Sliong, No Cracking, Easily Fixed,

ltiiruirc- No 1'uluting.

'Phone Cent. 31.13, or Send for Sample and

Particulars, Sole Manufacturers,





Submitted for

ELECTRIC; LIFTS, full automatic, switch or hand, rope control, vee wheel drive: guarantee against over-winding; tutent electric look« and automatiu doors. llilyi aulle Lifts and Hoist..

A' A

Have You Seen

HYSOirnrs .S.l'.I.L FENCES and GATES, stTlcl A and HV Tliei last a lifetime. Prices rc.-onahl«. Inspection invited. Send for catalogue, Bysouth s.


wKU-sr.ASON'Eii- ^n<V"i.-.BUÍS!íi:-vv1ír.'


TIIHI.E-l'l-Y WOODS, ALDER, OAh, ,».*.". M "I". _,_

.t ANTHONY and Co-,

_ A_l¡,:íie:U«¡_el.__-á_---í:

(I*o~r Continu-tioi. of Xlitaffl«-^ Advor

twcm-nt_ Sec Tage 0.)

TENDERS. _ ~rmitmucd from Bago **__}_

.ririuiJAX.'roîAïimiM' mm»

Homar- Sii.tth Uinlthl, Han »ging-»,'

.«-iwiM fo- SI'l'l'I-l« ol (lie foUovv-Ing

'.'?"?/«SllI* »?S\vmw* in Um port ot Mel*

to tiidr pi win» .

hcnipJeir 1°M:~ v Aeraleil Wolcrt!.

Me-t, Kre.ll Milk

mail ,, , - Cfliii'1'iilr.ile'iniillí lcer_Mw_. W'ushliig

PUi ami f.ame -. j;llB|nccr-' supplies 1'eniltr..' - Kleetri-il «qiplltM.

A foT» »» »PP"»llon ot '"" W"ra ,,r!"K:',. Au-tralla« IVIiarf. lnd" ,,"t necc-sarily'ac

TI e l.we.l «r -«.

erpt"Jr . ..uirel.i.v, HU' l>eTul>i'*'i 191!i'

Wolla anil Colling-,

ffiSSwoSS ) For Dad«» anil Celling*

w Ö. tSUSSEBST-N Mid Co.,

JO William slrcct.


-13 "w^spr" m se in this usa

,. u.«-*-.-r_ o our ManlclpiecfS, conse

"Mtlnrf'ïï"seU "t pricea that'will «touri

>"? PATHS, OrtATKS. &e"

At Equally l-ow Prlcc«.

IV. wööniiKAp,

sos-. Ixinseialc Street, Mclbournc.

Werta i_Ç__i_S_____*_

'-^TlLBlTc ' M A T E It I A L S

.. ? OP AM. KINDS.'

Xo maller whit you want,_


«rile tor price-list. AM( our tra-tllei. to call. Hate one account, anil Love « willi


eil- BOAB, ilEUlOUltNE.

T.I-H liras anti CABINETMAE__S T.1 aT Imilrrl lo Inspect Stack* at


t?Ti/rv1« Material nt lowest t-os-lb e prieçp. Ät7Ä-dd« the airton lillii nulvv-y «ta

S, T___ cierr lew minutes. - II you cannot

tî' 'n^c or write (or price-list "B." "Phone. ?VJ£ £«"iïl ÏT5. We will be pleased at nny Ä «mfaTong one ol our travellers to inter*

. l- ...>n.ctl___i__i___i___._ ( ' iuE-lxii liny Steamer Aware». Pnrtlcntui., ,i"r.'H« of .tórrenlo and (.-oca-Cliff Staimsliip Co.

rtni''X"T~rw~Aii.rniaric llyrtmimç i.i-ii. us a' 0 ...Wiiiil.': Wtwt. AlkeniH. e I ros., in-nu'"huer». HO Hinders tit- illclhnunio."TTeVvi-¡TU ÄTcn,Lion, Commonwealth,

IVr ni.. South Melbourne-_¡-,

f< 11 A 1! I* K S 1. K- I O K,


111 Colin« Street,

Invites TKNDKB« for

The EHI'CTiON "I ."_, TIllllEll ami TH.K RESIDENCE

At Unnisivlcl..

Tcleiilionc eon.

u a r i, r. s i. . nie


111 Collin- Street.

Pul tes TENDERS fur The' I-UIXTKVX" of


At .Moonee Ponds.

Trleplionc boil.

fYY' ¿"i c"a u i. v nrfTio. TTVnillS will ho «reived until I p.m. TllcEd-y, .Seieinlirr M. ml.'. Ira- the follnwinf: WORKS:

l'en-.irtion of Orai-o-urn Avenue,

Ccnitti'illwi »f Uctorla Street mid lllght-ol

i"j'i>.mi tpteille-tions may be seen at the Town

Bill. , ,

Seither the Io.r«t nor uny tender necessarily

"'''**'' I"' JOIVOTT. Xow-!l-_-','_._.

AT TY ~"¡f JÏ Â I- V 11 It" X. 0

TENDERS, nceonip.-niiril by n eleposit of B per ml. m M'Ji or liitik-in.irkcd cheque on iininimt illineleT. »Ill he rccelveel at thii ellice until 7 lim. cn Wcelni-sn-j, Hie 1st proximo,'for:

1. Coti'tnictiem of Victor road, Nctlierlcc ntrcet,

»el Knca nvinlic. '

i 1'onttr-ctioii of Unmaele Portion of Jorelnn

'I'«*1- -'.. ..

. (kmitnie-tiMi ol lilglit'Of-vrny on Hunting

liner road.

I. lleljlllne; Krrfenl streel, from rinrh street

lo Cpore;,' street.

ï'i_ mil inci-ille-tlons cm be seen nt tito To Hill. .

Ti.' Iwt or any tender will not necessarily It i^rtrlfil.

I". Ilt'OHES, Town Clerk. ltira Hill. Valvcrn, i>lth-'Xovembfer. 11)16.

h "IT Y ol 31 E h n~o~\j R n r_

TFinr.lls «III be recrliTd until it-.p.m. on 1-esl.i, lim Drrriiiln-r. for

«toil Paving of Koulh feUk of nindi*» Street


ipubullon mil' he s."en at office of Hie City Sjnrrcr. 'loiui Hill, .Holbourne.

Tie leiÄCjt or jnv trniler not norcaarily ae «flM!.

T. CIEO. I!M,ERV, Town Clerk.

Toan ( l.Th'i oflicp, Town Hull, Melbourne, _8l!i

'"'unlK'r, I'M.',. _ ___^_ p i t y of" m v i. n o ö it >*"_;


lollte le hrrtliv riven, that Hie TIJIE for re'tiri of TKxnr.iis for Murros daughterIIOl'K, nilUJXG CHAMPERS, &c" nt the Oily .'.l-llom hu bren KXTKNilKI) until 3.8D o'clock Ma. on MONDAI', lilli DECKMUEIt PI10X.

Smnlcalion may be pren nt' the olilec of the City Archileet, Town Hall.

T. (¡KO. I'JJ.EIiY. Town Clerk. Jwti Hill. Melbourne, 'Jltli November. 11)1..

(J 1T V" or S T. K 1 h D A.

T-Mll'JISufllI be received until i p.m. on Tliln.

w>. -il îlixcnils-r for:

1.1'oi.sínirtion of Coleridge Ktrect.

_ t'.n>truction of ]ll_;lit-of-way oiT Die'kco.


- Kiibmj: and Chiinm-lling, St, Kildi road,

''«¡«tatioas iiuy he seen ut Hie Town Hall.

il e lowest er any tender not noi c_sarilv ace-ented.

Vllr-.BK. UllAMllEnUX, Town Clwlc .1M1 li._

^' Tt'y ok st. k i"l d a.

i.eisi: or aiahket.

TriDFJIS will lie recueil until 4 p.m. on TJuyfci. 2ml Ueci'inlicr. 11)15. for the U'ASI! 'I Hie CORTOBATION SiAlïKBT, M'elgliiiridlte, ?_ 1'jtktt Dues for one, two, or three years, 'reta l-l January, Mill. ...

-'u'l'in'1" to he hail on application to the

i'!ll:i)K. CIIAMIH'RUX, Town Clrrlt.

-____H__M__8t liihl.i, Nnveinlicl, 1013. _ (J11' o' siiiitii MEÛfomiSnC tJt'^H^'i? ,ri" '"' iwcni'il at the Town Hall, Utililii v f"0' Tlil ' p'"'" "" W011"15^1«'!

Mfl'-V' of HOUSES, Dram, and Drivers for

(.rnerjl city t'-rtom« Work, from .luuunry

10 se-lileinher S(l, MIU.

tab Arne? """V b° 0i"^'h", at TmV'1 n"11' Vin. ii i, 1;' c* ^NOCKI-llll, Town Clerk. "»'Mil Slelliouriie, November al, 101S._ (JOSTllACToiiP, otliere, Copper Sinks," Cylinder», ?lllmiMn Bl>ll.f . "ot-watcr Tank»; all oImso I ft lim,' 'Ü ?_?."*! fPI""' work "»dcrtaltcn. ^:'-4J¡_-__l_J_3pklln_sU. )lelb. 'Plioue «oil. ? ..rTF!JI'^':)10'^^

l^.t^í,m?|,.',''K"''i?,,l.'J,;. '" >tt«,k ">"? ?<. »".?"! M« riîî °-Wi >oin"s ,vork » specialty; cstl

»w»_ei»j._ See on- siioOTociiu,, ,ioim stone.


n^v ,t0-.ï,AOT »EPAIITSIEN«.

rïT wra?' P«P«rtTTt quotes for Snhurban

.m7. ?/"" sl3tt t0 ""l51'- B-tlmatc» m SI. t rw' .""? onl-' con'Petent mon teÄr ' " »«"««--y wc cleAr away old

rvn'Ä "'"S Central 3228.


.''''," MELBOURNE.

Ö^firiini.0^ i,.nrillM* '""?nory. Mouldins-,

«»fii!"""1," Mnterlnk. ,tc ; lowest .,v;,, "_T,nre__,Jox Hill miel RiiiSvvn-.l.

T V. ,"'; " ll("cK*'-r.rtTXA

Arcnttort, Sil f,»,enilein street, -RrrnAS'",* T1:v"l:HS for tlv

nÄ,,','.'>.'mint .""' 1IOUGI1CAST "LsIDKNCi:, Central Avenue TÏ77-Iianboe.

a S .''Tî"-GS7>i.n'l.ler.* Ilfaffl"«»^ Añ "ile t'A' Bn'«TT. *e., nil Amtr-llnn

E''Tn"' elm SPORTS -iUETTNC,


'to m tame',l'"t e"Jcra ,or Tciiiperaueo llooth ¿'«IN'-ia,IN, Hon. Fci'retar.i, r.Ilham AlhicUc


C 15 li 15 N T. -..atiúns,

"'S llaterials "vrrywliere.

a"" I« TOI,, c_iîn,t.. t'.rtillo,.., s«.

s"lt« tor lloofa.

CWrS S;J!'mstÍr'°"'' r'1:,,rOT STA'!»

ui.racn«cly _iip_r_r to l'uInU

P i « n o


3il, ïï"',IAUni1* ***"1 fo-,

__J'llllc UIIuir Si rem

* »"Wrrs ]'ljtV "ln*lï'l*N(!*<rOiirniiijrTriuïiv"""líale'. 'i,| "i- «*. '-"«'"'or anil Co., inOiMIcrs,

»K_ ^"," !" B'uiiMilik. 'Phone m lliunsi


i «< Tjin!. î ,iV 3,Ml' »..?-.lî'iPrs,

'.Hitr TT\ni' s ,""ïi,!*"-"!. Melbourne,

1 fl,'',a' Elrlcruvnck, for Plllllr.-r--- -,n"1Ul' '-'H'

_?> .-'"aniKÄ- V^'oant\~x¿r''"'';'l1""nrar'KMÍ',

!^^"V%,,"ci1^^'^' »

_¿_ -. ' ' '


(tj. n. i.Kirit ami o. iimtitinnr. i.eitjî,

. A.I1.V.I..I., Aroliltcits,

! ' < '"B /-'""¡'î» street, Melbourne, ';,. . bijlle T|:M1ERS fur

t» SEW TlIUEB-l'1,0011 FACTUIIY, mid Ad-' - . ,allouai Floor tu Kablins Factory 1;

? (li) NEW TWp.STOHY WING ADDITION lo « .?. íáfeí'"* l'oclory 2, Reid street, NOM II

" FITZROY, ' i

' t For ?

' .' 'Messrs. PADDLE.BROS.,

. Hoot Manufacturer».

Qllaillllies-Mcssri. M-lister nnel Ooodinr;.

Tender-. Rclurnahlo lléennlier'l-, 12 iieSou.


O-D FREY . mid 8,1" O W E II S,


, -I Quien Strcel,



For Uio Commissioners o( the Stnto Rarlnr;s Bank.

Tenders clewo ot our «alec Wcdliuielay, Dectmibcr W, at noon. Depoalt, £10,

XX IV, »m1 F. ]). TOMPKIXS, r.l_V.I.A., .*-*?* , ' Architect»,

11-Elizabeth street, Melbourne, ?? ,

Invite TV.NDKRS for


At South Mrtbûunic,

For the .

.Herald and v»'ti_._- Times Limited.

quantities by J. A. Wood.

TX IV. and F. .11. TOMPKINS, F.E.V.T.A.,


? l18 Elizabeth street, Melbourne, | Invite TENDKIIS for Wood and Glu« P-UmTJONS

to Commerce lloitse, Mintiera street, tor the

Cnmmcrrliil Travellers' Association of Victoria.

"r~ArHR0"H7irPaintcr nn,rriccoriilor, 108 Queen *______!t-tiroatos pli cn for nil clasrc- work.

TARRA H WEATHERBOARDS. Vin., rebated, u¡ u nor 1(10 nm. lHllnrs' 'rimlier mid Trading _¡).,_C)i_l.ti_ii llridgi'. Soillh Melbourne,______ K EMPSON nnd CONOLLY, M.R.V.I.A.,

Archltccls, Oxford Chambers1, Bourke st.

To'. .1546.


. 1X08, 110-118 Little Bourke street, city,

__Tcrielrr« Cloy 1 ' neon, Friday, 3rd December.

KIi I -V G E N DER . and A I. S O P,


(W William Street,

Melbourne. Tele. 24!".



Liverpool street, Melhotime,

for the Perpetual Trm-tee«.* Association, as trus-tee» u( tilt« <_(ate of the late Kdwartl Davit-,

LIME (BULLDOÏ! BRAND) menus a superior

quality of builders' oncl atrrieaitturol Lime; supplied in nny quant U.V. rilli particular- from


T. CUR!'HY WV. LTD., Burnley Railway Siding, Klthmontl. Tel. ¿SO?. Central._



Direct from factory to buyer. A new series ol -cslenia now tihowincr in Australian Oak. Black-wood, and Kauri; also, ji«at landed, larpo shipment of Wblte Porcelain Enamolled Ballia, second emality. ThcFO baths ore not chippol. Birt re

lindon in priée. Bargains in Grata, Tiles, Kerbs,

Electric Fittuiers.


MANTELPIECES, Gus Flttinss, IaU-M d«i¡msl

inspect before« buyinp elsewhere Do_e;li_, 571 Bourke, »t. (first lloor. tlirmigh Kino'»).



SEPARATE TENDERS, returnable al s o'clock on Tlntnal.iy, Dtrcnihcr Jil, l!|ir,, at tlie" Head Quarter» Stitt ton, art» invited for

Klro Station, Garden htrrot. South Yarra. Fire SLiitlon, Hoddle sticot, Abliotsforel.

?platt«, and «.iirrlflcitlnria can bp feen ot the officr» of Itpssn,. Oakden tint! Ballantyne Royal Insur-ance Buildings, 41 í Collina ftroer, Melbourne,

Quantities' (rom Air. Arthur Anderson.

, l)epo»it of _ô peí ituil. must aceompany tender.

'" " or an} tender pot necessarily ae


J. DUDLEY, Secretary.

p G. FIG K, A.R.V.I.A.,

4-.I Collin» Street,

Notifies Contractors Hint TENDERS tor HOUSE at


. CLOSE'on MONTRAY, at 13 Noon.

Deposit, £10.

C. T. Kc'i'tictt, -W City rd., South \felli._ IilulVsr1 Spëëiat'iiiiôiif, and quantifia-, PRE

I'AIIED, by experienced architect! from £1. Hulimfeird, lui! Hay nt., Brighton._ RE V' O I, V I S G " M'' A I, t, ' "BED.

Inspect' Botero/Building. . >

"1-Otr.ttcd in Temporalice«, and General Building,

-, - - ' Sydney.

ONÇ OR MORE ROOMS SAVED, 101 \ 12 room equal to 11 y H.

Bcd-Slttlni? Room», Bfd-DInlne; Rooms, _c" Qui be Reversed to Balcony, lor Sleeping Out.


HARRY WILSON, 31 Queen street, Mclhonrne.

Scnd for Pamphlet. 'Phone "OOi

EEDWOOD, dry. Ileruiril, srcdnlly selected, ¡m

1 porttd, quality (ruarattteeel. Love, Bo}al, «ml Thuntood, St. Kildn. Windsor <?-!._ Ö li fft Ë ""O F I. E X T O .N. S



TENDERS oro invlteil. ami will bo received, up till 10 a.m. on Wedneeda}, December 8, 101-, for the following contract:

Contract No. .1/lfi/10.-CO}&TI«]CTÍON of Three ltELNFOII'JF.D CO.VOIU.TE BRIDGES In the Shire of Lexton.

Plan"! and Epoeüdi-tloiis niav lie Inspected at the Shire othro, lx."lon, and at tho ollloc of the Municipal A«t=otlation, tho Exchange, 3_) Col-lins strePt, Melbourne,

The lowest or auy tender not neccic_ri!y ac-cept t'd.

\\ .1. 1EXKIS-, C.E., Shire Fn_ineer. Shire Hall, Lexton. November la, 1015._

B. MOREY, Shire Secretary. Sliirc Ofllce, Yarra Junction.


HIRE ? of UPPER VARIt.l. TENDERS nro invitee!, anti will be rrrt'lvc! until ] o'clock on Mnnila.v, nth Urctmbcr, 1013, for tlie

followfnp; work:

Contrjtt No. 4



I'luriB and specifications may lie seen ¡it the Shire Office, Yarra, .tarina; ofllco hour».

_11. MOREY, Shire Secretary.

Ö If I Ii 13 of 11 E I I) E _ H K R G.

TENDERS are invited up to I day, December '


, Spcoifii-iions may bo wen at Shire Oillco, lleidel

bcr?, and also at Police Station, Diamond Creek.

' li. J. PRICE, Shire aecrrtar...

Sliirc Oillce, Ucidelb-rg-, Nou'iuber 23, 1UI5.

i. H I « K o' îf U SAWlDI -V G.

" clock on the «1th November, for 1B77 LINEAL FEET of TAR-IMYING FOOTWAYS at Bo\ Hill.

_,1011V II. KEFFORIl, Shire Secretary.

'chow BOOTH S.

Alternaflve TFNDERS invltrel by ltoriimliiirra ABricultitral Society for PUBLICltl'S BOOTH at Show for one. two, mid three }oarn; and TENDERS for PUBLIC LUNCHEON, Afternoon Teas, and Nos. 1 and 2 Fruit Boollii, for next Show, Jauuar.v IO, Tin*., clnsina; December £.

AU iiu-nti itinn from P. II. WATKINSON, Secre-tar}. Korumburra.

The roar nm! noise of tim ordinnrr tliislllnc; elstern is not only annaville?, but oil c lubinas»im; Tbc Impel m1 Silent Flmbcr opérales «.¡lentil, jti»l Hie R"w«!i of wmer in Ihr panthen SILENCE. Inslallcd in our new blllldltii; -come tun! inerpcu iheiu llooktct and prices post fire

John DANKS and Sou I'lv. Ltd ,-11 doors W. ol 3tll___mirke>_____Mt'l__;t5il,'_-:_____.E^

ITEEL BOILW!, SHIP, or GIRDER PLATES. ll'e bold all sl/e«, fliteknejse», and leiiRths ot special "rijdc.ilalr«." Brand, tested by Lloyel'a,


And Al! (liber Purpowa

If our «.lock list hal not renehed jon, write, call, or telephone.


(Jnint, Dodd», and li «II« Sírcela

(Rear Ilomecniuiliii Hoeiplta])._

rpi-vIlER'í, nddres»cel to Clijinnan nf Hie MelX buiiiiio Snlleir»' Home, will be ret'cived up III! timm on Monela.!, tile' l,tl, De'CMtlbei, 1(115, (or SUPPLY (or twelve' maru.w, (rum Hie 1st Juiiiiarv-, ililli, (or the iolleiiiiliK'

Meit, llicad, foal, Milk,

Stallli'll's Outfit, ßrewili». Particulars on application.

t!. II. SMITH, SlirKiriliiFltilcnt.

rf^KÑllPÍÍrrítir'.Tll kilnirï'iiii'IruiTloniil Hork e'sliL mates lu n-ftreiliu to Sill id. M\YIV AUS. TR.ILIAN IIUILllEI!'«' .11.1 CONTI! ICTtlRS' PRICE BOOK; Illiiblralcil; reilrcd lo elate. Prke

M. Kihi i road, invitee! TEN'IILIIS for the lindel

nicnlloni.l Sl'PPLIlii:- Gieiceile», ilriuil ,ai;, Flour, Meil, Milk, liuller ural Barer»,-and ' na I. Ulomolivo .teiitlen (or ii itioi'ili» and 1! nionlh» fiom the 1st -annan, lilli. «HI lie at cue) mull f, n'eloek'p.iii mi Tliui.'hn, .'ml Hu ember i""«i

The lirvvcst or «nv tender not iiriatailli Jtceptcl. Forms of tender and parlliular« edit iiiidblt; al Hie odlrc of Hie institution, St. Kilda rone!. Iii order of tho board o' inauaftemenl. J'UI.N .lucoi is, 'äiilierinceii'Jtnl and becrtturj.


Tun Mícrjioünxn uaiu.oíi thust commis


TKNDi:nH fire fnvJtctl unlll cleve;, (11) î\,ii

Tup&day, 7th December. HUD, for tue f« lue SnilVlOKS for Hie year MIO:

1. Supply of St-trcj, consisliufr of Uruíhwarc,

Holts, Iruct and Stret, Uublirr Ho«-e, Irouînonçerj, Oil-.. I'nints lïnjfiucerV am. aPIiitubem' Supplies, Slilp Chandler}, Timber, Wire Hope«., Kopo und CnnUisc, *f, Anv »Ingle item tn-iy bp tender, ti In-. Preliminary deposit, ti j>cr cent, ni nntnunt of tender.

2. Supply of Stationen*, HimHiii,,

IIclio_.rajili»i, Blue l'nulp. \c. \n\ tMiitfle, Hem may be ttndbrcd for. Preliminary de* . posit, S per cent

J 3. Supply of Oral. Preliminary deposit, ,£100. i

4. fupply of Cartage (dray worV). Prelimin

nrr deposit, »Co.

Supply of .CïirtQîi" " Preliminary deposit,

C. Supply ni Worses, Harness, and Drhc

Pre li in I nary deposit, iilO.

7. Clcanatn^ Cioffb nt \\..liftni-loun. Pi

liminarj Jepo*it, £_;

8. UlMUGlnKT Cïnucl-ï on the North nnd South

Side« of the Itíier 'iuir.i. Preliminary de-port r, £10.

D. Supply of Steam Pipe und Boiler CQtcrin_c.

Preliminary deposit, XL'.

10. Supply of -'-Ultim?, (iron, bran». Kunine tal,

and fite-ell, -nanni jrlurrd vritliin tbe Com-monwealth. Preliminary deposit. jCfi.

Schedule», fonnR, ami oonditiont of tender ;

I» obtained froni ti* Cluef Hturrkeeper, by v.horn any ir-formatJnm will be aiTortfe-l to pen-ona tender


aamplf_i of prJntimr and niallo« at the Chief Storekeeper's OnVr.

A preliminary deposit in ciudi. or bankrr'ft eiicque, must be eiiclo_i'd with uni tender, ai specified. ,

ITie lowest or unj. tender ulll not neci «ari-y bo


Teiidt-rs must be on the prescribid (blue) form, nddriiisetl to the Mcl.»ourne Harbor Tnwt Canmiiswoners, .ind endorsed "Tender for --". (a* ttv case way lie). »

R. UlTDÜ, Secretary. MclLourne, Ifltli November, Í0JG.


TENDERS ore invited until 11 a.m. oil Tiiwlay, Kill December, lill«, for the CONSTRUCTION of about 1001 lineal feet of TIMBER SHEET PD-tSO in tlie River Yuny al Port Melbourne opposite Newport. ,

A preU'riiuary d_po»it, a» set out under clame L t tho conditions 'of tcndcrlug, must accompany

Hit» lender.

Tim lovvcRt or any tender not necessarily ac-


Spec Ideation ind plant may tie «cn at the offices

of the. commissioners.

Tender» mmt bo niaele out on tlie prescribed lue form, mid ttiltlrciBevl lo the -Melhonrn« llarboi Trust Commls-aoïiors, Harket street, .Melbourne, ord endorsed, "Tender for the Conflrurtlon of Timber Sbtlct Piling at Port Melbourne, opposite


. R. RUDD, Secretary. Melbourne, 20th November, 101.1.

«TVIE MELBOURNE. BRUNSWICK. AND J- COBURG TRAMWAYS TRUST.-TENDERS aro Iiivit«! for the- tollem Ins:-Cuiitrjct'No. 28.Radla! TRUCKS, elote- noon, lKth Feb., 11)111. Cor.

tract No. 30.-WHEELS and Axle«, clow noon, lillh Jan., 1-10. Scaled tenders, endorsed "Tetulrr for --," accompanied li.t the correct preliminary deposit, 'ind addressed to Tho». O'l,. Remold». Ksq , «-airman, Melbourne, Unmnviok, nnd Coburn; Tramvrajfl Trinet, mii-t be delivered at'thc ofllcc of the trust, Nicholson strrrt, Cobiirjr, before the. time« staled above. Copie» of spcclilcations piuv be obUiliin! al the Engineer's Office. Nicholson street, .voburtr. The lowest or nny tender not necessarily acceptai. Slniuii Robertson, Engineer and Man



evidence!« Hie liiiildiT'« taste, and nothing bnt tin* liest I'lltintrs «liould he put In.

Cox'» Grilli'i, -Mnntclple-c», K¡ltin(rs, llallis, Uva ti)r.v Ware, -e., while not hriuc expensive,,nre ol snoli lnirli c|iia!ltj that they Immediately pul mi c lilsh tlnisli to the lióme, romo in ant! nee them. Their neatness, strcnirth, and ihiruliility will > nurprise you. Come to-day, even U von do"not wish to



fje-i-_i!il-lxiimdii1e st.. Melbourne; and at Newmarket.

rp II O S. W. PEARCE, J- Architect,

Collins Houfo, 3W Collins street",


Invites TENDERS for


At Ueclontr Road, KOOTSCIUV,

l'or Mr. ,1. Coii^dinc.

, Deposit, I Per Cent.


Under Instruction» from the Exeentor of the Late

A. AI.1IAN, Tobacconist, :I07 Chapel street,

South Yarra.

TENDERS for the STOCK and 1'TTTINOS, -C ed the above oitate will be' received at our otlleei

o«. 2S and SO Flnl.'s Buildings, up till 12 noo i Monday, the -Olli ¡nst.

The STOCK Comprl«c_:Tobacco, cigars, cigarette«,

pipe», _c,.£X< (i 7 Stationery and fancy "cods lill 12 4 Tovs.»I li I) Ilabcrdjshery. 01 8 0 llrushc'S, soaps, combs, and

perfumery. iiS 0 »

--£2tV, 15

FLtturc.», »iUfnfjs, 4c. 51 IT

,Tolal., .. .. '..__» in

Arrangements can Iki made Iq^-lo-se tho prcnilseti, vvhicli arc situated in the best rurt of Chapel street. i , ,

Stock-sheets,' tender form», and al! necessary in-formation ran lie obtained at nnr ouiccs, as above, or ou the premise?, -07 Chapel street, South Y'nrrj. The usual 10 per cent, deposit tonditions lo be


EDWARD OEAHAM and SONS, Public Account-ants and Trade .Manoa, I* and 20 KlnU's Build"it-rs. Elisabeth street. Melbourne._

rp O

S T O I! E K E E P K 11 S.

In the Trust K»late of .10I1N ROIÎKRTSON.

Deniliquin, General Storekeeper.

TENDEnS will lie rai'Ivcd by the trustee, st the ûiRcct or the undersigned, up lo Iii noon on Tuesday, December 7, 191-, for the ubovo BUSI-NESS, us u Komi; concern, ineludliii;:


Grocery.-II)!- B .'. Di-P-ry, boots und sliocs. t_l lo :|

-2091 15 ¡> !.ol 2.

Rolling stock, 6 horn.",, and Ilirncss .C270 0 0 The stfjrc is lu full worUni; order, and a (rood biistticrs can be done, A satisfactory tenancy ma», bo obtained. Stack clem and in excellent


-totk-Bhcets may bo Feen slid forms of tender obtained at our otllccs, or on the promises, Napier «trocí, Deniliquin.

Our usual printed conditions ot tender will he


DAVEY, BM.DINO, and Co., Public Accountants, South Bl Itlsh Buildings, 111 Queen street, Mel-




Tailor, 814 I'llnileis streit, Melbourne.


for STOCK lind PLANT will he received ut our cWci« uii till 12 o'clotk noon on Friday, the »rd dav of December, 1Ï115, a« follows:

" Mfreory._ir. 1« 11

Clothliiif iiml Woollens .. 7« I .'! Bonis and Shoe». 85 10 1

--Air. 17 3

Plant.XII! 111 ti ]» Ki 0

..ino i7 o

Stock-sheeis, lender-forms, and all necevary in-formation nt our oftlcos, or on tho prcmKes, &tl Klii'den, street, Melbourne, where «toe!. Kuy lie Injected. The usuiil 10 per tent, depotlt condi-


Eelwarel Graham and Sons, public mvounlunts and trndu assiRlices, 28 and 2U I .nV . nuildtatrs, l.Ilnibclh street, .Melbourne.



Arc Good and Moderate in Price.


L'l-2.'! Elizabeth rtreet, 'Melbourne.'

TO ARCHITECTS, C.intractors.-Estimate» pjlv

for PlastcrliiB, town, country. De Coite and ?<.. v°rih Fit-joy._ rp O V N o! n It I G U T O N.

TENDERS arc invited, nnd will lie received HU nevon of Wednesday, -th December, 1015, for tin» RIGHT to OCCUPY, on Green Point, Brighton llr.lch, dtirlnn Ihn t'iiristiiiiis ond New Year llolidav», tlie various AMUSEMENT STANDS.

'Die lilghest or any lender not nctcstarily o


Further iiartieulat_ this ofllre.

.1. 11. TAYLOR, Town Clerk. Town Hall, Uriirhtou. loth .November. W15.

\V N of Ii ' E W. TENDERS will be received by tho Kew Town Council up to 5 p.m. on Ttieedo.i, üotli inst., for


Spcelflc-tioiiB ni.}' bej seen at the Towu Hall,


Tlie council does no1 bind lt«e!f to accept the lowest or auy tender.

I!. II. HARRISON, Town Clerk.


A O W N of \V I Ii L I A M S T O W N. TENDERS are invited und will be until li p.m. TiiMilov, December 7, for the REMO. Al. of HOUSE REFUSE (o. mel»I- irfiintti*.

Pull jiartlctllars may ho liucl nt Ihe Coline II Oiamlieis, Tlioiuiison slreei, Wllliumsttnvn.

TIKIS. II. FRASER, 'luv.n '.urve.lei

oneil C'luutben,, Wllliainitoivn, Noveinlier 25,


rïiurs"i'"i iK rp i;< ' i\ i. 111 .s. uf~û"p?~ uik\\ 1 qlllilly Is'lltllSl'II.N ISDl'STRHI. I;N\M1'T., tceilioinleil. chiNlde, and «.milan-, tM|.erlallv milaide for oillces anil iuctmle«. Sole u-rintt, Hurdles, 'ni Lillie Collln«_«l. _

Wr'.inel '!'. AM1IIY" I.'I'D., Hi¿lii---t Cr-tlc W. \M'Ill!lllRllll!l-i, SO.s Quien l-l.. MelIwiriic - M'telnlli Iiuliittl Mulianli-. feir ltipilrIng Wtliiliin. M.iihiucrj. _ _ _

-Tlie Most Fashionable Effects. -Tho Host Superior Qualifie». - We hove now oponed a tholcc selection-or Eil luilvc und Tasteful Deiltrui in Late«- Colouitupi,; Etiibosbcd and Pelible-I.lfccts in all eludes.

Sample Hook Free on Rennest. . Spotlal Price»

to tho Trade.

THE KAL1ZOIC,-Cliurth Brr.l. I'll'. Ltd., THE __U_Oi-, - 258-10 EU_ibeth Street.


|Y\71- »re fiionred with instinotions from the | T» rieenliix of le li mu (.«hitit dei eased

of No Jil l-nuilils street, Melbourne iinirortir of fu millers hup| lies to Unite I t'VDI US for the s rot ,v im u mr i.oomwn __,",..,_ bmlnr,,» non i in ried on nt the ihovo aeldrcia.

lindenwill bp rriciieil nt our ol'lscs up/to noon of I RID \Y 1)1 C1 Mill It I 1015

1 Moe! in trade of

lu eriean cloth*

liather« _e £1 411 < ¡> 2 fopeslrjes and

urgí.-, 5,509 6 -1 ?I 1 civets and sad

dlellags 1 Ml 13 s 4 I ii°tors, tvvincf,

luiwl, <Vt 1,1.7 m 5 5 Mminings, hut

ton«, linndinnH e.c , tensing ma chines, and dupli

tates 1 784 0 10

-£7,4011 C Goodwill of upholsterers' Bup

nllrfl tuisincss

7 Huele debts, Rood 5,707 1 S 1*1 mt litllng«. Inehieliiur ica-inr;

nucliine liUtlnt;, ice 110 0 Di holstcrrrs sprint; ninnulactiir

in"? machines cap iblc of miking M grow dallv, and claimed to be the unli michino of this pat

teni 111 lue Comuionwuillh 7.0 li. (¡oodwlll of do

li) Coppered spring wire, 7 lo 13

£11 577 8 0

Tlip Kiirecgsful Irndcrer w11] be requireil to take iver stool tn-urrive at Ijnaeil ci «I

This liusines-, which han been irtnlilMioil ncnrl. 20 tears U u very protltn.le ope the lite owner liaviug aniassed n considerable fortune from it The spring manuf 11 luring branch Is 1 vin 1 titi

allic one tile plnnt lu mg the sole one of ita kind in tlie Conminiiwcllllt, nnd ni. erior to nil oilier linehinrry of this cintra

The stock in traele owing to the *_lrcitr in the I resent market, his nunn cmteii considerably in value, wliich tntl 1 as not been luke 11 "into nccoimt In ßlrieklal'llu; The! business mav 1« acquire I 1 0 ijdinir eorltlni-' and to n lunn |Xis-e«inif til t ne_c_nty eapijitl And butinées ability it is a sur

fortune? - - ^

1 leJfio of tho prenuses maj be serurcd at .

moderate rental

Mock wiela teiulrr forms nnd nil intorinntlon may U obtained it our nfflres or on the niciititc*

Our usual printed conditions of tender will lie,

observe I

WOOrrOX, IIJIM 1! nilli IvINO Ili-orporvtol Accaiiutants and It-tti-ncc lliulirs 10 I li jbeth stn et Vflhoimir




Ttl WindsorjSOS S

i TWIIPR Ol' rMvItY^UrStltlPl-ON,


Anif III llUlt-UfTllÇ' ItFQl/imri 5, _

At Lov,.sl »wUl m\ar



- '"U Ol All Klnijt. ' "i 1

_<o matter whit ><.u want) "sjffatiT« it In stock..

I*- " iWrlto for Prlco LJsts

""., Ask for Our tfrai pliers to Call '

Hive One^-ccounUluiil lime it Mitti


I ,_

."'tí.'WTRr' DOORS nnd WINDOWS n ?spcHallty

prompt Arrrvnov at tup



South Atclbotirnc


, Otto lloiieko and Co l'tj Ud ,

1_5£Quccn street^Melbourne__ BUILDING II U Hit ILS Tliiihôr Doors «-slie-s,

»nil Mouldings I" Anllionv and Co , I'llcckclt Melliourne_, .BRO CriU \T can onlv be obtained from

1 \M_B II \HD1U nut Co ,

l61 tittle tollina st ,


Hew are Imitations

riAlAAMbfcD IRÔX Spouting Ridging, lead,

-T Baths, Tanks Ildard of Health I entiuitor», , Tubes, nnd Fitting» bevrerage Requisites. Curri«

and Richtrds 471 rJlMbtlh^jt_I

ALVAM-hD"ÍhO*íri'POUt¡n"', Rtilgín» Baths, _.,JTatiks, Sink.» Lead, Pumps, Mater Pipes, Oat

fittings Fills -lt| t Under«, lane.____




To Anne-'&ORFMH-I1FA " 1000 ads I'lOOU

INGS LININGS lads. (S Crown *. ), S V 1 llnnd




.In x J n , 0/per 100 count Jllllar a Timber and ___riidlnii Co^Jjuccn's llrltlg«,! South Melbourne

MOULDI.SOS -, DporsT^Frames, Tirabir «I all 1

Luidsi Joincrv n speeinltv Jolm plone, timhir merchant. Napier st,., I lt7.oy_ __


MIL1¿5-rioOIIINO Ltninir, WcnlherboirelA

sloiddinirs -lelbounic prices save Irciglit. Lam | ford Uros_

Till «0 t I toiioiiiieal I.l II DING llin.HIU ii

II 1111)11 S 1 lill«) f I Ml NI Sriul for pur

II 11 lie an I (o oíil MUÍ. Cell




IÍ10 Old, Orluuiil,

Mr and Mrs 15 M1T.CI1EIL

1SS and «0 Russell bt, Op Klug s Theatre

'Phone Ceiilnl 0£_5,

Ive the Highest Cash Prices for Laill«* and Gentlemen s and Children s LU-1 OI 1 CLOIHINL, lurnilure, lied linen ind all Houbehol 1 Klee'.J, Poitmajiteaus ind InmkF Old Artitlcitil Icctli, and lM_tinum I'ms, ¿G i cr ounce ill parcels and letters receive immediate attention Onli -uidress, l_S_aDd 140 Russell £__ 'l'houe Uigsi Central

Al A -r_-Fï Ol 1 ClO-IIINt, 1 U11CI1 l-fcllb,

Mr and Mrs A MIRIHLL

170 and 1S1 ItUS-rLL faTltl I 1,

Opposite Temptr-enee Hall

e_treiue vilucs fui everv description ol I adles , Gentlemen e Clnldren s I LI - 011' CIOTI11V& Plated Hare Hubs IrunUs. Lndicl tiiane;iiiEr to mournuie' please note Artíllela! Teeth, Platinum Pins ldgl eat prices Parcels tent by po-t, full value per return 11 send no re Iirc-cntativc« Telephone <0__ No connection with any other tarin Horse Collars for bale, 1 Jin to "lin. 1-/0_ ~\ A I - Jlr Coop« Hujs Sell» I-tdies', Cent s iV. Left off CLOTHING Hoots, bhoci, Ac , big prices, letters attended '1 hone Windsor 133- VJj Coininereial rd couth Y arra__,_, ~~\~~\ _-Mr , Mi-. Kirk give hiitlic.t prices for .-_.. Indies', Centlemtll s J eft OH ClorilING, llooti, 4.0 403 Chapel st , South Yarra 'Phone 4.44, M In Isor_ AUONAltUh Âh.NOUNCI-J_l-NT-Ihe lilghert

tush price pivtn, for all MnU Centlcmen's I_'tolf CIOIIIING letters promptlv attend«) to Qulttenton llros , 103 and lu. lle_,-cll st, city __el__SSK>_fe1_.._ __ A A A A -""Ladles Bcntlemcu "vourLI-FTOl t

. CLOrillNG hlslier prices than others M- , Mrs. Urand.n 73 Gertrude st-, I-it-roy 'Phoro (to;_ "A - IeftoB U01IIING all de erlplli 11s Boots -.-. liLlust prn-_ Ylr lira tlranelon .1 (.irlrudt st 1 il/rov 1 lunie

A CC.0 -IMr vourself with DKNION ami Ce , J7Í __e hn ith st Colllturwooel, who obciln highest

priées 'or ilisemlcel CLOmiN« I urniture und .ll^cell-lieoiis Looels 1'hoile oS07_ "AIL kinds of Uelie- Cicutlenieii s und (lill .¿i- elreiis CIOIlllNf. 1101 Clll hUlie-tit pritu

ALL lltsrrlptloiis Ladles i.tnticnwr*. Child

nu 3 LEH OH' OIOTHINO »ought, letters pircels to Mr Mrs Hance Jil Gertruib rt, 'Jraroy, near 1 .hlbltlon_ "\Tl Ulml-of lvitchcn I .1 and 1AL10W Bought, ¿\. nlshe t 1 rlexs cash Mns up ..17 IA R Stephtis 4SI ( ity .'!, benth Melbourne



4SI mu 1 Uudcn* strutt, MtlUournc. Mt ARL I'AYAO 1ÜP I'lllCI-S.

bind Your Lniptii- lu La lur S-lhfaetiou.

I>1L11IRD and Dilling rilli I, mt must he in

-> !.uoel order 7- Bljtin s| ( urllou


Hie IRIDrllS 1101*111- (O ITD, »q CitJ road «-tub. llelhourni ire Ol'i V to 1ÍI.C1 IIL CONSIGNIH-NI-, hifthelt priées for ull tinsses of Hollies Case«, ind Stiaw 1 uvtlop-s torrttl eount Ind prompt iciiilttanec Boat and lull at tended tu Priée list mi application

¡his lonipmy li com|iiiscil of lcaillng Melbourne Mint and "spirit Merchants

Country eltulers miel utheis should vu ¡te ut onie for nritt list, um! obtnln lull heiiedt of prîtes

_Tule phone 8150 _____ _ I'iOlTLL*-" HONIS, ~ll!_S /\\C íl"_D,

> illtASS COPI'LI!, CYbT 1110V

Itlthtst 1 rices t.lvcn

Country »ml lnterstutt Client», Can Ktlv on Gclttng

(Juill, uni Comet Returns

lloat ind Hall Attcneled lo II rite fo- Prlio List to

Xlioiiilai roid North Melbourne

llrnnchia M "ml «J Jureott strcel Mest Mel

bourne lleiidorson street mel Ht-bW ktriet, North Mtlliiuinu and II lliimllrnj street, Ulllmat 1 nst L_^idd_ali__iljmr_l___-S-!__ l'heuieJ47l_ BOTTI1S liONlS RIGS MKTAL-,

Ueilers, Mrilc for 1 rice list,

Del very Taken Wharf or bt-M.u,

I'romvit Ililli 11 _tnt

1 nociikc.

15_rdward St IIHONSWIClv ^l'nonc R ivlek 1.1

/"1AM! RA II IM I » half plate 1 horiilon Piel ntvl

l__m Reel \ lulle l_pirll ulms ti lern »nilli,

rillll'l r \xniln.ler fawn pie' rre I up ro .» \ _/ lui (.Mululu Hex I (), ( JiiHItin ist

C'lIN TI ttTIOII S I OHTII I I 0| I ¡ri on vvhce'i

sei 011 II md I 1 Mllhr sprJv .( 1 lunusl ?I linne llrifclilon I" " _ _ _ _ _ IVIbllhDll) Hitor nul jîleiele 11,11s md if lubes Sum 1 Hillier _ loluistill »I,

I i(7nn I'hone ol'"

17111CIIIK Milln« IWNIIli um nr eioml

_ hind iii (.1 i orilei, I to IO li 11 tine .hie I si volts level I um II, timber m r

1 ml I -lillie»ion _

IJíCIIMT URL - ( onlci t» of larce lio.siv sinql

. unities rino« llilhunl Tubles eish wait lug lice clt [Iles furniture brokert, lau to It« Ueitrudt st, Htir«) It! 106

-I^UIIVITLRI-, single iirlieln or eoinplttc lion»

X holds spot culi. Immediate attention bmlth -"umitiuiiig Co , 1-b 14. GrcHlle st, Prahran


ITvUllNlTURE.- rtoamliamp's Wcdmsdny anl Fri

. day HUXS; best ro.nikct lu Melbourne; cstabIJsliee! 5__ rears._Mill Collin» st._ IpURNl'l URI*, Pianos, anv quantity, highest

. pniet,, anv suburb; Iel ti ni attended. Casper's, !___Cliap__lj__,__Vi__!so_.__ ' __?nt'__.h_»!.__10__ 17MIRNITI.RE, tina!! ol'large "quantities; _5Cfl,

. spot cash, lettirs attendri!. Wliltlor! and 'fiiclier, »0 Chapel id., Windsor. Wlnil»rr IÍI2S

TEWELLEHY. "old, sccondli-ild, Ht-Utjll 1 or ht

thangcel for new, T. P. Lewis, jeweller, »H llolirke st., tltv. np. Kirk's Boaar._^^

T_AblES', Gent»' I.cft-olT V AHDItORES; hlghe«t .*-' price»; letter» promptly nltriitlie!. Mrs, Eamrs. O,'. Vletoiia st., Mnlliuiirne._ MICROSCOPE-, TclcscopeO'Cvcls, Tlicodôlitcs,

Matlit'lnatital lnslrumciits Purchased and Ex* changed; ripaire. Seward, optician, 407 Boinka st-, Melbourne.__________ OLD META!--, Brass, Copper, Oun Metal, Lead,

Zir.c, b«-t prices. John Banks and Son, a Melbourne.____,_

OLD GOLD, Jewellery, Toolh Plates, Fltttniun,

Bllicr, Diamonds, BOüGIIT-. highest' price« -I*"1. J. E. Dixon. Cromwell Bldgt.. op. ».P.p. PIANO..for country hotel, iron frome, condition

no object: about £-0 or .--5. By letter to Kilsvth, iioxl Rall-av, Brunswick rd., W. lliunswlcl_;.__._ IjlAÑti WANTED. Iren fraiue. walnut case pre-

ferred: cosh, about _-0. Wrlto particulars to Trcmrtic, »eland st., St. Kilda._ 1>IANO, horizontal granel, small f(ir, lor flit;

Ronlseh or'Lipp prclerrecl; lowest ca»li |irlce. Sigma, care of Petty» hews agent, Chapel

st., Prahran. _' ._ ' _ PIANO,"anv/ ..lake, must bo iron frame, for home

practice. State price and make to Piano, Ar_iis olTice._

"clcaier«. . , rico to Expert. "C

Williamstown_ PIANO, iron ¡rame, for singing purposes; no _dealers. A._llynn,_P.O. ,_Footscr___ _____ .VUNO W v.NTT.1': ctatc maker's n_me"-nd price. J. G. Hunt, 320 llalhdounrl., N. Carlton._ PIANOFORTE REQUIRED, "mô"deriV"opp!.iranee,

suitable u>o; state price anti maker. Mrs. Rci)l,i_ l!_llndg!rinsou st., Clifton HUE

IJABRIT, hlicep,"Wallaby, Vox SKINS, Wool,

* lliefcs, Tallow, -el no commU-lou. Write price Kennon and Sons Pty. Ltd., bam tenmnui, Richmond.___ '_ SCRAP "IRON, llors-fhoes, and llluiksudili's Cul

'tins-': liiBbfst price» given. Mctori.v Iron Rolling Co., Dtidlfy si...Wc!_M__l!)OTr__.__ vüEAlING-M \CIllÑK.'Siiiecr'a preferred, drop head CT cn ..llier Write II.N"., 0 room. Pink's Ruildilir,__Ell_.l.ell. n.__SlICEl SlICEl _KiXS_~R-bbit, Wallaby, nnd rix Skins";

Wool, Tallow, Hide!, i.e.; highest prices; no eomiin'siioii. >Vm. Haughton and Co., 278 Spt'U' ccr_st._ '_-, S" TAMPS WAINI ED, Australia. u«cd 18l0-19U,ancl

old .collections; highest prices piiM; Furx'gn tlamps So'cl; catalogues free. . Ackland, 207 Col lins st., opp. Glen's. ______ " " _ STAMPS WANTED,TÁustr.ll¡ílir,"u«ed befo-e 1S00,

old collection«; highest pi Ires paid; catalogue free: Australian tokens. Charles lionne, MO P.O place,,_ ,_ CJTA-Ps, Australian, any "lue i"xi epr"'penny; O slate ipianlltv and pritc. II. Stonie}, Ho«. -05, O.P.O., Melbourne._ STAMPS," Aiisti-Han, iiicef'isMO-ItOu, or Collie

lions BOUGHT: lists gratis: Foreign Stamps

Seild. ,loli__tot___0__Cliapol st., Prahran._ STAMre «anted: £30 pri""'_et paid for New,

Guinea mid Marshall G.R.I. Umiti; odd values, high iirliet AcKlmu), 8l|*. Collin» si._,_ VULCANISER Wanted, car size, or workshop,

cash buyer. ' Boston Co., Ipi Little Collins st.

TEI.ESCOPi:"~WASTED, any ñuñlltlon; also As-

tronomical Telescope, c Sçvvurd, 157 Bourke st., near .ticen "t._ rrtUBING, brass or bra:- eased; Plate-Glass, new -a- or scrondhandt Mirron liought, highest prîtes given. JJjiielin, lilli little Collins s_.___ «__,

rtWÓ horst-iiovvcr A"C. MOTOR. Stnto maker _nn__ price, l8 Fcdcv st., Kew.

rnYPKWHITER, (or spot e-vthTsTuto make, miui

.a. bet, and where seen. A. Macdougall mid Co., 170 Collins st._^___ WANTED, lo Buy TRI-iTLES «ml Table» suit-

able for simple-room. Show room, Argus _ WANTED, Small AVIARY7 ApplJTgliliu- lizc, . '. price, :« Degiaves st., Parki Hie,

ZI.SC, Lead, Brass, Copper, Pewter, Cartridge

Cares, Bullets, and all Metals and TliMr Residues; spot cash. The Moreland Metal Co. Ltd., Sroprictors ol the Moreland Smelting Works, -7-31

u_lcy^,JV5s__^oJbo_urae.___Tc___i130___ ZINC, Brass, Copper,-Powter, .303 Cartridg

Cases. James Coppcll, Lee. ond Co., bra«,

Iron founder», 500 Latrobe^ st.. Melbourne.

rVTN'C, I-c_.lT" lirais,- Copper, Iron, (ti, ; "higlicst

' ' price» given. Geildiinn, (_irilig_ii st.,

Tel, 17.1- Ceiilnil,'_ WANTED T->""s_ñ_I_ A.

A. A. A. A. A. \. A. A., A.


15, 10, 17, Ifi VICTORIA MARKET, ,. ,

MELBOURNE. '.!. Oil MX and PRODUCE. FLOUR, liest roller, _l/i/. BRAN,, 1/ bus.

BRAN, Jopnnc'o, Kid. hu».

BRAN, Japanese, tun lots, ill.

robb Mill, 1/5 bus.; ,la|iane»e Pollard, 1/3 b,«-.;

Jap. Pollard, ton lois, -¡ßä/lO/. WHEAT. VS\V <

WHEAT SCREI.XIXGS (UilriVfo-d),, 5/6 hu».

OAT SCREENINOSr contains fuir eiuantlty wheat,

jl/0 but, lulu.

M|X):D CRAIN, .-,/ bus., -Mb. li M1LEY.MEAL, 1/2-bus.

PEAMIÍAI^ 1/3 biii"l''L<lER SWEEPINGS, 1/2 bus. ii M»E, wl,.; clo.T ?

CHI .IAN OA'IS, "/».bli..«- ',". ?"'C/i)'j<is»._.

COW FEED.- ' V--.V^O_vÇ.. IIRANNIXG, No 1, 1/ busr. ''.'.'-,«.'"...;_, v' n\T iini.i.s, 1,0 na?. ' v, '"??'': '-.-<

I MOfiASSi:S, 4g_!. tint, 1/0 (cases, rall qrdeni lid.

exila). -MObASSI«, 0/ twt., caskB wclfheil us .molares (casks weigh about 0.0.0.). ,, ' 1IIONEMEAL, for cripples, _e..« .' . ,

S.M.T.t course, for cattle, 5/ bag, 'about 2.0.0" -»


CU.XADIAN WONDER BEANS, prime, 11/ bus. -YORKSHIRE HERO PEAS, tl/0 bds. ? " ' : MILLET, Japanese, Id. lb.


GR ISS, _c.

Agent for the Leading nrand Manures. All goods

delivered free to boat or rall.


A A. A. A. A. A. A.

LYALL and SON, " "~ Cash Chaff, Grain, and Flour Stores,


ITcuir,'21/, 21/fl. - Brim, 1/1. Pollard, 1/5. Oatmeal Brannlner, 1/ a bag. Fouls' Wheat, Peasmen!, 1/0, In 7-bus big». Crushed Mabe, 5,11. Whole Mabie, feed, 5/0, round 5/7. Mixed Feed, Io» Is', 5/0 bus. of 601b. ; S bus. In bags. Blood Meal, for poult.. Jup Oals, (!/.'!. Good 1'ceel Hals, S/0, .1/8. While Rose Kenisene, S/ll ease. Plain (, o/tl e|u.irtcr. Table -all, t/a ewt. While Outs, for ponltrv, I/o. Straw Oban". Oat Hull», 2,0 a liag. Malt Combings, 2/J ailwp Bone Meal omi Cattle bick on hand. JAPANESE MIL-LET SEED. id. a lb. SEED MAlSiU.-Spli'tldld Samples-Hlökory King, (l/a. Yellow Movrua, 0/8, Ninet) Da}, 5/0. Yellow Dent, 0/11." Yellow llorao Tootlt, 5/0. Red r l_t, il/l!. 'All prime seed. SEE!) M MUK. Shell Gilt, 3/ big. bines for Eaily Sowing.-lllutk Oat»., live. Tares, White stout Oal», tlcnnccl, for sen\: Chair, 5/0, il/niivt,; Government anil hlrjiw rh.ill, 4/0 i,nt. bucernu Pollard, &/ ewt. Lucerne Chaff, for poultrv, 7/0 cvvt. Cocoanut Oil rake, lO/i! cwt..*alKiut*lcwt. Cqr. lu ba¿. POTATOES and ONIONS: New Poutots lind Onion», cilvcrskilif, on huml; supplied in iniv quanLlt.v. Prices subject to mar-ket Ituctuation«. NOT!:. - No Biir!e>ini'iil this week. Terms tash, ibctpm or P.N. must accom-pany ordei. 'Pilono t.072,

"X. A. T. Â^ X X^ A. Â" A".

J. and T. EDMONDS,

Market Stores,

131 Cecil stint, South Melbourne.

Pilme Table Potiitnc», 15/ 150]b. hag; Prime Seed Carmen», llp-tu-dute», Snowtlnkes, Scottlsli 'Irlumphs, Plnkeve», llrownell», Ü/0 lóOUi. lug; prime new Mlvcrskin Onions, 0/ IflOlli. bag; Aorkshire Hero Peas, 0/ Ima; Canadian Wunder Benn», in/ bli».; Shell Grit, .'1/ largo bag; Oilcake, 'IV 171111.. bug; Oruihuil Main, 5/1) bus.; Whltei Oats, fur poultry feed, 4/0 bus.; Tnrtlri.ui Sepe! Oats, 5/ bus.; Prime Cow Chaff, 3/ large bag; best Horse*' Clair, (1/ ewt.; Broker, «heat, 15/ laqlli. big; lu.* Whial, 0/0 hu«.; Hickory King, Red'Flat Äci'd Maize, 0' bin. All goods deliii.cel lo boat or rall free. Terms, cash with order._'

À A,


Good foi Cattle and Poultry.

lu-Page Booklet, "Poiiltrj Profil»," heut l'rcç on


A A. - COMI1INÖ.S (Malt SpronU), prucllc.llly

? I «wera' gralii% 2/3 big. -1 tot.; \lo!ns»e», nil Fodders. Moulden, .III tullin-, st. 'Phono.


nomical, no upkeep, ii-tti lighthouse work, Sydney, Tasmunl.i» liarbours. Apply 62J Collin« St.. Melbourne._ ,_ __j_l ALI. kinds ot -ted POT.V1 OI.S,"ïcady""for plant-

ing; Tibie Potato?», Onions; turrent rates. R___Sm_t_, 073 Fllnd. n vt._ ASK fnr'KENNKV'sV-tentliM.iT. snperlnrivcly

emiiforialile; cniiiint nick up. Insist ou -getting I*»cully rcioninjcllcUt._ ASK lur'TvENNEV- Patent SHIRT. 10/0. If _£__ uu-btnlmlilc, po»t free from G. Kenney, Roynl Areaili.,__ll__|i__ini_._




All Builder's and Cablnct-makci's Timbers.

\ UMLIARY S.MI.ING-HOAT, infl., goa! order, -ii- or 1,'ii-lnc, 21-li.p.i cheap. F, Otway, (JiiccnselllT._ __,_

AWI.-FOR- \Cu~Mic-r_. -t'nuntry iitii|_eniurliâii

AGENTS WAN'IEH; so iisi'ful; sells Itself.

S'i__3-ci_t__.l__P_JlaxlJli!J!lLl-""_i'ili_s_i_cil.i^ _ _ABY""cARRIAGÉ fur SMdï""""Yarra/ Vale," -1 > rorner Grange rd. and Bruce st., Toorak._ I "|.> AGS anti Sacks," ever} "itcscrlptlou'f "theapnes»

i> am! iiu.ilile. Mundell and Cn. satk' mertlinnts, 638.144 Flltuleis st. 'Pilone £1121 Central.

BAGS for wheat, oil», potato-», dull and otlicni,

ipiannleeil, good .|iialily. Grilliii Caul, OiMotn lleili'e 1 lne.__Plloi e 'Jll'l._

BAl'HIIËlrKRi-.-lime i bot slioncr"wiTh obi

ncvvsliariT» and Iln-worth'» HAIII-IIEATLI!, niiipli, 40/ upward«. 5S Little Laliobe st. 'Phonr rjiiT i-iiiiiii. _ _ . -IJArll-IIEAl'EHST l_tt»t pilicrn. from CO/. at-> Note niw uldreis. Uougla«, Oil llourKe st,, Ifct bCMii. Ibrongh Kino's

TJATlf-HLAllrRS. - "Um, "Douglas«," salt st,

I J-> lantcit, best; 15.0C0 In dally use; shown work'.

Ing. Douglas, 07! llolirko at.


I>ATIt H!".ATHtS.-'_Otli Century," come and

> tee the'in in operation at A. Joyce and Co.'a,

Í.S7 Elisabeth s_t.___ IJ.VUI-HI'AIERS - "Rotorua," world'« best,

-». gus. fuel; month's tnal gratis; 50/, upwarilii. RotoruiJ____miU_j_ri____Co., lll.'i ninden! lune._ "OATHS, rolled eelgo, gnliániseit ¡ron, relnforii'il J--* iron bottom, ¡17/r,; Porcelain lîiinmel, slightly »lamageil, nt reiluecd prices. Cot's, __> Ixmsdale st, _ "DEDHOOM SUI7E~.iv.lmlt), "J""pieces; genuine ?*-*_ haigjln. 107 Vlitonn parade, E-stMolb. BELLOWS, Smith."I'ortnble" Forge"!, sack, mill,

and wheat Trucks; Foot Bellows: repnirs. t-lierai Bellona mid Truck Co., 5.3 George-st.,


r.KLTING"Users should nut lie vvittm-t^'RIP-OX

> Bflt-sllpping I'ltEVENTIVi:. Sole aguit, .I.V. Martin,_311 Lonsilalc st., eily._

BELTING, leather and row hide; l!yïlraiillc"l*"_ir.

mid Hat Leather«; Ludowici, Pioneer brand. A-fents, Gforgo_ltii.sollJ_tv._Ltd., ninden: st_ BILLIARDS.-Tlie famous "BiJoti""TABLK. slate

besl, fast-running cushions, superfine hilliard cloth: can he uzcd ut dlning-tablc. Alcock and Co.._15S_l.linibetli st.__

"DILLIARD'TABLE, leeonefllaud, in good order, I -I J Ulled willi lo» cushion- Alcock and Co., __1Ellrjbctli _!__,_ _ _.


made equal to new bv utting it with Alcock's (murria! I<ivv Cushion'. Alcock, IS - Elisabeth it. BlLI.IAItti-TAULK-, new and _.t~L, cloth, bails,

ttc.t Excelsior Low Ceshions flttcd any (able. Thomson and Tailor, 303-105 Russell st. T_el_. S.OJ.___ BILLIARD-DINING TAHLKS. every deieriptioli,

in slock nnd to oreler, new ensilions and re-

pairs. "_l''.lllshuw Bros, 5Hl_yuceu et__ 'l'houe _-P). BIOSCOI*l5,~ Urban make, nearly new-, Innlern

house, ev'e.; CIS/10/; good illnla, 2d. footIValson'k, 78 Swniislon st.

it I II I) -LKD.-'I. .1. Purvcs's Premier MIXTURE,

» inaehine-elcnned, no light crain or dust, ia icaled packet-Canaries, lilli.. Od.; 31b., 1/; Par*

-lb., Oil. I 41b.. 1/. -C3 Swanston St._ BLACK CORHUGATKU lllO-i,

New, Ljsnght's British make:

20 Gauge. 5. 0. 7. S. 0. 10.

Black .... 1/1J 2/21 2/01 2/11. .I/-»} 3/lOj

Black (oiled) . 2/ 2/5 2/0*. S/2. 3% 4/2.

Black, per ton, £21.

Ulaek (oiled), per tor, £23.


BLINDS,"" TENTS, TARPAULIN.*-*," every'de'crip

lion; line-it material .mil wotl.iiinn'ui|>: prices absolutely lowest, Sure ineiuire» before pt elusnig

CHANDLER, 217 llruiiiwlok street, FITZROY.

Tel. Mill.

_Wire Donne, 11 indow s, etc._ BLINDS - I'tiietian! Y eraniUhr Sun, Linen, and

Lace BUndi, lnaiiufjeture'd r.hd rcpaireel Campbell und Johnston, 139 Lonsdale St., Meit*.


BLENDS.-llaml-'ewn lerandab anil-hop' Blind«,

cheipe-t ami be " C. Neilson, tent and flag ikcr. p7 (Juçnisbrrry st.. Carlton,,_ Ï>LINQS, Verandah, IVilidovv; Tents, 'Xarp.-lln-s

?» Flarrs, Calival, Hoses; wholesale, rctaiL Tilomas Evans Ply. Ltd , 455 Bourke -'. Tel. 1311. BOII', 40ft. over alC-Wft. wnter'llnc, loft, br-im.

e.ihln: going chenp; owner leaving. J. Con312 Flinders St._ __

P »OILERS "nuil Engines,- h'irl-nnUÍ-f Círtii-O11

> siff.. MV ll_Jllai'k__uni, Klug sr., Mcl__m__irn_eIÍOOT JI'RAI)E. - 'J. P. "Martin," leather and

' grindery iilereluint, und Boot tipper Manu

BOOT TRADE. - 'Hie house for NUGGET, Kiwi,

e Austro Kau Woueltr, Wiinv,l-Wcek, 2-ul-l, Cobra. .1. P. Jim lui, .Hil Unadiilcjt.__-__ BOOT-PATCIIINÔ MACHINE -nil Clewing,. frurn

j£.l, tctnu. Ward's Repairing IVorks, Errol St.. North Melboun_

Î" OOT RElCilRHIIS.-tjtcit unproved Comnina'

tion Finishing MACHINES on the market', BniOies, Polisher*, llollei., Presses, nil FiiiishiuK Marhlncrv. D. Ballingall. Pioneer Shoe Machinery Work», 1S.1 Johnston st, Fitaoy.



So Matter Mlint You IVañt, YVe Have It In Stock

Write for Price Lists.

Ask Our Travellon to Call.

rXASII'BELI.'S "Rapid" i'lrcless COOKER; few -' only; -reduced piicc; apply* early. Home Supply Co,, Australian Hulhlhigs. _

ANNING PLlN'fS.~tlrehûrilisu, can vour fnilt

anil sue lew; get partlciilurs ni "Modern" mu, n ininlnluie f.ictaiy, from £0. IV. II.

_.'.",>"hi- 't.. -lithium»-._ .,'itfi., in i»ciü i muiimii, with citoleras. V^ N. .li. Moore, b ilruusi, irk st, l*it7roy.


niihaiid. Douyiit


KMLNl', 21 Cask, up; U.U., ¡li,'.; hni-rald, -Jil/; 1 Lion, 10/; O.K., IS/. Moore's Timber Y.rd., City ni.. Soutli Melbourne.

-, Il A F F C V T T E U S. -? -The original patentee and manufacture for tile pasf W jeai-; lowest prices for cash or terms.

JOHN SON. '. P-rkuelc Engineering YVorks,

._North Melbourne. . _ /"i|IAFFCljm:RS, Travelling (iwcomlliniid), x^ elouble-srrew hagger, dumper hagger, perfect orelcr, prleed low; must sell; inspect. Write lljrtram, .y» Bourke' st._. ?

CIJIII'.S, for hath-healers, lires, lie, 1/ per ling,

A delivery extra. Citv Snvv Mills, AMIcckeft st., Melbourne. TUeplinuç Ceutrol 100.

G HUHNS, ''Glohr," pressed steel, neler vvnrp.

never saur, all sires. IV. II. .Hackham, King st., Mi'lbouriie'. _ ? _ _ /-«.HIT and HUNTING, Hay'Market, Xorlh V- Mellwunie, have Umtali COItN-CRUSIirit, pr.ietiealli new; low price; vvrltt or Inspict; price and _c-p.lcily_o_n_jpp!ication._ __ CLOSETS, "biivics'" patent; nn«ewcred elistriets;

niitnmatit'Jll.v ilisllilfclcel; 75'. "lío llncarlhur

, Ballarat; Danki, ilOii Bourke tt_.. _ piÖMET SHlXlCLiuöleuiii Poliäi, the best. Ask

"-' your grocer loi It. Sole, vi'liotesuh* agent.

J._l>. .I|iirtln, Ml Ixmal.i' i\__

/"^OOlilNä-TOVES. -.".'IHK CHEF"'Is the meist x-e uti to date and economical,fur foiyn ejr -emutry. AV6 Inrilp your Inspecticnr: Made .in spleiidid rsnges ol sf-cs, ?ft. to Ifr.' mu.; ntll' any rcs(ele-nce.-* This sieve saves, money; prices uö/ lo £::0. MctlerK llrbs., jJOl I'lizahrlh st., Mclbiuime*._ /"lOOiriNcTsTOVTÄ-YU Repairs cheaply, expox_^ dltioinli' cITeetcel: duplicate«! parts. Cochrane and Scott, 302 P.O. place (Lite Porker's). 'Phone S_±t.__.____ COOKING bTOVIÄ-fîmes, 52/i Melb-, CO/-.

New Home Success, 39/; Daisy, _7/0; .usa "Hut" Cast Copper Frame, 37/0. A. and T. Joues, 311 Post-olllce place._ COOKING sroVKS, "Harvester," a itrong V-. make, made for burning long wood, bake» thoroughly, costs less than inferior makes. A. and T. Jones._ COOKING Sl"OY tó.-Splendid variety, sole depot

famous IXL Geelong Stoves, nil sizes; CU/ to £25._Chambers and Seymour, Melbourne._ COOKING STOVES.-Mallee farmers, Goulburn

Y'.iiiev farmers know Andrews'» patent "Xon. pareil." illustrated catalogue posted free. O, Andrews, manufacturer, Geelong._ COOKING STOVES.- Bobs, Unique, Kew Favour

Ito; manufacturers' Cast Iron Revolving Copper Furnace, Gas-stoves. IVnllis, 410 llourkc street._ plOOKING STOVES. - "Premier," "Champion,"

pate l-rket'b)._ ánooItlNG sfbVI_.-Imported "«oven.''' nil "_-' en.t iron, cooks lu or outside, all sirpi itocketl, fiom 50/. A. and T. Jones, Pott-ot-.a p!ace.___ l^lOOli'lXG STfiVI"*-. - Hell». gri'Jteit Stove Depol. x-v liupllcnti* Parts Gie'loug stoies and (-ist Iron Cmiper 1'iaine--. Ruhrrt Grieve*?. Vladurt llhlgs.

rxbltX REEF, -lil.; Roll, 7el.: Hound, sei.; Roust _.?' Hecf. (ki., bel.; bleak, ed.; Mutton, .Id. to 7d.; Fan aire*., Tripr, Dripplm:, ."»el. Country order-, prompt!, despatched. Ili'-tnlinnls supplli'd at eon.trirt prices. Win. Dobbin, -.13 Hnilihwiek street, Fltjroy,_ /HORNED MEAT and SMALL GOODS.

Cornell Beef Briskets and rorequartcr Parts,

.'.5/ per 1001b.

Comed Reef llrlikels and I'oreeiuartcr Parts,

houisl and rolled, 3ï/ per 1001b, Corned Mutton, 4.1/ per 1001b.

r-moki'il lleigian Sausage, »d. per lb. Bee! bnuinge'S, ed, per lb. 111m d Salvages, Dil, per 11).

Pork Sausage's, 10(1. per lb., 1/ rer doscn. Drleipiiig. nd per Hi,

Xotc'Uiut eil ficlglit» will he payable by buyer» at the btnllon when takin« delivery ol guoels, et* cent willi prcpnid stations, which we will pay at this end nru! charge on aecouuU.





7"!OHRUG!'ll'l> IRON, ll'ioudluilil, 1000 sheet-; *_. give-nu i.v priie; quantities to suit. Apply ¡1Cowpe_*r ».t., l"Ootsei.ii.

COUNTERS, Showcases, Shelving, Sliding Doors,

Metal Ceilings, Window Ki'i'iosiii.t,-, rush, tenus; loive.t prices. Boslon, 193 Little Collins st,

lOl'NTHV PEOPLE, eleiu'l go (hlrstv dilling!


foi toft drin!,«. Buy nil varieties (luge hollies)

ellreet lioni Hie inaiiufuitiirei-. Lowuesi of cost, will n.lonlsh mu. tt'illi» to O'Neill Bros., Wooel

ilile sl^ T^m.wTsÈPAILlWils, PERA - (¡el Hu' bet \y Swedish Scparutiu .it Utile more than half pilce ul other»; 15-gul., .4/1S/; 27-gnl., ¡ti; n0irak. «13; tree trial; S jours' giiirantcc. Agenls winti'il. Pjrlle'iilars,

' li .LLA.XTVNIi muí LAING, 327 Collins st._ rtllUAJl SEPARATOR, "Globe."-Tho list'word O in »e'l-iMlur construí lion, lil In ivy 8itls.; i terms. W. II. Illacl.hnm, King st,, Molbeuiiiie.

i-IREÂM'Slîl'ARATOHS."-Tlie" "Eviell" Is the " J 'hirlie'st gnuie, Iow*priccil scpuriltor muih'; 1'iibi- tunis. C.ilnlogui.._ Hj_rtrani__fis(_J!niirl.cj.t. / (REIM ¡-El'ARITORS.-New mnili'l "inllle,"' v.. f i oin 70/; «noel "hup'Soll-il Mneiilnev, cheap, _'n»v I orms.___l_2-__ ."'l!,u_'r._!_2.<"-_ CUTLKItV. - 'iVnrirBro'Oor firlssors, in euso

or »nilly, wurniiiteel best nuiillly, and reiiely for use. ..'..__

CxUTLEHV. - Ward Bros, (or Table Cutlery;

. nötiger-'- Tables, 22/0; Dcssons, 1S/0; John-

's Tables, II/; Dt-ccri«, 13/ per CU'lLERV. - W.irel nros. foi Seta of Cnrvcrs, in

Ivory, liorold, and Ring, best Shellie'lil gocsls; Sllliithlo pre'ieenls._ rvUTLritV.-Wai.1 Uren»."for Nieiel and 1 heir

\J plaled Folks and Spoons, Butter Knives. Ilrenel

Fork», "c.

/"IUTI.I h'Y". - Word liras, for Pen nuil I'ocl i

x_. Knlvis, best Slii'lllclil goods, In ivory, shell, ard pen I ¡ siilliihli' prese'iUs._ CIL'T1,1".1!Y'.-Wnrd Bros, for Sporllug, I ullin,!,

- i'liriii, mid llointstciul, Skitinlug,, I anil Camp Iviilvi.. 1H Sttiinslon st.

/SUTLER V.-II aril Bros, for nil the lile-t and X_. lust in bifclv Ra.ens, Gem Junior, Cleliuk, Hsrs, Gillette«, .llllnlirop.

/"xUTLntl". -Ilaril Bros, for" high f hi^s lln/ors, '_' Pipe, Milli, Ilengall, leeleril, Impuls!, giur

iinliTil it lih 'm ii»r

/flUTl.EnV. - Bru', for iierillilng jou _' iceiuui lu Ililli class guilds at ineKleu-le latci.

141 Buiui-ti.n st,

DUSV IJliioils I vrri'ii SWI-KI'I.IIS,

lu iv s,iiii|,li'i. ".i i.u'i. nil" other T. Yllleheil mid (is, .I'd 'xlllllillc -t.


DIMSH-nOOM «HUTE, in good order, for SM.1".|

thtap, also Sideboard; nu dealers. 1KI Peel st. ,_Wliid_or._ DOMFSriC economy".

The Hist of a «.rieb of Pracllcal Dcmouslrations In Do-uestlc Ee'onuinv vvi!! luke place on Tin ..lay, Wedncfdnv, und Tlmr>day, Nov. 50/ Dec. 1 and 2, at Messrs. John Hanks and Son Ply. Ltd., ¡Pll _0J Bourke st., at 3 p.m. Sublect, "1'lie Parnui- Wa«hir"-i great laboursuer for th" homo. A Itearly invitation Is ' tended to all to come and see Hie mat iv advi

tige» of thi_ Modern Appliance. Take lift to 2nd floor,__ DRESSMAKERS"' Costume, Tailor STANDS, new

and «oi-ndhand; Window Fittings, all Hades.

Crowley and Son», _W Elizabeth «.__?___ 3H0._, ELECTRIC MOTORS."-The"liest~mako Is Eng

ll«h. ami the best Englisli. Is SILVERTOWN,' !1 Elizabeth st., Melbourne. _" __

.TILEC'TRIC LIGHT FITTINGS.-Beautiful designs Jil art lu be Min at HIL» ER'IOWN, 21 Elizabeth,

t., Mclbuiinic. '____

I7lbE( TRIG I OOKING \PPl.lAXCI_i of all sort

-1 ure to be setn at SILVKRTOWX, 21 Ellzabitl.

st., Melbourne._v___'

f7»bi:CTRIO i."\ MPS. - PhllHiis's Drawn - wire I- Limp» ait' -uongi-t. SILVEIUOWN, 21 Elizabeth st., Melbourne._ ELECTR10" FAN'S," Tmstcr», Reading !_?"!->

Britisli Evir-rcady Pocket Lamp», Dry Rv

Icrirs. N'cwhigin, lGl_i.ueeii st;_ _ EUCTRIC HELLS. .Medical Culls, Batteurs,

HiiiuJrlrs: reducing price.». Pioneer, J. E. i:dward». .'I7t> EKwihcth st., near latrobe' st._ 1~y«_iPn HAIMLLS, hoicshcttd», suitable for

J sprajlnrr Icm-uibs, __.; .1/ each, bulb, 837

High st., Kcvv.__ , ENGINE,"" Crossley ga-, and SUCTION PLANT,

71-b p. Hynam-, 7J k.w" 110 volts D.C.

To be Seen ni WorkB. (Put in Larger Piont.)

U. PERRY and Co.,

Risley street (olf Cliureb street),

_North Richmond._ _ EAPLOSIVIAi.-lllîLIG.NITE, llla»ting Povvilc-,

_c., for grabbing trees, removing ro"kï, _c. ; stock on premise». L. Fields, 500 liiiz-bcth st., ...i>. _ _"_;_

TTIXQUISITE SHADES for electric light tau he,

Xh seen at SlbVl'.RTOWN, ii Elizabeth st,. Mell!. I -aUtlier.._ EYESIGHT "TESTED li-EfT If wanted, Clcs«tl

supplied.from 7/0. II. E. Sparks, optician,

I71 - DELPHINIUM«*, usffiiffor cut flow pre. strong

? . plants. 2/ dozen; order now.' Luw, Stunner'.t,

13- Swanston st._ _ 171 -Lnti'.vi-pilr'rcd A"".b'lbI.'GIAS, Mrs. Scott ElJ. ' Ilott's »train, »turdy in Uibit, free flowering; yd. law, Scunner's, Swanston fib'_ IT*. Oi-nl True Fri'ñilrMARlGOLDS, froili »pt'tiJ. . all. sniecl reid, led. packet': Plants, 1/0"doren, baw. Sonitier's, ISO Swanston nu«...',_ ]7i~ - lIObbYHOCKK, obiter. «train, oftf;

. sow now; seed Del. packet. - ' Un, Somilcr's, 100 Swjiistonjst. '

. ! pillow " ."


._ _" _.. PTY. bTD.,




bo., Split, £0/0-Per Ton.



Ilakcrs' Wood, niilchers' Blocks, Coke, Charcoal.


The * vry Best, st New Pnces, Prompt Delivery. Agents tor Mcivor Timber and Firewood Co. Pty. Ltd., Jumbunna, Outtrim, and Newcastle Cool.

Trucks ronsisned to All Sidings.


Central Wood and Coal .Depot,

Head Office: Railwav Siding. North t-clbourae.

'Phone--Central 1221, 8011;

_W.nt-cr. -tp; Ascot. ____ ._

Jj* 1 R B W"~ "O ~0 " I».

Box Blocks, 2C/8; Split, 30/; Ironbark:, 23/; Split, !0/0. By Measurement-J tons 2ft., 23/; 2 tons 1ft nljcd, 80/; Split, 22/. Stove Wood. Mallee Roots, Jumbunna, Pelaw Main, anti Newcastle rails, a! lowest rate-; wholesale awl relal! agents for Mcivor Firewood Co. Pty. Ltd., Jumbunna Coal Co., and Curdle'» River llulldoc Lime.

T. CURPHEY PTY. bTD., Burnley, Vielorti Park and Kew railway siding- Tel. 2507, Centn!, "IjiIREWOOD, Bn\ Blocks, Bakers' Wood, all -b' Ion-tin, .Mallee Roots, Coal, Charcoal, and Coke. Frank II. Johnson and Co:, Fitzroy RallV'jiy___dlnir. 'Phmic'0-7 Knrtlicolc. __ '

1^Ilt!^VÖ(«-.-_o"_ UÍooicS, Mallee 'llnotv bakers' X' Wood, Coal, and l.'oke; adicrttsi'd rat"*». J. II.Brown, tram lermlnii», Clifton Hill. X'cntc f<¡.

FIREWOOD.-Box ape! other "Blocks,' ¡ill length!,

temmon wood, by 1 lie tnlck, at nssociaticn prices. t''cile_al__*arnici'.», "40 ninden- st._ I'TVlRIiWOOD,-Dry Redgum, ""lim. Wool.», well

. cut nud loaricc!; "2/10/ per truck; cheque ivitIi_orde___Burna Bros., Toolauiba. _ FS1!_N'_ NETS, Rabbit, Har«, Sparrow, and

Starling 1 nippers' Nets; Fishing Tackle ol every description stocked. \Y. C. O-ley, 205 Beaconsfield parade, Middle Park._ I7ILAGS, all" kinds, »1res; Xmas Toys, Faucj

? Good». Ac; Lt-lhcrwarc, Cutlery, Chemists' Goods, Perfumery; cheapest wholesale house. L. B. Fcls.170 Flindmjanc._,_ IJlbEMfNGTOX-Ctnit Hooks, 1 « cïeiien; Sli-oiv

. Hook», .OU.-doren: Rim Lock», 1/ilj Cato Litchcs, «J.; Spring Ilingci, St!.; Cupboard l-tcltes, 0d. C.v.x'», Itaeevoiirse rd. _ I7II.OWER1XG. -,72 Seedlings for 1/0, or -til.

? 'dozen, l'nlov. Asters; Cosinus, Sdutlower, stock, ^-Iplglossis, Petunia, .Marigold, Calllopsl«, Lobelia, DIanttius, Agcritum,«Sn.1pdrag.tii, Balsam, Zinnia; -?sled. Warner,'op. '1-91-fllco, 'Auburn. Tel.

12 Haw. ____-___ I71I.OWEH1SG, - Ta»man!in _n.ncl.in_ Asler«,

. bi-iiliiil! mixed colour», 50 1/; la Tcnnato Plants, bc«t »oils, 1 '. Warner, Auburn._ I.TLOWERINC. Carn-flons, 0 -tst"iarieHcs, 3/0,

. Duchess Devonshire, Rosalind, Enchantrts-,

Hobt. Williams, etc * Warner, Auburn.'_ ITU/jWÏ'.RÎNO Collarette und Pacony DalillasT Sal

1 via Ubnlli-,' Kehvay's Delphiniums; all 1. J dozen, posted. ' Worner, Auburn, ' . «

.. . ... eds

ulan. I'.lsicmvvlek. ,_

TlLOWEItltN'G.-Alteniuntlicrn, beautiful edging; * red, yellow-, g leen; 1/ dozen, 7/ 100. Prior, seedsman. Elsternwick. ' ' , _,

FLOlñvRIÑG. - Giant Tree French, Marlgola,

from my original strain planti.; l/lf dozen, ei_tccl: seed, Od. packet. Prior. Elsternwick.

f,"H.OW_RING.-Sutton's Red Sunflower, «trong

' plnuts, 1/0 dozen, iiosted. Prlor,_EIstcrn»itk.

- \VKRIXG.-Astcrs,~ Tasmaniaii, Bnîncliing, my vvclt-knowii strain, now ready; 24, pc_tud Prior, Eli.tcrnw_[e'i__ I7II.OWKBlNO.---tüant""_!niiias, Howers Oin. aero».»,

nice stiong plants, lu posted, 1/. Prior, I.!s lertivv Ic:l__ I¡»LOWiailXO.-Verbena make a lovely show, at!

__colouis; 12 iiostcel l/__ Prior, Elsternwick.

ITlUIWEItlNG^-Seedliiig l>lfilla», l>ieoñy7 am!

? Collnrcttc, saved Ireiui «elcit named sort«; 12 po«ti'il_ 1/0. Prior. Elsternwick.

F"în.-K F

.OWERS. - Dahlias, cactus, iiTcny, and tolliri'ttes; order i.inv, A. and II. Newstead, nursery men, 0.1k grove, Brighton.__I_bone __l _.

1"?lLOWERS.-l'*sililln-, ifKlnc, Munrucrlto Sanders,

. shrulis, Iii'dgu plains, wrcuflis, (iva and li. Newstcail, iiilrscryineu, Brighton. 'Phone 2210

17ILOWERS.-72 Seedling«, IO Ulm!» IO be Cliosin,

. cl!i|, sunllGvvcrs, co«anos, giiillardlns,, French marigolds, hollyhocks, ¿Innias, stock», lials'ain«', listers, sweet sultan, petunia», snapdragons, carnation«, corcopsi», igeratuin, Iniliilli pink», 1/0, cr 4d. doztu; passion-fruit, Od. tacli; hnnil_ Crci'ptTs,__il._c_.e_h. ___.t__l_cr._llamptpii.

Íjll/IWERS.-.10 ¡lest Tusimnllnn lir-iiihin-- listers,

' 1/1 100, '-/<i!>-!l winter stocks, 1/; aalUil bonlitc, 1/ dozen.__ llltlei, llnmpton. __'_ Tj"M.OWERS.-Giant flowering zinnias, giant pan

1 sit-, Od. cluzen; glniu trio French marigolds,

,»_".. ma..» /..!...... ii.-i.... ~

T.1LOWER1NG Dniillu Kn illlngK, ? collection fi J- «Hong plants, usmrtccl l.imls; will blossom this Stimmer; 1/ dozen posted. James Railton, 270 Swanston «t., Mellinurne.

17ILOWER1.NG Sicelllug», coll«lion Mi po.ted 1/0;

. Zinnia, Phlox, A«tor», Petunias, Oallhitdlu, Salpiglossls. * Jumes Haillon, 27J Swanston b1., Melb._ IJÍLOIVERINI! Planta, .NoteiTles.-New Striped

Marigold, New Antill Minim, "Moonlight," New PcahlousArurc Fairy; 1/ dozen, postee!. Jumes

IjNLÓWERI.NG Delphinium Seedlings, fiom Ki]

? . wu.v's bcst-un.ui'd varieties: plant npw; I/o dozen postod. Janies Railton, ,-70 bvvanslou st. Molhourn.'._-_;

FLOWERING Cbosalitliemums Phillis; npl'eiieliei

t-o!lection; 0 lion Jiipancse ntiineil varh'tic», IMSti'd 4/. Janies Railton, 27,1 Swanston street, Melliniitnc._' [jUOWEHINO.-Tomato Plants, Velocity, Jiirli"

. mia, Dwarf Red, Ac, strong, packed to t.avcl: 1/ dozen, 0/_fiO, 5/ lou. James Railton. _

TILOWERINGT-Passion Fruit Plants, strong, L' -ready to plant: Hie piofltable crop;. Gd. each, 6/ do«... -Aim*« Hull.mi._

TlLOWKlfsEEDS. Sow ,N-ow.~'ne"d " Sññfloivcr, .' Tree .Marigold, Mammoth Zinnia, Now Cup and Sanier Canterbury Bell; Od. nutkei. James Fi__lt__!__¿_ IT'bOWEHING'.-OllmbliiK Plants, collcrtlon, 4/(1;

. Ipomcii, Snallltowor. Ollinblng Fig, Kenliedlo, Vire;. Ciecpcr, Passion -Flower. Janie» RalHon._ _ _. _ FL_WÉ"R!XO and F.lliigc PI_ÍX"f?, foi biiaaai

nnd Hu- Irado, at icitonethle rales.

Ormond Plant Fiirni, Orinonel._jTeil__J_)l__|____n_i 1 BLOWERING.-Tomato"" PlaiilsT strong, 1/ doren

. posted; 5/ 100, 20/ 1003. rall. Urn-ond Ptanl Farm, Ormond._'_ 17Û_)Wi:illNG.-IViiua'to Plant», fruin pots, Iii X llowcr; innke up lost time; 2/0 dozen, rall. Ormond Plant Farm, Oi mond.__ r¡M.bWERIXO. - Zinnias, An.arantl.Tts, Phlox, J- Marigold, C-rxljIuft, Cnuin-, Siiulloivei; Oil. dozen, po»ti'd. Urinond 1'lant Faun; Lily Depot, Empire Arcade, Flinders st._ ___^_

IJDWEHINO,-Cape .Gqosclierrlés, Scarlet Bed-

ding Begonias Single und Collat ettc Dahlias, Silvia -ouflro, ut 1/0 dozen, iio-tcd. Ormond Phnt I _nn._ _,_ .j^oWERbVO.-criinbiïïii; llegeiidu'i, lied. Pink, JP mid Sdrlel, grow 711., hardy; U for O'O, packed. Onnoiid Plant I'arul, Unnond.

ITILtin'ERING.-liuiig'olnvlllèas, liest tîmë io

. plant, 1/0 catii; Giant Double White MorBiicritc, 1/. Ormond Plant Farm, Ormond; imd Melbourne. __ ,

17tI,OWKR|Xa.-Passion" Vin«, no better,tim. to

- plant : "/ dozcin, 35/, 100, ÜI5 1000. Ormond Plant Farm, Ornionel._'__ ÎJ*JX>iVERISa.-llatiiblcr Root, Cheilce lenes,

. und IlLiorallvc Plants; see our City Depot. Umpire Are nile, Flinders si. (next Mutual Store).

7i.I_)Wi.RS.-Good Hine to plant, lovely TasV maulan Asttrs; strain; 3, ilozen, 1/J, posted. ti. Ficlii'lu IJiicen st., Melbourne. _ TAboin:ifs-o cûiioi-tte nâiiiim, ifoi-iit _i..i.i.., J- 0 S'i!|iIbIo»*Is, ii Tiismniil in Asters, I/O, pmlt'ib G. l'rcuih, lineen «t., Mtlbuurno. _ lTiLOWl.T!.'--Pink Pillion I lower, lung tin

J.1 Irult, bainn» ituiouicd, line enting; 2 for 1 (I, po-trtl, Don't nil's this, stock lliilltcd. G, I re'ni'li, Melbolinie________

17-iJWEHS.-Pcic'.t'lt's world-fnnloiH CIIR\S.\X

A lillill'M«, alni (fltc-L Paon) lind foll.lle'lle Dlhllli»: t'llalrgue free. M. Pockctl, sprtlnli»!,

Oinicibur.i. - _.._._

I.^IOV. EI!S. - Jil rib Rose r-tlMs, lill, square,

' lil.. I 0; an , J '?>: «ft-. S'S dozen. Millar's ilitilifi Co., IJucc.'i's Bridge, ^ Melbourne.

port free rpeiial liur-l, Victoria.


"I71L0WF.1UXG.-1HKLAND'S, Urtu, M J- Chapel si., II ind-. r, tel. I3f> Wind. Xur-crle. Daiuleiioiig ni., E. St. KiliU; .'_ ns.ortcd Seedlings, incluellii. Cavlim.. Miniature Sutliloiver, Aster.*, Balsam Carnation, Petunias, 1/0; 30 Pansies- prli-cl-nkiT, 1/; ..»?'Coloured Marguerites, I/;- an best Marigolds, 1/; 30 Co-ino «, 1/; :W Knglisli Double Storks, 1/-, ,1'J French Wullllowcr.-, I/; '» Dark Crystal i_ibcli.i, 1/; 21 Tasmanian Blanching Astrrs, 1/; 21 Aineriian Carnations, 1,'. All postul free! Inhibition llardering, ll/loo-, 12 Ferns mid Pallin, with 12 CnlHopsis, 12 e'holc-c* Petunias, li Asters, 10 Dlaiillms, packed, 57; Hc<i Spray-Oil,

¡I, 2/ tli-*.__J_

FLOWERS.-.15 Phlox or Stock»*, Zinnias. Tos... iiiuplnn Asiere, Petunias,-Co-inm, Pansies, Snlplglewsis, Marigolds, 1/; 13.ns-ortcd Verbenas, 1/; 12 choice Dahlias, 1/; 12 Tree Murlgolds, 1/; 12 Salvia Bonfire, 1/(1; GO assorted best Seed-lings. 1/0. All plants po-ttel free. Olinda Seedling Nursery, MnrlborOligh_st., C-.uilllolil. ' *__?_ T^LOYVf.RlN_7okmt Aster SEEDLINGS, 1/ doren JL- 'posttel; Y'crbclut. Secdliligs, .itninmoth stiain, I/:), dozen posted. James Railton, 373 Swniiston st., Melbourne.'_ ____ ____._. FLOWERING..- Sew7Tree Murigolel, strong, 1/

,; other Se'eellings, froip Iel. - GarlHnei, Jlosbey's NuHsor.v, Huddle st', Richmond. 'Phone 4015 vent._ ^_ FLOWER STANDS, 'Garden Arches, Kursen

Fender-, Wirewbrk, Bird'.Cages., G. W. Rowley, 'new ntlurc-S, 20.1-207 Spring st._


Siieclal Prices to -tur-lieoper..».

Gh'UNDY and Co., 4.V» Sydney ni., Brunswick. Sliinvrcouis-,. al. Fliuelcrs lane, ' Melbourne._ FL--VVÏRI* 'DOOKS and Window.: Doors from

8/U. Send for illustrated price-list. Show-rooms, l!j Queen st. Otto Itomclie und Co. Ply.' Ltd., "outil /Melbourne. ' _

IilLY.-lVlRB ifooits, our own mjiie; S/i), t)/, u/0,

? IO/; 'K.v|i-iieliiig Screens, 3/3; scud tor illus-trated price-list. Co_*s, 3-5 lansdale st. ; mid Newmarket. ' ? _ ___._ ' _'_'_ 77ton~SOLDIEHS. -"klko'tKÎc TORCHES, most -f useful in "tronche«. S1LVERTOWN, 21 Elina-'

beth st.', Melbourui'. ' i.

FOR ,SALE,'GAS STOVB, FlelclirrTRussell, good

iirdrr; cheap; also Beelstcatl, Kupok Mattress, EMension .Table. _17_f_)it- ni-., Kew.

TiYOll SALE, Singer SBYYIXGMAGIIINE, almost J- nuw, drophoatl; chcap.i . .Ipply, Bargain, Mlddlo Pnric P.O. ? ' .

T7MIUIT, Y'egc tables, to., rereived anil sold on A. ' cummissloii. Market Gardeners' Association, -:....-.... agat_ti jj_ -j76, c;,i».Q,

'ITiURXlTUHi:.-Oak Bedroom Suite, Oak Bed-L1 stead, Dlnine Table, Sideboard, Hull-stand, A-e.; cheap; money wanted, a I'rel si., M'iniUor. TTHjRÑ'I'nlRI"., Sideboards, Bedroom Suite?, Jliivv-»? ? lng-room Sillies, Tiihles. Hallstiiudr-, nnel other Furniture «lid Furnishings. Cox's,__._ú___amálale st, ITIL'IINIT'UIIE, sploniliil .Saddlebag Chesterfield

- Suite, J) pieces, almost new; cheap. I) Iljrnsbury termer, op. station, ll-ivkstmm._


Orb. Red. Globe. Defective.


8/2. s/ai

4/3. ? 4/U 6/7}



2/4 3/13


2/10 3/S



8/9* 4/2J

4-/0J 4/10.


*in 5/0.


5/ Ton.

;it. le> Bit. £30 15 U£30 5 0£itl 5 Oí-!»

Oft. H 10 I) .11 I) 0 SO 0 0 27 15 10ft. . ..'.. «2 5 0 SI 13 0 30 53 0 23 10

i_ss 2| l'cr Cent. Discount.


Sc'Jth Melbourne._

r.iALV. Corr. IRON, "Redcliffe," lowest r-nces, V-T Vest obtainable; nlso Spouting, llielgins, *e. Cox's, timber and banU.rc merchants, Racecoursa rel.. Newmarket.

_f1ARn_N SEATS, best blackwood laths, bolted X-T oil, willi urina; 27/; special value. Walker, 37__Lltlle_Colllii__ si._ GARDEN ROLLERS, double, cylinder and linter

linllast, nil sbves; inspect. M'nlkcr, Ironmonger, S78 Little Collin, si._ GAnnËN^WIlEEUÏAHROiï-, nil si«!.; Glirelcil

Tools, in great variety; inspect: IVulker, ironmonger, 37S Llttlu Collins st._ /"1ARni''X""RARROWS.-Sinall, "l*VC; Medium, X-T síIO; Laige, »5/. Hanks, »113 Rourke st., Mehi., the Noted House foi Garden TooK

G<¡_K1)IÍÑ SEATS, lllai'liwooiir iron legs. lor

T lawn«, vor.iu-liiliK, utiks, lienit shop'. Write, 'phoiii'. Catalogue. Lord's. Abbotsford._ G* Ah MOVÍ-.. Main, 1 I. Icfcr, Willis, Walker,

.Iran J. Stephenson, 331 Little Bourke st. (weit of Ell/.'ibctli_.l.)._______ i-GlvSTOVK.'Fletrhi'r l!u-e!I, nearly ne-iv; elliMp. vT _ti. (;lo»rbuni avenue, Windi-or._

AS-STOVE, "SlnluT" niiirlv new. 31 Jull

mont st.. Jolimont. _


("I ONDOLA I'll 1M, gri'c:i, motor stripe', almost

3' new, eest £,',-, tell t-,'111,': also IVooden Cradle, _ Sutherland, Crisp st., Hampton._ GRAMOPHONES.-Disc" RECORDS, new or so, Bought or C-ihatigrd; highest prices given. FranUllii's Music Stoics (top lloor), Eastern Mniket._ GRAMOPHONE üisn RECORDS, douhle-neicil,

l/l); all latest titles; over .».Odo lo select dom. Stales Music Stores, ll!5_7 Bourke at._ ('GRINDSTONES oiT-tand willi treadle, stone Kin. y x lSin.; 30/ each. Dunks, 3D3 Bourke st., Melbourne._ GRINDERS.-Goodell-I'ratt, cut gears, light lind

left ininti r.«ts, wheel lin. x Hu.; 17,'i!.

Djiuks, ____ Bourke st.. Meltipurne,_ GUN, Miû-on. British, hJiniiicrless, D~B.II. I-,

special, nuiker'H suiuplc, new, rrgular priée £10, luke £11/10/; exceptional bargain. Thus. Mltcllcnu3C(_Jjniti_uIc__st._ aU>'-, Ilireel "foMiollitays; Rabbit'Nets, F w7*

ing Tackle; repairs u i.-jci'iulty. F. C. Cleft, hue r. U. Morir*,, .'iiiil Lit. Bourke si. ?_ /iUNTBRsTcut price jewellers.

UXTlillb, late of 237 Bourke street.

UNTUHS, new u-iíñ-ss, I2U_ KUtakflli street.

UNTERS repair Wutches quickly and tim

lolighly. If worn out wc say to. A trial juesteil.__,_

UXTl-HS rrmake uud repair Jeweller.!. Estab

21 j'uars. Sutisfactiou guarnnteeel.

American pattern;


Junket made frorrj these genuine Tablets is rc< commended hy numerous doctora as being highly nutrllious and most bencllclal for

INDIOlisrlON" and DY'SPi-PSLl.

.-. . .line' instrinuent; £b; lo e lose storage nccuuut; hargalil. Miller"» Stores, Hi ___.swi_.'l__st._,_North I'ltyrny. H.llIXICäs, good" lnithcri "¿ViarailiVlSiI ; fus

Single, !'.tir-heir.»e\ Jinker, Hiurgy, Wnggoni'lte', Light, Ite'-vv Sprlugr-art, Umv, buililli-e, lire _ li* lli^is. Collars, Hilling biddle., Briilles; :iU-i see'onel

lamil. Pi lees righi. Furrjiit's, 3¡l7*bO P.O. pluce, Mjlb._ HARNESS, saddlery, new, ..ivontih.nil Collara,

_e.; country requlicinent«, rlienpcat. IV, II. Hunter ,nnd Co., 312 Post-oillce-pluce, near Pott' -fllce, 'l'honc, 2M1._^_ HARP, Gotiiic conceit l'raul, new recently;

Ijcrlllce: iij-r» Gn-rlan" l.ruril, double' ni lion. '74 Wellington st., bt__Ivilel«._'_






HOP-BEER KEGS Tups, Rj-pbe'iry tu-k-i, |,i>.

rrcani Tiib«. Adniiis, coopuntge, near Meat Murkot, __>rth llelhomiu'. ___ __ H" "Öfiry.ONT'AL Grand PLVvilT'iuagnlllicnt lii-irn

nielli, loi priviilc SALE, in« £120; nil ,utó. laOJTiapi'l ?__.,_Soulli_Yurm. . __ IUU-CllilSTS'" U!Íd~lVolliig" (liûuûhi'rs, hili'-v lui

iirû!cel,'rcgd., nny ti/c nj.iele', suit .^hop« or prl

Ville'iiniifcc. .1. J. .Slupiiaril, III) und d2 Cui-on ti.,

xi-.ii: »I.el.-. .

ttii'iilug, nu shipping, to di'sili'd; clrinlii.

Iiosted_j_ llonihy. aMVçlHiigtnu st., f iillliiitivwid. I.E-SAFKf*, uHTiâe-, l.ite-it'iind lie*!, Whlle .Minni*

tain, leu-cream rrnsten». Wulki-r,- üiS Ultu»


eTCC-Olll-t-TS "i"l llriilcratiir-, nur mvn innke, X £2/13/, £8.1(1/,'£ I, -Cl/10,, il», 10,/. iipwurds; «tml lur illusti.iii'd pi ico-lint. Cox's, ans l_ns'dale. st.'___-._. .

ICE-CiTiS'lS, lowest pries's. Cohen Brothers,"tni

Home* oi Good Furniture, lill Bourke st., and SCS Chapel st- Prahran._ TClícifiiSTS, «>llir¿ik, new nuKli-l'T'jiist l.inileil; _-, mimple-3, ful per i'i'lil.' .llmount; cull,'inspect. I1'"y. Mi'i'li"'! miel Cu- 300 l-iineliilc ti.

Iciv'CIIESTS.'BirRiilñ». - One werk, lIoUMhnld,

,13/; Write; irpresciitiitiiu will j e-íill. I':v.uis,'7l)_Victorl!i st., Aiiluirii.

IC'l'.-CllKa'lsrtlie best ".mel i lieniic-iTlii Ao-elrallu.

FnlLllJiv Um-., factory lill .f'ui'i___st.__ IN'Ctill.-TOllS und Hroodeis.-Our Hrooelo.s ure

llii'iucof, te'K-ifiiIlhillng, nuil -raluprool; the L__L0,jt','*''1*'*r"_-"tJ-!___-*---.'----'.-i-1í-'"',,-',l_-_--_ IXCCÏ-ÂÎ'ïriIS.-St.l;><l'lf»l C'y phcra.'Tlf.'t lililí hist,

huí-Ir, rellnhli* ii'gl'hltory, giiiir.inle'cel. 'Cuta* lusnps, J. nuil A.", .11 Kll-ibrth st._ TNCrÍlATORS, llii'^ll'ôrlilVllêsl, ««"l" SX' ogg

X ciiiiii-ili*; fruin C1. J <>, ; willi* for i ula logue'. I ord'f lu- Vere' »I.. Ahhiij'uird, Mi'lliourue.




SiinhiLlc'for Ferns, Hydrangeas,'_c.

.TNVAL1Ü' CHAIR mid Tricycle, hail-bcnrliigT J" - iiiaile to order; Inspection luvltcil. Wsrileu, ipi! Sivau"lnn st..-Melbourne._'

TfiNVALH) CHAIRS, hr.ll.hcnilng, laicTt-mid X cheapest on the market. I). I"u Islinvv' and Sons. Ilouudarj iil.__Norlh Melh. 'Plibne is lu,

TXVTl'LÍf) CHAIRS, "new "uiid Vcçoiidliaud, "evefv J*, ileurlptlon in steel.-, ami tu.order. Fullshavv Vros., 191 Quecn.M, __Tcl. 1310. _ _________ Invalid" ciîair, goôirrâniiiti-iî. A-iires» ciwir, _ _ _Argus eilllcc._

TNVICT'A ntri'Tl.« CUTTEltl best un inuikrtTsöii. 'J- agent Victoria. Victurlaii Butter Fnelorles, 4? King sU, Melbourne._' _

?'"TivA.N""posf*iiot,n nicuTi.UK, sïirin_iriiôresriii

J~ u day, lOIn. pdjt »l-c, 10/ each. -IcPhci-on's, Coljjlis -t.______

..vDiilvfiS, 'l/ foot; Patent Esiciiklon: Steps, .4 Trestles, Wood Turnerv works. C. E. Ivun* 'It, seo City rd., South Melbourne. Cent. 010.1.

L"ADDERS,"l.ft. ami longer; Nnivv IlnnovvOi

vloelt. read.v lor ilt'lner.v. T. ' Intlumj um Co., A'lli'ckell ?.(., Mi'lhouini'.

LADDERS, Oregon sieh.-", tiinu'il'hnr.lwn,"il rïuJ's.

evtra 'trong. iiiinlcel; 1 ii.ul, lining, M.islull Pie.. I iiiilih'ld.

LARGE SII(Jll*C\hl'.'*.|iellug ali<. ein«.; eli

bs billilli -i., ( .dllngivniiil.

7 AlVN--.lI()Wl:l|s.-"|'liil.idi'lplih." tlyli li""Illili -»-' lehe'ls, I blade-, llln.*, .111,'; li»»., ,">5,. D.inl.s, 393 Bourke si., Mi'lbuiirnt'.


1 ,AWN MOW 1RS (or all description» of worl. c. -'M.",? \ ,rt, ""', ' "'alrv 'olc '-"-nts fot Shan! « W l> ( i mt an I <-on« 14 I e.ultablc nlaie J IWN MOWIRS MIVRIINIII un l~\djuïic.l


IllKMli, tí Vohunes h.tUon »ill rclc-ted

chant-lad) nuki living, ¿.KI I actors 4U

Hour! e si

"\f.NTltPiri_bS OP

». " , TVSMWHN' 1IVRDWO01) , With i i lunn all its own this hcautiliillv

n"urel wood b at Its best when presented lu

Dunks minto!» Tlie quain mel iletldidK arllstit inntl dc-giis 1.1 this famous Australian limber cannot fall lo pica«*, ill »ho han an e. t for Inline. So moderate lil price too

John BANKS, anti Son Ptr I-iL-11 doors W ef 30a Bourkt street, Melbourne.-Fltz-UiUi streit


inspect belora buying elsewhere Douglas, -71 Bourke st PrstJIoor through Kino's.

MANTLI I .¿-.ii )u Australian timbea, Graus"

Hcnrlhs, clic-ji largo us.rtmeiit Adams

.~_- ...s, cjiic_|. largo tis .riment A

and Attwood, manulacturers 030 Klu_hith>_t.

MANTELPIECES, Builders' Hardware, Baths,

Stoves, Lavatorv Wart, Grates, Tilca, most satisfactory house to Irado with, hist values

Cos's 00a Lonsdale st.


"ANT__P1_C_-, btartlinc; prices cno.t-st

Hearths latest -rales splcudld Coo-int,

-.- ,,k-.wia .-.vat w.l_ SpiCUU.U _OO-.nL

Stoves, liest laluo rall and nnmctt R and J bdear 27á_Post office place

MVNTl bPlH I - rai, 2ir,>.r ,rTÚT"-lk-or

Stillnrd «um. pnec Ie.re_.liln Bath» sliglrtly tlefectlvt (not chipped) Opm 1 rldav night*. IX. liorne s new shov rooms lt__l-i____,lc_p)acr

M-XI1LPHÜ1S (,r,tn. Till. (.rillüTlvtrb»

N line plate» ia lowest price» superior weil mauslilp Sutton lil 1 no! «t, >j hone 102-7 __

MIMI I I'll CES.-Hie xirv liTitT_""^îLyie""iiid

wiirkinansliip I rices lowest Buy from the maker \\ It Brook», Mantelpiece Munufac turor _Malvcro_

?A/fAiN rH.PIIJ 11 thclptst, lie« valut MeF -l*_-bourne all linds Grnti» Bdhs Sinks, Cop-pers Cooking Slove Roi tri Grilles, Viaduct Blclg»_



PUIS« niNOOUÎi\U (.MSSES, fino selection new _uul frt-ontlh intl, bv leidrnR- malu..1? Ont.

cuira flttcd

lMtIÍ_M\TIC COMI"vSSI-« \yir Offl«- pattírn

POChl-l Cü-MI'V.S-.V^. -iijThUpiart.hiii{rr lummoudi ti und otlirrs jil prii r*

H I kSCOPUS l..fflic_.t í|iialitj, .Wr OlTlcc pat J RCA- JI 1 rRIcCOI»tóf JrotrrJS C crtch

l'Oí hn mr-TIUC ÍA\Ub, for light-tip anl

sírurIHh«. from y/0

VUl-UlTINT...) m#\5M.S for i»rotcction Oíjutmt sand ittid gUrc* of »Uopt

W -VATSON iid S¡)\*-.,

71 i-Wausta» Hrort

Mil h M or CO quarts fooled Teiriy

*ow Ciiiibcri-oil Une preferred D Piter

son Woori


I lizabcth st, also Brunswick St., Utzroy

Mlllv, Cream CVNS Milk. Coolers Strainer«

all duri utensils nipper giliauisrtl sheet metal ivor! ers _ May., and Hollier. 11 20 Kintt st

MILK CVN«-, Milk Cooler», Cream Cans, _c , all

quilities to choose from. Jojte and Co , 5S7

1 lir.ibtth st , al»u Hniuswlik st. HUror_

MILK, e0 nuarts for SAbP, pure well coole-d

on rall ian Vein MÛT-r, 018 Brunswick

.North M-Toy

Mil KING MACHINES/-~_ he AiistraV' the

gre liest labour Biter on the market used by lending dairyinin llbiral terms. \i It. illackhain Ivtug st. Melbourne_ _

MIRRORS, for all purposes, cheap. Cottrell

ind Co , glass bcvclline, and mirror factory Nott nc__acldre-i, 25-11 Lonsdale st, city_

"irnitl CITO-R- -ITic "Marvel,' cut» mitre _*X and cramps comer« togtther while juuliug 10/0 I_l!lk»,___. Bourke si _

Nrtt IlNObHTMS, Oonl tile and mnttiil',

patterns 3/11 4/11 4/11 running yard; esti

mate» prompllv Dlmmijs Model Stores, railway station Richmond_ "\T1 .WtMIMT- Ho tsehold Skirt Iloirds, 211

IN S liri Board« 1/ sluii Bnerds Pel Knife l!o\r\ 1/ 1/0 luge I'i'te llevare! 1/0 Cliopl li« Brard >l lou W-i Rae«e__r-c__rd_ Olb FNOI ,1 «i - Tlie rmpire, manufactured and

ginrintece! the best 1 ngmc on the market

John Bmicle md Son, Parkside bnginecrlns Works,

North Melbourne


IL, I NOINrS Ajax kerosene or petro! best

for clair} farmin or others highest cfl.cifiirv.

W I! Ill leklnm King st Melb


RDI It NOW 0111)1 It NOW ORD! R NOW (Ililli It NOW (IRDril Ml« Oltl« II NOW ORD! It NOW ORD! 1. NOW

- 'liiere s nu lellir wnj no better - plan on vvlnih »oil could ortler 1 .- suit than on tlie I P Iones La«y

- No li ttcr pim lecuise lure 1» -- ir liait Hill is ftirer more - stntiditfonv ire! or nirirc hone 1

- ( oin in now )ou II he propc !v - rtieived nut! ivt will lie onlv te 1 - ..lid lo tell von al! ubi nt it onlv --- Icio 1 leased to »how you tlotti an 1

-V «-'I M 7 »IIOSI1 DOWN -- \ Ililli ON 1)1 LIM R\ -ÜII BM \Ntb WrEU 1 lll\l S MU


I P IDNbS-Tie I iFi Pivmcnt Iiiilnr», J P ION! «-flit 1 a«y Payment Tailors,

- 1 RO\ \b \11CM)1 MLL»

PAPERIHNUING3 (patterns free), Wlntclcal,

Oil« \ Muralmc Col 1 Water, lowest i|iiolations W anda Denn Propty Ltd., 8-17 SI1 I (tile Collins »t Melbourne_


ire inttre-trd in Recruiting Anti German 1 01 any othir nioitintnt to comlnlt the


SP! till Bl I'lON 1 \Df.l, DISK.NHION THi


\u Ornnn util lui («»Ilion containing ii ellf

rent Hi l|,i lui ludln- Hie | boto e f 11 M King 1 corgi Kite Inner mil ill II lulling (.«.cr ila um! Matiälliin suit in receipt of I' I N


. II Put slrell Sv.lncv

k1 (-«U eil.

IÍbll IM»! I \ fORs (onrt.« I u»li Uialr> wire)

. in t)iu» speeiiltv limiers l-l smith st , lltrni ( ilnloBiii '?¡teni uttintioli fur eui .liri In pillie» __ __ __ P1\NI) vviliiu! Mb.T 11 -1 two >vmiJM r

nirjet in terfiii eider h ill prit c I lirions, lim ni xrn!._ IHINOS-Ilir.nii bivirs- ec lois «1 lui hill-l ' I ( billin anl Ile l" 11 11 no to I« jairillcr I fur -I terms II « 1 lunn nord s -10 __l Smith st lltrrej^_ PI INO walnut II uki it Illili 11

Mc 1111) m \l lo. loi I I nn leinii I pic l"c lli.lci milo simms r- I ullin» «I _

7ÎIPI- 11» "-ilv Hu -31 »in 1 im 1 »I Ilin d 1.11 U.! -m li». ''«I t icr-'i mil Hill !' tltn ! st N_rtli Mell 1 mm

PIPI -.""ntvv liliel 'In I Hin Pd I'm ,

iii) ,t I hue ht, I ir.l nu I lilli III Ifor 1

II Ninth Util au.»1 _ __

J munit ijlii

eli » (lill »lion

Vii lb _ ___

7JII1«! sue neill lill liku, lift Im I» Wit i lu 'illtlfl -¡In 4WIIIII 2lli siiiWI l]ln

f, IKillfl 1 li lil) nut« Hu ¡JiOOiHt 1I11 («crt,. ami lilli. North Mrlhoiun_ 131 PI s -ft hugill s lu bin! piping tor liri

, ellon I lui! Hi <or"c ml lill! II III Ifoicl st \oit__M_t mine_ PIPIS abo Boiler, nil Stn lulu« nil I Site!

P'ntcs. Stewaits lloyds 1 nut, Dodds, Wel!» tis , rear l_omciopithlc_l_o«iiI___ P1PI.S and liniNGS-(it Hie It.t mu!« the

attcpti! standard Miwurts lloyd», Giant,

lloeld» mil Wells st«

I Jipis ml IiPllMI^-I. irgul stock in Ans

. (rilli and ol'of British 1 and U" bnnd <-levvurts_Ilo)___ __

PIUS ami I ITITngS - Bhtk, "Oal.anlsitl

Stum, Iljtlralilie viiimonlu, ever) jto s.bli iki yulti for quotations Stewarts I lojeK_ 15Ipis"iind IUT1NGS-'L and Í. ' llrand

iibsolutclv lowest pikes and liest cfualltv fclewirts I lo.cls brjuit JDmlil» mid INtlls als __

P1P1NI, - >0 OOOft Id a" loot, ill wes In stock

Utting, half price Plllupi Miiihlmrj, ol nil I bids Uirpuitcr s Mathinci 1 Store, Queen a Hlllte_ _ __ ______

7JIPINU-SH Tîiii lin nilfuuWrd 2.IU and -b Jin llluil lui 1 lnn"c I Stci I llvtlriullc iiu thiele ib.. mi bali , Hu, Uln Hil, .It,, bj itl il^Cj-^lirhe- ( 1111111 nu im I Snthtrluul _ "fJH'INl. fcidiiniscd "tVIOOIi , bl ind ne« Jin, i .bl fl i\i, IJd lln Hil other bïies chun \\ Ilanlini u4 Methven bt , last Bruni w 1. k_ PLItVlsTllIRD SI I DS, superior all others, in

»e lice! pin kcts for cuuarli- and parrots, coika toos__ 20. Swanston st_ "pAli"- 20 lons 1Mb , 10 lons lilli lui with _Ai points mid cios«iii^s first cluss londition, fur lim icih itu tltllven George and Hill, Btdlonl at, North Mi lim,,rue_ SAUDI 1 R\ and Harness, limpcttioii Invited. Col

lus uspcihlil) (.ii),g. PalttiHin (mlginnlly Oiirlshorc), rio 1 Itailicth sl__1 ol ___ 178_ ÖVH, fireproof Milners half icvtl"prlio mo so small S ile, 100/, in iciod order Jennings, o* P 0 phire_ SAFIS StrçngrooniB, nobrs, >lctorla, Vulcan

thief Iht niistiug new, secondhand 1 rice Hsu, Heaucli imp's 11» Collins st_ Q \l"f_ Ortprcof ullin. Jt we He r« Hie Nu git

>«.' leglstcreHl míe. of eiuililj 11 in» Ivans nilJ_Cn 211 I li_iboth st Mi Hourn._ S M is llnpioof thcapcsl und best, -chilling

nnthiiiis Cop. lressts, new scc-iidlitnd Willis ond Co '_J Little Collina st_ C3 INI), si,| Cnvtl Marie lluiktiirl lil I

io W Mnci a.iliallei _rn ! irmltner 11. 1 litoria

"and Pinn -id Hi«Hi

vv He lor lllii-tril-i

nn I Bo! li sa" J3«1 an«

Cl« dr li r l.rli .1 li» I n un ivnii ' "i»r,, )," c 1- ill I J! I . h ._!_J C< " U"

Clot Luiiliiiiinlinn ni I Ins ( l»';',

tificineiil« bin i'ngo 1


(Continued from Page 0 ) |

SATVS.-Don t throw nvrjj vour ol I Circtihrs

Have ti em re-pro w 1 reduced In thicknc«-3 mmlçcgnal to i ov. t_B.iJ.eky _. 11 I-on-vlali» st »OAttDUST 1 Vntlioiy id U, . -Bi.--._tt yj_. t_ Mdbo -me___________ SOAI-GS.-Toledo li o only complote ant oma tia in jil -.parities frcui lib to _? 5001b no springs A \ oodhend l*ty JLtd sole agent 4S-HI Bourke fit, Mclboun c_ SC\1 hS JOLTDO botest wa^hl io «prink

peak*, iwunlcd Inchest d plo na Pai ama 1 x lutntion Age tt> \ M oodhead 1 j j Jjíd IS jO

ík irke st___

SCAI-ES used fc-icce&sfuUy ali trades cash or

liberal terms Dayton Scale **

Bourke st. next T> c a.____ SCKFWS Bdtuh A-*<«oa_t.on thread lnrj.6

stocks Whituorth Metal .Thread Screws and jVute Wood ¡screws. Thomas Warburton, 8$i Uourfce st. Melbourne. __ CihifíÓKSSD TARUAil "V eran lah Hoonn{, °1

*^r i 6/C per 100 ran Millars T mbtr Co Qnccn's Undge _Soath Melh.


SLPAJ-ATORS ORhAM- Bored latest Swcel

ish sample« only one left l_-quart usuil j_7 tollo íAf absolute gift inspect Mitel eil BO Lo-udale st._ OFPAUArORS Globe a fe» shop soUcii n a »*-* climes for SALE big- reductions IV II .'iarkhum. Kill», st Melbourne_ SLP .l-lTOR .> cow nlinost neu cost £.1/ /G

se 11 30/ Moorhead Riversdale rd op 1 sscx

rl -Surrey Hill«._


_. 2>umber o' Shop-ooilcd and Slightly Used

Machines at


Easy Term«


S MUM - Iveryboily knovva vvlcre to bu.

Sewing mac! u e at £14 we want lou to know v I ere vou can buv o io for £ /IO/ M ard s, _.rrol si JSerth Xlelbourno_a_

CXLHING M A O li I N1-& lift, six scars test JONES Fitly six years* test

Proves the Suprc JONFS Proves tie Supre-

macy 10NL3 mncy

0! I ugland s Croat JONKS Of Lngland s Great

st TON"! S est

hewing machine J0NLS Sewi-E machine.

All Hritish made JONLS All Brlti-h made

jdyBnth-workmen JONL» By Bntish workmen.

SLUNGMICHINI umrlj new Smger in per

feet order sacrillcc for cash £0 or tcnos *»/G wet k1) rjsous 102 101 100 Clarendon st S

Melbourne_ ÇjrilING-?".7 Hand XIUHINKS vlliniliiL, ul I I*- others fr m £1 to £o giinratitceel foi 1 l ir« -II Compal v I rrol st North -Iel!

OH1INGM1C11IM Singer litest folding table ?IO attachments drawers A.3 15/ specinl barolin M ur 1 Bros 221 Cliapcl st 1 ral ran op t olo_scui i

Sill ING-Now M1C111NI-S 0 improved

Singers 00/ others JO/ loi (, guarantee terms. 01 Moorabool st Ccclong near Xlalop «t

t 1 Brunswick

QUI ING VACUINL*-,-hilful l> repaired no1 e -on IO Icmncd purpose s Hu g cstiii tc*s free

M ard Brew, established 18S3 1-rrol si Nu lb Mell

QhlVINC MACII1M, drophcad good ordel ¿0 l~>_personal "unnuitec_I ) 1 rrol st North llclb SHIMNGS for -bible bedding Oil per lae, _T _Anthonj_und_Ço _Vlicchotti_t _Mell»

SHLLP Dil 20 000 ga! Bra II urj -1/0 g 1

miali st a reports stronger fresher linn hu lortcd lust Chemical Co Citv rl South Moioo roe_ _

SIDrBOUlDS Cox built

IDHiOAHDS llercforc Perfect

li eli ded in u wide rai c,c of boa ltiftilly I Ignc 1 *-i lebo ird« to 1 c seen in our showrooms I articu lar attention 1« called to one In

soi id aus mu 11\ oaiv i nier __/l I/O

It I« of exclusive lesign 1 as llgure 1 panels nd 11 tique brass flttint,s room) cupboar Is nnd druvvers and woul 1 be an oriameut to an) I on c


, Where Q lalltv 1 r-vnils an 1 1 rices 1 lease 1 1 Iv CON uni Co

I 1 ( ON an 1 Co

"_ IO» r"n«daie stre t Melloirnc_


IN< 1 II INA M ertl elm Droi I ea 1 SLLI

either half pnce 21U Bridge rd Hid u oí d l ear Lennox st.___ QING1 II

1 oumc_ SINC1R droll ead all late t improvci iel is, lit

tings Ac £0/10 just recently ~U Hard Bro« 1 C1 I el st I rilirui oi Colo

SINtHl improved £! llertleun CO/

llorac £ Family Trcadl 30/ "Machiies ?»/ icar» utu li tee le

SrOltl nttiClv** bolted Hbichwool inn iroi

vvlecL« 10/0 Store Trolley» 1 latfon i Se-ile Mci hcrson s Collin« st_ S TOI LS- Our well 11 own e ookinc, 1 ulbot 40/

guara teed RoUed edge Bulli« J /0 Bath 11 nters 00/ Register Grate« 1 /u Cox s _o.

_o isdale st

XUMAILR GOODS-lil Mire "lu lOel TOln 1/

' 30in 1/" van) I li Ho e Jil 51 4n ej

it Safes /0 Butter Coolers / Unter Cms [ Cox s iXcvmarl et_

Costi mes well male froi i -4 / i Clothes Clem e 1 and Repaired first ela Bentley, 8_ little Coln

ANivS square Tanglefoot 111 paper Lamp

Lnamclwarc Hollow ware Brushwarc «locklea. TI os Mitchell Dud Co 1 tv Ltd. brush mannfneturers, -00 and 302 Lonsdale st


llntc I 1 Allan 20" Brui «wick ut

ITtrn. _

CITlNlvS-1000 gnllons complete -1/ fr igit L _iail commissioner« risk ¡rompt Icli cr»

corrcsi on knee invited llcicklardt -I Car li_,an 11 cr llbort 1 ark

Jinkwork« Hopkins st l_oot«cn._ TLA and Coffee URNS Beer Wine Beef Tea

Heaters 1 io 11 armer-. 1 i Bryant and Co "07 Post oil cc_i lace_ TIM-NT S x 10 with ti) lent 10 x 1 vuth X f> icvcralept in t,ood order 1 Vt-kellcld it oi ( len TI eatrc G1 nfeme 11 oi e Haw Horn IOS._ IT-JlTS lli"s for outdoor sleepers campen X prices below citv demands. Dumneis Model Stores nul vay station Richmond

- _ Solderll u Iron Bri Lo| i e SI oct« h irs ro I" tubes e-c ( oldman Car u st- Carlton Tel C ntral 1 2._

Levels Staves Steel lapi_ _ _._ .clcocopcs, otler ScicntiHc II stniments, secondhniul reí ilrs effected Seward, o] ticlan 4o9 Bourkest_ rilllR!_3111hG I I INI con pi te (trictioi ) c1 all

- ittor splondi 1 onier good distnet owner r Urn- roano able offer accepte 1 00011 Argus

. lilt ACTORS.- Tie Imperial lur g lierai farm J work makes 1 or"e_ toe» expennve to 11 v or feel favoirablo prices ill terms I artlculars l.ratls McDoi lids II irnlej

JTIHAV-'ILIN'G cnAIFCUTTUt, double bagger iJL in good order Conqueror owner will accept £50 or offer Applv John Bundo nnd Soi lark -ide Fnginecnnt, II prk- "North Melbourne _ .IT-tOUGHS ."inrlnt, lanls Piling nu I General X Irriintion Requlren ents literature free 1) nk 1J Bourke st Melbourne_ rnitUNIvS Hats 1 ortn antcaicv Silt Cases JL Sample Cases r pairs ii -j cciult. J C rtls l ii or Ha q i en bo. Melbo in c II on» I Ifi

toll 1

1/ I cr lb Uostoil Co 1Dj 1 i ti lo Collins si_ miPFllRITUIS-llalli Remington C1) No ' J Li lomood CO lisible iost L18 No 10 Si nib Premier t20 Ma -do »gall ui d Co 10 Col li s sr

sale I Mocilougall an I Co 4 I) Collins st rnyil ivitirtn Bcmlugtoi X use ?. wanted -lorth Melbourne

Ul tODATl SODI FOUNT UN eomplelc

Sj-rup 1 innis double arm __D little Loi* ti ile st Can 1 u seeu working _

Dalsv 1 nest ltntish models new fio i pr cc it dis *ount han 1 und i lectric_TTios Mitch 11 ni d Lo 100 Lons I ile st "T. LiNHI irORS M II O II i!c«lgn SkvllfchtB

> Joyces 1 ittvless st rmproof Citulogiic« Jojco nn 1 Co 607 LIL- ii oth st__

VOI IN Stn I n odd clear powerlul tone

case bow complete cost £15 offer ITiis (Sat ) iiftenioon to f 14 Robert st Soulli st Kilda (off Ici ijsoii st )_ _ _

VIOLINS-O r catalogue ot Molins Cello"«,

Ac Is now avuilahlo sen 1 for one 1 ) post 1 i gllsh 1 rench and Italian Instruments Strad 1 HU Maral i, Irom £3 to £10 siiccial Outflt -a/ -0/ -j/ 40/ 4u/ terms "/o v eeklv Maples »C1 apcl_st Prahran

r\.10!lNS Molus anl Collo« for HU t. NeMÍiñi 1 V OlWer violin sp»^ lalW I i 1 ( II illdli g corner Little C< Hin« artel S ian to l st« T c1 Cent 30IJ1 All biri gcd lustrun n t* idi islcd an I re

liairc I t-nvs re I aire I

-yiOLlNS Cellos í>inneri»_re- ri-scTàiTi V price.« liotel for 1 lohn Strings anl Acecs lî " li 1 <r t rr,ai'9 IU S Sa"*l«un

Artistic Design« and Ilirm.nlo i» Colour ings make Corder Hall lapera di tinctlve A wonderful variety of trades anl st)les J« «loin aid )oi will Hid it cas) to ". .i otl ii g lo s dt your rooms

are mabie lo cull o ir Iroo Hook will malle vou to select with tie eirlaluty of good resulta. Urila foi it to day

If voi

San plo H

0- Snaiston «t Melbourne And 210 2 Chapel st 1 raliran. AV-vn u nmc Kain,, d _

J» lew Jil _,) ¡i" m ,i

{l«s chcai \\ jtmkii Jl Hell i llruisvvick__ ___

WAT! It PlI»F_5~blacir

stock« low prices Aid liera«ii s, Collins st


V\7\l LPIPFRS TV li LP tl'ERS -tv Shipment of the -niest Designs and Colouring Tie Finest Selection In or Out of Melbourne

Whitelead, Oils, Clais anl All Painters


II MrTCIIl-R UKI Chapel street PRAnruiN


Host "I ailie in Melbourne

Call or VI rite for 1 ree Pattern Books lAlNl, VifptoJead Oil Brushware, Ac,

At Lowest Prices,


rVamcd -rtistlc_llv and Inexpensively


Note _,cvv Address - 2S3 I linden, lane (1 door ca» from Uir-belh st)_





White Paper Cut to Any Sue.


37 to .1 Gordon Place Little Bourke Street,



YV-NDMILLS- Australian Billohong is In the t V forefront of windmill achievement. Makers, Danks _95 Bonrkc st Melbourne



Oin to »in l"/3 lin ]-/. "Jin IS 3 2in lS/n rvvt Ml Sires c1 eapost made bv e_i ert Aus tralian workmen from best Canadian wire.

Mantelpieces Grates Coppera, Baths loci., al! Building Ironmonger} all kinds Tools. Largest stock in Australia cheapest Come and see Black Corrugated Iron "ft 1/8 Oft "/ '

/_ Sft « 1 Oft 3/3 10ft 3/1) plain r s

1/11 lier sheet onlv wants painting and _ood at i,-lvan.sed llemembe- CHA-JDLLR Big Iron monger ltrnnswlck street 1 it-Toy next P O

V"_71l 1 Barbed __U lons Australian m-iiufac V » tured from best Can idlan galvanised wire bHtcr ( ulvanised stands greater strain than an) other mai e tntlv worth 2/ cvvt more Blutk or Calvaniscd .cnelig Wire Strainers Cates VVirc Netting buv at Chandler s ironmongers, 1-t_rov next I O _ _

' ' ami

WIRI NFTTIV new eombii allon s; ecu!

chicken o,S0 coils lal led also ordln-rv Nettinj, ne! 1 cncinc, Wire C1 an Her hitzro.v next P 0__ WOOD 1 RhLLlS all «l-cs cheaper than makine,

inspect it will in; vou Vvnlkcr I S Little

Collu s

7-.ÁS! ?


tionsbrnl 1 in» 111 Latrobe st Melbourne _ -yOUR SH-TtCILS rimless from 'I H_lit 1 tutcd free Vlfred VI .11. uns op! tliulinlc op

tieian 31Í S.auston »t near I ibrarv



IXi Roads Lead to tie London and American

Stores Hit! cheapest house for TAILOR UNO


bUIl tliat will gue satisfaction read} to weir U) new eIjIor fit and make pirfcc tlon Len Ion ai d \merican Store*, corner Lastern

Market Bourke _r[_ A SUI1 of flin, worsted read> to u_ar 5*»/

there s not a .nan who will not be won bj the fit nn 1 fli tah of thcbe Suit- 1 ondon and

.menean Gtore_i_ _ ASI IT-Custom made «nits ruidj to \\cnr

Hgo lilli luill 60/ and 63/ 1-ondon and Ainencm Stören corntr hasten. Mark, t_

A SUIT-Dinner Suits all wool Wack .will

trimmed silk £U/ ready tt «ear exclusive at these stores Xondon and American corner Lastern Market_n

AU .ÜV Sic CO.T& new st. le*, nie« loner c"t

10/0 15/ß. London mid .mtriean Stores corner.Intern Market ^"rke.st_ AUSUt-LI-h ¿est SUITINGS now showing

lint Si-niceable Suits cdt anl male to

61/ to b./ London and _merica_i Stores

I-a=tern ila lite t


bil SUirS late »t o I the test for 40

HunJred. of uiiFotlcite I tes ti morn ils. We

putatiou of bein;; Tailors of rwe dollies for Men I_mi Ion and \mencan St o SILK litte I SIIIHTS new lain in nott _

cuffs cool na a brteze 0/0 London and \mcrican Store's corner {«istern Market Hourke st RUGS- Nicl 1 ravelling I.ufr_ extra large w7e

rc\erhi! le sides lß/ö Lon ton and American Stores, corner Lantern Market Bourke st_ S OMI- fallU.LS that will Compel '.ou to

Uu\ -1 _J \M\. SUITS out from the very latest j atterris fine \ancty of fine design«' in

S OMI SH-CI.LS that will Compel .ou to

lln -Mens b imn._r M"SrS 7/0 The Itcv note of the-ti. \c tfl, quality çt\le nn 1 fit Loi 'H?--!1 dAmerium Store corner hagjern MirKet SLWING MACÍIINLS Nought bold J___cnj.ou_d

Repaired *.eedlcs Shuttles parts any make lowest prices. Call write Warda Repairing M orles, Er-ol st ívorth Melbourne


ALn Ij mil foi» with lo shire at .uifurmshed

Mirvtritl own.r i _ar train or tram JUci Ij toys/ .rgu*>

Iontabelle U Curl tait *-t St Kilda -A _C.\GI1.S Ustors» pernunents closo n train ï ach goo l_tTbk_

-Sr K11 lU S Loti St- llaiidsomclv

lushed 11 VT modern comfoits meals op al i rl\atc famih plose railwa> I each

-.Soulii .-rrj J mt Hill

. Deutle Nl 1 Siting ROOMS large gurdon

II ai 1 C lath* )l


AI ICI I) \ I TON (Intel No edi) inv .tes inspee

tlon lists 1 1101 Ml I II 1 I Lit.« Alb.ii,} Umm b_ers 2.10 Colins st _(I11U)_ A Lill It! J MIK - Lnr imilic! I I_Tt f

room» _ from but contait ed c1 oleo j o»l lion líeme, »ca nil conveniciiec«, 361 liea

"" «.Mel I para !i_


rehiluice ._fiJj_J>itmti »^ eh i !ie^_ A 1BHI1 1 _ltK -\ U,\\C- M"r~ôr"tTrôi;,"nls -«-i- b1 ire 1 rt,i_ room alto Einölt Hoom _,(.ut _,oo>I tiblt j iaiH 4 l.agL M


I lil in 1 .1.1 _ St V incent 1 lace -

(. \\CII«> fur, ¡sled doublo Hooms with

near tram I rilli ALII! Itr 1 Uth -

I reakla-t room kitchen close t each 80 Kcrfcr ] n!

Al Ul \n I Ville -Well furnished TI VI- li

trim trjln in I beacli eonvcnlencoä luudc

ratc 11 Merton crescent

Al 111 I IT 1 NICK ii Merton (_rc«eciit-Vacant

unfurni«.! c 1 b ileony lied Hitting HOOM I nndj train trim be_cb_

ALBHtT PVIlh-Bllconv ROOM also S-U,lo

kitchen near beach tram ia«-» noderjlc Sü Victoria avenu_ Aim ut i nth ii) si v.

CILS for loarders

AlUHn 1»MIK Opposite Station- Lnfurniidied

ii VIS 1 light II bath II I errar, place

A Mr 111 I Vltlv 47 Foote St - Suit! 1 well lur A. I -OOM1» -1 minute lench tram

AM>_11_0\ and NANKIV1LL 225 Collins ht

rccommen 1 - I AT S furnished nn 1 unlun ishe I

vvitii and without board Agents for all lcadint,

1 ouecs

A" UMAIJV1 l_ - «eil furni-icd double IIOOM.

IHo of kitchen bath heiter washboiue 1 idles slure 11/ each M C J'/U V Icton. I O

Al moduli

AHMVim I -IjiI no ild lÄt Hall

V II I \ fun lahcil i xcellcnt Hoard uptloi al mo lernte near train trun ever} requisite Wind

d5 ._ __


« ltovn! crescent

AHMAD Ul - -nftlllll-lel ItOOVI« 2Iirgc 1

small quiet house near stjtion refcriiices H I C loll a Agciiy Maher

.11 _ double illi-le, or flat iriodenltc 2d_li Malvern_ _ _

A.~4 Itoval terTacc"Nichols, n st op Inhibí

tlon «.np-rior ACUOMSIOUVIION lioanlcra

AT Bella Visti Parliament place city _ood

ACCOVIMOl) VTION for boardc« and «sitora few vacancies Iel -t* I

Al The Cairo I urlloment Place, 1 M - I...

minent fciiesl» and visitors large doul Io Idlcony ItOOM v leant Tel iib I_ AT MARÍTIMO cor Orcv and Ourner sts St

ivilda Vacant double balcony HOOM, grounds^ _ __ _ AT (17 lifombv St South Vam - ROOMS or

Ikniril, for two gentlemen no children, op collcgi_

Al Normanhurst Collins plací v Miora and per

in .neills can ko VC-OVIMOIU-l-D first cu__ Hurd anl U.sldenci garden ____eçho_t_010_ Al llelmont rinrendon st list Melhounic

llOAUDanlRI-jIUhNCl lar_c double and siiifclc room<__ ^_

r Manie. 10 nrunswick st, ritrrov furnished

double ROOMS, single, close town quiet bou«c i,nr It i _

Al New Cliau | ion Hotel Hrunswick and Ocr

tri le sir i'itrrov ACCOMVIODV DON, vlsi tor» boar 1er». 1 hone list Mrs Kirwan_

A 1 SI \NMOm- 11« ciar ndon st ljurt ¿Iclb

^V lodi V \C\NCV II II I bono Kuli

A Ulli RN -I doul le lied silting ROOM front

fin I»! eil l sii^ir funilshcd kitchen gus stove conv nineo ¡min tram 'bus '/ ti/ 1 licnrv__t_

B VI CONV ROtlVt IIS lowlett st. I-«t VI 1

lo in i also Single Room with linter con _ nap meals o| tionuI__

T> Al CONV ROOM nid Other» bood | o»ltk¡ñ -J n ar each train reisoi uble \pply Anglo Israelllook Depot 60___anston st

"DV-CONV ROOM larm unfurnished iTtíTciT -'-' ette if d »Irel I ath heater conveniences .7 Roval iiruli I «rkvjlli _ _

BM CONV ROOM » lit gcntleil ÓT^l-TeirTo i

tlon board o. tiai ul .03 1 It.r y st st



Vlunlgemtnt) -Doul 1

(II -_ I li l _Vlalvcrn_"ll»_

IVUIIUJI private 110VH offci d ro'iYle"»

l"jing gue I» (.ariel 11 one lot lilli |,, " losltion nie surroiu liiii,s _suj prior Argus.

BO\RD eountrv vi»!tors .r pern ane I "gool

t iblc nn i I Jin trams 1.1 Ml ert st W i i l_or_ BO\!!l> lill ItlSIDI NCI' Pi lowlett st rait

Mcllxiiinu. from 1- 0 -Cii-., 18/, .ingle loom bath tienten


BOARD and RESIDENCE, furnished and t-_fur

nlshed Flat«, Suite of Rooms, in wol'-ap pointeel home«. Glover, Williams, Equitable Build-ing, Collin« st._ __ BOARD and ÎÎESIDENCE, Flats, furnished, un-

furnished, also Rooms, in well-appointed home«. Miss It) an, 411 Elisabeth st., -th lloor.

Tel. .(SIS.

140 Park st., Parkville.

BOARD and HIStDENCB for gentlemen. clo«e

electric tram. Thaxted, Albany rd., Toorak.

Tel.. Maliern, 2312._'_

BOARD RESIDENCE, also Heil, Breakfast, large

establishments; also refined families, bache lors' homes. Miss S)mntis, 101 Swanston st.

BOARD WANTED, at Maribyrnong, hy soldier's

wife, private family preferred, Tcnn«, J.T., Argus omeo._ BOARD and RESIDENCE, comfortable, close

Windsor station; trams; single room; mode* rate, g Charlotte place, E. St. Kilda.

BOARD and RESIDENCE, superior, moderate, or

Apartments. Ill Domain st., South Yarra. (Windsor 3030.)_ BRIGHTON BEACH, 7 Sc)inour Grove-Refined

comfortable HOME; Vncancles; grounds,

tennis; tent. Tel. 1520. Brighton._ Bi-KillTON.- Gooel ACCOMMODATION, facing

sea, balcony room, telephone, eiery conveni ence; trams pans. "Shrewsbury," Esplanade.

BRIGHTON BEACH.-VILLA, 8 rooms, 2./0

weekly. "Glenmore," 9 South rd., one min. station, beach._,_

BRIGHTON.-WANTED, unfurnished, three BED-

ROOMS, one sitting-room, and,board, for Hie adults. Strathmore. Argus ntlice.

BR1GI1TON (MIDDLE). - Balcony FLAT, un-

furnished, suit gentleman, ckwe beach; hoard arranged. "Narrabeen," Wellington st."

BRIGHTON MID., Anerley, Church St.-Vacant,

large balcony ROOM; others; 2. minutes sta tion. 'Phone 2-95._ BRIGHTON,. MIDDLE.-Double, single VACAN-

CIES, op. baths, pier; good .table; homely; garage. ISO St. Kilda st. _

Balcony rooms._Thone 1720. A. Green.


UTLKIGII «C-'ITON,~fll Glenferrie Rd., Kew.

VACANCIES; tennis, croquet, garden. 'Phone 152<._ ____ CA-IBERWiiLL. - VACANCY, gentleman,

well-appointed home, close statlou, telephone, Ac._.>._ Prospect HIU rd._ CAMBEUI. ELL.-VACANCIES at "Bella >_._,

Grandview grove, 3 or 1 gcnflcmou, pa)ing gilesta; grouueis. court.

ClAMBERWELL, "Langi," 3 FcrmaiugU Rd.-Ro

-* lined HOME, every comfort, best locality, ncar_lr_dn; tenns lLioderate._ C"AIlI»F_i:i.D.-ii-nilshed FLAT, separate kit-

chen, electric light, lovely home; near trams, train. Misa McDonncU's, Haigh'3 Bldga., 225 Col-lins st. _ _ CI _ Y,


Facing 'Treasury Gardens.

RESIDENTIAL ESTABLISHMENT, balcony, bed, sitting Jtooms, lTuts, Single and Double RoomB.

Central IMS.

(NITY.- APARTMENTS, 170 Albert St., small,

s well-furnished suite .vacant,_TeL __333____ O LOSÉ trams, trains, 'buses, beach, fresh

ROOHS, good wholesome* food, quiet, moder-ate^ 21 Park st, St.Jvilda._ COLLINS ST. "eXSÍ', No. 4 (Near Trcisur)).

Comfortably furnished single BEDROOMS acant; breakfast optional; gentlemen._ COLLINS ST., 30.-Furnished BEDROOMsrdoublc

and single, available visitors and penuancnts; breakfasts opiioiuil. Mrs. Ely.

COLLINS ST."" (107)7 Tile "Rliltö.-BeâuTifilly

Furnisheel FLAT, 2 large, cool, rooms and kitchen; piano, radiator, fun._ CONVALL-CENT"HOME, "_tonn_-a," 213 Dun

' denong Rd., Windsor.-Rest cure; special diet jug; certilicatcd masseuse. Tel. 483 Windsor.

COORAMINTA, 85 Wellington St., Kew, Minute

Eleetrie 'Tram-. - Unfurnished, 2 large ROOMS anil kitchen. Telephone 053, Hawthorn. /COUPLE having beautifully furnished "HOMl. will _-) Share adults; moderate; Eust Melbourne. Brooklyn Agencr), 407 Collins st._

ELGETTL"-'Phone 2321 Will. (4 lines).


D OUBLIS Bed-Sit.i np BOOM, private home, 1,

ladies, K.I.., gas Bto.e, 1 min. Annadale stn* tion,_"Kia_Ora," Northcote road._ DOUBL!; and Single" BOOMS "VACANT, private

Catholic iamilj, breakfast optional; .isitoni, permanents. CO Nicholson st.,_H-zroy.__



nfort. 30 Maiming ret.


LAURISTON HALL, Wellington Parade. (Tel., Cent. 3402.)


share extra large balcony . ROOM, bejutl fully furnished, good table; moderate tariff. 348 Albert st._ EAST MELBOURNE, Colonsay, 371 Victoria

Parade.-BOARD RESIDENCE, hot water ser

EAST MELBOURNE, Normanton, 370 Albert St

- VACANCIES, busine «s ladies, gentlemen, visitóle. 'Pilone asno. Mrs._Cahill._?_

"HÍÁST MEI.B., 3l2~Alhert St-Nico large s'lngle

|lj nt-vreir -...I »-I.1-». ---.t.-... I,...»..


in B.C. family, 2 business gentlemen. "Rhehns," Argus._ EiAST"MELBOURNE. - Comfortably funnslicil

ROOM, electnc light, nil conicniciiccs. 370 Hotham st. (city end).

EAST MELBOURNE. - Furnished Bcel-Sitting

ROOM, suit gentleman, electric light. 1 Nelson square, corner Simpson and Gipps sis.

I7IAST MELHOUllNE. "Cooma," 00 Clarendon bt

li -Superior ACCOMMODATION, double B.S. room, lacing gardens; near tram, traill._

EAST MELBOURNE, 17 Lansdowne St.. Cloie

Cily.-Superior furnished, single ROOMS, suit bliBJnc'3 people, nil conveniences._


CIES; hot water service, garage.

EAST MELBOURNE.-ROOMS, comfortably fur-

nished, hot and cold bath; close gardens. S3 Albert st._ EAST MELHOUllNE, 130 Albert St. - Furnished,

bright double ROOM, use kitchen, every con-venience; noir;_8/._ 17IAST MELBOURNE, Wellpark, 381*0 Albert St.

_ HOARD, RESIDENCE, large double nnd single Vacancies. 'Phone 0013._ EAST MELUOURNE, 227 Victoria Parade.-Front

double Bod-Sitting ROOM, well furnished, also

den; U.C. bath.

EAST MELHOUllNE, 423 Victoria Parade (City

Etui).-Double ROOM, with breakfast; hot unel_cold bath«. 'Phono 4745 Cent. _ EASTlfELBOURNE, Ilôtliom House, 175 Hotham

Street.-Well-furnlslied double bod-sitting, gas stove. 11.11., superior home. _ _ EASr "MELUOUitNE, lil Grey St.-Superior

HOME, gentlemen, electric light, hot bath; close girdcn«. __ Tel. 7-7-._ EAST MELBOURNE,-I Lansdowne* St.-Business

_,...,»......< ....-»-.»..1.1,. .tn~l.. prime.


Victoria parade, double nnd single V

II. bath.; close eil) ; tariff moelerale._

EAST MELBOURNE. - Large, well-furnisbeel

ROOM; also, Balcony Room, suit .11.0. Ora, S Simpson st._ IT*AST MELBOURNE.']!» Powlett St?-Ilcll-lur*

_ nlilicil double anil single ROOMS vacant, II. and C. l_lhs;__modera_ti\__. IJIASTMELIIOUHNE, "Mossnian IIou«e," 111 Bow* _ lett St.-Double balcony and single VACAN CILS, handy to clty.__ IriAST MKLnOURNE, ~M-ïtIlTnd," 1-S <ÍÍpiH~St°.

?I -Lugo furnished front ROOM, kitclienette; al-i*__iililurnislicil Room,_hitchou._

EASTMELHOÜRNU, "Grandi lew," 1. "inuM

.i_tineirn ,""l ln-s;tn_xTr*v* l"""- ....

EAST'MELHOUHNF, SO Hotham St.-Furnished

ROOM, 7/0, privute home, suit married couple, gi'iitlcm u


AST MUl.llOUH.IK, 203 George St. - Single

VACANCY, large*, bright Room, good table; moderate; minute truro, train, gardens.

EAST MELBOURNE, 1119 Ccorgc St.. Nca~(

den«.-Furnished Balcony FLAT', self*c tnilted, conveniences; moderate.

EAST MHLU., City End.-Well-furnished, large

Balcony ROOM, sqit 2 gentlemen or M.C.; refined home; breakfast optional. 308 Albert st. EAST MKLUO-RNE, Clow Ourdcns.-Furulslioil

elotihle and single Bed-Sitting ROOMS, con.

EAST MELBOURNE-Small [nnilshed 1100.11, II.

und C. bath. Telephone 7205. 205 George st., liest Melbourne.^_

ÄST"Ml:LHOnRNl'..- Parthenon, II lansdown

St.-Large ROOM vacant; boan! optional.


E ? __ _

ELWOOD.-ROOMS, well furnished, 15.1,.

beach; moderate. 1)3 Ormond rd.

ENGLISH lady elcslrcs nice couple share detached

VILLA, near St. Kilda ni.; 15/. 8 Pasley st., SouthVu_ FLAT, CITY, 21 SPRINO STREET,

Facing Treasury Gardens.


Balcony, Bed Sitting Rooms,

Single ami Double Rooms.

Dining-*room Attached.

FLAT, furnished, South Yarra, on tram-line, 2

sitting, 2 bcelr'coiii s, kitchen and bathroom, telephone, A-c.; £3/3/. Anderson and Nankivell, 225 Collina _»-.____

FLAT, furnished, self-coninincd, 3 large, bright

tooms, kitchenette, E,II.; moderate; conveni-ence«; East Melbourne. Onge, 117 Collins st.

Cent. 2727. _____ __j_ FL»-T. Hcef-Slfting Rooms, furnished, private kit

chen, electric light, stove, "lluyling," 123 Groy st., East Melbourne._ "riMjAT, well appointed, 2 large front rooms, X grour.el lloor, piano, all conveniences, superior home, opp. Cathedral. fWi Albert s_.,_i:_>st___lrl_b.

I71LAT, unfurnished, St. Kilda ni . 2 large rooros

! and Irltehen. good house and ground«; 30/. Mis« Stlü¡lJ_,__2») Crllms st._ IT-T-T, private Mtclicti; 17/0; iloiihlo .mil single

. rooms, hot hath; telephone; 2d. scition. 104

Park st , South Y;

¡ILA l\ balcon), llnftirmshed, se'lf-colituliied, all

1 -.I. » ,!-., T.-!.,,!., lin»,- 1'tct »l-l.

1 Hool, private home. Cast Mel

bourne. (Migo. II" Collins st. __Ccnt._27._7L_ F1_IT, unfurnished, St. hilda, close beuch, spion*

»hil position, 5 rooms; 30/ I.eel:. Hing up Windsor 1.0._._

FL'IT. nicolv~íurnished, bed and ehniiig rooms;

Litrhenille: £1/1/; also single Bedroom. 1 1'r.cer s_.,_ll_e!d!e Pork^ (off Canterbury rd.).

I71LAT, inifurm'sheelT Toorak, 5 room«, prívalo

' verandah; 30 . Fenner. 'Phono, fliS Wind

Gloni-.v,'_J>3 Alm'i rd.,_St. Kilda __

3"j"II,AT,"unfurnlshwl, modem, si'lf-contajuoil, ,1

rollins, Imthrooin, kitchen, lwlcony, back mid trout; 2."./. Mix« Stuart, 229 Collins sl^_ 1 IXL IT, '_ large imliiniished rooms, separate kit*

? elie'ii, hith-hcutcr; near tram, Toorak train. Te'!. Malvern 1700.

[»ILAT, furnisliii], South Varrn, facing ganlcn«, I

2 beilrooms, lounge, kitrhrn, E.1. ; i-cparut. I entrance, E.L, Misa Stuart, 228 Collin, it.


IJU.VT leuitlfullv furnished pianola, priv ile -*- bathroom, dre-ingToom plcctncltv, gis, -1/ S Pirkil st «-I Kilda (near lunctlon)_ IÍ1LVT Snub larra, minute st ition, self con

tame! ve tibuie 2 rooms sepílate 1 ltchen, I L. pliunc licatei .0 Darling st

Til, M nntu-iislicd lull new villa 1 L, both -»-' heiter gjs stove elo«c beach, _t Kilda

Onge 11" lollins st Cent -


T'LVT furni-ied self contained sitting room - bedroom, kitchen, vtrj moderate refined couple C2 Darling st South Varra_ *H1L VT furmslicd, self contained, sepuratc en J- trance balconv, conveniences, close cltj, mo leran 220 Lvi,on st , Carlton_ "RUjVT furnislicd unfurnished, telephone hot J- vv .ter electric li|,ht, gas, garaee Duhallow, St Kildird op Blind_As)lum___ I jil V i furnished, beautiful lj coo!r meal» and at

. ten linn to let for 0 weeks, Jan 3 St Vrnaud Mansions, Park st, South Varra

1j- A I, 3 licautiful rooms Kitchen

bathroom 'phono 25/, St Kilda On¡,c, 117

Collins st Cent 2727

PIA! furnished, well large front sitting,

doulile Ul DROOVI, use kitchen, separate gus stove I I 4 -right rt Albert Park


Self contained, 1 rent Halcomcs

Washhouse, TI and C bath» garden roof, motor

tarage, electricity, gas,

1./ to _!/

Vpplj 8 Darkly st St hilda

(Near luuetion)

Thone 2072, Windsor.

TTvLAIS hiudsomclv furnished and unfurnished, J baths, w-s-housc, garden roof, electricity, gas, 1-/ to (13/ S Barkly st , St Illida. 'Phouc 2072, - ind -r_

P.M., at The Canterbury," St Kilda oppo

site station Cintcrburv rd . balcouy and

TJVL V 1 & mansion best Mell ourne 4 self contained

-L rooms, facing sei Middle Park all convent enees IT/_'Phone -in 4147_ FLATS South larra, clcctrle light, telephone

also air) Room», unfurnished, 2d. section

F LAIS fundshcil, unfurnished, lovell villa, St

Kilda ni electric light grounds giragc Miss McDonnell's, Haig a Hldgs , 22. Collins st

ITvLVTS lartc Bclcetion, well appointed, fur

. nislied, unfurnished board optional, nil suburbs Miss Simons 101 Swanston st

17IHTS furnished meals, and attend ti

. con. and others St Vrmud M_nsi(



7ILATS furnished and unfurnished, baths wash - ho ise girden roof clcctrieilv, gas, 15/ to (-/ ii Hark]v st., St Kilda -072, Wiudsor

1j*LAfh Rooms - Your time, ltioncv, and

/ strength conserved by spending o minutes consultating Miss Stuart, ¿20 Colling st,_ FLATS hnnd'omclv furnished, private batliroom

luvulory, clcetricitv, gas washhouse The rower», Iligl_s_,_St hilda VMndsor 2072 _ I7IIORI11V, St Ivllda Rd-Self contained V illa

? 11, IT-. Plans and particulars Alice Dalton, .0 Collin» st. (44 ill)_ IIMtOST ROOM, well furni»!ied, downstair! re

«.pecia_Ie married couple al«o one suit two friend«. 41 Ocrtrude st , I itzrov

FUHNISHM) IL VI, ground floor folding doors

piuuo, al»o single, suit gentleiilm 'Phone 4SIW 4 '5 V ictori- parade, I ast Melbourne (city end)_ FU1-M.11H), llilconv Heil Sitting ROOM dining

room, separate kitchenette gus, bath 21 Marr «t , bt Kilda_Wind 2B_0__ FUHN1SI1I D front lied sitting ROOMS down

stil-s connvecmecs modcrile handy I.eaHh) 2_V\elHiihton parade 1-irt Melliolirne_ IjiUHMSIII Ü lill, 1 looms, close tram and

. train, ever) convenience, board optiouul commenl Miss SvinoiiB 101 Swanston sr

FLRMSI11 D ROOMS, double, single, balcony,

comfortable, verv moderate 103 Nicholson st ,_Mt7rov, op__ _nxhIbitIon Gardens_ Tfl-HNISHI Ü Doublc~ROOM con viicinr

FURNMUD lied Sitting ROOM double, single

bright, new 1) renovated miliute bench, gunge use conveniences C4 Park st, St Kilda.

FURMSI1I Ü, large Single Rl DltOOM use of

kitchen 6J I Inda crescent, -lenicrric, _nIn__stntion Telephone_ fiV-URNISIlKD, double HI DHOOM, dinint, ro

JP kitchen also single Roi in» Apil), mom ings Id Hawksburn rd , Hawksburn_ IjiURNISIIH) or unfurnished ROOVIS and kitchen

? accommodation for tent ill Dalgetv st , bt Kilda_ IjiURNlSHl D double Bl DltOOM, sitting room, u»c

. kitchen all conveniences convenient tram

FURM-III D double single Red Dilling ROOMS,

gi» minute train, beach, train ellerslie, 10 Hornby st , VMnd»or_ FURNI-HI I) PUNT sitting room, niano Vlcal»

optional use kitcho. Nurse Smith, Goodwin

FURNISIII D balcony Heil bilung ROOM, separate

kitchen (gis stove), exclusive use balcon), mollente 57 lirombv st, South lirra_ "nvLRNlSHH) front downstair» double ROOM,

FURMSHH), COTT.Ol to Let, mountain di»

tnct, line rooms, and Tent. 173 Clark st, Northcote_._ FLRNIS11M) Hawksburn o ROOM-, ill com

forts Indi going holiday fortnight, let 2-/ or longer 231 W lilian-rd_

FLRNISHI D ROOMS separate lltclicn, gas

btovc elo»e Toorak station, . I. rfn. ir.". route 7011 Malvern :

FURMSHhO well large Bed hitting ROOM

kitchen (, is stove, U/h, few minutes eitj 38_

V ictori i I iradi hast Melbourne_

I71UHMSIH II Prout ROOM, lirepllcc, I

. conveniences, near girdelis, ö/tl Parkst , Malvern

FLRNIblll I), doubt. Ill DROOM, dining room

kitchen also single Rooms Applv, mom ings, 10 ll-W-shurn rl , Hawk burn_ rjVURNLSIHD H.A1, superior, lirgc .lining,

1 ,.-,,.,in li-t -in,,,. 1 lichen, miu Hawksburn

"»tttitig, al! conven!

f- Aberdeen rd , _


ITMJRN1SHI-D, Bed Sitting ROOM, suit married

? couple, or two ladies, mc kitchen, cverv com fort moderate 27 Lmsdowno st > Melb

FURNISH! I), ROOMS, brick Villa, double sit

ting pleasant surroundings, near station 15 Matlock st last Camberwell_ FURMSIIrD ILVr, d rooms and kitchen, ever),

convenience large garden 80 \claud st, St__hllda_

FURNISIIH) front ROOM 3 minute* train

_ Jrum _1I0 Albert st , _W Indsor_ IrvUHNISHI-D ROOMS or^olf contained Half of

._Villa_H Crimea st , St Kilda_ aARTMORI, Sutherland ni", Armadale, balconv

and ground lloor V ACANCHi«. 'Phone bU-, Malvern_ _ _ GLNi-rMVN olfcred nice!) furnished lied Sit

ting ROOM, private home walking distance rit) breakfast optional 13j Domain rd , South


GI NTIFMAN Guest farm pleasant, comfortable

surrounling», daint) meals shooting, drives, no other boarders 'Rest Cure,' Argus._


no oHiers southern sulnirb, diet, cl-inlincs» csceiitial_171 vlhcrt 1 o_rk P O _ aVNTLIMAN wanU HOMl", no children or

lodgers, will [iiv well for comfort Argus ollie_ G1 NI LI MIN offered lain Bed Sitting ROOVI,

breakfast Sunda, meals 1 atti luater, pim 1C/C VMlow, Railvvo) PO J-thildi

aliNILIVIAN requires permanent IIOMr,

other«. £1 week Full parUcul irs Permn nent Watts« Vgcniv, St Kilda

GI NI LI MIN olfend 1IOML with refined familv.

elcitrlc llfcht, phoni garage, #.c 14 The Avenue, V\lnd»or

GI .11 ntl N two shire front UHJROOM, re

fined home mollente electnc light, central po-lion 11 I lint rd Windsor (St Kildiljcnd)

G1-Nil FMI \ -R.sidcncc privatCiacant-com

foitnble Heil Silting ROOM breakfast 21 Lansdowne st list Melbourne


GII'NIHIHII -INvo unfurnished ROOMS, two

in famlli, no ehlldrci, tram tnin IS Churchill grove_

GI! M'HIIHI HOI II. Iliirvvnol lid

tlon -Double lind singh ROOVIS Board and Hesldcuci h. II lltinlligw

li NI I Ililli' - Two bright unfui nislied » ROOVIS ll»c kitchen puutr), suit married uplc_40 Vlanningtrci rd_

a RAN TO« N IIOUSI," Mcholson bt 1 it-rev -

VVCVNCIIS iver) conve ilencc, II mu! C liiith», traim_p«K»_|P!ionc 50.7

H VI I tintum-hrd VILIA lo Ul, c!o»c trains,

ti-ttis, rcaaonahle Appl) !0 GUs-ford st, \nnadnle _ _

H ALI- V1ILV, three rooms scpiratc kltclien

gis »love licjter, piano Health, News Vgencv, Heidelberg

HAMPTON - I iirnifchcil II! BROOMS, use of

dining room kitchen, 2 minutes train, beach

1 hurlston,' Willisjst________

HAWKSBURN Woolahra ' 230 Wlllliims Rd

V VCVNLIKS, 2 minute- train mid Iran.


private, nice hume, marrleil couple, two ladle» or two gent1

HAW KsnilRN - Three iinfiimWied ROOMS,

si parate I it. li. n close tram, train no ehil


H VW THORN-Large itnluniishod ROOM use

kllel,.ii, dinint room, suit bi-liicra girls SJ Llmrcli st_

EVWKSnURN - Comlortible HOVin, two

inimités station, near trams 20 Cromwell rd HUMHORN St lames Park - Nctlev, ' ?

larra st , V VCVNCV ! min etaUon, ä min tram_'l'houe 5KI Hovv thorn__ TNV VI.1U or gentleman can find comfort

able 1IOM1 ivor) no sibil cire, attention .

Bvronst South St K__lda (ltlpponlia Biatlon)__

ÍNV VI ID and Mlrse or two tldcrlv ladlca offereTl

superior IIOMI Particulars Alice Dalton, 230 Collin» st___ (4 !.__'_____ "TlWUlLhlQII " 12 A-hmd st, bt Killi _____ 'I'hone 077 Wlndior _ _

TOLIVK1NT VaUinia 211 lolitnont Terrace ti Idei] Position-Douille WrVNCIlS VerommoJition fun.lip» visitor»^_ I'hou __» l"1

.t/TTVNDHV WlWaldlSt "-oTlth larn

JV i-xceplionu!l. hrgc ind Inn lsoinc SLI1I now available other» Boar I _21____W ii d or __

KINslNGlON 110 VD South V air i -I nfur

nM.pd pirtlv fiirn.ihed lnlcoii) SUITI , 1 It tlion, bath Itpater leleplmm I nun Argus.

K1VV, Ovc-tfn PiWn.tonSt - Superior nOMF

hi-litlfill ground» tennis Suite funilshcd, t-fttmished Board Haw _-__>_ KLVV 115 Barker »-r I , 3 min B irlirr s station,

electric tram, VVCA-CV, balcon) or front Koom, garage. Haw 110U _


LADY wants single Bed-Sitting ROOM, close

Hampton or Sandringham stations, with or wilhout hoard; moderate tenus. Permanent, Sand

riugliam P.O.

LADY (English) will take HOUSE, suburb, suit

where she can let part to good permanent tenant; conditions considérée!. O.W.M., Middlr Park P.O._;_ LADY requires Unfurnishol, 3 ROOMS, kitchen,

grounds, 'phone, St. Kilda rd. or S. Yar"

i | AM,_

LADY want« HO.IÍE, quiet family, Middle

Bngliton stations. "Patience," 231 Bay st., Brighton.

XJ away from home all dny; references exchanged. State term«, C.E., Argus olHee.

LADY, willi little girl, wants two Furnished |

ROOMS, u«c of kitchen; Windsor to Armadale. Terms to Moderate, Argus ofllce._

LADY, »nuxlou« meet lady desirous taking

ROOMS in Albert Pnrk. Economy, P.O.,

Burn ley._'_ LA'DY, not too strong, requires HOME in coull- |

try with Ililli), motherly person; good table. Tern__Yunn, A_rgus._1

LADY wishes to Let large, light, central, fur-I

nnhed ROOM, for teaching, music, painting. Flat, Argus._¡_ T ADY will give HOME; reduced rate; 12/0 week; XJ companionship, alight son Ices. Pnvate. Argus. LAltCE furnislicil FLAT, let, every convenience,

elo«e to St. Kilda rd., 2d. section. Rosemont, 170 Punt rd.. Prahran._


MALVERN, Wooilcote, High St., Op. Gardens.

Large Downstairs ROOM, furnished or un furnished, with board. Tel. 2020.

MALVERN EAST. - Half brick VILLA, close

Caulfield station, hoard opnonal. 'Phone. 3 Tul ncr st. ; relcrcnce.«._._.

MALVERN.-Untiirnislicd front ROOM, convçni

enees, minute tram, train, good locality adult«._Grove,__Arglis office._'_. MALVEI»"~EAST~L-ily, Protestant, Ideo pri

l-ato 1IO.IIE, take one, two children, girls

preferred. Kindiicss,__Argu_

MALVERN, "Verona. ' l8 Isabella St.-Superloi

BOARD RESIDENCE, double and Bingil rooms, piano, all home comforts.


.1LVCHN.-Large front ROOM incant, pniate

famíly,_goo_ board. 8 Isabella st.

MALVERN."- Furnished ROOM, suit M.C. m

friends, use conveniences, small privati family. Homely, Moly

MAN, young, going town, wants BOARD and

RESIDENCE, refined fanUly. no other boarders. Excel, Argus olllce.

MIDDLE PARK, 217 BcacoDVilcld Parade.-Down-

stair FLAT, kitdii'liette, goa stove, both' heater. 'Photic STS7 IVinelsor._

TITIDDLE PARK, S2 Wnglit St. (New).-Various -Vi. VACANCIES, unusual cl-ailliuess, cookin: moderate; minute beach._


* " » KÍH _

'Phone. AVindsor 303i).

MIDD!,): PARK.-Nicely furnished front Dining,

Heil ROOM, private family. Apply J. W.

MIDDLE PARK.-Comfortable furnished ROOM,

opposite station, close beacti. Mrs. Moffat, 00 Canterbury rd.

MIDDLEPARK.-Unlurnislicd, 3 ROOMS, sepa-

rate kitchenette, H.H., E.L. 2SS Bcaconsiield


IDDLE PARK, 109 Armstrong St-Comfortable ? front BEDROOMS, dining-room, kitchen, irlookiugjiuy; H.B., minute train,

M1DDM. PABK, 132 Wright St. - SINGLES,

Share, 17/0; Doubles, from 35/; handy beach, train; good table._ M"

MIDDLK PARK. - VACANCY, *2 gents, «ood

' table, piano, close beach, station; prhate iamily. liiS Canterbury rd.___

MIDDIX PAUK,-Double, Singlo l'uni lull et I Bed

Sitting BOOMS, conveniences, g-as-stovc; near uta ti on, beach. 375 Danks st._ MH-DU; PA1ÏK,-VACANCIES for M. couples,

ladies, gents; recommended. Dunn's Agency, ll_Armstrqn(j_|t:_ "JITÎDDÙ; PAHK, 14 Nimmo St.-Superior AC«


MOUNTAINS.-Lady with rellncd HOME, close

station, offers Accommodation; 25/ weekly; good table. Highpoint, Argus.

TDDLÈ PARK, SO Harold St.-ROOMS vacant,

4 minuten station. 1 beach; all conveniences.

M "lia FISHER recommends excellent BOARD, 3

)oung gentlemen, Middle Park; moderate. 230 Collins st., opp. Agc.

.vrtlRSE DAVIDSON, Blackburn, gives ROOM re* X\ turn light duties, convaieoeents taken; verau* d-__li_ie_commodation._'Phonc S8ÍL _ _ "VTURSE Callaghan (reg.) offers woman indis X> posed, good HOME, return part hoard. Bel-more, 43 Alfred crescent. North Fitzroy. 'Phone,

"VTURSF. (certificated) lix« comlortable ACCOM _.> MODATIOH; 0/ weekly toe, £1/10/ out-cases.

151 Scotchmen» st.. North Fitzroy.

"VTURSr. ccrtlllcateel, quiet home, strictly pn Xx. vate, ail casc3 _icc-es_fully attended. Bronte,

35 Dawes st., Moonee Ponds,

"VTURSE JA-KSON'S"Private Ho«pital, 22 Host -_N ings road, 'Aiibuni, Patients i cecil ed; emer-gency cases admitted. 'Phone._ ".»«XUHSE, certificate»!, offers Rellncd HOME, --V woman, indispO-ixl, return light housework; strictly prívale! 72 'Alhxandra parade, Fitlroy.

NURSE has VAÜANOY~íor lady "indisposed, quiet _homo (reg.). 3-2 Simpson st., E. Mclb.

"VTURSE can give comfortable HOME, to woman Xx indispo-cd. '* ISO'.Westbury st., St. Kilda.

?Vrt'RSÎNO.-St. Michael's Hospital, 74 Michael J-x St.. Cillton Hill.-Reception patients, 'mid-wifery; Out-cases attended. 'Phone Northcote 183. O RIANA," IB Park st., SI. Kilda, double and

«Ingle VACANCIES, every -convenience, minute tram, train, und beach. 'Pilone Wind. -CUP. OSBORNE HOUSE, Fitzroy, Cloie City, Trams

'Pas«.-ACCOMMODATION, boanlers, visitor«; moderate tai iff. Mrs. Anderson. Tel. 2795.

TJAltl-VILLl:. -Superior HOARD RESIDENCE, J. adult famil), overlooking park. Wimmera, 310 Tlie Avenue. Terms moderate._ PARKVILLi:.-l_irge balcony ROOM, two gentle,

men, hrc_i,iast,' hoard optional. 30 Storey st. (ten minuto« eily). ?_

ray Post-bince, St. Kilda.

pRAflitA.N.-Furnished, . double ami single '- ROOMS, conveniences; between Chapel st. nnel

129 High st.

PRAHRAN- Furnished BEDROOM und Sitting L room, pautr), use kitchen. 21 High St., near


trains, train: no children. 38 Alfred st.

classi table. Thone ÍK181, Windsor.

QUEENSBOROUGH, Burnett St.. St. Kilda.

Double mid single VACANCIES, superior house, 2 minutes train; no__c!_Hdren,_^___

ICIIMO.ND HILL.-Front ROOM, furnished,


BOOM, front, furnished, suit married couple,

business girls, rellncd home, train. Claremont st.. South Yarra._ BOOM to Let, unfurnished. Collins st., suitable

' residential, professional, or othenvise; every convenience. Apply A. Rosen, 117 ColUus st._ R"OOMS, 2 bedrooms, well furnished, or unfnr

' nlsheel, with use kitchen, sitting-room, liath heetr-r, telephone; in best locality. 333 High Bt., Windsor._ ROOMS, double, single, superior Accommoda-

tion House, newly done up. 16 Napier st. Fit-rov (city end).


OOMS meant, two unfurnished, or one fur 'uished, train, bcacli._10 Neptune St., SL Kilda. E'OOMS, "nnturrilshed, 2'lnrg'e, one front, gus

' stove, coincidence-. 11 Liscard st., Elstern' wick. _

RESIDENTIAL FLITS, Thornton House, Hotham

Bt., St. Kilda East, near train, train, beach;


TJOOMS, furnislicil, unfurnished, front, kitchen, XV conveniences, close Chapel st. nnd stntion. "Scarborough," l18 Wellington st., St. Kilda._ ROOIIS'lu'Lol, electric light, ever)' convenience,

good ),m\, 2 stables. 07 Erin st., W. Rich-mond._ ROOMS lacanl, double and single; moelorate. 78

1 Chapel st., near Prahran tram terminus.

K_ANDHINC.Il7ui. - Half VILLA let, furnished .- large room«, box, near station, beach, iium

merlea, Tonn) son b1.

S-"Reynella," 30 Beaconsfield Parade, St.

. Kilda. - New. up-to-date Boarding Estab-lishment, has VACANCIES; garage. 'Phone, IV.,

C.EASIDE RKSIDKNCE, minute sou, every conven! ¡O' euee, gooel tuble, weck-cnels; moderate^

Miirleville, -llalli st., Monlinlloe

'QEIFORTII," "FDBTVIKW,"-1 Esplanade. St. K- Kilda, elouhlc' balcony nnd tingle VACAN f 1RS, superior Hoard; modérale. Tel. S9I Wiiul..__ S'INGLirilOOl!, unfurnished, wuuted, hy elderly

woman, near SI. Joseph's. Constant, 000 Chapel st., South Vhrni._._

INGLE VA'C.INCY, also double, comfortabl

flceplug-oiitneco'inuioilatlon, E.L., telephone;

40 Jolimont Terrace,


lien. -._. ... ____________ (SINGLE HOÖM""iacnnt, gcntlcmo

IO_ roid,_H¿vvJi«h____n._.

SOUTH VARRA, IS Park St.-Furnislicil or un*

filrnlshetl FLATS, double and single Rooms, meal« optional, hot bath«; t_.rni__jnes_e_r_ite._ SOUTH YARRA.-FuriiTsheil, haleonv, Ilcd-sittlng

ROOM, separate kitchen. 010 Punt rd.; near Toorak re!._,_ SOUTH .ARRA.-Unfurnished FLIT, Room«,

well situated, villa; separate* kitchen; conveni-ence«. 2.1 Darling st___ SOUTH Y,ÎR1II, IT Portland Place-Furimhoei

BEDROOM; bicnhfubt optional; nrar train and trams. _/ _..._ _ 7

SOUTH i Allí! I, -0 Avoe I St. - Accommodation

Hoareler«, singlo rooms; ulso vacune) inarrleel eouplo, e lo*c'_stnliiui

tJOt 111 YARRI, ul Biambv St.-Unfurnished bul-lo com I'LA I' vaunt, facing Church ol England I Gramm ir Sehool, iv iilKinrc jiliituiici- Ht v._,_ SOUTH "YARR I.-I'lifiinilshcd FLAT, viry large

rooms, facing park. 40 Park plan*, South

SOUTH I .URI. "Eulalie,-OH Pork"" "St.-Largo

ROOMS lacanl, double and single, priv-atc kite hen; moderate tirlff; bo_ru_opllonal__ (¿OUTH IAHH.I, St. «ungo. Domain lid. -Ö, VACANCIES. '-M3, Windsor._. CJOl'TH TARRA, 21 Darlimr St.. close to tram Í5 _ nnd tram; V.ÇANCICS;_tf_ç_iionc____ CJOL I'll I ARRA, Op. linfarne Gardens.- Furnished IO RtiOIIS vieant. Nniisloo,J_9_Donnli__r_l.__ (JOUT1I VARRATTi William St.-SUITES, single* io room- vac.inl, mc of hr____**__*t-rooni, kill lion.. ¿_'0UTlFi:AR7iA.-llilf''U0USK to Let, funilshod iS* m iinfunli«hcd._ J! Dar__lnff_.s_\__ CJOÜTH YAKKA', IS Darling St.-Large Furnlshcel Ö_Uod-Sltllng ltO__M_i-acauÇ_ _OUTTI YAIUTA^Famîi-heil M-Sitting ROOM, 5 gîta-store,, aU ueccs-aricv -1* Avow »t.


SOUTH YARRA.-W'cll-funil-ied, large, airy

dimble, single ROOMS, meals optional. Arnold st., opp. Grammar School.

SOUTH YARRA.-Furnlsheil, front Hod-Sitting

ROOM, conveniences; suit business, lady.

Dav!» nvc_nuc._________

SOUTH YARRA. - Unfuriilshe.1 FLAT, hníf

villa, sepnnitc kitclien, bath-heater; tl-am, train. 28 l>avis avenue._

SOU-TfYAHRA, 21 Domain St.-Furnished FLAT.

Sitting-room, bedroom, kitchen; also single Bcdroojn._ SOUTH YARRA, "Glencairn."-Single, Double

VACANCIES, grounds, tennis; ideal positlo

lOniin. city._^_____ "QT. ANN'S," Comer St Kilda and Commercial

»«-> Roads.-Double and pingle VACANCIES, private sitting-rooms. Telephone, Windsor, 17 te.

~T. K I L D


- 71 to 70 Fitzroy Street.

Balcony, double, and single ROOMS;

rirst-class cuisine; tennis, billiards, garages,

'Pilone, Windsor, 040._


, "TOLARNO," '

42 Fit-roy Street.

Spacious Balcony, Double and Single ROOMS; Tent

Accomodation; Electric Light Throughout.

Ten ___billiards, garage._ Tel. 321, Windsor.

ST. K I L 1) A " ,F."S P L A*N A D E,



In garden; garage.

__Teleplionc, VVindior, 24G4.


T. K 1 L U


,' Henovatcd Tliroiighout, K.L.

' VACANCIES, Dacholor OUartera.

_Wind. UM. _



30 Fitzroy Street.

Teleiihone, Windsor 1317,

-> ' "EVIU.TON,"

2 Emllton nvenue (oil Barkly street),

Newly renovated, Furnished and Unfurnished

FLATS; Board Optional.

Windsor 4312. _



r Corner Grey and Dilgety street.

BcauHful Balcony FLAT Vacant,

Private, kitchen, balcony, suitable sleeping-out,

Half-minute station, train, 'bus,

-i 'Phone W. 3607._

ST. KILDA.-"Summerland," Fitzroy st., corner

Acland st., tram-line, facing beach; ideal re'.dencc, garden; airy ROOMS; garage. TeL 741


ST. KILDA.-E-tensive new list, self-inspected;

HOARD, Apartments, Flats, Houses; call. M'dmc Verne, 211 Fitzrov st., near St Kilda rd. Wind. 3520._ S"T. KILDA, "Pyrmont," d2 Barkly St. - FLAT,

furnished, unfurnished, single Room, ideal position, grounds, train, tram, E.L., H.H., garage, 2IW1. Wind._. ST." KILDA.-BOARD lind RESIDENCE, outside

tower room, suit business lady, up-to-date villa, "ltavenswell," Burnett st. 'Phone 3I2D Windsor.

ST. KILDA, 01 Canterbury Rd.-2 nice Front

Unfurnished ROOMS, separate; train, beach._

Burnett St.-Double and other VACANCIES;

tram, train, beach". (Win., 1001.)__

QT. KILDA. - VACANCIES for BOARDERS, good S- table; terms modérate. 72 High st., i "

ST. KILDA, 11 Barkly St., Near Junction.

Three furnished ROOMS, together or sepa ntolv, conveniences.

ST. KILDA, Hinckley, 31 Burnett St.— Superior BOARD, H.B., E. light, tram, train, grounds. 'Phone 1019 Win. Ex. Moderate._ ST. KILDA, Glencoe, 23 Canterbury Rd. —

VACANCIES, double, balcony, from 10/ ; single, 5/ ; electric light ; board optional.__ ST. KILDA, Northampton, 27 Acland St.-VA r_> CANCII-i, superior double and single, minute Esplanade, five station. 'Phone 7e_ Windsor.___

QT. HILDA.-Large furnished Bed-Si'ttiiufltOOMS, Í«. near all trams, train, and beach; moderate. 0

'arllslc st.

T. KILDA.-Furnished, lovely Iralcony ROOM, KJ «letty bed-sitting, 10/; or Flat, 11/ to 2./; tram, train. 211 Fitzroy st. Wind. 3-2Ü._ STl KILDA.-Doublu and single VACANCIES,

balcony rooms, good table, train, trains, bench.


ST. HILDA.-Well-furnished Hed-Sltting ROOMS,

Ideal position, opposite baths, centre of beach, amusements. _Wimmem place._

ST. KILDA.-Comfortably furnished singlo BED

ROOM, use nil conveniences; suit business lady or gent, li Crimea st.

ST. KILDA EAST, "Wenonah," Lansdowne ltd.

Unfurnished SUITE vacant, spacious house, grounds, minute car. Tel. VV., 3021.

ST. KILDA, Le Var. - Handsomely furnWicd, Bed-Sitting ROOM, all conveniences, close train, train, beach. 7 Crimea st._ ST. KILDA, f-TVorl« St.-Widow lu» furnished

front ROOM, use kitchen, quid, near beach call evenings._ _ _ ST. KILDA SOUTH, Dicken» St-Furnlshed

FLAT, villa, ground», sleeplng-out nccommo' illtion; moderate. Telephone 15S0 Windsor.

ST. KILDA, on Beach.-FiirnHied FLATS, puno,

electric light, hot baths, surf bathing op. hoii-c___ 41 Mariuc parade._ ST." KILDA.-Furnished "balcon

separate kitchen',.1. and l\ 1

train} call aJtcrnoons. 187 Fitrroy st.

QT. KILDA, '^Newholme," 21 Redan Street -Tel._ ST. KILDA, Northampton, 27 Acland St.-Front

balcony and ground lloor VACANCIES; garage. 'Phone 785, Windsor._^_ ST.~KILDAT*Cl-«e St-t'i-n.-SUn'T-~íovelv gnr

den, E.L; ' dione 4237 Wlnd'or; H.H., garage. "Horonla," 30 Burnett t.t.

ST. KILDA.-Comfortable HOME, private family

- baUi-ncater; double-, single; clo»e -splat-tdc. 2.1 Carlisle st. _

Mar lton crescent, St. Kilda._ ST. KILDA, "Stanton," Jackson St.-VACAN-

CIES, double, single, tent accommodation; ¡deal____tuiitIo_i,__con_ cnient cvcr)'tlnng; telephone. ST. KILDA.-W'cll-ftiriushod douille balcony

ROOM, hoard o|itional; moderate; quiet, «elect; half minute tr.un. Avondale, Ainu rd._ ST. KILDA, Elu)ii. - Superior, furnished parr

VILLV, H.H., suit adult family, 1 min. beach, Luna__P.irli._Spcnrcr st._

KILDA, 5 Gurner St.-Furnished ROOMS, ',

-mull villa, use kitchen,'nice part, near traill mid trams; moderate.

ÜT. KILDA.-Unfiiriilshcd, three-roomed FLAT; ^ u!=o lialcony Room, witli kitchen, electric light. IS Beaconfield parad.

ST. KILDA RD., "Duntroon Maiwons."-Self

contuincd, uiifurnislied FI-VT-J next tennis and golf club»._'_

'Phone Windsor 3347,


cío1- beach, train, trams, 'buses pas3 door; good table, piano. 01 Fitrroy st._

best accommodation. Manager.


doulilc and single lacunclcs; close train, tram, beach; tariff moderate. 7S Grey Et

QT. KILDA, Stone Briar», 07 Fitzroy St.-Double,

I-f -l-f-l.. -iml.h..! ROOMS. Illinntp station, ht-rli.

QT. KILDA, Esplanade. - Three unfurnished io ROOMS, separate kitchen, heater, brick villa, garden. 7 Follington st_ ST. KILDA. "Grand View," 4 J-ailunadc, double

mid sin-lp V.VCANC11-!; trams pass; facing »ei. Tel. VMnd»ol IHM. Mr. Bennet_ ST. KILDA, JO Kobe St.-Furnished ROOMS e

convenience, suit business ludies, othcis, beach, train; moderate._ ST. KILDA.-Nicely furnished Double ROOM, sea

front. Milt married couple or two friends. 105_ Marirtc parade.

ST. KILDA.-Furnished ROOMS, ll»c dining-room,

kitchen, 3 min. traill, tram, beach; conveni-ences; moderato. ISMnry st.

ST. KILDA. 27 Grey St, 1st Hom-cPust Stiilion.

Doublc VACANCIES; under new mniiagcmcnt ; F.L., hat baths._._,

ST. KILDA, Nice Vila, 221 Barkly St.-2 splendid

ROOMS, 1 min.'cable, electric trams, bench;

lso small bedroom.

QT. KILDA. "Ocean View," S "«planade. -l-l VACANCIES, lovely looms, facing sea; terms moderate. Tel. 355, WV._^^__? ST. KILDA.-Agent for ni! leading BOARDING

F.SI-ABLISHMK.NTS; visitors, permanents.

JT. KILDA. - Furnished noOM, suit .one or two _ ladies, going business, 'phone. 20 Mary st, jrncr Loth st _ ~ '

ST. KILDA, 31) Mnrlton Crescent.-Single Fur, - lushed ROOM Vacant; breakfast optional; no ? hildren; hot li'.th._

ST. KILDA - Furnished Bed-Sitting ROOM, 30.X

l8, view Satiirdu.v and afternoons. 11 Fitzroy TCCt. _

ST. KILDA, "Kara," 28 Dalgety St.-Doublc mid

single VACAN'CTE-; highly recommended; 3 linden train. Irani. Windsor, 33S2.

ST. KILDA Rd., Ulmarra (Or. Commercial Rd.).

-Double and single VACANCIES, open-air room. Tel. 1731, Will. '

ItHlVI", »cparatp kill hen; 3 min, train, tram.

_T. KILDA,-"The Monoi," Jackson st,, minute J train, tialn. 'Phono 432, Wind._ jr. KILDA. - THALASbA, Fitzroy st. Tel., 5 Win., 1307.


» nade "'.


T. KILDA. - Furnished FLVT,- Rooms, II.B.

"Aberdare." 21 Mary st., St. Kilda._

T. KILDA.-To Let, 2 linfurnl-hod ROOM«,,

traill, lieach, private' 70 Chaucer st. T. KILDA. - Furnished, huge balconv BED-

ROOM, use dilling riinin. kltthfil, g.isrlo.i, l_T. V, Uri merton, .I Crimea hi -Double VA-IS CANCH-i, hot and cold bath. Windsor 27-1.

S'lHATHH-F, IO Burnett St., St. Kilda.-Well

furnished F1.V1- latani, minute train mid

tniniB._ ______ Sl'N'nllRl," '22 Prince» St, St Kilda.-Balcony

FLAT vacant, cverv convenience; ground, gär-ige, sta___es;_ini'ils_optionul__ SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATION, 'pilone, E.L,

hot bath», splendid table. 12 Dorcas st, militan' hurraiks.

SUPERIOR private HOME oircrcd two gents, largo

room», H.H., E.L., handy beach and tram, nu I \ children, Loucttc, Rusldii st, St. Kilda..


SUP! R10R 1I0VII for 1 mimed couple, onlv

three adult» in fannie, references cxchinged Widow Vrgu» olilce_ S U1IRI 1 I11IIS -Wanted 2 large ROOMS and

kitchen part good home, bindy station, penmncnt tenant T B , Argus ofllce____ 'ITUSinNNV ' - I oft) ROOMS, lawn» stable,

â- giitagc, hot baths modirute tariff Op

Ihivvkfiburn station

'/TIASIHNM, ' Tnshll.n) rd (Smvtli st), off

J- Willi uns rd loorak Miss It) an Te!

W 201 î

aUSUINNl rashinn) rd (Smvth st),

- Williams rd Toorak Miss Rvan

W 201 li

' rpISlfíÑÑV - l-ofty ROOMS lawns stable, , X (.-rage hot bitliB, moderate turllT Op Hawksburn stitlon_._ miSHLNNl '-large double ROOM, with prl X_vate verandah Jnst vacant_ TVS1HNN1 '-Large double ROOM, with prl _vate veranil th just vacant

HI TI NTS of TVSHINM ' well furnished,

floored, doors, windows, verondahs, Ac , cool an_d_ pleasant_..

a Mil- UNIS of TVSIIINNV" well furnished.

? floored, doors, windows, verandah», Se , cool and pleasant _"_ rr\UI TtNiS ol TVSI1INN1 " 257 with Hoard X "j. also 8 roomed I-i_iga____,_____ladjcs_ TIIL TFNTS of TASHISN. " 2./ with Board,

-c also 6 roomed Bungalow for ladles_ mo Tiicjlrlcul» -V a_uit,~daint\ furnished Bed X bitting ROOM, Bdlrooms best part cltv, pri

vate 157 Sprint, st , near Princess s 'Phone c no2_.

TOUT, lnri,e Bed Sitting ROOM gool localitv,

close train ind tram boord optional Appl) Miss Dickson rienferne rd , li)_Koo)ongj__Hol__ THO Let, J 4, or unfurnished ROOVIS, or fur X nislied, com cnicncca u»c 1 Itchcn gas stove, close trim and train 113 Union it, Windsor_ ri*» Let two lorge unfurnished ROOMS close X tram and train Refilled, 1 -.orthcotc rd , A rmndulc_ mo"Tet furnished well S1T1 ING ROOM double X bedroom separate kitchen, B II , villa 140 W illiam__rd_ Haw I simm _. TOORAK, "Verona 000 Malvern Rd-Double

V ACANC1 lialconv comfortable home, good Board Telephone, Wiudsor -Oil

mOORAK - ' Million, ' , Wallace avenue X V VCVNOl, married couple or gentleman, large grono Is, garage Wind'or 4210_ rrVOORAIv -1 urnislicd, summer inonUis, SUT-r of

eight rooms. In first class villa, excellent posl T elephone W ind-or 1401_ _ rpoORAK, Millian, Wallace Avenue-SUITF of X I furnished rooms, one vcr) large, electric

light tennis court

rpoORAK, Carmel, 41 Mathoura Rd-One double X and two single VACANCIES, near tram and

rpoORAK n Minutes Station 32 Wvnnst.y Rd -X V VOVNCIhb double and single, tent space, hot baths Jelephoue_ TÖOUVK Guildford, 700 Malvern rd . minute

station, train passes, first class BOVRD Tel VI iii ern UPS_____ aVÓ~l-t riimishcd double Bed and 1 ront, iinfur

- nislied bund) beach, train tram, suit married couple I Robert st , St hilda S

rpo Let, lintiirnislieil front ROOVf, separate X kitchen, clo«c to tram 20 Brunmng st, 1-ast

St Kilda

rpo let, bilcmi) 1LV1 furnished, near I-tplan X ade, St Kilda M J Itailwa) Post olllee,


rpo Let, bright airy room, 1 minute tram, train,

? and beach 7 Mary st, bt Kllda

Irau'i beach_30 Byron st ,_St hilda

rpo 11 T,"_ nice, single furnished front ROOM X_ A B Sarah's Agcnc), Mnhcrn_ TWO comfortabl) furnlslic.1 double BhDROOVIS,

sitting board optional, no children, B U , L L hand, beach, tram Loucttc, Ruskin st, St


rpWO ladies require 2 Urfiirnishcd ROOMS, X ! itchen, private famll), .Malvern, Dec moderate Permanent, Malvern P O

TWO unfurnished ROOMS to let, conveniences

handy tram, train, beach l8 Gourlay st, Balaclava _ _

rp\VO ROOMS, ground lloor, furnished, kitchen X gas stove moderate 40 Drummond street

ritWO furnished ROOVIS, suit superior couple all X conveniences. 2 Coomie) st. (I door Dan denong road), Windsor

U-.rURN'ISIIFD, St hilda, double Bed bitting

ROOM, also single, front double Bed Sitting, well furnished breakfast optional, U B 1 leurs, ' Burnett st 'Phone_ _ UM URMSIIFD, choicest port, 1 f-ont lirge

ROOM, another side and separate kitchen, heater, io, garden ladys, villa, 13/. The hlite, "1 High st, St Kilda.

UNFURNISHED I.tT, in mansion home, beau

tiful garden 1 L, 11 VV S, 'phone 50 Haritlv st, ht hilda_ TTNlUltNlSIIFD, 4 large ROOVIS, including

UN.UUMSIIID ROOM fireplace vacant best

part 2d section, wall ing distance cit) 28 Hope st South 1

UNrURNISIIFD 3-4 superior ROOMS kitchen

cttc, pleasantl) situated minute tram train, moderate Walton 21 William st South Varra.

UM-U-M.UID, 2 or I large ROOMS separate

kitchen all convenience. 17 Chornwood crescent, bt Kilda

U--UHNIS11-D ROOM-, largo grounds tent ac

commodation, Suiin station 342 Carlisle st , Last St Kilda

UNI URN1SI1FD, bllconv Bed Sitting ROOM,

front, other» u»c private kitchen M)arto, 203_Da_dcnong rd_(Windsor sUtio_)_ IT

M UHN1SHI Ü Balcony 1 LAT or Rooms-avail

able, II C bath gas Apply mornings, 20 st , South larra_ UM URNlblll D balcon) I LVT two ro,

kitchenette, conveniences walking dista suit couple _. Prince s Terrace St Kihi.

UNIUHNISIIH) front ROOM use kitchen, all

conicmence» Balaclivn station, 5/ 20 " mpre .

UMIIRNISIIID, upstairs, two small dainty

ROOMS, lirerlacc II li , suit business lad), nurse __S0 __ Melb_


UM .¡¡NISIIHl large front ROOM, separate kit

dieu suit quiet people, moderate 15 Grey it , St Killi

UM-UKNISIII I) li VI, verandah, pmtr), kit

elicit belch frontage, moderate J4 Beacons field parade, St Kilda_ UNI URNISIIID, two good ROOVIS in villa,

convenience newlv decor ited, no children 1 hoo) oin? rd Armad ile _

UNI URNISIII I) 11 VI rooms, quiet private

homo telephone, bath heater lri Crimea si St hilda_ UNI URNISIII D 2 ROOMS upstairs 7/0 1

1 llesmerc rd Wmd«or off I cvvisliam, close Dandenong ni.

UNI URNISIII-1) ROOMS (!) vueant 1st Dec, 6

min Ann id ile, Toorak stations 1 Hampden rd, Armadale_


42.D irling st , Southjlnrra_ UNI URNISIII-D HAT, downstair», vestibule

bed sitting room, I Itchcncttc, also small single room Siijamn, 170 Gipps st , 1 ast Melb



route Vpplv afternoons 11 I itzrov Et ,



i suit

nuts 24 Diaries

UNI URNI«HI I) Mansion 1 I Vf, 4 rooms, 1 1

11 II (gas copper), faelug sen Middle Park,

"./ 'Phone Win 4147_'

UN. URNISIII D I ront ROOM villa clow, station,

tram, udult, moderate 10 Murphy st, South

UNH RN-SIII ir"lir_Fl"rû;iuritOÏÏM7Tint-b-!

lied sittin" locin, hilf 1 it eben nice locallt). I*. Vienue Windsor_'I'honc 3Q1"_ TTN1 UIIM-HI D St hlhli op station, beautiful »-1 I' I, VI, 2 rooina and kitthcii 1 Can «bury

rd Modern villa residence

?y-ACVNT, balconv UrUROÖM, front Tuting

' room, suit marne J couple, ever) lon.cnicnce, kitchenette phone 41 1 rln st (near Hoddle st ),

Last Melbourne

VACANT comfortuble III 1)1(00VI, with boird

voung lui) in business, every convenience

Cl 1I..1. .._ »Iel

roi Malvern __1_

VVCVNI, 2 ROOMS furnished

ellen, eonicnienee« o Mer, 1.lephone_


VC \N r, Unfurnished and Unicorn ROOMS

also 1 uniisheil Rooms, dinner optional 441 Punt 11.11, bouth la

VC VNT, lnnd«oniclv funiMieil 1LV1 erand piano, 3 room» call mornings Iel Windsor TO-i 1 leurs cor Burnett and I'nncc» sts.

V VC VNT SU1IT, lovely looms just renovated,

superior own propertv K light hot water Vlavbank __2__ger_ld_st ¡¡min s V urn station ?\T VCANT, furnished SITONG H0OM7~2~bëd

no , "?'".* _.tc1,"-, k"r"t' ",l""tc trai". train

32 l.ot li hi , St Kilda

~\T Vu V.NT, unfurnished, 2 HOOMS7"part kitchen", c,* ever, convenience hath heater, telephone 81 Riverdale rd jGlenferrh_ Cty VC VNT 1, I Unfurnished ROOMS balcon. ' V leo Punt rl mid Hlghst , Prahran V

V01NCV, large double ROOM, suit two gentle

.- or married couple 102 Bridport st,

Albert Park

VAÇVNC1 for two paving M,_ts ," rinn_|

home, four minutes station .0 Ivndhurst crescent Vnburii__

VACINCI for gentlemen single rooms meals -, ?r,VÇtl0n"1' q"let ««"»«ce." "S Vlma rd ,

St Kilda_ ' VVCANC1 for two Rent., ..mfurUlile Home',

walking distance ellv 21 Prlnecs Terrace -t__hildn rd____^_ ' VAOIN01 one two gentlemen, priv-tè~âd-it

fimilv, close tram, train j Addison st, Moonee Ponds,_ '

'V rh"-J?_r B,t'/tlc"1,a-,.cl?.sc ,Umlsor B,atl°'b

' Chapel ¡,t_18/ 10 Marllon cres , St hilda

VACVNÇV gentleman furnished bedroom"-131 _Powlett st ______t_V_elhoiirne

VACANCHS ma-rlod couples baby taken, good

".»I'-, '»'»«"-c beach 82 Wright st, Middle

.*»/* VCTNclTb for mirricd~e-uplo or 2 gentlcmeii

> friends tenus moderate 1 Crime i tt . bt hi hill_ '

-V J VC INCH s loardcr» opposite VirtoThTTtaT

V ricks reasonable eomtortublt 23 Coventrv

»t m\t SI Kihi 1 rd _ «--.en.ry A/ VC \NUI-> VIC kciU« minute btntlon, eood V tilde moderate 00 Ini-trong st Mid li I ilk __

W VN 11 I) i ii milv of M il.l-S ~ilTs7tIi"n V\ ROOM lies kin hen lui. two bov s one at

s hool buicriur I O Mulvirn

T\* VN11 D HO Win and IH-Slni N( I ~f-io-His

,? I''), mil kentl mm i i Id ck lor hone 15 20 nilli» Vii Ihi urne u nu nu nt trihi M in-,

\ 17 VNT I I) lil ¡entlelplk fundslieil IIATrTr

»' _ »hire Mlh_Ilpili Argus office

AN rio lill) anl niinkfist--F-full-ü-ird, Jlri|,h__ii lim _Tprms, I orte Vrgiis ollie»



WANTED, hy private, adult _f«'nlly*,TT _. VV couple-, or family, excellent ACCOlLilODjI TION, large looms (one 17 x 23). good table, butli"

boater, garage, 2 acre«, 5 minutos station, every, comfort ussureil. ß Harcourt st.; Aiibiinrn. Mode-rate. ' 'Phone Haw. 2040. '_ VT/ANTED, lor. Hie* Christina« fortnight, 'huge » 1 BEDROOM, with two ilpuhlo beds and use of leilchrn, near hoach.. Apply "Mother," Culitoniiu Gully P.O.,J_ndlgq._._ YS7ANTKD, hv couple, child JJ, double furnished VV BEDROOM, uso brenklast-room, kitchen, St. Hilda, Middle Park; moderate. Hefliicd, Baiidring hamJ'.O._ WANTED, furnished FLAT, 2 bedrooms, sitting

room, kitchen, huthrooin, East Melbourne, South Yorra, near gardens. Misa Stuart, 229 Col-

lins st.

WANTED, BOARD mid LODGINGS, or furnished

Rooms, tor lady, gent, nuil grown-up child, hiindv Glenferrie railway station or tram. llc.xo, OiveiiX Glenferrie, Amliori_'d__News__Agi__icy____ \.\7ANTÍ:ü.~BO*ARt ), married coufilc, in miperlor VV home. Moonee l'omis, Essendon, prlvntc fnmilv preferred. Miss Ryan, 49 Eli-abcth fit., atti lloor. Tul. 10213._ WANTED, rellncd HOME,'nenr Brighton On

mnr School, ivlelowcr, 2 wcll-bchnvcd children, 9, 12 years. Püriiculnrs to Commercial,- care I labor's News Agency, Grey St., St. Kilda.

WANTED, BOARD, ground floor room. Sand-

ringham, Brighton Beach, for lady, near beach;' SO/; permanent. Miss Stuart, 229 Collins Btreet._ WANTED, ACCOMMODATION, party, several

months, Croydon, hilly district, flinn pre fcrrcel__ Elevation, lllscock's, Middle Brighton.

WANTED, flrst-class BOARD, for lady, 2 dill.

' dron, infant, nurse, East Melbourne, South Yarra, St. Kilda. Miss Stuart, 229 Collin« St., city.

YA7ANTED, to Lot Half Furnished VILLA, prettily 'i V situated, Snndringhnm, near beach, B. box., gas ; reasonable. A.U.C., P.O., Sandringham. ,

WANTED,' Furnished, largo ROOM, nccommo » » dation for car, East Melbourne prelorrcd. 444, Argus olllce.

WANTEO, East Melbourne, BOARD RESI-

DENCE, gent, balcony roopi. Particiilars l-lst_Melbournc P.O. ÎNTFJ


Argus quia_. WANTED, FLAT, unfurnished, - rooms, Walsh

M., South Ynrra, St. Kilda rd. Miss McDon-nell's, Haigh___ Bldgs., 22_5LCollills St._ VS. \NTKD. 2 business girls, gents, or lndy und ' » baby, good HOME; sleep out ifdeslred. -90 Dandenong rd., East St Kilda.

VV/ANTED to Rent, two unfurnished ROOMS and » » conveniences, Malvern or Annadale Thrums, limiter st.. Malvern.

TX7ANTED, East Melbourne, single BEDROOM; * 1 about 5/; breakfast optional. Stale terms, Xcnophon, Argus olllce._ WANTED, Parkville, by married "couple, good

unfurnished BEDROOM mid Sitting-room, with op tion board. Corrimal, Argus oflice.

WANTED, by business people,, imtuniisbcd

FLAT, 4 rooms, balcony; Eust Melbourne pre-ferred. A..T.C.,__Argus,


nished ROOMS, married couple, St. Kilda. Term. "London," Argus office.

WANTED, lo Rent, view to Purchase, gooel Pay-

ing Guests' Establishment. Nott, Webb'. Agency, Windsor._ W¡ANTED, two furnished . BEDROOMS, two

ladies, two children, use conveniences, high position, not seaside. Miss Stuart, 220 CoIIinB st. .\7_7ANTED, two unfurnished FLATS, 3, 4 rooms, > 1 kitchen, vicinity St. Kilda rd., South Yarra, near gardens; 30/. Miss Stuart, 229 Collins st.

WANTED, 2 lady BOARDERS, lady alone, walk-

ing distance Chapel st.; moderate; piano; Protestants preferred. No. 25, Prahran P.O.

V_7ANTED, hy young morried couple, balcony ' » FLAT, of 3 rooms, St. luida or Balaclava. "Terms," Habcr's Agency, Grey st.

WANTED, nice couple or person to SHARE

VILLA, every convenience. 20 Mile End rd., Carnegie.

?VVT-JiTKD, BOARD, married couple, K. Mci

1 V bonnie, balcony room; moderate; must state terms. Moe, Argus ofllrc.


ANTED, Middle Pork, close station, 2 Fi

nished' ROOMS, kltcficn, M.C. State terms Moderate, Middle Park P.O. _ YX7 ANTED, ? ROOM, use kitchen, .vicinity Burke IT rd., Deepdene, Balli, n; tenus. X., Auburn

Post-olflcc. _ ._ _ -


ANTED, Furnished Double BEDROOM, uso

kitchen; mountain air required; married iple. 320 Johnston st.,' Ahbotsforel.

\T7ELI, furnished double nnd single BED V> ROOMS, breakfast if required, l8 Robe st., St Kilda. _ _ WNDSOH.-Comfortable BOARD RESIDENCE,

suit refined business gents or ladies; double and single vacancies. Monavv-u, -l8 Tlie Avenue.

ryiXDSOR, 130 Union St.-Furbished Front 11 ROOM, minute tram, train, op. bowling green; and Single Rooms, gents, ladies._ WANTED, BOARD, near bench, for laely and two

children; moderate. Seaside, Rocs'b .Agency Elsternwick._ _ WANTED, immediately. Middle Park, facing

sea, furnished BEDROOM, Sitti kilchcn. Ring J. IV. Watt. Windsor 3050.

WINDSOR.-Double Furnished ROOM, every

convenience, electric light, bathdicatcr. VA Green st., next railway bridg


INDSOIÏ, 53 Tlie Avenue.-Nicely furnished Bed-Sitting BOOMS, double and single, every

'eui euee.

WIDOW, superior rellncd home, wMics BOABD

bright child' under 12, care and attention. Genninc," P.O.. Kew._* _

venlcncc; tent accommodation; breakfast;

train and tram; credentials exchanged. 30 Man* ning rd., East Malvern.

YOUNG lady require« HOME; no others pre-

ferred; moderate«; handy euble train. Bert, I'ost-ofllce, Melbourne._ "r7ARA,""72 Pork" St., St. Kilda. - Furnished

-_l APARTMENTS; breakfast optional; tram*

trains, beach. 'Phone 4140 Windsor.



Visiting Melbourne,

Has OPENING for a Manufacturer's LINE.

Aeldres« G. und T.,

_Argus Oliico. _ '_ A.

ACCOUNTANCY.-individual TUITION by quail

fled practising accountants ensures rapid -pro-gress. Robot t Jones, 44,1 Collins st.


Coaching only. Tims J. Rothcrford, A.F.I.A., public accountant, 300 Collina st,

ACCOUilTANCY RESULTS, October, 1915.-12

Presented, 10 Passed; private Tuition. W. 11. Henderson, A.I..I.V., public accountant, -117 Col lins st._,_;_



Many boys and girl.« who have sat for their Merit Ccrtifteates or the Public Ex-aminations arc leaving school next month. WHERE ARE THEY GOING? WHAT WILL THEY ÜO?

"Nineteen out of 20 children leaving n Primary School DRIIT Into any occupa-tion to which their lack of trnineel nhill lies may misdirect, soon lo forget much that the Slate wus at great expense to teach them."-"Age," 23/11/15.

They drift, because their education lias had no SPECIAL DIRECTION, lias not fitted them to DO ANYTHING. Referring to State education, tile "Age" alto says:

"It stun-es the grades that make n youth moro valuable to himself und his country, the grneles that equip bim to DO'THINGS -*"?-- " .- uttering of theft


has long since realised thls-in fact carno into existence lo moot this difflciiltv, und has »uceo»fully copoii with It for years, to Hie* everlasting boiicHt of its graduate. NOW DOING TlIINiiS-iind doing them well.

BRADSHAW students are each trained willi ¡nilivjdunl care for. some special work, t.iught how to do some spocinl ' thing

that is going lo he useful; that will hay. ' high money vnluc, and tlie development of which will moan a life's career.

WHEN FINISHED they get-not 10/ for . incompeteney-biit from ii to £3 nor week, because they know HOW TO DO. .

Vou arc wondering what to do with your boy or ¡tri. See the Principal, whose advice will cost you nothing, but vvllí moan starting them correctly In the right " ' wc""l"lid' Prosperous


Bradshaw's Chumbcrs,

2Ö0 Flinders Street, Melbourne;

Right Opposite Central Station. ;

A N '* ° U ÎL.9 i: ^ E N T.




posiul tuition. ......

¡coons easily graded. Tl.- ".. _, __". big Pllnmn's Shorthand hv meun« ol lhere up-to-date and perfected le.-«on« ian be in-quired nipiill)- mid thoroughly hy anyone with common tense and application by study in their

own homes.

Wo are SOLE AGENTS and LICENSEES In Ans Ira la nnd New Zealand for Uli« magnificent seno« of lessons. Issued through ti« for the FIRST time In,Australia. 'Ihe lo .one icpri-seiit the "last wore!" in c-ne-rt short h uni Instruí lion, ami stand for Iho experience of Pitman's thi'inti'lics in teaching the mt, and the wonderful mu-cps« nehievce! bv the 1 .Iinji* method thinnghoiil the English-speaking

world for uiivaril-e ni a lentiirv.


Foi a short tune,we arc issuing this inagnilici'iit Pot-tal Course in Shorthand Instruction at specially

reduced lor».

It will pay von handsomely lo leam Shorthand. Such knowledge will niaku you invaluable hi nny ofllci', and it will give you new und heller oppor-tunities for 'adluliei'ini'iit and for increasing jour



Australian Correspondence School« Ltd., I , (Sole Liccnsco« for Pitman's Commercial Shorthand 1 1

. . Correspondence Course),



N' "UNDERWOOD 0RK|)1,NTLUA'. Ix."..'. ..ho First of a Now Serles - at 40 Words 1>o7 jj.,, WILL im HELD 'JHURJ5ÄY, PKC_____1 ~,.

A,i!."pli!.1 "rc J1""1-'1 to oompctc. TiiosTwIiO qualify will rceoliu the ccrtWcatc. whlchl« ii»

llrst of the Underwood A«T"FuU pari!T,.."



_00 100_Rli_«cll_Strcct.

- COLL! G1,

. ii? ,i*v,eviei?y 0PricE^Th-T_tHiT_5: ? coco book, Index to "The Argus." All ni-t events recorded Jor iii-tunt reference. 5/ mr an nuui, («st free. Order from "Tho A _i_f*' .»K.

or through local ncwB agent.

" A RE You

-ii. Miss -r

"Is Slie One of Your College Graduates?"

So read a letter oceivcd this week from a bush ' ness linn who naked for a Clerk. The letter eau bo

"ecu ut the College.

I« further evidence necessary a« lo the opinion of husillos« houses of our training, and their insistance* ti..' ositi m. T "C l0 flU "-ä-'0"sibl<- .""? lucr»

Why .waste your opportunities?

, Complcto-Courso in Shorthand and Typownllng,


nüi?.r...T F- S' UECKWITII, F.I P.S., Jang.;

CENTR1T, LS.W., Vic. BUSINESS Principal,

COLLEGE, 105 Collins Sttcct, Melbourne.

A Rl 1IIMETTC, Algebra, Geometry, Trigono' f±- mctr), Latin. Greek, French, German, Hi», tor), Geography, Physics, Physiology, Botani.

Robert Jones, 415 Collina st,_ * ARTISTS, for working up enlargements, in Muk

nnd iv bite, good salary to quick worker. Vic torian Art Studios, -252 Elizabeth st., city._ A STROLOGY. - Health, Riches, Occupation; ?_-. Marriage, Speculation, Business, ¡le Addrc-i William Herschel, Alexandra St., Te huitl, Non



LEGE, .'102 Little Collins St.-Lessons all subject.«; beginners, may reeeiie llrst quarter free. Fees Irom 10/t._






Full time.

Senior and Junior School.

Trade experience and knowledge of building coi struction. Salnr), ~*-OS per annum.

Applications close 15th December, 1915.

W. II. WALTER, Registrar.




APPLICATIONS arc united by the Conned oí the Borough of Kaglchawk for the position ot ELECTJUCAT- _L2-K_1NEËU< for the municipal d»e tric light and power works, }-agleua.vr., at a salary of ¿¡'¿CO per rumum. fcp*'i.if.c-»Jon <f duties of position may be seen at this office, orcopr will be forwarded on application. Applicants must sub» init statement of age nnd qualifications to^cth.r with copie, of tc-timonhls. Applications addrcsM_i to his Worship the Major, Town Hall, ka.rfclia«l,( and endorsed ''Application, for position of 1 lectnul engineer," must he lodged with the Town Clerk, Town Hall, Eaglehawk, on or before ^cdncadnr. 1st December, 11)15.

nv ord*-.

.T. E. CURTAIN, Town Clrrk. Town Kail, raglehawk, 18th November, 1015.


Queensland stations; good saur,}. Apply Australinn list otes and Mortgage Co. Ltd , m William st., -Melbourne._^^^^ BOOKBINDIiRS.-rOUEMAN WANTED, good

practical mau, up-to-dite method«; must be good disciplinarian, liy letter to "Confidential," eare_Snnuions Limited, printers, Sidney._ ,T?001vKUL_l*lNO -Bradshaw*. cop>nght Fjetcm, J~> expert instrurtors, individual attention, ¿1/1/, Bradshaw's Uusincas College, J«*.

Flinders st



IV A N T i, D Bj* large insunincc company

To act lis Junior Clerk.

Salary to commence*, 12/1» per vv__. Statc agc and where educated to

?RECOUDUt," Argus.

BOY, for oflice, just leaving school prclcrrcel.

Letter to Tax, Armstrong's Agcnc.v, Block Arcade._^_^ BOV, for mcrclinnt'i oflice, good prospects, Ip

ply, in ivriting, Aelvanccmcnt, care Ann*

strong'. The Block, rjiznbcth Bl._ BOV WANTED, citj manulacturcr's office, 12/6. _Address Specialty, Argus olHce._ BOY WANTED, foi- warehouse. Apply Roi 517,


BOYS, smart, lor general hardware mercliant'i.

Applications, with testimonial . to Bon (¡19,


BRL*G your 1DBAR to me; 1 will do the ro»i.

Myora, Elizabeth House, comer Little Col-

lina and Elizabeth streets, Tth floor._


WANTTD, lor January 31, ASSISTANT MASTERS, For particular» apply to llcad Hasler.




At £150 pa., or with previous hospital experience, Jj! X-00 p.a., with apartments, Ac., and usual *,|

travelling expenses.

ii Applications returnable to undersigned not later - ? than 20th December, 1015.

Tull particulars from Dr. Birks, Surgeon Supt

By order.

II. M. MULLINS, Secretary.


lias been in Great Demand by

Highspeed Aspirants in the Isaac Pitman Sjstcm.

First Uition Practically Exhausted


Orders Now Being Booked.

BUSINESS .'DUCATION, Arithmetic, Hookkrrp

tug, convincing correspondence, elocution, handwriting; individual tuition; inter«-us, 1--1 dalli_Hilts Will. -IA Temple Court._ /^APAHLF. SAIihSlVOMAN II ANTED, to Uko V. cliurge of lace department. G. Stirling und Sons Pt>. Ltel., Richmond._,

ni'F. SCHOLARSHIPS, cadi to be hold for llirefl .in, at the nhovc school, vvl|l be OPEN to COW*)* TITION on Tuesday, December 7. Entries to Lil nude not later than November -0.

Applicntion forms and further dotait» on applica-tion ut tho School. Andiron slrcct, South Tarra


CHEMISTS- U.F.S. Dispensar., Prahran, l'aie

VACANCY for QUALIIT-D A-SISTIST, salar), ¿.-/IO/. Appli at once. Duerdin and bains bur}, wholesale dnigglstB, Melbourne..._ CHEMISTS. - Junior ASSISTANT wants l'O-l*

-TON, goal credential«, experienced ill» licuslng, port or tuU time. Aspirin, Argus_ofllce _niHNA, -Tis, Pen PAINTING TAUGHT, dccoraioel '-* China exhibits, inspection invited. Jlr Levi Is. lllock. Collin« st. (4th lloor)._

LI.Rh RU.1JH1KD, bj public com pan j, one

with knowledge of insurance work piolen Apply, stating age and cxpcrloi ' *'".

Armstrong's Age ii" "'?" "'" '


L1.IÍK, joung'lail.i, ns ledger keeper, praeliril

xpirlcncc e*sential; good prospect« Ippu, M.tln. nt »nell..,"ninia *'Sl ntuX," CUTO (jOT


LERK, experienced, gooel pennimi and quiek at

ligures, merchant's olhce VU X , Aren».

CLLRlvfc.-Ensure Promotion bv Stiidjing Ai

eountaney undo. I, Anderson, V.l. 1.1.. 3.. Colllns st. Wrllo, or call, 1 to 0, l'rl__a_____[uil_o.n


or st.


Applications arc invited, not later *'?""?{ .P,"!, on Thi-nd ii, 2nd December, 1013, lor tlie 01 ntl.


The salary will be nt ythe rale of -IS. per U Specification ol duties to bo seen nt the Town Personal canvass of councillors will be decniod a di.q-ulilli.Uoii _, ,

I RED!»". ClilMllHRLlIN, Town Clerk Town llnll,_Sl Kilda. Will November. IBM.

rToTcIllNG.-Ml« SUIS, 11 A" nud Stall, Jl, flril »_. lloor, SI. Flinders st. Interviews bj appoint incut_. _._.-r-"_ COACHING. LMVÍ.IIS11V. MATRICULATION,

PIJIH.IC K-IIUNITTONS - Mr. Coail 111 ; CF.IVI S PUI>II->, SJ Collins st. E , citj; I) AsIIdJ

st , llrigbton (Central, MW)_._ _ .riÖIIMllNWLALTII CLBRICIL EMU , 19th Di 'C -.nibil -«rilli«. Eiigh«li, Aril iinctl» li. toil Geoginpbl, INDIUDUII. TUITION Hobelt .lone'i, 115 Collin-, st_,_, COMPOSER llWie- to ULAR of gooel LI lill

ll'lliri'll. one with musii-il knoivhxlgo ami niinical inilucnce lireferr.d. Idilross in llrst ni si nue» to Progression, Argus ollleo. _

rtONllAVS COICIIIM. COLLFGK, SU I linders \__l si -Hiiheit ripcitoel]}, examimtions, IM' triculilion, publie, ..minórela!, plianiniy. pre 111. .nut., Gol crûment, clérical, general biuincsl

_^0. WA 1 'S~COlXiXVr-í^hTFimii^Prchññ^

Kj lAaniinatlon Alinvs slicecsful. 1 H<sl PLICL lllteon time«, including t»rotci.

Faur, Hoikolej, At._ -/ION« \VS eanelldatoi »11 pissed Mval Collei:-' (.. lntnure* rxumuntlon, no failures, ¡.null CLISSI'S Iniliiidinl Tuition, and Tniatc rultlou,

cii-iire -iiceo--.^_-_ -

Oljll HING.- Ill hMiiuination«, Miss MeCeina \J line, M I , and Miss Wll-on, M * : ',"rn'e" bv -ippointnunl. 21 Hrlghlon rd , St. luida, opp

d'or Continuation of This Class of .Wier

tiBcmcnts Sec Page 13.)



S I» 1. 1 0 H T, I

. Lciding rinn,




Hours 8 n m lo 10 p m


Central 410 (all night «or« leo), Windsor 1501. Branches See Telephone and Directory Guide.

A and (I B-Mj-NTT-E PTY. LTD,




Txpcrt Tomb Builders,

Chinch Altars, Fonts, tablets Sfcltl co. . Amongst the manj noted Memorials we have executed are toe Spmiglhorpc and Sjme Mauso leums in Iho Biroondan Cemetery.

IDS and 105 LATHOnt* ST . Near Public I iur-rr MISSING FRIENDS, MESSAGES.

AGLNC1 - irOYD'S M\T OF hl*«T AND j

CII INCI'R) IGFNCY te) Swanston si , cor rcr Collins st , first c-tahli-iicd olllce Australasia for Certillcatc« Hirth« Ac , Wills, Chancery Searches. (,enoalogii ii luiiulries, Ac_


_. terell) -1 x Superintendent Cavvsev and Hurd, 401 Collins st 'Phone 4S-1 Conlldenllal inquiries, «ersniis trnccil Ae,onts all States_ "XT-l-INChS mado Immediate- on letters, wills, -i_. »Ce, 1 nglnnd, Canada, elsewhere, at ' Casper's. 272, corner Bourke and Swanston sts *"»T~_r\cs, von write, nothing to hinder 1


ALL Kind« of Inqiiir» Hork Done bj ladv,

divorce work a sncci lilli luwji ' dations __crici,^M¿,___Iivvl__A_uni_

UHUHN -lliunk-' returning gloui, not ungrj _II rite, l.i) Man_ B~0()\l , TIIOS- Relative« address Mrs (.

Barker 1*0, Jlelbourne, el'lighter çf John | llc-eklnh Hoonc_ C H INCLUÍ CL\1MS Legacies, Reicrsioni, _c , I

collected on commission no eliaigc nu c-i successful Holds Unclaimed Monij OuTcos, Milli CIII lill 0-1 »cn tlmiK sollleil 1 cpt 6eerot,

_> Clvill _llritc iltuuee te» 7S_

CONFIDrSH IL Inquiries

solicitor« uni other« '

reliable nu ni» throughout the world Swanston st__ D LILI SI-Got letter veMerelaj, m

e irlier letter to d iv explaining Disappointed I out when 1 ung looking forvvurel next week, nncthruri I ov e JH1 thou_\\\_ I ¡lilli NI) I) lill)- Sjiui lomposcd jen shoillell

' in ii » ero iel Public ignorant . lt-ud l«uiah | I Ml .lso_VNJ\_ LI 01 D'- - Hit lined bj the principal bank«,!

morell nits, solle Hon. Ac , relercncca judges, I magistrates Innis, solicitor«, Ac £0 Swanston I st ,.Melbourne_ -yr 1 II -Out town Letters Just received Greatly XS < disappointed lo-dli), if possible Alwuvs,/

L.A If.


I T OST FORTUNE. - LLOYD'S hold the key to

I __-_. Unclaimed Monc). Write, and have search

ade through their Registers and Records for 200 ars of all Chancery Actions and Advertisements I "for Heirs, Next of hin, A.c. Se.irih fee, 10/0.

LLOYD'S, -0 Swanston St., Melbourne.


SET mc fume phec 2»), 27tli inst. ;

well. letter olj jildrr-i florence.

PRIVAT!. DKn-CTIVKS, Commercial Matrf

iiionlal Inquiries, ßurvellldnrc. Universal In-quiry Agency (registered). H. Munter, 457 Little Collin, fat.. Melbourne._, rnUKNKIi,-Infonnatlati is loquircd by the public J- trustée of the prose»t ulnn_bo.-U of ALB1.UT HKANtt lill I. lUItNi:», formerly of Twickenham, Midd Ice*., who was resident at Ko», Melbourne. Australia, from about 11(03 to JOH, nnd again nbout AiiRUít, 1012. Jlcply to ponier and Co., >o. 13 Ilcdfonl Rou, l.oi...on, W.O.

\XWJ- W.A. aiisüer this column *»ome word

__ wt> know; \ery important, \oure, Ac,

AI.ICK.-Speelar redu-tion. all departments; j

good opportunity. _ Payne's Hon Marche.

BAItTLHMAX, R. II., Chemist, 215 St. Oeorge*i

rd.. North Pibroy, sends particulars (free) concerning Painless ltcmedy for Varicose, Leg

Sore*, nm) Ilc/cm..._ EVERY important happening is chronicled in I

the reference-book for events-The Index to | "Tho Argus," ¡if a. j ear, post free. Order from j "The ArKus^_oflice, or through local news agency«

/_J.KORC...-Don't'fortîct the fJolcicn Dinner A'lcj I I "J if >ou bruit, it will be friends again. Your

, Flamin.


"M'Oli.MAN MeLKOD, practical Watchmaker, every ._.» description of .levvcllei-y made and repaired. Cromwell Buildings, op, G.P'O., lloiirke fit., "Melb.


for hard anti soft corns; 1/, posted, rasher, 131 Powlett st., Ea»t Melbourne.


PROFESSIONAL Man's Widow, voting, accom-

plished, intellectual, with mein«, wishes meet gentleman, professional preferred, view above; genuine. _Gc_dv_ng|_., Argo»,_,_ VT/IDOW, educated, 4.1, propirtj, small family, » ' wishes to meet refined husiitiss gentlrmnn, nbout -0, fair position, view to nlxiv'o; ginuine. __l_l__ I'.O.. Armadale.


I ?R1CVCL-, branded T.W.P., taken from Central I I JJ Pare, I.'ist Mali em. ltctun. kiosk. ~ j tuilier prosecuted. »ey. ard. _ BULLDOG, llrindlc, STRAYED, St. Kilda; Boro j

cji-, pirtlv blind. Detainer proiccutcil. Good re_,_1_!__APPjj-_yCJ_rk___st_. D

I-fAINElf Pro'-ctltcd _-IX_KT, city, 20th, Udy'a

pply -Dogs' Cmt.

DOOS IXISr. nt Itichmond. - Owners n;

before S n ni, Monday, Noy. 2», Lost J] Home, Langford st., North Melbourne. Tel. C

4600._ Y/WLLOWED, TERRIER, black, vounir. Owner -*- inquire News Agent, High st., or Tooronga rd. Adv. expenses. . _______'' FOUND, Quarterly TICKET, Koojong to Mci',

bourne (lad.'«). Appl} Oakdcld, Balaeluvo rd., l:a»t St. Kilda. 'Phono -070._ TOT, in last 1'rankstoii train, Tuesday i night, I I -- I'AHCKL, containing two small paintings,

wedding present. Hevvard. Fiancee, Argus ntHce.

LOST, between Melbourne and .lying School,

-Laverton, lirovvn Leather SUITCASE, -onUllning perponal effects. Kinder please commuiiicatc with 11.Ing School. 'Phono Williamstown 200.

L"ÖST, u Lutlv'a BAG, contplnlng purse, -c7,

between Big Store, Chapel st., and .Toorak rd. ; card with owner's name In bag. Ittward. 21

Tivoli rd., South Yarra. ,_ LOST, Gold BRACELET, set pearls ami turquoise

(blue), Ripponlea, South Yarra, or b'..'!> n.m, train. Keepsake. Reward. "Ashdnll," Brighton rd.._ Elsternwick._' . . _ LOST, from Hst-ciidon Cricket-ground, Thui-doy

morning, Hay Draught HORSE, without shoes, black poliil.«. Caretaker, ground, or 'Phono 200 Ascot. Ttewiird._ L~OST, lied Leather WALLET, tontnlnlng .u|«cl

and mone>, between Marlliymong and Mel« ourne. I'inder rewarded. W. Hume, Castle lilli, Maribyrnong._ I OST, lirovvn Mare and Hay HORSE, from Violet

» Town, probably making for Metcalfe, near Kyneton. Itcvvard for information to W. C. Ilecves, Violet Town._ LOST, Small PUltSi:, containing bank notes.

Please return "Myrtle," Maitland st., East Malvern. Rewan!._ LOST, Motor-cycle Tool ROLL, Tuesday, southern

suhurb. Itcvvard. Melbourne Electric, Green st., Itichmond. Tel. 10010._ _ _ LÖST, Sovereign PURSE,- Yellow Stone, and

1-xriug, between Sunshine and Clifton IHI1._ Good l___.v_rd.___ll_Noone st., Clifton^Hill.

L'ÛST," between" Dunda» and "Neville sts., Middle

Park, MOSEY-BOX and Money. Iicvuird. Dunn's Agency. 'Phone 107.1 Windsor._

"OST, Wednesday. Gold Photo. MEDALLION, J witli chain. Itcvvard. 2, York Terrace, St. ¡Jdard._!_

OST, Cl.apcl st., rridoy, Silver CAliDCASE lind .*_! Purse. Good renard. Copse}-, SS2 Cliopel st.. South Yarra.___ LOST, at Kew, lirovvn Irish TEIIItlKR, 'Tim.';

Finder communicate SO Molesworth st., Kew. Hey, ard._ _ TrOST, Large Cameo BHOOCII, Chapel st. or J-J Brighton rd., Bew-ard. Gorpiigc'sl 375 Oiapel St.__ South __»____. ? ,_

"OST, 10 da}s ogo, near Hnvvtliorn railway su-L- lion. Small Australian TERRIER. Itcvvard 10/. 80 Yarra st.. Hawthorn. . "."._ LOST, 2 rUHS-S, containing «.l.pnd silver, be-

tween Shcnllcld's .and Windsor,, station.

Reward. Webb's News Agenoy, Chapel st;(.WindL"0_T, in city, PT--.TÍ Tail LAMPi off moror.ear.

Renard. McU.rcn,/«-rrant's-,E-i-iltlop st,, city._____,__¿_- i LOST, I .idm'. Flinders St., 6tntlon. small BAG,

key. money, monthly ticket. Reword. Liltman, Süß FHndcra lane.

LaST.' HUNCH KUYS, 2 Yale keys among others..

Five shillings rewurd. Morris, Ruardean, In-verness avenue, .Malvern. __"j_

I Itcward. 1S4' Itathiiiineaj-d., Aiduiri

LOST, Brun MOTOR CAP. between Melbourne

and Oakleigh. Tho- .Mitchell, brush inaniifacturcr, .00 Lonsdale st._.____ji_ I' OST, lady's Black Leather BAG, Heidelberg.

J rd,, containing money, letters. Itevvjrd. Postofllcc^Aliihlngtoiij_^__^ I^OST, Burwood rd., Grey and Black long-haired

- AUSTRALIAN T-RitH'.lt. long tail; "Tim." lIcvvard,_i;..,. 100 Auburn rd . Hawthorn._ LOST, ESV-LOPK, monev, Collins st., friday

ufternooii. Finder rc.nrded. Cominuniciitc

willi 7 Gordon grove. South Yam __,_ I'OST. \V«lncs7lay, fine CURB CHAIN and Tnr

_ quolrc Matrix- Bangle. Reward. Palfrey, 317 I-UIo^CoNins _;,_____;_;_ LOST, K1TBAG, oit motor-'biis, Mellioiirne lo

Hawthorn. Reward. 1 Clir}stobel crescent,


""OST, Sunday night, elt>, St. 'Kilda tram Icr_ minus, apricot silk HAG, glasses. Keward. SO Acland St.. St. Kihi i._i_?

LOST, Wednesday, Vest-nocket CAMKRA, brown

case, between Melbourne and St. Kilda. Braithwaite, Preston.Tel. Northcote 513. Reward. T OST, Brown Pocket WALLET. Apply"-. Jaml

son, Scott's Conn, Collins st. . -

I T OST, While OSPRKY, Collina st. Howard. 183

- i queen st., near Bourke st._ ' OST, White OSPREY, velvet end. Reward.

Inelej's, Collins ft.


1DONY, black, broke uway, .hiiisday night, winji1 era and rope on neck, between Toorak and Kew. rindcr ring up II-ivv. 'til morning; cx.ouscs palil. 7 Highbury grove, Kw. . '_ RUWARD, £-, information lending to lecovcrv

of Iluy mid Black MARE, nt»o Grey Gelding. .1. Cockbill, Footscray._ IT-1II-- POUNDS HUWAltl).-STOLr.N, ubout X 10th Inst.. COLLIE DOG. light and dark tan. Police informed. "Ashdale," 200 Brighton rd., Elsternwick._ LOST, that look of advancing venn», hy using

Dr. B. Allen's Mexican Walnut Slain for Orcv Hair._ TOST all trace of the date you seek. Buy the

- latest reference book-The Index to "The Argus." ul l>cr annum, post free._ VlNOLIA CREAM will nllovntc the worst form»

of Kirenia. .Sample on application, Yinolia " Box 102, G.P.O.. Melbourne._ I RAttWAYS~&~CONVEYA:NCES.'

OK. MILLER Co.-VANS returning Bendigo,"

. Castlemuiiic, Ballarat. Pakenham, Gembrook, Healesville, Geelong, rrankston. ill" Collins st. 'Phone II27S._ Ol!. MH.L-R Co.-lntcrst ite REMOVALS, dl

C""E.~MILT_;R -Co'-nitAGS, Motora_on H(re:

. Vneiium Carpet Cleaners. 31. Collins 6t.


INTl'.RSTATE REMOVALS a speciality: nil risks;

estimates free. Brick storage. L. Wridgway, t-mlier-ol'. 'Phone Canterbury .TO._ EOB-K and "DEAN'S MARSH. - COACHES

daily, seat» reserved on application. W. A. MouiitJo.v,_pi"n's Mors_^._____liono___;______

MAY'NE, N1CKLESS Co. (New Muiiiigrmcnt).

Interstate. Foreign, and Countrv REMOVALS .rnnsport Vans n speciality. COO Collins st. MAYNE, Nlf'KLESS Co., Funlitlire llemovers.

VANS going Ballarat, Ararat, Hamilton, I Coleraine: returning Tilden, Woodend, Gisborne, 000 Collins si. _J'hon__4__l. _ IW'COl.LETT has V .n'rSiii- nil parts country;

V> . loidlng wanted, brick stores; estímate« given. 220 Cecil St., South Melbourne. 'Phone 7701.


O it y or cAur.riE l-d.




Notlec is hereby given, that the following candi-dates have been nominated for the office of c< aillor. vi..'

Packer. John Thomas,

Phillip», Robert lawrence, '

and that as Hie number nominated exceeds the number of councillor«! to lie elected, n POLI/ will be TAKEN for the election of one councillor on Wednesday, the Stli day ot December, 1015, at the following places, viz. :

Glenhuntly-At Hie Public nail. Glenhuntly

toad, »

Murrumbeena-At Mr. Sisson's shop, Neerim | -he poll will commence nt S o'clock in the fore-noon, und -lowe at 7 o'clock in the afternoon.

Dited this ".'.til dav of No. ember, 1015.

HUGH THOMSON, Returning OITlccr.

willing to submit thcmsolvi» for their support for

ancv in the council. Nomln liions lo close Dec. at'8 p.m., nt the Be.lcoii»l1eld Hotel, «hen n ¡«-lot will be taken. Mi muirs und non-nicmbor. lllgiblc for nomilialioiL _


ECZEMA.-"OLEAC," tested Melbourne Homn-o

pathlc Hospital with succès.»: jar, 2/6 and

4/0, ill chemists; or Phillips- Laboratory, 2111

»nil 513 Victoria st., Collins:-ood.



S PAUL'S CATIIEDHAL.-Novcmbcr 28, .st

. Sunday In Advent.-8 a.m.. Holy Com-munion: 10.43, .Matins and Litany (Choral), Bencdicilo (Macpherson), in F; Bcneellctui (Llojd), in E flat. Anthem, "It is High Time lo Aivukc Out cf Sleep" (Barnby). Preacher, llcv. II. A. DIIOOKSUANIi, H.A. 7 p.m., Evensong (Choral). Anthem, "Pral'c Ills Awful Name" (Spohr). Preacher, Hie ARCHBISHOP. Jlondav, November 21), S. Andrew's Eve, Day of Continuous Interces-sion for Missions, from 7 a.m., 0.30 p.m. S p.m.,

United Service of Thanksgiving. Preacher, the

11I'-.IV 'I'.. _..!..., V-..._,'.._ - , c ...j_ .- "f.



? ' In the CATHEDRA-, » , .

From 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. . » 8 p.m., SERVICE ,OF THANKSGIVING. .' Preacher, Tilla DEAN OF J1ELBÛURNE.


and Batman Streets, West Melbourne.-1st Sunday in Advent. Holv Communion, 8 a.m.; Matins mid Litany, 11 a.m.; Evensong, 7 p.m. Preacher,-theJlcv._C.__l,. DESAILLY,_B.D._ A -BERTT-KIC, St. SIIÍAS.-Holy Communion, -»"»- S. Prenciieri, morning, VICAR.; evening, Dev, A. P. MACFAIILANE.


, LL SAINTS, 13. St. Killin. - U.C., 8; Jlatins, ^- 11, Rev. A. A. BAHNABY; Evensong, 7, The VICAR. Anthems - .Morning, "Hark, the Glad Sound ;" evening. "Almighty God" (Hornley).

ALL SOULS', Sandringham.-11. Rev. IV.

GREEN; 7, Rev. Vf. J. ASHTON, M.A., of

AU __Sa__ntB____St__Kilda._;_ BALAC-AVA, HOLY TRINITY. - 8, liol«' Com-

munion (G.F.S.); 11, Rev. F. G. MASTERS; Rev. WILFORD JAMES, Advent courses. To-day, qulot^fternoon for »non, 3 "to 5.

BLACK ROCK, St. ACNES.-Matins, .11 a.m.;

Choral Evensong, 7.-0 p.m. Mr. W. AUGUSTE WILSON", Th.A., morning and evening._

BRIGHTON MIDDLE. -St. Andrew's.-Patronal

Festival. -- 7.45, U.C.; 11, .Venerable Arch-deacon HINDLEV, B.D.; 3, Commemoration of Past Parishioners, Rev, H. FINNIS, SLA.;"pro-cession in "Goel's Acre;" 7, Rev. A. LAW, B.D., "Primacy ot St. Andrew." Jlonday, Eve of St. Andre««'.-Choral Evensong, 8, -Ile«-. F. ANDER-SON, B.A. Tuesday. St. Andrew's Day.-7 a.m., Choral Eucharist._- Former iiarlsliioncrs invited.

BRIGHTON. N., St. Luke's. - Matins 10.15;

Holy Communion, 11, Rev. PERRY JIARTIN; 7, .Mr. SHACKELL. St. .Mark's. -'8. U.C.; 11, »Mr. SHACKELL; 7. Rev. PKRRY JIARTIN. ' ' ?

BRUNSWICK. --8, Holy Com., Rev, H. BETTS;

11. CURATE; 7. HECTOR. .Weston St.-11, RECTOR; 7, CURATE. Aelvent, Matins daily| Wtilnesday, evemsong; special course, CURATE.'

OAMBERWELL, St. Mark's. - 8, ILC.; 11.

. .Mutins.--Rev. II*.. II. SAGE; evensong, ".SO __Ael«'ont*Lcnl), Hey. H. A. BROOKSBANK. ? .____ CARLTON, ST. JUDE'S. - 8 (ILC): 11

a.m. fll.C.). Ile«-. J. GOOD; 7 p.m.,.Ker. C. B. CAVER, Senmen's Mission. / I

CHRIST CHURCH. South Yarra. - liol«- Com

i mullion. 8; .Matins.' 11, Rev. G. GOLDSMITH (anthem, "Tlie Great Day," JIurtin). " Children's .service, S; Holy Baptism, 4.15; Evensong, ' 7 (anthem, "Hraunna in the Highest," Stainer),

Rev. L. TOWNSEND. _._ J ("IIIRIST CHURCH, Essendon. - Anñivcrsary'Scr_»-' vices. - 8 n.m.. Holy Communion; 11 n.m.. The VICAR; 3 p.m., the lion. SAMUEL MAUGER; T p.m., the Rev. W. 15. ItAJISIIAW. Special cullections for parish._ CHRIST CHURCH.- St7 Ki'lda.-8 n.nZT^Íiói'y i Communion; II a.m., Jlatins and War In-tercessions; 7 p.m.. Evensong. Anthem, "PrulBO His Awful j_-me" (Spohr), Preacher, the VICAR.

CHRIST, CHURCH, Hawthorn. - ILC. 11,

preacher, Rev. A.W. LARGE; 7, The VICAR. Offertory for Sunday-school,

AST KEW.- St.- HILARY'S.-Morning. "The .-* Cross and the Kingdom;" evening, "Return-ing Heine." Rev. CHARLES BAHNI1*.

HO L Y AD" V E NT. MA L V _" R X."

, , Patronal Festival. Advent Sunday.

Holy Communion, 8 n.m.

Preachers-Morning, the ARCHBISHOP of JIF.LBOUHNE; evening, the VICAR. ' '

Special Services_- _______ HOLY TRINITY CHURCH, East Melbourne.

Sunday, 28th November, 1015, Holv Com-munion. 8 mm. Jlorning Service, 11 u.m. Preaeher, the'VICAR. 7 p.m., Speclnl Service for Jten. nnd Holy Communion. Preacher, the Von. ARCH-DEACON HINDLEV. Subject, "Neglected Jlcs

__Anthein, "Alpha nnd Omega.*'_ HOLY TRINITY, Kew.-S, Holy Communion;

Men and Boin Coiporalo Communion. 11, dinon SUTTON, First Advent Sermon; 7, Rev. IV. JOHNSON; 8.1C, Missionary Intercessions._ HOLY TRINITY. Hampton. - 8 u.iii.. ! Holy

Communion; 11, The VICAR; 7, Rev. G. E. illCKIN, Jt.A._-______ MELBOURNE, St. .lohn*«. - 8 a.m.. Holy Com

.mullion; 10.30 a.m.. Matin«; 11 n.m.. Choral -'ucharist nnd Sermon: 7 p.m., Evensong and Scrnoll. Rj_v. 1IOSCOE WILSON._ P"0RT MELBOURNE, HOLY TRINITY. - Dia-

mond Jubilee.-U.C., 8. morning. Canon HUGHES;.ovcniug, Canon HART. Old parishioners

'-riled._ _'_

»HAI1RAN, ST- MATTHEW'S. - 8 a.m., U.C.;

- morning, li a-m.. Canon HART, M.A.; evenS,_J p.m., Rev. IV. T. C. STORRS.JI.A._ i' MARTIN'S, Hawksburn. - Advent Sunday. .O. - If.c, 8 a.m.; Matins'and Litany, 11 a.m.,

preacher Rev. P.. .1. W1TI1VCOMBE, B.A.; even-' song'niul War Intercession«, 7 p.m., preacher Rev. L.1 T. JIAUND.___ S' ^T. GEORGE'S CHURCH,

Chapel street, EAST ST. KILDA.

11 n.m. anil 7 p.m.,- . -. . Rev. T. T. GLASS, B.A.

_ Special Girls' Guild Service, in the evèling.

Subject, "The Tc«t. oi Tine Love." .


Jlorning, "S««'ect is the Sunlight"

(T. W. Egglc«ton).' Evening, "Hearken Unio JIc"

' (Sir A. Sullivan).

S' JOHN'S, Toorak. - S, Holy Communion,- 11,

.' Morning Praver, preacher Re«'. K. J. BICKERSTETH, Ji..l.;',3. children's service; 3.15,' Holy Baptism; 7, evening prayer, sermon._;__. S .."LUKE'S," South Melbourne."- Holy Com-

munion, S a.m.. Rev. A. .MALLEY; 11 and 7, .Hiss- IIENIAL.ICK. JI..I.-, addresses S.S. nt 3.

ST. THOMAS'S. Jlewneu Ponds-Mission Slll>

eli}-. S a.m., ILC: 11 a.m., Rev. Canon HANCOCK; 3 lein.. Confirmation, Hie ARCHBISHOP of Jtl.LltOURNK: 7 p.m.. Rev. "W. C!. IVENS (Melanesia)._All collections for missions


\ LIIERT and MIDDLE PARK. - Minister, _"i- Rev. IV. ALLEN STEVHL1.Y, Jt.A. 11, "If Goel be for VsV 7, "Something Better Than Conscription. "Como and bring your fi lends

~\ RM.IDALE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Dcn--- high Hil. - Morniug und evenlue, Rev. C. .NEVILLE, of Geelong. _


AUBURN. - Jlorning, 1

H.A.; ".vening, Rev.

«leleonie*.__ BOX HILL.-The Rev. J. C. COUT1E, B.A.,

morning and evening.

T-ItinllTON, ST. CUTIinniir.«. - Rev. JOIÏN 45 SINCLAIR, H.A. 11, "Thy. Light ami Thy Truth;"-ntlH'ln, Gounod's "Send Out Thy Light." 7____^l___Th___u>utul___Poiu_i_____f^^^^_

GAIIINS MEMORIAL, Powlett Street. East Mel-

bourne.-Rev. A. MACAULAY C1 LD WEI J,. 1), "Tho Romance» of a Word" (children- ad-ehesa), "The Cyclist." The Lord's Supper at clo«o of service. 7, "The Jlimeli*-Ancient und .Modern." Solo hv Jlr. llillinnl McDougul!. Anthem, "Tlie

Lore! Is" .My Llglit'^Jllll-**)._ Ö'AMBIJRWKLL.-Reír P. .1. .MURDOCH both ser-

vices. Visitors eoitlliilly welcome._ /"UNTERHURY I'RESHVTERLIN.-.Morning, 11; VJ evening, 7, Hie Rev. J. It. FLUMING, M.A., B.D., of London. __._,_ C'l.VHENDON rllÊSHYT-RIAN CHURCH, South

Jlelhonrnc.-Jlorning, 11, Coiniiuiuion. Rev. ,1. II. .MACKAY; evening, 7, Thanksgiving, Rev U. T. W1'.-UNC____ COLLEGE CHURCH, Parkville.-.Horning sub-

ject, "TI«.» Gospel in the Old To-tamcnl." Evening, "Things New mid Old." Rev. A. R.

()SB01IA",_M.A.__? BORGAS STREET CHURCH, South Melbourne.

Sen-ices-.Morning, nt 11,' Communion of the Lofel's Supper; evening, ut 7, Rev. ALEX. JIcCARLIB. ___,


- -Mailling, Rev. J. 1). EDWARDS, of ll'eihlcr* burn; evening, Rev. E. E. BALDWIN, .M.A., of Burnley. _ __ IriLSTEltNinCK EAST I'RESBYTERIAN

- CHURCH, Glenhuntly Road. - Rev. F. MCQUEEN, morning nnd evening._ "ITUISKINE CHURCH.-L. C. .11. DONALDSON. X\l .Morning, "Healing"; cloning, "The* Eurnc-t l'.xpeetntie_ii.*__Open Air, Dorritt_st._ TJI-SKNDON PRESBYTEIHAN CHURCH.-Rev. X11 ALEX. STEWART, M.A. .Afternoon, Bible »'lasses. Evening udilre-.«. "Ruling the Wuves."


! Kilda.-Mr. L. L. PAUL, Sabbath-Evening, | -ovembor 28, ut 7 p.m. _ HAWTHORN WEST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH,

Power St.-.Morning ulul- oveiling, He.v. A. J. .PORTER,. ol'Jl'renthalil._ HÂWTHORN~PRi:SBYTKRIAN CHURCH,

a.m. mid 7 p.m., Rev. Vf. O. M.ICONOC1DU, M"l._____cnlng subject, "On Growing Up."_ K*~EIV PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.-Jlorning, '

ST'Cne nt n Church Door"; evening, "C

Friend*, ill tile Othrr House." Rev. J. II. ANDER. SON, M.A. SclMenlal envelopes to bo relain

.A,r-LVKHN>RHSHVTERIAN"~CI1URCH. -1V1 ,i. .mckellar stkwaiit, m.a., p iiiorniiigiind evening._\_ ?\T-PIKIl ST., Fitzroy.-P. 15. SIIEPIIERD.

-> "The (¡race ot.Gratitude." 7. "A Shocking Subject." IVhhfiv men und gamblers ivclcomeel, Alllhem,___Ar¡EC, Siilli__._*_ ATOltTIl CARLTON, Nicholson Street.- Preacher, i> S. J. ATKINS. 11 u.m., "Angel Ministry." Anthem, "He Shall Feed His Flock." 7, "Is Coil Silent." Anthem, "Sweet li Thy .Mercy." Solo,


Hawksburn Railway Stntion.-Morning nnd i-venlng. Rev. IVO. K. DERTHAJI, .ILA. Anlheiii«, "Seek- Ve Ihc Lord" (Roberts), "Lend, Kindly Light" (Stainer). V[sltors_ivelconic._ "ÜÍC11MÓND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Lennox XS>' St.-Morning, Rev. T. 11.* REED; evening, R^____l_pRGJ__J_ltJ_^D_

SO 0/ T S C1 li II It 0 II.

11, the Rev. W. BORLAND, D.D.;

p.m., the Rev. Dr. JtAltSIIALL. Special Collection /or the Foreign .Missions of the Church. Anthems: Jlorning, "Come mid Lot Us Return" (Goss); evening,^'.!___Piinti___he Hurt" (Spohr)._. SOUTH ST. KILDA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH,

Corner Teiin.vsoii mid Scott St«.-llcv. ALEX. YULE,'.H.A. Jlorning, 11 (Communion), "Tho Children's Curiosity." Evening, 7, "An Insulll*

lent Diet."_ QOL'TII YARRA.-Rev. JOHN T. I.IH'TON, M..Î, io Morning, Oidjnallon of Elders; evening,

Christians of Conviction."_ CJT. ANDREW'S "CIII'IIOH, Carlton.-the Rev.

»O' 1). GILCHRIST will preach ut both «ervici's.

OT? KILDA " PRIÏiIlVTER[AN~CIIURCT[.-Morn* IO ing, "Full Dlse-iplcship." ? Evening, Advent Sermons, (1) "Hi« Name." llcv. DAVID ROSS, Jt.A. Anthems, "Pral-e Hie l.ord, O Jerti-lini'* (Maunder), "TI-* Day 1« Pust niul Over" (Mark.«). ST. LEONARD'S, Brighton Brach.-llcv. .JOHN

BAHNABY, M.A., B.D., morning and .even-


PRESBYTERIAN (-Continue ...


'-lie Bible and the Modern Point of View ;" 7 p ni., "The Spirit of Christ." Preacher, Rev. .IOHN_v.tACKT.N--i:, MA._ W'ÊLSH PIlISBYTliltlAN CHURCH, Latrobe St.

-"Dr. I). EGRYN .IONES." morning. 11; evening, 7 (Welsh). All seats tree._


Foreign M

11 a.m., "The New-Sinai."

« 7 p ni., "Modem Pentecost«."

_Preacher, Rev. W. 0. POPE._ AI-UERT"PAIIlC- ( mf.f-Rev. A. II.

THOMPSON.-Morning, "Debtors!" evening, "Prescnt-ilqy Triumphs of the, Gospel


LBEKT £71'. B-PTIS- OUU-CH, E. Mclb-Un

-Mr. WALTER JARY1S, morning 11, eveuing 7. Lecture Hall, Weil., Dec. 1, 7.45. by Sir, PAN-NELL, "Rending on Dr. l'lerson's life o£ Gtorgc

Mueller." Collection.


Morning and Evening.

".-"The Triumps of the Cross Abroad and Here." The Ordinnncc of Believer's Baptism at both ser-



The Itev. T. P. TRINHAM «ill PRESCH, morning 11, evening 7._All vvelcome.

BRUNSWICK.-Sunday School Anniversary, Sun

dai, Nov. 2S, loir. -l'-achcn-11 n.m , Rev. li li. SV.T.DEN, M.A.; .1 pin.. Rev. J. II. GOBLE; 7 p.m.. Rev. J. ROBERTSON. Collections in aid Sunda} school fund».

BRUNSWICK.-Scholars' Night, Tuesday, No-

vemlier 30; programme by scholar-; chairman, Itcv. -I. ROBERTSON. Teachers' I-is-ies- Confer-ence Ulis evening (27th inst.), at B.30 o'clock sh-rp. AI1 parent, and friend- invited to be present._ CAMBERWELL.-11, "He Carc_i";""7,~in Picture

Theatre. "The Great Appeal-Why not En. Rev. NORMAN L. BEURLE.


sionar}" Bay. ' Morning, "Ono Blood. A Com-mon Origin;" evening, "Whosoever: There ia No Difference."_ CARLTON NORTH.-Rev. E. DYBING. - 10,

Brotherhood; 11, "Things Worth Remember-ing;" 7, "The Greatest Reality." Gold and "Iver

offering., Sunday week,_ _ CARLTON NORTH.-Tuesday evening next. Welsh

revival, Storv and Song, Rev. S. BECKING-HAM, -1rs. BECKINGHAM, and Rev. nOBERTS.CbmoJ_.__ CLIFTON HILL BAPTIST CHURCH, Hodgkin-

son Street.-Rev. C'A. CRAIKE.-11 a.m.Subject, God in.Ufe- Crisis. 7 p.m.-The Chris-tian in Khaki. Unveiling of Honour Roll. Fare-well to soldier«. Wednesday, ".IO p.m., Pra}cr; S.SO p.m.. Bible School. , _


0 I- 1.1 N S ' S T R E E T BAPTIST.

Rev. "i". E. RUTH.'

'31 a.m.-"Changing and Changeless. *'

7 p.m.-Ill the AUDITORIUM.

Monthly Sermons on Social Subjects


(With some reference to Sunday Picture Shows.)

Invitation to all who care for the preservation of a day free from commercialism,

Patriotic Hymps. Common Prajer. ' Soloist-Miss MABEL THOMPSON".

ITUIIlFIlí-D.-Itcv. ' ,1. WORBOiS.-li,

Don't miss this 'service; 7 p.m., Baptismal Service. AU welcome, _ T¡V)OTSCRAY.-Paisley St.-Rev. J. II. GOBLE., J-1 It iLin.; Rev. If. I*. WRIGHT. Gordon St.Rev. II. r. WRIGHT, li o-m.; Rev. J. II. GOBLE, 7 p.m. 1-xrybodv welcomed. _ GT-.EOE ST., Fitrroy. - Rev. 'P. BEASTON

(America). Morning, "A Persi'lilted BachelorPreacher;" evening, "The King's Dilemma." Mon-day, Moderator. Tumlov, scholars' entertainment. Wednesday, Dec. 8, Special Church Meeting.


St.-11 and 7, Pastor II. G. SCIIOLUFIELD; Advance Sunday; missionary sermpns; retir-ing collections for work in Eastern Bengal.


WRIGHT, all services; Foreign Mission offer-ings; communion after evening service; bright and helpful sen lees._Welcome._ _<_ MALVERN "i:AST"BAPTIST, Claremont Avenue.

-Rev. D. J. GRAHAM, 11 and 7. You ure cordially inv itcd._ "YTEWMAIU-ET BAITIST CHURCH.-Preacher, i> liotli services, Rev. S. M. POTTER. Even-ing subject, "Is Australia Christian." Welcome. SANnn_\-_TIAM~]N-TlTUTE.-Morning, li Mr.

MCDONALD MARTIN; evening, 7, Colonct Chaplain McKAY; afternoon, 3, Sunday School. All heartily vvelcome._


Christ, the World's Hope; 7, The Rock of Refuge. Come, and welcome. _ SOUTH YARRA BAPTIST OHUECII.»-Forolgn - Mission Day.-11, Itcv. ERNEST A. Kill WOOD, "Plie Chinch's Obligation;" 7, People's Service, Rev. McCUE.' A cordial invitation to these ser-vices_


' -Pastor 11. It. STEWART PREACHES, mOntiiig 11, evening 7. Special Oraiiirc Service of St. Kilda District Lodges; members lu rcguliu.v You are invited. f««its free._


A SÓOTV-.LE. - Morning, "The Doctrine of --»- Forgiven.-.;" evening, "The Doctrine of Hate." Rev. A. C. NEWBURY"._ \ UGUSTINE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, -TV. Bnrwoil Rd., Auburn.-Minister, Rev. ERNEST DAVIES. 11 n.m., "Silver mid gold have I none; suth ns I have, give I Thee." 7 p.m., "The lu



The PASTOR. It a.m., "Christ's Friends;" 7 i.. "Is the Bible u. Scrap of Paper}" ._ BRUNSWICK CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH,

Bl}th - St.-Morning, 11; evening, 7. Rev. GEORGE II. GUNSON, both services. Visitors cordiaHy invited.


7.10, Rev. II. AMBROSE ROBKltlS. Evening subject, "Christ and the Perplexed Minti." Vlsi

._hcart.1v welcomed._

CARLTON'(ll.ltl.down St.).-Rcv. II. GAINFORD.

11, Revelation Senes (10); 7, "Can the Soul Wholly Di-j"_ /"10LLINS STREET INDEPENDENT CHURCH.

Preacher, Rev. A. DEPLEDGE SYKES. Morning Worship at 11.

Evening Worship at 7. "Life as Quest and Con-quest." Monthly Sermon to Y'oung Men and Women, to bo followed by Social Hour in the


Church Meeting on Wednesday, at S p.m.

WAK---; Communion. Tjitrobe St.-7. Mr. Cf-VREY. Boundary Rd.-Rev. .1. MAUArFY.

EAST MALVERN. Burke Rd.-Morning. Mr.

J. S. BAIITROP; evening, Mr. J.VMEij LEWIS, late Tooronga rond school. Welcome.

EAST.ST. KILDA.-Sundjv School Anniversar.-.

li n.m. and 7 p.m.. Rev. CHAS. BREWER. - p.m., Musical Sendee; soloists, Mr». Frank Cook, Miss Mildred Wilson, Messrs. ,1. II. Burchett and C. W. Richard«. Tilcsdav, S p.m., Scholars' Entertainment and Prize Night._\_ ELSTERNWICK CONGREGATIONAL.-Morning,

nt 11, Rev. A. S. DEVENISH, M.A.; evening, t 7, Rev. CHIH,.T,1ANSBN, P.A.__


Preachers-Morning, Mr. CHAS. NELSON; ung, Rev. J. W. .IONES.

and IXil Inspiration in Ancient and Modem Times;" 7 p.m., "Democracy, the Hope of the World, and Christ, tile Hope of Democracy." To-das-, Garden Fete, nt llnrclund» (comer of Princess sr. and Willsmere rd., Kew), in old of Patriotic 1 "unds. An cn jo, able afternoon assured; at 3 p.m. Come._^_^_ PRAHRAN, M.lli"crn Hoad.-Rev. C. II. NASH,

' M.A., morning mid evening. Hearty welcome. Mission Services cummcncc Fiiday, November 20, ccntintiid till December 10, in church groundPrayer for the war daily._

anthems, solo». Soloist, Mr. Hughe»._ SI'. KILDA. (South),"Corner Barkly and Mitford

Streets.-Pnstor, Rev-, W. T, HUGHES IONES. Ev cnlng Service, "In Mcmorhun," Private


-BERT PARK.-11 and 7, Roy. FRANK JOLLY; _Communion ufter morning bery ice. Welcome. Al-i.ADALE, Koo}onK I-h-11, Rev. -.""STAF-

FORD; 7, Rev. T. ADAMSON. Strangers cordlall} welcomed._

any, Rev. HENRY WORRAL!,, '''.Methodist Ideals, Religious Expcilence."_,_

BRUNSWICK. - -J liney Road-Rev. T. ADAM

SON mid Rev. A. E. ALBISTON. Union St.Rev. A. E. ALBISTON nnd Rev. II. MeCRAW.

T>RU-S,V1CK STREET. FiUroy.-Morning' ññTlI JJ» evening, Rev. .UELOAK. Mondny night, Fisk Jubilee Singers' Concert, Tickets sixpcnic. Come. BURKE HD.",~B,.lwyn."-Moniing, Rev. R. PHILP";

evening, Rev. ,1. DIJGGLEHY (farewell sermon Young People's Service)._,_ /-1AMBEI1WE1.L.--lornlñ_,""licv.-11/ SAI.OWAY; *« j evening, Rev. E. T. CO.\; anthem, "The Radiant Mom has Passed Away."_ OA-NTÈRIIURY'.-11, Rev. j. GREEN; 7, Mr.


GAIl-TOS, Palmerston St.-Rev. HOWLAND,

Mr. CRIPPS. Sale Giris, Tuevdav, December 7._Drummond St.-Both servjecs, Mr. JOHNSON. /^ARI-ION, Station Street?-A-iiiicrsñiy - Revs. V-' MiCALLUM, JENNlNG.a. DYSON; soloist, Miss Duvls. Tuesday, "Faith Triumphant," Ascotva]c Choir. «_ /CENTRAL MISSION, Wesley Church, Lonsdale V.- SU-P.S.A., -, Rev. F. T. CLEVERDON, Chap-lain Broadmenduvvs Camp; subject, "The Austra-lian Soldier." Sergeant-Major William DunataU, 'recently awarded Victoria Oro"-, will he prêtent. Soloist, Mr. J. M. Hill. C.V.M. Orchestra. 11, Rev. (1. F. D.vson; r.Mtcv. ALEX. MCCALLUM..


ton St.-.Morning 11, Rev. W. II. GRAY; evening 7. Rev. J. ADAMS:


JENNINGS, KI-NTO-I- Sackville St.-Rev. IVORY, MiCR.Mi. North Itichmond-Messrs. BOW-MAN, HALES.


Rev. J. 'II. BRADBURY. Elwood.-11, Rev. W. TIPPETT; 7, Rev. E. T. NANCE, M.A._ ÏÎVtîlfrl__D.-iï""-.-... ?<«.>. ". ROBINSON; 7 X1 p.m., Rev. T. NEIL OLDFIELD; subject, "First Thing» Iirst;"_soU-t, Mr. j:. Peters._ HAM THORN," Denham SC-II, Rev. EDM'ARD

T. CO.\; 7, Rev. II. SAI.0WAY. Visums and newt'omen» vvelcome._


day evening._ _._ _ MALVERN, Gli'iidearg Grovc-Morning. Rev.

ti. GOimnilEAR; i-venlng, Rev. ,1. W. ROWS!', Sa.r.imcnt, and Unveiling Honour Roll of SoI__ot__ Tiio'diiy, Bible Study._ MIDDLE' PAR-.-11 a ni. and 7 p nu, Rev.

BRUCE McCON-HIl-; ev ming. "What is Truth!" Special singing; all welcome.


"VriCIIOLSON ST., N. Fitzrov.-Morning, 11, -l> Ile«. J. ADAMS; ciemng, 7, He«. 1. TAH. Prajer Jlcctirur_at__...",û_._ P RAI IR IN-Mt. Erica- 11, Mr SIMMONDS;

Re'«. II. HOKKALL. Punt Hil.. 11, He«! HADLEY; 7, Y.M.C A beeret ir.. Soldiers and i-ailori RpccljHv invited._ RICHMOND CI.vrRAl.-Uiiirih Aiini«cr_.r/

1 11. !¡»*v. II MUD, 3.30. Rev. NASH; 7, Rev. HOLDEN (President ofConforeliee)._ RICHMOND SOUTH.-Ten Di} . Mlvion.-Rev.

VAL. THIUGK eommencos to-murrovv, each

cv ening. Alexander's 1 lymns._El erybodyjn» itcd,


Cecil St.-Continuation Sunday School Anni-versary.-U, Rev. J. R. BRIDHURY; 7, Rev. It. PITCHER. Anniversary bj-miis by children. Special solos__ ST. KILDA.-11. Rev. ARTHUR POWELL: T,

Rev. .1. CATTEItALU Balaclava.-11. Rel.

I». NANCE, .ILA.; 7^Jlr._B.llU__RYjj_Jblç_Socioly.


Evening. Soldiers' Memorial Sónico, Be«'. OSWALD JlcCALL; special choir singing,_ TOORAK.-11. He«'. II. lYOHÙ-LL: 7, He«-. .1. lT.

HADLEY, subject, "Man's Thought God's f'urpo«c." fule Jubilee Singer», Doe. P._ WNDSOR JIETIIODIST.'-Siiliday School Anni-

versar}-Morning, Rev, B. IV. HEATH; nfternoon. Rev. HENRY MORIULI.*, evening. Rev. L. A. ADAJ1S0N, JI.A. Tucsdu., .¡0th, Public Meet-ing. Collection. Chairman, Rev. I*. J. Nance.. D___ti_ibnti_ou o__prize«,__


CHURCH of CHRIST, nigh St., Prahran.-10.15,

Adult Cla«i; 11, Worship; 3, Sunday-school; "" ' Tno-ITerent (iallio," GIFFORD GORDON._

ESSENDON. Public Ilall.-Comnuinion, 11, Mr.

11. T. BLACK; Gospel Scn'icc, 7, Jlr. F. J. S1VYER; subject, "lu His Steps."_ LYGON ST.. Carlton-li n.m.. Communion; 7

p.m., People's Service; preacher, S, G, GRIFFITH; evening theme, '¡Unclqan Made Clcnr_____ NEWJIARKT-T, Finsbury st- - 11, h.

LUM; 7. J. MUD1 "ORD, "Man's 'Wisdom' and God's 'Foolishness.' "_p

TvJOUTU FlT-ROY.s-11,. lord's Supper; 7, i> Evangelistic; 11. Vf. DAKE«, "A Post Mortem Conversion." Anthem.' Strangers cordially in

itcd. . ' . _ S

W A Jl S T O ...

Catholic Church-What; and' Where is' ltr" Song Service.'0.45. . ' * % '_;_ Y-71-DS0R, Albert St.-Induction Scnice of IV. VV BEILEU: F.viuigellst J." J. FRANKLYN will cjjlc-ilc: evening. IV, HEILER._ __


BURKE ROAD, Camberwell.-11 n.m , 3. and

7 p.m., Jlajor'HENRY leading. AH uro vvclcôme*.___ ____.

HAII'TllOltN.- Smithy, ssth. Citadel. Burwood

Rd.. Brig.idler GM-LINT, Divisional Conm__neier,__ll, 3, amil 7. Welcome._ CJACvATION ARMY, Victoria St., Prahran.-All

Dav Sunilav, ut 11, 3, 7 p.m.. Meetings, eon

. .' ... .- ' . . , .... ¡'HTIll'. C1.



US THAI-TAN CHU It C". , -.-- Flinders Street.

The Roi-. ALFRED JONES preaches and conducts

Worship. Moniln», "The Assurance uf I-ie-;' evening, "The* Faith That Saves."

_Young People's Clan, IhgO-_


Free* Public Lecture.


(representing Uio Christadelphlnn Kecloshi), Masonic

Hall (mam hall), Collins street, city, 7 p.m.

All Invited. Ko collection.

BIBLE TALKS, Hall, 470 Bourke st., 0.45, "The

i Sign or the Son of Jlan in Heaven." Melcome. IX C. HENNINGE«._ _n"ÄJHfiilt!VI.LL TOWN I1ALL.-Mr. ROBERT _> DICK will (D.V.) preach the gospel of tile grace of (¡oil on Sunilav evening, ut 7 o'clock. Ad heal lily' in« ited. _No colle_Uon._Sante/sJiym_____ 011RÍSTTAN~1SRAEL1TE5* S~IXCTUAUV, Fitzroy

St., ITtzrov.-7, "Israel preparing lawfully Christ'« kingdom on earth." Pamphlets. Come. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES.


ATIIKN-'Ull HALL, Collins Street.

SERVICES, SUNDAY, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.

Subject To-morrow, "Ancient nnd Modern,Necromancv, Alias Jiesmerisni and llvpuotism, Do?," SundaV-sclioo!, H n.ui. Testimony I Meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m. Free reuding-roomj ' where Christian Science Literature may be read and

obtained. Equitable Buildings. Open to the public daily, 10 to 0; Wednesday, 10 to 7.15; Thursday evenings, 7 to 3._ FRST SCHOOL OF NEW THOUGHT AND MEN-

TAL SCIENCE (Australhi).-MEETING, Sun-ilav Evening, Furlong's Studio, Arcade. O'BRYEN HOARE lectura« on "The Continuity of Life," mid SISTER FRINO demonstrates. The above school is being removed to larger and more commodious premiEC-, at 210 Victoria paraele.

_T< EflM.l-_LUT!ÏERAN CHURCH, Eastern Hill. -T* -Every Sunday, 11 n.m., 7 p.m.; Sunday School_ 10 n.m. K. E. OUTEKUNST,-Pastor._ a O S P E T. T K N T,

Glenhuntly Hoad, Elsternwick. I


Sunduj'B at 7 p.m. ' Weck Nights nt 8 p.m. __________Hcurty___iclcouie. _


TION, Masonic Hall, Collins St.-3.15, usual Billie study; (1.13, "Christ-in Creation-Relation-ship to Jehovah." Uiielcnominntioital. No collcctions. Seats free. Hearty welcome.


trict Group.-Servico at church, Pakington st., StL Kilda, to-moiTO««' Jlcmbci-, Irieuds, C_45._

UTHERAN.-German, 11 a.m.: English, 7 p.m.

Holy Communion. Baptist Lecture Hall, 201 Little Collins st,_Pastor. He«-. J. DAHSOIV.


Jleetings, every Sunday, weather permitting, Yarra Bank-, 3.30; Prince's Bridge, 7.30._ MELBOURNE' NEW THOUGHT "CIl-TKE. 14Í

Collins st., op. Siols Church.-Sunday. 7, "The Simplcjl'rutli."_Wed., 8, "Perfect Ideals," TÍR.YI1RAN HllOTHElUHYbD. Rechabite Hnll.-3 X p.m., Mrs. BELLA LAVENDER, JI.A.; Bub* jccl, "la Conscription Justifiable?" Jlen and

women welcome. Orchestra.


PROTESTANT HALL, Exhibition St.-Gospel Ad*

, .ire.-«, nt 7 p.m., hy Mr. T. SPENCER. All heartily invited._______________ I TAGGED nOYS* DEMONSTRATION,-Jlelbourne

iV Ton li Hall, Wednesday, December 1, ut 8 p.m. SATURDAY .MELTINGS for CHRISTIANS



TO-NIGHT. 7.43, Mr. II. ,L. WALTERS M'ill Speak.

IT H E 0 S 0 P li Y,

Empire Arcade, 208 Flinders street.

To-morrow-, 7 p.m.

Mr. F. G. ti. HYNES.

"Magic, Black and White."

Lihrarv anel Book Depot open dolly. It to 5.


Ccntrctvay, Collins street, To-nmrroii, at 7.30 p.m.,


Itrs. II. IV. HUNT.

Wednesday, at 8 p.m., Inquirers nnd Study Class. _Hook Depot .mel Library open dnilt._ TTNITARIAN CHURCH, l_tstcrn Hill.-Rev. U WYNDHAM S. HEATHCOTE, B.A., Oxon.It a.m.. "The' Two Isqiahs;" 7 p.m., "Drink."

V. m.c.a. y.m.c.a. i. . TO-MORIIOIV, lit 313.


Speaker- Mr. II. II. IV. BLIGH

(Organising Sec. Whllo Cross League),

Young Jfen Cordiiilly Invited.

Military Servi«* l'uiidl Itciiclltiug.

?Tile Lord Jlayor Will Piosent the Trophie«.



- V.A.S. hall, 117 Collins Slrecr.

3 p 111., MEDIUMS' MEETING, 3 p.m.

Leader-OMRAH Psjchlc Leader.

Mrs. Pjbns. Mrs. IVa'chalz, Mrs. .Iskeiv. .Miss

-Lomon, Jlr. Jones, Jlr. Dennv. Jil. Davie». ,PUBL10 WELCOMI! TO BOTH MEETINGS.

7 p.m.. Jin. HELEN PI BUS, of Sidney, 7 p.m.

"THE PRODIGAL AND HIS BROTHER." Demonstrations alter I,oetiire, Jlr». Pi bin. * Jlonday, 8, Jlr«. Pt hu«, Demonstrations

Weil., "8, V.A.S. Dei cloning Class: lion. Leader, ___ Jlr«. WiiBchati'._ "A -ODDFELLOWS'"HALL, Victoria St-Morn* -»-"Av.» ing. It, Recitation Day; afternoon.' 3, Mass Meeline ot Splrlttulists: Cloning, 7.15, Jlr. J. a. SWAN, on 'ITIionght, the Pli.i.iclau,"

A-ODDrHLI.OMS' HALL (Op. Trades)_Hion

. ing, 7.15, Mr. J. (!. SWAN, M.H.l'.S., Paris,

on "Thought, the Phislchin;" Thunda«*, at 8,1 .Masonic Hall, Collins st., Jlr. SWAN speaks to women only. Free. _ _,_ BELI^.lAltnS JllSSION renamed Spiritual Socio Church. Frank Shcliiiordine, suporin

tendont. Temporalice Hall, Sunday, 7.13. lm-1 portant. Altemoon elrcli- postponed.


Scouriield Uhnuiliprs.- 7.15, Jlrs. LAVENDER, Jl.-I,, "Following the Star," h.« Florence Barclay.

TUTORS, CJ.-.RKS, fto.

(C'oDtinncd from Paga 12.),

DANCING.-The WALTZ. Two-Slop, anel Re-

volve Tnught ¡li 3 IMIll'ATl! Ltosonl. Jlr., Jlr«. CLEVELAND, 201 Drummond si., Carlton,

Thone "W8.

Pi:Bl_ IIECOVEIIEI), all countries, no commis*

hiou if Itii'-iiccesifnl ; -consultations free. Hnliiw. «17 OolIlllS St. 'I'hono Sel52._

X T I ' S T It Y. D


(Alllliatcd with the University of Melbourne).

President, S_r_..l_oh__i_M_________. O.C.JI.O, -

The ÑF.\T~S_3SION«vlH COMMENCE on the

11st JfAROll, 1910.

New Pupils Enrolle»! during tho month of Feb-

ruar)', HMO,

particulars re curriculum, fcc3, ixe,, npply

E. JOSKE, Secretar)*.

"Q E N- T _I^ S . T ¡Ü


DENTAL MECHANICS desirous ot joining even-ing CLASS, to iw held tliree times .i week, for instruction In Dental .Mechanics (vulcanite, mctnl plate, crown, mid bridge work), uro requested to npply to the uneleraigned, from ««-horn further par-

ticulars can bo obtaineel,

,_, ., ". , __ E. JOSKI. Secretary.

4M Collins street.*

T^ENT-iT, r.gtslciiél, voting, wants POSltmN, J-' iminngc en) or suburb, ut once. Registered,

Argus olHr-t (_

"(Sent ist iii« v «'iNcv~ii-".ipi'iiïîNT"i('f'TT;ii

. .. Il'2i: coins, me bulee!; premium required, leading I1eii^«t.__l-0l,___;iis._'^ DENTIST, ifrfcT-elas, merhnnie'. gum block anil _gjt_l^viorkel._____h Argil« ofllec*._ DENTAL ifEClLIN'IC, cxiiericnceil, half-tune

Man, WANTED. Jackson's, dental dopt,. Rus*





rsG'NTrRS (Manne and Factoiyj,

MINING and BVTTI RY M VS \GEBS, , Trepa ed for Certificate E-aminltioiis at THE -YXE FNGLM ERING lNSTlTDTl»

1-stablished lit-,

SUV BUILDINGS Corner of Bout-o ana (¿mci

streets Melbourne

For Dec exam Melb apply now

Application 1 oral» and Regulations free from _-. S-PI 1 xams.-OUR PI candidates gained Bulk ol .11 Government Ccrt.i Kites i»-ucil as pur ofUc-il records Office of Minc» Milb viz -

-"li ""I", 2514, 20! » if 2.1- l8 2"M 2~*0, ____" ___,, o__4 ___- __- |0 _( , 3241, 3211. 1-04 1100, 1.07 1-s 1-» 1310, lou, 1312 131% i-4, nu mo ]_<? iro io i, list, 13^ owe, C0IO OO-O, GC-3 (if»l 00 CM 0C7, COoS, CO-1) coco occi coo«, coo. cum muí aa oatt coos, WO I 1107] CB cr" , Cf 1 00 j, CO 1), 6077, 607-, Co-., CGS3 C08I COS COSO -"9

rilli... Fl\ ! of these were "msno-dence stu dents who took advantage of our corres-ondenco system and pcr_oul tunion combined without extra el arge

Hundred» ol time 1 excellent billets with fu-ros. «bo in snell matters consult our Irlucipal

Ii r n SCIINABH IS ms Lngland

(*» Inst M 1 *vcwc-stlc-on Tyne) Licentiate Mines Department, Vic

Inspector of Boilers under Victorian Government.

1UITION- Dry Fvenhg ... Class or Privately Postal lultion bv OUR lltrCISh Perfect System.

HOURS » 12 a-n , » i p _,, and 7 0 p m

ILLS-tor I-utine drivers, I -rsonal Tuition £2, Correspondence (including Class Lessons), £3 10/ Boiler Attendants, I crsonal JL1, by post, £1



Books and Set of Drawing.-as used by the Board of Lxamlners-Free to Our Studcntl

DLRMA fOILKT SMON - Haid dressing and

all branches Toilet Mort. TAUGHT, Pedl enre Miss O Brjan, Jrd floor, Citizen s Build ings 2S5 Collins st.


nnd Show Card Writing-Wl can teach jon vu vour own home in }our »pare time Develop your talents along pnctical lines, and earn money Write for full particulars and a fric copy of our Illustrated Year Book STOTTS torre-pondenco College 100 Russc______d__b_t__e_*_

DRI-SbClnifNG - Co»tumr» Cut . ittcd und

rael ed y j Uten,» cut lo Measure I«, tons 1/ Mrs Murtm 0th door \ustralhu Bldg. , I Iizahitl. st_

DnESSC-TTrSG - New Amcncän method no

flttint required free demonstration Wednes-day J pm lottic Smitli, 1st floor, T and O

B_!?_24____mi____allins st_'_ T*»nLSSM MUNG CI .SSI S dailv Tlilirsda} even J-' ings les»on 1/ 4 lessons i.1/1/ pat lern» cn» o measurement» Ml«s I ok. d40 Hin der» st_

DEI --M .K1 li - Mad .mc Nancarrow has HF

SUMÍ D BUSINESS at 1113 Collins ii an 1 will

bt pic-ml to seo o| | clients I hone ¡Sin q_ Tl-i-S-M Mil SG -Pupils CLAhSLS d-Uy""«S -a-' cept Medtie.davs Iridays, and Snturdajs, Honing Class Tucsdav Patterns Cut, Misa H-__lT _!?_-!'_______ DRhSSMMvlNO LL.SS-S daiK Linter sva

tem Patterns Cut lessons 1/ "4 £1/1/ i....._ ..... School Dressmaking, -ur

DUESSM .KING -Having purctu_ed nie nus.nes»

of Ackers and Brookes Drcssmkalng CL \S_F3 will m future he conducted in room above show room Block Arcadi G Walter

DRLSSM MvINC. - CLV-ES daily lesson 1/,

patterns to muñiré 1/ dresses cut tacked, fitted 5/ Miss Knott 24J Collins st op Cole s

DRESSM MvING -Designs original, m Blouses

ond Hats suitable for every occasion G

M alter Blocl Arcade_ DRI-SPM MvI\C -Parisian School high elasa

TUnlON nil bnnches perfect Mt ng Pansi-n patterns cverv design nnd flgure Miss McLeod, Edw-irds Buildings 17S Collins st_ DIU-SSMMvING - Miss MUID __,, Collins St.,

Cuts 1- its and Tucks an} st} le dress coats. and skirts 0/ pHums 1/ postal 1/1

Bunting TI. I linders st_

EDUCATED Gl-N.IFWOMAX of tood standing,

requiring Permanent ] regressive IOSITION Appl} Monda} Margaret Cansick room 8 111. floor rqnitablc Building Moll>__

ELOCUTION pirfoct TUITION corni clent in

struc'or J erin» te, Photopla} Collis-e,


Do von know that the ambitious side of vour n .turc needs cncoiira(,iiucnt? Do }o i realist that if von continue along one groote in Hil usual leisure!} fisllon }our brig! t nmbltiuns will come to mil-lit ind all thut will remain

will be vogue hol es that cm lietel be realised''

1 NCOUH.GI lOLR .MI-HO*. If vour

cdstlcs in tlie ilr are of tin riigtncerii g ' v irietv let us turn vour drums into soler realit} M c guarantee success and au merca _ of lav

BECOMI AN 1NCIM1R! - cither Civil I lee

trica! Mechanic il Mimili, or Wirclc*.

Havin^ reid this vou will vvunt to know How ' und Whv wo (.uanintcc vour succès» mil i substantial nu ruse of pi} Write to us or call (vic arc opm cverv cvenim.) ¡m1 von will be toi I How ' and Win ml will re eclve sound and sincere ndvicc from one of our qualified 1 utilicen lins nimble protessional opinion will COSÍ *. OU NOIHINC and pi nu von uudir no obligation ion ian take the first step towards realising v our life s ambitions WTCHOU 1 COS. TO lOU-tStII Bo so now

\T ONCI You owe it to }onrself not to miss this splendid opportunlt} of karmi g HOW lour success in life nu} be ns.urcd VA mc NOM, or eil

ENGINE DRIAERS, Boiler Mtcudnnt«. prepared

ccrtiilratç ixnms 1 I R Schnabel St I M 1 , Nevvcistlc upon Tyne 1 cranial or correspondence Sun Hldgs Boiirl e and Quien __« Melbourne_ ITISTMHIallLD 10NDON \"l NT with odiro and

-i st ifl would mi lertikc I-Jt time U I NO, or act is Rcpnscnlatlvc for .ustrillan House ile siring london office or for corrcspon lene V

first elat_ refeienees. Write I it nie} lape Re gent llou«e Mnfrswn london Hi-_ EST .II ~U EN IN lill -JCTIONilltS - Hr»r

class S M l_M \N in I M u. i-er DM Ne U.l I)

17 veirs expericnit lar-c .onncttion -lil urbd nu I cit. «> 1 ive Man Argus pill t_ F HU Insurance Lo hi» \\-\NCi for I i Iv

LIllUv ol sum « M críente gcnrril oltiie work vpplt with e.iiti of te timonuls lo 0 ( oidon in I Citcl_,_, _ I ""SRI NCII - n niON b. I rcntl. I li i\|cri

1 meed tiochcr n¡,lstorcl e oin creation gr im.ll ir trine 4 1 irl.slo _ t_M Iv.hh

R-NTTl Cirnian rMjCHI experience I

teaehcr cn v nu tho 1 1 ira 1 iiiMmgc (I months low linn» Knowle lu I» I ewer vrgns ellice

Tv L R \ I S II I N O D R \ P I R I r S.


L«id to Blind» rund hing I oo»e Cc

\pplv pcrsonall} Minigcr


Hindus stiert

C~TÍÑTllM\Nvvoil1d 11 \UIC0N\llf,\11ONM.

XlRlNCH Sianish ( crinan in I Mime in r\ chango for hoard _ind rcsidci ct __T!jrccl n i _\r _i__ G"0\. RNM1 NT IOSITION- \ \C\NT in Com

monv.ealth State anl Rail« 1}s miny mell vvnntid we reeonimiiil tie* Sill ail SURI Positions -.«certain vvhv Ol R studints never hi M rill -rall inv cvinini. Sion SCORRISPOND

1 SCI_t 0111 C___1U0 lllissell »met, Melbourne __

OMRNIÄ. rig. ] riman iiilisic phv

siill culture vusliM Inlirli} I ng-igemint nal «.il in II C li vc? i» olllre

7ToTTrTÍ"S.s"w"|»Iii-, holilj} I_N( \l 1 Ml NI ir \JT (omi minn ible II lp Co"'"" ^W<

/-XRM1\M HLÍR I role» or \OIC1 CUIILRI

<Jr Suihlni, Hoiutlon io visitor»

coimas sieelall} rusonible firm» Suttons, Boori c st_


GROCI li. - \ vC VNC1 for flr-Ui--.S-.Sl

-M one with liowlidfce of Brighton di.


1le_.l__0_lllte Bninsvv ¡c1 jt , I itrro}_

\ B 1 R D V S II I R .


Smart 1 xperltnced M vN a» Hu. cr in our

Uni. r lisbon Dcportiliint


_IU __. Bom ke_ street_ Tllli-Rl SSI\<* D}eini, liuting luce Scalp . ? Mi»sagi Manicure llaimorl »living e-c.

1 MIGHI dil evenlng elasfis privately Roskard ( ollcfcc 121 CollinBjt_, HMIIDRfSSINO D.HN- linting Msssuel

Siipcriluous Huir lYcalmtnt Ilulruirk Madame Roslin! l-l Collits st (lollct Rooms), uni College Aaeantv 1 iinji»_ ~*~ .NDWItllINC- llraMuiva copirifchteil S}s j_- tem one linn ikiu.I1> sulllclcnt pupil» as tonlshcl progies. BrJdslu« s Hil.iiuss Collige,

HI 1 linders st. __ _ _ HVM)MRITIN( - Needhams rcb-torcd cvp rt

r.vichei tstilb1l»hcd ISoO private lostallN

STRUCIION himihisls rciumiiiend 70 \eland st, St Kilda (Irani to loor)_



Colosseum Clumbers,

PR Mill W

'Phone Windsor 1144


*.\ III be Held on


At the College and Country Centre.,


Fnlr.v Form on Application


Colosseum Chambers

Chapel Street 1 nihrin


Shorthand, Tvpcvvrlting Bookl eiping, LngHflb and

Aritlunctlc £12/12/

\0 I \-l.A CHAHGFS

Special Classes for Shortland mid T}pcwritlnB.

Morning or Afternoon £S/S/

NO E\ntV CHMlGhi

E\EMVG C1 VSSIÄ-Shorthund TNxicvvriting, four

evenings per week £1/1/

At .1 T T S C11 Y COI LI CL -CLASSES fo- ACC0UNr\NC. state promotion examination an 1 shor-inu 1 Particulars from Bmford und Ogil vic _r» Collins st._ TflOH IPITD IN -niORTII.ND

Conniderilil} Aldetl by


Stconl fdltion Hendy Shortl}

Book Y our Order 1 arlv ni 1 Make Sure of «


X leachtr ' is mr nut no .__; -"....,-_._.".;

-peclaUst teachers Robert Jones College, Hi -oi

annum" -pplfpo^ev, ¿.replie Old Exchange,

JOH Collins st, Melbourne.